Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1875, p. 1

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V*k V- iiioae ICQI fH neau |d. TEA ILY! loruinc I. N<>. SO } ACTfDN, ONT., m XV"' U> UIWUY.'M. K. m. t/ '? (.'r-uhi-itY o: Trinity 7Jo":;i!vr o:' 1\<1U;Y. of I?'liviiici:m3 fet^'iK "M;:i i."Si'i;r,t!tj.;lcKis, ).S. . IITOH lMMNTIXWof nil kind* .... .,;- lit/ noaliy mid promptly nietnilciCnttho FKK1-; 1'HKSS OFFICE,- -: Iho Pe-1 OIlHc, Mill Street. * ; r. s. CollopA- uia |Nei D li. AfOraiOW. iHiyiioiau, Sur ,OMJi. >Vc-t tit T'lJuHcrue Colln^e ,Xew V^rli. '."!*>>' Uradaate of Yietoria i\>!lcA*?. Canada. *"<'i:sn3$atioiv days ruciiiay* aiiJ Fridays.-iroio Da", m. till p""- -IV-.sidef'.ee^-AYYst Bo'.Xir street, 'A.tio:r.______________ If' ;y . ._ JAM KS.-M AT Til KttK, Convey .MK-i-r, lssuor of iiarrinjf&Uii-ensi-;!, J'ost- i Mas-tcr, thissr.Mn-c ..V^-i-at; Ai>-ut Money .to; L.vv.v Ajj*'nt Monteekl'iYl. (.'., Clerk fourth Div. Irour:, CeMj!ni.y. 1>.-, &c, Arton, Out.; .-. Y _ ..-:-. D eNlM;nsO\,Ce.avey;;nvv'r,&c.,-' !>i' -V'ci'it C:..u.".Ja; l-ife A'ssur- j:Vj.:es. Ae.y prj- atlv, y- >:i!]i:ly. edrreelly and on tvs^ui.il'.'e Itriiis, Monty to Li.;in on iiaeo.G. " pai\-d i: /J.VXAtoA filoVK WORKS, / MM. STOREY & C0.r Wholesale Manufacturers of every den crlratou and .stylo of Leather & Cloth. Gloves MITT AW- D GAUNTLETS. Mortjcaco goour -lU'iitc, Art-en; *v. Oilioc lUasjtow lone, sod j Y > aHfct tiroes,. -Yf-:: err ct8,.; * . . -v - - -. bargains, -> k Variety food*,: Soarfi, TY J>. MATIIESONi Attorney. /^> a:-Unv, ;fo::cuo:0! oku-ucory, Ac". Kilieo Corner of .v:ii:i :i:ij CliCireU fitree.ii. UtoCE'^owit. ; Y ; iDressors ofj Plain antf Kid Lioathergj. S- HlclMwt flVOOJ., SKJXS. "\\7-M. ' lY\I frl.AlV. B.lrnsU-r II Ilev-Ji- Mi!:...:u.M.v:u ':!! <>.- tr.'_ier Cir.iolvUv. c.u ife ' -ill. > ill-iu . ' Afr. X'-:i--. Attor- tieit-.ir in t'iruie.jry, : ::i. li> JC::i s:rvo":. Tii.' Milt-ii (UiUv :1.:;-riie::t- of 0., IV, ..;:.:! v\v -wiU fateiiii "a:i Kri,i.;y oj e.-.eh H I.Hi . EXKV L. DIMIiE, f.>r -M-.e-.J!, rt' in r, ijrr.Lrn, :: I W JioV-J Fancy Market 1'rlco jmld for A^'eutJ for Raymond's Sowing Mn. hilled. - '" Acton, July 1st. 1ST5. A CTOX UAIiLRY. J!. I,, in; it- r!co. u i 1 i,v.- J'.v iii.nl PATpri'S for IX*LXT^Oi-S .ft 6old at I Of BllffiB- > best Tp* IS0O;piee f kr jT<i, worth |1" cboie* of all I tn . .. ^i*. s^ii r. f.Ksni l>. AL-' :::s"itv <i;j;isT,' , ifel"K3. t"..r>Krl:i, r,' Si^ieii.ir ot I>a. L.'.n. . Tii<' sioRrriher'tiri:- to Inforra- t!)p -In- ti'itious or Aeuui iuid vleiully lljufliu f> prejiir.-d tosni>iily , first-class 1! read. Buns t'akes Biscuits, cic... ^yiLLi.^ii wvriLixs, M"r >S*rrlxt ljcr!a..r:A CcrliDratfs, >::itme:it.)T IVosU cvpry U:iy .I. iivered nt tbelr house*. . IV?. Io.'vsJ A] Jo'rUiJ.eutirl WEDDING, CAKES MnUo to ordorln:tho latest myles tnd at j 't-thEce : the L'os t'o=aty Halloa..' o& M " "JTe*chvr u KS. S. C ARTilk IJlejiwUiiani,.. |-feQ, Highest j)rtce in ciush paid for kgc* j D. OALLOWAT. J Acton, inly i, 1S75. . >'.UMTIOS( TIME OVER. " ! * e .i--jiKyoRE-aeirooL. i. " Qumtor to'uiuo J i Boys nuj fjirlii, do you hear?" . j . "! .Quo'mure.buckvrhtint then l>o quick/. -._ moSTw <dwir !" "Whoro is my luuchcon-boxV'< "iTu- ' dor tiio slielf, . 1. Just iu tlio tolnco; wbero you loft it vdursclt J" -.\ ' "t can't n.iy luy<; Ubloa !" ." O, find me my cup !'? " "One. kiaaAor intiminn, aad awoot Bis ' - in ho'r'lnp."- "lki good, deiir!" " I'll try."-i-"9 times 9'a 81 " ," Take your mittoua :. "Hurry up, Bill, let'n' run." j': :VVith ti bIiuii of uio door, thoy jiri3|olT, t>4>8TAQE PREPAID By PUBI.|SHft V THUB^DAY, DEC &*ki NOTES FROM OLD VIRGINIA. (no.*:,: I1Y A CANADIAN. , I tUlldo .uw, tions iii my fira soma And 'girls and boys, . ; i tiio mother dr.iwa bronth in tho lull of their lioiac. . " j AITItit SCHOOL. AViiko np_ tho baby ? Como "IXm't gently, my iie.ir.' " O,mother 1 I've .torn my uuw drcsa, just look hero.! i I'm sorry, I only was cliuibiiig itlio : j ' VOlij inotliurriiiyiu.il> was Ihu nicoat of all " - I " " And Nelly in spelling, went up to;tho he.id!' i . , . . I j. " t), sav ! oau 1 go on tho hill with :my Kledt" , 'i.l "I've got. KUeh a toothaohc." "Tho teacher's unfair." " Is dinner most ready ? I'm just liku a l>e.ir!" ' |~ Bo patient}'worn mother, they're grow- .iug;iip'f;i-st-, - j Tlie:ig imriery wliirlwindu, liot long,do ' . - j A