I r?*r3B5S5KS*flBr rnr< h .V. f*lame III.VoUS -Whole No. 150 I v I i ACTON, ONT,, THJURSDAY, MAY 0, 1.878. i is T HKTACTOX FK.SB PRESS ]"- Is Published EVER* THURSDAY MORNING, ' ' AT I11K Ff*e Press BuUdirig, >~<\t t-i t*ae Post OiHce. io d^l'.-ir ,i y.-^r, strictly In i jviui'vv Mce ihroo months | >.:'ir :i;: i n Vi.i'.i'vrill 'j charge.!: or; Ml.:ir~ if :iv>: i^r*i;t iltl the eiui of !'io ' SUi;'.e vo.iic* \ >r*o frills No [ vriu *>$ ^u, to;vay poriou moro j *i:w y e:inu'.;\\M, ' j per ::-:o"far ;lr>l i ;'.>or: .oii.-ur^l two Orhls > p-*r .;::^.:"t ^u'-u .>.: " o.i-v-'u i.i>oni"n. S:it; ;iiv-r;i>viut\i:-^M I'i^miiui-s r.tiU u;\ U,r"* ^* ^~ Thro? \-i'i-.ivi.iov.>^ t^iM.u-ss Car.S of ti^h; Lues an.l tnid'or, $\ pur CTON B.iKERY. -1#r ItRVS- iea;:--.'- I trv < rear. ma a'lowel on n-.ivor- roxioaJoJ p.-ritvls. lat inMrue- 71 ' A Ut>?-.\1 .'.:>;a.v.v tlseca 'tits itt*-..riea a A-lvt';:.>o meals, wit: V:on i'.ier;oJ ml aci-oriias'iy. ^_ Ar.y stpee..V. Notic- Is to pro:ave *.:ie ; any in.Uv.ilaai ore >: red n"l attverlts-eie-e T::!'.i-r.'. vr:::- rendered iiJarivr'y. NV.U-es or B.r'.lis Peita.- lasorietrree. T. ALUMET *u09Et. ortaOh au.I the *lJi'! 0Cwhich ^eaaiafy beuetlt' of t-'u.iy, to be consiu- Vn r.ls to oe paM for .rvestiiiiis accuauls Marriages an J GatLC NY. LOWilY, H. S.. H. *. liriilJSU' e' Thiu:ir at 0 a-t-.-ite ol i'uvsictaiis. i'i;f art.: Hf>liU'lU'?- _ . . . :. viton. m ttie house eap:.i ->y Ft. Lottie, Ks.j. H. C P. D T- ^- v a. Hoanov; r -; :.- -e i :, -*e -o! l"> ,r Y iV.t.i fH^.'.J'^'. Ci:'i 1 -.. Cm<'.i:i-. < *-^ : s"-: lay*. tVons K?>: '.ertre-Vresl Physi [1. v.i- Co'.- O! Vl.-lO-l" ."i.:i <i:iv^ i--.Ci. .'&-:i ^- H SOX. > Convey .^Test'Ead, Bookstore. . GU'ELrii," . J." i BOOKS & :STATES?IE^Y Seaside libraries, - Lhkeside'Liabraries,- Fireside .Libraries, Boy's .Libraries, .N". ~Y. Iiibraries, And. all the Latest Novels. . Siisit 2,aa Spn.0,'Mil&rcd, A thi'.'soms.ov Tin: vaup. A. IT.IMUAS INCIDENT. "Give us a tiOMi: !" the poliUcra uvieil, TI\o outor troiicVu-s'jjiiavdinj, Win-it lUe-hoaiod j;iuis.of Uiu cMnps M- Hod :U- *T(.^ro\v wcar^* bT bombnrUinf;. The i\r.rk lUnTan, in : ik*tit scon", . : bay j^vtm ;imV .tliiv.".i'ii:n;; timlov ;- j Ami tin- t:nvny mourn'.'p' the Malal.oiY No longer liolchtd ito thmldor. The-c was a pause. - The gu.-ivdrmiaii " We storm tho fortr, to-mnrro'v; Sing n'hilo we m:iy, anntiuT day" Will, briny enough of sorrow. They hty .".lon^. thcr batt?ry':i rulo,' r.olow lho .siu.ikitig 0..UUOU - lh-.ivo lu-arta from Seven r.ml front A'ly.US ; , . And from the b.anUa of .Slu.r.nou. , i; Tho.y satig of liv.