Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1875, p. 4

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*&mmt '. 'Ji^t-t>?4-;TfH* sna^r-T iSWft**^ feWSgiJU!)^ wm 1 f'-r*--.- U'-"' "f w TEtB M5T0N TS'hilc thanking Jlheir numerous customers for their very liberal patronage (during the past cjjl the. Irirgcst, CENERAL DRY - FREEPRESSi ^V * ' GOODS, MILLINERY, ^iAOTLES, ^ w'iiv niivmm house, and at nrices below anvthiiiir ever known iiii the history o4heDty Goods trade ever Unported into this countjy by any one house, anil, at prices Ijelow anything ever known iiiviiotlie fullest inspection if their goods and prices, ffheir stbckpf BO0TS AND SHC on^red befbi'e- in this or adioihing counties. This advantage, over ptlieT dealers is pbt iVe^ durability and cheapnek In fact to get it neat and stylish suit; at a reasonable ]mce it is necessary.to call at the Glasgow^House, lull Jine* rf GKOCEHlEfe, TEAS, &c.,iilways on J hek->, durability and cUcnpne.is at;50c peir pound, worth 80c In fact to get a neat and stylish suit at a rjeasonable nrice decidedly'the best Value ever oHerejtl. V... %.V; AGTCN Tin-: - A.-_ FREE PlfESS ECORD BROS., .a:oto:ny . GiRJEAT TEH ttOUSEJ J TKnJt<.-T-Ono dollar n y"r, sirie'ly \m -nJ'Tttiuv. 3 fi&il said tH-tare tlit? e months Vide :inlltirniM * Hall wilt bf olisiivd; <>r two dollars If mil pa d till the cu.ionthr j wit. N<> rf>ro# *Ul be sen* to art}-|>er- ' .. rKATKS "R-An\'KTI!tIN<3. Eight P*IU8 l*r lino forlnfrt InavrUoii, and ..wo cent*- " j-fr'inp tir fa*h .ubsf-qnenl'lAMrllon; Short'adv/nlsoihem* of elvlit Ihn-s- ami iu'.iior,-sl'Mr ttyive-'Insertion*. Ru^Ines* I'-ar-ls or eijrol- liue*-uuid 'uiiiier,- $-1 per "",l"*!iKW"dj'^o'r*ab**ioniidvcrt<it- displayed Ijojview. Thiii Aii\V:rnt?m"**^^^^ *.* clt is the latgest'and choicest we havo ever imported, aud! in it will bi :nns -Jg'riiil Uil furhid,-and cbprj-ed " ' -.HT-tT.ljSl'-'l.V. . . .AriyS'KSval Vntl^p, fbe'object of trhlch ; iiup oini.io the ifex'tirilnnrtCHciLi ofitny I ixlj\i.i{i:ii tiri-o m-iny, tobe cohsluered - iifi luiverrtSs'Tnenl. ~. ' ' :"-Tm:ivicnlui!\vTiseienI-c to bo.p.ild;for *v.no* or lt-r<M. AH uuvertulng iii-comits re;-;'.erl <;'.i rt^rly. ' ""... Notice's el W.:iSriiiges, ilirlh&and Deaths * imertevl ireo fo rod in addition to our largo stock of stable goods, every luxury and doli ea :y to be fouud *n any. first-class city establishment, such as F^esh Oysters, Cojfo Oysters, Clams, -:""-;'." Hf i t^i f/T *".'; ,' : "-: -^ -4.tr- (r _ V . 3-i.".. * -. V '<~.-:.'"J~ "- ^H*-i R^-tJ - m - i "'^ :; k * -' f.J|t-': fef'f. - k - J.-^ K%-i -"'" K^^"' :Cin /i: fea^' ..1 ~." .-^; -' -. . jV ',- ..' : -: :iL .e < . - - i : - . K--v.-:" M:^ ^ H?";'; '.' 1 ii A-: :, - : &n.:V"- ' ;" "* "hV- p-^> "-i-i. iL. H-;'" ^r p-^ ,L-M^^' ~.y *M-- ' '-.-arc if-s - '-.-"-." "i:"->r*S"-tl--i'-: --- .? s^.4,.--i.- FAMILY MATTEIja 3 To ciire a ringworm, juut it with iodine a few times, and it will en- tirely destroy every vestigo of;it. . As so.m a boil .becomes hard and - in flamed; .paint it with ibdiije. The joi-,ouA will not be_ aMtttrekl, but "'.wilt ,bei absorbed by it to explode when primming is neglected. . The t\ick^Jieiug charred-low, down in the tube., the ilakie obtains access to- _ the .oil below, . .'