still, lonely '.house- would l>e far Svarsc I . Kejoiee and bo glad in your braVo girls lind dKiys. "'-.. | Sjntdttl Corrttpomlaict qf the Free Press Oroca Bay, l|rinco Edward Co.,Va. i>oc. 13, 1875. gouorul obsorvu- ; at-tiojo on'tho Btato :of things ill t lit) old State; Biiid fjiiid boiiiuthitif tiUoitt hor rondu, hoiisos, iiegfoes etc. -"itieforu <;ntor-; itig intoaby fin thor details I -ixould j obsorvo that 8( fur oa cliiiiuto ia coiicornud, no iiu.lt cam' bo found with it., In Ookiug over boiuo Canadian.' papo-a 1 seo you have havo had a coh miap on tlio l30th November, ami that the thoi'inoiiie- tor was away tliwli niuny degreoaj below zero.' O. i that day wo had a! lino Bpell. F-ost at night, but every trace of i gone before, noon. Since theti wo 1 ud one freezing day,' whicli covered tjlio trees and grass TliiiB, too, dibup-j'j and we havo cold 1 tfainy weatlier' but with thick ice peared next day), nights, homo Kc^icely any;iVoiit. A largo mill pond near by hiji't Iiuh itiot a parti cle of ice on tit. tlfink that] the This is the lj3th Still the peojiler veatlter is,cold. iof Deeembct;; ami ), and in nil proha- Lin open all winter. i h r. n d Frr n rlr. OLIVER LOZlEHl.-RIa.vTc.rer, A :.-UN r. K-. i'L-wt.-.-ia^; .-.ud 5:..- -" ' A CTOXJBLOl E fill'LLS. i -,t . i'^U trh,lc Ch-)o?i: tira::i. ill. l.riv LiU'rd.-' n h.-vu<l inu' ; and iinris of n<.i-i'sE; Ad-Jn. 'CIc >ii. t<l lVT.*iW: ny Stati :.->:l Ex. '_ i for 6!:e trav ulling "'pubUj. 'TlM-UA-.- rrj:!:LL. ..l'r, ,pr. *, '. -J?--. -TTk'JMIXIijX UlUnri. A:t: }! .'Tnr i ^'r' Ao t.'rr. Th^ new;H it: -jU ur, iii: ."-..t-( .-las-, st vie, vrit^ new furiiit: -rv. ;iy>Ji: :i.--r..- al Tra'-el ^-JersVill tlnd;z->'ni .^f.lY':.inioJAti.'.!i and . cjiaiii'">d-i',iisj<a:ii;i5.j"-. 1U< ,z:\.i.[ Si'-eial I the ' trjKrelliagpuiihV. l.'fir.-.rn.T.Ik-d v.'id: the J-e LXj-J-j^anuCi^.-irj. '-i.irji.-i -St:.tili::g aacj'attentive Hiv-treri. OYAL EXt'HAXGS HOTEL, :WM : feanwle Iioonx= lax^'e-. unJ commodious. If,r CoiamereiiJ Tr-vJil-;.-.-:. <i,---.,il aecon,- niodation for: Trav^-lU-w and Guests. 'Pest brsniUef Li<iufirs r.i>,l (.'i^-.rs at the ' ^r- ' ;Go^dl \$zz-m and ^:.tt-.utiVc ^ f31. HEasTEtiCT, - Licensed Auctioneer .; - ', Kpr the CVJ^liiic--s or iVi-ilii'ist'in'i:ud-'\lli\- fon. Orders lt-!t at. th'?, I'y.y.B I'ih-'ss . pCice, Acton, or at_i:iy j- fi-jritnev. In Kockvro.Ki, win be piuajiil-iy iitieodo"' to. Terms reasonaUo. : , ":-? that Ue **y " .T itinae to t ie Trade Cass, I am fofljr VT- 1 LICENSED AUGTia^EEri 5.. For fhe County of Ilutlon. Sle3 attended .to. in any. part,, of ^be } County, at reasonable .rates. ' Addre^^ '.'A.- DAVIDSON, !' 'Camt/ooil villa/RO. - + Marble Works, Opposite tide- from Milhs' k. I ti'obdfellov.-'s Foondry, and Sear'Eramosa JBridsc, <iticli>h. ' '. r AIL KI.N1>.-; OF . FfRINQLE, Matchmaker, Guelj'rli, Has a good BUy;k of ^PUSSEtL" AND "AMERICAN" Always on. hand. lie ntfehd-> to repairing of fln'o wntches liimself. - - JiIK Harking, of the Free ,-Pittas; will biatlly carry walcnes and je%colery: to aii l from Guelpo wlierv retjucsteU., Guelj'li,-Serrt.27,:iS73. y. -Sunlight at Lost. | ' f Why did this woman live 1 Had life oup' chanu foi her t Perhaps she'aUjed herself theo qucstioriBjis t-lic uitj with hor face iu her hands and look out upon the cold cheer less day, Thure were no tears in horigreat black oyca ronly *ucli a look of, woe,and despair that the wurld should" have been thoro !to see it, sud to fiave it }miuted on their hearts. ' . "-Mother!" '. | ' A little wasted form on tho wretched bed. a bony hud on the rugged quilt a voice which toW of hunger, and puin and. weary waiting. | Sbo bent over bitu, and for i a momeiit a mother'a lovo shoue lin her] eyes nuoV her wrinkled hand rested n his paid face with such tenderness as ouly'a mother has. ; . .." Lift'ine U]t and let me'eeo tho sunshiitCi" hb whispered, tryinv to put. lirn arms around his neck. '"There'is no sunshine," she whispered in i-eplv, a sob;inher throut. "".'