Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1877, p. 4

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I .Pi THE FREE PRESS, AGTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JULY, 12, 1877. TMK MOltt.L <lll IHlt. ! ' lOwS If Wm I i|h t 1 Vtsk %Yell, wife, I found ft model church ! 1 ^worahippod'lhore to-day'. Jt'road.o mc thiuk of good old times, ho- fore.my head was uray ; ' The meetin'-housc was fixed up more than they wore years n^o, Put *JenrI felt- -when t vent in, it wasji't oil built for sUom. lie knew that \ >vaa old -and.deaf, as . f Jtv mujit I)ve ixwn.a Christian, b^c^v^e '."neltjd'me flirungh . The l^ng. isles of thAt crowdfefl elmreh, to find a placo ami pcv> J wished veu'd-Jii.vrd the sinking, it had the old-time ring;___ The preacher said, with ft tumbling . r-heldt^foLettM the pe<i>lo sing l"i The tuue was Coronation, and the mu sic upward, rolled;.: 'fill I thought I he&d thyj'-'augtfs strik ing ajl .their harps of gold. My^^&As^rocoiVQ Yuolt \fTvy, my "sprit cAttglit the dfo,'- % joined tuy feeble, treinhliugyoioo with OfcatMWodions choir, ^AjaAiiangTOi in my youns djj-s, " Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadeiu, (uul crown Mica Lord of all." I tell'yon, wife, it did me gooli to sing that sonj once more ; ' i felt like Some wrecked mariner, who getsaji^Msjk^'jhoro}", I almost mnt&Ito lay ilownthis weatlii et-bea^en form, ,Aad anchor in- the bl3scd port forever from the storm. IGFft&ESial "Well; T can't jhjt tell i^ all that the preacher said ; f, ' I kao*it *-asn t written t I |now -it flight. flour oaf Wienl tho firat sln'go of decomposition or decay. " yuuVrsUuiding ..'this, overy baker will'comprehend tho neces sity of'regulating the extent of the fmncntntion with the gi-eiitast care; for n spongo or broad fermented oi " raised/' too^ long is decomposing, fc^oilihg-^nctoaJly jotting/ This is tho language of an .-oxnenkinccd English liakor to ua only u low days rtgo, during n talk tibout tlio delicate, foamy loaves " y.enstcd to death," which Kp.mahy families nro eating inid enlliug " the staff of lift'," quite discarding the firm, sweet, substantial, homemudn loaf which our mothers'nuri grndmothei8 kneaded 'with their own skilled bauds. Bread-making should stand at, tho iipad of domestic accomplish- menU, sinco tho hoalth and happi ness of the family depend incalcul- nb!y upon good bread j there croruiis a time in ovwy ti-ue thoughtful woman's experience, when she is glad sho can nuk'o idea, sweat loaves, free from s.ada, alum, and other injurious ingredients, or an earnest regrot'-thut aha neglectetl or was so unfortunate as not to have been taught at ]east what are Those .Wonderful FRIGES. A BOUSING SALE. hi i i the -requisites making." of good bread \: h'i it?. r&i *ff Burko said : " Never despair; and, if you do, work in despair.", Railway? are nristocraU. They teacli every man to kuow his own station and to (top thore. A gentleniao has named IHvo'Ci- naries " Wheeler "'and?" Wilson." His reason for this appellation' is that neither of them Was a "Singer." Tramp to the lady of tho lionse : -" Please, missus, won't you give mo something to drink ? I'in so hun gry I don't kuow where I'll Btay to-night,"'- A -woman thinks a man brave if ho onlypickji np a cockroach with his fingbr>, but'sbe doesn't think it requires ny coinage to Bwear off for tbree 'weekB. Somobody tried to excuse a liar to Dr. Johnson, saying. " Yon must not: believe more than half what he says." "Ay," replied tho doctor;"" but which half 1" -Pat Murphy says there are so many fish in the sea, that if you should take every fish yon could catch out of it> he doesn't think there would be one the less in it. , A judge joking a young law yer, Baid ; " If you and J were turned into a horso and nn ass, which would you prefer to', be 1" -" The ass, to be sure," replied the lawyer. "I've heard of an ass being made a judge, but -^ honse never.." ' - A patron of a certain news- -.mnidnt tino.