Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1876, p. 1

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^i\ _^ " '--Hi i ;,. r -1-" ~^~ ' "^i i:-~ v : , c - 1 -- 4i ii-'t; fov - 'U 3 .^ '-n'- t t/-'U Volume 'I; So.! 45 ACTON; ONT., TH dr*t>iij^ F<*i*oW -". K)N; _ .XOIVRY. Ml 5.1 Mi C\ V, s. lirsUimtcr of TrliUti CoWtlTe. Mrmoi-rot Course of Physician} f aadSurs^n!s^Mn.i..SrHKT m-ton. i R, K MORROW. Phvsii cull, SiSrtjn,-*c , >il llcllpvn.,.. i\l 1***. NVw-YorK,lsoUr.-iilHni>'ot-Vjjii>iriil O*!lo*. Canada. Couxuliuilon Oiivs-I Tn**>nu}"s"Iu! KHJy< fmm Pa. in. ii\\ I p, m. Revsidcnec tt'ttl .Uoyrtr-street,' ACTUS.',.* : ".. t- -: ';';,! .': :,' TAMES HiTTII EWS. W jJvrpymvrvT Tsxnerof MarrUgo U!coi>sc lY*tn>ter. Insurance Ajient, Air-nj Ji,iry to" l-"aft,- AjyonJ Montreal Tolcf jrsp.'i Co,. O erK.Kourtn .livlsiou Court) : Com. In ^- "W . <*<?,.'Aoton, (.ivr. fV HEXDEIWOX.Coiivev? AJTi wrer, *c, nj>.|>. .\seni Cauaily uife A>surHnce Co. l>e<Khi, Mi>rte.e.isl *o- prepared tu>ml!B,^fviruptb".-i'TrvoiW and. qfr- reaJiito1e terms- Money to! ljO.\trr oh Morlfuse security. Ollice-4 Glasgow House,;.\eton* " " " - | fjiiEir uRE^n HARNESS S H OP^POR T^B.MILLION Tho subscriber begs to'announce, to tho ..inhatritapts^ oi'J/Actbn land vicinity that ho haiTTibtnmefnced tho harness business in Iho QUj Post Office Buiiding, j ~" MILE STREET.'w'TOX, where ho is prepared to turn out ) work second to hone jj'i the iVomin- ; ion.'as'cheap as tho chQnpeat7ai,id oh the) shortest possible ljjoticoj I havo on'baud a largo ami wtfU select" ed stockrot ' " t.i " i Sorse Elaaiots, 'WTiips, 'BrusHos- |' ;T Cdmljs, TruaSs, Ate., )' ,- at MATHESOV. Attorney-i .'Itciior in t"hn:te " Corner of Muln-aud'C Street*-OoMV.-town. -' rturcu ' Kerjairing promptly attended Give me .1 call and bo convinced. to.i J- -y-'iU- >RE> f&B pa, .- RE. v F;ci. I '. ^- . iYTTM. LAIDEAW. BarrwlerJ! 'TV AU(>riio\-:tl-L..i\v s..lu'ilor iij ' rnnncpr-y, *c. .Olllcis: U:untiuiii, mi! Ktxi. iUV.U; iUiwu. OUHla sUdrt,; Tliol I Miru>n 0(!lciv will !>. hient Of Li. %V-lUBftptK-II. :in.l Mr Uuil-,1 taw win aninf?8t 1110 '.Min*u urllco"j| . a Ftitjjiy aS'fti'li trwfc. !J Acton. Ai ilT.OX BAKERY. H E.VKY L. DRAKE, Ilurfuti. l\Sl R.i V'E AJiENT.- til ELPU^ .. .AM business e-iilriislejt la lis care wjii tn fji;h/iil<V aUunUi-a icOOtiiers-iiv mull o;iciKsj'. ._ . !{!.L..l)KAKt: BATEXTS for IXVE\tIO\S luCi*"aJU Hi? Tntuvt sijti( >s itini.Kut-opo. for pnn;ei-in-tru<r:*i'ni<-* A^.ury iuuptr- aU*>a i$n year*.. i-HKXlc V Ul.I^T, . .'. , .s ' - '< o::.iV:i, Ciiiui.1.4, - "Mec*i,ini^-ii'Enj.uet-r, So.v*ttoF oi l*+ II u rrhli. B. & E. NICKLIN " : Beg to aiumnnca that thoy liavuaecuroil - tlif services of: a | First-Glass Baker, 'i " '.:' .j- ami tliat their linking'liuxincfiH i now infnll operation, in thu projnisivi ownuil I by Mrs. Hanna. I Bruad will be delivered' daily, at the houses in the village and vicinity. Weddioff Cakes, Tea Cokes, . Pastry; Buns, &c:,! -Miade in thu very besti manner, and kept J- F DEMI'S 2Y nl*'a.Vs on band; good and fresh, j Also v o- K-r ' '" J all kimU of Cbiilectloucrv, . Biscuits, Nov. J.., lS,a. _ ________ ll'heese, tii. \_ The patronage- of the Jjcc-tlully. solicited. B. * E. . Acton. Feb. 29. 1S7G. public MOKLIN. rG CHEAP-BREAD. >v ^1 LE1.4M.. ff.l,T*I XS; Ixair^Harctasc llrrnir* A <VrtlflrnM-, " (O'-Uoviii .tpjoiiitnielit.} } tUjsJcei. privaiv ai)J CvViiriUenffal (HU ih- Hoet. iirl!.-e, liU'nwlliium, .Ou-tj^H'i"ar".-'" ': S. rAETEE. TcMktrtfSulr.Pnnlicnnd t'rrnrJb, CbnrcU urei, Aetimf . o LIVEB LtHJEU. Plasaercr, 'Ac; , </i-U Lion cWr^c^rrC t'TOX FLOIJS 51ILL.S. I v srilli-rOUU ES r fionr ari1^ fr>e - IMliv.. C**n > .fc-K. MCK.LJN'. I'r.-itf": :li a iiV> '13 .rali kiii > ' .niuJ,' wjji f lir-i/j. Opposition istlic Mfe'-of trn.lc. Buy Ualloiri,v's ii]>er'or Bread. 'J); GALLOWAY rtf.gji'ta.abnnnrce to the* InlinMtnnH t.f Aciciii antlji iohiliy Uuit ho lias rt"mveU h'in iVikin^k-N^ibUsbiiieul Ip (tie pro in ispsruxt 0<>V lo farrow'* tiru^ ttttiro4 \riu-rv tie tin* built'a -tir>t-clii>ji new oven ai)d r^fitteJ ttiH prcmUe* tu a tlrtrclK8 fctyte for a Uuiccry ni/i! Cijiii't-etion.ery IJcsrhe_ss_ n'tij is turning out j -~ SETTEr. BEZAU X2A2T SVEB, Stuis, .'