Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1878, p. 2

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tW&Uffi 8& Mi r :^"- M ->-n- -Iff -< %$ -\4 it iZw:-: ftfi fig ra it iff fa- I THE FREE PRESS, AOTON, "HALFON COUNTY, ONT,, JANUARY 24, 1878. I'abliifhc.l ovt.'v .. ':. Tiii-KsiAV Mohm:;.', .l.\s. I y ' ..ni )),.' ..<ivvuCv ' $ To /.d,. Those -wishing -ic. luve their n'd i ViTtusoiuonU change us very much by .\,i.:.d:.n>; co,y by Tuesday at :; < otherwise a'e aiilnot it:.--;-o sertion in-^that v-eeU';- p;r'e*.THE REEVH3.,... i>.!d eh!^ K. ,.!0 ..-sibio, u< in- I a ..* .iijv ^c.;.'. Thero' ft lis no fresh dovbloetuonta With ro^rd to t!.o mrpvlot^o- nego tiations beyond tho a-.-.nouncemerit ly ^!':: '.\:i-!.-;. h plct.i'pot.ei'.ti.-iimn of loot'.- i'..\ir. * v.i . *.o: il"U'-, wkit^e.c-' .'. i:..., ;-^er lit- -T I..,.<r !-.->:'.* from <-'c:>!itr.nt'i'.. }-?j .vith i'ev. \\ i uruo- ;:or. s :,;;d ,';;.'< pm.\".v ; "v. tl'.o ihiio guti . ],o il 'f'v'. ot' "o fi. '...in terms huvi yet b^..:. cotuulmiieu:- ixJ io-t.io i3i\tis'i . 0/.-e.-:i:-i( .10, but . ir..v,ta<r..:v.';..^.-'t!i:otc^:;.ti-d in '.ho; Him > c.r ('j.u.'.'.ovs ....'Monday tb-.t tha ev ;..i:c; ,i "'crM :..cor- ^Oo^d '. C !1- :(o S4t--J- ;.i-l- - Since thrt late Municipal rh>ction; a . affiurs have tuken m Iter a curious J euuiio turn. Mr.'Storey, who wr.^ elec-;:vi br ^ m^joi-it,}' oi four, hii3 dis^hiim- cU the election on account, r.j iiu fnys, of tho bitterness of purty .'.'el- ~ing wliich prevailed ou tljo siihject of his election, and ho felt it bis duty to sever his connectithflhfcro- with, as any efforts of his to pro mote the welfare of tho Village would prove futile, iu eoiiEoqtio.ice of the opposition by which the position was surrounded.. Provided a candidalo-disclaims an election, it is cus'.oniary' for the ^candidate having tho next- highest number of votes to take thoseAt, it' ho has no olijection to do so. Dr. Mc3arvin,iof eovrse, tnul the nex'- hia'liest niiuiber of votes and he accepted the seat. . - It may be wondered at by souk that Dr.. lIcG.it".-in accept ..-ii tL.- seit which'hd l't-\-! ijivi*n up l.y Mr. S:or*?r. He inliy Ci:jj!ai:i..'J the reason why he accepted i-\ ".- the first meeting of the Vill>i>;e Council, held on Monday last. Ho said that his reasons fo anceptinp .the seat were that he had a majority -of at least two, according to the Consolidated Statutes, which ap peared a few days after the election. Those Statutes state that the oath shtodSd be administered to the elector, at the request of the candi .- date or his agsnt. fcHe said that at t the election he had demanded that "tho oath be administered to several of the electors who he did not think qualified to vote, but the Keturning Oiiicer refused to atl- ruinister it. He, therefore, hehi that if tho oilu had been adminis tered it would have cut otF seven.1 of Mr. Storey's votes and left him (Mr. Mi'Girvin) with a majority ot ' two. 3Ir. McGarvin also stated at the mating of .the Council that il he thought he would have been^ii: tha minoritr he woujJ not havi- accepted the fceat. We regret tluit this election hat caused ss, much ill f.eling, aB n:. doubt it -has."--. Pe'raoaH vho wr^ formerly ou ti.e very !>c-Mt terms bare now becoina. the most bi-ter enemies. There in one very un fortunate featuru about- thia elec tyjn, and one wiiieh ought to receive the consideration of every person etner .