. :. : -.. " Kiss me mother, "and call me wherutho sunlight.comes again," he said. She knew that he had bieu dy ing for a week sinking slowly and suioly into eternity but she had uo friends to call in she could only weep over him and-pray God that she might sooi follow. Wjlh a, gasp and a sob she pressed her lips to his forehead/then turned away to struggle; with her despair and her great sorrow^. The cloudy, cheerless'day faded into dusk. She roused herself for a moment and poered through the gioom to see if her boy still Blopt, and then alio SvhiEjierod with het- thoughts again And suoh Lhoughts! When the darkness covered the bare floor as with-a. mantle, and wheii she cotild ho longer see her Not only dloes] present a string cold Canadian w habitants thi inse gunge, idipnfs the elimato horo botltrast with 'your fiitoi-s, but tho iii'J Ives.-'.- Their bm-1 4nd nccent differ ^ER 23, 187& .1 .; . J I V' \land until it in votn out,"mid thoh ho ttihiB it adrift to grow up in broom straw, and as ho' has plenty of land ho treats mother field iii tho sanio1 way. If-ho hfis the metiiia ho will buy (juanovAa fertil izer, anil thiia mo up his surplus nwaiiH^iusteadof making barnjard manure, and. fallowing his Jund ho lots it wear tint a ml thou complains of tho poverty of thb soil. ; : Ho has rc;ill3 Ao barns. ' Ho lias a Btablo for liia JiorHO or liiuleB, but no placo to protect his grain. "Whon his wheat is cut down it lis stacked and thre'sliea outside. He -might raise jinoiB wheat than ho does, but his tturs ays ;and hogs are running over!it all |"intor. Both wheat and-ojits ire sown in the full. Few fai'incis lpako as much wheat as supplies trniiisefvps, but this gives thoiii " io concern, inas much as thefo it phnty of corn, - .....j and corn caky ia l&veift as. wheaten bread. I havo said thejro hei-e. Of course I barns as you h ivo[ Tobacco ba'riiH are in' here. These ai'o 1 Jglij in which tob|a.cco isjl until, it .is" wint tc ni|i the weed is' cut it intieh froni our good chiBsieul jiuro Cuua-diun Etlglis i. The letter r is very indistinctly' pronounced. In-1 stead of sounding a as a in met in such words etc., they tmar, bar, tnkr. 1 ear is bar. Huir ia Lai', and ^chere, thare, are whlh, cropi are raised, here, ] a iuiilo. Tobacco is as Autre,; hare, mare, prononuou such words thah. No overything made, and ginian enqijires corn. A Vir- jf another ubout nd tie reply is genoral- /;/ fiw.irt ia a fav- here. Almost Iii ssion his health, ly,:fo'erWc orite exprt everything/has th s adjective mighty prefixed t<i it. He is a mighty good inanJ or it ii mighty nice, or mighty bun, etc. Powerful ia an otllor favorite atijective much in une. Thej-c is a great similarity between tjiei'r accent and the ne groea. T| that befoil hia at lsejs from the', fact 'e the war, and to a certain extent stilll, riogro purses take care of the children rginian it all hospitality, Itime he to ,his d . TheVi The first vities you uoj; a hyj|oci4te in PLANING MILLS Y Rjimp, :-. AND i. Sash, Door and 'Factory. Blind <ees you, he jn- clling. .Ho is ithis ; ho really he war, he was nise liad plenty i is poor, but he means it. wealthy, wijthin-it. hajiilot lc4ttheold h fit wou ai-0 all relj way. ,T) They talk) in Buck ate. )spj table nature. Id really ;eem that^they |ated to eat h other in some ey ca]t ea ih other cousin. about co isin'Tom,. cous- Neatly every poreon- ovrn- jioverty, ' the cried out :: . :"".( Moth'er !- boy 8iiddenly Tlfo sun- about as well i . i|ro no barns j meant such in Cunida. great plenty log buildings stored away rkut." . After' js placed on sticks about thro > fejet long. To effect this the stilk its split dbiVn near to'where it'ii cuSoff, and tjlen the stick is run th ongjli the. slit jind when tho stick i i filled up it is' hung, up in the barn. Tho barn has a great nuuibt r ot siuall cross beams about thwa feet apart, *ii those tho sticks d( scribed; rest,.and the tobacco hang; down, i Fire, is plaeed nndorncal h to dry; the tobacco. . || Tb culture of] this ambrosial wood occupies nearly] all the far mer's time. The |oda| were said to Mrs. Ga^ett',8 Bbad; Tliore is'ndt a '. cindpjr-ht ar *d wo- man iii Detroit than jlMiu ijavotfc. Lust year sho w is on th 3 cpnimit^ teo to .iinyass fo gnsahopper sufferers, ami thi 1 yo4r slo ijfitentjs to send thorn a box ;"of her owjn getting- tip. She had ibavet* bring |up a box tho other duly, andlyiicu it had jb'ojn placed ia, tha .shanty I .she put on.a caliib dress, trled'on a ciieck; apron and railiblel arountl the Lotjso to pick cles to fill tho box u ... off the! rioxt day. ,? jHer greatest unxioty} was tlio f|V;-tJiat th'o box tdo'fjmiill! fl )il one to send . Ji1.00 licrH 1 -f 1 - :t>'?v' hV: <J aj trrmri lty, there] isn't a t loovc4-qkir{t all alnipst