Acton Foodshare has a mission By Joan Waldie Acton Foodshare is a registered charitable organization with a mis- sion to contribute to the prevention of hunger/malnutrition for those individuals or families who are temporarily in need of food. There is also a special concern for chil- eeds. For the year-end April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1993, Acton Foodshare provided the following assistance: 1,581 families which included 2,133 adults and 1,428 children, 70,347 Ibs ( OIL CHANGE SERVICE — ° Pay for @ oil changes - receive ® FREE « (Soseal—1golm \/Lolbrahrostanys(—w morale -Csnel-jicevere \. COMPLETE CAR CLEANING OIL UNDERCOATING J QualityPro Painting and Decorating | 35.5 tons) food in, 57,834 Ibs (approxi- mately 26 tons) food out. Acton Foodshare wishes to rec- ognize the contribution of its volun- teers for the average of 70 hours per week of service. The Foodshare is fortunate, in these trying times, to receive the support of the surrounding commu- nities, area churches and businesses and its citizens, without whom Foodshare would incur difficulty in, meeting its mission. Acton Foodshare uses funds raised) through donations (Foodshare receives no government * grants) for the purchase of neces- sary foodstuffs and especially chil- dren’s foods to serve the needs for school lunches and pre-school chil- -dren. Acton Foodshare assists the Dine and Dash, Acton Breakfast Club when perishable goods are received at Foodshare and are unable to be used before their expiry or in the case of cracked eggs or perishable fruits or vegetables that must be used as soon as possible, — Acton Foodshare is attempting at all times tovassist clients to attain total independence without the use of the Foodshare program. Some programs have included: clients visiting Foodshare are encouraged to retrain and go back to school; North Halton Literacy Guild has met at Foodshare; Public Health Nurses run a program Tuesday morning with parenting programs for parents and children; a volunteer grandmother cares for children during the program; Community gardens - sponsored by the Deacons of Bethel Reformed Church, Acton Horticultural Society and Acton Foodshare, land _ has been promised and plans are under way with a local student from Trent University as coordina- tor. This is an exciting project to assist those who wish to grow their own vegetables or garden; the assistance in regard to clothing, fur- niture and appliances, where need- ed. Acton Foodshare cooperates with other agencies such as ASSIC, Salvation Army and Foodshares in Milton, Georgetown, Guelph and Erin. Once again, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Acton Foodshare we would like to thank Mr. Peter Goddard and Maple Leaf Mills for the lease of a-central loca- tion for Foodshare. Thanks again to all the communi- ty, churches and area businesses and its citizens for their support and donations to Foodshare and the vol- unteers for their valuable assis- tance. All are welcome at the Annual Meeting May 4, 1993 at Trinity United Church, 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions or con- cerns you would like to discuss, please call the Acton Foodshare at 853-0457 or attend the meeting. Interior/Exterior Painting — Brush, Roll & Airless je Sera Spring Special... FREE Quality F ional W i LP 20% OFF* ESTIMATES! « Expert Wallpapering and ing Ci AO. as ° Residential and Commercial Custom Design Interior Painting 873-6722 Not many Spaces Left! Excellent registration has meant that almost Bree, jul teams are the story in most age groups, both boys ai (Almost 650 registered!) Age groups and spaces available are listed below: BOYS: U5S/U6 Aug. '87 - Dec.'88 6 spaces - 4 teams U7 Aug. '86 - July '87 4 spaces - 4 teams us Aug. '85 - July '86 4 spaces - 6 teams Ug - Aug. '84 - July '85 10 spaces - 6 teams U10/U11 Aug. '82 - July '84 10 spaces. - 6 teams. U12/U14 Aug. '79 - July '82 6 spaces - 6 teams U15/U16 Aug. '77 - July '79 1 space - 2 teams U17/U19 Aug. '74 - July.'77 5 spaces - 1 team GIRLS U5/U6/U7 Aug. '86 - Dec.'88 7 spaces - 4 teams U8/U9 Aug. '84 - July '86 3 spaces - 6 teams. 10/011 Aug. '82 - July '84 Full - Wait List (5T) U12/U13 Aug. '80 - July '82 4 spaces - 4 teams U14/U15 Aug. '78 - July '80 5 spaces - 2 teams U16/U17 Aug. '76 - July '78 12 spaces - 3 teams U18/U19 Aug. '74 - July '76 Full - Wait List —_— Select Teams: We wish to enter select (tournament) teams in most U10- U19 age groups. This depends on the avallabllity of qualified coaches. Potential Coaches/Managers/Convenors for House League or Select Teams - please contact: Roger Roy (Girls) - 877- 6709 or Steven Lee (Boys and General Information) - 877-8027. Commonly Asked Soccer Questions: 1. How can | get involved? 2. What equipment do the kids need? 3. How often do they play? And where/when? 4. Are boys and girls mixed on teams? 5. When does the season start/end? Brief Answers: 1. The Boys' teams need coaches, managers and league ‘con- venors in all age groups particularly the older teams. The Girls have enough coaches, but ni managers salah con- venors. Coaches who have already contacted us — if you ive a good manager candidate you wish to work with, we'll make sure both your children are on the same team (if the same age group). 2. We provide shirt, shorts, socks. You provide shin guards, soccer shoes. (For younger children, good running shoes/turf shoes are actually preferable.) 3. Most teams play 1 night per week, Monday to thursday. Current plans are for Boys U6 - U14 to play all games in town. U15 - U19 will play in leagues with Brampton teams, although details have to be finalized. Girls U7 will play in town. Girls U8 -.U13 will play games in Acton and Georgetown only. Girls U14 - U19 will play in leagues with Brampton, Bolton, with "home" games in Acton nd Georgetown. Preliminary schedules have Boys U19, U7, U6 playing Mondays, Boys U9, U14, & Girls U15, U17, U19 play- ing Tuesdays, Boys U16 & Girls U7, U9, U11 playing Wednesdays, and Boys U8, U11 & Girls U13 playing Thursdays — but this is subject to change! 4. No — all our teams are either boys or girls. This year we have coumbined girls (U8 - U19) from both Acton S.C. and Georg nS.C, 5. OPENING DAY (weather and fields conditions permitting) is scheduled for Saturday, May 15th. Regular league play will begin on Tues. May 25t! Regular season ends the week of August Sod U5 - U9 Finals Day - Saturday, September 11th. U10 - U19 Finals Day - sone September 18th. Photo Day - Saturday, June 12th.