Page 12 — Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, June 23, 1993 Robitaille nets three for Kinsm sth A See Se 10 ane Cdn. Legion Loc..120 - 0, Dunlop Insurance noteworthy Boys Und lop Insurance Gold Runners - 0 players: Brian Albers, Edward Games ae due to inclement et Cdn. Legion Noteworthy Hamill, Julian Lord. weather Players: Corey mencerscus Eric CIBC EG Rockets - 2, Armstrong Boys Under 7 McClure, Michael McGill Insurance HALTON ay Academy : HOCKEY SCHOOL (Ages 6 yrs. to 12 yrs.) GORDON ALCOTT ARENA Georgetown, Ontario Applications for the hockey school can be picked up at: 1. Countrywide All-Pro Realty inc. 2. M & M Pro Sports 8. Alcott, Memorial or Acton Arena: ADAM BENNETT Head Instructor For further information, contact Dave Krause HALTON HILLS SPORTS ACADEMY 39 Jocelyn Cres., Georgetown L7G 2S5 (873-4991 Fax 873-3931 Bed Frame (39-54) Limit 2 Per Customer.. Single Mattress Spring Construction... SINGLE SET Double Mattress Spring Construction . Queen Mattres Queen Set. Orthopedic Twin ent Double Set (25 Year Warranty) Sealy Double Set Orthopedic (Lim ie Sealy Queen S Orthopedic King Set (20 year W. Simmons Queen Set.. felU/=1=1\he)-45"[0)-)-10)[e Beearae SUGG. PRICE SALE PRICE ig 79 $4 1 go 129" 149” 199" 199” "259" 299% "349" 499" "499" 5499” MATTRESS CLEARANCE SALE! Country Mattress Sleep Shop (Rice Business Centre) CIBC Goals: Tom Leferink Noteworthy players: Andrew Mansfield, Mathew Pointer, A.J. Syme Boys Under 8 Halton Hills Appliances - 2, Team Halton Hills Puaiture Goals: Michael Adcock, Gavin Aldridge Noteworthy players: Bill Boutasis, Shaun Dennie, Andrew Rebbetoy Team #2 Howat Rockets - 1, Team #6 Orange - Royal Raley Goal: Tod Gilmore Noteworthy Players: Todd Gilmore, Martin Kocandrle, Lucas Amold Narnuare & -1 Orange noteworthy players: Jonathan Culp, Matthew Kooy, Michael Stopford Great overall team effort! Kinsmen ae Red Wings - 3, Rainbow Music - Kinsmen Club Goals: Andrew Robitaille (3) Noteworthy Paes Conis Power, Garrett Prins, Patrick Rainbow Music xa Shawn lon Noteworthy players: Shawn Robert Freestone, Aaron Boys Under 9 Tuesday night games canceled due to inclement weat a oe Brokers - 2, Varian Devil alist Custom Broker Goals: en Club Red Wings Kevin Bizzaro, Steven Kogan Noteworthy players: Tom Hall, Nick Montgomery, Blake Wilson ian noteworthy players: Cody Menken, Joseph Upfield, Bryan Smith Note: This game was not finished due to inclement weather Boys Under 11 — Club - 7, Elk’s Lodge #540 nice Club goals: Joseph Garvey, Billy McDonald (2), Dale Menken (2), Daniel Roffel (2) Noteworthy players: Matt Knoepfli, Stephen Trotman, Brett Velten, Chris Garland Elks Lodge Goal: Cameron Sisnett Noteworthy players: Robert Ree een Mathieson, David Boyi Buse ioe - 3, Tim Horton poet ey = kus Goals: Ryan Busby or Stave Gorlick Noteworthy players: Matthew Eagleson, Simon Hall, Matthew Manhire-Coulter Tim Horton Doughnut Goal: Chris Froggett Noteworthy players: Peter Bukovean, Kyle Hall, Noah Malinosky ‘ Boys Under 14 Games canceled due to inclement weather Revolvers bow to Campbeliville Limehouse-Georgetown Revolver Club hosted the Campbellville Cubs on June 15 in quite an entertaining game. Despite some excellent pitching and hitting by Adam Spinney and great hits by Paul Payne, Roy Wigood and Kenny McKenzie, Limehouse suc- cumbed to the cubs. Final score being Campbellville 16, Limehouse-Georgetown-Revolver Club 7. Top notch pitching by Ryan Holman and Adam Spinney, backed up by excellent back catch- ing by Roy Wigood; coupled with excellent base stealing by Nivil Bapooji, Jamie Deforest, Gopher Scofield and Mark Bailey com- bined with tight fielding by all, led the Limehouse- Georgetown Revolver Club Mosquitoes to a 5-4 victory over Brookville in Brookville on June 3. By Laurie Burns Exercise Physiologist When is it too hot to exercise? Three factors determine the Severity of a hot day: tempera- ture, humidity, and wind speed. When the outside temperature Soars to 30 degrees Celsius (90 degrees. Fahrenheit) or more and the humidity climbs close to 90 percent with little or no wind velocity, there’s the ever-present danger of heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Even though it doesn’t measure wind Speed, the Simplest method of measuring the danger of hot day is with a combination wet and dry bulb thermometer, One thermometer, @ standard one, measures air tem- | perature; the other, covered by a wick that is dipped in water, is used to measure humidity. HEATSTROKE: Heated 4 is the sudden uncontrolled rise in body temperature caused by the inability of the temperature-regu- lating cells in the brain to increase the body’s mechanisms of dissipating heat. Normally, these brain cells maintain your body temperature close to 98.6 degrees F. They tespond primarily to the tempera- ture of the blood that passes through them, and when the tem- perature of the blood rises, they ‘send signals through nerves to all parts of the body. This. widens blood vessels near the surface of the skin so that more heat is oo off, and decreases metabol- ic processes in ae | organs so that less heat is prod Yet, there is a cali ee the brain cells become damaged by Exercising in. Hot Weather the heat and. lose their ability to function. The result, a heatstroke. The Sreater your degree of dehydration, the more likels ely you | are to develop heatstroke:- “The arder you exercise, the less dehydration you can tolerate. Dehydration decreases the blood volume to the point where there’s not enough blood to supply both the skin and internal organs such as the brain, liver and muscles. Your body must make a choice and chooses the internal organs and muscles. Thi supply to the skin is shut off and your body ee tises ncontol eee, ‘doesn’ it just ba pen. There is plenty of warni Your lungs and muscles : fire”. Your breathing becomes Short and labored and your mouth becomes parched. Your vision blurs and dizziness and nausea set in. You may even set to act irrationally. Tf you continue to exercise, ¢ temperature may shoot up dan- gerously high. You will then ome unconscious and unless you receive treatment immediate- ly, you could die. Exercise should be safe, fun and effective. Pay attention to the weather before you decide to par- ticipate in a vigorous activity. It is okay to substitute a less vigor- ous activity for exercise on a very hot day. Laurie Burns is an Exercise Physiologist and Operates Work ee eek Me Programs Inc. in Georget