: i-t a*mn 3; V y rr'brottjfcr,* -^ ia_eart"oW ?. ..' bJpothcf . ,'" |jf t^-mWrow't -: |UF;.y.rion: , If-gifltvl yon * torsive -iiim t jAml.ta - K'<Hir\jxv""cp - 1oi\i5e5- .. . l;V|M fedtuis*-;' ' li'Otor itart. - : -.' k;u&cs. ; at heart. " . ' . .. l/.srtn tilt .- j - I't-od rescuiTU<*nI' :-.jHkiiiv. ,- .. : iirTpeii,J ' rv '!' [;tn-w. . - - j, I i s "vonrvdC .-'.-; "". ' . r |,:jifejvc bici!' "..;' "' j kjHf i* riven..- -^", .. Hjisin' ynsy" - . ! ' - isGSCi von :-> ;' .: ?! |u jtr.nrawsy ? . " c^uStica,' - ?*: V^-j* . '"~\ ^ IRISH BQC- 1 wte appointed*T: Jiiict in Inland Valuepastv illicit -'-' fer> very rife, with t<* exert myself -'-"5 h'rjwssoo,,.; 1 took - ". pcordirigly,- at a !', J ri'ne-t vvary far-." If Tipperary, and linrunicatioTi wkfe .-' cfi c6|5tabularr |-irfc& vo concert* ; oT; detection. not my.inten-; TLeeven,t^ of'a . n-.scte a'-strong 11 wish so.give an |t;saijr* from tire | constabulary, tb ~t :-;ja!had discover-. Ire.-cf ibe; illicit . rosViiti he haVJ. and pre-' , . urreDd*. tp.inake , laises ciint iHgbt, jy uni?1]*1""11! ia*~ rrn Wv^.'^be in -" on: Was'Pertan- |wK.jId".nie>* "-the ,- to vciu?v me to j iBe'ref^r*.:1 e'ti a fr:. t, it :p->ad. ay- - . firmed--"jstiation o .' -r three. |s^aEts,. V \. -;i'-ss dxd -Sgiir-' :, b'ki;s^ res- _: f~. L.iaii t i tfg; a Hi^l -1- . -cf;;.lvse la'rur. t:::aus in ibe rail-.--" J."- . - i' - ' . |;',:r.:.a' tue jonr-- ' -id:j ' LvmeiiSp2g_ |^ ii-.rj 'ditSea'i'Sses/. ci-nnry: bounds :- iiv.'S .obli^d to";.. li-ii* sj*>rt.~ ' . .n. .sereroi dog-; | ~ cre'v iidng-forS iair.j>s 'flaaaiDg^-:- tLfcir Li-aujj, and ^ }n;patiently j/-- ticiiSbyi' country; fc. Tfcigb- and tin-; l^okiiig.'iorse in. ^ icr ipe? '/Did jd j-ou/' I ask- . Jias: isceea,. be -."briskly draw- |e d<idr. - "Jump von to tte bar- - m -nl mm mmoE Ci ly HATS A . THE ACTON FREEj JPRBS^; AUGUST 27, H J----*-u .V '>'* NEW PRINTS, j NEW E HENliERS Another LoV of tha-t famous 50c. Tea juat those $tji\iiy y fcaliul, ringing lit. But it sud U ro ws a sji ice of nd tin. ii nixiso "Cpnierpnsli on," I erieil iiup{(- _.The olanior ;tiejitly;V'i\Ve ihall bti behind altd-. hounds-was ivil ;get!N\"--"" !:. .! L ! -through-tho .still i]u, Never fcu-.n said tire nia'n. ,50^ tlenly .ceased.:,, 1 -.luigvdowu froin ibis porch, and-b3; inteiise I silence ginning to walk' by tihe side of -liijs uioi-oWeg"lar-an : iiOFse don't I"-(knp** \vihi, anil fei-ociou, Vibe, way a' ideal better: than theiiji |. "-liedajl.'i cnu "^'Jbluf^bottlesj"' - , T-iiip his bo^-st^anl ..]. v'-tho"dofe ik brol '-\ye are goiCgV' I asked with _suc- After- the. far prise, for, 4s &ir ^s -I 'kntf.w, t'hik -biu-st, jin iilmci>t \ bad been kept a profounli secret. sinictieded, wilh 'Sure, tia for'Tullybanlmn' bar- soliUt-j- yi-lp, thai .'csney Lyo*ir! bdnor's. boiuul?' wiid and Ifoiiit^r in.-tluc . Murphy, touchmgbjs hat, -Didn'p " $v<\ be pract " t^ipUin Kelly give"me niy instruq- fervently, '" thevfro I-tions? ' .Doii't -I klioW :i "wayVtb'afc. t".' backwurils -i saves'a miio and a half to tbe 'bai^ " ^ hat; trail (' ! <iney<; .aiid ive'Jl:be "tbere Jong b'ej-1 lessly. . ]r ",'foTe- theni.f aTtw all."' So saying be i ".