-.'.' ' .^.Ca^cs, - Bissuit-s, "^"".: ....' Caaliai I nt ^real'iy 2.EELPU ARMORY, the tK> t i|i:ilil.T_i Uncetl ;)rircs ,- li ROSS IV UOISt, Ar'on CIo~e *uO til- (>. I. 1U: W:.> r-l^H :-r-. jKicell*nlace.itiim'.fi.i:<i!.'i for tm t-i.vv!- li:Vl pJbl!C_I H'J~; I'.VS, BKLI,J'ru;T.- OHIXIOX liOTiL. 'Artnil* it-Uwri ,^,'iittf. 'Trt|'ri<.-tor.'riii-'* nc* Hbtct 1^" C:..* i :!. .' in , Cr^:-r!:i-!v :ri ^riin Tic- ' Tbrtifi-ir^i Cl'jiiUi^miii T>ve:i**r* iri 1 * ijt i>^i ; crmijtt'io mk-p JL3 i 0iaK0iHU-. >;tii)i>;" n^-rlOSi Sj^-il.-.l #-U'ut:oi 1*1 to Ih**-*:*Hi- r>l;lt;if* lr.ivt'4-' tin- p:i-.lic,' -iL-ar *upp j.--' \riVIt it^t- be^t &rieat.:re >icj;icrs. Mixed bandies at *Zi>c per lb. ruts ijtkf fi lu 1 Belial :l*1i: jcj"*"t-n In *ir<*nd linytJ Cltlltlf. "~ Iiicensedikuctibheexi: K'Of.iiif Counties nf U'tili: giou nt3:"H:l- (JTSte, .KcXiii'/ or S*' my r*--t-i-i.*i>* *-# '" "Koeiir^i. wiH r>**p{6ui]*tly ullcutiei* 10. A DAVIDSOX, ;. Licsasei-Aticticneer -EC*^">r <ounl> of IlaUon. Sales atten-!e I to in anr p.irt of tbe -County", at reaonnb.e .ritp^c ;- AitiresBi; . .C D iV^ Dso.V, ' '.^ '. . ' \C;;';ap'i-Ilvillf-, K<i. rcol. TrEXXEDY'S Marble Works,; Opposite- fide . from . 31ill.s k Ooodfellbw's Foundry, and Xear ErSinosa Bridge, , . Ciuelpli. 1 JILL'XISIVS of . J - MONUMENTSl jL'rcirff.JIun* rtnl <?Liii-vVieU\cr-il fvo "day, tresh,-^iriu:Jd lhe- rliu^o. WEDDING t m:nli- t .t}l. a-iicr S'llll'i & fANCV CAKES .mil on l.mi.t.'in the ln(< .bie eUiiry^ip. Il re;itf-iMl; J-J- JOHN KIRKHAM, Gunuiitb. Silver-Plater, &c. Wishes to infe-rm the public that l^o has removed to i Hatch's Block, N.-U .do .r U Tv.s.ui'fl Butcher Shop. i i . AMMUNITION FOB ALL BKEECH I LOADING ABMS. Ely & Kyooclj's Cnrtrldije ("nRej nrtu^ Ciipi. for re i.>adlng Kiiiue. Ite-loaders; K>'.r:i|i|ie, C if. kjertms, (MlrltTS, III ll (*re:tKors.t lv:mli:^ KihIs, iiii>! :ltl UTLlclc* ii.-<-ess;ry fc.r a Sp. ris n mi's 0111 lit. 1 All kin ts of K-p.iirii-g and Jobbing .rexeeuteil (in 1 he shorieril notice at i" (itiurjih, Ajiril -27, IS7G. HEIGH HO, STOP! Tin: Tiums.wi 'Till \v To roll tli Tit tin:* < ITT RSDAY, MAY 18, 1876.! I1IOX. IWMl'A.VV. it lie good 'iis plaii i xi lid of Alcohol," And lie v ill have a idorioim <,j ,c 'p.. ....ii *i. . * .......___. . .. u tciupeiftiicn ball, ) SCO, Then lot us rouse with might and'main,* Together, one und all, "/ Og' And work, and work, and iw woijk, ' Against oil Alcohol. li r.iiMF.it, (with a flail.) ra want good times a; ir Wheat and porkJ' Thu farm To pell tli J. \n<) to geirid (if Alcohol, They're gi ing right oil' to wo They'll plough, and reap, and)' spw, an<] And store their crops next fall And thradi, and thrash, ai: and irk, and III), thrash thrash, A'ndithrasli old Alcohol. " LAiioiiKR (sawing w:ooi. The laboring men they want mt re work1 And higher wages too, They'llihe p to roll the teiiipcrnileo hall, With-bottier times in view.;. They'll so iV, and cJiop, and gmb, and dig, And shoveil, and shovel away, \Vitlioiit a drop of. Alcohol, By night or yet by day.. tailor (sewing.) Tho tailort too, are on the sp< t, To rolj the temperance ball. They; knov they never get a j il> Froni old ling Alcohol, Thoy-'ll>u1, and baste, andcaHbr hen And stitcli stin For all tl; and stitch, and ", - ' it and and temperance men slioEMAKKI: (peggipg.) ShiMMiiakcri, too, with right gUiijl will, Will join the working throng,' hey diTlor temperane*?, th neat and wellj and crimp, and And what Tliey'U ilo They'll culj, and crimp, and lajit, and stitel: And peg, and black, andball, a nl peg, and jieg, ai: d " 1 -Alcohol. And peg, And peg ol hatter /itting a hat tin a The hatters do not want to se< Their kettl-'s standing dry, Just give them room-"t<3 sign tie And then tiic fur will fly, and block, .and They'll nap ; " bind Together one and all, And tinisli And finish black i sleev And-mak And in the k.) dedgc ir, and and linisli, and finish, jld Alcohol. ' 1 Bf_MKsiiniji (with hammer and anvjl.) The blackfiniths too, roll. up their npibij-fi but I lie bin of matt rial is iiw,<(. JTh<> patronage iff tlie pnijllc Is rest* et ifi^ij solicittil, . '"" ( Calt-autl spe for yoiir-olv.