ais- live on an unkntwu! ambrosia. Porhajsit The seed is 'gowr in| Small plnnta are t ion what they call a j tail innumerable besqt wood. First, the. cut-worm.destroys the young plant, anil after the planter has set a f eld >u't three or four times and ,(ets 1. xtund then comes tho forniidnble j tobacco tit/. This fly is very arge-with a long horn projecting from iia head. It does not eat the : cbatlco, but like tho Colorado bug:! ays innumerable eggs on the nndei sido of tho fpaf. These eggs soon become green wotms of groat size,'t|nd must be picked off by hai|d. fThis process ia Ciilled warming. food -called was tobacco. JaThomas tho spring. ^etout to get But foes t|ie fnigrant Th|^-culture: of m Ltica a It*. 4iM- '" K :r Tomb Siones,: Mantle. Pieces, 4cii made td'any ftizeor-'ib.-sigu, and- put np in any part of the country. ; - "> ' JE3" Scotch Gratiite Monu- J I *#nientB imported to ordej'. ; 1 _ P.fii -A. Kennedy is a l<rae.- Ttiealmarble '.cntter.. -r i -/ prRE MILK. 7 -\ " ":' i ( ^The.unciersigjj^d "iKigs to-, thank his ^...PWfcamera-for the liberal pa-tronage re- ~ .peryfed during_^thie jjast suninier, ^iid ,; -TJiotlld say thatTie Uf now prepared to i .- Wpply an additional immlier of eustomr i. pt with good, pufei-fresh- milk deliver- .. S^iwrery morniiig, alnditwiee a -day on ." BfcWrdayg. Parties -who keep, cows.will finditniuch cheaper anddess trouble to : gt.uailk delivered it their doors, and JSey would do wefi to icll their cows -. _*& Vy their'nulk. "Tweqtyroue quart ' 'S^** ^or ^*t if-Paidi.iii -advance,-or - 4^ejty-one' pint ticketsfor30 cc-nfi ' ' "- V ' f J?. S, ,A R MSTltOXXL "" ; ^cton, "Sot, lOth^W^,: .4;' EBBAGE as CAMPBELL, U ' - 1--. - , ',.i i: -Manufacturers'of. -^"indo-w Sasli, t .. i . . . i ~ -: j Venetian Blinds Mouldings, Andjthcr BaUdiofi Requisites j: . Also Makers of XMPEOTED STJOTI01T VUISSB " "' '* - ' , t r '/ r'_ Lumber Planod and Dressed to oi<der jp the.best manner. -, . ! ".- ;' -- " 8QF* tyl worjr guaranteed^ A.CUB, July J, 1875. ".-'; /,'. .. i Oar jet weaving, gtripphig, tfrilling, and a 1 .kinds of home.-rhade; work to suit farme -b and otherB, promptly 'and pro.-J periy ittended to, 4t my residence, near! Dubli: 1 church, arkmt a mile-and-a-likir) HUGH TSKlJj. ' ' -"-- "2!*' from ^cton. .; E^jpeting^Noy. /16, i$75. mother ! light lias conio!"^, " Not yet, dear Ned ; not yet! It Ls night now." "But I see the sun It lights all the room it blazes into my face 1" he called. -, -. -. ""';]__ . There is no sun it is cold and darkj" she sobbed. i " Aiid it >grows brighter ! and I hear-such sweet music.! .and 1 see little Tommy !" ho whispered, while through the darkness she saw his white face grow radiant. - '.'You are dreaming !" she sobbed " It was such a Bright sun ! The music ia bo sweet j" hewhiBperocl", Clasping her hand. f - . . " It is diirk it' is night!" she gasped, buthe did not hear. 'The sunlight had truly; oorae, but it was the sunlight'; the golden rays .reflected' from the gates of heaven, and/not the *unlight of earth. The mysterioug curtain hid ing the valley of death had lifted for his spirit to pans under, and woe had been left behind. . . And of her!. Afik the shad ows - ;of night ^ftsk .the river. When they found bis little dead body she was not there. They can not find her. If she is dead, God did not judge her harshly. - Theingenuity of the'cattlethieves in Russia la something wonderful. Recently one of thementered a barn In-tho night} put two pairs; of list shoes7 on a cow, and then' took her home. The fanner, hearing a noise, called together his neighbours and pursiied tho thief, and although they were; somewhat puzzled by the fibsence of tho cqw's footprints sho wag eventuajly- recovered, has his jiven natuo abreviatetl. This is.'trie of even thdse who wero the aristocracy of the land. Tho negrees called'their masters and mistresses by the snort-cned name. It was; 2 [arse ;Toni, Marse Billy, Miss Bet ;y, Misa ' jatd, etc. i A negro calls a sli-anjer Mr. but lie culls his eld master Marso, and not Mnsaa. . But yoir yesdei-s would like to know sonjethiiig abcut the soil and its produjtions. ; IS ow I am not writing tl esc article; i to induce any of your Ci nadian people to emigrate here. I see that;your government has expended largo sums in encour aging emigration to the Dominion, and far bf it from |me to induce Let's jice? Wl hole