&m 'atterns' _i >S at *x_ - J ~ *1 [rices that- Call and ee upwards. iul._5vliich hs: Goods.- :, by^ s;> doing ", GOODS. -"*r:. J UAL. DBS. iawn here lie; Iestuovjei- .'i .niins- and .~!>6 ", nadines,. Black ' Mifhrtvctii^T cheapest zrey 'and! white. * prints. White I>rii.:E.t-Bro*tt ted- direct from.-. t the Canadian ; are: always >m 4s now l he fjUbion- -netf. Flowers, ^a Haw ip- . tlieTMftL Ig Departinerft _i . Ton yeti. It is V' r- ] the universal oT cloth* iron} z.- -e from. .'An j' , Ready-made >'x of beim-^ ! and very j bargains, tbrt : all in cons*' j~to-band." -."!.' |e/*^ _' --" i Co., ^ 30BeTOWH ^V^^^a^S'HARNSSS1 SHOP. OoOcCi'.XJti"mt>.>r .M 0.ilh'c>-ir Physician's 4uij sarjjoons. MiixStoskt Aiitvvs.- : The subscriber ibegs to announce to the . inhabitants of -Acton and TiR. iR. \WBHOWv rUysK,,:.;,,:,,,,^,,, , ----.-- _l/ cfaiu surtrpoty*o., r lioUprux i\ii- , viuuu) toat no his commenced the \?fi^ New York, :ilsotFiuhmtt' ,it Yn-ti\rt:l IWIojo; l\ma.l:t. CohMilttit-ron <i:i\* TWOMtRJ'* "' t-'rU'.Avx. lroni i> :t. nv, till 1 JV iu. r Actus*; -4- 5-iil>'ln> iy-i. t'riiiyr i> :t. u -.West, nowor stn>i't,' hariHisaJbusitiess m tjjo Old Pos* OiUcc Huildinir > JtMjiS MATTHEWS. Con- v.\vs(^i\r K<iu-ro; M.ir-nu>>*' l.ic.Misi.-s. ' l'lsst-u^itor. iusiinuuv A^i-iit, r^Mr-'irt '" JUaTlt-y to l-vi-.v. Asp lit M,v>m.-lt ToV- _~ . tortfii Co-, :t"icTfcl-our-th i n'lMia Conn, _ *. in t& H., .io.._.\try>>.-, Osv.. Direxwr.nsoS. convoy aiicir. jo., u:> A'ii'in -I'aiiii.vl.i -. iJ:;.< A^^ar.i.-it*o-t\\ ' IVhN, M'-rlc? *r-. p.r--;-;'.re.t tn-a'.lv. i-i-onm; ly. o* r SttS oil: Tt~~y,vi\->><r ti'rms. ""TiW'iii'y. i..= | vlf)r ici". --I'.-'.u'ity. .>it!oi' MILL STUKET, VrTON. Avlioro lift is prepared to-tum out wofR scu'ond to nene in tlio Donij.u rtllEAP 1IREAD FOR THE MILLION B.IS5 E-NIOKLIN Hi'gituniiiiouiKy tliatthoy li.ivo secured 71. ,' tlio Hi't-viccs of a ; j;First-Class Baker, atnl tlmt their l^aliinj^ luiaitit'ss ia now . > - ^-v--,-. rauu mat. titeir naKint; miRim'ss ja now ton. a* clteap ,tw tlio cheapest, iuid , j,f, fllu oju-ratim., in the promiscH-owiicil oji the 'shortest possible juotieA . I . l,y J/iri..llauita. have oft hand a Urge and vrellioliect-,. *,T -, .... ... , , ., .-'., a,I <(rt,a- nl ^ ' \ t'lvad will he delivered dailv. at the 4 .) hou.ses in the v.tHa<jo ami vielitltv. J. l>iHATlll:SOX ,'.i,a\v," ^.:iei't<i:. ia \ l;.mi *0. v*:';^;* 5\Jtaei-i>f Mail', a'.ul C'ii Street*. iJv^T^^lp^'a. ~ . - ^:x'V^Horsb Slwikets..\7liip3. Brashes. .'>: t > i . ! Com'bs, Tmsks. etc, prtitnplljr'.attended to. ittorncv- ;rCitve me a .call and be convinced. a < l,.,m-.rV. ' " ' , . . 'jj | J. F. pEMrSY 4'eton, Noy. i.",'1S7;"i. A' H.uTi>Ver>, At;<^j-ey? kdior* }. CU;iiic;-y, Cunv : :m kt.'\vn" I \ui:coi'S vVt*. j VirM.'-L.ilDLAW. Karrtst<-r. rriM-.ict^-, -Ve. *'::i.>.^:' HuruiUi'i, w Mi!:o*a A>:*U*e iv;;i b.i tia.Ur ill-- r.iiin.ue Ilursnih. .sf t'. M", O. U an-i .Mr.: iii-s l- \EL EXKY L. DUIKE. i I\SLK V\CE vr.M. Asieai far iSe Mvrc.iiu If iili-.l Waterloo. All t>'.isLi^e>s t-v.:r;:s:etZ to t'.is e:ire wi.l tie faU'.ite.liv ut;v::Jeii l."^_ i,>r<{eri liv ni-atf _so:iciteJ. L C- H.LLI1UKC r ATE'XTS' Tor I-WEXTIOX^ . ci!vj:::e.ii!y ami pniperly s-<"-.?u.-i3 tu.Clinacia. the lrirHvi St;it-.s :illil HuroiH-. l'^t^e.l ga.iriiiire.-i! <.v jki elmr^eT ^viid forpiin*^! ui>truo:a,i'i-;. Arent?v in e.vn.r- alKia'teoryears- HKS.UV (Jt.lr-T. _j :; -OttaWiv, CanaU?, ..'-MeeVis?e.-.l E:izu:i?er, So.icl:or ol l*a teatianil'. I>r3-.:ctiisuian. ."j... ^r^LLLIAJl WATJilXS, Jatf tfarrl.tsr IJceascJkCcrtiaratC!i, _l ay lu>yal Ar:-<iia:inenf.) U-^iue^ private add'comiilej'.lial oce a'i fiie Piist <-'"4f*, liKuwiUintn, Ca_iy tiiiUon. ; Hurrali. C^IEAP BREAD; O^p^sliu Is tlie life of t-aile,' ltuy GalMwayV superior Hr*ail. ul vicinity. "W^ddirif? Cakos, Tea Cakes, .. Pastry, Buus/&c., made in the very best nianiier. and l<e]it always mi hantl, e(.ud and fresh. -Also all ikinds of ' Confectionery, Biscuits, I'hee^e, i-c. " Tlft-~\'atroii.iLjc of tlio- public ia res- peetfully solicited. . . R >t E. Acton. Feb. 29, lSTti. ".. NICKUN. rri iKLPH AinioRY, JOHN KIRKHAM, D. GALLOWAY lirffs to annoaiice to the Inlii>Ilnnts <tf Xcwi:i and viclnlly ilial he ha^Removed his Balcing Eslalwishment lo tlie prom ises next ".loor.to Morrow's tlni^^toro, _ -A* c-i..