-*. OAI.f.DWAV , Jfarch s. isTii. J) .".OK. At'TO-V.: Iplanino: \1ZVBW.. Mantle Pieees,, e %o any size or design,' tip in any part of? the Tomb Stones, &c-., ma< and pat country. ' S"-Setj*ch "Granitei Monu merits in pwiixl to order. PA JA.tK4nWly is a prac tieal marWi MILLS' AND E'uuip, Sasli. Door and Blind Factory^ J^ TROLLOP^ UAP3IAX, Practical Bookbinder. Alt Inscriptions of Binding . Xeatlj' Executed. ' roafl,' ; # Jr' '-"i'Fi .'. ^;-' -f- m irk /}~ V " ",_ "\ '-'TlMrM .; - j - ' '. '"" ' Account Booh of all Kinds ' _^ :i Order1. Made 10 BuHnijr Proiiptljr Attended ta- f9nrrwEr4-St, George's Square, Quelpb TI"Order left at the" Feeb PKkjsi Office will receive prompt attention. pARM FOR SALE. Oite hundred 4cres- of land, ooded;, being the eaethalf o/'-Lot , i5 t*le"^r^ Concession, in the Township *l Esqnexing. For" particulars addreks - THOMAS G-MtV VS ftin?=A^0nt.,,Jfov,30, V$5. Bt-hoiBie. /^- cT-r rrrr."- oanjpleii' worth -** Fortlna3t Mtlne. H^-&$9-&&8L#:' 81 day atiiomo. Ageotswanteif.- OuUUandternisffteo. Aaganm, Maine., J; TKUE O as. (or,. P.EOWFU/* CrL, w-4er ^fci for.pam^hlct of 100 pa. is .*gttolnt 1Ib of 3000newspapers, at U *?*&'& slvliig cost of astTenlsltiK. I.'.'! ! Alanufacturer of I . -? fiFitidivw Sasi, - -'. I.-.-' I -Doors, Jl-,\.: Venetian Blinds i " :.j I j i . Iffoiildings, | And other Building Requisites ! What's tfie Matter? Wtiy any person who wants a good ana oheip SET OF HARNESS .Should call on j ROBT. CREECHj ^. - ' . " 1 * .i MILL STREET, ACTOX, i Who is always ready to supply cus tomers wiih everything usually kept in a tirst-class Harness Shop. ' j Harness, made to order on the shortest possible notice. j : 00LLA&S A SPEOIALTT. | . ,-- R. CKEECil.Acbtin.. Sov-.is, 1875. ;.-.* heir sledges swing, cause of temperance. Tlu-y'll make their anvils -ring. They'll blo'v, and strike, and fori e, and . wehl. .- ' And make die cinders Ily, And hammer, and hajiimor, aud hanr- mer, and hammer. For Alcolio I must die.' cool'eh. (making a.barrel.) The cooperi t*io, are on the way, With barrels ready made, To pack auay old Alcohol. And send 1 iiu to the shade, They'll raise, and cause, and guage, and hoop, With ho'op.' both great and small, And lump, and hoop, and hoop, and ' lump. Ami hoop i. p Alcohol. TTIE LAIUK.4. Tho ladies xio, are on the way, To work in this great cause. Anil what they do for temperance Will meet irith your applause, They'll laugh, and sigh, and coaj, and cry, And crush And thus w Until'our j A gloiious :hc monster down And talk, and talk, and talk, and And talk hi talk, in out of town. COSll'AXV e'll shout, and so we'll work, urn.ey's o'er, '.ictory we'll obtain, And ^iowii vith Alcohol. Anotbj neighbors tingitisbin trying rouse with nnj e and all. ;ht and When Alco iiol's no more, Then let us Together or And shout Jmzza fur temperance nog llOA K .-SvixpLEn. across th<i lines nrt themselves of la .v' much th<?y fan MY FIRST CLIENT. " Boo My Hoi' he littstei bull; "Lady, you." " Yes JonkH !' nip." . ; 1 vimt bowed |)i'ofoui)dly as ,ed to utiHwef tho oilice niiy would like .to see .Ii'iiUm," 1 -Hiifil fixing my oye gliisseii ojii iny nose, mid e.vmn- ining thu curd. . ' "'Ml** EU:aiu>r Jiujliim, of G'Hf- ioii, n pit'tity niiiiii! to begin with," thought I, "Show her in JenkH." "Yes, Bii', replied Jenks, with aggravating composure, and resting hia bund on tho doorknob. "In case anyo 10 else tnills, sir ?."' " Doii'l disturb me." ; " No,-h,ir." ' . -- _:. Jeiiku looked mo scrutiriizirig- ly, tuid viintHhed in his noiselesa way us t'jough tho| phantom elf a Jenks ha 1 come und gonoi " A cliiint^ I sujiposo," I mental ly ejnctihtted, as I tlirew myself in a profuscijonal attitude, and ,seized li voltune of Story's Digest. 1 was it young lawyer, of moder ate expectiitious, und enconragedby urlittle stipend left mci by a bach elor nnclj I hud the hardiliood to hang on: hiy sign, from n, small oflico '. Unit opened on I3oekinun Street. I.