-V'aini not of fame : Forgot was lip'iiain's i;'ory ; ]-l:*.oli heart, reer.lleil a dillerer.t aaiuc, Hut all .san^ "'Annie Laurie." / Voiep after voiee caught up the fion^, I'ntil it.-, teiuler p:u,ion lvose like r|;'atitliein, rich and flrong Their battle eve coufc.-^iou, . , Pear j;irl. her naiuo he dare not Epeak, \ et, aa-trho song i;rcw louder, SomeUiio.i; upo:i the roU\ier.s' eh^jk ' Washed o!V the stains of p.iwdei'. Heyond the rTarken-hig ocean burned The bhxViy runset'^ emben , 1 While the. Crimean valley: leaniod < I". How Hugli-ih love remembers. . . And. or.e.; n^aiii a tire of hell Kr.ined cu the Uu^oiau q'.'.arter?, Willi sereim of shot and bur**, of bhell, Aud bejlowinj; of the mortal.'. And lr:if!|>,o'.':'.h:s eyes .are dim, Kor .1 ^f.i^er u::eab and ^;i> Tlui old fueo hrit'.lil ' lo'uk nmu't; and ho caHi. a gratcfuf .tlio oyiis of Uio handsome y huly. '. ' " But, inadaiii, you must wnary. I nuinox nupepj. it." Sim liiiuloViiii impatient ;j.cs Miss Wiuch'eaLfti" wiui nl-wity cust.oiiied to lsiw'tt hot' v.-uy. " No, iti>'; I r.in well, you'u: ntron;.;. I nliould bu ushamj; ^lt while iv mun of your agej ht':'.lib. vi:n;ainiMl hl;in'<isi^." " Tlw.k you ! Xmw Mill' in well limed uii.i not thrown i| I vo'Jturc t-j toll von. J i.hn <:e[>o yor.r oiler w.i.ii ^rati. o. So Si'.vilio, tlio 'll Bar.lc into ilu woll-.s;-. liivaeo. 7= JllMLU-.'jLU'JL'iL imfgy |:5i'.-M nw. ?.r.n)TT! la Alva{>. ,. nod, 'into Jims 1)0 r.i'o. |3 au- nmi !:il to and UPliM "ay, tui.'o him or Iht, a'l ; a uf iiiii) t;CoJ old politoti -:n whiuh r.i ;h'-m1 i os'ur show and.lioartlo.i-.iio.n wlo'iij I waa a laiL J fc is all hollow | Ttnujmony now," my ilum-; and it'| lipoid man o.innot Bland without w.!: . S oi ;h,~:-?t 1'!- breral I a u i lie ~4ii B'-iiC-.ilV.V. .!~ii> n old llllt j;0l lo mt s'.oat tisfi'od o>>|i:-o.-.-,iou but Fit:'. Jainns 'Cliliin ,'itll a f cijanvi I'l' hisi. iinlionu'ifd con^oiupt :'dr hii- uoi;.dibor by a ray.'in s; hitt raobiu closeh' iv.'ouiid., ar.d : ing noaiet- to iho kiJu o? t T'ie btranger looltcd at hin^ quiot, icoiii. ' Yoif need no1- Lroubio.yc| to blip through live windov.', uuiii," Baiit lb?, in a vol do of (mI Jtitnoa was Uio/oro'tr p;r.hted. [le could not eudni vulgar pvojitnipiUy. So 1:?, rjuiekiy^ ;tn<J, ntridiot: ovc ojivjp.uiion, iiiailo tho bust >vay .itito tl:u .' moi:in;r v.ir. I I\liMy \Viuclic::'.ur'!i coni'.tipl lir.d ur, youay irony. V (li.S- ;:in:!r arost; 1'iisif.taiico, lio in ihrowit'down-and trodilou upon. Hut there id u lv.nrcb,' or my earn deeeivu oto,. /llrtal, do you mm;1, a furthe.i hint, or mint your rliuum it'c old father fit)l. yon'itn e::ain;i!o o',' vourto.-.y ?" 