^___mn*AU c.l ,.,m i,e l!:^ tAii.t o;ijrMic!i-i=cw oven ! ^Husnuth. SiUcr-Platcr, &c, I ar.d r*-tHUxI t.D*? premise* ,*n a"ttr>t-cl::ss j b.:j"'e for; a lulkt-r>~ m\& CoiuVciior.frv Bdsin*-si, auJ i*.tumlnc'oiU M RS. S. CAKTEK. Teacher f.Jlit>Icf Draw in C'lmreh" p;ree; nurtTrt-iicI*. Ado ii. OLIVER LOZI^lt, Plasterer, -. A*i\n. via;. KVv-ry .le-cr.)> .i.-'i-'o.1 .Jr*Ltsfc?rir>g' aa-i; lloi^u-csi^tun; tioi.e ,t*ti i-rni-s aiilI s;iU^U*c- A CT0N.FL>t'n IIILLS. "B.'i~E. yiTSI-I^. rrv-'prietcTs.i . Fi^ur au-f yWtl always oin-an-.I. \rh'>ie- *ale all re.iLii, --- IU:!'-.. l>sif or all kin :< nf-'Jr ill. T>OSSlN AV CVt-e to' 11 ;>EJsE. Ac! on. in- e; . r.-fta- \r.i\ >iii >:rfr!i.-::!^co , :.li'l'* :a:e-n f"-: Uc tr ;.vti- !::. p-::..i.c. T: r; <. i. a- m J., i ri'i r. D3hi.mo:v hotel, .it-mn.- II -L-^rt Ai;i'..-w; '.'nuirifaot'.'i'i^:- ne* Ho>H .is -i.i ^ I u-> m" rinsvc-^- Ik'Sle wiiii ae i itir-.-Vture. Cr."mirrerei...l .rcTieilrs *^i \$l& zcxrA P.CCommoli.Iion ^inl corn mo irons 3r.mp',e Ki.ia.. Sf.-eial Bi-atio-i jx-.l i lo ih" v. aa;s io; Uie Iravei- liui;puoi!c. Kar sapp.i-' ivitbin^- best Liqanrra:.J C:a-".-=-. i.oul Sr.ablibg ui.a Kttnir.-e Hl!.j.-i. 3ETT2?..'3^EADT2A1T EV2S, 3^ns, Cage's, Biscuits, > Pastry, Casllcs, All of the best qnalliy aud at ijreat y rc- dneed jirices. Jlixed taiulies at Sjc per lb. l^rodi:cc_cf a!l k'indslakeii io tscbange --'. tot tioods, ,' Weight for wciirht j-ivi n i'4*rbail':Jn ex- cip^ni;e fur t'lt.iir. . Ti3hcs to iiiforin the public that he has removed to Hatch's Block,. rjrji, r i cliV'Oi. Jl31STJtliET, Xiicensea JA.4ct:oneer 4fo*tiieCounueV,o;V U-eUii ?'* anJ "fi-1- ton. "orsiers l L! a-. tU* I'nEE I'lll,-^ uacp.^Actor, -oj-'ii:' n?s\ r.'SKlenec,. in . Kqc^Soia. will 0:-.p:o.iiptl} a^leuclei' to. 3?crm'TeaM3iiub :c. ae IK xixxjriyi's garble- Works, f UoodicH if,m. >!i l-'oiuSTfy, ; Xear Er;fuiosa -Krid.se. | : " titielph. ; ALL.nis:>s ot laker. Ifi; . (^ r-'\A- ^ :i.: MONUMENTS Toini)'.Sv".E-.-!=..' i^nit I^.-cck, . ic, nja'iu.vj any.tizeo'r 'I'. '-^Tj.h ^nd p'si'np in inyjert of ih'-'jr ^ounirr. -. __, . - t*' Soatji.-h: Oranifi: Mo: fnieuS huflort--- i -to nrj.er. X_Ken!:.-.1y!is a j.r. tical marble cutter. -.-v,_ TprKE milk. The underslgrt-d beg* to thank his cus tomers t-.jT tb libefral prLrojiatre received dorin^xttie past summer, u:-d would Bay that be ifi now prepared ts supply an ad ditional nuibber of cu^tomersTvitti sod/ pure.freU milk, delivered; every.m/Tn- Jhe, aiid twice a day.on HaMirdays. - Par ties wjio.fceep ct.ws will find It much .cheaper and less trouble to eet milk deliv ered at their doors, and they would do well totell tbelreowfsiabd t>py- their milK . Xwenty-pne quart tickets'tCr-$l, i< paid <>> aiilvaiice, tir JWenty^me pint tickets for W cents. ' K S. ABllS'l'BOJili.- Aeton, Xoy; JBiE^Diii-.. . f LEOKCETtlr" " iict.n-', }l\iXih :ivl Ci k":s (IcIUereii 'very .Uay, fresti, a'r"*nJ the vl!luj;e. WEDDING fit TANCY CAKES maile t'rorcJerni;iJ an hdii]. In ilieJuteei Etyl;S a.r.J ul rc:j>o:;:ib:i/ch:irgos-. Xext door to Tyson's -Butcher" Shop AAX2XT7XITXON FOR ALL BREECH j LOADING ARMS. Ely & Kynoch's CartrIt!Ke CaKeo nnd Cui s fir re* I>:nJln'g same. Kc-lonrters* Ur--r;jp,er-i. C^I> KJertors, Curlers, at tl Cf*':i^or^. t 'It-iihl'-jj Hixls, h'iid all ariicle uert^s-'fy f.:c a.Sp-.rtsirnn'.- ou I tit. All ^oit.vof IC-rfi lirifg niiti Jobbing 'Xwuiett on the Khonost notice at (Ttidjih, April 27. IS"(I. N. i:.- ii': in: j -All 2o;k1^ arq w:a.