^o not know t(mt any one-iiotu cil the sigii, save myself, which I .V!l8 aceustoinetl to conteui-. plate with much inward satisfac tion, ut lwist a dozentiriies during the day, in all the glorying;of gilt lettering, " CSkokok Belguave, At- tuftie'ij ulLwr." However, if I bad no clients, I retained at least the semblance of- bubincss to walk with" in} leaving was wel cases of as the I himself. I wu| pi'pfoun und the lady, M and always took, ^care hurriedly into tho otlice, hands full of documents, jverybody to i magi do that I bed down with: ;iuj many hiagnitiide and importance onoruble District Attoruey ing air, nppareritly absorbed, in 1 sttuly, ;ts the door opened, raceful liguip of a young in deep mourning, softly glided to ward Iiiy deskT I started wit|i an exclamation of admiration, us she threw, aside her veil, um revealed a countenarice.of exccediiiK loveliiiess. It,. *vus the finely c dsled and expressive fea tures of a young girl.that had bare ly- read ed he.f eighteenth year ; dark bit e ejtts of heavenly depth guard l on nie with a sud, iuqiiff- s .she said Is tiis Mr. Iielgrave?" TliaL is iuy imu'.e," I replied, itli a bad atu.-mpt to be Ivery calm ani self-possessed. "Be sei.Ujd^ miss. SliO timidly accepted the chair which I wheeled near my own, and observei hesifjitingly : Yov| lmvo heard of the Btiffins' n'" / | er before," Saitl .1 deferen- I presume you refer to your Xow,.I call.to mind, 1 did of (Jliftc ' . " Nev] tially. family meet wiih an article in the Hv.raklreferring .Buflins' I "It cimcerns us I mean mother and inys w-ith a ^vid blush. " This pat! raph I jappen to have with me; and, as i ^particularly indicate the Also Makers, of acaovsD, sT^nbiy ^ sxriirs f umbrfrPlaried and Dressed to o'rde ' in the bestmanner.i jf&r -All work guarantee i . ' | Acton, Jan., 1876. ppURE 911 LK. j f [ The tinders gned begs to thank his [dustoraers forj he liberal patronage re- !ceivd during the past' summer, and would say tha-. he is now prepared to Supply an add; tional number of custom ers with good, pure, fresh milk deliver ed every morn ng, aad jtwice a day- on w^ll^ Saturday*... P i/ties wljp keep cows will, find izmucfi cJ reaper aS less trouble to get milk d^li/ered at their doors, and they would do well to sell their cows 4nil buy their uilk. Twenty-one quart tickets for $1, if paid i in advance, or twenty-one pint ticketsfor 50 cents., i " I P. S. ARMSTRONG, I vlcton, Kov.-lOth, 18^5. _ ' i TOB PlU.VriX of all kiudjS i^JI neatly and promptly executed at tl^e ?-" FREE PRESS OFFICE. j . ' ' ' .\;ext>ne Post Olllre, JII1I Hrfl. The und^filgnod has cbmmenced-the Butchering ; Business liar Acxpoxir, Opposite -Allah's tiivery. Stable, and will keep constantly on band . Fresh and Salt Bleats, Flshj Fowls and Vegetables, , at" all Beasona of the year. The'support of the public is most, respectfully solicited. r CSEAP FOB CASH, ' tad best plan so say you all. EDWABp MATTHEWS Otir dis- t,e, in stenl from: their neighbors. AnDther swindling case is reported- from Springfiek-, Ohio.: A "man numed John T. Morris, who liyds in that city, has for some time "been carry ing on an jxtensiveand systarintic method of swindling. His modus operandi iii.as follows : Ho alyet^- tises his headquarters atSprin|;6pld and Cinci inuti, and orders {;oods and products of-various sorts from firms in al parts of the Union and Canada, referring them to bankers and other jusihess men in.Spring field. When the goods arrive they are immediately taken from th3 ex press offices or freight depots, and transferred to other parties fo't any amount Norris.und his confederates can get farj them. '. Norn's wi a in the penitentiary for swindling nearly a year, but was discharged through illegal technicality, and has been carrying on his business on a larger scale than before. He claims to nave amassed $40,000 by this style pf business. object of to read i As s hided to with a 1 to some trouble about the state." If "-i-repHed Miss Builr ,ns,- ini- iny visit, -i will ask you ie: sjjoke, the young lady drew ji newspaper from her pocket,, and pointed out tho.;paragraph ad- which she