We offer the following Bodyfit Fitnes TRIM A SIZE: An aerobics program that is high impact and suitable for both men and wom TRIM ‘N DANC BODYSTRETCH: A low impact, no bounce aerobics program For women only. A program incorporating the fun of dancing in an aerobic workout. programs in Oakville and Burlington: en. Each class is 60 minutes in length. For women only. Each class is 60 minutes in length. ,. Each class is 60 minutes in length. IN; yeaa on pea first night at your eee location 30 minutes before scheduled start time, or complete the General interest Course registra rm and for Board, 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, ernest PLeeoe NOTE: Where a fitness program is offered two night: The Bodystretch program is offered by the same instructor at St. attend ise evenings a week, School for a fee of $64.20. ard it along with your L7R 3Y2. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or r Visa. fee to Conti pone Education, Halton Roman Catholic School 's a week, you may attend one night per week for Patrick’s and St. Raphael's sch you would have a class on Tuesday evening at St. Patrick's $37.4! is means that Should you d s School ey nals Thursday evening at st Raphael's FEE: $234.33 (Includes GST.) WINTER classes will begin the week of JANUARY 18/95 SPRING classes will begin the week of APRIL SUMMER lasses will ake ake place during Sennmer School/98 and the w fee will be - Check with your Student Services department for the date for Driver Baucation classes are available to Halton Roman Catholic ary School Students who have reached the age of 16 years and their beginner's ree y the starting date of ‘the course. Please note the following g point student receives not only 10 hours of behind-the-wheel struction but also hours of important in-car observati driving techni b) ‘students are picked up at ihe school at mutually agreed upon imes. c) students who pass are eligible for rate requcieny. d) each student receives 27 hours o} f BS instru emphasizing defensive pars techniqu important part of our us doaFmented on thelr change ee atitude. - becom aware of the seriousness of their actions behind the Sea Marriage in the 90's is an experience eae from any other time - “re-inventing” mai ng it truly excl ng and ! Engage ed couples who ve set a wedding date are program will provide y you with ‘information which will cable you to choose attitudes behaviours which wi enhance your relationship. All materials are from the Family Ministry Office, and a Diocesan Certificate is presented upon completion. WHERE AND WHENSE ia of Loyola Secondary School, Tiedey mietines from 7:30-9:30 p.m. as 13, 20, Jun REGISTRATION: s can be obtained from your pastor or call sy Stefnitz, at 637-9824. (H) or 333-4911 (O). FEE: 00 per couple. Please make ch parte to MARRIAGE PREPARATION CO-ORDINATOR: Mrs. Judy Stefnitz, Reg. N., Family Life Specialist