Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1876, p. 1

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m I \rpk m i .""'"- I' trcanac!atcacicre3xn=sxr Volume. II. Xo. m i->- t .75. i _ j . .-' * . -' V%^ II. -JLOWRY. M. .. M. \> i-. >'.' s. -i.-i-.i'.oale of Ti hniy Oolk-ce. Mem'-" .Mr riiysielans iwdsiuyeouis -Mn.i. Sn;>.KT Acton. DR>R.: SiORROWi- .IMiysi- nan", sarcotiv.-wo , or. llvrlTr^ n.* C>1- h^fsNow V*>TKwi*.,u*r.ufumffj>l Y\o\ori;; Tiifr^iJ"s ami Kn ii;iy-"*. lYi'iii ;*>|;i, instil 1 iv m. ' Ko^loiuv llowi-r NinvcU JAMES >l VTTIIF.JYS; ('oil. veyain-i-r 1n>;:;to: .Vinrriai;^ ' '.ci'liv1'S l\t.'UUaster. Ir.suran.'o A if out, _.;-'lu '. Voire J. to I'M". A .dim Mi>:i;r:Tt! Ti-Je- *rapll-Co-. '.' otK Kuwin I'itl-ini iViij-i, fom.lTi s>- JJU.A, lymixiox harness- SHOP. r^HK,ii eei:e: vs FOR THE MILLION . Tlio subscriber bogs to announce to Uho inhabitants -of A.i;toir: and vicinity that .he has commenced the'| l'lawiess business in the TON 1,'," : , xul .. -.. 9.1 >90 per annum in Advance. MYSTERIOUS WARNING. vstb , AiToN, 'NT. BHEXDKUSOX. < a am-i-r, Ac... a"s.> A-Ji-u! .iio Assfi:-.vjco Co.- 'Points, M *c, p^i'*p! !ii':i!lv.|r.iiilin!y,' aii.l.'oe. ri a->:i ilito- ttrme. M ln>aii on .-Mvrijiiito . scovtrity. * U'asgow .H.nts-.i. Ai'Iou. ouvpy- OaieoT 1 J' OUX McKIXDSEY.- Alton acy-m-rii*', s iHclior.in Ch ie/'erv ^t>:;ir> ruluiif. Cinveyuiu-. '. rie. <'ilh- un suieol Mli.TVN. j 1)1x1 !N>8t Oilice BuydiiiS, - >IILL STRIiKT, .V-B<>X. . whoro UolU prepared: to turn out ^votk.pcootKl to none in tho Tioniln- .Sou,.'as cheap as the choapesf and- on lUis> shortest jpossibli>_iioti|c.. 1 haw oti hand a largo and w*ftEMeei- od stock'ol" , ' ' , . Horse Slaakots, TOiiiis, Srus&cs, | CoiaTas. Trunks.~<Ttc. ! ' v. ' u'. Koipriiriifg promptly attended to. i~5rvo;nio a call and be convinced; IB. 85 E. NICKtlET iilinmnii tla- < tli.it tln-y -ervii-cs ill' -in-ureil i Mil .Action, Nov. .1. F. .1S75." PEMTSjEY qr n. haItii! Sit ESOX, Attorney- Soli oil or in I'T-.muT-ry, i eU,...-i-CJ,imer o, Alain ;u\tl <'nt;ri'ti eeis.'Ucori.-town. . L^L1 PI'LEBE lii-inr- in l' Wain Stri'OI.. \v K SIIII^OX. inct-rv, CiJ!i-vt-\ ;uioei>,\\o. l:'.t e.T.-\\'S. STG"11S TINWARE! First-Class Baker, iul tli.it tln'lr liAuiui,' lmsiiit'si is mm i iiijfull npi'ratiini, in tlir prcmisrl') >>\\ iivd [ by! Mvj>. Uanna; . - 1 ' lVi-twl will bo diliwivil daily-..it. tlio I lnius^:s; jn tin' villagi' Ami vioincty. I We.ddincr Cakes, Tea Cakes, :'. Pastry,. Buns, .^c, mado fn the von' lu-.-it maiiniT, alid lti'pt. always on Irtuit. j;iiinl and friVli'. Alsn all kinds nf ' t'niitViiiiiiifrv, ltisi-nits( t'lli-l'Sl-'. &o. ' - Tlif iiatnni:'.L,'o nf the publio | is ri'.s- [ici'tiiilly snlioiti'il.- " ' . j J would explain that \J lull thi.s ' talc ii.S[ it wn^toltl to mti, Kiip]iic?iH- in^ real naiiies and altering Ftiewi, nucoi-din^ to tho prQintHi) -J. lntvo liiiulo. 1 will not attempt to liu count for anything. Tlio "innin Funis were narrated by ii person Banc iu niindand strong ill bpdy-.- u luan pf singularly truthful dispo-. nitiou. I Tho sequel; I witnessed^ with in'y own eyes, so you in_i be (piite.sure tliat you will not eoine across the old faiiiiliar " <\odge " of Ai-t.iii. I'ob. .-29, 11. .V ISTU. 11. >'l(J'Ki;iN.: '/'.1:K'EjLI,li AKnOKY, .yM^i-i.-,: f.|lll.'*vrl>rJ Ail. . .":!: Kr.i iiiaV: ; .Miii-' Mil:.':-. lKl":.-,'lwt,1 i . im>ni i-.iii'.'Vi". t- mi lavr 1'.*.1 i a't'1."il i t n:i Kruiay o; ; :\<-'\ Wi .\Tt, iiar rn^tor. : 'i'i',r.'iT . ,.ss Stuvo. I'.iai^n- Lf.lt. i'r'J'arl H i:sh% i>sii:iAirc:u i' >" ! L. KlKt; t'Ki i:i:\T. : [rn i ' ," Always in s'tm-i;. _ Tritnitilu>. Tin...S Irmi anil Jaii.-iiiiii*<l lVari*. Tar i'i:'ar atti-nt: -i.UT ~jai^-MJ^-j- " ,E ATETROU GHING-: I -j Jt. frniiflph f3AT::.\rs L .i,\;.-..-.,|:.i l-ll-.M for IXI K>xs. - : :.N" :. i A %rILL!A.U. ai-r *1 ir.'i :i.- i ll;.-;::. .- y : .. us. !>;. cutii-; V'A-J KENS. V lr. ll-as.i. Ir..n :k'i'Xf!iaiii;<;. V: rail antl S<'c I:,*. IMi! I 'an.il }< V"!'i till- W..I- . ACTQ1T. I'. 1'. .J..;i-. T.-arlirr nf Sit :r. iir:vV5 . s z a:::. . JFLJANING MILLS JO.HN.KlRK (itmsmiUi. Siivor-riutcr. & i. Wis'.n , t.. infj.! in lb.