hud underlined iiicil. I-i'cad it with re newed iiterest: . | "TllF. BUl'FIN'S KSTATEt ITY-OT MltS." BCVFJSS: .! ' Several years ago, a wealthy mer chant, doing' business in Lispeuard-st;., died, ant heiiueathed a,handsome pro perty, al out half a million, to his wid ow, Mrs. will proi riage or dianship should r Eleanor, of age. Jane Buffins. A clause in the the ,a> From 1(868 to .1875,. according to Canadian official returns, the amount of beer consumed per bead of the population, Has increased lv- 848 gallo is. In whiskey ohd brandy, an 1 the more potent lie iiors generally,- ;here is q.uite. a notice, ablo decrease. As beer is-thiclesfl harmful tuyeragi of- the twe, the statistics prove at liast, that of .the two evils tie majority of the sumei's are choosing the lesser. Irony To ask a hardware Acton; March 15, 187C 38-3m $ \ cUnfc the jiripp of cast-steel toap. ided that, in case of hor mar- premature decease, the guar- and. control of the property vert to ilr.;Ralph Uorle,-un|il his only daughter should come In the meantime, howovdn Mrs. Bujffihs, who 'lias manifested fpr several iionths past strong symptoms jof insanity has been d^etned jucapahle of inanaguig her own affairs ; she was yes terday, through the advice of her atr tendant physicians".removed to the Iii- sane.Rel reat, at Bloomingdale. la cok- of this sid event, Mr. Ralph Dorle will assume iJie guardianship and control if the young lady, until she reaches'her majority;' . ;; " W611, I ejaculated, drawing ia deep breath, as I finished the pei'- usal of the paragraph, and handed the newspaper back to the young lady. 'Well, what then V ' | " Mr. Belgrave," said Miis Eleanoi, : Vehemently, while hei; slight, (rracJ!fi|l form trembled wiljh exeitement|"yon are, .as yet, unac quainted >Yith ; the truth. My mother is n6t mad, neither has she ever .manifested the slightest ten dency to insanity. She has besjn so represented by Ralph Dorle; and he even bribed the physicians atjd subbrnel witnesses to prove it. Slje is the victim of abasB unprincipled marti-"'.'.. : / : / 1 ': ;|. ,"I see," I interrupted, with j a wifeeshskeof my head. " A con spiracy a get the property into his own hands, Go on," : ; !; "This sclieming [villain, Dorlo, has mo almost entirely in his power," alio continued., " He has lately gonp ao far as |to forcibly de tain mo! aprisoner in, my own'house,, and treats- mo. with cruel rigor. Yesterday I itccidently found a check signed by hiiii, for a small amount of money; anjd with this" I resolved to escujio- ! This I accoiii- plishedjby bribing t!|o jailotiesa to allow nje a brief leave of absence, and now I am free. |I came to you, sir, heai-ilig that" yoil are a young lawyer! of integrity,'who will riot easily be corrupted by tha artful i-epreseiitations of Ralph Dorle." | " Wo will soon put an' end to, jhiB tyrannical course^' I observed, importantly making) an 'entry in my memorandum book. . I-was at that moment, let.me confess it, con siderably flattered by tho circum- wtaneo of the young lady referring the case to me, a briefless' young lawyer. I thought, besides, that Miss Eleanor Buflins was altogcth. or the prettiest and most engaging girl I hiid ever had the good for tune to meet; all my sympathies were arjoused in her behalf. It was one of those romantic episodes in the life of a professional man that might lead to fortune and to, fanje. I already fancied myself in a "jbrown stone front," and in the glowing enthusiasm of youthful imagination, pictured .myself as standing at tub tyead of my profes sion- " . i . ] . . . , .- "Thojfir8fc step necessary'to be taken," pursued! I, " is to obtain the release,of your good mother; the next to savo you from tho per secution of your unnatural gnat" diurii; I'H tell you what I will do I will go round and see Dorle myself, j It might frighten him a little, and, rather than risk a pub lic exposure, ho will be quite ready to -effect a, compromise." "If you are resolved uponseeing him," reiharked Miss Eleanor, hes itatingly,] "may I beg to accompany you?". i_ . -." "Certainly," I replied, with a glance of warm admiration at tho plmcp little beauty. " I have not the slightest objection. Shull we go now?" " As you please, sir.'