^ T-3T ,#dnte of Trautr CoII< -MUX StttKBr. >CKK.- ^>n. rftci. of feoll*vt .nfcl&l^i ... -.--J . i. v,^i | - '. :' ,- .,r.,:W - '-: ^ i . - v-t ;; ' * * :' ' < *>..': |-.-.'i \i '.~ ' -. 1 "i* -^a * :of triage L>*jen*f'. n; - V- "v - '"^ '"-$ " o Aveot.CUUkU.' life' ton.. '-'=. tfe lOZIKft. PL . <*s*sSblc tastes, IBi ordeft#*e<itic6 tfteir 1 lUTirBCed^t^ "Jail eaxly, secure "bargains, arjd save HOSf >X HOTEL; Aorox, AOSWf;; PrOCariefahr. s* ntted ph<3" ? *' fpaia 46 ItMiblit; Bar. kxchAx^s'___ dTnrreBsL" OoedfcaSJ t4., JbaveQew and Guar*/ Aotan 1$T5. i T Prigh-teni^gr CMldren. Nothing tan; be -worse for> child thah to be frigkfenod. Tub efFect *f tt^3c^.'tt ^w to r*covtr froinj- it remains sometimes 'until.'mature MrDJ-AVT. Baiter, Atftf *^ *%-*uMUtt>etneafc of D.r%\ixkISfc LAidlas- wtfi .tS!L ^ra^-ijr, i^priet*^,. -:s pu Feed i aife-xrs oe-~l hand. LJd reiad. UrisUo* ,<$ fy: ^^ ^* *& kd <* , IXTIVs f ail kiBdc Iami ^in^jy exewjiti^SB IpEjreiJESS OFFICE, H ioro j=hMMrt V*&r^ Mm St .'- *Mueijra -with Cupids>- i Go te^bw n*r the story i>W, j Go'whisper these golden tMinp: ' : Ci<\ OapW doVe; traatmit my love, ". XwroHi^j me gentre^chidings. \ ., 0, bear h4r tHis rise, ts"fir^s s^c, To.bedeck lier goWen hair; "Oo, 5irry h^r tti^ * firieiwHy kiss 1 FotUpip-rab)i ad rare. counsel Mr heart ami ask its throb ' Avytiat other is hearer and" true; AjtA my J6e ifsb^'* mylove, . -U the old story anev. 1 wel^ssorteii stock, hJari & (ieoidlbd to offer Meiij Obods^Bbots aikd Shoes, Clothing, &c.j for one montnlbnlv, O^h^ir Ordered Glpthingrfor chii^pnes3, style anc.iq^alit^, is|second%ri ..-! -:irp Ho-wgta !Keep: Meat' FreahJ ^. 'v JLionjr Tim4 f ,-_ There ijs no. good . Uason way <iarmers ahd their famil'jesr should eat so much salt pork, jleiiiing a\the fre^lvmcat t^ the itthutiitarits of cities,,towns and Villages, when the following method* will keep meat- fresh (r^r vveeks,.<ven in .the wJtrm ;sf. weathetr, I know, for t have itried it; TcKCjripre. than ; ten yearsr: ks sdtStra^ the ariimatheit is out of the rruga't, slice it upVeidy for cook ing. Prepare-a large ar by sxald- ing; well with hot! sal| and wai er.- Mix salt and uulk-erifed saltpetre in the proportion c'.ione talde- spoonful of saltpetre to one teac jp Lxty^ to is^ho-wn'bv manv instanced ^l ?f ^U- ;Cover tlie. htittom of 'fri^rjrljW'TOnaltven'pss' and ex- Jhe Jar wth spnnkle of salt rnd pki1f ncrToamwss. .'fNot tmfre- fJ>(;P.Peri V.utdoiyna layer of rhkt, .q^toUv feac - ii salt ant pepper the misMw'of dtsorraihe.. WfiiWre*rkre ^S S to the ^l^je, cootrblied.W. beigt-niid& to believol ?n^. continue m this anner, t UiiU i .Fold a doth or'tovel to UiottiV ad <Mnishd' bv' being"an? wet tt iastrong salt and ^ya:cr,: sKot^pindai-ic^om^ortv beiui ] of tli: -saltpetrd is- }mt In niaces-tM? sUiid 4n dread . 'J's^lve.d.i Press the cloth closely o^ iNooae.wijtSout^vi^iiiemorvtf}^ the meat fnd set it in;a dool [^.VlacTtfictnrrr* of eTerj-.aea^t is Am GAomcTs!. qt Bik ownchildhood,. can eompre hftnd hoW eiitirely cruel such things .ijr I-.We hav* oi^fcen lumi-d grown v|ferson4,tdi ,pf. the suffering theV^ i^^ewlMLred,' as ; jchilclren, under ' like circtimstiutw a, and re^iunt the i KTepan^bla, injqry which jtbey are sure'tbiy ^a ;reeeivied. p i^pu1 . > - reati no nurse jpble.iof ;uhtruiihg J {thje young, is "fitied far her |K>sittbn. a^Fnear ab possible, should L*tt traineil:not.tq'lt!w tfc sense it of fear, 'vlrich, *vry't-f>ing 1 ,r is to te,feared 1 iri tifcir d'u^t- ttoq,' eirly /'or Ij^m. Ay.-r i~>r/.- f "id. li^athers. ,^i-J!hrk(?t Tries ^"ancy, |r. rwid for j . -.V.;fh\ ..'.,' Badly Sold, j- ' -...' : ! 