- pnblie. tliak In-ha Hatcla'S Block, 'IV- :i-ln r-sii. rj3, auntry, thV _ ling latelr |*tore in the '): 3n"of good*. keeping j: LIKG AS 7 uriKKf/tzn: ;:i>. ;ts'i. I>roi" i!!I I>Iii:d . * ^ fTSZOiflAS.-'SSBASE, AMMXTNITIO: ii-:-ii<i< I-.-.l..: r<.-1".- I-;nr. | n. VSS..7!-:. .1 J-a | - ,N.. - INT. 'iESS.: i :! v- i- ra,s- r.i tti--rani-5 li l-.i ;:x: 1 !./{'. >S! = 1-: II or Sli.: --,A: : 1 > T_tai ] : ->' r. i|U '--. l- A. i .ri: i r.i., ) -r. Avr ^OTT" Sasii "nOHRWJX <).-J. Ilb'-Li^i i.: >iv!o *."::'! ij' i t Ml i r..::: no :,< n - .- a-'- li-r- imjtj:l LetBU. i.>i-.Ti)i- Lll.^ ? ~|. r <1( all..- U.!.qi_i. is ' ii iki1 s,.itii.(,?l :n ' s:.ini... Ki-S-:vl.i-. 1:-jo].-. Clii-lt-;-, at il > '..-, :iii.: nil ::in icle^ Mi all'.- n'Hli'!: a! .| l.l.lnp iiiakiiiir wonders turn out to ".(ho baseless fabric of a vision. In tlio year 1S(!4| when 1 ill'si unit Frank (Jonroy. ho \ya.s a hand sonic, brave, .simple-minded lioy Kleven yoani lntui J'snw him again 11 u was a gr'e-it'deal bigger, .but yitry little changed. Tho sinne d uli brown^eiTHy hair with u glint of red in'it; the same laughing blue eyes, the same almost girlish smile the .same contempt for all that -way, mean and cruel ; only- ho dldii'. burst out erying now, rwlieu touch ed by wiehi things. He stood sijf feet one in his rowing shoes, aiitl 1 would "jiist as soon havo a mule kick me as fyel tho full weight of his' arm. A' gent hi giant, this Frank Conrov, with fair abilities, i;o<id .prospects,'- a .happy homo, troops of friends, and the sweetest ^,'irl in Virginia loving him with' all her heart. This was Annie Amies- ley", the only daughter of a planter, wjmse fortunes lind .survived the ravages-- of the civil war, and u lio lived in a grand old house on the dames liiver, some fifty miles above Richmond, ifer nio'her had died when she was a child. Annie was petite, of euiir.se, or she wdiild not have had big Frank at l.er tiny feet.; and there was a roundness and soft liess about the lower pa it. of her face, which appeared to be of j the wax-doll "order until'you"1-ad j taken in her. cyi'S-and brow, . I'say ' taken in," because they grow upon j i yon. She was not a reigning belle | however. . Frank snapped her up j its: soipn as she'eame out is i one reason. She did not consider ! ilaiieing the (lerman 118 theend-iind j fibject of existenoe ; and she citriied too uiany g'inis for the beaux of the | j-'voriod that >-aS another. >,' '- i : There wercuj-s and downs.ins and j oil's in the, ehavapters of this pair! whic.'V iVvoi-ed. tbo forjzin"x.-i'mi ex- ; lph. Ai.-iHST. l>-t An<I other dings,' :!0((Ili.sit<'S 't : '-JV-^ V c'"TA!vA-'a: ] !,;:-a . ^- "- -.'ii Ou \-."Licenped-^'-aclicn' ;i::lU;n; if ti- ,1 !!:!- ri:l.-is 31 ILK. puije,- Actott- n; JSDy M 01 < -. Imbbics, hrss. ' m n. -i>; WW^bea*r ': g-j-^j , ;l:ie>: .1. 1 Terms f-idsi IpiKC Tv-o r.')'lr-r>:irr.c.'i hr-^- io !:::u.-r-: *,\'.-.- rr-~ lom*-rs f r tlie Mnenil yri nii:;^"1 t*-c-iv-d ilijrip^ *h- |,;tt*t viJiiJiri'-r. ai.-t'V.*c,i:!ti say .1(1.-11-Iff i- riL"'*1 JT.;j.:i:-i r-Minwy ?n :.'!- . . Jnrr-, rr'-fi^ rot IK ..ili-Iiwrwi :(-vir.. Hi' ni* ..tnz, aii'! t i.-f tif-!:\CfK> kf-.f-p c.-ws v'n\ l:pl":: JTiii.-J *he;i]v*r aii'J ] li v* ^rt"J ;il Hjf-ir *I'>r;rs. IIH'! tll'.V wf'4l rt\ *'u xre'A loot: :hL'irc'j'.v> :i:ei ;iry : u*-i r mi-K . T-vrecty.-*jJie quari in-.;*-:-. ifr>t. ii i'ui< in ;i*I\Tinfe,"nr iVvv-'mv-o:K--i'"i:t* TicKon Tor S;} ct-nt-i. i*. -S- AKM-S I*l:< >Xli. Acton, Xovv10;li, IsT.'j. - . - i . ' i , Lumber Pinned arid Pre?pe<l to orde ; -.' - in the bjs.-t niannei-. : C-St AH vro' k giiarant-epd.- ' v-ton, j.iii ,is'n. j" I'V: *i5w:r- j :^-.rV ^\'7Xi. LI\rgRY4 SALE STABLE . .I;":i. ALLAN | T.il-f-s ' |iV:iMli'r in niiin.ll.nciTi? j t'i tbo nnlilii-f-'.-nerally ih-it. i,e is Iiejuucil lo ' . " ; inriiWi. " ;" Tirst-oiass Horses.and Carriages At Hfasiinaliir- Kales. Ills Ilia's ami Jlor.-.p.s.'iir.-! tin- 'iii>st tlint rait bf luel,' and lie is let<-i ii)lnort nut ki he sui-]i;issi-(1 hi r.'iiy City liable. | Anon Ji'ilv Is'i, IsT.'i. ;ri(.ling-liabit, and told liiiu, hIio was, going to sen tho relvilleH. Hoeing' the MolvillcR niinnt n ride, owp and home, of two-and-twenty mirhBl ' ".Mayn't I go with ? yoti V' he l\Kked.