'i'lio yeun;.; Ulan Ktariod ninl colored, for li'Vj had licon yix.in^' o inlonlly on tiio'raro beauty olWliw Wiaclii'.'ilri, tliaii lie had forgotten time, and phici red unto hor^ taking^ care and iiccoippasiying .Imv to i US his ! bean v.'iuie.-.'vj by all '.n t'ljoa car j ia^e, and a. do::on .utals v. er :u :\v.i\ c 'Vl'.llj; 11101:, I,IH lilll! liOoiliiO'i And Ktij Who Marv mo; of I'AttL.ie for him L: 'J Ah ^ildit-rs '. to \\.ur honored re-ii, Your truth a-ad hott.n- l')er.r:ng ; The bravest and the tenderest The loviue arc the darih^ '. \ An Sncldes.t ef T'ravsl ..:-> ) -. A-t .I/-.-:"/ V c Ac- J-.-S.-.-- .1 VT li SSO-V.;"\ttarn'cy- * - - ,: .o: in t't.i:i"i'i> "i^-of 'tain aai Cuurci K. W. rElTME. MO rp. W.C30PS2. Pforirtcial L.an.d Surveyor and Civil Engineer; Gnclph. Ori-rs ^y m '. : -cizlrj'tlv rriTOtl::e<i to. ., 1 \r K"_"' 1 " " I. .LIIDL."^* 3?-rr.iStor. : -.: I" n !~ r :'" m iu- :e- I., iv Mr I-'i'i- - -vu rllSe.-'.' SADDLERt -Boy y^vr of rot at liie ilniaito 2et the rrorth H Gi ixra, A;ta. :.r:-A- ;i"--- V^ ' ^^^ H^Sstor-e. ei.e:.... .J-'.ler--, ,h.. - iilreise-i to Ga -P> or Do-.i I o. will receive pr^iap'- aUeDt tan. -. *,The-ro you money. A splendid Tot of NEW COLLAU.- on haiiJ. - '"' ' ^V All parties intendi:.? to ;.ur eiiiio H^r:.e.-^ s-U nilii <!o to :.l'0'ic< ... -^: :>: e t h o r li ^ to ?ecaie'.i,-^u . il. CREECH IS'S.-... . " All 'foil, sir! .'Sorry, gufss jou'l! manage to st next til'ty miles !" ilv. Smith, t'.vr cpri'.:-: conduct-'jr o:i ihe Cetr.tnl Cart:, usherc.I i;t a "iesrepid r.ut i and _the VO'.inc Fliiwav . tdatbbv ,clous ti.em tho hc-.tii,.-i|iul re jddo of ainj! tho by : . >.lotion of m uiti'd lean'm.; I he 'vo:ij'.-!n. Tint train flew onv.-ard- ' ^eiitie.inm mcanwhiii: d> !i!!tin-if for a c iHit'ortab't whicli lie was ihorlly eu; s> nuotiino bofove miiiui lights of Bo.'toii gleamed t| iho dalltnorfi ; unothev :nom the train (V.iv.'.'.iuifii in'.o thrj Crien of " Ilurray for C lihrte. el nap, joymtj. I be Al l:XU : J lv his F. 71, v.haCe.iitt'a '. a: itml corned a Ilea". '.i rCt. iuc-i- :u oruer Acton^ Jan. . DBASE- IB' toiTE.XTs far IVVF.STJOSS f r-^.ie litt t^lv a-.tt pr^;"-riv .-~ctirtrO lrs C va tdi, tti- TjuiteJ.Stites.ir.JEurop'-. Patea: ar.rge. S--::c for'pr.T.^I in-traet'.ons. \5*nry inr.per a'.ian tea ysars. HEXRV GKI^T, lle 2^r4i~nl Ep.,'i~eer, SojcKor ol p^ t'.5anj Dratisntsmao. A OtITEK LOZI SB, Plasterer, Atua, 'J.iu Kvery ie-erip ion O P!ast^ri.'>g a.i'l RTa^b-c^stint ile m^^t r-rH-oriable on Eua-ar.'.rfd. done -iJ satisfac I> OS5IX HOl>:fc, Acton. \l Clo-e toVh G. T. Ball way Station. . illce !^Dtn~on)m>ia: ic.n 1>t tb^ travel- ^iag^ati'jUe. THiJrJ. CAiU'SEI-li. Projjr. I) li: I hltII\19.\' HOTEL. rtci eij^re. -vriih nc--~ fcrniture. 