-1: -rr,;T r^r- "* ~^E.Trj?r^.?xr&7,r^rar'!-" - \ - Ai A';i A-' ' Mfa^jtee^^^' 1T111M1 'ililii 1 ----" ~ AS^tA? Kk ' A AS A :)- "/'-V. ii^Ti- A^fei -.- r/I-a :AAk^A:A.A'*' .mfc^A :;, . , ... M ^^:;: A .-A . -- _- - -^~ r.W' ' - IkA ' m- C-Ji-r .. \. 1 -. ih BiO? . - : fc?rl -.- -Si '.,: ' -' A -T1" ( ' i\,, ;i'toe~ '8,!-:.i87G. Miok t<fc \<>;;V tkuin ..Ti.-o-kk- <-i; J . 0;t>y fa.-.-; V-:;t v. j.14: v.t- k >. k . and soa4hv vji.k-k \-.T fo: ?-.;::. OU evoky a;A ky ;...-y. ;k.a. . 1. v ,, i. .-. ' :'/ ; . ., '....... ) :' t llatllvi a. at ,tC ta.'. > s Yka k ,/a . i\ l'.!ho-r. edac..; '.: . !: k .s tnry only (".'" a-:kk..a:s:. : 'city of Xt w At-: -k, :oi:E --: .'di-audrv-d k"a% e sa.y. ii_,:: '.their b;:s'ha^. lya.k: k-k- ' . T siic\.vs.fui ...-ne,. "k..'.v..:a..::,:_- iSi-s, tJ c. :-.: tor nrv.ay yca:.s atA conic V-.'.niU".;i t .T.'L 'ka t.-ot' v. a Our Stopk is now very Complete^ Wo havo in sloelc Diagonal Coats; all styles. Tweed Coats?, in Frocks and Sacks, al prices that I'o.iiiimt 1m equaled for cdioapiii..-k-, by. ujiy boll: 0 in Oiiclph. -Call and .>ci> .tliom. .'2,00(Hpairs of Pants!, ranging from $1 upwards. /; I lal.s.'illats, ] Ials. ..Job lot-i jusl lo hand, \\ hicli j < \\-o wiil inn oll'at L'Oo., 'lUcv., fiOj., S5i\,'aiia 8l (looil ..styli'ts. Beautiful 'assortment of Gents Funiisliiiii; Goods. .,' j \Vlion in (luolph flon'-t.forgot <o o:>ll t tlin'KIi^i-li:iiit Stnro, by so doing VOir will favu inoncv. ' .\l>._ /'.v/.Vr, , -WM.-RUTHERFORD &--.GO. M:iV I. ISTl!. .-No. 31. Lower "Wyadliani-^trcct, Cuelpli :-1 ' - . ..". i fnitlj ' tlncM Sliver t'omjciiiv i:fel;:i:j BuiLbma1 paper1 BEA f%$ (P run _ .to tuoca.iho '.j>- iij .- men,' wl-iiio: l.ivi::^ !M:i!iy lusm :..;:>!_v. tihu-.illV ;i lO:.-.I o: v.' l]i*r' i-vcr t x:'t: :^ : " c li c.r 4.. ' :. ",Vt.' :::": j's.H^D A^YiS .. BOOKSTORE. ""# : m't:s'ti>-.-i>ui.u' v.\', ;Lv-n%-. ami iittc-r'y 'u:-.'f.i."-u c'.o.t.: _V_IC-i>' I'l'c^. vor :.]:.: : ; :'.:'.:. j ."iiiin : bi;r t!:o maj.iT-:':;.' ..:; ;i<iJo. to :i...:;o ;i'.!:u :V:" eyci.tually to";fcl"... ':-.,:: stojis :oiit e^.l;-i;;-j:r ii'.'oi i: ah^i dt-..ir. -- 'c-JMi I::oJ..ivr..s ^^cJ-cinc T' il"-r Spades, Shovels, a ]aVUh*i ItWJICIVl-:P-.'1'IU,W WKKIC AT LSCOTT'S" -' 'I'llci I/ir^f-M-, (;l)Oi(.'cn.t-iui<l <;iH-:ti>oi]t SldcW of OottonaAo.1:, ,--.. i . . . Cpi'.on f;J":iv;.:.:: , '-' ' '. \ Gov.ia' V/liito Dvazn 5il:irt::, ; CJi'Ut::,' i 'i :>Z;\'.'i':.':a? r^ncl Oi'oolioi; Cotton, ' ;'. ,- TIm;.'" Ooo<I--. wen- bniiitlr! v,ll|li ;'m-'-if. <"\ve in |b<: l'-f-.