'jDad,* said a horniM sprip, , ^< hojw-msiay fowls'arer.tlifra.oif the i: <ibI^?T ;'i i: ;, '". "*\Vhy," Raid the old gentlenr.tn, i as.h looked coraplacenTityron'-a-piiir^ 1 of ifinely iro-.tsjed ehidkifiiK, tiuit' .r won* anialcHUfon eh"edinntjr.t.:ii!l; ? *" Wfijyj fuV son, titer* a -ertwp}" i4l3?wo;^ EPplil tlje snmrtnes? in. a hla'ce. Be's\ir^and;p-es's-thfr cibth on lightlylas eich laytr is rcrrioled, and your meat will keep for mqrli lis. It js^a good plan to let your meat Hc^oVer night after it is sliced] lie fore packing. _'.Then drain oftj all tHt(bJooil that oozes frhm~it. I It witf be 'necessary- to . .tjhahgejI. the cloili occasionally, o: take nh off and wash it then scald'tn saltiand water,'as at first; lv thisiway'farniers can have fresh meat the-sar rtjund. I JJave kept. beef;that svas'ki Febniary till tiie'3Tit I packed a large jar <: f 4veal inj same"way durmg the' ilog days,! tnd it kept six weeks, iVl.-his recipe jany led the ,|i'3th- June.' -.Tl-ven tlie Tlio.undor.ilgnoii bag lea .Jot ,. to-cait'lhe attnrttloh of the liihnhltnnts ol oluliy t(> tho wcUuBscrtid Mfook of ari$ Fatwjr Dry (3-ooas. Our Prints^ Dress Cioods, and Dress TriinrnjlnKS, '"', . [-AroRlTofbtst m'utorUUs biiJ newest j*lllornit. OUR STOCK. OF; iTWEEBS ',IS URGER Tp Ciimpristiis fiill linos of Scotcli, EELglish, jaiid M|([3r:IIFACTIIRE.J: Actband>l.^|ineryj Mrtntlcpr, Cabaidian And, bclnit rm^tlcal worlimpn, f*>nl sntlffiort.fh nssiirlrt: oit cus orterR that for i fcUoapncsa, neatue<i)iut,jiliirnbllly pdr Wo.k eo[uuqL.b'^ buibnascd. alone is. "worth the newspaper, in the .tirilE. ; :--------_.k*..,iL rsnee 1 o! Tni" TtiREAT) ok. Life.: An in fereWtrag !pw 5uit has ciJed at \Vt-ImiKgton, the possession of- a! turned on tfccidfcfcisic tion Iw-hetliei a baby disputable, dead, a rfifire are three, ^.arid 111 pro^e j afteri it ^ r^rn,; had gentle- #a,E$TABtE i-it: ., ;...... ! 'ftritere !" >^^ine ^ ^maiii irhf* wiia jii -plain mattei'-of- ' faatrman, anil uhrterVCKid tilings ns lie ^jtwVtheni; "-I'd!^ikp to seeybij , |ro've that" ..;':. ':^-,\- | .-, ', .'. ."jBaslj: done,' sir^-4asily--d"oae_l ': Ain't diiat one !" lajjnjj^U hand jon _' " T-'y:'-. .- '.'. H.Ye^T that's" certain!," ;*ai<? dad.' '_: 'f Aud ;aiK,t that two t" pointing ito tOke second';r "and'don't one and ; iwo-make three ?" - , r; -'*- ' i .Mgeally,"paid.the fiitberr."trn- just'be'e-n| de-- Del., " jwlhere rjofertw :-iLfew minutes- sufficient a legal existence ; if of itS-mo"trieP,:.(whodi|ed in tlielCon ftnement) tn I'ft-'r father's estate! re rnained'Vith herhiisbind duriiig his 1 lifetime : brotlters. if no, it On* the tfni Appeared that tiie ba'jiy's"heart -a, few times; orr'the other that was~no sigri of'breathing, th:?t efforts to establish reitoration failed, and thatthe sttesndi.ng sician hadidescribed thje child his death certificate as.'istill-lk^n.'- irge prjo._ ^ n,of the <U-ics- w|hieh;.wd3 in- few mqibtes during uiese 'life toigjy'e; it ves, the share1 - " i.ij., W'WfiS&&.. Acton, July went pne to hand i^T^the hid Udj, who *as -ini yile jury decided' thajttl P. .'J*|Ua>" kmiociicirijir sis: axd Ci _______^. to t6J 'i"Bars? tre .the twit- that r'itWJA <leirJaJned not it> ., - anwOry stable.- - f. In, }e~j.:- - -: : :..