> tin's 1 .ect. '..lwuin.! \ ,.i or IciOr ki i tjj ;!c...C.'.. mediiiiol/ v.U\\- i'u:;. ia'i .' ui:- "a l:i)'. .;, r.'.-'d .iio-.-id t V j .. . ..owe.: 'Jmiic i: f.c.:;;.c to C.L...J ^.-.e .il! .'..' c::.o i:fi!-o .'or ;.jo j-.'^tc-titrj C jnt;.rcc..-;. Vc~\:\ .>;.5n'j .-".pv^-.r- i.i...i':li:re ;., ;:ttlo t'cibu .' the i.v.'...i;:".j.'. c.'.'.'i r;"m.iLi:c^,.t-o con dition c-- 'Jur!-.!!,. bein.j -ucL that the /A.'rjL'j \.iil bo coruuo;"^;! t; cc;jt r.ii tv.it. i-n_ ' iSi".n"i P^'cr:-.".. .he :;.i;:3iu liv.'J c::u- v'.z-i .'-dri^.-.oj'.^, r.uJ ILj.j ap proach has ca^coi '-. panlj f.c C;i':li- poii, v.-jjv-j 1; wcr.'.d r.ct ;. ';o much to ester.u to C'o'is.antitiople.- Iu too latter city ;ho utmo:; ru.Vcrir.^.^nd raortal::;,- prev.-.iis ,.l..c.:jj- tho _Ld- rinnople refugoi1;. -ri'u$ inha.i and tho Coveni".cut v.ill, 1: ;u 3t:;t;.-i, ac inn/ bo -.). p..cl t-;-o:i tho .i.tiv: iin ival having the welfare of-.tbe "Village at heart. . We reftr to'the prevail- JBg. practico of crying down candi dates by/sham -issues and pretexts, and blvekening the character and reputation of persona offering to serve, the community. Jf this kind of thing is permitted to prevail the M3iilt will be (if, indeed, it has not been attained already) that re spectable persons will refuse to allow themselves to be draWn. into the Municipal arena. We speak thus because we are of the_ opinion that the best interest* of the "Village depend on its affairs being conducted by persons of ability and respectability of char acter. The Hon. Mr. Vml has been de feate/J in Uigby Countv, ^s. S., bv Mr. Wade, whose majority is put- down at 372. ,-'Mr. Vidl having re tired from the Government, Mr. Alfred Jones, the pn;3';nt candidate for Halifax, lias been appointed Minister of Militia in 'nut placo. The writ has b^-en issued for the new election in. Korthmnbei-land, ?f.B., tfd fill the vacancy caused liy the resignation of Mr. Peter Mlt- chelL' Tho nomination will be held on the 5th and tho election on the 22th prox. J.E Mc<54rvin'4 Cough Syrup. leava ^^ i '-" n*'! ' of tho Kuciun :.rro n:i!os thereof. The Servii .ii.ve C.ipt'ircd P. ischtin. '. ..d ;e.ak'.r. Tvv.-istchu- uij:ih,.. .d in the nurt5, the TJ.ou- ui-iiiui;s hiivp con-.j.lcced tho in vestment of Widin by tha capture of Florentico. The Porte having eomphiinnj -ro r/ib!iind of tho Wttriiui> .it'ittuie of Grecc?, tho British". G-jvernment has'forwaide.l tho Turkish Note without comment, to its Charge d'Atlaires at Athens. A deputation from Montreal waited npot; tho Promier lust Fri day, and prc3^tei him ""ith a me morial largely signed by tho work- ingmen employed on the Lachina canal. It eet forth that the men were Buflerin<j considerably by the manner in v.-hich they vere paid by the contractors. 'JheyccmplaineJ that certain contractors 'paid them only once a month, and idcrsbsd on their wages iu "truelz" ctore-pay. Of other contractors they com: plained taat they jiid them only once a month, but did not make them take btoro pay. Mr. Macken zie- rtjeeived them courteously find gave'the fulIt-Bt attention to their repteseuUtions, and promiaed to do all in his power to hae their grievances rectitied. After thank ing him for his kindness and atten tion the deputation withdrew. Acton Village Council. 