'Co^mercia^ lini comraoiiou- ^^nivit- rioorub*. specie a'.t^TUion pal ; to t:-. want* o' llifr trii\v-l- [ia? pnMlc, Bar <!:p;> i*i ' wj.Ui 1 He bo: t Llqnors an'l Ciz-irr. Gool ^*_ab;iDg and 'attentive Hostlers. ^TVVni. HEMSTSKET, ~~ Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Wt-Hington nd !Hal- ton. orders l^fc at the Kiiee Prest* O r3";*, A.ton, or n.t my r^-i'lc-nce, In Pvor;it\Tr)*>i, wilt he promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. TAKIGRAFY saline in liis Lino.' Tho Ions, dimly licbt'ed car was full; every seat v;as oooupied ; b;tnd 'hoses and carpet tt^s y-'-'re held, in their owi.Vrj' laps, and there.,.was not a slntjh: chance for .he new comer to he aeeommodal- ed. A c.o.plo of Foore of .faces li:':/ai -thelns-.lves to glance at the old moved slow!v and naive) w i^.le. J t 'oea'.. aim i 'lib-il kIo'vU FruvJa, otaij tLis! :,i va.i a ;> oat on liahe , as iic f Tachvt Rapid, Graph-: "Vritin^.^ fhoae wishing to learn w'Quld do well io address " S. W. GALBRAITH, frfe Pri, Acton. &5 TO THE PUBLIC OF ALL XA-: TiONS & i-OI^ITie-AL CREEDS. If >-oa met a good Ab'CTiUNEER try CEOUGE GIBES, i ile nnderstar.ds his basiness. JJuD fcald. AiWr5 Hillsbari P.O. :ng. ^' 0T1CL. J. * |Hie. lae an ler^j^ned begs leave lo an nounce to KarmerB,-axici others rng: gc-d .to batter maKiog who purpose geturij; fl BfeW CUurQ fiat they wft:U consult tbfclr O'iYIl iul'T^HlK hy ordering oDe uf A.- fc^.oIa^e-s, Improved Tubular f>nsll Chorus-, i am now- tak'nj* orders lor them, UavInBpurctia.s.';dLh'-]p^entrighI to mannracLarc and fi&lll They are without douot the best In the ratrket. Your patronage i^ renpectrafly solicited. Circulars and test: " ' " " cation. - eland sold by i andVsUmonlal free on anpll Territory torsade, itaaulactur- U. L. McDON/VLD. -Acton, enl. BBATTY'S PIAN & PARLORQgeAN INSTRUCTOR^ ^1 HI ^ The undersigned ' bees leave to ihforrii the people of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that ho has procured a magnificent UEaKSE' And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals oil the shortest notice and most moderate terms. CmUeOs, CoBiitt, Ei!rial R^lic.*, And all kinds of Funeral Furnish ings keptiD stock, and supplied on the shortest "notice! Hat Bunds and Gloves supplied when required. -..' JOHN SPEIGHT. Acron.Feb. 10, 1S77. riuin .- !:: o...int",..if,.isd'j'.-. II Llle v.us plain ly e. loe.'.t that be n id <b much as he eo.ild do t* su-jipurt himself, and, besides, he looked like one that w'-as just re^-overii t'rotu a severe illness his cheeks were thin and pale, his eyes lacked the fire .which ou^lit to sparkle oeneath those, large and Etronglv marited hrov.-e. There r.-e.