\Vn"y, ioiirs "turned ofl'-sjiddenly up :tn "aveiiiir ] ' '-And why sLjo^ld tit tri*>s, stl^u: >iotk.-.i spjiallinglj'jour ii-uU^" dark &M 'drieAr.;'. i,_ \"]\ --'lis the bei jinge "The"sli4tticut known to 'my frientj[ ;-wind.of, that's di .h Muq>by 'was. it' seeniS,' across tb^ -|-deiu.'iisd of [ ilarrowmcii/ tbe resi- ififvnee bf'brie l^ipram ijiake, the1. j muster oi*:ihjj bojiuids ^uehtiont'd iJy :tlie baptfng>-Rienr-wl^)seJ fortunes^ :;'it-seebis,-ff<re naw under a cloud; -The- road;\y;U a" private pni; aiuj : excitement, and, j tbetel wu^ja strrtim "to btf cVossed ( dealof fear. I twice iby^labk bridges tbtft were iri j "Maybe thy v oul ln't pick a stajt^ ofiiotibtful repair: for which; i bines, if they coiXi]s auafes t*-ison,i'noJtdoubt, the constabulary plied ilHrjflry: bad e'one-.tb'e lonirer roi^d. " .l>ti3 ' '"Quick, Vict "' I "houttd - :2lurphy assured nTe tbat he kne\v Dnre, . biah, d|ne,why don t - every tinjbeif-oftfte structures,; ahdj would guiinihtee| .my s;tfety. . j Oncs'r. ituoii. the firm" "gravelled . road leadiug:to-the Hal!, we bowled-, j 1> his. band "iuprrilyi?iUong.'| V\*e crossed ' thq"i.ten._" Ay, tbe>'\e tt. ulj, and \ct en AJurpln, pulling iiskming mtently, on loose " ,t loud osl.h1 taut .omplet-e btillneas now and then ft sounded fumtii iliit mce ^ .1 ' ci led Muqilij luntmig the I liked breath tbcj follow : fo,x to ?fbem, b id i to the sjiints! i\i. of them- now, i-> ' iii-asiing away fioi j - " But^is theie ly-'P iTasked, stll cjt a tremule confess, a they N e got .ost to sweet as a luek , but, glory] i|e out of the uatibl lon^ is tbi\ an 1 Us inj dangei, ml with good out- yon. diivt'f "NVhishb?" ^au siveiv. leaning b n S '- fs. iirs: b:idge iti-safqry, and pre'sea jsis-ied the tu^titiioh. a, biige^, lingaHi ly b.uiiding, jAvithi k square welliaii iowe^ at.*bnq aug'e.'of it.^ All was iQ fdar^iieas :5iutMV, 'eX"c--;pt^'ufj one waa.iowv.i.i the ui>r>er j-ioii^s.1 - -* i .- :As-we- a_env '.oy. a man canio out, from'] ^be shade uf~"sotu trees, and . looked s.j/riitiuiz!cgly at us..' ': ," Tiiutv's biie oflhein,-' wbispared . iCarnilv " that's o:io of the boys ttiiit wants to get msiae. tne, ijoum; : >>ie the c.'ipCJiu is 'ton-, cute tvi- tbem?' : , j ' . Ic see;nei.l,|iVom what tlf-i- driver told nie-, that..-(Japtain BiakeS affairs were eouijdicaSud; bja the part, of a rival family of B'.fikes,.. who were' n-ying to gaiiv .possession, fit" the ELili.;'anil th.Tot,;fbtween.-oae and at the brook, i ir they're pnzaled ^ CrbinilAVjiLsht " tliat.. h id be ( uee The'scattered cue cv.*iised ; one (oi1 ILijeniEig int-dii lthe nun lmpres >*ek ind holding u-.t while I lis come to a cheek \_beTe w e cro-tsed, nud bit, the biatei. i_[ain m i \oict to -l likelk boc dogs Sui 1 bubs, " bowsonievd, Wj^rtsj-but had como down on Iub own aci to tiucli tbo bottom of 'llio this bhssed night See^ibe thcro beMint, join honoii' enough, they wtio gathered at tt o- inurgin qt the bog, eljuuoring > at the loss of their antioipat any, one who did not know bog <jhoroughl), u dmo liko loud ed j) To the ours w ould ha] o ended in certain distraction., but Muipby tllieidotl hit. QM'I halt gave bo distinguished irom -tered about, Un a low wbistle My with \\oiideifiil instinut all the sou id places, and aftei an houi o intense p( i il uud exeitenientj wi found -oui-sehts ujx,n i\ little kn )11 that rose like an lslrtnd out of th 3 biniwunding bog Hon!, t h beap of turfs, hardly to guide otheis scat stopped, mid A dooi, be- uied light m the : foro unseen, w i' opened suddinlv, ind u man's fa.e app< glcit^ of a shaded rush '"St pi 3 J ind iest' whil S$tep m, jour honor,' sjud "Mur count, to pick up n Kttlo lnforma ti{i that tnjing bailed by ijitr, \\ lioiu ho reeognuod as connected w ith tbo pro\ ontativo Borvico^ ha had at onco assumed'the bharactei of inj guidfc, and had puiposely dtoj>p^d behind tho 'constablos, in oidei to givo warning to some' of hits* fi lends of what was in tho wind that the bormigs wfero bought for tin entei tuiiiment of the men who ' weie working tho still, and that, bj tho lucky aecident of the hounds get ting loose, and fiightenurg uio ou)t of ill) wits he had the opportunity of tftking mo to tbo \cry place we w ero in quest of, of biding the Bbill and tubs jui tho bog, ond-curr^ ing off sundry gallotis of j>otheen u-nder -the \ (r\ fio<o of tho excife, in. a. keg w Inch ho t\chan0ed for tho ope of red herrings which had so nearly inqved om debtructiop iest" wiiiiu we'iq slue the bastes is out.of the v.,q" OlUdly I sought the shelter of the cabin , lfter tbo mU nso eAcito- ment of the last liom, the ro\ ulsion of feihng-w is allnostOverpowering I tb flooi tew m nn elf fiont o: reatnig my heai stool] the only a tieiuit ot tenor in it 'Is, rl,. as, mt'ie j niyhr, tbe luell j .-ef.:a s-uli,tary hen i hand'aivoke-ll etc ' il':l' do: it-M. " or.ivo Ti..;i;; units- ti' 'dbg o:' tlK^va ah ! bis fett, he. urjii'-i ] his head; asil ro i I b'uiiriug cadence liirjk to biiii"' bdl Yoioioo; * of the dog-, b id mi gi-c them wit a uplifted p q net ot the ingiug-tfhallengt. id quite neat at iota lound about. t L I Muiphv bi oil tm * L it ni ^t ti ilinfirj in 1 spiingin . *he whip e<l ou^ in good Lhe tbo hre of cjitheu tuifs, on a three legged :>itco of fmnituie iboul the place . nd tell fast aileep I fmei.d 1 beau of trpapl ing and too thuliktul in sounds about mc stiri nig, but I w as 1 d owsy to heed ui\ tl ing Pn seuth, "Mui pby aroused me i -^ ' ^ Lll s safe now, j our honor, ind I kniw an lllignnt road o\ei the bog th it w ill ttike j oji to y our ft lends in ajiittw DOMINION ^EMPORIUM, ^ & NEW TWEEDS, SHOES, &C, t f I ill > OHBISTIB; HENDpkspyr & Oo. Floor C. SCOTT Takes this opportunity of informing this rounding country, that owing to the satiafajtory turn which business has taken, and at the solicitation of 'a numbe of bis best customers, be has been induced to Still Continue Business in &ctQn. He wdl endeavor in the future as in tl e past lo do btlsiness on -the inhabitants of Acton and sur- Oi and ebilltnged by a the otberj-tie captain bad bis'binds fail., . \' :\ :!: -.. . . ' .,_; AVe were.no-w shertered.from-.tbei i brisk ^outb-west | wind, been .brjjiging occiisiotuil upon its everIsinee we started; and emerging frcyu nay wraps, I began p look about ine, for the moon was >. rising red and tierce over the wooids. '-Then I\ iii-st became sensible of a 'very strong"smell ofifisb, that seeni- enthusiasm bad >f his own Am I saw tbo posi tion in all its horrire nothing less ; >'- M^i-pby^, drowned all sense ger; bat for myself, o\er H al' to Ir to CliaLLnger' that hadj: showers I' than to. be pulled ( own and devour ed- by this ravenng pick, whose ciies -were .