-'.. Tti destroy ante, wrap W^ piece of igtim. cainj>hor in a cloth or pafper td ikeep it frdjaidlasoh-ing, and plftce- /.it in; ur about.ypur cdpboard"or siigar,"and it wilFdrire a/Bray- those - To 'i*mpVB stains on spoons caused ny" "asing th^m Tor boiled ' ficgs, i&/i little common 6alt, . iiibistened, between the thumb and - linger, and briskly rub "the stain, >irich witysobn diaappeajv '- rPutting'eream. on qniona instead ;of butter1- ^or even a little" milk., if i we- has noicreani removes.mnch : -if the strong fhivdr, and renders . ^heui Jtaa-j.liabje 1q affeot weak Stomachs unpleasantly. : ' vRyd ahiTIndhtn Drop Cakea. -! - One pfni of Indian meal, oneihalf jriat dtrVe taeal, two eggs, two. hj-oonfals of toola-sses, a litte salt; Work ii with-coldi milk ^9 M- *< ;' drop from a. spoon,' into hoiij fat-; be -bure to h*ve> a .sm|oJ>th batter. . ' Potato Croijn.e'lites.-^ Boil' quar tered- potatoes, pour, -off jtheV&ter, uud steam them fire minuses ; add butter and milk, and salt jui taste j wash t&em thrdngh a colander; Wake tfae'm.up in small even . rolls, aufl fry them in hot lard. ,' " -. Lamb Take a half a shoulder" of lamb,' then pni in- pota toes', onions, turnips cut in quar ters, two teas poo nsfull of salt-and J?i?p!sr ***' t^je tasted Ten- minutes beSjie serving .put in the, dump lings. ! '. .. '"/ ' i ; How to keep'Wopms out of Dried ^"ruit.: When it' is stored, afterj dryiagf put between every, half bushel of "it a; handfnl bf bark-"of aassiifras, and-?trew a liberal sup* .ply-on top.; . We will insure that the worms will not trouble it. Meat should be cooked iy > quick . fire, aa the rapid closing, of the outer jiprts retains all the juices within, and these becoming heated; creaUT -a: natural? process of steaming in. - its *iwn gravy, . V " '." 2sever "use anything bat light blankets as a. covering for the sick. The heavy Mnprevious cotton-coun- terifcine ittbad, for the reason that it, keeps?-in the exhalations from the " "^>ores of the sickspersbh,; while toe blankets1-; allow then) " to pass . through. iWeak persons are iuvari- , "ably distressed by a great weight of _ bed fclolheSj-which often ! prevents their ^getting any sound sleep what* ever,. .'--.. ]'; -, - ..- Foe damp closets arid cdpbpards which generate mildew, a trayful " of quick limb will be found to ab-_ --k'jrb the moisture and '. render the - air pure, buir.-of course- it is neces^ wiry to renew the limo from .time :-o time as it;becomes fully slackecL i'iie last, remedy wijl be found use- ful*in- saf^s and strong rooms, the ilamp of ^hic"6 acta frequently most iujuriously^bn the valuable deeds and documents which they contain. Substitute for a Gorkscrew.