- 1 took down | my hat froni its peg without another word,1 put on my best kids, which I always had ready, in a sidej pocket, for. extra occasions; and,-v-ith a low bow to Miss Eleanor, g-.illantly offered her/ my arm. She iccepted it unhesi tatingly, and we stepped out into the passage. .1 was" in hopes of running the blockade without en countering the eye of my-man ser vant. Delusiv^ Jiojh) ! Just as we fairly reached the. door, Jenks made his appearance, and civilly opened it. ' . " Jenks," said; I quite vexed at the oflieiousipolitenessof the scoun drel, "If any. one callp Udl 'cm they needn't wait. Important business will detain mo out-all this after noon.", "All right, sir," replied Jenks, scrutinizing Miss Buffins with a curious look. " Hang tho fellow," I mentally ejaculated. "Ho "Ss positively laughing in his sleeve at me." , . After we hud walked a few- blocks in silence. Miss. Buffins carelessly -observed : ' Mr: Beigriiye, my _watch has stopiied. Can you tell me what time itis'i" " "-:..;'.. "Let me see," I replied,.6stenta- ciously. displaying my own hand some "hunting case." " It is just foiir o'clock." I ".- ,i - "What a"pity!" exclaimedjltliu young lady, in a tone of disappoint-, ipent. "I intended tp' get the check of Dorle's cashetl, :but of course I nm too 1 ite. j /The ^bahks are closed.. -.Motlier's'fad fatp ;has so engrossed my thoughts, that I 4uite: forgot abou; it. until this, mo ment." .... y; \ ' . ,; ' Don't disturb yourself ion that acco'unV'saidlj politely,.'. "If the amount is not too large, porJuips I may be able to cash'it for yon my self/'; -: "\You are very kind," rejoined Miss Buftins, with ji sweet smile. "The amount is qver !four hnnd.red dollars.',^ . .' I bit iriy lip. Tnp.sum was,.lar- ger than I antieipatecj. However, as I had'made;.tlie proposition, I was too proud to<ra)erte. "., ' "I am sorry that) I have not so j$!.00 per nnnnm In Advance. I called in check for " "Certair ponded Gli document. ' "Second York, pay four hnnil to see ii-yoa would-cash me?"; >. . ) \. ';-"; : ly, witli "pleasure,'-"reg- indwelt" looking at the National ; Ham'f, Note to the Jicnrur or order grave, a fee), I wn.fi wi llal/jh .Dorics' -"?' What's this,;Bel ch r, . liiig to have hirn think bo so J <niy laughed and, shook my heud in ysteriously. r , ".Good!.-for' a \ start, upon -fny word Belgriive," said the merchant. " By-the-by "he added, pleasantly, ."wlm is that pretty girl you are.es^ corting?" - , "'. "Tlmt!s i, secret," I acswered. ' * -' ' Good ' Heiive'hs'!"! I- ex'clalhied at last): M here is'jsortfe -mystery ' thatneed^ clearing up," and with out hesitation.! rapidly .fecapitular ted how :i,nd ' where I hail become- '.acquainted wij,h Miss Buffins. "'I regiet to say that:y<m have been duped and deceived by a wily and Hiifil impostor,"'.Kaid "Alc.;. Dorle, "gifively.,. "The "gennins ; M.irt.s Buili.ns (' 7t///e tjirlTjat nine yearn'olil." . -. ' . - . ' Jf a tlaindcrbolt had falljpn at my . have beeu_mpi,ie amazed, i' " ' v '. .: " - -.' I gazed- like one in a dream :at Mr. .-Dorle,. and. slowly ;reason be gan to dawn oh iny raind.r-Me-" chanically I placed tny hand to niy with a ktioving wink. " Tell you- *<% and .found iiiy .-watch gone. I wine otherjinie." 1 . then dived desperately into my breeches pocket, Jirjd discovered niy "Ha, Jm. ha," laughed Grind- well. "Yju. are ,an uncommon diy fellow Veryj'shrewd, very shrewd." ' - : " . . .' . . I eoiild not help tliinkirig'so jtit- self, as'I de lartfd with the "green backs in my han'd.J. . ' . '- J^liss, El|ia nor BiiiSn.s .'was kick ing her jirety shajied-5 gaiter, boots sagtiinst the stoop], with some im patience, as I presently rejoined her. "Really Mr. Belgrave, -t am sorry to put you .to all this trou ble," slieiaid. with one of her win ning smilps, aS. she received the money and deposited it: safely in hpr wallet. " " It is certainly kind, but we have no time to lose. If we do not hurry we may miss see ing Dor.'e. I wish him to under-{ stand that I cannot and will not submit to 'hiii tyranical usurpation of authority." , _ - \: . .