Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1876, p. 3

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: p ":---^ 1 r = .- ""i*r^^-*r*^"^iiTt. - . =f_; -- t i^;:::v; r. V", i:v-.Vf7: iMWS^M- j^m' vsSy^jfeis^fe f i?:':"-* '.'-.:; -" V-j'| .*'* - j:"-"".-ffi i^jS fT ^>'i'^.-i f>*i-*r. -i'-V -Vl* - *{ ^'- -~'.'j, ^^; ?> VMM-: mmm .J#-; ."I; Pp^^wPS* mmtm jpr? * f |_ J3TX -*t :j7i^ Soiiiisisiiii ii^^^sM^fc i p^wsMKiiillra THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JUNE 8, 18/T6. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thirty hour (."looks C. & O- HyinK >"otioo ti Ttvjjwssors \\'m. tlordon. ; -qjo-Contractors Ai"*> Kehool Roanl. ' Milton rtsmni; -Mills- d.-lV Mitchell. ' TV.Vlif SelnvM Te.-wher.'-^-KxaniinatioiiN. Pi^Wvcs Christie. Henderson .V Co. I WhitesideThni the _7th lino K.-uhu-m'h;:, Gret Synvral K.ale Wui. Stewart .T-Co, I uear T.all'inafad. Caleulating from' The Wool, AVivl y.MoUvdy.\ndcr>on..S: I'o. nmulvr who ooeupiod places'at the long Golden lion of lJuolpU -J. 1\ >Yilliam- [ tallies, it was estimated th.at there won' sou & Co. -r "between 700 .and SOO people" present. TMio Weather wxi all that could l>o do. Crnfegrr*' riciUc. A combination of the several V, ranges nithisp-iciivrty, comprising tlufso of'Ril. linofnd, aflcmvilHjims, Stowarttown, Hornby, Ao'tou. Kriu Village and Cnlo- don, held-a'grand Jiicnio, 011 Friday hist/ iu_tlio or.tonsho grove l>cIon:;iir;; to Mr..'. 1 >.. " t H. }VQ. M -*?ST>rdi<sss 0r'- loffered.ofi .'-v.ijojast tho 1 :.o ->dTe-r~ ;.:vd LOCAL MATTERS. ;- ; >,\3D- j. . i ._ A ct'insiilvrablo iiuantity of " \fhct is being rharlieted, ainl.prin's arc a few cents higher.this wixk. - , ^I\<y. Alox.-^V]j.dorsoh- will iireAch in Matthews' Half, on Siinday, lUlw.at I0:3l)*n. aiul-:3:o'cl.vk. j>.m. " "'" Onr^.cxlitorial tablo is gni>HHl wit); a raivgn*.ticeu;'-'.lohvl Ksjiu-t. K^v.lly '^jjrcsictoiM'.v.-Mrs. ScoorxU for wljicliwe liV to tender o;;r sincerx' tli.uits. ' , i pune-e4-K\^e l*aTl in tieoruciou \i yesier. day. "with a-club there, and made, a score of ".H agaii^t the lattcr's 14^ Kasy \t the resi.U-.'.cM .if "Mr. Innj. Nij/kiin ne\u \\'eiti:^da\ e^ClliI\^. for 'Jie I* :ieht .-f Jhe".:ueW Meihodist Vhurch Yi;rrhu:;g. . l.txi-'atM^'Mr.- Tlios. t'raiuo v^f VVc:.-l .'ire., roircsc.^tic.g :!:c ; lu-krisil o: Acto:;. K.H.-iv\c.. i' Y.r-.\- .' " Xir.i^ra.: new in- *cj!ji.'ii at Har.::I:-.::. ' 7. Me: i .1. ISrvd.'.-unl every iiian, woman and child appeared to he enjoying . thcius'eh es to their heart's content. Short addresses .\\'orv;"d('livorod .liy Messrs, AIc\. Mo- I-Tix-n tvnd.lhck of Caloilon, Mcl.oughlin of Krin, and others. -Vocal and instru mental music and Jaiicing were amongst llie other amuseilients, and TTglit well vro they eujoyetiT" The Granges ap]>ear to Iv in a Ihuirishing condition. I^ist 1'iiilay t\ as the anniversary of tlieir.or- gaui:;at'ou in iV.'.i'ada. Tlio finiinl t'ontonniaL is -now -gonrg 011 - Ho arc tho*c -ov) lionr elocl;s goiiig./'lV fi\>m K'. &- ('!. IK lids", at >o.o0. ClfE 7-o (.'., AV;.-:..r .,^,'.r.t /".-, e /';..-.--. : 1vy'.au Sin. -1 tiid iu^. intend to ag:iin trespass Jon jour sjiace hi:*, since Miss I'rij.p: st letter several of the Son> oi '..uiii-ki. Tc>\i-el-- :s .re-.