\ ery moment borne louder and loudet on the biee?e "Wrth'a.perfect ti.Lsh of \oice, the j bounds ackno] vied 'td the scent, but J they were now pou ing along ilmost .ed toaccompiihy ns^ " It's tb&salt I silent, iive/Joi .^oar Tionor'sineLls," r.epli>l Murphy4-pgr.' In a-ffef answer to 'tiiy complaint, .^""ft's very;tiiihy salt, then,' joined. u ">ec isjon tl w him _ uioiueiits they would be upon us. Drive, on, mm I shouted |rfrantically to Mii[phy , get us to > * along the dark '-: le dii-Mnce^ and;;- )igbt of acbmenfc.of cbn-i lark; soldier-like! iip. prepared: ^{iicer in charge low whispered * the' plan: of. ac-11 It tbfe dHrer of-' .X-ba^l ascer* -seemed ipjis-; . Ih"be sininiated tigue, kuddled_" !_soine old sack-: Jl'bim, and his bi3-&ee.; .' -f ' te" constabulary, hhi all the way* " furpby. " ?: ^ honor," he .re- . voice, r-'- "* ... \. off at a swing-- - ^ -fcd at tbe_.sfin3e" ">,asH dark, as I ^<5oh wotild riso__ The "road rwas rl betw-feii.stoDe we kept with er "our guides, J of.going afcW;}". *; Icned siletk and. no twinklingr' no idKide inns; all fvexe".' wanting; as .eppearancefe , l^siitie ^brougb..' li-aste. ' ptabed'OJt yig-'. uugb V jBurpby f -1 S se;ofitLe w:bip,_ J '^~-M the ieavaicadei |j_ iToadr sbiit- them '\- iiv ^Aij-Ve. si--; tbe"borse ifell. ieitber ^breata y iVilifcetow.e^^ I tbejisliafts tban^;r_. IsAB.Iiiin ^td' in2r If' ' if ' lv' 0 ' Vf i m :" "WelJ, there might bo a trie of herrings among ity" Murphy ad- ~ initted;' and Ion- further arguing' it. ; seemed-that be badi taken up a box . .of red herrings at tfcetiUitioa'r which. was destined for on Widow ]\Iiic- re in the . barony for wiiicb we were bound. -: ". I ,knew yvyur honor would not i-taind, being a poor widow,-iind the smell'fine and wholesome i Whisht, what's that']"'. be criect - ' "> Frotii; the wood close by1 arose a. '{ long protractedihowl .that sounded mournful and uncaunie in the stUlf '.' ness of the night. '- It was a bowl t. of weariness and pVtin, t'hat' had t n something about it; too, appealing ! " T and monitoryi 1 Sure 'tis' old Challenger, epeak- jn^ t,o/us" from'thekennels;" said Murphy, driving on again briskly. > We had'gone ialf a mijp, and liad just clea>edtbe second bi-idge, when a clock, pribably at the stables of Mowowincb^jch^ined out the hour j --seven. Instantly,'from the Woods - behind ns, arose a tremendous cborr ub of baymg-an'd barking, so sudden and unexpected, that the noise quite < unnerved ine. There was a savage- \ ness and fierceness about the criei .., qaite appalling.^, f" ' ' T '< j** "Poor bastes,'" said Murphy. filming round to- speak , to ' me;: . -"^tisfeedingi time, and this is the ' fifth night they're; gone with'opt 1 ;4heir. suppera" if. j . .'"Nonsense !" j-ened; you don't; , 5 -mean to say t^iey are jiot fed J" . | .}.-' : "Diyil a.' rnqrsel eincfe: Monday. night, barrin'. a pair of old brogues '., some kind soul threw over thfeken- .'