-. - V \k>- '" -- -^ -' ' ama?eanint a|t the intnienso leatn- an^ref ier jsprt, ^really, wife, this IJiTijjis.a geuiua, and deserves to be bcioiraf^dl tor iti Here^. bid 1rly, dp yon'bifce one fowlj and I'd tak^ thesBcond, and johfa may Lave the third for his learnuig." ? really alive': for-a few] m nutes the" Mpro petty fathisr. ' aju e child With ."J- AHDCARRl On. tneigh^h instant, Tho3. Eae, senr., of Paisley, we^nt to^he b^use of Msaan, jphttBt Ifae, in. Saugefco, about tjwoi; in this ^ift^rnoon, wlijisii fae;i^fcilAeTattr driving i_.lodd of stone, j>parently toward the, vil lage; Some words jensued between j fattier andion] as to the ownership of: the sSnes^vrien' .i'th'e father, . wiiiont airy apr^rdht .provocation, iBwd; i the 8dnr*Hn> revolver. *twTballieiiterfed inpar the niouth> ' in|1'paaiiag'."wm&I the ear, lodged. ia'^ft'|ek o, t^f tbn. wreoched the ^beVii*boretaaMed -there, till hf, was tiken" into comedy:% He -wasf ooihniiried to'gaol.j-i^^ -?a"1 in some surer the'.burdens dfjour hiisijjtrrids ar^d; fathers by .pfrdcnt-T^trpnch; rrient iri jour house loldexp prises, therefore .pledge ; oiir, w.orcls of honor each Jo the jtlier, th)Jt.w|e wiii; not during a period;!ofj-.c/ne year from the isf )f-May, ffi5> purchase any: mater ai for w airinjr app>rel the .cost of vliich sh;i|r e--" ceefl hventy-fivei a nts .per -jj^ar. ead. The aba j And 'shall further promise to; .^t listol" froni the serve a strict ecpiio ny in jail- our household 1 appur^nancfi' I: and cheerfully i:add by thosed plicate sacrifices tp 'the: gineralj wck of '" s toe 1 often di^pe - V - .*? "-,n.-- iM;-: l" Oattetf*' 9b -/i W8"^ madB to Order tm'jpf' , l|attnon paid fo r m 1 FiCT8 W<JBH Beme^ibebiko.. Otie thousand shlhglsi laid four ' 1 ifehee;^ ^e ;weAer will .poter "^JiTOir^-^ini^feet^iwBfif^ *nd ftfei pooadsof fhingle nails wiU fiioten fcbem.' ba- [One-fifth -toore aidlngToid flooririgfa needed than: the lnwbr pf sqtobteet ol snrface to^he y vered> beajbe of the>p in itfwi Md&ig:>iid i Matching:^ *he f dor." '1Onb!tfa0|W4 "W^-- ^ covet aeventy yj^dp of sarface, and elewn pounds of hkh-nails will naft them on. Eight fcnshels of good liiii, sixteen bnahel* of sand, and oWebuihel of hair will make enough good1 mortar io plaf ter 9 halted i^arevardB. lA cord lof *tone, :,SreVbuielJrei^ ime^and cu6ic JuA of sand 4m layrwJinndre<l Zfcc feet of vail VI? ***& Jfe wm lnj one foot in height on ,ehioey;xbn:kB & ou5f *%&**&** M* Uiche. "wide and twelve incbe* long, *?A eight brka*ln*coae'wiUina1tel floe "Mghtlnfcnek widf fd *6rteen inches U^ chge K bories are now jr. pperaUon in the: t wrnsbip of U*p- home comforts to< u eat there all Soon Rhy* in ia4:! ki4%)U i feciadtc^jl te^;j4^?jpj| i-AB this istajginj|iniBJ|||l|eayitog ajfe^0odi^;%ilidbsiW^^Ibl^e^rc L lr ! Fancy Good*, T; , -'---^ii . ., Toysii&c',, &c. Uoi't/nli tijigo to The Emt>bflMni. Tho ab07o lines you will flna ooinplptci MILLINERY her1 r Is thc'Place to ^^^^ VAL' for :' :'. - ' ' .!v![ -: ..' '".. :"i.i ' i J- was and the $" CHOICE TEAS aPwOCIIPvIES ErdTisJpnsf,: 0rqok^Ty/:-. Glassware, i your Mlohey inv Staiionery, School Itopks, Wa|l Papers* Fan< -y Xioodi WlndW iMi^dai ind Kolfcrsi fixtures, |etc. 1 embrace thy. dppot tnnity ed'-wltli fot-'the frivolous .outside adprninent of'thebod^alOne; OOP oranges; a y^ar. a brought from; J lexico ai d ,the JESieiSiajlsles^' "'~-< : taught, idpnb'tleas, by. experience, i||says.: " Editors object t^jhave anVthmg written on more then one fcjdi of a piece of paper." -Tlje only exception to the rule is when they w'nte a promise to pay. <i>n such a ahp they generally splhfit the nt me, of 'some other person | be written on the reverse side. liitles --.Dp TJiisryear the SouthernJV' ^ of California sent to Sah- Ers iciscv- 5,380,000 oranges, '526,0001 infant, and:80,000 limes. The coiuump- ;tii>n of California is about ]lfl,"00p, of tendering, 'thanks to J my | rium^rou^ liberal-'^itronH'ge bestowed by them'for til ie'last twenty :" ' " r - ha^ ispens- and 5|$ I 0,000 1 _. ATaaadoa a System so Peraiciii|iis* That, it has to'-create- liwrgihs for had and '[doubtful t ebts; which the. bear and which hitherto cash customer hris-iio right'.to do A am datermined,'therefore, on