1878 met in The Council of Ztlattbews' Hall, on Monday last at' 11 o'clock a. ni. The Coun cillors elect/took tbeir seats and subscribed to the qualification, rx!ud declaration of office, viz: J. B. Coatea, John Speight, Hear/, J. Smith and C.T. Hill. Tho Clerk read tha following communications from W. H. Storey, Esq. : To the Municipal Council of the Village of Acton : Gentlemen. --Owing to the bit terness of patty feeling which con tinues to prevail in this village on the snbject of my election to the Reeveship, I feel it a duty I owe to myself to sever my connection therewith, inasmuch as any eflbrts of mine to promote the welfare of tbs Village would prove futile, in consequence of the opposition by which the office' ia surrounded. I have, therefore, rather' than suffer lurtber annoyance, placed my resignation in the bands of the Clerkr of the Municipality, and disclaim :"'! connection therewith, I am, geu'Iemen, Your obeJient'SBfva11'- W, H. STOREY. Acton, Jan. 18th,- J878. ; To John Rom, E*q.,,Ou/k of the MuuicipfAity of Jim yiUaiji- of.[cluii : I\ \V". II Storey, do hereby dis claim all right oi the oince of Reeve for the Village oi Acton, and all defence of any right.I have to the same. I (Signed) W. H. STOKliY. Acton, jRn.;18tb, 1878. The Clerk stated that as Mr. Storey had disclaimed the election, the candidate who had received the next highest number ' of votef should take the chair. He called on Dr. McGarvin to take tho chair, if he had no objection to do so. PfY M.:U m'iu took tho .chair, and mib'u-i-ibcd to the declaration mid qtinlilicution of ofhYi\ Ho ittrUid tlmt tho i-otiHon ho took his ;i'r.t t\s Ji'joyo \na bueitiHo ho was nmo that hojlmd u tmijority of at iv-rxct. t'..'C, according'to tho Con- uOlidiltod Statuteu, which ppearod &' i'l'.v (laya rifter tho eleutiou. Thnco Str.tut.j stnto tliut tho oath ! should bo adminiatpi-od to tho I olcctoi" i\t tho ri'tiuost of tho oundi- [ du-'y ov hia ityont. At tho election I h i had (!cr.iandcd that the outh ho | -".dMinioterod to ^overl Of the ^Cvlii-s, but tho Roluruing Officer ;.eV-.i.;3d to administer it. If ho thought ho would have been in tho -minority ho would not have accept ed the chair of Reeve. If Mr, :7Coroy .7iGuod to ruu tho contest o'-.'ev u-jr.iis, fts coon na proper bonds ..-oro :..auo out for the Troasu.rer, 1!3 (Air. MoOarviu) was prepared to I'.-ji'jn .-.ud Tun tho contest over agniu; Mr. Ro33 explained that the reaaen- ho would not "adhiiniater tho outh ".Taj bocauso the "Jaw wsa rather obtpmra on this point, and ho had acted to the best of his kuo ..-ledge. I.^ti lnstion, the Oouucil>djoure ed lo meet in tho evening atj 7:00 o'clock. . ; EVENING 8ES5IO.V. The Co'inc-il t on Monday eve-: , '.-. 7:30 o'clock, pursuant ^ adjournment. All tjn^members pr^.ii-ht. The -Koeve in the chair. 1-Ir. 1'd.vard Matthews tendered his icsignativti as Village Constable and ai-ki'd that tin! Council accept the. i-ame. Witti the c-jji.seiit of Mr. Miiai.ew.s, tlie'iiuitter wss luid ovt-r till the iu.:xr"m'vti-jg of Coiin- c;l, in oiih-r to yive them time to l-ra-.-nre !ii.--th*'r conslt'-ble. M'lVrd'iiy Mr. Con tea, seconded by Mr. Sp.-ight, that thin Council be r. committee to strike the Stmid- ing C'omiijittuo for the current year. Carried. Mwed by Dr. McGarvin, boc- onded by Mr. 