. el -wall.: The, captaih oan'iTget out to feed: the bastes, 'andls;inimies -' ". . :V' ,-/ "" "Why,! they must tb6 almost i wild witb btisgerS" j said, shad- . .1 f\': 1 "-'WUd's^bta'word!"said'Mur- . :Vht> ^theV^e'right down ranting, .; j raving rxuuf-Md it! | Mark-fco the >.-l>agtes-r" M -} . ' . some bouse, soini shelter Go1' My "voice rose to : huskv scream I was like a mm overpowered bv soutel deadly nightmare ':Faith, it's vt.rj- little use, re plied Muipby, cah ilj stiaightening tbeAtump of his vlup ' Theie's jugh foi us, it s w elci A. ' Wl Mr tie v on tlOOD)- co more w tftei a she at have wo authoriUitive -veice 'j* ipervisor and-lnscir bet n w n tn \ou U b_t took to the cm, it diiW. v\e welo police| vedette ue leasoiir ng soiled ' I imp w is fkilied in our ficcs got here 1' said an I a Oh, only Why, h ilf <ln hour foi ei tikn[o ir of the in hoi^ia, sii, ai kle ti iek a bid one Come, btairi oil, Pit, with | v out en, ind wait loi the .1 genta m m by the cross ri ids ' i d!id not enter into mv ex plant t on oi the cutse of m> deliy, but took my seat on hotisebjck, and followed the column of police again some iv ly into the heirt of the bog As we diew up opposite a little turf hut, I recoguwd, with a start, the sLeb-en that I had jiibt before qutted In a few moments, the police bad penetratf d into a small subterraneous chamber adjoining the ca sen leiy di0ust mculj smelt there a still bin, that an nifornici h id de I to thlm as, the ilicit distil lo o ir dis ^ppointmerjt and nothing was found *&rtf"to ite the uunites l Tlja glace stiongly of potheen, and - v ere certain indications that lad lately been worked fclleie, but ndthmg to secure conviction " Hkllo ' what s thisj" cried a consta de, kicking aside a heap ol turfs, md and neveahng a %mall. keg iWitbopt more ado, the head w is kocked in, knd, behold, the contends w ere only red herrings ' When wer returned, baffled and discomfited, to the crobb roads, where the cat was oidei td to be in oh, you mii3t t- ive- ne ' Detr Mur- ' vvaitmt;, nothing was to be seen of pby, I'll do anytl ing foi you, if ,-fian oi"cai,and my progitss home yo/i'llget me out (f ibis ' I wards was very uncomfortably en "Let nia:s<e,' iiurphy mattered juruupe behind a constable own trie house rieai en] e' will of Prov ide nee " Save "me ! I c -led " sav e me' to himself j'r"av, ttcv 11 chick for a ! Weli I had my own suspicions n_inute'-at'b broo> ignin Look as to tile cause of oui fitlure, but I heie; your; hvnoi, hp fed aloud, didnot|siy anything there's |j test one cl ance foi us Tho bog lies within a q. tarter of a mile of us, and: once n side that, we'll baffle the bastes ,\ but I'll not in sure .yon .'fi-om d; owping m the bog:'" ,"" Go ob,' Mur >hy," I cned, " anything ,'is bi ttci than the hounds." ;_ ___ f At the -word, h 3 lashed up"hiB horee, and-started )ff at full speed "Bedad,,we'll give them a^ run for it, anyhow," he cried, and away iwo i went/the criei of the hounds jrMice more echoing 1 ondly behind us JAs Murphy had i nticipated, they tame to a check at the bridgo, and he*delay was vital toie inclosed boiviitry was