-e many well, active looking, hcajithy young uien iu the ctir, but not one fe.lt- db;poceu to renounce htfa Eoft, com-, fonrfdo; scut, to the shabby olu traveller. .And after ;-. Kta're-of tin disoar.:;cd contempt,' ercli 1111 tl all di-opped ib.-;::- eyes ami ihoujdit Jio more;o{ .the .sti/i'ertng old ;ig(^ beftj'-e them. In tin;; ciiliohtLMH-u euui.t/y it is'a r.ctoriCfi'H fact l'ii;>'*_ tl'e ayed meet with siiohts and, i::?ivi!;Ue.--, to say liot'uin^ 01 posriivo cukina ness, whicli v.-onld have put the be t i..- I idiiTn-tiiar'". '^rey, and huge'black valise.! He covered the hero o Buttle, 3 ; bree::-; f.atoheau i'.uhed ':1op- line cf 1 -u::: .th.e r.t: ee:. )es -.'.ir-.iiirett the umn^and lean li.'iic va:h'3i:w f t-ns ofi B-Ulon ,v> :;he:U;:i, a :;.:iu!emau, a illy dtsti i-d him-elf iiv the llieii la can war. He came in this train bvsiatider. " i' ic, po.-s 1 hat vou did not, iiiseovi) Sickly looking old man, d ;rev ........... 11a ! from a fevcto iheii-aiaiic fever,-which has him .frver since h.in hist Tho'kf) vil Vi.exicati va sleeping on thecoh-i groiv mined his"constitution ; a tine obi fellow!;-e'.." r.iisa ^.Vinthc.'.er 'fjiq iuu.;:i he : :;hc iiaii htan bin gal!,.;: 1 darint;':. line F was the pic-iU'.-e'of atleitt tion. . . .Miss \f iiic'icslr:^. nod ii| sionp-t-i; at the ^'iU'.eiicai an'i ear'.v the uo:?, morjiii <li n^*vn^- ih-DOt. eo.cral is for le air. lre.-li d 11:111s riarr^s ccaiion .'d that, rlenito.d .0 Gen.. ;-i?;cr.m u^uish- : Me?;' ]!" .'iitis 'Winclirai.or , will per init mt!," ho ;;ii(i, olferim; hia iu.-in and iv.'iiouioti.'j more, nud they were lest in tin: *.liroutj of peomenudei-K. Mr. i-bithei-lo.i f.e.e.aieii bent on sliow'ny1 his oi'iititiiiit) to tlio laiiv for tlio l<in'dne.ss nhe had i-eiuim-ed to Ids father, for ho ticaice.ly ijuit. her side during the evenine;, iniTSHitMlio close of a week \\u fob ioweit* her ',o Nahaot, whero !io contiSrued for two: months tho be'e iui'ror Fit/. James, and an enemy, of all the yoi'.njj fops who aspi-ed tiS the haml and fortnuo of- tho beautiful alis's Winchester.-, Fitt: Jam os Jvist.ace had long hi'i'ii his cousin's suitor, anilii >y)is with ill concealed. ehat,'eiti thai he lie v.- e.av hiiiiself tltrov.-n into the mtado by tho i:on of th-o', " weotched -]>eci.u:en," who out^bt to have ,'oujb! it jil.-tnioiit of decent people's coa,pin;.'. '; I'latly iii Jio X.5*v- Yea1.- there was a iruin-;a;ji-"cVrenjoi'y pes form ed, in ti:i> old South Oh't'.cji, and on the Avaf'M-M liia re ' tiirm-d Lo a '-ouii:^ l.diy iu Clipper- | " Fe.r ftst; w>ri i'il IT^j-i- I town, . PeniisvK-'iiuia al'ier 11 few | only c\<i call of it joo nnelei yca.-j. (jn Dijcc'.nhei- 23, 187o, | k.