iand aftet\ the FIl^ST DAY SEPTEMBER NEXTito'do n \r And by adopting tais system I w REDUCE PRICES FROM SIX business for TRAI)13 ' ill be^ehabh d to, to EIGHT PER CENT Until; the, above time arrives, cusbqrnera above discount. iCustomers. vtill no doubt - i It may interest soraei'qfour'ypunjs ladies to J kripw thit ' thirty ion young ladjes in WJars tw, JCent hjtiky, hive signed a newk nd of plddgei; wHiiih.'reads':" ^We Lhe underkign ed lames of Warsa^v, desirir g by . . . ourexample to proiinotei economy ; tRwdrio^ tne- _ , ,,-- r ^and as the experience of that timejhaa lind its leison*, nnd. aSttr^gS^ - TfJ^^-'^gJ^^ markets: to-jjin-chjise in, and also the,cheii]?eKt, iny nustokuers the "benefit of said experience.. It -former y it hasbean-a matter iiupossible to do^bnsinesB- on \a istric tly'ca^h b But our country having; prospered toj an unprecedented degree the last, few yeairt, I thlpk oui1 people' are how in a ,-positi j'n; tb A SPEGIAUH. Gall and exniriinn our ftock before pur - chasing elsewhere; .' .! Aitoti, Jn)y 1st, 1S75. ... . ,|- a. t. tiidtti, i' - - ' i' "-!' * .Mill'Street, iiCTOX, 11KALEK.IN- (f eneral: Gropineo, Boots and 03, ;- Wall; ^ap!r,. ii-#Midpw;Elikas,i frookery,;;'; .r :; -- t 1 Glasswar6\:. ;. ' : Nails,; QHRK^TOtli) AlMJfir^pniaj breed. \\u will he married^berbre nil hingH is. neeesaary t^at herhbld thecinjui I faith,: and tfle Conjugal fail ills ii 1 y\ i thad.,rtbere!t were two"; rat biifl b riga'ipre'ated, botli equal/ tine; jfet.ot i superior to.kh(^ otbei;;- '1'hi Lihiferli shall itieair ru]le-.over..th8 auf trior, 1 h ioli fftjth, except every p'neldp ki r .whole and.tundcliled, without t -ubt he shall Le scolded duiinjgiir i'A:' ri, Ii-,, '": : '-].' Xheiwot; an Is cdrnmancled' to; obey the ;nian) 1 vi the 1 aan oukht.to otey tbeliwoma . p -. ' 1 ' i 'T"\. 'l " o una 54 supe fior to the woman, nna the w thfcn is! pferiorlp the mnh, yelhothj eiequa , and the vvonmn will govbt 1 themin,.;. ' ,- Jfet the; a js.not.tvYooJbjedieut, but on ) phedi 1 t, " . ,';,".. lfor the i 3!is one dominion nomiiVal or ihe h.u 1 }hd, and artot iw domin-' iot; real^ f the wifp, anc - jet therp kn; ndt"t\ ) dominions! b it one -do- mi lion, ];;['" -_..'"- :'".':. (P6B|i.k( Iijb we ojo;cor.rolled-!by th i'Chritf, anlverhy-i to. a :kiioytlerlge thft wivejinliust submit' therhselyes YL. best may ears isis, withki t -T lie iliRS had to 'f "I : will receiyb trie the Cash Systems which Nirideed is the; ONLY RIGHT VhiobrWtices advantages to 31 not to be lost sight of. - ,- ... ;,-.-,;. , , . ,,- t.- r^ . .. paying Cash see the advari :'ajje of iidojiting GaM ;fbr all Kinds -__if<he_MennoniteB sol^edThTp^eni.of ntilizngthe ^rrasshopilers that |nfest. the corn- fieloS of the west. 1 They eal therof and the people^in.' that ne ghher- hpod.^resaidtolip following the appear l/> have example of tl}e new comers, tjieir^rasshoppers moasted, gnlje# o? raw> them delicious/catrog. egularly i itewed, aid iind . t taking of Produce. "Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage L|cjsnsfs, Ins trance Agent, Agent Monpytd: Loan,; Agent Montreal Tql. Co., CJcrk FourthDiv.Conict, Com.-fnQ. B.&c. JAMBS MATTHEWS. Acton, July 1st, 1875. JOB 4ll ki[nds c& ^RE,i:ii?rfTJ3f:3ST<pr rROUPTliV EXECUTED ./ AT SYSTEM OF and. ei'jor lb toj be believ 'd. ', .-.- .Uk" *hp arc for the 1 sl'pie, tha\ wjll be marri^df-- th<)Tjilo|t thuj^ thintt of the wotatin, arid an. lrlherfciore,H w necessary tolfub-i m.rfelyinBin(i;our.own reso"urce3|', ve ic Urirnofiy that ),o aifi? te- we; ae^^Um.