-.peed i;roriir -:r~ 4-3 pas. -' ACP.IFICED. |VA.KT.-t Co.'.-. ' " r . WATCHES, ^ -"r-ilAlKi?. Ar.-.cr!3. Air- Patterns. .' -.J.-: -: ;erjiJR :-. rt ; Kev. Mr. fa-veft .^c the aJ:..h ciri-:::: : for aa^her- :<.riu .1 . . i " j Prices" for-Ti-O'. t-eir.g ri-'.'or-.c,. a; r.K--.:: C> a ;.:>., Mci'.'v--! i Anderson of (Jcorgetov, h a-1-. a: B.Jss T-.ee.t'^ Mil: a, but that has :i--;h:::g :. .1 :IJ ^tho-e .<:.CO ci.-cks. a: C. et G- il j a-:.-'-. Tae Georgetown Hi-ral'.i L-arr.s T:*hi;icr:'.:n-.o iiave-. cal'c.l on im: to sav that'tliej- lie uii.ier suspicion of having r---itsti.d me.in ni\'"ta-K." In..justice ,0 ih. j'.i 1 :issure Miss ('. thai ".! : Work is-my own. Ami. f.ltho'.iol) 1 ,io not i'.nir.h'c in alcoholic li>iuofs. 1 can readily c\;-uso Mi-s fr-pp.-'belief that 1 v.\es uot M'i..r uls.-n, 1 meddled with such a piece of folly' as the subject of discussion.. Her last letter is not-what 1 mo;iK1 ivjieot from one so conversant with Scripture as Misst'. appears to be, but I arc. gratcfu.L for tb.c information that a few' ^: d:o ^- cis hold hi-r poctrv !:; the same esiituatiou as myself and 1 think, ti:-^ ":"e\.'" hu-ans the greater part o: ;ac i-.o.:v. ^r.->-t npos oi:ei> sorae The itms^ ~H :'^:'v3*o3iP -f OLDEN LION OF G-TJaE3IL,FI3:. APEST DRY GOODS STORE IN ONTARIO. THE HALF PRICE GOQDS Ixym Munt'ival tui'iviiig by tliu car load lively" day. G-reatest Bargains Ever. Known. 10 follow! A.::F'EW.'..0F- THEM: Children's Silk Parasols fitun 2oc up! -Ladio^'.. Parasols ' and Trml)rellas, i'roin 37lc to ?i>--itipst beautiful 'articles selling at just half their value. 'cin^m't^ DressjGoods, from twelve a^rd a half cents beau- .tifirl pattern's and stylos. .: THAT WONDERFUL MAN, JOHN HOGG, -. i "tfppcr Wymiham Street, Arlinn Block. - Tremend6us jEzoitemonti | A Panic I v See fhd Rrisli!: ; Great Siattgiidrj No Old Bankrupt; Stoak: to palrti Offi ': 1831 Cases and Bales of Fancy and Staple. Dry Goods at:Prices that will astonish the People. Tueso aro times tha^people must havo good/ sound and honest goods in return for their.monox; [moth eaten and bankrupt stuff won'ti <fo for ^-Tio > present intelligent day], 1 navje had to come to the rescue before to day; and now that the Trade of Uuelpb requires regnlytrng, I am again calledlhx to battle against high prices, inferior classes of goods and old fogy notions. I hay this day marked1 o2' | -;_ ! . An Immepse Quantity of Staple and ^aricy Dry Goods, f Andl will astonish the inhabitants at the cheapness of really fir8tQlas3 goods. JtSf Don't delay', but calf and be satisfied.^jj ,- iVTllllTI QT*T7" TV/Ti 1*1 tt*I r>T,TT and all ihelNevr. .-.:. XVJ.XXXiJJ.OXV, J.YJ.ijXlX.'J.OX ,y . . est! Designs in the l^illinery and Mantle Departments. MISS SCJLUVAN the Lady MiUiner,. presents to the public,the most'olefiant tasteand designs' in Ladios' Hats and Bonnets to be found on this Continent. Indeed the eulogies bestowed Jrn_ her tiisto In Trimmed lints, &o.. are almost beyond description. I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladies to ray . ] - - .