—p. P. LIQUIDATORS — Halton Hills This Week, Saturday, November 21, 1992 — Page 31 ARTIFICIAL GHIRISTMAS TREE LIQUIDATION “es 6 foot SITKA reg. $199.00 * 7 foot SITKA reg. $249.00 * 5 foot BLUE SPRUCE “best they got" reg. $249.00 4 foot SITKA WHITE reg. $99.00 10" 18" DECORATED DECORATED WREATH WREATH reg. $3-99 reg. $49.99 COLOURED Ieee ICICLES 2am ae a ee = lights 3009 per pkg. oe % <2 “as Ny, ot 45 5 foot SITKA reg. $149.00 * 7 foot ITIMBERLINE top quality reg. $269.00 4 foot PINK or BLACK | _ reg. $99.00 24" DECORATED WREATH reg. $24.09 DECORATIONS up to 70” TINSEL 2am GARLAND 99* for sidewalks and driveways ICE MELT 30lbs 7S * trees & decorations + pink or black only (eo) 4 i) | MON. - FRI. 9 TOG SATURDAY 9 TOS SUNDAY 10TO 4 D.P. LIQUIDATORS. 1OTH LINE & RIVER RD. ACROSS FROM GEORGETOWN GOLF exactly as shown 877-7939 VISA / M.C. CHEQUE