Page 6 ~ Halton Hills THis Week’ Saturday February 6,'1993 BEELINE VEL presents The Best of the British Isles featuring Highlights in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 23 Day Escorted Tour Leaving Aug 6-28 '93 call for more details (416) 873-2900 or (416) 874-3063) ——= 2 Main St. S. Georgetown This home fs taseuy cox he family GO Transit plans include new Georgetown station By Dianne Cornish As part of long-range plans to provide full service to Georgetown, GO Transit plans to relocate its Georgetown station and layover facility behind the Leferink Transfer Station, north of Armstrong Avenue. However, the 138-year-old building, which hous- es GO Transit and VIA Rail, won’t TOOTH TIDBITS... FRONT TEETH ARE VALUABLE front tooth is worth $309,300 or 12 cents, depending upon how you figure, according to a survey by the American Association of Endodontists in the Chicago Tribune. The materials that go into making up the rage tooth — calcium, fous, water, etc. — cost only about 12 |. 5 percent said theyd want at least s1 million, but the rest weren't so demanding and the average asking price from the entire group came out to $309,000! Wow! If you have any interesting - Matt yours wih his sraepicaly heated the comer of mage Pe Call Dave Krause* for a free professional SXERIEIDD men . with 3-pc. arking spaces. A or $2880. Ciara cwee-t63 1 year rate Seger 5 yearhi-ratio rate 9.25% Call Dave Krause* for a free professional evaluation you know it, your investment in hs feptelche Property in mn will pay oft The ba almost .2 Ahem retail ste on Mil’ St art- ane all updated with ry vacant lot located behind the Bank of Montreal, iced at $499,000. Call D: rause® for more information. 92-1 2.67 acres. Potential for § buliding lots | in Glen Williams. $289,000 Cw92-132 | Building Lot in Erin on Cedar Ridge Court like to share ‘teil at he im bungalow in 1m with brick fir “tooth tidbits" you would 1. Roof, Wwhdows, soft & 1 three es fenced ait inground Poe Now broad- with out readers, give us a call or mail it years old. Home features eat- , broad- | | loom in LIA, D/A & PUR. S| 10 our office. We'd love to hear from you! inlk&dr, floors in F/R & M/B. New aluminum soffit, fas- th with wall to celing tone fp. Pced to || cia & eaves in 1991. $229,900. Call Dave WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SMILE saasticoon Call Dave Krause’. CW93-004 | | Krause" 873-9377. cWo2-145 AM. Trenton D.T., jown, Ont. L7G 2AS (416) 877-2359 TOWN & COUNTRY SPECIALIST SINCE 1970 be abandoned when GO relocates sometime after the Year 2011, con- sulting engineer James Dowell said Thursday in a telephone interview. “When GO Transit leaves that location, it’ll revert to use by VIA Rail,” Dowell said. Concerns about the future use of the historic building, which incor- porates the last surviving station constructed by famed Canadian railway builder Sir Casimir Gzowski for the Grand Trunk Railway, were voiced at a commit- tee meeting of town council, Monday night. Councillor Kathy Gastle asked GO Transit engineer Terry Mitchell if the “historically- significant” building will be used after the new GO station is built. Mitchell replied that GO won’t be using the station after relocation. He ‘offered no further explanation about its future use. Mitchell was at the meeting to give details of GO Transit’s plans to expand service along the Georgetown corridor. The company is currently carrying out an Environmental Assessment (EA) study in conjunction with its plans for expanded service. Dowell, who works for a Mississauga eee ba is helping with the EA proce: Within the next five to six years, GO plans to introduce a Proposed interim level of service along the orgetown corridor to accommo- date projected increases in rider- ship. The plans will mean the addi- tion of one peak period train between Georgetown and ramalea. Existing service consists of four peak period trains, to and from Bramalea. The Georgetown Proposal also includes the construction of a sec- ond track over the Credit River, Gloria Foreman* JOHNSON &._LOCALS775165 RES.97346131 ASSOCIATES ERIN 8339714 247 Guelph St., Georgetown only $187,900. Come to Garnet. Priced well below anne homes in the area at id compare. Directions: Mountainview Rd. S. ie Seren to Delrex — lef 93-2-103 TOR. 874-3040 les Representative Georgetown location on 1/2 acre wooded lot, this spacious 2,400 sq. ft. bungalow with main floor family room, fireplace, and walkout to patio is now only $275,000. north of Norval. Another track is needed to “improve reliability” of the service and remove “bottle- necks,” Dowell explained. The estimated cost of this and other proposed ij ee to the system is $190 mill After 2011, it “ML rhe determined whether the entire Georgetown Corridor will have full service, which would mean trains every 15 minutes during rush hour and every hour during off-peak periods. The Costs for this additional expansion are estimated at $55 million. When full service is implemented in Georgetown, there’ll be a need for relocating the GO station, Dowell said. The layover facility, which is used to store trains overnight, will also be relocated. Overnight storage is available at the Georgetown GO station but is located on the north side of the tracks. CN Rail has told GO that the layover facility must be located on the south side of the corridor when full service is put into effect. As a result, GO’s long-term plans include relocating the station and layover facility in the Leferink plant area. Dowell said VIA Rail-CN Rail owns the current station. If GO leaves that location after 2011, “I see that operating as a VIA Rail station,” he said. The need for GO Transit service expansion in the Georgetown Corridor will be assessed through the EA study. Georgetown and Acton area residents will have an opportunity to examine and com- ment on proposed changes to the service at a public information cen- tre at Sacre Coeur Hall, Georgetown, Feb. 16 from 5 to 9 .m, Quiet elegance prevails in this 2300 s house kit., indoor garden, gazebo, 2 1/2 car garage. Gloria Foreman*. $375,0( iq. ft. open concept home. Cathedral bebe skylights, green- 92-2-528