-r:inte<l furet a^ fcu; tiie bn-t of inalcriiil is used. Th? rntrona^e of the pnbTlc 1? resjH ct- f-iliy w'>iict:.-d. ' v . ". *iillnpd s^eTor'your.-elvcK. ij U'ALI.uWa'v I1ROS. Acton", March R/lVTti. - PLANING MILLS Pimii), a>j, Door and Bl ind .' v a1 rows f:'. le^iont "W'arerooms Am) feed st6:re. . . Mn ' --. ^m ^ Tte._gtib3criJ}erti. begJK> annotince to -' tarmera' and v others, -that "theytjiav* ' <Tened -4,' warerooirL; ou Main Stfeet, 1- OeorgetoB-p, next the hay_ scales,'where -V^fmiliieep!f.l-w^B jp. iio?k the juewt aesirairlejkiad of '-i1 ', . : ' - Parritiag Iqaplements. in connectiaa, they-have opened a -=; - ..J^BBD -8TOBB,--- *??* wiu- ai^aiyB he kept a large stock ' of fionrj fg^ gj^j ggedj, j,f various de- enphbna..' . ":. J. C. DBVIEEAUX. - allis -Msoee, Manager. Qeor etown. Aprii-12,187C. - 42-3m $5 tO ^QO **' ^^ vi \nome. ' to* K^i&^^y Saiaplea worth $1 TSOMAS EBBAGEj Manufacturer of ^Tiiido-w Sa'sli, 1 Doors,f -" Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Kcquisitcs V. ,: Af&o Makers of " 1KPH0VSO' SUCTION PtTUPS luuinber Plane^ and Dressed to orde ' , in the~best manner. ;A11 work-guaranteed. ! k;cton, Jan., 1870; ? ' ' |p Tt*LLOFE CHAPMAN, Practical Bookbinder. All Descriptions of Binding Neatly Executed. Recount Book* of all-Kinds Jlfad6^to Order. 1 !'i Ruling PromiJtly Attended toij A ctox : '.". LWERY& SALE STABLE J. I. ALLAN Tnltos p'easitre hi ithiiounolnsr to tile mililic generally Unit tie Is prepared to furnish Pirst-clas3 Horses and Carriaeos "'\At Keasonablo Hates.<~His Itiprsnnd Horses are the bVst lliat ran te had, and "no is determined not to be surpassed b'v finv Pity s^tnhlc-. Acton July is!-. t.sTa. \T^r ANTED, h J000 Cords of CpOD HEMLOCK BARK, " - ..._ri"73 DOLLARS PEE, COP-S At the Acton Tannery, if delivered in ' . summer. . ' ' Q. L. BEAKDMORE. Z. A. HAtL,. Agent. June, 1S7G. 49-3m jyILTON PLANIN& MILLS. J.. B. MITCHELL, Manufacturer of'. Sasli. Doora. Blinds. Mould- intrs, Door and Window Frames, Pickets, etc. Waning,-Scroll Work and Matching Jiotir. to Order. DV Jtlinds HO cents per foot. "B* All work delivered iu Acton free. 1 Orders left at Socofd Bros, will bo promptly ttomled to. : Milton, Juno (!, 1876. 50-ly RBMOVEDi R, CREECH, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Has removed one door west! of his old stand, ami is now. prepared Xo turn out work, which for NEAT1TBSS, CHEAPNESS AiTD " DTTBA.BZLITT! cannot bo surpassed by any ;houso in the county. Harness of all Kinds injiplied on the shortest possible notice, and warranted to give perfect satisfa'c. ;tion. ? . j As he ir- doing.business principally on the Cash System, he is prepared toj iell cheaper than ever. - ' ' Oive him a call and be convinced ! that this is the rijdit place.' R. CREECH,Acton. Junp28.1S78. T 1876. BASE BALLS .Base Bali Guides For 1876 ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of AVyndham Streetj !| GUELPII. UNDERTAKING. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people>f Acton and vicinity that he will iuxaiish all Requisites in Undertaking on short notice and reasonable terms as can be had ' . i. Hearse Supplied when Desired. Also that he will . Fit up Stores & Offices in the'hest style. j Shoir Cases, Book Caae* and Debi ' ; . : . ' ' . " I made to order. ;'.! ] '- FUIiNlTUIiE REPAIRED." j jShop on Willow street, near Main at. ' - -' . P. M. McCANN. ' Acton, March 20, 1670. 39-6m JOB PRINTING of all kinds if; neatly and promptly executed at the JURIED MEAT, ; iSRlED^MEAt- Charles Cameron Havihg postponed removal in order to clear! out his stock of Pork, offers at a reduced rate Suporifir Smokol andMTiisznokoa Hams, Cumborland Cut & Baoon, cured. by himself, and which will be found unsurpassed in quality. Try it and be convinced. ; In future, meat will be found in the shop! partly occupied by G. M. Scott, Maiii street, Acton.: " '. ' CHA?. CAJ/ERON. April 26, 1676. ! 