--i.A Htibjititute; for>a cork8crew 4nayi?be Laada thtuWSttck two forks Wrti-r cilly into the cork, on opposite idi,iiot:toa[ hoar the edge. ;Rin iiie blade' of a knife . through; the i-i-y^aiidj-givela twist,.... Another way to uneork-a bottle ifi <p fill the : JAollow-'at the bbttism of the rijottle /*itUa hitndkEciwef or towtel; -gr_asp 'the neck w.ith'one hand, ajid j^rike Siiuuly and steadUy with the other ^>on"jtJi4l--ndkerchief.i' Y'*^ ",;- U ' '__ '- ' . - Rum-iibops loveloaferf whomiy lve * little money, and iiduce . jiteir to- become loafers more than dfti^ ttBer institution, "; 7 U Canned Salmon,- Sardines, '. . Ocean Trout, Lobsters, Finnan Iladdies Shell Lobsters. Fresh Oysters always is. Stock. Lpm'oa Jelly, Pear Jelly, a- (irapo Jelly! -Black Currant Jelly, erab Apple Jelly; jted Currant Jelly, Strawberry Jolly, i'ioe Apple Jelly Raspbeiry Jelly ^WMte Fish, Cod, Salmon Trout* Herrings, Peach Preserre, lied Currant do Rack Currant do Blue Pliim IVeserte, Lombard do do V Golden Drop do do Raspberry Preserre, Pear { do Cherry i do Qur Stock of Teas is Largo, Fresh, Choice . aadvGhea^;- .- .j ' (fanned Cherries,' " - Qooseiberriea, - < Strawberries, Confectionery, Biscuits, Raisinfl, Currants, &c Canned Black Currants, Canned Tomatoes, ' Green Beans, "; Green Corn, ff Corn. lined season, beg to intimate that tlu3y afe again cheapest, aiul most cjhoice stocks of SH0[BS in Men's, Women's 1 y their purchasing il qpBeb, Cocoa, ;..:. ' Chocolate, Spices, Pickles, FUror*, : Castor and Olive Oils. Mustard, i- Soap, STO CK . O. 1(5, 1875. and; Children I'sjweair; for fullt equiped far the Fall and "Winter campaign, lidving ' ' ' b: l:'[p'.:V'|-- -?. ' '-^: DRAWERS, HATS, OAP8, SHIRTS, b ect is to,pui ircct'ifronri the rnaiiufnctU'ers, instead COMPLETE Tb every Department at tho FASHIONABLE WEST Btros B<g to InUmaK that hlii Htlocfe In now oomplf to Ih ovorylrttpnijtrannt, nnd^deslrei to lDform the lintlis-'or Ciilr1'- "" *-------............ KuRhloimtiio UihxIh Ik ttio II altcnlKui iBlnvltoi to our dh iiud mirronni'tlnK country tilint 111 dl"pl"'y <>f Now nd i cbttio Uim over i>ubiiiltU;d lur j-ub lo apjiroval. Bpoolat X Shawl and Millinery Furs, Fa)icy Wo -A. JML, Silk and Dress Departme ht. I' Mantle Department. Department. olen Goods, Hosiery, Blankets;, Flannels, Tweed* All of which .; Fashionable Oualpb. Oct. IS. 1875. NE By Keeping Good Goods, and Selling Cheap, >' 'ffTs: Benefit Qui Customers. .'HARDWARE. In Hardwire we have every article necessary to complete tlie building or fbrnishiug of any House or Bom. alo every implement neceuary about a JE arm; or liarden, such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, Spades, Shovels, Forkc, ijces, Saws, Carpenters' Tools, Bolts, Chains, Ropes, Blasting Powder, fiuse,|.'Uun^\~~Pistolat'rBeyolv'le.rs. Ammunition, Cartridges,^ 3rass Kettles, I namel Pojtsi &c.' ' Our Customers *We Ourselves/ Benefit TJable Cuttlery,,. Pocket Cuttlery,' Mirrors, Spoons^,1 Razors, *- Canes,. Our Stock of Hard-ware is Large, Well Se lected and Cheap, We hold a large stock of all kinds of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, Jipans, Brushev'Pencils, Grainicg Combs, Points, Gold Leaf Bronze, Sinalts, Ac. ;: S- ' ;_- - .._ ' Cruits, Scissors, r Brushes. CROCICERYi CHINA, ETC, In tbis'branch we have a very fine stock of beautiful goods, comprising e\ ery thing in4he line, including glassware Of all descriptions. "W"e aim at pleasing our Customers, and keep ing what they "want.. White- Granite Tea Sets, ! i .:."'