- " No, sir. Ynu ]>iivo lieGiiftluinie. fully idle lately ; besideH, I havo lots of things to say to Janey (her chief bridesmaid elect), and you would be in tho Avay. You jiced not expect to seo me again till din ner," she replied. ' Seven o'clock was their uiaial diuner-tinie. . Frank improved tho shining hours; rem] till noon^thon he took a. brisk walk till two, then ho read t;ili five, then liko n. ^ise nian, ho quit awiiy his.books, and Ipacked up _wln(t ];e' had; learned into his buiin. . Tt was autumn, when tho twi light comes soon, and quickly deep ens into night. The tinio slipped away, as it will do when one's mind is busy, and when Annie camo into the room dressed for the evening he \vas quite surprised, : ' : i ' ' l.nek again so f-oon !and dressed already !" lie exclaimed, vising Ito greet her; but sho moved u\yny from him towards'the window and stood thero silent, gazing into- the i " Kraiik dear," slio said aftei^ a pause, " I want to warn you about something." - . . !.'! " All right go on," he replied, again advancing. J I ." No,'do not conic near.me. Sthy when; von are. Do not bo Kipr- pris(!<l if some day you see a la|ly in vonr room." ' - ' , - I ""' vi " Who will be there," she con tinued, not heeding his intei option, "for no light purpose. If. she- should speak to yoirtake goml lrel'd of what she says for for the sake ! of jier who-bives you." ' (" W'hv not sav for iijv Fake.?" " VTefl, then f for;niy sake." i -".And who is this mysterious counsellor}" i " Never_niiii<l." ' i -. ' j " Oh, but J do mind. I there ili anything I hate it is the idea of any one. coining between you: and l^ie. When 1 have; something to s iy to you, I say it right out : and 1 want you to do the same. Is this- |ierson 'a friend J" " A great friend."' " 'L'hen iptroduee us, nnd let us all t.hi-ee talk it over wlmte.ver .it eelient weld when the great hiuii- ' is ;.-or, bet(er still, hear what she mernian. bive, shouhl jilyce thein | has to siy^and ttdl me' yourself.'.V all ;;iglow,l'on his anvil. , At" lir.st j ' We cannot always manage that big Frank wv.s indolent; little An- . s>ieh things as these should coiiin iih' ahibitipns ; he wa.s realistic, she ! exactly ;is' Ave wish," she- answered iimiantie;' he s'riinevhut- too easy- | jj) :i low'inub voice. j - going to keep oil' foes, she. son c what too gi\ en to-cynicism to gain | that my lk^-eiviiig a lady in my fiieiids. rln a sliort time Ihey be-! ixiom is notias good an arrangement " Poor- old (lid not do' 1 all," he jlangl Siimson ! Hisstrengtifi ^ iiii lunch: good-J afier ed. ; . " Oh, ]"i:ai)k;!'Ifc saved hin eonri.- to a glorious in iHitJiin'" in (ry, and helped .him end. I think jther -history so splendid uh tho retiibi'i^ tion ho wprkt'tl on his'porsecntorSi crushing them in the hour oif. triiiiujih, with tho temple of their false gods." j -* '. ._: A "The lpufih lie should have goDe outside and pushed," said jirosiac Fraiik.' .'!"_' ; ' ' . When lie opened the door of hid roomhe: fotind that the lamp was a- j light... This was unusual, for he alv.i ways had lit |t himself.- The.ro were | F'rench -windows on. two sides of | liis chamber ripening into the^alM lery.; . Two faced him'asdie entered, the other pair were hidden by [the bed and its mosquito bar. They were nil wide, open ; for lio loved fresh air, and-laughed colds to scorn, j It wijs aluiost as light as day. Tho full moon filled the ver andah with its soft, silvery.beams, jihd the " dark evergreens belowj werc-siblnzo with fire-iliesy A night which teiiipta one to do\iiiything hut go to bed; Fraiik took ofll his coat and boots, niado himself com fortable in the rocking-chair; filled a big.pipo withj jierique, andthought he wotil.d read a- little, as lie had passed an idle day. As he .io.se io get his book, he heard a-gentle tup ut the Venetian blinds ou'side. Fly ing moths, bjundering after a light as is their wont, make such noises^ so he did not notjoo it. After a! moineiit or two it was re)>eatet| louder, and a woman's voice .fiaid, ".iMay I conie in?" " You are not surprised"- at this invitation?"