^l; stiengiili j butj. | A they-itk better f=haiertf anifd*V rif4.fjr| tno mWlilul.ty. ol.the wh^ncWB^A^n.o'thers- for bn^rf-'Bne worA syitti; ase%H icrfey, _lv6nr| like ;fn ;mva5ia whoj- having XheyiobUin ft n^biter 1 noW?eTifa'=t-7r; acteiistoaiAa iii|ni;elf-to ft.qrqlMhVb-jidf : of geographv ipalmoU-hifir thetleiSi' 'it'diffiotflt'-lp ffalH'Jrithftut.ttoir-; |. yt requires others," as!ihe TJ"ewapgpjiiti e::cet;t a ^indeed'Cii^.siwr.8s j$H Paints,:;.: I: I' ; ifuype^iiiie, MaoliiSie^iL '."' ' I '.-' !;,'Coai:l0U,;;L "... 1 l\ ' '".:...-. ALjd6';vi;] -;. j... i^ARijS'GRBEM k. ^ELLfBOK Kor is over; {irilnll -pr ardl^sa bffObst.* JSs, }hm QUtfhti.i tJL_i-UU. 4rfetos if . i^Lrrilr Aleavef no satfefactfori Ee" hind it 1 inhpielwhoreflect-when 11 1' 5 : ^: Di^tion~^f)F%)^.t y-i'^y ijjtice, pi"s [jiffe'^i boiled-^ ______________________ 'trlj&^bpiiedj'wi^ ri.(i['-ii in.ng-"wi6o.|profit8|^l^ef = '--":"!*-'- ,(lv K I ;: r '. I -I'Ven iscm r Steak, ,.bro IfedJ-, i&lmoiy flfcjp'es, soui ' injl-' mell&iv, m k* ^w ti&k&v* ^m^M0^Mi^^i} ... and oner,- ecfd.<fb?"r'; "rjaei[ip*": to their'b[4s]ji8n^s, nndjfbkstib^dtjto "' ~\ffer~ *'-- ---* deh, by|tUe; jwnjugal jfajtpi that they h >iild bo alt ail itifluelricecl by their wi tes, bi pay" any reka -d to!'-tiitir connianii. p-y ' \ I The ni 11 was not :i)eated for*the wc man, I t tne worn ui'for the man. iTet th i ni'-ui shall b fc^he slave of tb s worns a,f ahd the j woman --"the. fy ayt'.of -heimah.. s^T'-i/-'"'.-'IO- ,-.,. -. , soUhat ill thihgB,ja li^'afbresdiil^!,'.';;-llbok pnjtbWljirighi sid thi Subjec Liqn.ol the ajiperior to the] iorjhonp -~Jm '-' - ^' ii is we^ j -entS. tp the;; pulinre fWC^f^ lSef^ ^ eyery virtue..:T--^r ;,> .^ f . [ "f^, .,C|l broiled J <3ry: Jlb'w riany think tb'atyhe$?r '^o3 Li:,^ . iX'*..-. ...,'.l lJ, ie^iij-Usr; intencfi iri (ual, courteous'ho^Sf,--eVohpDSicft1, ' b^an?, roasted pOtatdea;ar^i-'bpHe<l iagrfeah elin* vurlfpersonal habits^, parsnips will! <iig*st.in twpand a haU'Af. and;T^g.r4^lafypbrhealth.: .$ ' -It^uur.... I j ,! " Aberevc^nimanisahapiliy mnn: f "'j^ted H^er, bpijed mulKori, bSrt'J he,(jtthh5t'bd\oihex'wise,' for li't^iS; jW 9PP1!?- fi^P3'*3*3'1 ?nf -ft"tin'.oom, un'lvtrfl.- ilaw'of natiire.'to be ' mad'ot^Vi iJ-ee hburflj^- .yr? haai>y,h>.maltUiKothers so. t'-.-^^^.-HJ{oa8td-*ujton,-lndan--i^nTJre^-4t:-. -. -r^.-. k. .: ...r .,;,, jiiges^ to,':' iibree and ojte'jc/urth: tiotirst- ..'; 'f ; j.yte^ed !pysters,_ray; cbeeRP,jiti-r;d4j- hpilea and;fried, e'ggt j ^heat bread.]--! hoile'd'jdrnipy; will' tligesU.irrthise ;|> tt'bd.-oneiiibuyt^'bpura. -.'. ; p'FrieifV.;b^r,1 Ibciiled :and, 'roasttfrl-;.J fowls, rpast^ducfe joii d j'ibifijed-' cie^i^'} it is l nripRsible': that ianytbing so natural, Bo|-nec Jssaryi nnd bo;univer sal jas-.di !atb;h >dlflr,ever have been ae^grieiI'.'tjy Pipvttledceas an.evil-)lo 'maiiki"Dl.'h-', ' j ',"'. :'!'."' ^-vA^got d took anjl a good wofnnn are|exci llcMt ^ fhing9>fqr thesef who know 'ji ^Jb'oyi "tplo^j*jeciate ' value. .^f^e^-aM!-meh yib'ip: j'uiJ ge. p'l\ b ittrhtrbm^ttrelj Of the iqoverjng, .;' :. ' ,KS-i '. -i ^y~hymm mm t s:y f ..,...... >:. .......... ,..r }lH.n Value. and."i'Jntfuiea^jof !;yit. and-eecire pcmilotti ; is neces :le^apl;llfeUd^bejoyoW.;| jj. ^Tkh4ii..c&n<^^^ .":t' ln,reyingidi;onr.own reiso-orceai Vun(*cj.statl(iingij.; r^i , : ' . pV-.v^^^Ht-S^ ^ th 3 tfieht faith is; thabw^ l^e- nnd b^nte'SB" that the wife"is litple-n \ llnrhlUble.. 1 n . ' v U?t?rje(S ,! 