Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1876, p. 3

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wrfF^-J'-f ^:&mi Sffeife Sn&cV:!!: 1V ;Si^PIJIii" 1! Vl*', r-X ' mm ;' ^1: V^tM: ^iM^iM^&^'-r^ :i/s:f% %- ._^ I u. & Ob. offered qf 1 THE FRIp PRESS, AdT(])^ CKt\P TRl.Vfc tlllK TVIII.K. Triias Icavc Aotonfas foil r, . "" i o 1>I NO WEST. '_ ~-' Morniuc "Mail .' :. . .- O.lrt .T.IH. p.Vv Expri's*- - J. (Hi p. in. Kxyrcss -.-.' - \A- p.m. Mii<sl 7 do p.m. Night Express ' X'2M A.IH- -- i. 01 NO. KAST. - Nlcht Express - . . V- i. - 3:37 iv.ni. Mixed- --' 9:10 a-m. Y>\v .'Express .' 11:3.-. .-v.nl. Mail .. . 5:17 p.m. Mixed ,;- 10:\V> p.m. 8m or Tcmiirriinec. Tlio^uarterlsM convention of the Soils of Temperance of Halton County, is bo- inn hold in-the Tcinpvyance Hail, hero,- to-day. There .will-bo an open meeting at half-past neve's to "which the. public are invited. "' ' ! Fans, fan?, fans, fans, fans, "fans, fans, fans all colors, all kinds, at C. it ( fans,' fans, fans, funs, is, fall Hynd: LOCAL MATTERS. |><Mf- "V 32 " SDL3. V- :n ito'read the adTer- :io.Hdc-st-&ad - ' But " '. M'dT .... ' i'l .-lUj lip t6 50 . / . .tS.-! - --. ' ' ,-js-o from <>* ^atSi:- f:v:r. 5:.ceubsi : ' jl- \-< rrMi'^I.SS.-' ;??-'; I>.u.~.sks; Towel- ; 1 ': \. ^ -:"- .- :: ""'|J v-as Ttxiaood from V froift 4Q cents..i |- . -3" -/J SACRIFICED. ; |h. C* \: 'ART & Co.?" WATCHES, A CHAIN'S, ^- '7 American, H.. [ All Pattern*. lOfeH^UB K Weight ^ , " v - Striking. Ijiist Opened. -- _ j r% r |ost Offibei A '-._"sia ; ; " -t-Wv would direct the attention . -=- ' of parties about to build to the adver- ,- '""-: tisement oC .V." ti. MitfhcH,.of "tho-Mil- -j-t\>n plinin's mills. "."; .- "Rev. Mr. "Davits,'Congregation- - ' *\ minister lately frv>m "Eiijjlartd.' will preach in tho Temperance Hall next Siuiday .\ftcniooii\t 3 o'clock. , \- Wo noticed -.yesterday a' very hHndsome chiWs carriage, hianufaetur- . ed at Mr. l.yder's factory, Ky Mr."U.im- Hw- and Mr. Irvvin. It is built and .; tiuislieil in aiSiijK'ricr ma.nirer. , K " it stalk, phick- I e<V last Friday from a field on the farm *~, - *if Mr. AaS. Xicliols, ne'\r l.imchouse, j" .which mcisurva over thi^ee and-a-hal: } . .'. feet in length. Huw's'thit for high,! : / vrb notiotnl a- lev.' days n^jo. .-i h.-uidsonte | . monunfent Tecviitly ertvtifl lor the fam- -'.Iy "if Mr. Henri' Uyder, from'the mar- hie works.: of M-r. Allvrt Kennedy uf ,' Jlrnelph. . ..." Amongst the names of laymen en t'he ^ri.s.<ioll.1ry t.'o:ir.uitteo at the Mvthodist Co!ifere.n;>iin St. Catharines. .wo notice that of W. If. Storey. Esip, of Aetou. - Mr. Storey rvtumed froii^ - >:. Catiiariiie^ last evening. - By a t_\-])ogra]>|ncal error, last j *ti eek, "::: a-hx-.-U iiara^rcnh. we were ,1 na<k' to s.\v that the examination for -|- . |*c!ii.'l toachers Would take--j>Uce on tile 'it>th ,Iu!y."i:istead of th='.U>th". Those in'.erejtod will 'please note the correc tion " - ' " ' * A lingo bl.ick bear was seen """"' on the 2nd line, Ei'r-iesiUji.