! asked the visitor. She was apparently about 30 years of ago; tall, slight, and elegantly1 dressed. A lace-edged handkerchief Avas loosely knotted round her throat, and ijn her hand she carried a common palmetto fan. 'She spoke in that sub tone of assertion which a well-bred womarrof her age lias generally acquired without knowing how, and shoddy-folk lal>or after in vain 'ul I their lives.r Grant that a stranger could adopt this mode of presenting' herself and had not Annie told hirh that she anight? and nothing could be more natural. Frank rejilied that he was not a Wt gnrprised; anrl, advanced hisbestr cbair ; wbicli she declined. plead for hei-j. and this I Hay sol emnly, FranU Conroy -if Jroiih af fection be as deep as she deserves it should ho; you will not^ hesitate. Man, man ! lAVlnit is success m a game thitt yon should prefer.it to the happiness of the wouian. yoil love?", '-.. ~;. ... ', " You seem in earnest." ; ' . " I am in eai-nest." - r ' Woll,':I'll talk it overwith her.'-f " Think it over by yourself first," said 'his visitor after :t-]m.use3 dnr ing which; she seemed lb hit* strug gling witli BOiiiething she wished to add,'and.dared not. "And; if-yon cannot resolve as I priiy yqu may then yon can tell her" what, has passed to-night. ' GooTl bye. God bless and guide you." Site kissed her hand lo him and passed out into the bright moonlight. "I ouglit to have, thanked Jir, anyhow," he mused when she bitt-1 gone. : "'What air unmannerly dog. she'll tliiulc me, . She-'s not 'fiii: wrong. -T ought Vo give other-.-fe)- lows a turn, and, I'm not. sure whether a liglij,er mlin than !Nd. .1 well, I'll sleep on it. Who.the' deiicecan she be'!" _ ' ' ,{' C'otielun'ion nexUxrcrh.) ___ ... - ,i ' > A tiny Lothario. ". LOVE ItLTLUSS TO HIS LOVE AGAIN. A CliicnKO Trajrcdy. ; v A lIKMIjSCIIOOI, -I'KIMlII'AI.-' JCI-M.EI7-' .-" 41Y A C1TV'OKFli'iAfc. " .' and to till ii]) each other's delieien- j eiis. llewas 21 and she IS. and j jf thev were to be married as soju 'iiaue 1 told you not to bo- surprised came. 1 did not say positive- he had taken his dogrf'f. In all sorts of athletic contests a lid exercises be had already gradu ated, .witli the . hiidiest honors. Jn ILTOX -1 PLANIM M3LLSJ j:-;R>-MiTCHELL5 itiul'ifacttirer-of- Sash, Doors, ISIrnds. 3fonlI-.' inirs. I>001* and Wtiiiloiv \" i'rame.s, Pickets, 'tc. "V57"AXTEI>,'".- ' lOOOiCoril ;,ol GOOD HEMLOCK BjflBK, : Fur wliioli I will pay ' - FIVE DOLLARS ?SE C0P.3 : At the-Aetna T.iiir.c-vy, if deli\Jcroil 111 ; '^iiiiiiiier. , 1 . L. r.HAlIDMOKp. Z. A.-HALL. Agent. -J' Jime, fS7(i. , , 4{)-Hm .. IS that she would conej." j "If she does come, it will be with your consent?" .. |- i' " She cojild not do so without.! - "i " Then you won't be jealous ?' he pnlilie little: Annie rather dif-coue-'j nsked) within smile, aged ..these pursuits, but l.ei'j heart I "There will be no cause fo: glowed with delight when the Liar- ! ousy." var'd boat dashed first under the .j "You seem to bo in a string, and No. 3, the captain, was ] stratjigo humor to-Jay, dear." carried out in triumph. She tore l ! "Why tfo you think that ?' vcj-y i CTOX Wagon, and Carriage UNDERTAIfjiNC. >j i'l.un'thj, Str/,71'- IP,/ /: ran! llutrh ii>,iie- ly *ft/,i> . t-'i'ii\iu\W.'J) cents'i,crTfoot.'-.j All -.verk dtlivcred iii-Ac-ten'riVee; *Orders Jtftj at .si-cmvl' "JJids. v.ill be Iirninptly attended to. ; . '. . MHtbn, Jnijiic'i;', ISTC. ... .70;ly FAGTOllY. niTtirm that he RYDER, Prbjh-iotor. JJ TROLLOI'E thilMrAX. ^actio'i;! BookMnd^.' All D'N-cr;|)tion*. of BiiKlinj.: Xcally Exvvutetl. -ir <T.T7i!- l.:, <,r on Onh r. Klmll-M.l'lr Ruling Promptly Attended to li ixur.iov-.^tj fJLairg'.-VSrpiaTc, 6'iic-lidi _*"'-" Order.; jloffeiit tlio " S'likr. Fr.K ,^>lficc will feoeiVi;. prompt attention. ~ gKN'l) z;-.~io <ii i>. ltoH'(.'-M;,t"ni,J. .~" Men Vorli, for I'atntijilPt of KX) filseH conialui,!" lisjts of ':>nilii!i..ws|ai.ei-s ami '>aiavjslji>riii^c-)si,fii'a<!enlsiikr. i JAMES . "vT'aprons, Carriagos,; ' SloigSis, Cutters, &c. Kept in stoe'-c nnd maile to'OriU-r on " ^ - Shortest .Notice. the Strict attention paid, to f Horse^hooin:& General Jo'b'b'.ngr anil salis-r'actloh eiiaranteoij. , Anton .fuly 1st, ls"5. .".