-t li):n-l:i-l i lor'Ca-Mi, and on in/' in Hie t-11 -i 11;'< iii-v m IV- in-un-.r ui'irl--i-i, '. DIGKSl)w m ii MoNAB'g- ^ SESI^-"o- i? A'l' AX I'Ni'Sl1 TJwy.will l,<- .'(!i| :it frniii "1 In Call and hi'liort flunil:; ami, l.'i jiDii'l |V>i-;;i't (In- niatv! Mid,". Main Sln-i'l, Ac'o'ii. . ~ , ^ li) |i!i- <:i|il. I<"-> tii 111 fiinljil] jiri.co.i. .a-; ;.'.'!un- ^.'faji^ ol.-'t r.-litat), !y'i; Old .Stand, njij.o'ilu . Ancw'.'; Ilotcd Lar^oLotof I'lJ.LXTK of theMosf. Select. P;?t terns .' ',' AJso'tlu>;C;<I-iM:af<-f! -B\t:<DAS CWi;<!)XS lit ox- '- : ; - V.'c li.-ivn if'iv; an 1 awmiri' '.-, Slcc!? of; J- . ' SP.BI^r O- .AT -77--IB -il' ;iD:S',.;-' Of lii-: !:.'a"-i'a!i(!Ml : -!tJ-l! t:."i! I."" bad.ill l.!ir; hi.".THt,_ -. ' ...- UV t G-.:M. SCQTT. Aiifon, M.iicli 1 1, 1S7."i 187^- u. OTTn t pTT-nrx 1876. Rakes, Hoe s. ; Fivnaivil P!ast;.-riR:f Bo.-uM r,c a .li 1 l,"V -may no: beal'e !o ' :y- ibut if yi-;i can y-xy t-q.nd live coiul".j;-;ab:-.-. v conu-itiorro/ tic-.- -.;::_ ]iun>uici. 'j.- ;i...."-. i" are cat ci \ ul ua. _:. ; ' farms. "hL-ol -i .t..;.' :1.. ently .. ueakLy a.u.k. sirevt uiijlit vvc-r: c:;- . Neatir ttvivv v.a.-. k .-, firms' dv-ijus ::ni-|i..;.Ti ; ^:dli:fc.-r:'.;:..;,' !. .Y.a: ,- :.! .-y": j.T.u-r ' r lann i-. :. ti.L- i\c a ll.rr-H.lk M..!k Pi'. :if.^]-S- l.b.Av.U "7.0 a li.. ;- !'- Wa.i: I'f /'-.-' 'Way 'J-i_< list iic:u>. / 1876. piOOft^ a: obsouriiy ;Xlmz. ^k'o :'.! out-'of.clL'ijt O'iartsi ii'-b.-St:-: thai c.idi ) never flu], Liuii^utk j;o .-..;-'i-ti;.;;o (' 3 una harvfst-ii-j uto. :|.o-l ,t-nJ of'Uzaa. '. "., ^ -- I - A i'oij t-5_ l".ina'.;-Tir .- a.i~. 1: j ^o':r-(utk- own ^ <i./.H-ii:sv.']i.iiii.| : _ . -. at j J3-fiLC>ill -hi-A- ,t l'T. iS- it.iSt, shotiM iv;a ..'"! _ ' . ' . '" ' 1 : farm & t--a.--- >.i ' . ,..: life Lii-1-i.pii -1. Y-j-.i ii.ijk: ;."j>.--i-. r,:i' .il.;-."k.-;::.-:- 1-,- ;^::u: .i:!ii-r (. :.-i- :-rl'-k a. oLatii:--. . W FISHING TACKLE , A^D SPORTIXG C00D8 Throughout, they liavo the best assortment in Town. . - A. McBEAN <Sc'.'-0O. .May S, JS7C. li;- U'j.L; I ' M '- -lin.-Seiirji'ii of a IJ.'taii Sinn ': i^ii iiVt.-! :.'.-;.;. :..:;.-;-"iia../ ii way tb:-'./:. ' until >io: fa..--- i 1.:; ..:" :k ->.'. v,-i,._, IVia c-xiiibi*i:i^ - -.. t) a yoan- J:i.iy, y.o,AAu: >i'ilb : - ! - ..:" Thit- in-oM-i'-to.- ioio -ki.-,!. .-ilo;' I - - ' ../-.'-. ~ .- --j' i : .pt, :-:r. -.