- - ' I secretly ipplanded the spirit of my lovely cli ent, and talking pleas antly to beguile tlie time, we has tened up Broadway, threaded tlie intricacies of Tileeker street,.and ia less than half an hour h'alted in- front of a phi in looking mansion or namented with a plain old-fashion ed brass kno:ker. .. -^ - , - " We havt j-eached Mr.. Dorle's," whispered rny fair companion, draw ing .nearer tb me, audj trembling like a leaf. " I feel niy courage deserting, mc now I am! here. jHe is a cruel mai, I fear that he rijiay use violence, when he upderstands that have^cdhsented to be my friend." ' '! >\ -" Be caltri, Miss Eleanor. N"ay, I perceive yoi are greatly agitnteii You can rem;an outside iinut'I. re turn. '. IT-eal!y see no uecessity of your..enterinn'tlio house at all." ." I 'will-do just as you- say," she murmured faintly. V-* '. Of course, under the circum- stniices/it. could only add to her excitement to confront her guur- diari just thei; so I requested her to. step into a drug store near by and wait for me. Sheobeyed with out. besitatk i, wlhile I, Somewhati flurried - with tho prosjiect f a1 stofiny intervew.with Iter giiardiiin,! hastened to a liipunce my presence.; I A dirty-fHCi8ervant-girlpf;eseat-|L ed .herself, in- answer to niy. sptu-i mons.- Mr. "'ilalph Dorle'was in.? Handing the ii'aid iny card, I crept! into, a dark purlor, where; Isa't in; solitkdo arid" gloom, amusing my^ iself by. drawing a fancy picture of- the artful Mi. Dorle, whom I im agined -to be an ugly old gentleman; on the shady' side of fifty, with !a" cunning, evil expression on hiB wrinkled feait tires, but was soine- wliat. confusid, when ithe- d]oor r^eued, to confront a pleasant, bene- walIet,'eontairriug: fifty dollai-Sj was also missing; so that my whole loss by this misadventure might besuni-' med up'ks follows : V; Amount bn forged check.'.. ^. "Valrtfe of JWatch and Chain.-. Cash .... .i. J....~; I..'...... .$450 00^ .350.00 .- 50 00 . .*s)so ob'; . i] -.,: i :TotaI...... As soon"as. my :legs could take ' ine to "the police station,.I mad, known iny loss to the authorities, aud a' force of deteeSves was in- ' stantly put upon, .the track of'.the false Miss' Buffinsi}.' but she had . availed herself of my brief inter view ivitli Mr. boiie, unci, fn flip ' iuterim, had made good- her escape with her ill-gotten booty. I never heard from her or ray- missing^property again; but Icori- sbled myself for this trsble disaster by'sunimarily discharging, ray gen- ,' teel man-servant, *' Jenks," who,.'I suspected, laughed in his sleeve, at niy simplicity and- credulity." I don't know whether .1 - could' possi bly.prove it; but it was'enoiigh to see that I was" the iHrigbing-ijtock ofeveiymiddling) lawyerand 'petti-; foger from Chambers street to the--;!, purlieus of the torn bsj-. and, though V I strove marifiilly against 'the*tor- rentof ridicule that engulfed' me, - it proved" too nauch for'a young . _ ma,n of m}v slender- fegal attain- nrents; aiid'in a few weeks) I'quiet ly hauled down roy sign, and be came a.' broker's clerk, with, no - liri'geriiig"" iimbitiBn tb figiire^as a "notary-putilic," or even enroll my- name among the dusty files of tho Police Court. ' ' i >ld gentlenian who ^8Uch matters,, as^'far as they-are' most .genial manner Volent-faced bowed in the possible.- ' : Ralplj Dorle," I stammered hesitatingly. "That's my said Eleanor's he threw open lire toa seat this herjiiit lo Rules in flBAysPLAXTixG Trees:- The Builder recommends, people '- who triinsplii.nt trees tb ,tiirk,tie north side of 4ach tree before "it is: taken up and replace it in its' nat ural position. -A large portion will ~ then live, as bj ignoring this, trans' planted trees generally perish. A man who W-ed last year in a house Mri Toronto, without paying: . rent, declined' to move out last week when asked to do-so by they" landlord,. unless; the latter"? would pay. liirh' ten dollars: -; When ;- tlireiitenod witli, tlie liw, he said two' months