now left' behind us, kn^ w| .emerged rjr on a wide deso Iate=. waste, -bound id only by the borizonv The moot had now fully {risen, and shone {liastly over the ne, revealing a h ige daik morass, eep chasms wheie tlie winter's urf had been cut, >lack oozy pools nd- quaking, quagn ;nea a honible^ laco-to traverse af mgbt I shud- ered aff'our-car le:'tthe rough load that-bordered the :noiass, and ran iiselessly ". ovei the shaking, .pjelcliing tuif ' ^There's no scent will lie there," aaid '; Murphy, she a ing bis teeth about them, for I dild'nt feel sure that I should gain thera any applause byj revealing But a few days aftQi,jfl with an nnxioin wheels sank into a mentioi ied the fact of the starving hounds having hunted mo, to some gentlemen who were stayjing at my hotel HAnd, it turned out tbat one of these, gentlemen was tho very one whD had been in ihpt-water He talked quite freely ^bout the matter, for it seemed he had staved. oil the ekil day, and wai piepated to huntltbe county once more But/ he laughed at me when I talked oi. the dangeis I ian, ancLaSsuied me that the' affair had been -vastly ex aggerated, and though the hounds had broken loose ope night, and hariied i few pigs and sheep, yet there wl a no dinger to human be ings , a : act I beg very much to doubt Just liefoio I left tbo county, be ing transferred to another station, I met Murphy soon afterr lie pre tended nbt to know me, but after a- Hbw to Select a Gardener- One ot Boston's best known uinr chants, noted for his shrewdness and bcnetrution, had a tesjt case, [recently^ and cime off victor* ions As it is an illustratioui of this ' millioimn o's penetration m greit business affairs, wo givo tke story -here J It appears the merchant wanted inothei girdtnei ujion his country e-.tnte, near Boston, and an individ ml presented himself foi that ofbee^ " Understand tho business V " " Yes , been in it for years " Whom hid bo lived wjth last I The applicant mentioned a gentle man the inei chant was. well ac quaintv-d with stated, tbat hs deft fornofiult, but tht\{ his'foimfer emplo n wo-i-gQiHg, ttKpuro[ e,, aid sold his estate xmil no further use' foi him ^ " Wh rt iges do yon expect1?' " Lighieefi dollars a nioiitli 't- Thra , .ii astonisbivVg v low for> such i promising looking," sober man , and the Fibre1* H Vusniess man n bbw{ his el)in fioughtfully and. inflected that it was i o irg-itn lot- But w i<;n't,<in,re soi^etbirjg wrong iFiout it? H(s habitual business cintion, c*cn in this-cpuipanituely tutlmg uegotia^pn^ did not forsake In iif * " C dl to mprrow at this time,, and I will have 'bdqn Mr-^% your foimei empjpye^f- tmd give you. an answer" Tkegaule-nei turned and began to walk slowly away As fief did so he display ti twd patches on ,the seit of bis pantaloons teneafh te hnoof his lOund lbOut jacket ^ , " ILillo ' heiel Come back here " called ihe mci'cLant " You needn't apply to lnoirovv I Bee I shan't wmit jou ' " ,* . ', The a-stoiusked apphcanlr'ptam- ineresl put something^ ab'out Jif knowledge of gardening a|l good cb tlfij r bato?as cut >tff^r(gj by tL V i^Hlfl^^i^rv.