-.. , . . -1 '": -' .iuei'- 'h-r.n tun-1 "v.v.:: - tra.]e .v.-niiijii:!'^ ui/a i/aa ij.- ;0r 1:!.-. Jad-v cu.stvi.).-!- : v,;;a: .:j:-.i .- v?n: M V.-Tat::,- i, coining o:i, I" la^iu^at L 1^. . a:, wellc'jiae aa.l ip-'^ v-j;!- a jjo. ' 'Mv'don't ti::'J.-.-!-.-'t'-ji...l yot;^ ,.ir/ | ' re;;lieiilheo!ov: v.ko'!>;-^aaHo lLi.uk j -_: that-xh'e fJ.Iovv 'i= In tk-j '\iTj;;tr ] - ' . :'^ .. i -I- " Zaetly-so.; v.-oll ;j'Il tell yopk' I. . . tn'jan niv' t .. friend," said the ci':i-k. as lie .sav/ |/ him produce a birndra frja; ;!!^ r, Jjii eoiit,' " NYell, as I,.said bc-foi-r-. as..JtLe. cold weathei's coming 0:1, f tbou.yijt T niougbt'as .V.-..-II 'be iixin' for it, <Jouie" mouylity near fro'.-zin^ t'other Ti-ifjECt-i-, tell ye I did J but - V >^^r-'=. i 1 ' Vy^'- a. Ball G-nMes -For 1876.: A I.MA BLOCK, OI'KLI'il THE MAN C7 TrWiuI \\'la. i-aii svll V"ii GOdD GOODS and Oi.IEAP. GOODS GHEAP BOOKSTORE ^ On li;.; Ka t .-;..'.'.: of . .Vvmlhn-m-StrtL-t Ok'ikf.Pll. K 1 Ij. Hi V>'/l ^ ;to.|fi-&! . " " I,hope youl -ayili .t-c-II me v.tiat you *ifitrjt>i-S'j i-*iliay aJGrve you." . " Cc*rta^.ijiy'3Jirr4ire, certainly. -J always d.J -b-L^fe in a Lurry'; j-^jv ^ ^ j >-A,.r1', iiud jtutrus-quic* its tke old ,-iia:/.er j 'W^g-jii, ana v airiage c "you .to itaii -7"tbe5e old sii;rt-s. L'jt ajk, come down about tke kneus, Itass I don't' ^ :AN;- : '! 1. i. ' ".':v - -"^: ^. ;*" - t :.; ;-3 ,1 - i. "'" fc-l- weax drawers.". .... The efTcci may ]ye jma'trined, but, 01 novelists Say, cumot be deaeriby jjJ. Tiro loud bur.it -of laughter that/olIojvedys^rTed to Ci-iivincfffliiit- poor fellowk^iiat be hu'd c'oiiimitted iiiruself, uiid hia Ion j -Ic^.-i- were pus ju jao.tiou for the door. -. FACXO^ihT/'r" JA^IES RVERJ Proprietor. >WnWithout t'ijo" dear ladies we should be it ktag ia-.tion._ ' ;' 'An old edition of-Morso.s ^eogrii- . " AlOrinr'haa four hun- -" ijred dwelling houijoa and twi-ntV- '*: four bundrod inhabitants, .til stand-' ^ ' iiig "vit ."Wagons/. !:: -k '; : , t: Cr.rria,KC-s, - . . - ' y Slois'lis, s ' "" -gutters, &c.i Kej'tia Eloejc anrl mailo to Order oil Hie Hiiorte.st .NoLicc. . ,i , . 1 . - - ' BtriCtaUnntkai jiai'a to ISor's'e-shbeing & Genera! Jobbing, ' aii.l Katisfu.