-.' CI KS< KI15E FOR THK > ACTON FREE PRESS, '"-!..- ' Only.'-One Dplljrr a Year. $5-tot-^20 ei;;,,^ worVi?nV . Ili'e undc-rsiirned b-.'gs le.-.ye-i;o the jifcrijil'o of Acfcon,and.vicinity -wHl fiir'aish idl .'- Rcqiiisitrs in I'itdoTtaJiiijs on short notioo and rcosonablii turms as can be Iia-il , ! ! ' -[(curse"'_f)ii}>(.-Jii.'il'_ vhi:\r Diaiii'cd. .Also that he. iv4li :j Fit up Stores ^5 Offices ; - iii the best style.':. : i hiioiv C'liscs, IUmiK <ason |U1<1 \ Icslii( made to order. FL'JtXrfUJtlT Jttii'AfliEDA Shop 011 Willow street, near Main et. ': . '"' 'TV M'.' McC.-VS-X..' Acton, Marulr20, 187.fi. - ' .TO-flm TOBl MM XTIXtl of all iiii 11 ds neatly iinJ. in-oniiitlyexeeuioO at the; ":."; FIUOE PIlKSS'OFF1CK.1 ; m the rost'Ofllcf. 11'ill SlrrcJ.J- CD1 O " 'hiv at home. tpj.^ (.iniflliini.l t'emis I'ece iSTI.s',soN iV '.'/' nstnJ AfaiJiri Agents waiiteil free. UK UK & her pr'ettv lace handkerchief into shreds during the first .laps of the three mile foot-race, as the runner who wore her colors on his great lit aving chest anjieared only fifth in the contest;, .She couldn't boar to. see hiin beaten; and when at, last he put.on his spurt anijl went through his men like, a roclijot, her heart beat faster than^iis ow'n. At the time when this account cpjn- j meiices h.e was in training foi; an-- ( other grei^t boat-nice, and reading hard too ;.; for in'America, as here, voir reJwing man can be a good book worker, if lie pleases. Now Ktuyfing oiri a visit at the home of your betrothed is both use- fid and charming ; useful, because it 'gives'yon aii insight into her character which is not to'bo gained out in society; and charming well, there is no need to elaborate that cause. : But-it does not con duce to close study. Saint Anthony h-Uiisel.f could iidt;keep his eyes en ;liis book wh'en the Father pf Evil itook the. sllape of a pretty woman to whom, by-thediy, he wits not engaged; so how can"you", expect that a warni-hearted young fellow from Harvard could work in the presence of hi<Ula*ly-love, Why did he not lock :himse.lf up in his room ? He did, but what was the use? If 'she went about singing, as was-hei' wont, he listened, and Plato-might reason as he pleased unatfendetl to. - If she. was silent, he (big Jfriink, not Plato), wonder ed wlrnt sho was doing; and Ores-" tes frived in vain. The only chance for work was when she went from house and grounds visiting some neighbor;' and this, when shokiiew the consequences, she did as often 11s she.could. She was proud of hot lover, atid wanted him to take, a good degi'ee. ' These absence generally'lasted till lunclieoTi time;[hut one day. she caincdowirHo breakfast in.Iter " No, thanks," she said, leaning one hand against the side of the. windo.w space, and fanning herself; "I won't come in any farther. Do you sit dowil and listen to what I have to say; I won't keep you ' No, out.don't yon think, Annie,'long. Oh ! I you may smoke. 1 don't mind that in the least; but I insist! I will, not say a word till you have aijadii four good puffs. That is rightj One - four ; now. ftjr.it.'.' Fraiik began to feel that he must have known this lady for sev- \ eral years, so completely did she- put him at liis ease. _:.-" " Don't yon think," slie contin ued, " that when a man is engagnd to! be married it .is high time for liiln to leave off playing liko a boy.T " Certainly it is." | " That's right. All the running, rowing, and jumping is well enough' in its way. ' |. It makes boys men : but it makes, men just a little bit | coarse-^at least that is my yiew." ," JMay I ask you if Annie shares that opinion !" | ' ;" Jjet us leave her out of^the discussion.1' Sho knows nothing about it." ; j '. " And yeti slier prepared me for this pleasure!," said Fraiik dryly. '*-.," Never liiind. I lepe^tj she knows nothing about my present object. If she did, I amafniidshe would not'niucli assist- ihe, for she. is proud of her great athlete,. I am old enough' to be hcrr mother, and (with bright: smile) am not iii