in .'cither right , waste new. li. believe 1 Can dross'for enough to buy/ Int." j .The dress was laid coat, antj buo l'ttl1 etl o^ix jjla|ett'a ! boots. The'heel of 0110, over, and there w'4s a- hole too of tlje other, ' They'll do foi- some plough in," she soliioquiazd took them over to the light, farmer-jah 1 Wb y thest ajre Igood boots ! I believe 1 bat Ice ula got them fixed up for lifty cbnte so that -', qiSMB OF THOUGHT. ', Itiis. a good; and safe rule, to B0-; jptii-n m every platjo .Ufl7if i.ycW iiicaiit;to spend your life: therfer hover omitting ..fin-'opportunity of doiiig: a kindness, or-spoalting a true word, or making: a friendi. Seeds thus. Bowrv by. the wayside j bring fortk the aTlytrdynt harvest, .'..'If a man will only start with, a fixed and honorable pnrpose ik life, FU '. '- - A .' ': 4hurcl) fcatiValL; the Was things Mho wanted Oponihg, a clost t .do6r' down an ,-old coi.t, one husband throw away tv^o ago. "I'fll Beiid thi.t for!oji|p t she hiiiscd-as the licld |it| don't kiiow thottgl lhat'f|a pi-etty good coiit. : Put a pajtcl) o\\ tho elbow aiid "Thomas! the summer. Sho placed it on a chiir, took down one oi "I'lliinako spine fai'm glad with this," 1 iho said shook but tho fold i and he|d ik up.J up. .pnoCgil; ar(i- ftnd I'ei-sistently attempt to; carry4BIM,^s ^ undliiaye it'sent llub to tfio.beat of his ability, im:-_.mbn fl| 0-j ^ ,li8 ^.^^^^^r dismayed by failure' or delay, the. i^w^on^d1=Av^rtYz*i* time may bo long in compig.f"butit . half tho '! w'" Avhe'n that pnpo'so .1 "Will ," be I achieved; T. - ; . / '! JlG'&APHa- A. scheolBby 'in Indianas-jwtien.'.. iislcen the iL|t'nibeT 6f zonesj u#e-i * plied, "Foiij j tiie-Loifc^d, tb^frigM:' the tempwatB ;a.Bc 'intemperate.'" ' ' Tjilroyi-aKd iTecbujel.^n orie opca-, Bioik-that, fie .despised""5' mankind 'A "Tho rejiBpi,1' observed Iforr'ap/-. -*.' rent-^fie ba$. ,*fotKed" himself too deeply, ; i -.- ;,-],' *{ Dons tblifixird JoVe a man who can jvoijir ijb half could wea^* them l|alj[ the winter. I I don't b jliov.e In tl raw ing away anything even if v e were well off.'f The bob s were se c t side, land. shej took ilps -n a l|ui id e ;c Ichildren's clothing, "Ah !| I can send these and rliake little hearts glad !'! she wliispjei-ed' as she- untied the btindlci. "jThe bh'iidren jhaVeoiitgi-own tiem,jaud they will be.a priz; to some Kan- s-------:j Sakes alive! but these nrtnents.-are almo >t i^s good yl theyj wore niadje up ! :|I I c;i& sell them' to) tlio -wnsl: nnaji for I g;t.?2 br.itd any one to leavq, bo ;;ood a conniry ae Canadii with its fi rtife soil, good markets, excellent schools, neat churches, and its plenty, to come out here, where the 1 oil ia . poorer, roads posr, markols indifferent, poor Bchcols and tha few church edifices that I hav< seen are old dilapitateil buildings, in tho wobds. But if ;any desire i change, let them try Virginia. [f the" soil is poor,,it ci.n be Improfod by indus try. I hiive seen Woll-to-do farm- ora here, and although the people are behind the times, they areniov- ing-foiwitrd, and in 1 infusion of northern industry wc uld accelerate the progress of the "V irginian. - The land is; very' rolling here; and srnal; streams abound in the" low placesj called " branches.". There are few wjells h re; the water ia " toted " from a apt ing at the foot of a hill. Every hot; se ia ftirnish- with-a spring. I h vre said that water is tot^d from tl e springs and this remiudk me that the word tote oorreapon lal exactly w ith your word carry. Carry is usee -here in the sense of leading ox 'conveying.t A horse is,cirried to tho watev, and a gentleman <arries a lady to' an- as sembly eien wlen sjc only walks with him \ij this vile weed leaves little or; no time to attend to jthe:1 cro]>8. ; It is the principal thing that brings money, and so it is raised from year to year. . '. If land is not so fert'. e here as in Canada it is-much cheaper. It can ho bought for threo to )en dollars |nm^e j^. ,i;ttj0 an acre. The oil p an tors had plantations of over ore thousand acres, few ' less thiiu si it- hundred!- As tlicy cannot cultivate bo much with free labor, thoy would gladly sell ofl quantities if these planta tions for about fivt doli njra an acre. Now if an ind'ustr: ous man -would come here, and not ejpect to get rich; all at once, anl ad >pt somo of the usuages-here-ri'nd engraft 1 on them his superior indiu try, ,iu pro cess of : time hb svoui d do well. The climate is so mild that dry stoek can find thoi:- ow:i living all winter, as the-goil is so iiprn oo'ver- ed with snow. Then f.