Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1877, p. 4

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\m -;'*S| IL^j ^n :~;&M ^B^'" ?'" "-^ ffl ~^;hI KM-" JisSB KK^^lHB^f KSf'-ffj^^^H^^^Ka fi '.iSffiM Be^^^b^b^bi* Jl M BjS^^jjj^^B^Kwlif Bffl^B^ftlEi -4^aB Rli^S^^^^HflLr a%"?3| ^iiIsB9 m pibkm fBP w THK4KAVTY |4T THE BALL. ' The bll-room slioui' with bounty. raNt Blue cy beyond tjic violet'* hue, :prkeye* the'tUKhi Aud yme w^ro aiifn aai bouiu \v6ro ' - round - Oh, where is'iwauty really found? Or is it aliort, or is "it till * tiiKii fritud, ;ti found in one and all. - PerchRiiecHie darklonc'jile.iscth me, Perchiuioe the fair one JileasctU thee ; It may be you- pivfer the tall, And 1 my doat ujH>ivtl>e inuvll; The sparkling diamonU may be mine, The tall nftd graoeful cedar thine. . { " "Vis useless we our words to waste, Kor eh one ch>Kes tv hi* taste. -Vroae-bud, sec, adorn* riiy'.Krcast, . V.lilyto thine own ij< |>rest, And some tlie'iiriiiiroko tondly.wenr, And sonic tlie niinlest daisy bear ; Tn all is Xature's-boRtitv fomul, . l\r beauty doth in all abound. "TVs plain we were not M design'd '-' To think alike, the seifKunr mind. -" So, whether short, or tall, or fair, Or dark as raven be her. hair, Blue eyes or hiaek, that pierce thy heart Or'wi'miiiij; words aeUpt the dart, Believf t-luit Nature lia.s a voieo More truthful than cold mvsun's ehoioe. A4ld rije'i tit* beauty at the kill \Viio <l"oth thy captured heart enthral. i-T It is a nil wiuvl that llo\v.3 g>o4 to no oae. .' : - ' To keep fish from smelling cut oil' their nuie*. -- "i'ho-only things that go best when they arc tuoiouguly tiiVii are wheels. The odor of IlbWerj ia never so swe.'-t and strong as^biitoie a stonn. ;Beauti- tuTSSStTwhoh 'tha storm draws nigh' Uiee, be a tlower. "' A seedy old chap thinks it is very trange that thi number ot men who _*rei Uliug to lend you n vc dollars is so ."outrmgeookly email in comparison with the number who want to i_>o.rro\v that amount. . J ' A cofiplo of tee!s. ! Queen of the bawl-rooni The nurse-. ^ ; A.'; dilHcult lock to pick One froru_a baid head; , -Tiiti heurt's action A breach of proupse cuse- - . "~jLf. l>hty [on words Tuking the ; dictionary- for a euchr^. tnble. How- o make a good impression Use new type and clem ink. _?' His head is level" is now voted vulgar;.'; the right thing is his caput iy'horirouial; . : .Drunkenness IkjJs to beggary, and ifc incurable, so thatplie unfor-. tiirwte sufferer toou -l}4-'omes u rueud i-ca,o|fe." ', ' I ' ! :ia American contemporary says .of a very prominelit ni.ihtia genenil /that " his.award-Vas never drawn but once and then in a rafHe." '.' philosopher who went to at church Where the people, came iry late said it was " the lashion thei^ for nobodr to-go till everybody was tiere." * " - ]Bkar ani> roRnGAH"i8 mi old aying. It merely jueaus^that we should " bear" With Uio faults \ml frailties of uadh other ; ami "j\'l>,ar" to give way to our own. Tlieso few words, contain IiUieh good Advice. Coitx RiikAn. In these days when wheat limit i.s SO aud $10 a. Uirrel and corn meal is less than $:.' a hundltld,' it lveeoiuej of iu>j>ortiieo to knpw how to la!w good pal ibrblu ,'ooru bread. A friend supplies ti wi4h tho following simple receipt : 1 cup wheat llour, - cups corn meal, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 CKS> a piueh of salt; mix to thick.hat- tvr willi liutter-milk, and bake about 2 iifclics deep in a pan. If you have, no huttcr-milk use water-with two tea- spoonfuls otkiking powder. Try it. , Assessment Returns. Brahtfotfds p.ipulution this yoar ia 1U,472, mi incrciieoof 1,0-1!? from 1S76. " Its 'total iissessniciit is 3,- 39;i,050,iin incivmse of S180.8f0. IiijjersoH's, population is 5,015, tin iiicivuso of 10t>, ami its total hh> sesonitAit, 81^U>Jl,7ii8, an incieiso of .