aN The North Halton Kub Kar Rally 1993 was the source of fascination for hundreds of area cubs Saturday at St. Andrew’s United Church. Here some eager boys watch to see which car my travel the furthest. Photo by Wendy Long. Annual Kub Kar rally The North Halton District Kub Kar Rally last Saturday with St. Andrews United Church Hall filled to capacity. Registration was looked after. by Penns Thompson and Jean Laym ade in of the Kub Kars was looked after by 2nd Georgetown. Pit stop was handled by Sth Georgetown, Kub kar Track - 1st Hornby, Racks - 1st Glen Williams, Starters - 1st Georgetown, Computers - 4th Cooreslon and Mats - 3rd Act Food - Elaine canal, Ist Most Imaginative Kub Kars were Rev. Joe Smiley and Karl Klein, President of District Council, Scouts Canada. A.D.C. Andrew Kayess made the presentations to all winners. all Cub Leaders and helpers received the Annual District Kub Kar crest. North Halton District Scouting received recognition from provin- cial headquarters, presented by Myles Vanni, provincial Field Executive, for outstanding work providing opportunities for youth to grow, develop and love and revere God by reaching 101% and more of Judges for Judges c ar” Halton Hills This Week: Wednesday, February 24, 1993 — Page 9 Investing In The Far East By Michael Phillips and Rick Fisher Last week I wrote about the impor- tance of global diversification. I took a look at the Global Strategy Diversified Bond fund managed by Rothchilds, This week I would like to bring to your attention another mutual fund which is managed by Fidelity Investments, one of the largest mutual fund companies in the World. name of this investment is the Fidelity Far East Fund and is managed trusts and funds ike to share with you a segment of this interview by review- ing some questions that Mr. Lee answered. What is the goal of the Far East Fund? "The goal of the Far East Fund is to achieve long term capital growth by investing in the stock markets of the Far East. I will use the Morgan Stanley Pacific Index, excluding Japan Nikei, as a benchmark index for the fund.” In which countries does the Fund primarily invest? "The fund invest primarily in two groups of countries: the Newly Industrialized Economies (NIE'S) of North Asia - South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong; and countries in South Asia belonging to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN group, including Singapore, Malaysia, ‘Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. Where opportunities arise, I will also invest in economies of India, Australia and New Zealand. I expect that the Fund will normally be more heavily weighted with investments in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.” Why don;t you include Japan on your list of countries in which you intend to invest? "We want to offer a fund that con- centrates on investments in the fastest- growing economies in Asia, and these ‘are outside of Japan. Historically, man: not differentiate Japan fro1 economies in Asia. However, with a more advanced and mature economy, Japan is at a different stage of eco- nomic development than the countries of Southeast Asia.” In what types of companies do you invest? "[ look primarily for two types of stocks for my funds. First, companies with high quality, consistent warnings’ growth. Second, companies whose stock is trading at a discount to asset value.” What analytical methods guide your management of money in Southeast Asia? : "T follow the traditional Fidelity "bottom up" management style of researching and personally visiting companies to become familiar with the management. Last year I saw over 200 companies in the region. I'm also able to draw on the resources of Fidelity's own analysts in Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore. Personal con- tacts are, I think, especially important in Asia since the shares of many com- panies are closely held or family owned, newly listed or small compa- nies not widely followed by brokers.” Which other Fidelity Funds do you manage in this same market and how will es ‘involvement benefit the Far East Fund’ "[ manage the Fidelity South East Asia Trust, which is marketed in Great Britain; the Fidelity South East Asia Fund and Thailand Fund, both of which are marketed throughout conti- nental Europe and Asia, and the Thailand International Fund, a closed- end fund listed ‘on the London Stock xchange. These four funds have total assets of $630 million as of September 1, 1991. This makes me one of the largest equity investors in south East = > 5 g BS s 5 5 Z & § 8 <Asia and enables me to enjoy good — contacts with both companies, as well as a high level of service from bro- kers. These benefits will also be enjoyed by Canadian investors in the Far East Fund.” ‘What advantages does Fidelity ae Canadians who want to Invest ii Southeast Asia? "Our long history of involvement in Southeast Asia and successful invest- ment track record is naturally a benefit and makes Fidelity stand out from its competitors. We've had a presence in the region since 1969 and actually helped to pioneer investments in many of the emerging markets. Another dis- tinctive factor about Fidelity is that our investment managers are primarily nationals who grew up in South East Asia, speak the local languages and are intimately familiar with the unique factors that affect the regional economies and companies.” Why do you think the 1990's are a good time to invest in Southeast Asia? "I believe Southeast Asia will remain the area of the world with the highest economic growth in the1990's. Continued structural changes in the region will stimulate rapid growth and development of stock markets and create many new investment opportu- nities. I anticipate that stock selection will becomee more important in the 1990's as a global shortage of capital replaces liquidity-driven bull markets. Investors with strong local knowledge will be best able to spot the most attractive opportunities in these rapid- ly developing markets.” ‘The Fidelity Far East Fund should be considered by those investors inter- ested in long term capital apprecia- tion. Unlike the Global Strategy Diversified Bond Fund, which is 100% eligible inside your RRSP, the Far East Fund is only 18% eligible for i 993. - Mr. Phillips & Mr. Fisher are full service een financial advi- sors. They can be reached toll free at _ 1-800-263-1668. | NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING rhe Othe Pin or aon ‘The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton, through its Planning and Public Works Committee, will hold a public meeting to provide interested individuals and agencies the opportunity to express their views and provide comments on proposed Halton Official Plan Amendment No. 19. The public meeting will be held on: Date: Wednesday March 24, 1993 - 9:15 am Location: Halton Room Halton Regional C\ entre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville The purpose of Halton Official Plan Amendment No. 19 is to amend the Sanitary Sewage Disposal and Water Supply policies of the Regional Plan to permit the extension of a municipal watermain from the Georgetown Urban Area, west along No. 20 Side Road and approximately 738 metres south along the Sixth Line in order to provide water to residential properties fronting on the watermain. GENERAL LOCATION OF SIXTH LINE/20 SIDE ROAD PROPOSED WATERMAIN Iisen a | A copy of Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 19 may be viewed at the Office of the Regional Clerk at the above address between 8:30 am 30 pm weekdays or a copy may be obtained by telephoning the Regional Clerk at the number below. All individuals attending the meeting will be afforded the opportunity to address the Committee. However, to facilitate the hearing of all delegations, it would be appreciated if those wishing to address the Committee would telephone the Region prior to March 17, 1993. Burlington/Oakville 825-6000 Aldershot 639-4540 Georgetown 878-8113 Acton , 853-0501 Streetsville 823-6720 John Eaglesham Regional Clerk Rick FISHER & MICHAEL PHILLIPS of ‘First MARATHON SECURITIES LIMITED say "Consider all your options at RRSP time" For further information call today 1-800-263-1668 First MARATHON SECURITIES LIMITED We offer * The No-fee self directed RRSP * Available only through Mr. Fisher & Mr. Phillips