*to read'it, for ~ ,iin',of iisyo ;-Went'-.flashiu' 'lng from j>ew?to pevr, nor passed % sinner by.' The strmon wasn't flowery ; 'twas siiu- ! pie gospel truth, It fitted poor old men like me ; it fitted hopeful youth ; *Twaa full of consolation for -v->ary hearts that bleed, 'Jsra* full of invitation to Christ, and not to creed. 'Tho preacher made sin Iddeous in Gea- ' tiles and iD Jew3 ; Ha ehot the golden sentences do\rn in the finost pews ; - jAnd thoagh I can't soo very T\-etl3--l aw the falling tear j That told mo hall was some way off, and heaven very near. : How swift th*-; goldoa rcomcitg fled How beautiful beamed the .light of heaven, trpia.iyrejy happy .face ;., Again I lonj^ _ for that s-irxt time - irhen friendaihill meet with friends /'W&en congregations "ne'er break up, and Sabbaths have ho end." I hope to meet that minister--that con gregation too In the do^home beyond the stars that j^T|jhines^oni hearea's blue ; -Jk>jt%t ndtTll remember, beyond life's ' WveniBJf gray, " Th- happy hbur of -vrbrship in that model church to-day. : Dear wife, the fightwillsoon bofought, j the victory- be won ; The aMnin'/gail i-jat ahead, the race is nearly run ; ' O'er the liver we are nearing. they are &hronj$iiir to tii sh&^j ^TS-liioa weary weep no more. Boles For Makiiig Bread. - IGotfH TREMF.NDOUS BARGAINS. Great Slaughter at THE GOLDEN LION G- TX 0E3 X. F TH, The First store in Upper Canada. On Saturday, the 23d of June, Wo commenced our Grand Annual Clearing Sale of nil classes of Summer Goods,' to niaka room for imnjonso Fall Importation? Irom Uraat Uritain, to purchase which our Mr. Williamson sails from (Jnfb.ec by tho Ajlan Stoamer of the 7th July. WE HAVE DECIDED ON MAKING THIS Ti. Great Sal of tie Season, 60 ih&t for Uia next six woks our prices will bs suoh an will more than gratify every buyer, Tho sale will embrace all classes of tho choicest Summer goods, including' Millinery, Mantles, Fancy Ggods, every kind, Shirtings^ Tweeds, etc. In fact-our enlira Summer Stock. Wo can only quote a few particulars: Beautiful Colored Dress Silks for f>0 cents, worth $1. Choice Silk Mnntles fur $1.2o, worth $5. Csshmere Mantles for 75 cent*, worth 3. All styles of summer Costumes at half-price, a handsome one for $1.50. Parasols at merely nominal fhures; a fuU-sizsd irarasol for^7ic All 12Jc Prints rvduced to 10c. Summer Tweeds, a wonderful bargain. Ready-made Clothing at prices alt to nothing. JJusljns and Greimdine* at 5c a yard. - EVBa-TTHiira- elss oit tsb same scale. Townspeople and country people rally to the Grand bale at your Own Stora do not buy a cent's worth eUewhers till you have seen our bargains, a glance at which nill conFlnce you that the Lion is the.place at which to spend your money. Come Early to the Sale; "We are Crowded sDaily. W. STEWART? CO Hav eoxnmonoed opening their New Spring Importations And in a few days ill show th finest stock of ' FIRST CLASS GOOD 3 submitted for inspection in Guelph, Special efforts have been made w> show the newest Press Goods, Spring Jackets. ftlatifle*, -. -.'- Costumes, .'-' I ' }id Glocei, flosicry, .. < -_ /laces, j. f,ace Curtaint, 'i f.." {Sheetings, and Mourning Goods, OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before the recenii advance. Customers will have the benefit. j ' Goats' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds,' Press Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc., . Block of Felt Hats, Ate particularly inviting in styhas end price. . - WM. STEWABT b CO," Cttelph, March XS, 1ST!, SECORD BROS. .ACToasr t;- w%> REGEIVEM . v- i.. FOB THE? 3PB,3<TC3- 'JTEl^XfM *t'-v -I)r. Holbrook giwea t'6 the'-reirid-. frs of that excellent publication, the New York Weekly Sun, some useful snggesfidns on the important ' pulject of "bread making, which wb" transfer to our _eolumns.' We. ^now that while, many of our fair' r-eadexH need do sneb advice, there ure others'who may profitably turn their attention to learning how to fUiato P&* bread. Without ^ood Jnja^ari.