The appointment of Sergeant Rod Cliffe to the position of Police Coordina- tor, Crime Stoppers of Hal- ton Inc., was announced by Stu Chapman, Chair of the Board of Directors. Cliffe is a veteran of 18 years police service in Hal- ton, most recently having been seconded to the Green Ribbon Task Force, investi- gating the deaths of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French. He supervised the investigation of Leslie Mahaffy in 1991. The new Police Coordi- nator began his police career in 1975 as a uniform constable in Oakville, where he spent over seven years. During that period he represented Halton Region- al Police on the Town of Oakville Traffic Advisory Committee and also served as Range Officer and Coach Officer. He became a Detective Constable in 1983 and in a ‘0 year period became very proficient in investiga- tions involving child abuse and sexual assault. On his return to uniform duties in 1985, Cliffe was instrumen- tal in the development of Crime Prevention Program for the Glen Abbey commu- nity. In 1987 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and as a patrol supervisor, he served the communities of Oakville, Georgetown and Milton and was held in high regard by his officers. Janu- ary 1990 saw Cliffe’s trans- fer to the Burlington Crimi- nal Investigation office where in his first year, he was responsible for the training and supervision of Detective Constables, main- ly in the areas of house break and enters, auto thefts and thefts from autos. Among his many accom- plishments was the estab- lishment of Strategic Plans to combat these crimes. Early in 1991, Cliffe was concentrating on investiga- Needless to cae not eves one in Halton ly in PE and oe lursday afternoon at the Glen Williams park, some- one threw an object through the rear window of a car parked in the lot, causing several hundred dollars dam- the early evening, a 17- year-old Georgetown youth squealed into the George- town Memorial Arena park- ing lot on Mill St. in George- town, pulled a complete donut, and raced back out, Not harmless revelry Police Beat narrowly missing a 14-year- old boy. The driver re- entered the lot and chased the boy, but was forced to stop his car to avoid hitting anoth- er group of boys. The youth then jumped out of the car and shoved the victim. He was charged with assault and dangerous driving, Late the same evening, youths stuck a firecracker in reported the incident to police, claimed this was not the first incident. Police are still investigating the inci- nt, * BRENTWOOD * LA-Z-BOY * ROXTON * CITATION HOUSE ELIVERY. furnitu Quality Name Brand Products: re * SKLAR PEPPLER DURHAM * SIMMONS * BODGON & GROSS New Quners Elsie, Maroc and Demé:ike panto wich ther shouroon! (rive a Little ~ Save a Little!) 110 MAINST., HILLSBURGH STORE HOURS (519) 855-42()7 MON. - THURS. 9-6] SUNDAYS FRI.9-9 SAT. 9-6 NOW OPEV 12-5 PM HALTON , Police veteran joins Crime Stoppers program CRIME STOPPERS tions involving child abuse, sexual assaults and rob- bery, and coordi- nated cases involv- ing missing per- sons, domestic vio- lence and phase I young offenders. He was the liaison between the Halton Regional Police Service and groups such as the Rape Crisis Centre and the Children’s Aid Society. en Leslie Mahaffy was reported missing in June of 1991, Cliffe supervised the investigation, resulting in his eventual second- Ment to the Green Ribbon Task Force. Sgt. Cliffe is married with two children and resides in Burlington. He brings to the Crime Stoppers program extensive experience as a skilled investigator, respect- ed supervisor and knowl- edgeable communicator. His police education includes Police Manage- ment courses at Humber College, Security and Law Enforcement and Advanced Police Investigation courses at Sheridan College. He was awarded the Sheridan Board of Governors Silver Medal for his accomplishments. His Ontario Police College credits include Management Level I, Crime Prevention, Youth, Criminal Investiga- tion and Advanced Train- in| OF While Cliffe will coordi- nate Halton Crime Stoppers activities, the program is tun by a civilian Board of Directors, Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, July 7, 1993 — Page 3 the four communities com- prising Halton. Reward payments, which are made on a strictly anonymous basis come from funds raised in the community by the Board of Directors. No taxpayer funds are involved. Anyone having knowledge of a crime, either committed or about to be committed, can call either 825-TIPS or 1-800- 668-5151. If such informa- tion leads to an arrest then the tipster is eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000 without ever having to dis- close their name, nor ever have to appear in court. All donations to the reward fund are income tax Berore You Start YOUR VACATION STOCK UP ON Bos's GREAT $AVING$ deductible. Contact Sergeant Rod Cliffe, 825- 4777, ext. 5139. LOTTERY courtesy of ‘10 Mountainview S. 87-9741 1.89 litre carton Guelph & Delrex 873-9056 eae ZOURSS ADs: mL plus Assorted SOF. of Early Bird 11 12.33 45] RESULTS UNOFFICIAL, p of FEATURING SATELLITE eave Expy the Summer with wa! BUFFET THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Roast Beef « with a second hot entrée every week __* Fresh Green Salad Bar + Our Superb Dessert Table PRICE?! We pay the G.S.T. & P.S.T. KARIOKE Wednesday 8 p.m.- 1am. Saturday 3 to 7 p.m. Leo cE. 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