.'. Cups and Saucers, m Plates, "; ?; Pitchers, \: '" Toilette Setsji -, Jugs and Pitchers, i Vases, "; China Tea Sets, (10 kinds) . << Vases, . .. Pitchers, . Tuster Jugs, "., Fancy Jugs and Pitchers, Common; Dishes of all kinds, Sick Bed Cups arid Pans.' agnificent Deep Blue and Bronze Toilet Sets. Lai ops of all kinds, Gli lbs Preserve Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Dishes, -r.-%=.--.-'. Glass Table Sets, fi Tumblers, "..-. Goblets,. '! Celery G EA WINGEY&, aro prepared to cut ot tUo very lo\ 'cut prlcofc. | A. O. BUCHAM, West Bud Dress, Mllllnory and Msailo EflubUnhment. Kid Gloves, &c, FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT DICKS01T & McN AB'S. Do not fail, to visit the iST END o. quantityvi qiiality and . ^rice cOnibined, far exceeds anything er : \>f GaOCEUlES, TEAS, ;&c.,:aiways on 41 GHBISTIE,; Hi^TDBilSON Mill street, ACTON, HI DEALER IN General Groceries, d Shoes; aper, ; Windo-w Blinds, air * Soil 11ft J.nd examine those piles of Hanging fioin 10 cents upwards, Also those CCTTOXS, all best Cani|diau makes, ranging from 8 cents upwards, FLANNELS, from 25 cents upwards And other SCapte and jFaricy l>ry Goods proportion , ^.CKSQN & ^tcNAB. Acton, Sept. 23, 1875. Call at J. W". Mawa's' CENTRAL El 3D IE, MILL STREET, AC TO! ^. in ANDRE EAD HIS FALL Sl'OCK OF Gh O O Is much larger arid better than ever. A splendid stock very low prices. In Groceries i, Crockery and G-iass^yare Will be found a complete assortment of the best Quality.; MSi! GREAT BARGAI Glass Nappies, Pickle BotUes, Pitchers, '* ' Syrup Pitchers, . .Ue doa't glye "discounts, for we don't believe?in tfiem. We prefer sell ing cheap and at net prices, so that ouf ietutomers know exactly what thf are doiog. Our Tea* are twenty-n^a per cent, and other goods fi(" tee a percent lower than they can be bo^^te^.w*-e*:^tod every person sav m money by dealing at !.. . , Acton, Sept 29,187 i. DY-MADE CLOTHING ._ ?.. s to select from, at Are offered for cash or produce. The subscriber begs to return his sincere thanke to tl le inhabitants of Acton and surroundini; country, for their liberal pati onag i, and trusts that infuture /they will con inue the same liberal appreciation. .. As' a large portion of his business is ready-pay, he can ofl^otjl to. , '-fibilLii CHEAPUB Than those wno give 1 >ng credit and, have great many bid Idebts. J. m*NN. CarriageiWagon Works MAin STREET, ACTON. FI^RS ^LLAEjEyS A KfcPAIRlNG "'Acton, July 1,1875 MICHAEL SPE General Blacksmith, Carriage ahd Woson] Best HorseJShoeirs in thfe aker* otlnty Perfect.satisfaction guaranteed or no price ohai gecl. PLOWS AND M-'-: [RA.TJS^T IEON ja^|aiaws ".,. Always -ton band Good Sto^k of Carriages and "Wagons. promptly and prdperly ntteaded to. , i-i Macljne Oil, j Cofl Oil, ; j Silt, e^o.: i The subscriber bei i toteturnblsibohki to the lnhabltanl60 lag country for tlie heretofore extended acton and mrronbd. liberal patron ra to him, arid at'jtbe L every one in quantity, quality and price, iwid <?ordi of buying through Jobbers as ntost hows ^ do, iheffc- t,m style,, nejifr.; '. r.' LIYELY! 1^ it ::'"-T--i ' [ :. : ^ Jteml!rl . _j0hrgcon| D- ' 11.