^ie hoxisehold, I nb Jinittei- ^tefeJ^jM^mcfil -*PT,oti^-^re; spects, the housewife is exposed to Beyere criUcism. Indeed, the qnal- ;ty-of the bread, \yith few except , tious, may be: Joolrfed on as an index to "the pood" or 1pad" 'mah'ageihent, and industry, or tftie absence of it, in thejiousehold.. . B po<h\ oven, and a '"good,- sensible, Interested "cook, we can be pretty sure of good, wholesome; bread. Yeast bread is, considered the standard br^ad, and is, j>o"rhaps, more gener ally found on every table tlmn any other, kind.-y Hence it is-importaht ^o know^liDW to'make good, sweoV wholesome yeast bread. Good flour is the first indispensable; then good, lively yeast, either yeast cakes or bottled ? the former . is preferable in! all respects. Then, Ojf/ Qourgo, rtero must be tho proper niateriala {q york with. A bread bowl or pat} the pan is., easiest Icepfc clean ] ft gtone or earthen jar fax letting the jspbnge ; a sieve - ^Ipui Bhould always be wfted be fore mailing breaj of any kind; first, to bo sure that it" is perfectly clean; "secondly, sifting enlivens and iterates the flour, and irmkea loth mixjyig and rising easier and quicker; a clean, white cloth to r cover Hie dough, and; a woolen bhtnkefc tg jfeep tljs dough of even temperature whilo rising baking _ pans^ large and shallop,; a large, P $tf nfe, jspijon for stirrin^x and a % JittWj'iiAii^i fiuot or- fresh butter for.oiling the pans ; nevfer use poor butter.. If you want shortening, . riek. miik" or! cream - scalded and cooled Will answer the purpose, and be : most . wholesome). ' ' But thorough kneedin^ is better 'etiH, and should always be done efTeciu- , ally. Scalding a portion of the fiour rn*Kea^ sweeter bre^d and speeds the Trorki--Water, milk or'.butter milk may be poured boiling hot on a quarter two of the flour,, stir- ring well, and cooling to a-moler- - ate temperature before adding the yeast this makes^ the sponge, ^ed^oi4|4i&fe4, ma&eV&JjttlQ flarker bread, unless wo use butter- piilk, wjiich m^kes a rich, creamv, wltf^e tiread. jYeast is formented " Mr. Printer, how k it you never call on me for pay for your paper ?" >' (Oh !" said the man of types,, we never ask a gentleman for money. -" Indeed," replied the patron. " How do you manage to ge!; along when they dont pay!" "Why," said the editor, " after a certain |tirnp jy-e concjudo he is not a gentl.. taan, and we ask Lim." ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelph, June 26. 1877. THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE * Eou|t tow, A9d will b Sjld at Prices never Heard dt Brfflte: ' +**] '.4C7. Barrels Of W|>itt and Refinetl Sugars, Syrups, Molas ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, KewCiir rniitib,- Prunes; Coal Oil, Boiled'Oil, Rar.3 . Spirits of Tin pent ine, 'if nrnishr Japans, ^c^ >fp post office mom A.OTQ3ST. I The subscriber having again gone into the grocery business, woold in timate that be has always a full line of goods usually kejpt in firs . class grocery hou&M, fregh,.and of the best quality, such as j ACTQIT TEAS. Blacks Finest English Freakfast Conguo, Souchong, Uolong, flowery Orange Pekoe. GKEENS j Moyune uunpowders, Silver Leaf (Gunpowders, Moyune Young Hysons / Unqolored Japins, imperials, Twankays Our teas are dll selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. I FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance, To Merchants and other Business Men in as throughput the County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium, Our J ' Unri railed Facjlitips for Executipjg all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the pities. CpFFEES. Our stock compVlees