^.on " Uoii'T^v'ant yoii, sir ' Tho I patches on your brefccliles are on the | \v long side ^ A girdcner s breeches ought to be patched on tlje knees, not on the seat You Won't do foe me ' ^ Thp MobUoi s The St' Albans Daily Adiertieu calls Mormanjjsiti "the twin baibinsm,'""which, for something like fpity years, has ex isted, vtith but httle'mujestation, in one of the fan est and most heahby portions of tho United States With his assumed attributes of pro phet, priest and, be might add king, Bughtun Young has i tiled, without the atd of responsible Gov crnmout, the baints of Utab/bis subjects or dupos, numbenug at thD present t,me, sOmevvheio about two hun died thousand Although assum uik the" title of representative On earth of God's will, thjs psuedp- "vioeg^reiit* Heaven is charged 4-itli many orunce, a tithe of which, ifproveu against hun, would lead, rnUilmost'aaiy other civilized conr ciiwjty, ^to'his prcrm.pt deposition" ,aiid incafceifttian, if not execution. T*hfc Adao) hw accuses Inm of "bfoing directly apd indirectly, piinclpnloij accqmphce<iu upwards of, fout bun dled cold blooded murders^ aa rta inearth of enforeihg Bil^nce or remov ing obnoxious' iudi^Ldhal8s In a, word ^e are told fbat ire Has tilackened bis soul with tjbe l^&ord of inoi ft foul crimsa -atfd. tne-fitaiii ofj more jprioc^nt bldod, in all jircTb)*- otber maA. *who STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE PRINCIPLE, and horiest way for loasb, he wdl be Believing that to have ono ptioe fbr goods i , the only f in- buying for cash and selling fo) of {loiog busmess^besides enabled to 'Sell at Least'V10 Per.'Cent Cheaper Than if He did business on the long win 1 i All partes visiting Acton are respectfully invited to the goods tnd pNc^i'b.efofe purchasing ebjewbere credit system call and mspeot I Aeton, Anarisfs^ 18fp <! Uf23, M. SCOTT; EAST on Y GOODS STdto Uio iiaOars^nod be Uavctn'oail Uio AttoiUloujAf tho Inhphltunts ot Acton and \i- olnlty to-tho v, <?tl ubsorul i?lqeiz. Dl c Stapl aaid P^nby pr$ G-oods. Our Prints Dress. toos mult Bress Tj"nmjngs :n.d ^ CLOTHING Are fell of be-st mat rl i!s abil t UR "STOCK OF TWOBg} IS 1ARQER < THAN CpmgrtBtbg full ltnisof ' jScotcli, JSngliab.;* .aiad Canadian And, being rractlc^l Wtrfkruer/, rae^sUBn>d in aSsarlrjg 6nr enhfomerjf that for ' ebenliiresji, meauiosa and durability oar v ork cauuot be surpij^Ee)J DICKSON' & ,M6JTAB. wcit pattexli"! EVEtll \otoo, July ist, 187^ AT j Oil Clotb. jrysT JEIECEIVED CBEAN'S HAEDWASE STOKE, Scotch Floo:- Oil Cloth, ' , Horse Pokes; , Paris'Green (Warranted Pure) ,-v . Croquet Sets, , j r- * "* Refrigerators^ ^ ' ] i Bubber Door Mat3,. * i i Lawn Mowers, { h LawniBcytheis. 1 Garden T|OoIs, Wire Goods of all kinds. ' ,- AETEUBr McBBAN, Hardware ^erehttnt V- Alma Blo^k, Gnelph, Aug A 13, 1875 17BEE POST OFFICE ' ,aoto Steam CarriageiWagon Works . si"?: se:T. ^IQH"AeL7sJp^\|3H'T, General BlaeUMnitn^Carr^agea^ Wagtyil Jta^e*** Best Horse-Shoers i:a:Itiie. County perfect BatisfacrtUH^uaraotpeicl; nlojinc^ charged, j- * - . I ' l\\ T tJollSLfd's P^tfent Ir6n;-Harrows ,Ao^on, July 1, Wfr iieei^ THE VILLAGE Of MiTQM >!BlJr0lJarpd'to*iitiUi',J>6nttffyt9. ' e^taijl q}ilb(r aW.Jdnt|lj[_n^ AQTOISr i i I - j Is the Place to SECURE VALVE for