'Speight, that this Corjmittea submit the following report on Standing Committees : Street und Sidewalk V.. '. Hill. Finance J. H. Smith. Moved by Mr. Coatcs, seconded by Mr. Speight, that the report of tho Committee for striking Stand ing Committees bo adopted. ' Car ried. ' Moved by Mr. Coatos, seconded by Mr. Speight, that leave be granted to introduco u By-law to appoint auditors, and that said By law be now reud a fir^i time. Carried. By law read a first t"'roe. Moved by Mr. Co/teB, seconded by Mr. Speight, Unit By-lav-- No. , to appoint auditors, be now read d second time, o<-.d thia Council do then go int-.i. Cornn)itte,e of tha whole on svad Jiy-la-:/. Carried. The By-law was read in Com mittee of the whole &3d the blanks filled, up with the names of Dr. ~.YY H. Lowry and Uenry Hunt. MoTcd by Mr. Con'.es, seconded by Mr. Hill, that tho report of tho Committee for the r.ppoiptment of ;auditor for tho Villugs-of Acton be adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Lir. Speight, that By-law So, , to appoint auditors be cow "read a third timo and ptisced, and tb>t the cnal of the Corporation be at tached thereto; Carried..: By-Jaw wes read accordingly and the seal of the corporation attach ed. Moved by Mr. Coatca, seconded by Mr. Speight, that tho cum. of three dollars, for tho month's of January, February, March and April, be granted to John McPhee,' and that the Iteve iBsue his cheque for the same to James Campbell. Carried. ' The Finance Committee present." ed tlreir first report, recommending the payment of the following ac counts, viz: Edward Matthews, Constable's fees, $7.00 ; John Ross, registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths,, $i.30 ; Returning Officer and Poll Clerk fees, $3.00. Total 814.30. ; Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded hr MrTSpeighr, that- the first report of tlj Finance CouimUteebo adopt-' ed and that the Reeve do issue his cheques in p iyment thereof. Car ried. Moved by Mr. Co:Ues,, seconded by Mr. Speight, thai, tho Reeve; I'on (tad rlt'iss>f .-.JcUm'Js. Libouioi:) in Quclieu ncei'it, 75o per d.iy and glad to get it, A euilhig club litrn been 'ormed ut 1'atry Harbor and Sound. There wuro 1,5!)3 buildingi erect- ed iu San 1'YaiiciNco Iant year. Thii Kino movement is ^1)1) pro- gri'.ssilig favorably, in Biantford. Mr. E.'King Dodd's -paper, tho Toronto World has como to a full btop.,, Neenuli, Wis., grocorynuti, de liver their meruhaudibu iu wheel barrows. A woman in Rush City, Minn., 54 years old, liiw juatjfivon birth'-to her first child. Stratford At Huron Railway by law has Beoii carried iu Millbauk; 3f),0d0 voted. Voting by ballot h3 been ubol- isbod in Manitoba; the settlers pre fer open voting. Tho Arctic stcsin yncht Pandora has been bought for i,V\)0 by James Gordou Bennett. The Ellis Woolen Factory, Gah, is expected to be in lull operutiun within a couple of-weeks. Victor Emmanuel's full mime was Vittorto Eiiiiuuimele M-iria'Alberto Eugenio Frediiiando Tomumse. Tho fair in Boston for the Old South Church brought in $40,000, and iho expenses were only $2,500. The American public usoin jiaiier collars eight toi 3 of paper duijy unii over 8,000,000 yards of muslin an nually. 