7 fallible' ai d perfectly in- faiible,!' loneyerring soul nnd'up- erring m : dj subverting, falitble as touching ief humannatufeland/in- fuliWe, I t<puching her femHlo eey; Wl(o, ; h ehe be fa'Iiple and! fallible; yet she.is not two putpiie wirnnri, U tip submitted to. lawTul^ marriage o hcquiroiunrawfulvdomin. io h. and > omh-ed reiigiously to obey, tlittsho i iijiht l-u la in folly and in jujgtiber ' j ;,.. y'-';'- ". This ,ip thViconjaaal faith,^whlch you everv believe; faitbtnilf,ihe. glit n< ^ er to be married, A Dp i ;hpestioi dinicuHy|-heavy cuid;. , :: ' Ittipro \m t^e.Clocl; Keej thepialive.tbriys," said ;an o d phyts i ianitb some young doctors; keep - I lem alivo. dead men pay, nSfiillsr' J' '" ' uAlthoi I iliTUOBqultoes are born of. pr^or pat m(s, they have 'in? their v sins so11 e-bfjlhe best blood in'the. cpnntry : j V\ruat i that;Which occurs, once in 11 a r^ijn i ,et jtwlpe rn.a, moment,'and not onct .u a-hindred years V The J.kter'M. ' : "' iel very! t latf ni jpf. niprnina! betp' m-.as ibe begirmihg'-pfi iiT?f-aiicl iia?, "irftVge thim'-farnUiar Willi ___ . , . most impOrtiini placeisiinit-ion^"theiriC p ^ttipj 6f':lire sun as'"[ js -b'lo^e.i " . then let! -eveW .pper of; thtfeeshbrt"pf-thelgloUe, _7:.. '-^j-ti '.-.' j- < -<\. "-ii-'-V- lives lei'ye.itijreciyrtt of sbmjekjndl^ j;: "lljtev areltel.lerj.1 granif^ufrf,ii.s.!;iJ thingdpni&J'orjotHqVs, som6 gbodiy for having^e"cc>me..s> iarrilftir !wirjf. strengtVjgrl' llhbwledgs; gaihe* for pvfe^variisty-in the Pe*sp iger,'fj^ra i)o[g iod tr ill men, -as[ yap; have ogpQEtU^ityJ'| I>nl outjijcfailh&p and tav o'ra .'ny i\Vi an jtins^Rririjishard J'lio );<aiape: iou.-Und^tsltaiid 'vc^i, search obi.: . fryoil qiripot And hap; pihess by . , seijrli-hi ^l ry.' ,ar l ;t)theSt.: >JiJn- j ilake atjlUera; htipjp.v, jyidjet if that'does Ihiit rhiilsV Jon fruly bleSssed: .-. j :m,i. y 'i '! y|e Destrnctldh of . Potato :iBug!=, dattrpillars and other liiaeSts. j' The i iibscrlber W|js to retrirn his t'hahSs to thjB Inhabllunlspj AolonandsnrrQund, tng' c<UD(ry for. t^<&li*tr4Jy!pationa6'e her'alofofa extended to him, and ai the Balme!i.me solicit their, further upport'|B'eirig Jfi't in a room in a hotel with ahbtbe guest, he asked the latter "to nv:" u N.-BJ-Cash Paid i jr fifdes dejive'red. Acton, July 1st 1K?5 1. C, T. HJLL. THE FRBB EBBSS OFFICE . 3 doors irom' the Post Office, SHltSi KetLL^ u tiisfcowel hai* 47 names on its assesenVfent roll- CbiLvTAB as PAtirr. Coal tar is coming into, very general'use oh a paint. Two coats apjjjied to shingles or outbuildings euectually prevent the wpod from decaying. ^ The tar makes a cum on' the surface, which excludes atr and water, dt ls^eapi tal for the bottoms of nosts, and) costal but, a fraction ot the prise -other paini8. ,| ,- i * ot prpfes j:eririBss jppes |wb are'lsafe in i-saylrf Lirq i i rpside' up jiofc of great sacrij fices or. cinties, jout .ot littlpUhingsJ^ --^- - --- iri-'whiat *milif^d.Uindiays S.^S.' ='. ^^sP^^rl; -Tj.^ small ,cbliBTtiw* and/:-,opseryp** arelwhntwipati'l-preserife'thehearlj school^^ teachr>ays. oi rflem.:> fU;' ..v ,,.. . irt-1" i' 1> 1 ' '-' :=:f-,.p- salJ fact, wj^hmrtr ejceptibn^:;.ibMt:.fid^>rtf '# !-S % ~i\i~^. ." Ton j ' said one little boy to ah-', other, "Ic oe^ylour,schoolmaster ever give ypj iftiy rewdrds. of merit?*' , he giv s mis a thrashing regiilat;ly I ejvery d'! , and sajs, llmetit two." --i This i i the way a 'colored prejacheri ; p said t < haye.arrarii;e<l his; h^Rrei's; ; giv mu ; lalsconveni^nce:' ," i)e lore; Art'oK dejl churoh?\wlil: please; Bit) i iowni s c de| hrndjart pbde cbiireh; lianseei e' fore pant-for "cieJ hind; iart'ica] i t s^p de;.l'or|? part ef de fore; iart rp: ^gtst in4Btarn'ih.' hefpre dei rind par ,Mbde utter ^exclusion ,o,b: Ie hind I'ar-tl by de" forei par^.".. : ,f i' i Mir'bu^bahd," said a d,evot-: Id wife! feliy wiil,jK>u.n6t leave.oft imokin : f Ill's such an odious prap , lice, .ai. 1 rriakeB yoht breath sp:ell io 1'* >>." fesj" replied the .husband,1 !'buto; y,consider.tlie timp libai/e" levoteti and "the nipney'l have spent io lean to srijibKo. -If'tisbou'ld l^ave >8 nov' all; ,*hit time, and 'money, would--1 iveTbeWwastied,'don?t;ypu see'?'