the best grades . I ol :. Old Government Java, Laguayra, J "ilaracaibo, and Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, oh the premises, thus; retaining all the natural aroma : and flaver of the berry, j 0000AS AND 0H000LATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, Bpp's Homceouathio Cocoa, Menierja Chocolates. stfiZIs. . Befined, in Xoaves, Cut Loaf, Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, .Extra C English Kenned all grades, Demerara, Porto HicO. 0ANEB GOODS. Cidlfornla Salmon, PorUand Lobs ere, Trench Sardines, Cove Oysters, Fresh Mackerel. j Cured Hama and. JSaeon, dieese and Buttor. Burnett's Extracts & EssMiees- The Flnett Goods Manufactui ed. Soaps cf aolfcinds. Picsaos anljCauooa. Crosse A BlnctcweU*K, "Mixed I'lct Chowchow, Piocalill.l 15 Mushroom Catsup, John BOH San re, Lea i Perrln's n'orchenUrthlreKauco, do, usta'd, Amber, Honey and Syrups. Standard Chewing, . Toskooo; :, Kmoking, oooss. Cigars. FUmXS-HEIED. Valencia Haisins, Layer Raisins, Loofifl Muscatel. ' Huitagas, Seedless, Black Patrasdo. in oases selected Do. do. in bbls., Elemo Figs, Frenoh Prunes, Tnnla Dates, These goods arp the finest ex ported, ' I CANNED FRUITS AND VE?JE- 'XAatBS. Peaohes, Fears; Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, ; Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. . Tomato Catsup. Favorite do., Yorkshire KelUsb, French M' . PA^INAOEOtTS GOODS Carolina ltice. Arracan Rice,' 1'earl Sago, Rio Tapliira i*earj Harley, Corn Meal, Oatn>eal, DES3EHT FBXTITS Currants. Valencia orabEes. Messina LomonSj-Plneapplcs, Tunl Dates, B.>rdet^ux walnut <, Filberts, Almonds BIS0TOT3 8s OOOTffiOTIOlTEB'5'. Arrowroo', Wine, RodaJ AhBrneth; r, "r^am, J^eznon, Butter, Boi----- * Oraham, Oyster cracker, Cream, J^eznon, Butter, Boston, 'iraham. Oyster cracker New Yorkatnser'nuts -I ' - rV-7 Of Prunes, Soda, Bed Lend, White Golors'.of all kinds, etc. CaseSi Boxes, Caddtes ..Sacks :; JOf Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices, Stwcji, (Tanned !?ruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, d'^aWj" Cheese, Soaps,! Candles, V^jfig Pickle^s^ijWms, Jellies, ^JatcUe^tfll, Kaisins, Crystals, Ghes^s, Caddfes and Boxe&? # fOf Young HysoiJ, Gunpowder, Japj&j'jfi Black Teas, ranging in price from 10 upwards, The besi value ie the county ^ Acton, March 1.4 1877. SH-aBtiSHSHHI Ulnxer Snaps. I. Candles and Sweetmeats of nil kinds. CUcese, Butter, ZfS*, Hops, OSOOKEET.' ChinaBeU,WhiteStonjeUtU, , , Flgurwl Stone Sets, Chamber 8 ets, Tta Plates, Howls. Jellies, Platters, Bakers. And a full line of other kinds;, Mill Pans, Cream Crooks, Butter Crocks, Jugv; Flower P< Is, &o. : BelUns at the mannrooiurers' prices. CUAS9VABB. Tumblers, Ooblets, | Lamps, Lamp Olasnos. Glass Plates, Glass Sets/ Fruit Jars, <Jje , Ac.' T7all PaBBM and Window Bllnii In sreat variety cheap.- MlBOBLXANEOTre. Tubs. Palls, BroOms. WuBhboirdB, Brushes, *q., Rop,) Wire and Wooden Baskets, Patent Medicines,! * . Bye Stuflk. [ Stationery, Sobool Books, , Purses, WaUela. School Boss, Spectacles, VlolUs, . ' - Violin StringB, Briar PI pes. Fanoy Goods, Comb i, 4o. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In-can and bjnlk In season Besides many other articles in season, not here -mentioned; X9"CheBp for Cash or Trade* . ,..* JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton* June, 1877. : j Ooijveyanoer, Com. in Q B-, Issuer rx> Marri^sr^ Wesasee, l09iirajice A^rent. &o. SECORD Prepare Ifor the Dry Wea okt ft PAIR OF NEW CRAINE & Hare now in stock a splendid aisortminl of Suitable for the Summer &&$&*& ' '.oi^1: Acton, Maro'ul3, ^-, him i* .-.-.rj.in-iS-"1 . iirf.*3,'."; n.i^frts^',;:'- :u;QF~r AH / Sizes and Styles from the ver FBIGE5 AS iJCm AB TOE M SJeplal AWwtioa Crivm to O^oj^i^ . BeatMnjT Promptly^itiede*> y^-.j'wfwiv Ia7T. -<** K"

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