44-3m ! FOUNDLING. A 7\ALE OF THE BORDER, moved "** {91^00 per annum in Ad van i iBiKDEBY^-St. George's,Square; Guelpi j , ir- Orders left at the Free Pee i Office will receive prompt-attention. SBKD 25c. to G. P. ROWELL 4 ICO., iJew York, for Pamphlet of 100 traces containing llbts of 3000 newspapers, and estlniatesshowlny cost of advertising:. FBEE PRESS OFFICE, Stit "(lie Post Offlce, Hill Street Agents _wanted 051 O It illiyat home, agfluw Httiium. 1 ttt ,-n TVttJ/w \ tpl^j ojitllt and terms free, TRUE & i w- R- Wilson, CO, AgttstOj Maine. ' TllNVV^RE! If you want 1, Boss Cooking! or Parlor j.: Stove,rgo to. . j Alwjays in stock, Stoves, Stove Trinunlncm TIB. Sheet- j Iron aad Japanned Ware. ( Particular attention paid to EAy^TROUdHING. /Stencilling a)nd Jobbing done on the I j shortest nofiee. l Cotton Rags, Copper, Brats, Iron and other produce taken in exchange. terCan and See Us."* Remember the stand, one door west of the Canada Glove Works, 1 HILL STREET, AOTOK. P. P. JOHNSOH. Aeton, Ap^U 11,187fl, (Concluded.) " Slowly and dismally the bojars on, witb no sound 1 U> measure their jfrogreua, save (be audible beating of my own hejjrt, and the death-like bowling moan of- my companion. Asi I lonnud against the wall counting these dis mal divisions ofi time, which ap|- peured thus fearfully tometo out the duration of tny existence, through the black darkness, whose weight, had become oppressive is, my eyibulls, I beheld, fitr above Imp,' on the opposite wall, a faint sbudow, like tl e ghost of a-light, streaking its sids but so.indistinct and imper fect, I knew not whether it was fancy or reality.1 Witb the earuesi ness of. death, my eyes retuaipei fixed pn the 'gloomy light:' and i threw upon my bosom a hope din) as ifcseif. . Again I doubted its exj- i8tenc deBiiied it a creation ojf my biiiin; and groping along the. dam j) !loor, where, tny hand seemed passin; over the ribs of a fekeletonl I tbre v a loose fragment in the air, towards the point :from whence ;the doubUd; glimmering proceeded!; and pjreeived, for a moment as it fell, tbe shadow of a substance. Then, springing forward, to the spot, '1 gasped to inhale, with iu feeble' ray, one breath that was no. agony. .._'"; " Thirst burned my lips, and,j to cool them, they were pressed againtp the damp walls of the'prison ; but my tongue was still dry my throat parched and hunger began to prey upon me. While thus suffering,; |a faint 1 gut Btreamed from a narrow opening in the roof of. the vaulcj -Slowly a feeble lamp was lowered through tbe aperature, mid descend; edjwitiin two or three feet of my head. A small basket, containing a jiortion of bread and a pitcher of water, suspended by a cord, was l^itl down into the vault. I seized the pitichet, as 1 would : have rushed upon li berty ; and raising it to 'tny, lipi, as the pure, grateful beverage allayed the fever of my. thirsty I shed a solitary tear, and, in .tbp midst of my misery, that tear wj a tear of joy -like, tbe niorniu star gi ding the horizon, when tin surrou iding heavens are wrapped in tempest. With it the feelings of the Christian and the man met] in my bosom ; and, "bending ': over my fel ow^ufferer, I applied water to bis ips. The poor wretch "de voured the draught to its last droji with g-eedineas. ' " Tl e presence and the unceai ' ing groans of my companion- yea, the dungeon and darkness them selves deadening ar.d bitter idea, that nrp wife and child were also captive:, and in;the power of ruffians. I: any other thought was indulged 1 moment, it was a longing for liber ty, that I might fly to their resctto and [it was then only that I b< j came sensible of captivity ; and m.l eyes once more sought the dubious gleam that stretched- fitfully.across the wallj, becoming more evident1 to perception as I became inured to the surrounding blackness.. Hopq burned and brightened, as I traced the source of its dreamy shadows, and fr Din thence weaved plans of esca]>e. ' " But gradually my grief and de-j spair uubsided, and gave place to the cluiering influence of hope, and. 