-iiit can be raised htjre in alundtrce. \\rild fruit is plentiful in the xshape of dcichorrici, a largo iwee; be;:ry tihai grows abundantly in eld; -fields. Blackberries are abundant, -and wild grapes, but :he bitivo' Vir ginian would prefe;- a dish of bacon or shout to all th 3 fruits of Para dise, hence little is gathe xxl except by the neg^os.-" There is a wild fruit here called jyeiviymp'onji, ayeiy sweet fruit about tl e sizejof a. small red pluin.. It.grovs on large trees which,- sometimes.- tire loaded with them. The only use rouae.pf them here is to make beer. 011 of them, which they say is excellent;- When tho season is fkvorrble. ]>eaohes and apples are ]Uentiful, | ' . Horses are'-net'plentiful hero, and 'these, tayo far infc?U>r to the J well fed horses ol Canada. But any aroourii of mul 38 iainj'.be seen, and thoy are .hardy,.' useful, and easily kopt aniraala Oxen are still used here both by w bites and blacks. The negro drives bit lsteera to ohurob yoked to a cart, covered iri imitation of a:buggy. Pour sticks set' upright. in. hiii cat t and four pieces nailed on top of these sup: port a piece of canva 8, [and this serves to protect iheir ebon faces from the sun,.; | N egro slavery w; is a liinseto this country, and the whits pan has yet learned to do wit' lout a gaing of them around hi n.; He is only just learning to work, andlwhen!he that raco- > the yasl rn,n in! the onje to aii she $omo at least 6(2, and als sbin as more I leap buy mo a new Slit! then jtied tb^ b|r|ndle the ieve e|rwo- iip and jstuck _ hei) head |ntb] the closet, and brought but j auqther dreiis..; I "A hplo in_,eacb elbo4rp-alrirt ton, half off," she mused as she turned it over. "I'll send|[that any bow/ j Same ca! eno|igb cloth out 8lf Here, what was I thiril Wliy^his is lpxaetly|the| nt for tfl.o blue stripe j 11 st. 'If I'd known this "I'll sbri.dl x take itar jlget |of the Bkwt to 1 a bran ^fctper ; " -' , i.j 1 - .,1 - . - - . A man calk d on a.dilatory, .deb-" _, - -, , . , - ,1 1 tbrandpoliU||i'"saicLj<'if yorrjii>ay- Be reserved, but not suc;-graye, J ^.^ ^^itf y0m-bill imiiV liiutcl;, you'll bbligel me ; iff not I, shall have, tojoblige 4ou," ,'Tho thipcBi^>lk)-8uh8tituterl an "in" for ff *-. iff ipjieaSuTg of a. s| jth- *'; weilingof the : shed tho worst--^rpo-^ ]o'n record, >'-.' ',.. hut not formal; bold, but .jipt in-. Betisiblo ; constant, but not bb'stin- ' ate; cheerful,; not light; Rather be sweet tempered; thari fainiliar;-j fumiliur rather than intimatfe, ond.1 intimate with very fe\v, ud! upon j very good grounds. 1 t ' >" 1 - Iu these livesof ours tendeii little, ttcla do more to bind hearts tCgeth- er than great deeds or heroic Wprda, fiince the 'first are like the j dear daily bread that none" can live [with out, the latter occasional' feitBts beautiful and niembrable, but not possible to liIL_ ;.. | :' '-.-, Tho man - who' is only hoeest when honesty is the best policy is not really an;honest man. jHon:- csty'.is .not'jwei'ving; policy-but stable principle. -5 An honest marl is honest from his inmost soul, nor deigns to stoop to.aught- that is mean, though great results hang on the petty fraud .. \" If you wish to do good, do ftood; if you wish to assist people, assist people .The only way to learn to do a thing is to do it, and thai iin- ( plies before you learn to do tight] vyou will do wrpng-^-yoU will make blunders, you will have failuifes-i- but persevere,-and in the end ybu will learn your- lessons; by the iway. .: It would nit bo" easy to detiil in ill its.force the misery which is caused by the'oarly neglect of-order ly ha.bi.ta. It is ji source.nbt only of fiightful - unhappineSs in*.families, bat of great piiblio vice j.for, after all the World is made of those whose character* Jiave been formed for good or for evil by the early trai% iilgjbr exainp'es of mothers.' ; . , ig.far 4: liidy troulded feet,!'accomp: graphical feat! : "Tour feet tlrie very stylisli,"^aid a man:to n fifn-jrid, whose feet w*r? * cpvoi;ed with!cunifns.