Would be occupied and- , spent itT "a 4'iiti whilstc-iie/ only,' Hvantetl; ten dollars to settle the I questiofi at imca. How is tiis forv juatioef . ,. . ,-'-:" .) !The Canadian Institute of To ronto .has decided -to erectra build ing afcta cost of 10,000, and] onie^ 5 tliird pf tht.aaiount is .already, on haridL /The institution is under stood tb be for the encouragement of science, history antiquities Sad if;' : . I much at my command,"'! remark ed apologetically. '{tut I think I can find a Bubstituoe at the' next store, <Jrind well, ic Co. The-Hirm, arcrfriends of mine, md will doubt less, cash the " check- as a personal favor. '.. ' . . 1 Leaving Miiss Bt i|inR. outside I walked into the office" of Grindwcll :ii--Co.-' -. ..- ' " Good afternoop", Mr. Grind- well,'- Bhaking hiinife with the pl'iri-' cipal partner, whoMroro' spectacles, and.a .high shirt cojllar. :"Hqw.'s cotton to-day f': i" Cotton is tip;"aid'up is dp^n;" replied "the rrierch > nty facetiously';. " Take a eafj, Bel j; :-ay e," , t,, . , j j " Can't .stay name, Mr. Belgrave," guardiari, siniliiig, as the .blinds and waved "You must^excuse" iking apartment; my house looks like a.tomb since El eanor left us. Poor girl ^ she is. yet to learn {lie sad news of her mother's. death." "Mrs. Buflins is dead^thenT said I with li s tart. ; ,rYes,'sir; she died - yestetdrty morning; at four; o'clock^'.quite peacefully, as I- learned) frbtp: the attendant phyuicians. ' Tie'distres- sing malady -which hftd'afflict^d her' for several yei rs took- a fatal turn-, as we all feared." Poor- Eleanor 'is now an1 orphan." '" ; ' I:Wd3 iquite cliop-fa'llert by this unexpected and startling flews.1 It had.Mipset all my calculations tit on'A-fell blow.,. I was unable to ie- alife ft. ' To" easelmy; elf of. an nhpleasaut sus)picion;l inquired. , . i V When: did E^eatior leave horne?" r ))J! - '-:" . '! A.hout six months ago; replied Mr. D-orle^staring at me .with an pdtrexpt'essioi-ofi.stii'prise.. . , . I His reply m/stifled mo more than fi.vpr. " Whyj" rejpiriqd-I, "she nssur- e<(t irie she. escs ped fr~dm your house this Very ,mondng." '-*!_.'. '" You speak in enigmas; Mr. Belgrave. ;Ai a yon await that my ward; Miss iSleanpr,. is'^now ,in- Paris, where.:;he is;cbriipleting her -ruqimentary eiticatipri. \ V.' ' "^ was agfiiisb, " ' [closely connected with') Canada. Records vare to be jjatheredJ and:- kejit for i-efBrenoe. - . ; ) .* Hero is excellent advice front the Monetary Times not only to ipariii- factiirers but 'to every man in "busi ness :-r~" To iueot the" ju'esent post- . jtion, rnanufacturers require to study ^cbnoriiy at all .points."'. Int. every ' ipniufacturo it is>*ttentibn tojlittle; things - that' secui^;s_;prolit. ' -'No uiariufacturer can ppssibly do well:._. tinless Tie- looks *ftev the smalt * rioints of bis" business. ' And he .. must understand these points in order to'dp it. It is to be feared that some, .manufacturers .ariiouirst up are not as thoroughly .versed In tie practical pbmtB of the business " is necessary. No trusting to ex>. rienced foremen will answer the "[,:. nlace of personal, miiiute, practical". Tciiowiedge oil the part of the prih-.." cipal." >s.". :^-.'-' ,i I'A.; SpringfieTd ?Manufacturing firm has failed, and in Cbnseqtiejhse sik-mills in^different parts of j54as.- ;. sachuse'tts have ' closed, thrpvi'ing," em\h hundred people but. of >em-j ', pljOymant. The - protective, ^nif-ja:.-, the cause, perhaps, not liigh'enoitgli- -' bi too high t)y something. .Aji eS-" [ilinatipn is desirablp". Willsom'e ) of piir'Protectionist friends ris4? '.'. ;Silk manufacturing-in the. Uriifeil; -, Sottas'has been unju'ofita'h.leof late,- .' w^tIra,protection of fiftyiper c^nt, . Uut tho ; Ainencan firrri .wlucli has UAeri prosp'ectHng in: Moiitreal,:has- "decided to eo.mo fo~ Canada^, where tljere' id -'only teri per cerit protec tion for the ariiclt* proposed to be ), inttnufactured. Will the. Protec- " tipnist orlitor-": explain, this also '-while ho is Ori his feefr^ "r" ;- ' "-fr.'.-ll ?v-:'f:

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