^^S.GtiS. "S^. Mui-yV pupul.ition is ;".* > 1 -, un iiii'i-ivistM.f '2-A, ami its total usso.s.s|ii<')Vt, !?l,0Ul,7-)0, an ilif crease of i?S-i,7.40. Guelph's popu- ItVtitill is 11,677,.bi'ihjj an incivaso of- 6.r)0 ovoc last;fyt'iir. Eloru's populatioti ik 1,G I, mi incrotise of 63 from 1870. The population of St. Thomas is 5,- ,0.1-4-. The population of Mount fWcst-is lTVHi. . ' " A tramp-.-ftrresteci in j0rillia for theft was found to have n stock of bibles andihyuinbooks among Cher miscellaneous property. He wns committed for trial: on charges brought against him. Tln> Toronto Teleyrw* states that Mr. Win. Caw thru and Miv Win, Gooderham intend donating$10,000 towards "tho erection and fitting of a new wing to.tha Toronto General Hospital. One of the greatest Bpejecbes on record is the following, describing the destruction of a meeting-hoube by a flood : " A few wee'ka ago, and you saw the stately meeting house towering up in your midst like a granny dear in..carnfield. 2so*r none so poor to do it reverence ' It has gone the way ot all.flesh. The inighty-.tof rents descended from the eternal ctoods; tie air was filled with j cries oif" .despair -? the river swelled and lanJpver; the mighty building cracked., shook, rose, upon the sur- p^ fiux a the water, *ad jiioved like a worTd in miniature down the Vast : expanse carrying off with it at JeaBt fiv shiflingB worth of wood in Mr. McJames garden !" Signs of the Seasons. It was an jold Lincoln Park watchman-who one, day this week said'he "didn't take^any stock in ifrbundhogs and goose bones and the moon, or any snch thing, but I has signs as never /ails ter tell tb changes in the seasons ev'ry time." " You have ?" / " YesBir; for instance, when I sfees a young man. a-sittin' down under: a, tree . writin' poeefcry, or snthin', whi]e/a young woman goes 'round gatberin' ^ip old leaves, ".there," sez I ter myself', sez I "autumn's here for certain an' snre, an' winter aint fur off." Then agin, when I sees a young nj.in, an"a - . woman a-standih' together on the bridge, lookin' inter, the" water, an' a:sighin' Jike sin, " then," think sez I, "here's spring come agin, aii^.c<iooe\ter.Btay."'" And pointing to: a tender pair on.L,the nearest rui'fic bridge, the old prognosticator- turned away, significantly observ ing; ; " Yer see, stranger, ifc'ispriog now, an* summer'U. soon beia-troC- tizH. righfcjdown on us." v VthatBteeyonb Should Ksow. ^As a fole a sneeze is the warning nature gives that Some part of the body is exposed to a cooler temper- : -atufa than the other parts, and "that the sneeser is " catching cold," Next to the warning, what,' is the nse ofthe sneeze t It {htows open "."; the pores of the whole body and -induces a. gentlejjrespiration ; ia a v&i,\b throws off the cold. A cbiid rarely sneezes more thaD twicer perspiration" is readily in duced, in youth ; an old man, on the contrary, sneezes halfa dozen to a dozen times, with a loudly ex plosive "catehogae,.""\ It is harder to set himtperspfrihg.l, "When one ' is sitting by an open -window and find* himself sneezing, nature tells bin be ia taking cold. He.should get op instantly, walk about, and taKs7-faU tumbler o cold water to keep np the'gentle perspiration thai ^ saefeze set in motion: Tf be does this, he will not ne telling kn hour after that he has a cold in his head, or chest or Iqn^s. / The undersigned heps leave to i inform the people of Acton and Sur- j roondinc neighborhood thai he has procured a ; niagniCcent HJEAK5E And is prepared to attend nlnd con duct Funerals on the shortest notice and most moderate terms. Caikcti, Cojfirix, Burial Jioba, And all kinds of Funeral Furnith- ings kept in mock, and supplied on jtbe shortest (notice. Hat Bands and lores' supplied when required. _: JOHX SPEIGHT, jicton, Feb. 10, 1877. 