-a-shjirt dis tance 1-elow Act-iu, .Hue e'venij!:^ lr-st- - - weeii^ by Messrs. W*irrTt>w,: Joiin Cii>- . " They were eo.u- '/' l siyl:t, and'fgpjne. rapid stri.iej tor r. place of- ; -/safety-. .'". : I We-learn from the II- rah' ^iiat the Key," Mr. UitsWo'rKi.of (jo.ir.z-:town. ' li.-l?rrjy:^neri ills lir^:.:r;lT d.r.r^'c .uf the . ci->Bjre^ati":i at I'irireh H:U. li.-:ter kuOv\n.asi_^jvaekh3ia::io>\-. ueAr'Ac:-*::. , L>n ae'ei'ULit of ft-eKe heal iajK>ssilJe to\atten<i to tiw L-ou^rc^a- tioU3"so lar-apirt. i MrJ'G.: M. Scott has removed ; Jnti/ the bjildins latcIrT'Ccupied by ^lr. jCj-eech,- wbieh h.^s l>eun neatly ritted up. '-jllisiir.e s.tnek of gix'ds is jns't opened f'tit, and hc/is'.ilo'w- re^dy to rcccire Iiis Ihis t>]d castnmcra and. any nnniWr. of faew ones. Mr. Creech has 'opened his.L -^addlery. shop'injth'e new; building'ad-" \. Joining.:. ': . ' - j rA" delegate from the Potato Pa4' Convention ' invaded our isanc- ^tutn yesterday, we presume with t}ie in tention -of inquiring who wrote.'? that elacdirraus paragraph" last week.-; Ho waa a robust-looking chap, clafl :in a; handsome coafc-of-mail, but cur fighting jediior "weat for nim" ^>efore he had'a _jtnuice to teDr his mission, and now hi* friends ntonni hii sudden death. r -A tfip np the 3rd Jine of Ee- - qoesing and down the 5th line, the '. <ither dayj presented to us a very good estimate of the growing crops in this vicinity. - The fall -wheat, especially irilhin a short distance of Acton, has a . magnificent appearance, it being in -many fields fully two feet above the ground withibut very fe*- bare j spots. Iflooks strong and hcaltliy. The spring rain and -grass also': look remarkably welL_giying p romise of large yield. ^-A gpand demonstration will - be given under the auspices of Prospect. Division "233, Sins of Temperance, in thegrSye^neaHBttookville, Nasisagawcjtj, on Friday, 23rd of June. The eelebra- . ted .Deleware. Indian ;Chief, Waubuno and an officer of the Grand Lodge of Canada will appear iu full costume and address the meeting. In-tho evening a Concert will take place in the new Tnion iall near tho grove. j IVst Office, Acton. Has* IUII. , : A friendly match was played in Acton last 'SntunUy, between tho Oak I,cnf club of the Scotch Hlock'.and thd Mu- tuals of Acton, resulting in an easy vie-' tory for tho latter. ; The following is thcecortv i ' - ' Mf.TV.U.s. o 1! A. Matthews____2,4 P. Kelly.....,... 2 O. Wilds____. ..3 4 A. Uamshaw.j,. ,2 ."> tt;. Clark.... .\ ..4 3 M. Zinnnermau..2 f> T. "Watson.... A. "Moore.'... OAK l.K.VV. O- 1! 15. Kolvrtsou ,.23 J. Leslie . . . . j.l 2 A. I^iidlaw... .3 1 W. M0C0II....3--I 1>. McColl. ,.;.3il W. Mel>onald;..'i ( 3 4JlI.MeColl.-.:..4 1 3 3,1). .MePiiersoh..! 4 1 HALTON .COUNTY, ONT.,. JUNE -IS, 1: jni THAT '! WONDEK1TUL MAM", > JOHN": SQiBCr, GUeLpH - Alma IHocIc.. ]: * T!