'the resolution of attempting my es-t cape; and I rose to eat the bread and drink the water of captivity,1 to strengthen me for the task. For many hours, the presence of myj companion bad" been forgotten y:-h4 still continued to howl, as one whom the.ih'orrors of an accusing1 conscience were withholding' from' the grasp of death 1; and I, roused from the reverie of my feelings and projects at j,be sound of his suffer] ings, hastened to apply water anq morse'iB of bread io the lips of my perishing fllow-prisoner ; for bread and water had been lowered into the vault. J I again eagerly sought tbe di| rectiori of the doubtful gleam, whic" formerly tilled me with' hope ; ani was convinced that from thence a: opening might be effected, if not perfeci liberty, to a sight of the blessed light of heaven,: where, freet dom, I dreaded not would be found. Filled with determination, whicb no obstacle could impede, I took one of the swords, which had lain by the side of ' its owherl untouched for ages, and with this instrument j commenced; the labori ous and seemingly impossible task!, of cutting, put a flight >n the rtide wall, and thereby gaining the! in visibly aperture, from, which same-,] thingjlike light seemed; to emanate, 'OJur portion of food being bare ly sufficient for the sustenance of one, hunger had long been added tip the list of our sufferings; but pan ticularly to those of the maniac. And, ] with the cunning peculiar to such unfortunates, he watched the return of1 the' basket,).which\ wa^ daily lowereo] with prbvisions, and Frecfitently while I was absorbed in jthe completibn of my task, he would grasp the basket, swallow off the water at a draught, and hurry with the bread to a corner of a dun geon ; , thus leaving me without food for tbo next twenty-four hours. " It was at ,the period when I bad half completed my object, that my companion, springing, as was bis wont, upon the basket, before I could approach.to withhold hirh, succeeded in draining1 off the con tents of n goblet, in which a few drops of a dar|k-colored liquid still retDuined j and the pitcher of. water was untouched. ' The wretched maniac had swallowed the draught but a few minutes, wheti; rolling-) hitnself together, his ttcreams and cotjtortions became more frightful thun before, and increased jri viru lence for an hour. He lay motion less a few seconds,' gusping for breath; then, springing suddenly to bis feet, he gazed wistfully above and around him, with a look of ex treme agony, and exclaiming, 'Heaven help me!' he rushed fierce ly towards the wall in the oppo site direction to where I was attempting to effect-my escape, gave one furious pull at what appeared the Bolid rock, and,, with a groan, fell back, and expired. " When the horror occasioned by his death in some degree abated, the singularity of the manner in which he tore at the \ wall of the dungeon, fixed my attention; and, with almost frantic joy', I perceived that a portion of the hitherto thought impenetrable] rock, had yielded several inches to his dying grasp. *T hastily;remoyed the body, and pulling eagerly at the unloosed fragment, it fell upon the ground, a rough unhewn "lump of granite, leaving an opening ot about two feet square in the rude, rocky wall, from which it was so cut, as to seem to feeling and almost appear ance a solid part of it. ! " My -task was now] abandoned! The gleam of light, which for weeks was to me an object of such intense interest, proceeded from a mere hairbreadth cleft in the rock. Tak ing up a sword which lay upon the ground, I drew my -body into the aperture formed by' the removal of the piece of rock; and creeping slowly on my hands and knees, gro ping with the weapon before me, I at length found the winding and dismal