1877. SPRING. McLE0D, ANDERSON [Tnkc pl^osnro in :mnoiiii(>in<i t'o their customers . 'mul the public rhsit ihey . Iiiivc received and opened put for sale the Invest, finest^ and hest nsoiied stock of DRY GOODS, MiL- JilMOKY .id MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS. HATS and CAPS, Sec. in tliissec- tioti .of~lh? Dominion. ' Wii have i niisarked du' ni;u kefs :pf the world and think thai ue <an ^o^fejery one who wants to buy ^ri>o,d (roods, chenpf 1 >adi<'s, we have all the new lending colors nnd styles in Plain and Fancy Jf)j'e'ss! Goods, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins; Matellasses, Cashmeres, Persian and Oriental Fabrics' Grenadines, Percales, &c, vviih triniihin^s and Buttons to match. Prints an immense variety. Oiir Millinery nnd Mantle Departniient has.1 been entirely reorganized and iniproved, it is well worth your trouble to call and sec our magnificent'stock of Stylish Mil'inery. ORpERED CLOTHING. We have the latest'styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a really superb fitting suit- at a moderate price, call aud see oiir stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c.,' we cannot fail to suit you. ] Hats and Caps, Genis Fiinushiiigs,- &c., a splendid stock, very cheap. Our Staple Department has had our very best, attention, having bought oiir Cotttons, Tickings, Sliirtingn, <tc., last Deceniher when Cotton Goods were so very low, Wo can r offer and are selling goods less than we can buy them tOr<lay. Carpots, Oil Cloths, Kugs. Lace Curtains <fec., nnd House Furnisbiug Goods of all [kinds. rfonspkeeptTS V0U ! should Cull alid KC-& oiirsplen'liil Ktock of Carpets', letc. .We arc this season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fine nssortment on hand. We propose: to sell everybody who l has any money to lay ont this spring, this very best of Goods at the very lowest bottom prices. We would return our thanks fori the very large and incceasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestoived upon 'iis; ind we aro pre jiared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for.Cash only. I April. 8, 1877, SXT^SORIBB MoLfiOD, ANDERSON & Co., __________ MAMMOTH ,HOUSE, HKORG^TOWN SPRING HAS COME^ AND WIIH rr Immense Quantities of Iffcw Goods FOR THE -A_ OT O 1ST P FREE PRESS, Only$l a Year In Advance. Our new purchases aro coming forward from tho Old Country by every steamer. Already we have THE LARGEST, BEST ASSORTED . f'-' AND CHE4PEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS ; West of Toronto. This is no empty bra j, but sober truth which nobody can deny." Our aim has been, a id always will be, to keep Up the reputation that The Lioa ir tho Chsapsst tors in Ontaiio. As an instance we may mention Crompton's Celebrated Adjustable Corset, We have just received another lot which we are selling at 87$ cshts. 'JTiis we guarantee to be the genuine article, and exactly the same as that for Which others are charging One..foliar. . Come and inspect LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAJf *?&?