-! ^ 1 Trenwndous" Ezcitsmontl A- Panic ll;: .Ss3: t&': Rullii l| dfroat, Slaugiitfc ' CHFISTIE, HENDERSON C. Speit;h^.....2 3J. Mer"hersou...2 'Total.. . .'ST 331 . Total.. .^27 H! - Umpire, P. MeSlachon ; Scorer,: Vi Storey. Time of game, tw.o hours and a half. - " ! . Fntal .trrlilrul In I'.rln. A sad 'accident, lnivin;^ a filial tenniii- at ion liappeued near liriti village'on Sat urday afternoon. The facts as furnished by.telegrfijili" are Tis follo-u-s : (*n Satur- day att*.'ri:iH>n, ,-ibout ^me o'e],M.-k, ^s >Ir,. dames .'[lavis. farmer.'Erin, with aliired man, was hitching a span "of colts t.o the wagon;, they lieeoine unmanageable land ran -away, passing near the house.' ' Mrs. I'avis,-hearing tho noise, went outside as if to" stop tlii-m. When opposite! her tie 'reach broke, and,-running into the around.thr!W the hind part of the -agon against hex, crushing', her ngainstithu house,'bre.-.kiiits-a linmber of ribs and seriously injuring her internally. 'She died aliout thrco" and a h:df hours-lifter the'accident. '. - - ' - Still" Aukad Arriving daily iJew lots ill tl:a=e superior prints at .*> cts aiid up. Fa-,-tory cottons, all. weighu and widths. fr.iu' 5-cts up. See tlle.in. Ciinst'.e, HeudcrSoii .5: l'o., | ; !Xi:w tJooDS. Bros, .are just receiving" a splendid stock of. th-sh groc-ericF, sugars, fmits. &e.', ai^o'.all; kinds of paints, oils, varni>h',-harilwa.ro.' ic. -1'urnip Setil of all kiinlis liesh,0 p.unds for a dollar. ' . Ox thk^W.u; Path. We wanld air.ii:i respectfully .wish to rc-miliil-o:ir customers snd friends, that Till accoiints i:i .0::r Km>'ks jirior to 1st .Tune [fall due I'ti.tii.-.t .[ate. .nn<l S^-i road for the purpose- o: are : eidh nv on th.- tim; :t.he lining . s.-.tne.- :'.:|1 Mtii call on i-ach 01 ' the present weeU, r.ud re.jiiest, that our he found it 1 friends will make a sjiecial vtiort in ,our l.H.-iialf this time. ATuirs respectfully, . . ^ -_ " Si.iMr.o H110.S. M " ":\: -. *l , .' .-'IMi'fS?* Ji NELI atKttJoaM***!! pjgire ^1 -"An accident ofia very dangerouschar- acter happejged to John Kennedy, son - of--Mr. DancAn Kennedy, of this village^ The lad who is about twelve -years of ,age, was with Ids'father at the building . .'of a brick, house for Mr. Griffin, on the 5th con. of Eriuj last Saturday,/ l>ur- ig the temporary absence of the' person ;': who was driving a team of hOrscs -which were nauRng stone, the-l>oy jiimped on _ the wagon, and started to "drive the team. A board aHpped on the.wagon as it was going dawn" a "hill, and he '. '*M ott ne "f the veheeis, his left snn' between the epokea.L "He says her" was carried three timesJaround, the wheel. When^the driver started tp.Ioqk-foi J the horses, a few mrnutesaftera(rds,hej tnet the boy coming towards-the -housoj barely able to walk. On-tecsminatipn it was found that his left arm was bro- ; - ken in several piaces, three ribs broken and o"ne I^: badly iiijureiL It was a nnraculous escape from iraitant death,- He was" brought home SabiirfUy eyen^ ^?S-^ }Ve. learn from