The IFP - Halton Hills | Thursday, December 1, 2022 | 20 By Cory Soal RH.A.D. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS A PRODUCT SLOWLY BECOMING EXTINCT. My definition of quality customer service and goal is to provide continued, effective hearing for the patient. There are many issues and parts of this task - please do not think | am saying that | have succeeded in creating an A+ practice. It takes a lot of work, dedication and time to achieve excellence. fegardless of busines, Hm NEWS TOWN PREPARES FOR WINTER MAINTENANCE it all boils down to customer service. The produc! this can relate to any device - needs to be serial regularly, the patient needs to understand and use their product properly. Wherever you shop, ask yourself this: Can | follow up with the same person who sold and serviced my product when | need them? Does the person who serviced you remember your name and needs? Will that person be there for me in the future? Asa local business person and proud lifelong resident of this community, | wish to thank all who have allowed me to serve the community since 1992. The Georgetown n° oN HEARING CLINIC re ut your hearin. Professional Arts Building 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 210, Geotyetown 905-873-6642 ste of Hatton Hn i 1992 REETI ROHILLA gram, said Bill Andrews, i com of Transpor- tation and Public Works. Town of Halton Hills staff “There is a lot of work to are preparing for snow with do and staff operates in a vehicle testing, employee planned manner," said - training and stockpiling salt and sand to maintain roads and sidewalks. The town's response to heavy snow will be carried out in priority sequence — focusing first on main arteri- alroads, then collector roads finally, residential and rural roads, Over 1,100 kilometres of roads, 160 kilometres of side- Bath & Body Lotions « Gift Baskets 5 Assorted Bath Bombs for only $20 All natural ingredients or io nal roads, including raion Road and Regional Road 25, and arterial roads such as Queen Street and Guelph Street are cleared first, then collector roads like Delrex Boulevard and Churchill Road S., followed by local pean and rural roads, Andrews Residents are asked to note the following: + Heavy snowfall or suc- cessive storms extend winter control activities, resulting in delays getting to roads. + A townwide parking pro- hibition on streets isin. effect m. and 6a.m. un- ai April 16 for nighttime snow clearing operations. icipally maintained sidewalk snow clearing starts at the beginning of a snow event and staff endea- vour to complete sidewalk clearing wit 48 hours af- ter the Seat has ended. + Residents are asked to assist with clearing snow from fire hydrants and side- ot maintained by the town; consider helping a neighbour who may have dif- Notice of Completion of Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study The Town of Halton Hills has completed a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (CEA) study, as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association MCEA, for Glen Lawson Road / Third Line from the Acton Urban Boundary to Fourth Line. ficulty. + Residents are asked not to shovel snow onto road- ways per By-law #90-68. + Residents are asked to ensure garbage and blue boxes are kept off roadways and the bylaw requires peo- ple to ensure that basketball nets are not placed on the road, or roadside. + Residents are encour- aged to report basketball nets encroaching on a road- to Enforcement Servic- es at 905-873-2601 ext. 2330. For additional informa- tion, contact Public Works at 905-873-2601 ext. 2603 or visit the town website (halton- ‘ HALTON HILLS 9 Georgetown Market Place An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning and decision-making process for this study. The ESR has been placed on public record for a thirty (30) day review period from and including November 17, 2022 to December 17, 2022 at the following locations: The Town of Halton Hills 1 Halton Hills Drive Halton Hills, ON, L7G 5G2 Acopy of all study materials and documents can be accessed online at 280 Guelph Street, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 & DD BATH | DELIGHTS 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5 |