love witliMyon; so T. can talk sense, N6wt really,What lis there worth winding.tliiit you have not already won ! J Why rink defeat? " I inn not afraid of that!" " The confijclence of the man! it in ano.tlier way. llaM'illon Xjiet<i'{i>r, Aug. Sir One of. the most peculiar cases that have come before the notice of the police authorities for some time was settled in the Police1..Ootfrt to day. 1 h: particulars of this remark- able case areas follows: Something over a month ago a j'Oimg lwiri of rather- respectable ^juSeuiimce, and who called himself. Heupy .love; atine to,reside in tliehieighl>orhoo(l of Port Hope. He became utqtiaiiit-" ed with the family of a Alrvlirown -living there, nd in a short time succeeded in/ingratiating himself ;mlo the good grHces of-Mr. Brown's daughter, Essie/ Mr. Brown tiid everything he could to prevent the affair going too far, as he suspeclknl Ix)ve was not \yhnt He Ought to lie. In vain he threatened to" shootthe young.gentleinan, and heAvui rath er disgusted : one, fine morning" to know that hn\e liad niHrried his daughter. tTwo" week-R-'afterwaixlsl the pair weuti to. Toronto; -toi-speiid tlie lioneymojohT They arrived in. that cit^ on a. Saturcluy-'evenir.g^ - the if-ttli of June ^and'iputl ii|i at tlie Crosby Hall Hotel, Nq! 2<yitn'- .coo . street. . He remained -at the hotel with his wife all daylStinday, but on Monday morning it wasdis' cove;d that he was missing, find on making inquiry it wasi found, that he had left-the cityaltogetLer. Thisiwas not the woi-st of it, for Mi-s. Love was not; only left liiis- bandless, in one-sense of the.\yord, but also .'penniless.; ,'Hjer husimnd had taken h ~rL. At h.meeting of the Oily Oonpeil, ' of.t^liicago on ^Monday night last -a ! Ststtenie'nt; was , read reflecting on . the'conduct of the Board of Edtica- . tjion^,; The statement ojKineil -with rJ' tilic broiwl asseveratipu that "Olio instigator and engineer-in-cliicf cff ;lit th dwltry connected wjfli tli/r ; .:- l?oaid is Mrs. .Siilivaji,-wife-of tho Secretary, of tlKilJoarcl of Pubiic-' Work's.? Mrs. Sullivan was lie-'"; clatbd .to' have- .been the' motive 110wv,'possessed of ore tlian Jes- . tiififej- influence, in avrangingftlie affa-iip of ihe Board. Tho ;baiiih- - Bientof tbo Bibly fioni the Pblio , Sehpols^was impitted to her influ- V_ nnce! "Gorrn])tion,nepoti.sm, favor- j". itisnl, nnd mismanagement ,Arere '; alleged to exist,, and.for ail these he .was held answerable. ' ._^ 'Immediately njKiti the ndjpurnr ' n>en|t of the -Council,rMr. Sullivlin . .. went Jionie^tgld his wife what had occurred, and, with 4>er and -a yotmger Jaother, went in-a carriage/" . -- to see . Mi-. HniifoaY, . vrbo was, known'to ;be tlio attthor of tlio! .' statement, ;who: 'lived half, a mio' '-fcoin them. /Therj} lie asfc-etl Mjr. ^ IfaiWbrd to; sign a retraction of tlie /' charges-he hai-niado against Mi^. Siillivan. He, refused, and Siilli- V-" yan knocked him down. A gene ral, melee occnrrei?, in-, the courseof which, it is iilleged, lionford stiiick Mi-si S. . The husband tF.<n;dreWja ," revolver'and fired at .Han-ford," in- . flieting a wound from; whicli- ;tlie; latter died iit thirty minutes. .' i i SullivtUi held tlio position of Sec-.- retary' of *$e^ Chicago Boacd <jif; j . Public Works. -He was lived in ' Plill.idelphiaj Detroit, jand Texas;- In Chicago be-Was for f^ome years..;-'-- (jngaged asu repoi^er on the ciiv - jiress. His wife is ajwell-kriowjii zines. -. '.' ' "V <J ;"Yoiir voice and manner are changed. Are .you ill,, darling \ Is. interrupted., uiotioningiliim back to his stiit. " This will pass. Let oh. ..sii'y no moie on the subject. Give rive your solemn promise that you will not say another Word about it On lyrmwiit ln:r." ' <\ Well, dejir,. I think that is tlie very best thing I can d6, for really -there! :Aud now I-". P'toriiise." "I jiroiiiise i " No,, yoii shall hot riiove^_Let rjie go. -I will come down again in few minutes. Be a good boy, Frank, and let me have my way,']- He tu'-ned around half vexed 10 put away liis: notes, and when lie looked'up again she was gone. . - He kept liis promi"se,and he had Jiis