DK-iforrow, who - if m^tteniiaiice, that he {$' doing wil, "i811^ that there is every probability that ? ha will re'cciser without losing the ami,. Fioii! the report of the-Station ing t'sifnuiittee puhli-shed'-'in Tiies- il:iv's-67"i:', we ; extrsiet thp Fol lowing ; . ' j GfELril'^MSTRICT. -i Onelpb ERir-triiian.il I! Keefer. j . Kjora TaoiniSJCob*", \V Sparling. , Kerjrtis--^H- M_ef.crm; - GaU I^vlrjl S*aya^e. liespel&r Ja-sMcAlllster, TB iyellli.'. Geoiiretnw^ Wrn M^lls. 'i Wasbingtoil-J I>airJ. J- PI:ittviHo-?Jdhn C fitevonson. . !" . Berlin Jolin Bcott, 3 A, Wm Hockel- tbn. - . - -- Now Hamburg -It Pinch. "A'assacaweya Thomas L \VIlklnson. ,-Xclon 8e^rK0 \V Calvert. Rocfeirood I) Anld. Erin J J Aiever, J Stewart. ' Garafraxa J Goo-Jspeed, ti ^toJSamara (ituperann'iated'. Lultier J .Sanderson. vi'au'tdowh Wm Hawkp, R W WrlshU W Phitp ^suiicrannnaUdi. WelliDgtnn square D Chalmers and J HliitoiKSuperjanniiated). q O.ikvilio Thomas S Howarrl, C W Hav/kins antl U Washington, (supernu- nierary). i Milton J-i'Klchardson and' John. T Smitb. who shall re^idoat Hornby, j--_ LiowvUle arid Kilbride J R Kay. i J j-v--?:';i* ; " ' ' . ^H .' H you want"to-keep coftl, caTl *gd get a fan^froiB. C. & G. Hynds'". -We have a 6pldndid variety, frOni "ten C$nts npwards. ' ! : H. <fc N. W. R. Tlie Directors of the Hamilton and Nortli-westorn railways have awarded the follow-In^' contracts for the construction' ; of .their line from Hamilton to (ivorgc- town.. The work is parcelled out. in divisions, which are numbered from Hamilton northward. Divis-. ion .No. 1, Thomas McDowell, Owen Sound ; division ;No. 2, B. McDermidj IJi-antford; -divisions. Nos^ 3, % and. 5, J. D. McDonald, Thorojd; division1 No. G, J. Mc- Erienj Ottawa; division ifo. '7, J. G. Eddington, Woodstock"; divis ions'Nos; S and 9, Patrick Shannon, St. Catharines. -f ' _ .!'. Ckedit Valley ItAiLitOAD.-^On Friday evening a meeting in-con- nection with the proposed addition al ixmus tot-he. Credit Valley- llail- waj4 Company was held in Toronto-. The mooting was] called by the Mayor in rcsjionsojtb arcqni.sition- siglied by a nurub'ei* of freeholders nnd-rhfeiiseholde'rs of tlio city, who stated that they are decidedly op posed "_ to any further.bonus being granted to the Credit,Valley Riiil- wayi There-wag not a largo attend ance. . A motion"against granting aiiy - hoiius ' wag moved,! also an Amendment in "faVor of one,' but "ihb Maj'pr declared neither carried, and the meeting then broke up.;'. j TiiiB.'MciiDEiiEtt "VVareu-^A des patch from Brampton says: There hasheen noreprieveas y6tgrnjntcd to this unfortunate man. IIo has been visit-ed by several clergymen, but they miike rib impression, iior djies he yet appear to realize his position! His friends still'hold out hope that his" 8<*n'torf;ce will bo commuted to imprisonment. The sheriff has put rin extra ^turnkeys afid guards -to pVevint a second Cayuga case ocO curing. The execution is fixed "for the 20th inst. . ' I CO'S. / Big: Drives ! SPECIAL BARGAINS! No Old Bankrupt Sto.i fc'-to'/Paifd'bfiE". 