-M. i Black, Colored and Plaid Silks, " ; ;j ! ! "H Such exceedingly good and elegant cjvinlilies as are on sale at such extremely cheap prices, cannot fail to satisfy all 'thai-Ihero cannot be.a aoubtjaboujt ' purchasing at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Storo. : Ladies fancy drea* goods are a^marrol ofbeauty, elegance and cheapness,. ; : 'J,_, Don't foret ihc^sq.-wonderful Lustrlek; at 12^ cents per yard, well worth 20 cents, amazing? value... My prices all through this UoiTfU'tmentare a terror to compel itiori ' ; ! 31II (Hit Mlltll) ill : t.lirtll'. Kllll'.l ' ! - My old friends antl customers wi V- "A 13-. May- 5, lST!; lUy.'VIit Motto in .- Lurtji: -.-Huhm,;.- Chwi/i tjopilx", ' H<h'n/I Profit* and Rc^ihj Puj/. will bo glad to hear of this largo arriyai of choap and good goods by double better th: than any bankrupt stbfcki Alhiu "Block, Ujipcr Wyrulh'amdSErect,, G'uc*Jj)Ii. SB " SBSf""*" SECOND BROS. MONTREAL HOUSfi, - AcToisr. - sTiiiii:::amekd_ ah? i-C liko'.v 10 j dcthiito on tnis pdnt._ Tf to the S,.;,,, , . . - T . t::cv ^vlil c->:isult their own taste, but u-.criies: ::_T.re ! ;.- .;, 11!0-:;t_;s re>pecTfhl!y ih-eliued. As o Ms., "\ vrj- j I do" not- thu-.k a w.ir of pcrsonalitus \v;. , -.coirldls! to_Mi<s I'rlpps" adv.inta-i this -t be- r;v\- "last co;n:;'.airiv-atiou o.u.the jct-:, for it is-:ri:.-os.,ibic for au\- re- . tro\ cr- iu tie t--:u- seen lit to ad.ipt: Vour.-trulv. -." 1. 11. l'hvssu.v. ' ." ' i t:is riiiig^: sca-i .isr to 1 -until th-i trust<.-t-s e-on:t.:_v WitflUeh: ii.tlie^rc. StriL-inz^ ' j'JreneT- ,3f- S3.5Q. bOCKS.! ' tvt'ihijj "tbt!'.ic-i^"'l.^'risi:ul< *.\ ::h"',iv- >u:t-i th K'j/i u^Y'j n. :: " Potato Sag and family have ~ enier^^'d ir->m tho:r \rinter Witiirtt'.r?, and: are bosily .enip.jtrl jt.V-vi::^, '.vir*:;.- to tneir >A<1 friends cii>{ nci_'iiVh.r>,:'vre- parato-ry to eaterii^: tt i*- 'h ^l.cir rr^uL.r aucicier camjrtijzu. (.>.rr 'ju-jr^i.-ini Lr:o::.l Grasihofij-^r " is rJ--^ . j::r:i: >*:;_: ;i.-i : i .lively.: I; ii-Vi!.; tii.-r- ho 1-: rai.-hij ;. vciy iaf^tr-ia-i inier^-,::::^ :::::. - n/i^h*>'trh-..' i-r.v.Tii". ]<ry hihiszl: for r,:i hour iv::.l jir\v.-_ii l*=S"1 - hcariy iiu"ir;i '*sh<t:il-l i c,-i.:I .m .'. -.V ' <rJ: flyndj', Ac:^n,- ?.n-I t^y: the :i;..t:>i^ -'i " It is predicted" tbat liUis.-jui toes -w-ill -*De tTnu=ualiv r.bun'lr^it thii v^Ar, o*m^ to the h:j;h \vatt-r>- ind r.*tc} one ii to-X<: is bi^.T-s'a h"::^-^ :U*." Th:.j is M-i .iiv-^-s f'if th- !.)v.jr? ft _- --.": *-jkt: in the vood_ . We-i:ii-gHt -chl .that th-. prttiictitjn has Ik.-en. lit-^rtilly Jultillci hereiboat ia _reardf.t<.'the. nunic'rosit &nd vii'acityiof the aniuiilc^, but we art riL-; so p-jjitiTe. about .the CMmiarativ iZe" W" :'J' J. : '- vf ! EukUUIib or Trltrbris. [ r' _ T5e.annual ei3rniiir.tiou ot caii'ii-iateJ ! h<T Brit, second-and tiiird- 'class eertiiij ciite-s f^r tie present j'e.ar iv;]] }.- ii-rld in tke To*rn fl.il], iMiitou, coiii:ue;J>.f.r,.^ " '.'n Mqn'lay, 2(>ih-'>: Julyyjit nine o'clock a-ih. All aiudicationi; niu.= t i"-.sent - t-.to Mr. IL -Little', Acton, iK-t later thaii. 20th June." ,- ; i-! '-. :>1 i i:u:tii>. lu.Aetj'h. or. llie. 'Jord u-lt.. the wife of >i,r-'-i'liarh-'s l'ean-of u ion. [A mis- tal. c'wa'.J u:ad-c :a the sex.-';.s published . rri A.-ti n,' on the 5:Vi in.