." y\\ "y:-H'y(f,".i '".\|,; -\:\, I Two j i nodi n'atii^ed Irishmen, On ai certain >ccasipn, occupied thesarae. bed. Pne of ',M?em, enquir* I of [the o.ther, " Denniv;tlidf 3*ou he ; the -Vhunfer last" nightf"-' ".No, lit; but didrft really,"hundt- pr 7'! i Yef,'Mithuhdeired a^ if hlvV in, and sar'tjj'would.come tp^eiher/*' '! fdr yoi know I caii' t.-Blape iwhen-it. ;tbuhd< s. . I . '. - V -' .A:j6' i i is told of a. certain; Dublin VWehelle, that ihlterin'frfmee brdrunkienm-BV'ii jhe authplr pffnin:tenths df-all the liprimp and Bjj|fering Itbat .atthpts' th^i fciumart ^rnlly-.-tr'A.^ipbd ^uKhoritlt {plpcea [this-.c^yin-g evil at tjhe. heaijj feiying hipD^ig statis^ca slsltb. ^hje" .'jaiimb^.ot coii>'niondraokaiiU:ih llife 00^ daay, under. thie inaueW'e^if the ^potsorri- tits jvodjt rifj these}M0U0 dle*ai\nuallk leayip'k famiiies"jeitiiufe, ifPnOt abspluteH; Ifessi ib take cafe of tbemt<elv& ' - "-'- -ilhsofjafi lie-' UK IhWn j -.[fhf fe-lj;* right'.way,. "toi 1 'fevVry thing. .Chitrjsy catichirigJi:ia handl ing is 'hl^py-ib^irious; to- sipep, pijd hard oVil [ibe party ,dbipjfr tlier-work. ;ThVinjjujiy i^^ulttng.-frOjUa irn'prbpi^r h|tidlirig jfs itreatcr. ;on'. et rep heairy chare aqpptlihP ^|y clatsy-that heed to^ be fy\ght. urjiil taggingatid shjearing tiros Ithurjts a sheep tH b caught or i'wd-hyt'!pe >vopl; an^siich" aithingsli^uld.n'rii-prj rTe~dope.*h<fre it-can be,a7bided.|(AJ portibn' qf i,h|i. fiopk.io-', jo capgbt. sheuidhedi-riferi ih-to a,;pi h untdjit lis:"prbttafi:.,w'elt filled,- ttough 'flpt: ___... iCj. r^jvstickler for yerililatidri; rajsert e windowas ihe air.-wiiB plpgp.i " I cau t raise it,1' said tlie guest |af- tprrwo kmg at the window a wUflfe: '"Ther kill'ok'a patje of glass V>ut;'; Baid ll i professor, which ;was pone, after a while the professor >gct'.up and bi ike another pane, then l|o_ was. ahle t >le'ep;^but tn the ni'prhSbghi disoov ted that they had. only brpkeii into a ipokoase. i.f': At i school exam naliorta:>&llerg.vi.- man r aad'a brief address .to-; the put pilfe oi the necessity ot obeyihjj tlieip teachi -s and of- growing ,uj>: loyal, nnd u sful cilnens To emphai>lze bis re iarks tie pointed ;to;a|largp| na'tiot .1 flag spread on one side dl the re inland mqutred . v'4Jpy.g,wBift is ths flag for?" A llttl'p. u.rcb'iA ..,..,,_. .who t iderstood the condition jpf1 thV; ffte.nfferV^-ip h'ens* /^Setter than they speal^i prtef.iiVgy* prora tly replied,-'"To hide thed'r^*|o'uirit tO,e| * -f'-'IfflrM??*" lire ;c<imtoon plnc^ adverti sej^efitj l^i^- ,the fipifihed igid claisl^=3raUp'ihr-pf >;.. Hire sit.ttesm:*, $pey inoijej jeadil+i.|\; ^mLfehehd ^e ?6&Ping,oTithe3%{xr^-:_ & itt 'cinseqireptlyi^^yze^JefP^b^.. Jfriinns \eith Af^*1i*5tcv.",',4-r .-".' 'I "--f,- Birpc'tiohs with_acpuracyf M :\-y p^nnillpssi tbi iakeba^ebf tl aai bfestlthefr tbay, ^Tinp-te] the' p!'rTO^'3bimiit^d>itie ijamie; .... tbbrityilaWatth^ dopr of drqrikifrii- nesB,.n.d]litl cfets $4OO00;00O tp iW-! ppri thes^ p'bpr ohjec'ts.' Ufall thfe children pOrii in-the,Unrt'en ^tatesl,. triere! arplrrom-i 30.0U0 ;1o i-O.DOQ. 'idio'tr,! the eppditlpri:of thri!efburtli|s 'of tthjomi'lnfialr.,'bel nifiihly iattrjfbjifed the^^terrWif^K'misfortupe qVibeink; born"dfct^'uP;fc n parp'its. r Phe sarpp 'abthoittyirfojison tolstate-thafi D)jL-. -Wilhdri Who; has:cp.ai['ge of jthe .Stjvf lasviunSj ^lor; idiots\lnjl; NewyXp: affirm^ that.;|ihe :ratio1 is iuhstiip inp easing,! costing;-an-annual 6il'^2pO-|ejiott'to tak"'care of th rAaking a,tota!pf 6,0p0i0lt0 for i. $KSk\n^:!?qdfE!ii0/ &att1?S;:--; GprMiinistauait.c&hiive.bi^.p.u^n^ ;eol recently (u religippsspaper^jrt'bic.li 4 .