~- "Ho, 'not stylish, but^ eiceedib'gly.' npMiyj" . was. the good^flWured; irpply. - -; The; boy's. ^btreany:greafeie8sc*t". '.in ncting-tisi^iljvijikis*.place upon .; Sni^etiiig' his uijdther ia Wareh of^b-a .. Jpantry key, wjliih' liiei sfseeUittslyr^at . ?thb bottom of illis trouaers pocket. ;V ^~A..lady. Hvitg). near Troy Ea* a I piece of soap jh j!pose4!^b be^ia- hani. - 'dred years old. Isn't it a^tonbdiing , how; long .son .ej peojfle eBi rSip " soap in the ho tue audi ever eeqrrire \to neo it ."Now let buianesfl aiTai nectirAit giii tjo he had propol talk about ybur iisaid 4 sharp Con-l younj fsliow afjter . . , ,. mam-age "to ter in a long addrea filled ^ithiexprear sibn-of pasioaate jloveij ];,; !"'-. :. ^ A school gir^mtier jexalninatiott persisted in <i|irjW^t^rchs';j*ar. tridges.^ 0^4o?jibe .Jvis'torjsh '.re marked that slid waa niakiag game pfthe pajtriarebsi SydaeyrSinith said this Was;thi i most perfect: pun [he-ever; h^sard.' ]; '[.J- i.,'r\'- . .! A Tagged lit] ei nrcBijr came Jo a lady's door;asl ing for oid clothes. She brought mm a ve* jind -ptadir of tro usors,whicii s lie.- tho ight would . be a comfortabl 5; fit. . Theybang.'i scapegrace tqcS;' tlie .ga rpent&.ojnd- exaniinedeach; t] solaie look, said, watch pocket." ;new king iBtuff {that Iress i;'up__j of? I w|s Carpet. ! if I'd Jen _ .. was in the house Id have"cut last w'eokJ." .- ..-'; y >. \ S\xe unlocked {mother cliset, peeiod in'j and hauled out Gaiett's old 1 overcoat one! worn put and Btaijied" and kicked around I jr a year. " [That will do-jspleiiidit |y p she; said hs she held it upj. 1" It isn't very nice, but some j farmer can wear jit to chop in. Ah ! hold on ! I wnint that, lining to ?na' cusl ion for my rodking chiir, Jen: lie will want these button: her 3tring, and tho rest of t ie "will make a beautiful rug to la' front of the-lounge. I'd'lik send itj but probably it'.wou :dn a]iprecLited, or probably some else!will send a better one." . Sue rutnaged around for a hour, arid when she had got the chamber her floors wen high1 With; 'duds/ Those she-mi to keep were placed on the vigil thosp shomeant to; send a ' the. left, j On the left was" basket made of hoop-sktr She hasn't sent the' box yet; "mea is to. She knows tliai shoi Id contribute to the retieil the; mffering nnd distressed. e. a and for |oaf in to ,t:be |one If till ixjbgh tiled . iant on Will- Wire. She I "Wouldn't. Cave: Three or four dajs ago^says;-thb Vkcksbursh Herald, within two or m__;.___1. uu _ ii- r. i. 1 it i -i fii- -i "-iiT 1 Awocoitntrynion wentimtp a hat- tliree miles of this,- a Washington fo - -. .- , 1 , .>- 1 ' -i i 1:1 A.,-- .ters to buy one iof them a hat. street merchant, who;had ; bttWess f^ w^ deliMited Stheiam- m tho country, came to , small ^^^ theclg ofkich^was' insevted ii looking -glass, ft "What is m.. the' ieiij wilt Thet 1 a discon- ain't use Cr&ek-beside which-a. native j was wpshing his shirt. ThemanHvas sousing the giirmeiit up and dewu and around, and as- he-.-" spused'f lie whistled a merry tune. jY : x";Do you have ttfiwitsh your own shirtsi" inquired the merchant,*; as' he halted; .. - ;- i "Npt alius, but old.Bet.has .jrot one -o her fits just now," ;wos- the ready-.'reply.' " Then", you don't, agree verv" well?" :, '.Y/;y. -;y .. - * Rurty wpllias a general thing.. Bet! kind b'mulisli, and I'm ktml 'o'niulish, and when we gits pur backs up we 'iclaw off to;-see' whb'H oaVe iu first.!,;: i ^ " . .'.".- I should think ypu'd want sprrie soap" . - :y :x,', ' "'iVhy don't you get,it then?!;:. ': "That Would be caving t6 Bet, stranger. .; She's.-squatted pn-tlir" only bit of bar Boap 'tween heai-a'nd; Vicksburg, and she's-'jest aching. to| have tno'.alide up and ask her Kjf/pij' if" V ' " " !',And you wonjt?" - ' Sirangcr," re]died the-'natiVe" as * like a teller woo a 1 wear pno-suin, 1 , ,. . . thi-ee.months.aforeted cave in ap.d:.| ory ^s thafc' holler for soap?" j ' " I The merchant- sided".with' him, and, as ho drove on, the man soused the shirt up anddown and whistled: ; "I'm gwincup tlie-nver ' Y f.the glass for ?P saijl.pne off. tBe'merk, The other, invpatient'at such adisK phiyjof ignoninco exelamcd,_V-What for? "VVTiJ5, fbr.the.man whbibayf the hat to see hbw it fits; him 4* '.'*. - ' -,_____. ' f - 'I -' ^ -' !. A Texas ju^gei.i3 ^^utebVr<*ith;| the foIlowingdcciaHpn : I'ThettwfiSj- Jones, the jail is n ol 1, rickety1 Af- - fairi ascbld.as aiiik-bn'tteidge. .YW. applied .to' this .cotjr^for ^'^leaao' on bail, giving'it 1 is! yp'tir opinion. thap yiou would freeze! to dwith- tht^re. I .The weatl of- haslnot rjapd-.