--t.., -wife e>f 'Mv/Kdvcard.Matthews, .,{ a sj-n. - >iakcii:u._ . At the .residence of the lirjile's, l>ro- tlor. Kair Vie-.v. Eniafii. by the Vtev.' Priutsf. peilect marvels of cheapness, finestr^meri- iMiiLliiakf.s i'c and G^c ii" yard ; best English cc. . Over 5!fl0.0 yards sohi im Satin dav. ' l-tiilii-s Satchels 70c. Lustres ItV. tlivnadines 10c. ('oliourgs 1 Sc. OostuiiK.' Linen l'2\c. ; Lawns 12JC. i-raa iV:;:v:.::i'V, late ' iueio'n Oa'Vfi'-av. l!>:hof Mav. bv the Ke-,i' Mr. Mills, at the r-.-.-i-leite'e-. f"thr brides father. S:..- -... :.r:oviu. Mr. .!,.hni- flarli. oi ^rk .>t.-i-te. to M-.sj. l-:!i.-.aln.-t!i i.'ooley. if iisoUeSil.s. ' '.- iia;i;eo:h .: d . ie-:.-- ..: : the Y. rk' lb-ad. bv. the. Kev. Ib'b.-rt "I'.-rr.-.::.---. Mr. fh:irl--s' A-ilau^.f tii'- i. u=h. of Nei'.-n.to Mis<-.la,i, r. IHIKj A.-. Z-:\.-'^ t.. Mrs. vb.rv fb.wleV, no-tl -.: ..r Mrs. .ii.iitr I!:-r::.di. ::i her - Scbi-ulv ..nfthe lUh-ii'si.. a'fhN-resi- -.: in' Toronto, Mr. \\d!!ia:u Leslie, late of i ;.-or_'et.ovn. aoed S3 vi-ars. SSIi?rST8E, HENDERSON ' "" '-'& eb.'s. \ . . . BIG DBIVBS. Special' Bargains: Lai-ocst A'ss&ftmeht of' T- ~\Sre believe!: the correct principle of advertising and doing business Igenerally to be, to show es- (oniers and others, clearly, positively and c6nvrn-< cingly, that, it is to {their interests to trade with the party adverlisrngj This of course is not pos sible to every merchant, for to do so he must, bj& able to show clearly jthat he can give them better value for their 'money than they can get elsewhere: MQST TASTEFUjL T)ESIG]S^S(To acComp)ish this,aie must not only buy well but heniust mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices,. Tso-that customers will see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him. - ' ' In the two invoices below we think we clearly show the "advantage! gained by those who deal with us, over those wilip don't. A custoniGr4>oughi of Sccord Bros.; In Town. All v, ho uive en lied say tlioy never xnv (.lixxl^ so Cheap. Ai" t-OlIH" mill S'c. I's. -is - . - J. 1). .WILLIAMSON-A Co.. L'L-1 Central Boot asi oo CRAINE & SON 1 I -_ . . . " Havo just received their hi- SPRING STOCK OF|0OTS & SHOES which-is'ahead of any thing'everpd oifered'ijrActon for style tand durability . and at prices that -cannot bo undersold. -. - OUR CUSTOM WORK , Will receive careful personal attention, and all \vprk guaranteed to giVie1-". '.'!"... - satisfaction^' " . .. Uon't forget the place,.- -. ~2-. Mill Street,;'opposite' Morrotr*s Drus Store.-'"i c ml Acton, April 4, 1S7.6. CRA INE..&-.&6K arialE INELLAS Acton, School Board. The rc-jrala^Triouthly im-tiisiy "t t'.ir. School Board v/as held in the seho.-.l house oB-"31ouiLay eveniiu:,: otji iiis.t. - ]'res>.-at, Mr. Kennedy-, chairman, Messrs.,-Moore, Snyder', Hall, SiniTji an'LLasbyv "Jliiwt'jj of l.-c.t i.-ii.-etiii'.' reioi and approved. Mr. Mbore repoi-t- -f:d thatlie ha/i emplojed Mr. Zimmer man to pliint twelve shade trees i'i the .