1834 Coses and Bales of Fancy and"Staple'Dry (Joods at Prices that will astonish thoiPeople. /'"I ' F116.80"^ i'mo <-hat people must hnvo good, sound 'and honest goods'in roturn ToT4beir rnoney; [moth eaton and bankrupti3t'uff wrin'tjio for ItTiH presont intelligent;doy]. 1 have had to come; to the. rescue before to day r'J and now tnat-tho Tradeof ^uelphlreoiiires regulating. I'am a'jrainrcallBci '-' to battle agtunst high^prices, inferior classes of goods and' old. fogy notions, jl have this day marked ofF ' | !. ' T ' "' f: s ' " l Immeris Quantity of Staple and Fancy Dry Goads, nd I will astonish tho inhabitants at tho cheapness of really first-class gfjods, JB^^PonH: delay, [bat rait and be" Batisfled'.-^gW TV/Tl 111VI /a-p-rir TV/T'lTl'TTIOT'TT The Most Exquisite Taste!is to behadin Ladies' Hats^Borrrietsr.Tacket.sr Marrt-ilias/'-and' alUho .V o-Tj.ij.ij.^AJ.^pA J y XVXXXiiJ_lC7 \f . est Designs in tho Millinery Wd .M'antle Department*. i.r presents to the nuldio tho most elegant taste and designs in Ladles' Hats'and Bonneti to bo found on this Continent- Indeed tho eulociefi bestowed her tasto.lti lnmmed Hats, ito., are almost beyond description. I would earnestly rdquest 0.visit of the Ladies-to: iny ['" ! " Black,1 Colored alnd Ptaid Silks, , '- Such exceedingly jgood and olojant Qualities as are on sale at such extremely cheap rVriees, cannot fair to'satisfy alr-rtnat there cannot baadouBt ah: purchasing,at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Store. La/lies fancy dress goods aro n marvolof beauty, elegfinee and cheapness. ; ' Don't foroct those wonderful Lustres at 12A cents per yard, well worth 20 cents, amazing- valuje My prices all through this department aro a terror to competition ; [it's weakness injuft, but I can't help itirtp-giv* cheap goods.J .. !'. ' '- j' j Pruf. .-- " " I My old friends and customers will bo glad to bear of this largo arrival of cheap antl good goods by double better thanany' bankrupt stoefc on'. May J5, 1875 GOLDEN LION oif1, G-TJHJiiL^ia:. GIIE-ltPEISTi DRY GOODS STORE IN ONTARIO. THE HALF PRICE GOODS From Montreal arriving by the ciir load evoryiday. The " Greatest Bargains Ever Enown'. Tho followint! aro G-xeat Ee&uction. ir. Dress Goods i Dress Goods -worth 25c, reduced to 12ic Dress Goods vorth 30c, reduced to 15c. Dress Goods vortli 400,1 reduced i to 20c ,;' We and d toniqrs cingly JO Alma Block, TJ]>j)er vmlTiam Street. c; GuelpTt. MONTREAL ^OToiKrJ IjOUSEi; icipkj of a.dTCi'tisiiiff v to be, to show cus 4 :FSW;jO'F^;TH JEM :. Children's Silk 1'arasols from 25c up. : Ladies' Parasols and Unihrrellas, froni 37c to _ $5 moat beiiutiful articles selling at just half their value. Drest* Qbods, froni twelve and a half cents-4-heau-. tiful jiatterns and style.3. Prints, perfect nmryels- of'cJipapncss, finest Ameri can makes Oc and-CJc a yard ; best English 8c. Over 5,000 yards sold on Saturday. \ '_ ," . believe the covtS4t pri " ' ' "'. " : = *: .