'The Mercantile Agency reports 8,8713 failures in the United States last year, .with $10(J,l)6'J,<J00 lia bilities. A young nmn nainod MeKewun, of Sheen township, attempted to pick a dynamite cartridge, and tho itsult whs tho \of.t of three nUyerJ. A man, whihi trying to climb on a passenger' ear, after the latter had hUrud, fi 11 into a cattle guard at Arthur station, and broke his leg. Richard, rarkintoii, 'tho youth who cinbi-zzlul tho funds of Mc- I tines Bum, of Hamilton, has blen sent to the Central Prison for isix moiiih*. . | > I An old nun named -Adam Sin clair, was (omul fnon" to death recently v.ithin two miles of Tilsou- burg. When last seen alive he wus very, much iutoxiewtcd. The oldest public i.ervant in the dominion is Mr. Joseph Bovu-heUe, Deputy-Surveyor Geneml- ,of the Province or Quebec, wh;-, was ap pointed by Sir.. i'\ C. She'rbrooke in 1818. - : Mr. F. Kbonc-y, merchant, of Toronto, who was tuken budcieiily ill in Humilvon, ou StiturJuy laat, ahC who hud sin'-'o hetu coiiSui'd to his room in the Roval Hotel there, died on. Friday. Samuel Bov.-iej, for many years tho noted editor of the Spnn^rield (Mac*.) llij-ublic'iH, dL-d on'-V/i-d- nesJay qipht. jlr. Bowles -./ns Oho of the u'olett editoru in th'y United StateJj and h\i journal- a model nev.'.;;iii];er as regards euter- pr;i;?j brilliaucj and courtesy. : A vaiiir.bio dog Jieloijging to II. C. Ifilborn, of Berlin, was accident ally icslied up in tho Agricultural Had on Low Year's duy, and -,vus Mi-; Hill, and the mover* lie a com mittpe to examine the bonda of'the Treasurer and:repbrt at next mt>t- ingT^f the Council, v Carried. MoVed by Mr. Speight, seconded by Mr. Hill, that this Council ad' journ till the 7th day of February, at 7.30 o'clock. Carried, . A.: Euieroo.nijK 4'a.sCt To the- JSilitor of tltc Pi'cc Jircn8. Siu,-,-Will you bo so good as to insert in your valualdo ]>aper the caiiuo and ciicuniftanccH which., cu'linimitod into ii lawsuit. Fii-ot the cause ; sceoud th-j itiuit and triR I j third tho com men ti? thereon 1 Firstly, . on tho Township lino' botween tho Township of EriiiiiofUt and the Townshi]> of Erin, in' the County of Wellington, I hero resides two poisons known an John Mc- Iniosh, in Erin,.and Aloxi JM.o- Intouh, in Eraniosa, .ea'cti being Itoiid Overseers in their respectivo Towiibhj]ts, on the samo division, in tho year 187ti. On or about tho 20th of Juno, 1S70, A Alclntosh notified thosr.id John Mcintosh to do hi3 road Work, ho having four labor days to per form. ;for property in; Eratno^i, under tho Paid A. Mcintosh. The first duy of working, J. Mcintosh nent u man to tho work and done one days'work out of four days. A nuin known iih James Moore, living in saiiidivision iu EVamusa, having, for said yomv, three days', rojd work to 'do, fur 50 acres o-.vned by him in skv.l divioiou in Krin, under the aforrs.-iid J. Mu- Jntosh. He, (Jiih. Moore) ciime to A. Mclufofh during the'work and said to. him,. " I lmve three days roail work to do for the 50 acres in Erin, under J. McTntosh, cat)' I do it with you i". A. Melntosli said ( thiit lie lnid no objectien, but. John | might otijeet. .7. Moore .'.aid tlmt J. .Mcintosh ha<l no objection, tliat- he (J. Moore) might'do it with A. Mcintosh,'to which A. Mcintosh replied, saying, ."you may do it with rue, but I have nothing to do with tho Kriu rood v.