-school grounds, at the rate of To cents .each, -K-arraiited for two years.. Th-: -'following accounts were-' preseiited-iand on motion ordered,-to be paid, viz-i; P. McKTann,-for repairs and carpenter work 1! ' ,.lFUaert repairing" a'n/1 putting ui" 'new .water epoute, .Ji.35 ; S.' Ziinmtnha'n for trees and planting. .r'9 ; J. II. Hacking, t'o.r printing library catalogues, S.'W ; r Mra. Wordt-n on (-alary as caretaker, vgia.OO:'-;' ]' >' Moved by Mr. Snyder,,sec'oiidid by . Mr.. .Smith, that the-board advijrtke for ' .teods'rs for putting in two v.iiidoves in the Bcliool houee, ako for sundry re- I'^fiJL. Painti"e', fete. On hloti.ui, Aleeora. Kennedy, Moore, and ojuyder '. were appointed a committee to draw up specifications and attend to thcipropcr performance of the repairs,'tc. reijuired. The Board tht-rj' adjourned till the first Monday inSftily. CREAT REDUCTION "IH DRESS i - GOODS. Dress Uoj'l.-j Ayorih -o>:, reduced - to iiilc. '. ..':. Dress (iouds J.w;'oitli OOlv iciluccd ' ' to1 13c. " ' ' : ': Dri-s.-i- i'.J.oods-'wortli V'c, i-e'dacod to due. " , - '.'_'-" Dress Goods worth .r>CK::, reduced ,' to 23U. - ~' '- M-AjjftlJES," DRESS GOODS, j GENERAL DRY GOODS. A vprv handsome stock ju.st opened out at iViiLLSi^RY AND DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, Our stock of Millinery is not surpassed by any house in Halton county. ) Our salea during the past-two weeks .have bfcen extraordinary large; lour' first clasis milliners kept exceedingly busy' from early.mdrning till late at night attending to the wants of our customers. Everybody highly pleased with tiid nearness, beautiful styles, FUp'erior quality and cheapness of our millinery. -There is no longer any necessity for going to Guelph or else where to get fashionable goods; . ^ We have a lar^o and handsome slock of MANTl/ISS, of the mpstfashion- able stylos, in all sizes and qualities very cheap and good. .. La<iie.s"-Ke:ily-iii!nlc Suits, iUack and i'.oioried- Silks, : Dress Uouds of various kinds 'IKT'GEKggRAL- DRY GOODS. (Jar stbek is niuchlarger and better-than ever before. A good assortment ' " . of ueiitlemcu's Goods, . E'-i-;"' < <t -'Ijoirn to tlo< Y't-ry Lvivt't Fojiin:*.,^?}^ We ho'lieve in small-profits and quick sales. ' A fine! selection of HANDSOME JE"WELEY at all prices. Also I a- Good. Stock, of General Groceries. -. ' '."HilUricry'Show Uoom Up Stairs. 1'leaso call and see our new goods and low prices. | : - D.-MoNAIR.: Actonj May 23, ISTOd . -'-I: 5 lbF. Meteor Tea, 50c. p|er lb...............j 11 lbs. .Bright Sugar . ..^..:................. 12 ltis. Medium Bright Sugar-------............ 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea... J............. -...----- 1 set Knives and Forks..................... 1 set China, 44 pioces.. .j................... 1 gallon Coal Oil.......i...............------- 82 50 I 00 1 00 85 1 60 4 00 30 811 15 atcl. &M: ,; r Economy jk the road to v.-iaiJtli, tf yoa want to practice it buy your Jev.--| tlry and watches at a house that deals ipeicially^ia.that line. C. &-G. Hyudb'. is the place. '.. - SpBCTjtr, -Sale. Wm Stewart &. Co., of Giielph, are now making a spe cial eale preparatory .to. removal irito . Irttmises now in couric of erdctipn on b'ppfc^ Wyndham street." In their ad- ^rUement they state .that the entire Btock^will be orTeredat.prie.es rigartlle.-s fcw>t,-_to secure a reduction inl aniyjiut ffjj'wds; which are all new. . jl'lieoiale 13 W.