passage sufficiently lofty to permit inetD stand erect. I seemed enveloped in an interminable cav ern, now opening into spacious "chambers, clothed with crystal; again losing itself in low passages, or narrow chinks of the rock, and suddenly terminating in a slippery precipice, -.beneath which gurgling waters were heard, to run. Hours and hours passed. - " Language cannot convey an idea of the accumulating horrors of my situation. Struggling with suf focation, with a feeling, more awful than terror, and with despair, the agony of darkness must be experi enced to be imagined.. " Still I moved on"; and sudden ly, when ready to sink, wearied, fainting, hopeless, the glorious light of day streamed upon my sight. J bounded forward with a' wild shout; but the magnificent. sun, bursting from the eastern heavens, blinded my unaccustomed gaze. " I again found that I was free : but my wife tny childv- where were they t It was many years be-- fore I learned that the nephew" of] the inquisitor, who hud' sought be'r hand, having died, she regained her liberty, Bitd fled with our infant son to Scotland, to seek tbe home of her lost husband. Since then I have never heard of them again." thus TlieTrue Story of Edwin-, and Angelina*. Edwin has a hankering .after po litical economy and things of that sort and makes Angelina's life a .burden to her., with, lectures-upon tlie extravagance, the shrinkage; of values and the like. Thursday he said to her at the dinner-table, stir ring his tea meanwhile in a very profound manner: /' j " Angelina, the. only hope for the public benefit lies in pri vate virtue. That great man, Henry Carey Baird, has calculated and his estimajte hasi been verified by that smtnpnt statistrican, Alex ander. Delmnr,: that if every one of the 8,000,000 families in the Amer ican Union would only skim, the soap grease off of their dishwater and invest its proceeds in a sinking fund lit four per cent compound in terest the proceeds in 1C9 years, two months and eleven days would pay off the National-debt. There is at present a shrinkage of values to which we must accommodate ourselves if we anticipate or desire a} return to the only solid founda tion specie payments. Economize, niy love," he said, taking another 'ltinip of sugar; "economize.'.' ' ! Now Angelina has, as she says, got tired of being preached at, and, for her part, can't Bee why she, eta j On Friday morning Edwin came down to breakfast and found Ange lina-presiding over- the breakfast { tray, smiling as to her eyes, frown ing as to her forehead, aiid ambigu ous as to her mouth. She passed Edwin a smoking cupof coffee. He took a drink thereof; his lower jaw fell like the tail-board of a coal cart, and . the aceursed beverage streamed out of the corners of his mouth and upon his shirt front. "Holy smoke,, Angelinai^-fae at length ejaculated, " do you want to pdison me f What's that V -I'" Gh !" rejoined Angelina, " I thought I'd -begin to retrench-at oace, so I put its own weight of burned- peas to the coffee. It saves half of our bill, you see," she. con tinued, "and you. wouldn't know the difference, would youJ" "But," said Edwin, "here's a shingle nail and two .chunks of sugar cane and a bit of hoop, and a fathom of petticoat binding and a teaspoonful of alluvium at the bot tom of my cup. And have you nothing but muscovado sugar in the house? If I. were running a house "-I'd, never let my supply of loaf sugar run short." '* '."