-ork, I will tell you when Voll have three, days in." On the foilowiii^njoming. J. Moore Sent hia ron und team and dono t?Let lie wanted to do, three days work for tho 50 acres in Erin. , According to instructions given to Ro.nl Ovefscers in tho Township of EramoBs, they havo to return their Ro-iJ List on or before a stated dr.y in the month of Sept. with a declaration that the said Roud List is a correct return.. Before making such return the said A. Mcintosh made up his Road List 'giving J. Mcintosh credit lor one day being the lunouns dine by or for hiui in lieu of four days' for the Eramosa ihide of road division. In or aboftt the month of 2-fov., ADVE&TISB STT-jjJBPI]^ f-Yearly . ...: _> CTSOtl i.87o; oil J. Era i ii the Kfuiilosa collector called Mcintosh, in Erin, for his ojii tax, having in the bill 'Z.'l'j for deficiency of road work. Boon after J, Moore bo;it to A. Mcintosh for a; receipt for the three days' road work that he had done:for the 50 acres in Erin. A. Mcln osh would not give u receipt lor I3|in, he not having anything to do with that Township,- On {the 24 th of Dec, 1.877, a summons issued out of the Third' Division' Court in the County of Welliugton, suid Court held its Sitting on Jan. 10 1S78, before ills Hon. Judgo Ciiiidwiek, which resulted as follows : Suit us enter ed into court; A. Mcintosh to J. Mcintosh, claim of $125, for damage ill not granting a certificate when required, and making tliis false returniof three days' statute labor. Statement of costs and Judgment to be paid by defendent on suit : J. Mcintosh vs. A, Mc- contiued thera without laiythihg tojlntosh. To costs of: suit in full, eat until fourteen days thereafter. 05.7G ; to witness foes of plaintiff, SI.^5 ; to judgmeut, 2.25; to plaintifl's iiiiidayiD, 2oc. Paid; ill full by delendent, Jan. 10th, 1878, $!)".57. __ A verdict was given on tKe pleas that A. Mcintosh should have given J. Mcintosh credit for J. Moore's three days' done for Erin, and that J. Mcintosh showed in Court that he, aa . P.oad Overseer iu Erin, wonted himself, it being I, ' J.E.McGarvin'9 Worm Powders. J. E, McGarvin's Congh Syrnp. The animal, though greatly, eman cipated, wi!l got around all! right. ; Jas. Reid eued Waikerton cor poration for $100 damage for ihe uso of the Town Hall on two evenings he had rented it from the clerk. Tho cr.to was decided in favor of the defendants, on tho ground that the plaintiff had timely notice that he could not get the bail, and consequently should not have incurred 'expenses that v?ere "innicessBry. About half-post t olva o'clcck Tuesday, smoke was discovered issuing from a room in the baBement of the House of -Oorcmons wing of the Parlitmeut Buildirigr,, where tha v.harwomen are ^cnastonied to do their work. The chief messen gers gave the alarm, <tnd' the hose attached to the water system of the building was quickly applied and a streum of water poured into the flames, which were 60on quenched. On Saturday evening the resi dence of Mr. \Varren Rock, Q. C, London, was entered by burglars and systematically ransacked. On examination being made it was found that from the bedroom were taken Mr. Rock's pants and vest, a pad1 of silk drawers, a gold watch, and a purse containing $12, in all valued at .$225. About the same hour the residence of Judge Eiliott was entered in a very suc cessful manner. Miss Abbie Frink, of Boston Corners, McGillivray, is probably one of the largestr women of her age in the country. She was eighteen last birthday,-weighs 222 pounds, is 5J feet in height, mea sures 44 inches around tho chest and 33 inches around the waist.