-Jrthy the.attention oi" tlje pnhLe. _H"\SJEE TIIE1I. > The "Younijs to be Huntfed'.. Down. The Sjjc da tor Kays: "On Timrs- <3ay morning a body of the city po lice] with Sc:rgt. Mc.Mo-neiny and the Chief at its head, 'was organized for the jiurpo.se--of hunting down the escaped murdereis,thc Votings, With Sergt. Mcileneiny- and the Chief v,-eut Detective McPhersqn, Mr.-;Tour Tindill, and a sqn.id of ten constables. This number will be greatly augmented in the coun- ti-yv^JThe^" idea -is to thoroughly search every foot of ground biiw'eeu this city and the" Grarid Itivcr, to enter every house where the;Youngs were intimate, and to thoVouglily, exjiloro every .'suspicious point.1 Rich man has got his tract of-coun- tvy majiped- uiit-j'lor him, und tlic jilan hh shown to our.iojiorter is certainly ingenious. The men are thoroughly 'armed, and are fully prepared for any emergency. .Should they homo across the "Youngs their captijrc; is Certain, whether they arc taken dead "or alive. -The (Jliief ;ui<l-his- ollicej's deserve oyei.w credit for triis: bold liiovc, nmhit is-Itopcd, for the [safely of the nughb.j)-h'o<i(j of ' 'aydga thai- they yvill iiiicctwl in tlioir iiileJitioM." . ^sw^: IUND-ERTAKINC. But oiier .Shop, S. ZIMMERMAIT Would, inform the jieoplo of Acton and-yicihity that ho has again com menced] tho Butchering j Business In this'village, and from his long experience in this lino:he will be able to^ furnish fresh meats of all kinds of the best quality, nicely and cleanly dressed. dMeati delivered at tha houses Tuesdays-and Saturdays, and always on hand at the: Shop, The patronage of the puhlic Is re spectfully solicited. :'| : -S; ZIMMERMAN. Acton-, MarchlSth 18?s. LIVERY & SALE STABLE j. P. ALLAN U'.'iIcps pleasure .111 announcing lo the iiiibllc BOiiorally Mint no Is prepared to | furnish First-class Horses and Carriages. ' ]At Ueasoiiallle ltates. -Ills lUjsawl Iforr;i.'S are .Mm-bosl. Ilial can lie hail, anil lie is '.l.-U'rniini'il nut .to l aniiiMs. .1 hy :inv C'il.v rilahle. eton Inly.I. 1, Ia7 ,. - The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Aetou and-vieiuity_that he will furnish till Requisites in i'lidcrtakins. on short notice and reasonable terms as can|he had Ilcur'tie Sitfijifird whim Dv^lroJ. 'Also that ho will Fit up Stores & Offices in llie'bc.st.style. SlloW <::1K4'SV Itook CjlsrH 11114I DcskH . made to order. -{F URN ITU HE It EPA IJUCI). 8hoj) on Willow street, near Main at. Mi ; v. m: McCan'n. Acton,"March 20,187f>. . lid-Cin Another party who-didn't, buy.at.Secord Bros., had to pay the following prices lor the: same goods:: f> lbs..Moteor Tea, 75 per lb. . 11 lbs Best'Sugar........... 12 lbs. Medium Bright '.Sugar 1 11). Uest Uy son Tea ....... 1 set Knives and Forks.,'.. .. 1 sot China, -14 pieces....... 1 gallon Coal Oil .-. .-.. 1.1 .... Brought, down. ....... ?3 75, 1 10 1 09 1 00 1 at - 6 00 35 SI 5 04 11 15 53 sy POST OFFICE GfiSHSTCfRE, :"'-.'- .."""-. "'I' " ^ I On beginning the business of ISlGr^Vwould return islncers thanks to my numerous customers for the very liberal support they~have_giyeh me during the past 22years, and again I utost respectfully ask a,continuance;, of their respective support.