-' j" Oh, yes," fespondediisspouse, " but I wanted to economize, so' I, gat,this. -. ;Itflnly costs ninecehts, the other is thirteen." Then she feci Edwin with round' steak instead pf porter-house and- comforted: "him with bran - bread,- which is much less expensiye than white,' and gave him some nice; chrome-jellow butter, encrusted with salt crystals, and when, he came home at night answered the Ijell herself, with her skirt thrown aver her head and patches of coal dust on iher nose- and cheeks, ds- claring that she had dispensed with the services of thei servant girl, so as to save four dollars a week. When Edwin] went to bed at night he sank .through a. deceptive superstructure, of straw niattrass and-"printed imn'ressiona of. bed- slats upon himself from -the-calves of his, legs' tcTthe nape of his neck, The^i'he rose in his wrath and said-j that he wanted his house run de cently if the nation was whelmed in a sea of bankruptcy,, and that by the - great horn fcpoo'u(, if there .wasn't coffee and loaf stjgar for 'breakfast next day he'd know why. When the major had eluded his narrative, . "Here," said Christopher, ."are two rings which vere taken* from the fingers of my mother both bear inscriptions." The old officer gazed upon them. "They were hers my Maria's!" he exclaimed ;, " I myself placed them upon herlSngers./ San of my: Maria, thou art mine !}' ;' -"" 1- The major purchased a commis sion for his long-lost son; and when peace was proclaimed throughout Europe,, they returned to North-, umberland together, where Christo- .pher gave his sword as a memorial to his foster-father, (Peter Thorn:- ton, and his hand to Jessie Wilk inson. " The United States concedes the free navigation of all the canals of N.Y. State to Canadian vessels, on the same terms as to their own '"hip"* j Another is added to the long list of casualties from the careless hand ling of firearmsr A young mar ried 'woman . named Mrs. Ray- "mond Jaokson, living near Brace- isridge, died almost instantly from the effects' of wound caused by the discharge of a gun in the hands 'of a young man who was standing near her. The.Simplicity of Greatness. ' ', Manys'years ago, the- licentiates of Princeton Seminary were in the habit of preaching at a station sdtoe distanco fron that splace. - Among their habitual hearers was a sincei-o and humble, but nnedncated Chris tian slave, called Uticle Sam, who, on his return home, would try td tell his mistress what he could' re member of the sermon, but com-; .plained that the students were too deep- and learned;for him. One; day, however, he came home in good humor, saying that a poor un- laridi man, who he supposed was hardly fit to preach to the white people; but he was glad- he came, for his 8ake,/<>r he cbuld rernemtiet everytliiitg he had -. said. On 'in- qjtiiry, it swas CoabA that'Uncle Sam's," ufiiart". old'preacher. was .the Rev.-.'pri, Archibald Alexander, v.vho, when he heard the ei-iticism, said it/was the highest oplinient ever paid to hw pre*ching. - ji ^^_ ;.; The difference betsreen an over coat and |i baby is j| one you aisd the otfier you wear. j, -" Boy,;yoq are* nt_ <ar from * Ifool." '^Well, we ain't more than three feet apart; I give ia to tha^** | iwnn t.ho renlv. !: i Tnie Loret, iJdiie "v' . "yalsliiou.'i'.'"; :./.- ' The country nevet: possessed so many beautifttl marriageable yoiuig women as. at the pregerit'time; Anil ;' why do-we- nofe-hare tnire roar- Hages? VVe answer,; because mar- rJag;for lovejis the exception, not the rule. The youngjpeople of-this Uge have gone fashion and money mad. If the-t'andy bank clerk who pays one-half of his income for board and the. other half for clothes canno^ improve his. position he will not'marry. The shop girl, who eariifj good wages and cannot. be distinguished by her dress from \-- the banter's daughter certainly, will-- not'enter rnto'matrimony unless slie can better bet] position in life.' If a man is fortunate'enough, to pos: sess money, itj matters not how Old or ugly he%iay_be, hundreds of in telligent,' handsome, yoting women can.