- oin<^ business geiier-allj and others, cleanly, positively and convin[- that.it is to their,-interests"" to tr^ide with the'paA'ty advertising iThis jpf cotivse isjnot |K>s-[- sible to every merchant, for to doso he iiwust hi able t6 shosv clearly that he cdh give tlieih'jbdtter i tvafne for their, mojiey fliaii they can get elsewhere, To act:oniplish. this, he hmst not only -bliy hveil bu t lie must mark all Goods down to Bottom PricesTt : - ': f . so that customers .will; see at'a glance, that it i^ '"." .'. " > | ' ..'-r .-: . _ j to their interests to Irade with hliii. t. Ladies!Satchels 75c. Lustres 10c. Grenadines 10c. Cobourgs 18c. "* ' Costumo Linen 12^c. Lawns 12.Vc. Dress Gocds worth 50c, reduced to 25c. g^-sum is TiHiEnyc .-. asi7:E]'W" S. ZIMMEHMA1T Would inform the people of Acton and yicinity that he has ifgain com menced "the Butchering Business in this1-village, and from his long experience'in this lino ho -'will be able^tt furnish .fresli. meats of all kinds elf the best quality, riidely and cleanly dressed. . ' - Meat delivered at the houses Tueedafd and Saturdays, and always on han 1 at^ihe Shop. -The patronage of the public is re. Brieotfully solicited. S. ZIMMERMAN. Actoi, March 15th 187s. LIVE(.y& SALE STABLE ;;':J.:P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In annonnoing to the public ceilerallythat'ho Is preparea to j ; -furnish . Fit^t-olass Soraes anl Oarrlazos . ;. . A j Reasonable Rates. His Bigs and Horses are the best that canbenndfaod be Is determined not to '" be snrnasseit by any City Stable. : ' f] Act6niJti.ljy ISL, 1875. i UNDERTAKING. 0VL IE Xi XjI 3sT E H "ST Largest Assortment of . : t- MOST TASTEFUI, ^DOESia^S ' ' : ;' In Town. kllwho have called say they never saw Goods so Cheap. ',4-r Come 'au<l Sec Usf~sa - -In-1 ie two invoices below.we'tjiihlc vve. clearly ..(: '.' i' -t -j .'-T ' J. show tlie advantage, gained rby thostp )vhc deal witli us, over those who [don't- - 5tbs. Meteor Tea, oQe. per'lbl";- ... . . 11 lbs. Bright Sugar......... \___... : 12 lbs. Medium'; Bright.Sugar 1..... .' - 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea.../..,..,....... i" - 1 set Knives and Forks/.'.'..-."-.'::... -1 set China, 44 pieces.......:..... t is illon Coal Oil.... - -t- -. .i ?2 50 ..i ioa ".. l'OO ':.!- 85 . .a-. .-J ,1-5(4 .'.]- T.: " 4 TK) ,-.-! .J- . - 30 11 15 Auotlibr party-who didn;t buy at Secbtd'-OBrb's;, had to pay |the ibllbwing prices tor the sanie goods|: f a lbs. Meteor Teii, To per lb. . 11 lbs Best Sugar..........;.. 12 lbs. Mediuin Bright Sugar 1 lb." Ilest Idyson Tea ..... 1 set Knives and Forks .'..... 1 set China, 44 pieces....... 1 gallon Coal Oil.'. .V:..."..; i. '.. ' .' .' Brought down.......