<*. P'<!Bsa',e In announcing to the public generally that he U prepared to furnish Pirst-ela^B Horses ad Oarrlaffes i^t Beasonable Rates. -, i.?1^AlB?ftndJIf^rBe8<"-e the beat that can be had, and be i determined not to be surpassed by any.Olty Htable. Acton Julyfst,r876. Our whole stock is equally cheap Our Dress Goods, Oar Silks, plain, and Fancy, j Qui' Cottons, Our Prints, Our Clothing, _. ' Our 'Carpets, Our Millinery, etc And in every branch you will find our prices fully 120 per. cent lower than v any other house. f "A8k for our New York 124 cent Dress Goods r very sty. lishi the new colors. ~* - - SPECIAL NOTICE; Do not forget the -: ' > ! " . Dressmaking' Branch. We have the best Dressmaker in Canada, and our charges are lower than / - any other House. REMEMBEIT j OUJi CAEPETS. We have a larger stock of Brussels, Carpet*, Tapestry Carpets, Wool Carpets., than .all the.other Stores in Guelph put together. -/ Hard Times are never felt by those who deal at The lion. . EAST ENI| CLOTHINGS TO F 'J'he undersigned in tendering their sincere thai: kg to thdlr numerous pntrons for the liberal supoort with'which they linvii been fnvored in tho pint us iDouibora af th lalo ilrm of Dickson & Mo^ab, would bej; .leave to call attention to JLheir SDPIRiliTGr SITOOISI, Which this yoar is If rger and: better assort&tythan Avar, comprising; ij large '- ' ' aaiortmentiH TWEEDS pcbtchV English afctd Ddm^stic Manufacture. | The patterns nre the choicest in I he marketj Our stockjin HATS AND GENT^' FURNISHINGS Is well nasorted and at \avt priceit: Cottons,] PrintSy nnd Staple Dry Goods We respectfully<inv|te- an Aoton,^.prll 17. 187. At priofls thit oinnol} fatUd s.Vtisfy evoryboly. Inspection of our goodf. * PYF^I feiMcNKB, M SECORD BROS T?v- mm w. eo Jl'ave commenced opeuing theii] Spring S And in a few days will show the finest stock of FIRST CLASS GOOD submitted for inspection in Guelph Special efforts have been made t show the newest Dregs Gaods, . Spring Juchiis. - Mantle,*, I Costumes, Kid Gloves, Hosiery,. Laees, .-: . i ' Lac* Cufluiu'f, - Sheet iBy$,'j-atid Mourning Goods. OUR COTTONS . were All (contracted for beforfe the " recent advance. Cnstomersi will * have the benefit. * G-ents' Department. In Glottis and Tweeds,- i Dress Shirts, fiesi Collars, etc., ' . V Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles J-iBfi^prJoe.' ' ;'):'(; ' '. wm: ste\Vart & co. Guelph, ilarch C, 1877. SiFjeizrsrG- Bought Low, andiwilf Sejd at Prices nerer Mard of H&| :-l 't-rfa. Barrels or m ses, rants! Spin' S -'x >-' rhite and Refined Sugars, Syrups, ^ ^ negar, Oat Meal, Con, fteal, ^ffij Prunes, (fcoai Oil, Boiled Oif, Ba* |l ,S ^fTu^e"Mne, ^arish; Japa^efc " Of Ptunes, Soda, Eejl Lead,! White iM Colors Oases, Slacks .Tf"; Of Biscuits, Confecl^nery, Spices, Sta^f Cannefi Fnrit, Fish, e|c, Toimcco^ Ci^al ^ai,in<, Cheese, Soapi Canclles, Wa Crista , - PRINTING HOUSE f^R^-e m the Wet/WeaMf . " i To Merchants and other ! Business Men in! ' Acton, as t welL as \ throughout the! ' County, the Free Press is an ,.. invaluable Advertising I T Acton, ^larch of all Itindu, etc Boxes, - " m an' s, Pickles, Jams, JeHies, Matcites^ Chests Caddies and Boxes Of Tcun^ Hyson, GuLotvderj Japan *i T!__l--m *. ^ Black ffeas Wiping in awards. The best va) e in the;county,; M- 187.fi GET Ai price from ^0 ee&fti^ SE^OUDBSOl PAIS OF NE^Ifoaii e ic Mo rll lift ;Haye nowin tock a.splendjd agsorttjuint 6t m Suitable for the Spi}ing?$eas6nk Oar Unrivaled Facilities for Executing aU kinds of ' '+orrrrrioo Lih>r rrntri-nr-.'.J* lf Guelph, April 3,1877. J. D.! mLLi^MSON.&...CO. BOOK -j A- -:0P mm (Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. L^wi^K-2^^ ^: Jon ^rNtlKtG A|l Sizes ^nd Styles from th very best mak*ffl ImcEs a|s low as r^w.K-i.fcJ.^ VV ^S?t2^3^yci3K(^ Kepalrin Promptly Attended to, - ^; 'f:-:5,/v' i? ^" i 5-^ IHEIIXOTE^ u. i- 1:

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