reward. .Annie was even incite than usually bright and loving all tho rest of that evening. Tho next day -passed as 'usual, and on the next but one there was n pic-nic, which- would not .have tended as pleasantly" as it began hut for big Frank, lleturning by the light (if tlio moon, the liegro coachman (who hud. taken -more champagne heel taps than conduced to careful. driv: iiig) managed to put the two off- wheels of the carriago which con tained the Annesley party into tl e ditch, at a turn,in. tho road where the .horses could not get a straight pull at it, and feii miles from home ! J|,rank just lifted tho whole thing ut fiir las lie'said with ono", of: his eherrjy tiglts) "you don'tAvqigh anythingj" Then he drove them homo, leaving Sainbo to sober himself by.fi walk. ',f I-wonder if Sii/nsoh was mucli stronger than you are?" styid Annjp, as he Idssed her. good- night, lock ing up, full of love and pride, into '. i i-^ Keep "Your Trouble Sncrcfl | A worthy, wife" of forty ryeH^*..-.; " stiiudijig, and whose life was not all made -np. of snnshinei jind peace,_ . giive the foilowing-serrsShle-aiid irii-- '"' pressive advice to-a married-pairof v i^-er?.acquaintance.;. The advice is-;,. no good and so well ^nited.to.'all:..,. married people; as well as those- .; \yjip iutend: elitevijir; that state, i tjnlt' Vve here piiblish ii for :tb&' ' bipefit of sneh ]>ei sons : .' - i " Preserver, sucrediy the pfivnf- Y; cies of yotir own hiyjse, your mar- ., ried ' state, and -y.onr heart." Let' not fatlier orMnpther, sister or bro ther, or'any third person ever jwe^'1-- .snm0 to conie in between you tw&.i. or to share the joys or sorrows tliafe; belong to.: yon two alone. '.YVith God's' help b"iii}tl--yei}V. own qiiiet world, not" allowing .'K-oii'r dearect"" angl.it. tliat-eoncerhs -your ddinesri^. - tic peace, -Let ni6inen(i& of ^.l^effiij-'s. tioii, if they'-occur,'rlielTiealed at .;. oltce. r<eyer, no never sj>eak of ,ic- oiitsid**, hut,to each other cofifsss,1"1*' aid air.\vjll come oii.t right." Nevet?"f)- 4e;. the morrow's siin iiiVd;you:afc- :" yj ria u ce. ,, vcw ; it will do von good, tinct thereby'yotir" souls, will 'grow to- gather, ceiueiited'inthat loi^e winch1 - iStrbiigtr than deathf jind you;' : will become trnlv one. I :":.;' ;" ? P"fi wwi, 1 Why not gi^'e some one else a chance? Do you think it is fair to moiiopolizenil the glory and ,-silvei ciqis? Yon greedy giant!".- This shot "jjent home. Fi'ank desjii'sed "pothunters." Was he n potijiunter hiiiself ? . . - ", There,. I '?ee you are coming, round," his visitor resumed, .ptirsu ing.her advantage. ' "Promise me that you -will; stick, to yoiir books like a good boy, takeTa splendid de gree, and givQ| up rowing and! all that sort of-|thing, onoe anil for ever." ' ;. l' '. ' Would it: be iiidiserqet to in- quiro-^hom Iliavd been .'so fortn- nate as'to inspire witli such a'dcop inlerest in my;ffairs ?" " .Ah ! do npt be sarcastic. Yon caniiot tell-holw itjiains me," <she said. Ho looked up, and- felt a power of tendqr, sad pleading which quite subdued jhi's impulse to resent her| interference. "I l^ave no right to ask tljiR promise for my self, I api nothing to yon ; but I love AnfiLe,;oh! how fondly. I er watfch,a,HftfW-ee vi.l- f d' t^>' -f'?e?(I to: to-#^ohfiilent^* liable ringS,and all tlie "inoiley. she ; ota"Sl..t.tliat-concerns,yonr tl, had i-orit of her pocket. Mr. It. I>isset.te, the jiroprietor of; the hotel, fnrriishecl her with funds-tb telegi-iiph! to. 1 ei; father, who immediately cJnne up and brought his daughterlioine. ; Some weeks afterwards- Dissette noticed in the Hamilton papers the report of the arrest of a maB named Love pii the charge of assault. He iunnediately telegrajihed to Segt; McMeneniy to arrest him. "flloM^en. emy telegraphed back thatjie knew no sucliiuaii, as the case had been from tlie coiiuty, aiul nut uiitreed by :he itani- ilton' police. - He, however, "shortly .iX-^rT11 terTir'ds discovered the^tneani ng (|f Di.