-. $3 7.5. . I 10 ; liC9, 1.00 ' I 7;> 6 00 '; 35, S15-.04 it 15' i ' The undersigned bogs leave- to inform the pcoplo of Actoii and vicinity thiitflie will furnish all . \ \. Reqnisitcs in rndcrtakiHg Hearse '". r Suppl on short notice a id reasonable terms as cai i bo Jiad etl when Deaircrf, Also that h will Fit up Stores & Offices l in the.best style. :-j Show Cases, Be ok. Cities and Ic*ks mads to order. "! FURNITURE REPAIRED, j " Shop on Willow street; near Main st. P. M. McCANN. I . Acton, March !:0j 1876.? 39-6m IjI:m:e!. IF YOU WANT M SAVE 20 cents oin every Dollar - ] -{ I 1. .- S4" m|llinery and db^ ^ '.,;,,:^,/..,' Cheap Goqds and good Goods in great variety. Ae have a large and handsomer stbek".of MANTLES, pf^lho most fashiori- The undersign ;d keeps ' always on hand a largeJ^nai tity of firsfcclsssPlas terers'and JBoilders'Liuie atlas kilns, Lot 24, 6th eon., Esquesing, half a jnile frm Limehouse Station;.'- Price, !12j eenta per: bushel injt the kiln, jor deliver ed anywhere in reach atitreasonable Tate.- Oh 40 busWels of JJiriie" the buyer will BftVQi81 by biiyihg from me. '"j j yJ0iHN CRAIG, Prop. Esquesing, May, 1876; 49 able styles, in all sizes and qualities very^cheapi and-good Ladies* Kcadj-iliale SWijts,; I ; --. Black iaiid Colopcd Silks, f -,/, ;' JDrcss Goods of various kiuds IN CENERAL DRY GOODS , Oar stock is much larger and better,ithan ever befotc. 1A. good assortment of ubntlemen's Ooods,. ' - "i ", Everything, Marked p<o\m\1v$the Vctvj' .Lowest - Figures. _jg%i j Wie believe in snitall'profits and'qUiok sales. . - ! A jfinei selection of jpAlTDSp'otB ffS7TBJ*R1Sr:ftt'ttH priciss. . Al^o- ar GroodL StbckU 6f (General (groceries; fti'Millinerr Shoky R6om!lJp. Stairs., | .Piease call and see our newlgoOds and lo-k prices. ' -- mJTTEli AND1 EbGS, TAKEN AS CASH. - ':/:u'J' '" - : D, McNAIRi Afcton, Juno 13;..187G, ' 'i Secord Bros.' customer jtliu's -sived. iip, less than '4 1^3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man who didn't buy from!them now/tlijhl>s it,wo|uld , .ha.ve been to his intciesis [if lie had gojie toSeabik^ " Bijqs. That man is now, a living, ^tisudiijgjw^lkr-. ing' adjvertiscraent; for us.> These a|e everjJddiy facts, witnessed to by hundred o. jdjft; custbrneils, aiiil coiiimcind ihemselvQs to the attention ofievery^ frugal houselseepe:- . . - . :. : Orders, of live dollars mid upwards'} deliyerie 1 at Greorgfetownj aNorvaT^ Limehouse, Ghelj)li, jjack- \youd, &c, free of charge, if ,:.-. 'Vi i?T7E,B BH0S., Acton, Tho largest Retail Jlmftortevs bl Ten, wt^sfc: of: TorrJntp. - -Hi OfRUGSi Dru?3, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Pate at and rropriotor^ Koa Faacy.aaa IToiiat Soa5s,JSpr|jiSf65, Brnslies, '..[.'-p - i?aAats,:Oils:aa*d yaraisSes. 'Eaac-y.'aad Bss^he^ jStjSj! AiTD,liIQUqaS ,'for iKprlioiaal" rurppi5i|g 'aalyi AJlgoods worrantod ofcthtflhest quality and adfen peir'oent bajpw Tor6ule rices. -'. - - j Vi ' . ' ' .. r , Ifledicai jHall, Mill'" street,. Actoii. Arte n", M;irclf;liJ; J870,' . &,- E. MflKKJHCi

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