- She came to the township from thd United Stute-s, a short timo ago, and the climate agrees with her so well that she gained an average of three pounds per week Biuea her arrival. -Sbo is very quick in her aotiUrifl, and offers^ to run a foot race wiub the lightest of her sex in Stephen. When lifting on the scales she marked 900 pounds. IN THE JLO'2?OI' AG Tt) N Ta, avoid cairymg- overY.amr iieav^ goods^yet in stbek^on^ account of the tinprybe ^ dented mild winter v " annnoiince a GRAND SWEEPING SALE!, -iUS-l ^ COMMSifOING OX ' &zii ^a ^ C_^i3fcii"V;n m. J, E.McGarvin's W9rna Powders. heU that u Road Overseer ia no required by le.w to v?ofk himaeif for the property for which he., may be assessed in the division for which lie is overseer. In 'refer0h3O to tlio nrst:.plea, would it be legal or hone3t for A. Mcintosh to. tu'te Moore's work and give it to J, Mcintosh, con trary to tho wish of either of tho parties at the time tho work was. done, as were shown to the Court by Moore's evidence 1 In referenco to the second plea, what Boarce of knowing otherwise than v/hat was then stated hsu A. Mcintosh1 of knowing what J: Mclntish was doing or meant to do, or ivhother he was working or not working, at thut time, and, if working, for which property was he wprking? Was it for hia property in Erin or the Eramosa property or for J. Moore's property in Erin. A. Mcintosh could not say, for J. Mcintosh never told him until be told it before the Court, which of|_ tho property he felt incline]! to credit it to. Now, taking all the above circumstances into considera tion, A. Mcintosh would be oblige ed to any one for correct informa tion as to what otherwise he should have done than that which he did return list for that year [minus three days' statute labor for <r. Mc intosh, except that. A., Mc] intosh might have reported to- a Magis trate within ten days after refusal to work, such refusal being t roved by the non-appearance of slid J. Blclntosn to do road wori por notice. 'Comments on the duty of Overseers In }aw and equi some other time. - . I remain, Y|dura respectful y, ALEX. McTNTjOSH, Road ty at ,'.'fOMS Main Sticet, Acton. The rndet'signed is pfppr>red fo do all k'nds of "SVOFiLT. nith neat ness find despatch, on the ahorlest notice, and at the most seasoi)r.ble"""price3. i,_ Be keeps constantly on"""" ^fcj. i h-.ind nil kinds of ..- of the latest designs,. Japan "W'are.Bto."..' All orders'for Kepalring and ove< troujjhlug strictly ationded to. GOAU. OIL A SPECIALTY. CH and be convinced that the abovestatements arenotbnlder- \ dash or ii-othy babblings ! WM.' LfilTH, Proprietor. : Acton, Dec. 29, 1S77. - ACTON PLANING MILLS D. VT. CAMPBELL,. Prop. AIL lines of heavy Woolea Goods -Dress G-oods, Fancy .Grood'sr-Jn fact; - their dntife Stock-1 of Dry Goods will ha ofcered at urn PRICES. wo oold months y^et to be ovided for. Heavy Over- ^ts, .B?-weds',B lankets, Mas- I3les, Shawls, Bhirtings, Win-" ceyd, Ftirs, Socks, Hose, Mitts, &c. will be absolutely required. Don't faiFto secure them at the right place andrat the right. price!; I i :;v; s...a*'a-G^uiae.a^i IMS CASH 0KY. No .goods- charged except at ^regular marked; Prices. Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture ; SASH,.DOORS, MOTJJLDING-S, &c AU kinds of ELA1IUG Promptly attended* to. i D. W. CAMPBELL. Actoni Deo. 4th, 1877. . !' ! 22-3i - ; ; ' I ; -A: ^SSiSEMBSS THAT FAMOUS 500 TEA. In 5 lb. lots at 45 cents. CHRJSTIE, HEKDERSOH & 0 Acton, Dec. 5j 18TT. ' WM

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