- enitedj arid to kee > you Irom iree>i \,i ie she^ff to hang %fteKh. ing, j'will direct t! you at four;o'clpcli'tl Ybu should Bevor read the Ter- dict 'of a corori^f's jUirjywitb asy- thingbut reveieiios. Look at this frpmia ISTaiikee jury :. j . Y ' We,' the nirj% tfirid Sat thf said 'Jjxmk Fillman came.to hiideatli[ by atshot; acpidentally went off l>y himself by;kiil-'j 1 inga cat'by shootia > the j saine i and! svhen she was ,'uotidead irtetantly. by! jtrikijng tho eat wiHi: the breach of-tha! gun ana the3oad_dscharfp5d]itBel! It is enoughlio ntsiko one wiiumt,' ' 1S lie sU-ai|htendup,Y' donjlt laofilTi^ V?V^S^ FiTlT^^--' ike a fejlet- who'diwear ^ho shirt J^'^a^.ful ti-ibuteiard to hia.p.em-;. Virginian] pf piantin g 'tobacco ar^d corn 011 the prursues Ills' old methods behind any State I|f your rudders are jottingH they may ugain. The soil is njat jwe U adapted'to 1 does learn and worka| nibre a,udl all kinds bf giHisses, as I have Been 'rides less, hb will f nd tha; this bid] little or no liay Iraisec |. Yet clover (State, all thing's oo^sid([i'e|l,. Js ijiot will grow hsro and if used as a fer tilizer would do welJ.r But tho old I 111 ihef TJnipn; not tiited of iny henlr Ifroin iiio J. E. Wbiy Some Peopie are^oor YSHver Bpopns are usadtp ncb.pe kettles. "jGoffee, tea, pepper ;|ind spices are left to stand, open j j nd lose Itheir strength. Potatces iu tha cellar grow ,aud the^prouts; fire not | remc ved until the pptaloea axe wortl less. Brooms' are I !rja tror hung up and are soon spoiled. Nice handle knives'are thtpwnj J atoJ hbfc'jwaterr Y The flour is sifted ti a'! wasljeful manner, and the bread panl 4B left with, the dough- sticking jt< it. Clothesai|e ieft on the line to jsvjliip to pieces on tbe'.linei. Tubs anil 1 ar- relsare left in the sun to fullapirt. Dried fruiits are noi takien ca|^! of in ;. keason and become vyor 1 ay. ^Ugs, strings and pjaper are thrown 'iiito]thefire^ Porkrspoils for,Wint of salt, and beef bfecause the trine Wanjts scalding. ; Bits of nigit,V( ' _ tables, brlsad apd ccjld pudai thrrj jiway im wlitn t'hoy jiAilrht be waimod, steamed and servqd goQtJ as acw,"( re Important to1 TEAcnEHa Tae Public Schobl - Inspector for the County of Pepl pnblrahes a rather i rripbrbint correspondence with the Educational Office respecting^ third- clasa certificate^. Having asked for inatfactions as to what course heYshould. pdrsue with: "refers ehoe to certain. - unsuccessful -eaa- didates who applied,: to" iiini" for perrnlU, he received a reply stating, in accordance withtheapirit bf recent instructions to Inspectprs, it'wpiild bebetterlbgrantnbpeiariits uiilesB he .was satisfiedj that Ihe , iupplv of duly quaiitied -tjiaclibrsj wis inaaf- ficent, and* riot; evert tlieniexceptba the written^aiiplicdtions of tiijistees; :[ \ . ' ;: The GitANGEKS, A movement is bn-foot to establish Lodges of Gcato-' gers iri^all parish of the countiy. Jt is determined ,tb establish one ^ j every .village if possible, aiid -Jtf'rt ^ Weld, editor df thtiFnr>nkc\s A/lid-- cute pnblisUed'in. LpndoJi; OntiV^is. takin very;!active, --steps iii ' the 1 A woman was jyvalkidg, and a, man looked "at 'her andifiillow^ " her. Tho woniart- aid: '"* *VTy5bf ybu "follow me V r He i flswered,r. "Because I have fa lien irif love witli you." , The woman saidVf Why aj* ; you jn.love with.nil tf ": 'At r sister 'j jpuS haadsomer* ^le' ii scorning :,7 ft^me; go-arid ni uce lore t-6.lier^[:$ JCk man turned li^pk ^inp'sa-if * woman with an tig ly"(a< greatly displeased, i ip went again to the otfcer woman ihd^^ saM:.lrSriy did ybu tell, a story f^?nb*f *bfi)tt answered} ?< N6*^161 'did "ybn truth; for if yOw'arein love; mb, Vhy did ybu ^0! ^fter _..__. -woman ', ; r-".-'. 1.- -M 4' it 1- rrtatter. 'jjlr,- .} " Quick:sWQ^B^-Gfc|Triurday jGep- Lees, of the GnelphY Rcfeui^: {House, with tlie|is!iitance oil;"twfb;, l|men, cut up 25 hog!; in 28 nindteisl j Tirp. Elora; ;6a bjc Fac rotBTi-4 " ."The JZiqires&Jit last wjeekctuita: an. elaborate acconn t bf, th jt-bstafej liahme^tY \ From, ft we; }aa rn Vtfeaj tlib number of- hanla em^ p^ea'r vrvr: $400. per'wiek in:waga$H '1500 yaids ofcarpe j; fre njanufaby tufftd per wdek;; ari of 550* is paid-per lri dyes, .oils, fuels etc &Y' ;i: iwo ply carpet' }><: jduiro? macliiripryi

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