Page 36; Halton Hills. This Week, Saturday, April, 47, 1993, 4or Kids RIA VCo The Finest in Kidswear 873-7275 Georgetown Marketplace Georgetown’s George Kennedy Public School held its annual Celebrating Canadians Day and students, FItTolGlel|KluIltiBis teachers, parents and visitors alike all got caught up in the many and varied activities. George Kennedy GTY - student, 10-year-old Adam McKinley, even got a chance to put on clown make-up. photo by Simon Wilson/HHTW A \\ Just for Kids needs your CAN YOU NAME Hey kids, we Want Shadl siete, Odors an te BJaAlR|ByE;aluse|ef{vyzia to hear from You! J riddies. write and tell us a > what is happening at your PROWINCIAL CAPITALS? s|YJAILJ E]TUILIBILIUI BIB al j i i : F school or social club, and we will do our | |4) ALBERTA Pee best to publish your work! j FLOWERS BASEBALL - HIKING SUNNY Write to: The Masked Puzzler at Halton | | 2) BRITI: A COLUMBIA fametrar an ans Coane caitlin sii FISHING WINDSOCK CLEAN —TIME CHANGE NEA Georgetown, Ont. L7G 4B1 a)MANTOBA | GLADIOLAS BICYCLE BLUEJAYS CATCH = [Ee | —_____| Krs WALKS - SPRING GOLF ° A) | 4) NEW BRUNSWICK Tere ecnanne } SKATE CAR CARDS BARBEQUE 1, : || |5)NEWFOUNDLAND =| WATER BULB TULIP. BRAKE 1) NBO WJI0 ayNOV SCOTIA . . 2) BA CGLO! romano ——| [R : 4 7) ONTARIO S : 3) TGALLRCAY! PH : 4) ANVAIRN 8) PEI 1. SHAQUILLE O'NEAL _______d 2, JOE JUNEAU ! 9) QUEBEC 5) YLNNE ZKWAITR 8. TEEMU SELANNE Bed a ie RS 70) SASKATCHEWAN || 4. DOUG GILMOUR 91901 au (2 i Lear EERE AEST Ta esd ANSWERS 5. FELIX POTWIN ans G/S TELEVISION Se ee ef Oe FReEn CLT 265 Guelph Street 9 “eye suuoris’s | | BASEBALL NOW IN \ GEORGETOWN ee I Eee 97 sich oro 7imanst. 873-0500 5 Mountainview Georgetown 185 Guelph St. (EEN Road N. Call 873-7011 to AMUSEMENTS Georgetown book your childs| |e 877-6493 Pinball & Video Games| a birthday party! Over 20 To Play