-ilon uuarantceij.' Acum. JulyU^t, li'j. - JIIG-HT- MAN to ilv-al Ultli, rjinl his u.'ilai- is J. :W. MANN. Yoii.wjIlTiml-'liiiii uvcry time a.t tho Central Emporium, <'orerkilill-& Willow streets, _A_CT03^T. . fie can iih'ow you-a fine .st(^ck of ITo-w. "Dry Goods, Mill Slrcol.ACTO.V, I'KAl.KU IN I General Groceries, , I Boots and Shoes, "WallPaper, Window Pliads, Crockery, Glassware, iTails, Glass, Putty, Linseed'C.iljfRaw &' sohed 3Paintsf,....." Turpentine, 1 Ready-Mado; Olotaing,. . Gio;orios, Oroofcory, and "Wall Pipor. Call mfd be couvinccd that this ia I Trie Right Spot. . Aetom Aj>ril 5, lb!5, J. -W. MANX. Machine Oil, Coal Oil, alt,: eto. . |i ! .1' Tlio"Kiil),sorl liar het'K to return lilBtlinnkB to H10 liiliabltniUHol AelonaiulsurrouiKl- lng country for the lllioral' ]ialroiini;o heretofore exteiidcd to lilm, anil at the same time solk-lt their further sujijiort N.15. Cash I'iilu for HUIes dellveieU. Acton, July.'1st; 1675/ C T. UILL. j "- !' '-von the Least1 ;mo^ey, t >i U litis Iks -VLL tasi,- , c^-- v^-i O .U.lJ rriio Fountain I: -,l !j ;i;' ij -^ ji= t, :J O' ii-J>' <lt> iij ? Ecacl for Bargains. '\S 0 " Ai-1'.n,:}1iil-i ;i -.". I- T W^T^.V.^i. J-' ;- .-..1.1.-: -.- - A L:"iiklY /-AP I .. - /.-.! i.j k. riu; 1 . t V .'S.1VO I .Our S'lncJ; i::.l;.r.':it'aU:-..rkT t.'i'ji'^on.iL.int ti'Mition. ^D.k new gcjd? Xi-w-I.-ilo^-Vii lain:;. f-Ji'ii'/e 'sew I,:nen - ' "n.-t M.iii'.- - , ta .> 1 -.-.' ,Vl ll Jur l::..- lea.o-.r. ,! ' J ' J.fVj U 'O.Cr,il.--, .Eeloct !iA^" ! (.a:/:.-; .--':~- ' A iii'-ricinl'PrJnts to rj,;:r(.,-., |" : be :- ,M at <;ka.|ar.i:. ' ba.ii-a, at. L'Oi-r I'.'. -.':!";-,- a a i ' ' -: Jk-.-1-lalti.n^" Tweedy kVc. " :' ^ '-'I."'- j - -t-i b-.: V-iJ. t,>it ".'Jp and'.7 5c a yard. "':'\ " : ; '1 ' OAASII1 &^:p^-7?y~&G>pJD&tr Dii-.-ct from ' 'I'lir-.it- stykes only. - " -': ' - v : .ff^'n^iri-pn ri *y~- r'k'i,k n >'f..:r c A^'t' ;iri.-f75'f&fj|'f|"ft '. Pfiafi^ra Hjs^iiWLAA i.i>2i-^a tigyiy dR'UUIIO'.-: Mil Fr'Ki.;.-1 ^ 'VI-' at- ill. .'it ;.j .J w if i r;i -.- - 1 ^ tl'j 1 -IL-u ;4 * St uii4 11 ?at s ;.' ' 15- i \p z?*r??, r*. cTpii r- ' .' ' - Ai.d^OjAT, " ; -' .IJoin.ir'.-siiii'.siiiMll Hial. . Ijaru;c .^ait'^fSiiiail I'rolirs, and Quick iiolunis, \\ i I. uo( only ]>av lioJh'.i; ihaiij io r-j [ [-ZL 1 -EEL ZHj- . ixm ~-> n " ; "Li 'Li ri; lit-r , fila.-! at ! ipALkkj Ciinv-lii-r <i| .G-llIJkirOATlA-TN I; >*A i^y-. n it ^ - = i c li t-r' lia\iuu' tlie ki'oods r(MHiijin 'on the shcivcs/iail will cna'blc (J,i<*n'i to' constaiitiv s!io\v a iiT^airr variety. Have Marked all th EM..-E vv- 1-1 1: s~*^ gods; 1 In mn-o-i^ii-r. .if t.; i'.uitnri-r.s 10 alii ih and i!:.'