yomi Money tte I CHOICE TEAS, GnOCEFJES - Provisions, Crbokery, Glassware, Stationery, School Books, Wall Papers, Fancy Goods > Window Blinds and Rollers,! Fixtures, etc r I embrace this opportunity of tendering thanks to my numefreu* ikends for the Jioeral patronage bestowed By themi for the last tw mty years , and as the expeuence of that tune has had its lessons, and has enabled me to profit thereby, so tbat I am now acquainted with the best markets 4o purchase in, *ud also the cheapest, emy customers aay 1 cely upoH gettmg tlie! benefit q said eKpenence In former j e^r it has been a matter impossible^ do bnsiness on a strictly -cash b taia. But our country having prosjiered to a,n unprecedented degree wi thin, the last few years, 1 think oui people are now in a position to- ' / Abandon a System so Pernioious, That it has to creatp margins 'for bad and donbtfHl4lebt8, whicl pho caafi customer has no right to bear and whjich hitn&rto be! has hat to do^ I am defermified, therefore, son and after the FIE^ DAYpOS1 SEPTE jIBER NEXT to do business for " , CASH OR, TRADE ONliY And by adopting'this System I will be enabled to Always on banoj, i RfcPAIRlNtt proHiJitJy and Tpt<'Be*|y, attttrided to* while he acknowledged that ho was* the man who drove .me1 He waft bility/'t'nan apy , walk> tOil ^art^"- Jf ,thS AcMdtier t doses not blacken BajgQa*piXou-pg'& 4 ^^ -record more* tjrran the" irajh (WiR^ JrAitVlfcye mites *.^.?',t5S*iyi smile, as our watery palp Up WAjrjant, he 'giust biBjiapart frorn his * rpoIyigaTfioupA;nmet *-dirirnan mop.- Ipter whpse "biaSng at'targe' liefleats veiy sbylat brst, but finding that Jfpfcer whpse biaing at'large bbhoim , , ^- v-^t-R, was leaving the county, nnd meant. fleverejy upon.' the> GovemnJ^C wd , Aeijsn, Jy ^i, ww no barm by him, be suffeiedbimjelf f p^ft of^ itfed-fUt*, as oO* j tf pKWTIftfi oY dH fein,d8 "tl Jlifttly itir promptly x9cue aciveid of k^And-oldci. i to be tiWted with some- whisky whioh ^cscntly unlqcked _ hfc tongue, The truth of |tbe m4tt^ ' ^rfmft no Quests ihlo year bouI was, thai ho was not the carmjin tht tbe^faitfififti watehdp^ m yoar oideied f cj meet mo at Uie station^ ajosbm barka^at ' * ' - bo ot^wa^rtwonj^ga. h] t V I t- I II. x i CAN ABA CLOVE WOfiKS STOKE 1 & Co., SSES^,3r^l^irf*W*tot" b vino :*Pm ffaH) I ", "- ^<Mt. &o rastiOaieo, k|l| SljcVet- , REDUCE PRICES FROM SIX to EIGHT PEB CENT Until the ubove time arrwes, customers paying Cash -will receivs rtlwf above discount Customers will no doubt see the advantage of ado; iting tho Cash Syatem.Iwhich indeed is the ONLY EIGHT SYSTEM] *md' which secures advantages to all not'to be lost Bight of i *________ Cast for all Kinds of Produce '[ * i i ^ f Conveyancer, Issucr^of Karrlngre Licenses, Insnrane_A| *nt,' Ajtent Money to Xearj, Agent Sfdatreal Tek Con (eric Fourth Din Court, Com', in <. B &b. ' ~ i \ f ' f--\l Aoton, Jt^ly Jstf 1S75. JAMBS MlTfPHBWa t > / ^ -) (mints' A"KPt CAtiHItETS*^ u "tod ^ataferp'; Tftliflit VlliiKb?Vticd,yul3 fo? jilly 1st, i?rf 1 \l ^EZ&l^} 1^1^3333 -> >- i VJ PRINTING and PUBLISHING i v Over the PostOffici, Mill JStofe Oiders for all kihds of Job Printrngj 1 Ii rotnt^lv attended tcJ' I -T