} .^ei. Yr fefj^e^sji Jueadai *>;- >ic ton. w CS-TJ^iTaJB^L The best iFall Trade we have feveif done, and cash that does it. For cash we buy cheap. J CD buying largely and unilerselling everything, riving, to be rushed off at panic prices The leading h)u aHattimef, Piles of new) good* 'gSnl*ir New^fresh stock of Futs on hand, in cheaper than any hitherta shown. 4 cases Kew Dry Goods tWtnendoiis bargai sg,; worthy the attemtion of buyers. Three cases ff^w Mantle r. New Flowers, New Feathers in end in the Millinery- Department, up stairs. Shawls, all being sold decidedly cheap, . every cUtiw, i .anco Co.f j pared-n't '[ rea?6nab : iitrtise, S ess variety Thousands o" Cicwds, Boarnr, sametlmesollolt t elr further support . '^ . N.B.-Cash Paid fijfr Hides delivered ^ d T. HILL. A etan, July 1st IK 5^ LIVERY &SULE STABLE J. P. kLLAN Take* plensnro in puhllo gonerully thi i ! fori Pirst-daaa Sonus aa& Oftrrt.** At Reasonhble Bates. His Rtgnand Hprd can bn'hod, and he li bo Hurposiiqdliy any I . Acton Jnly 1st, Ig innoundns to he Is. prepared ih . sare^the best determined (Jlty Stabler I JOB! Of every descriptioa tl 0 o thjat not PRINTING Iii the best a! id most tractive promptly exe eiited. at styles, at tlie FR^E ]?RBf5i3 O^DFIOE (In Matthew's miv 'i----fl." HACKO i. " / ew Buildijngs) ACTON; <&,- Pfo^^e^oh &i A bankrupt stock of Tweeds will be sold! at once;* terrific bargains in every piece, 100 pieces of Scarlet Flannel, Rail quality, at 20<?per yard. ;;.-'; Jr ' ' H In the Up Stairs Deparfmentl ani full of Biiffa- lo Robes, much cheaper than anvtbrngin GuelphL We do the bestTapee. try Carpet at 70c with 50 different patterns to choose from, " 5W pieces ef dark gray home-tcflde Fulled- Tweeij, extra heavyj at 37^c'per yard,_worth" 75c. Come1 right along where the bargains are, and get a fuQl cboica of aQ classes bf goods. - X- .1 -h i J. D. WILLIAMSON, See the Golden Lion ov % "Xf-l nel l kc Oiiil : 'Sfilton, -.#illljc. fi^imptx;!.' iafithe VJ| .:. !vkk. 1PJ Aeem. ii)l All hUnilll fai;hfullyl jWliciieUt] AT! VX-. lii'adM tttt'.-Ot foi priniiL Uon tihl -:Hec >iij tebisjiad w i-rJ Teacher < .. - "plijfcjnril *,ihe tnoat-T i'^OD gua '. .' t^&l] . . Plourt '/riloleialfc| '; ,<Jhojpin^ -Grahi.- Q3SE __ V-.-fce'l r odlcnt ac| public. EIGHT CENTS ON THE for three months past, would take this opporturiily o^i^^iaiaVtlbci System Has Proved ^o^^s^^cloity To my numerous customers.""aid also tomyseL', |[ ai cont&^wio v:'l::r, Y, ... Sell Qbods asLowas amy House |i a the ^^0^ >. r ^-Po^-'fJa Credit Business, and will jiyo -~i thistomers will no doubt a?al themBeWes of the satisfiedjof success,and satisfaction to aU coricera*dle counteyatem. '>: r " '^^ Pro%t paying monthly enstomers consider 1 the discount.' " ,- ' . Cash, fbr all tbJBr .d|c*' Ii diicBut^.; I a>a iiBjr the t (utd cash, and will '*."' f^.: C'onveyancCT, Issuer of Mol-riae Uten^ s, )BsBmne Agent Money to Leaii, Aireat Ifontreil |Tel C^k Foartk Biv.Coart, om. in Q. B,, &e. Acton, September 1,157S. *A mt |i.>ii;:' IaJ ! Ko* the cl t ton^ Onil I Lffice, A< tgHckiro:* JTej couni m 4* .' K-r$'-"-

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