--Y-asbr.eKS of ifian'u- ir G-opds' Down . to' -the .j^:^*1 .pe,t^t.nk.oi y .. '^eryLojvpst Figure, . >' J-Aj J^i. -Lr: JC'ver ilnrortod i.'V.o tiks -countrv and liiivb' uyvv ui sloe! ficciit; lines <!>i' i and arriyiu"- d-ailv uiau'iii- Dry Goods, .F^ucy -Q i^mid V-, i v' , 1 ..a.- i.-.iki do'vti here tlio i : . s. >~m:. .> ^ r ^IX'.1 DilESS (vQODA \yr [iu*e. all the liMcst1 hovel- -.' !k'.^v <,V,!.,rp.l bistro ik;k JiJv'j.j, , VJ> VK" I > in -Cia-ek. 1'I.on a:i. j fc.ppy, fk,i-k. :,::! Kavy' .-: I Ltistia-s ui\, ike. - "'jlXAyKlNTS, a !;;r;.e. ! ' :Ahtou .k ,H'i_ lo' ;</'i. ..-ks, - "- SDptsjsmd $tos, -maok L^ress: G^'ods, JiA COtTOlA'A^-e i^v iiie. {.osr.'-aiid iiiins nn-.i Silk. ,* saline-, Black--' V a'. Si()('iv,- ( ia.ii riiciak.s.- I'evoo 'Mio-racdii^A .s (iu^h'ath'5, j Sliirtin^s^-2)^ck^ [Qmh>i2, :C;;rey cv.id-\J7iIrL3 CoutoiiG, ; " .- VUia.,,vi!ir.|iyivi.j a. uuii -.' J^-jij t/uoiij Ui/V. ' " ' ' 1 ' i- J S toil UikUO li-. .Hu'. L^-LtL-.-jilta. ii^ttiL'UCo W ti vv '^.3' GEjNFERAli. -GRQCIBIES, - ; ' ':: Also full lines of the best brands .of. TEAS Black and Japan, at the lowest prices ever offered to the Canadian public. Our 50c. TEA has no equal ib> the money. Money may be scarce with yoa, but, renicmber that our prices will be in pro|)orti6ii to your -purse.; and, if you have the inoiicy to spend and want oujr goods,, do -not fail to sec [us soon. " . Wc adhere strieily to t3te;E.eady Fay System, aiid "Popular Cash Prices," and the popular ver dict on our prices is (ijiatno g'<mds p{' tiie saiiie style and quality can bcr bought .anywhere else for. the same money. ,_ '. Any Quantity of FESSH EGGS iWjated, for which we will paly cash when fquired; ]0ur terms are Cash'or produce. j! -: -. ;ISrone of our customers are -obliged to pfiy the baddebt.sofslomcbodycl.se. - It won't cost you anythiijig-.to examine <>ur stock. JSTo|onc is compelled to jmrchase, A call respect fully solicited. " . A ; ! . cheistzsahbhdMeost as go. Aclon, April 5, I87|ik "rtOClt CVl'i- oiloi-fil tv ; !;< ' plk'.kk- .: 11 -r y -r.il 'i'!a- C;Ot!01!S .,', and t'beck Ihaiks. -iii'1- ,. t.lio..!"ii.'inuf..>-'.tiiri-.-r... amd aiv ii wJinlc'S.i;,-. Jjliacs. V. e !.:.-'. ' a aide to jab,- such a- i!:a':,- '.bind -'d'v.:^o. rre-y and white Prints, Whitb Drills, Brown ;d direct from tbr- CinAdiiiri .care alwaya iKi.'i-is, .aicli as -j-.\ n cc:i inii.'ji-t TIV.J)-.-..- !.f by as ouh :>.i ii 1;-.-... : j:i MILLIXKliY. Ovv +nUh\v-y.mosv I?p<p -i.ii fiiH'bfi.sr, r..'j..