-i- ' ' sette's telegram, .telegr;njlfe.il, agaiu to that Kiaitleinaii, auJ ou S;i.tui-day after noon tlie two went up to Lyiit ea on the - S;!10. irain, aud arrested Uie at tlie house ofLJainea Patterson, Lyiiden. "ThtT parties retunietl to the city by the 5:20 train, and J.oy.e,was jinineiUately lodged in -gaol on a charge of neglecting to sup port Ids wife. ^Sergeant iMcjlineniy,! by telegraph, asked Mr, liroyru' tii conie up to- HamiiUui^it once, and tliat -geutle- inan1'accoinpauied"l>y hi* (lanpTiter^tVlrs.' Love-ins soii_and-3Ir. Disset ;e, al-riied iu, this eity last evening,. 5 ir. Bwwn had a very painful story fur: a father jtci, tell. He hud learned in the luuautiuie. that ,I<ove had several,wives; .and that he.had been travelling thhnigh thecoun. ,try under sevei-al aliases, 'lips is pni- -bnblyionly too true, as it lias been found that Love was brisk]y-J uourtiiig a girl near. Lyuden dnriag the'past few" weeks, with, to all appearauces, intentions ((f marryiiig her. Love euiplqyeft Mr.,Sad- lier and Air; Cargcallen.as hi^ couuseli and he Avas placed in the diiek to stand his trial last evening at f< ur o'eloeki Mr. Lazier appeared fortheiirfisecutioii. -.. . niI .-w<. whuld Vt nneA nlil MT. L'ahill thought they hu!l betTer set-. |^-9U1> we wo"ut <W-nC8 ftbol ' The toad,' when iet_,iilono,JivelR many years. I^hq'tqady.n^verdoes, Tjlie:latest?Ifcohio for.".t)liut up." To Get Out of Deliti' ^ ; To. a yonjig man i'ri'"'<teVtj BWnja^l : n Fi-.inklin -gave the following' i: kdjvice : 'Multd full estimate of all' . yoiroiye, and of all'that is owingtoi; .--. van-.- Keduce.the Wime to note. As! ,-- fast as yon can collect, renew jyo'iip /""" note -every year, ami get the] best;' sedulity, yoii can. Go to- businest;^' ditigenfij', and - .be',v4^dnstripns';!. wtisto no idle moments.; be very eetinomicitt; in all things ;-discart?; :-; all pride ; befaithfiiLin yoiir duty I .;; to God, by regular and heai-ty pray-u ] er" -nioruing and .night";, attend' . ] church'anVl meetingregiilafly~evefy' - Sunday ; ancTdo" "unto all'nien a"s; '_' yoic.would UTat theyshoujd do hntoV- you. ;lf you' ar j too; needy'.in cir-r- ciimstalices. to give, to this. JK)6r, do whatever else in your power, to do clieeifufly, but if you canj"1ie3p" tlio >= poor"un unfortunate; ".'.. " -: j - \.\,; First Fi.wnv BEiiitoojis.---If wo had a'liouso wifli' ii bedroom on fho ish the} use Of that I'ootn us a; sleep-f m ihg'iii^vrtiiient, Ix'caHse-^e a-reWtis-'; 1 tied tiia;t[,it is n wi-orig custorn, it;"- ", . being far Jieailtfn.ei' to isleeji'.upstairsi." Mlany a iaiuiiy orjrliieh;.tlie nioui^; L. r beW we stifle^ing and --Veak: jnh-"'" geneliil. have iieen lijstqrcil tO-oi.: , Vigoroiis and- iuilthy contlitioiii.byjj- ~ following our advice, which was..tph ;ij:: retnpve their bedrooms upstairs,;taV if havoi their bwlflj Riimnier;and.wiri-jHr;'j' ;, ter,-ex]i(fs?<rtlj(;,-whole da'yl to thd' - ^;" freshl'air :from o])en windoSyB (ex- ' " . tie the inatteT,! which -they adcordingly did this moruitig and ia this uianiier': Lovo to return, to liis wife iiud support lits;., depositing (i00 in the hand? of a tin nl party fts;a guarantee of-liia gmid behavioiu-; also U0 ill tho haiiits ot au- othor party till he returned.'his-wife's wateli and ringa. Tins was sAtisfuetnry and Ijove was. .released; Hey left tins afternoon by the 3;3U traili for Lyndeir to get his trunks and the wateli and -riligs. It will bo reiiiejisbered that Love swore at the timo (if lifs tirat appeariuiee at the Police Court that lie had *13,000' ill gold in his finmk. .j-Tlio police, are now perfectly satislied that all, the ino- , , ..... ney he has got; is. i?8li'S. Uhitoin liyii-.cept,)pf course, Waen .tliere J3;rH'in;. deii.lio.iepresonted himself as:<i single" or mist)? and also to-have'diiririg,*'i has ns&nriied tl lis Tqvni 1'Qh,- give us a-four-bar i'CKi.V :Mm -tlio Wlioie njglit one wimjow- piirii*- ally-open, veri,hi-wiriter, koi .as.al.L_r-e:. j! ' . ways to inhale fchoj.fre&li, cool'airi Ta" -\.-; I. from, the'outside, -liufc^ising^ at 'thof '"'-. same titno, the' pl'eoaluUon to liavo .* sidlieiHt bed covvrjng to Rceni^iti.*'-.-,; ';}-.- waruHh. JVnif,. VUtHki1 Wcttjaii'-^q"-.-JV^A -; r"1-.:' : i-'-' w-^t^--- - v*P$i.V --

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