- During myoxperienca in bujSrae~sSr4* hare pretty thoroughly found out the - ; ; Ups and Downs -, in Trade, { And am fully convinced that a J- Credit Dangerbiis Business to ! ' . Tsotn Seller and' -^tyer. ""- %J} . ) \ ' ': "^ -I-am thereforo'dotDrrnined to do a - l - EE'AD;^; .p'AY BIXSI^ESS^ And give my customers tlfti b'oucGt by giving Uieru- ' ' Secord Bros.'euslonier thus saved 116 less than - , r ml Eight per. cent off for Cash on all General' #3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. lhe| "Groceries '* niaii who didn't buy from them now thinks it would ISS>:"' fl^l'- : t s&s ">f WX &> PSii -; &MJ2A tmMM ZiSSlSAfi. 4v mm have,been to his interests if he had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now a living, standing, walk ing advertisement for us. These are every d^y facts, witnessed to by hundred of of customers, and coinmehd themselves to the attention of every frugal housekeeper. Orders of five dollars and upwards delivered at Georgetown, 'JNoVval, Liniehouse, "Guelph,' Eockr wood, &c.-, free oT charge, , / SECOSp BROS., Acton, The largest i Retail. Importers of Tea west of Toronto. "T The uhdersiigiieil kcops always on hand a largo quantity of first-class 1'las-, toror's' and Builders' Lime at his kilns, hot IM, 2nd coil, Kscjucsing, half a mile fi-6m biundiouse Station.' Price, 1 ti^r cents per bushel at the kiln, or delixer- eil :anywhero in reae-ii at a reasonable raie. On 411-hnshclii of I,hue the buyer will save .^1 by linying from niei .lOIIN CKAKs-Trop. / I'.oui- in'i:, Mav, lti/i!.' -ID- DRUGS, DRUGS. Drugrs, Cliomicals, D70 Stuffs, ' Patoat and Proprietory Jlofllcincs, 1 . . Faaey and Toilot Soaps, Sponges* Bnishos, ^-' f -. p^nts. Oils and Varnishos. ^ancy and BuTsbor Goods. ' PURE "WINES AND LIQUOHS for Modicinal Purposes only. All goods warriihted of the .bestquality and at ten per cent below Toronto prices. _. . .'_:' . Don't forget tho placo,^ Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton. ,- , . G, E. MORKOW.- (excopting. Sugar). -By doing.'business as abovc^.l will have tho cash to ' -.buy my-jgoods arul efiect a' . . : '. sy - :- .- SAVING OF AT LEAST 6 PERtGENT ;: '"' . ' : ' ' ' . ' ': ' .and' . ' " }.-"-'- I ," ..- ': MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, " !-"-- : 14 per cent for their jj^oney. , Please consider the matter over, and givo nio your support to carry but . the only right way of doing business, thai isj-'. - - - . ' T IE?, IE3 ^id^t- ^ -A. ^T, r m ; -. ' .- Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, ^: . . '! "Window";Blinds, "Window* Borers, .etc. Spccisiltics.-siJLSAGE, OYSTERS, Y.mr.IOlITir'KiriATERS, "FIXNAN'.' 'HA5J-WIES, &c, '-'Rci- '; j ' j" ' ^iJ?;J,S '-.! ':?. vl5n.V- ...-- - - SSKi---;~ -: ! Ess^b:--'--. i'^te^aff i^^jm- - -; - -.-^aiHlllif PRODUCE TAKEK A8 C^BH. ; i~~ I boliev'o in tho' DISCOUNT. SiSTEM. and asit Jiiw roved very satis factory,. I "will continue to give the discount, as : folloVfs :'On.'ar)lcts,.2 cents discount j on 50 cts,4 cents ; on 7.5 cts, 6'conts: on:f?l,,8 celiji*-' __ Conveyancer, Issuer of Marrraso Licons* -s,; Insurance A Kent; - Asient.JIIoiiey to Loan, Ageiii- Itloiil veal Tel. i!o.i C'lei-k FonrtJi I>iv. . JAMEk -NatTHeW.S. Actou,- January-IS, lJTU. .ti ^f^^feS^^i^KWfe-J-:?^-. ^rf-^-i'S:^"^"-^"!- '-i ff/^yifey " t'HI -. -;lJH 4 B^issSal ^aB^^I v'-'r-t^oW/j

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