|o'-(-.'w:t!: :"dl : hr-. i.i:-.^-;. uhv.-lt-.^? (Vo;:-i ai ablo-centre-'.'con.-i-iirii'.-o; S:i ;'>'.':-'. -Jlantiiss, II.it.-;.\l\-ji -. Fe:ithers, Uibbolis. i'.,ra~.-,is. ne-.v b'keek vVaieo'.roijiSr.1' OPDEKliD -CLaTIIlAA. LAApiic of !! .- iioid mi 1 d. .in: K-L-.l:;-u:: .-V.'uiA 'N !- rt cheapest.: -AJA .u. r, : 'f Ulla-i , At' SkkUiiaa^-,..! A-.T2'W:,'.-,.| i-ii; in! is,now Af-: 1 t'lioTashiOD" ; ff net?. Flowers, . " f n Hats, kc.: U the hard A tiinos'av.l .tln> depri'-s-o'ii of t-aid? om-<k:-tlei-od Clothing Dj?par(meni "^ fc is .stt-airky it'tina'ai.-..r,tk I-i i~ far in .kdv.uiee of any =e tiTon yet. It tf ' '-'[. ' sat-isi'aetion wjiich wo adt-o our" customers.- A large.lot-Af 'clo'ths from tho best i-nanufae.turor.s of Em-opo and Amc-ric.i to elioope trbni. Ai . iininens'e various" of Oonta Farnishings. Hats and Caps. ive;i.iy-njadp ,' A. Clothing. ktclrA. / "--' CARPETS.-^A""noignuAeut assortmentj. of: .beauA ; ' tiful patterns from ode. per Yard. - '[ BOOTS AND SlIOE^ V . . ' Wo U-ould-i-eniind the...p.nl)!ic t'lmt v, aro giving wonderful blargains, that- ' " we are now selling goods choapeiMkaa -we used to bay them, tiifin conke- .':.- : (pience of paying the tinsh down.. "'. "; ' .' -. LADIES! Madame Pemoresi's patter-tis for Spring are no.w to hand, 'j fk"$;ods Mold for Ccv-iii "(o Sct'oud Frit'e." "^a-r ! ^nT.^n-p 'A^\?Til^MC^i:Fr rQ " ['- fii:4Vt JlAMr.iO'n:i"jroU.SB. GORGET'OWSr Lice J C\'iri:y, ;. - 'A.dJ^- I' II' ir' J:!-- iH-.i - li- a-"- Ml I.Oi l&e., aa.d ; j count| | raon t Jtic.il : April ft, l'STG. ^ll^dyfi Oad.il IlkAAA^I/^CLiAUiiii Will 1\Q- : .- -^ : - '/R. '|E -IB- "*2':^:.'E :^. ^7 i afi-- Ai.:- ]pT RI tAap-'gi^Iti,:": <Keit'ci,"aTi.Bl;icIi.siHl'tl:, Ck-iria^c and Wtfaon 155aker -.-5 'T-t. :/ic v- iesr norse-blioen ?~*. UifuCf J i iJL U.' ne A.o 17 nity: ^AA: Torfect satijj'aetion gitin-.-intecd or no price charged. "FIRST^C'LASS' ".' COLLAIID'S PATENT' lUOH 'IIAJRKQW& =S: ' I 1 " - .. ItiiEMEIEIX^J i>ro:-2>t!y tin:! propcriy attcmlcd to. j ' Actou, July :1, 1-875.. ."-. ii - k" -:-!--'-i--.{-'.'- r-'-riitV.-' a 7,. i'^.i^?jr*k|4,J\. _ -FY'l^;:-;- t-'i: ^iis^Mwi^ik ^0iWw^0: .. r. J - ?aiy^*?*;Sak Pfpffipp:^ il l-Ue-irall '[ i toraars f. :| tiarliig ta.f Ihat he isl 'Jitionn! u-J rure.fresll me, sud-t-J ties who i cheaper a:l ". Grtdiat 14 '!vell 10.H-: ' Tw.cnty-t in. ndvanil -. ' . -orSOct-mf ;Actou, Jf i---5S~t< I I.free, Sia J - Veit the |'.Si2 t'^w..: -^.^