-'be found.to be his wife. Love .is aftetVconsideration. ; They marry to be supported and dress extrava gantly. How often do we hear the remark, f Becter be an old roan's daiiirig than an young man's slave.' Alas f_ too many of theaare nitV satisfied to bel^darlings. They will persist in Roving other men after - they are married.1 It eanhot be denied that a Igreat" nnmfeer of the unmarried men lare "adyentnrers . looking for ^rives. who can keep them without!working forn'living. The peace and comfort of a happy home is not taken into consideration : They are willing'roi suffer a-hell - upon earth if they eai| he kept in idleness. If ^tr yonng people -do not abandon this extravagance in dress and gr^ed for'money, our couatry.will bje filled with trachelortr and. .old maids. We must have more genuine jcburtships and :ntar- , riages to havel. prosperity and hapr -",. piness in this workt^-^oo many^ marry fpr.monev only to be disap- - poihteit and unhappy the rest ot their Kves. . j : Be Dlds't Waat tfce 'Scription - He was an old man, aid he had a bit of conductor's pasteboard, stuck in his hat He walked kito" the drug'storejandlnquired: "Have you any good whiskey !*'-','" " Yes, sir," replied jthe gentle manly'druggist. i . " Gimmo half-aipintf' " !' ;' "Have youjgot-a.doctor's per-, scription?'5 -. - '"'.',' , '"No." ' "::^ "Can't1!sell it then, sir. Jur"; in. session j must bo stlict.'r .' - " Where, canj;.I.'"get, -"4Qetoi".t" sadly inquired the,aged inebriate..'.. ("i'tA a phyrician,'sir,"'^ninihg-r=, ;ly responded the drugtjist -- ~'s~*.f- Gan't'yoai gtveurte that^ what. y<ra call it; 'seriptipn-j",* . . .--..-'. " Well, I might.". .And the dots- tor wrote<JUtaperscri|)tion blank, calling for so oiaiiy ounces of trptr^ iiu* frumehtL He filled a-snug-' looking bottle.with"the-articlej past^.- ed a label on it, numbered ttr.c"or*!", respond ^ith the paper,-and, pvejv senting. the bottle to: the. venerublg ^ <oysterer, remarked^ in. ;.the 'inostj .businesslike.; way imagiinible : "."a,: dollar aridr^ half, sirl'^" " ' : ' " A dolTar-attd a,ljalf !** gasped his astonished cttstonier. " Ain't t^iat pretty ;high^ mist4rf* - : -a dollar for, the per8cription,_and fifty cents for the ' medicine." . , .-. " Yes.'well f slowly rej/lied the,- wicked' old duffer, as he slowly but- tonftl die .half pint in bis overcoat. pocket; ", I guess, boss, that I dorft want thei'scri.ption. i! nHere's-yOnr, half :dollar," and "be rstuck hls^ tongue in one side of^fais1 mouth,- . winked nronieally at 'him.of the mortar aaid pestle, and walked out--- 1: ;' pearls of TrHth;' * Goodnature is a gjtiw-worn that sheds - light even in the dirtiest places, j.. . Humility is a rare possession-here ; it may be compared among'virtues-to the diamond among stems. " " _ Love, is sun of the social ami moral world;' Without it there would be v life, no beauty, no excellence. : ": Kindnesses are stowed away in the ; heart, like bogs -of lavender in a. drawer and s-areetea every object around them. The most ignorant har_ sufficient knowledge to detect the'fault. of others the moBt clear-sighted are blind to thelr own. .'e .-> ^-'- ' - .-.- I He is happy who finds:"a t-ue^ friend ;. ia extremity, bitt her is. muek nior-e so who" finds no fixtremity whereby to_.fery_ his frieed. "' "Never begin with ohedience, yptt Will 7" never attain it. Begua^witii faith, and. upon faith formd. this,'-" fle that loveth - me keepeth-my commandments." . , ; A true man is as, strong} in'adversity as in-prosperity ; as thai moon, when obscured by kuids^ sir ay s the tides as par erfady aa in her ful&a&ed bright ness. '.: ':' .' : ' . -5 - '- x was the reply. '; j The entire aBsejis; of a -reeent bankrupt w!ere.hin childreo.: The creditors acted magnanimously, and let hiifi keep them. , aBsets;' ,; A beautiful strike striking a job.' .. ' l \-'-.. .-' -'-. ..'-. -. * There eta \84j290 *aiHijgs u New York-tity. _-'".! ' .i'f"."-'. ."..., Tite bates are a7 laxury, tris* -..' mutch az they kause iman 2 for-, git all his other mizeriea. t - " One ennnot believe^the kiss of a-' pretty, girl" is so delieious till he has it Dom her own UpsL "[' ~' N