-' keemftp.gpjlar tq'pKive th*ti.cpd<v '. . flidence in tile inssiona/j^Ojci^^s pfC; ' [Engbind ha? npt'diminislie'd ^1n7^hev^;; iminits of theirsuppprTeirs, ^a^fBJ-ifiy'l jthe strength of- iheyconvictipps? oty: these-pejions.may hfl ganged;biylhe.';^; lambijint of; mopfy with;, which', they 'f; Are ijrendy;'"-to', bh^lt';their'ippiiibpsJ 0 >' iTlie' tiy>?-^ehief jrn^ipnary'/sfficiiisrtjesj il Isiipjior.tTO.byEhgliEbProt^staiits.rey"';; jcei ift m itjhe. M'ggi-efflriB^ "m^rektJwn^- ihidfta .taiiiffap.' sbBrHr^-'snn.p^l^io^^' lerialjle ttienr'lo ea<ry on thetf ;work,i;") jThe;;ibUo*vihg are jtlie :^^cp]pj^? of ; t thes ^Hv'e spcivties Jrarin'gVtlje' ^^t jy, yb'ar':^. The^ciet)<1fpr the PiiopaJFii*/'-' ',' ,- lignLbf ;ib; Gbsrie^ jSl,S4H>tbt;- y ^ Ghu(-ch iMisslonaryiJpcTdtj ftf^Moi"'^\y J the.^ritlbln Missionary Sot letjy jeitlS,-*;' 40i""-:.1heV,-B'!i'^t'ft> Sikfic-ml ^bpie|y: 4f)j!l2r;-the ,\V>s!eyafr.; MiBFvpiiary ,-i -^ Society,yliii 039; ^otal| #6#SJiJ.i yj yi; It isj iu rVderstppa that ther Sbciety^t- 5^-5 K . - <^^40hBa^T hevfer pei'ore receiiiid sii'c i.-a sb"rjfriin-;r^i| ahyfdmjyear 'lliei -\Vesieyar(;.jyHs<-r-V: %] sionbi'y'--Saji^.as;usu&l,, h^8vtHWr4:M /-- S-i'i' ! ihe^unQ^vicred.i'actioit of lthfl !wb*iti-'l Wepleyati ^odyv^r-^.- ' .'.'--y .'.-'-!^.'l|f|U -, 'jjQbprM^tiB' tbs C'ddsTuxC, ._ ... Map.b" Vhb sibwn|" ThB^'fp'ii^wirtii prcjtty;beatiment("is'frQB v. ibp"-JWVi -it-Sf'g ffofk prriUune^tlir'^we'goTiri^d^^^""rliVfij *oun'try on- a-'hotlday' jr ,iur[e,l-%0|->;l||y m \f - i 1-:^ :* *ff % w 5v;3g L ."> (* ^mf The person cktchingl should'.'p'rorcjfe I ,,q;uie^|y,u.rrian sea, _l^u|.:Fhundre'di frighleiring-ihe sheep. nb;mbre4h^rh^ ' _' _:L,'. ___i.'L^^-i.'J. ; _- 'll _^ ._-.' lib -| ' i ' ' -t i 'I .:'.':!':-- pos*ibre,j,anjd:;'Whpp: near ,___ieiild laspi-iho rland" in'-froni't of ..,-. ^,.,. ihe; breifet. whi^hi-gives .hi'p^' ev|ry' 'W"6- ' !kivata^e" ojveluth'ei arSiu'sjl-. yi fywitii'^sa thei base^pSl'malignin* j;in,rpbBej,an i' hypbcritical ijbig' pio 4ij' ^.efas^;bj;aoni;e..jpcaXl^>raht.Bc4b^l. ^ectn ^|r41riii:p:6hTi^l:halt }respe6td)ie - assoclatidES bWru(clM- jon 'fby ^lue iadiTl<ii!spravityiahd animaji^niiili iiottqioe- overcome m -^.!M i iping.fflo fiisil-thing whicli' ^rikes ~us -;is:Jfl nobniide/%uShi yth? vierji ibpagi im-tb^ha've fpfg-ptten ttei^'wbfsr 4 . Thp^wisft-fiiusbapdt teA-^s^.i^l,^ qotn-ned h'ts-leih afejd/is;, seejjlirifc '*"' the shadows of J' thV->^es-^4J,iS. mehdows the cattl^.haya^band'^r eH "~ "..... -'"'-*" stnt rtheiri"foet -i-itt.-!___. ------v \Yh!at;a.cbntri8itk^the-VtlH.^i*^ moil.ot to#n^ttl Itia isarto.^'eiWhihV;- lw !hourl "; .' U; 'lyif^fc " ' f -,:! y r" y^v^gB ;--Sft-ffl-.- a wagi-jpoihtiiij;; to. 4i bljrjft"i^j wbc^Bawyer^',ilp<f&Qy" PTCr 8awitn^j]^|| tv . Lively boyl 'leaeher, 1 htt'ei'T-KWha .jRrMbifeM',:3M tiitne Boy>^^ iffie. niale ^eid;-;t^refe'; '^ lhale -six;; arid (^^feseet^.^^yy^ is atrlteftu :everibe!eis ttftiatrafee,^ ^fIst%s/^SSSa^-* ^#1^1 Ihat^- hjingitrgvfir isfebt if^J.^ld^ "**""* ^"^-^^^ .<i^a *tt^^ tWilf tetl," t hoV^.whPnJL^'e PceasKiTlal'? \vitfiailHT^fc^^s1i^otcicr^ fc^be fre'qperftly" P'fercfd^y ihS-i^lofvw^ ppiri^qnoiy|op -voy ,.itue maivw.ma^vj!-1?,yv1}'",".-y ihtoi^gh - niisftppreK|mtle d j "prestjigei^^-(bult *^e, bftlipv' lip-f^hiiitioriibis bi^'Shtt le^btiehe^;. "sl|:emake.rI.j" . iht,Tw^bties^| ^Bl<^!# >i.y^Bll/Sitni ieijiiBii^l-* >^fdp'i"auit-;.exact|3 jrwpfi L " -r^"'-'^t,/ y . ,-.^.:.;:..V|ijA-;|/jiys^' y- cpntH,pt:T?it] i;this"iK>Sl^E * "iWft^Kjildjfr: ^rdercbt rep .p t)saiOriab^ia^o.ai|tfi stmp imifros ed'l-'traiu - 0] isf m' " "'" Tta^p-wpft^ ^ ySijii^^fe m liiii'-'"^' i: 5n^^