-Vbr-.f on Yon^o r,l. " Bin hodidn ahe met, on a railroad train, n lady [i wlio was very ill, and" ahe kindl niie.iiit "' lir' her. placo of tloJil iiiatioti. When they parted oho siiok' woiinin ofl'oKfd 10 pay the you nt; .tady for 'bet- '. iiKiuei'M and r.Uouiion, but i:\o would iak'0 nothing. Tiin old won! so w.'ote down thoiiipio anil address, nodded familiarly to bee j beead, and slid. ' You will be piid boiuu'i ' '- Wanted.rvfeodea-, do day." "'lio youn^"!adynever saw "mii-.-marpil. as he locked iei- elian S'iO.OOO ht-A recent I v lied to her. i The obi woman had no i-elaiives in: A met iea, i:id lei't, all her money to, the yiri t who had liefeieuded tier. 1 One -i1it;ht, -dn-'ntr_ tho recent i-minle*. in (Tig Pe)irisy*iviin.i;i coal s. Jud^e Polls' bViitbei-Tbos. was "onnd at a meeii'og of Po .ohe ii. thiit way. He sv;uj|jiever iiiine owners, and alter the arrjouni > prinier. He hurl never'fobbed i'me.n, s-epped into a'itavern. ilThei5 nor tibit;pd. He be.d never even ' pied." : The hour was 'j p.m.. and Hiill no hreahface, bad looked, him in the face-. Tho iiiut/es or the f l.uegM threatened lb oucsle on birn. Fie had never fried 8-ays for bin wniht, but had for iiis sionmch, im1 !iti!V it -ft^ked for 3m daHy t.iie sum betal U.-r,, ye"!" be saw j nn-.-iiorpil. as he locked m> (it the '. acquaiutanee ugaiu, I: tit j f::wd. " What, hind 'cf a l-'v-oiu is be.-e. 1 Tin yer man. 'Haidlvj).hi:ilc ye'ii warn, me -lt^iii iooe^b.'?. AH i',]!1? "-Iiilo iiHccrnliui: tho rour .vlens, Once a.t: .tl'ia lop he Jooked iii. T.'f eo was c. w'liii;'. a'la'.tlo, hi::. A Tousli Yarn, tooli He W:lS- A'i'r d II! was 1 no eaoe-1 AV inche bri i foil ""'I b.i-a , 1,., the lacy bad I'.uisii scrv.-.nt, bt-ot-t;'u up her iV-d ihe \-i: a1 toe. (ii'C, b. a not bed' ton two c u lo be gi- "litf. i' rj'-ooiu a the ', ^n elege.iit i'ousn on I'i.ii- K're.et roceived ' the you.it;. le, for Alfred is enyat;ed in :ess in i'osto;:, and every year i)aie obi CTeneral eome3 do-.- -i f-.om his L-0UE3 in ii-------.to visit bis child:.;-.'!!. So you Kf.n that pcib.enest; ge.ined a huvba'nd foe. one woman ; tiiid' it ^;:ll hrino t,;ij>piiK'Hs for all, if 1 hoy ?\l 1 hut p.-acr.ieo it; for tr;:o no lie- 11s springs f.'ia lire .hear;, and ie.it lull the euei ve^cehce of a '..in 11" Cii'-istiai! spirit, anttioiiG i-.) pooolo tho well being o! . lY.sj'^S witlr. whom it come,:.in eomaOi;. .01 Isiovci E"ct. saiu, ./A e, ti-, hi!:. ] ,'sseil ill ryiug a , -Just re ptac'. of -rottbieu ..opaitja. irs, and i, iindi-r ni.. he is i:f:.t he much of. ::-. James' ^cbrtiae 1 eoi::-,i:i lloiisi-, A collier lyio: the cle.-^yiiiau p 1'cro'cotitint! to *;: 1)1 if.' -.0 ins wife in t;reito iii-ino him the Hi hie. ' ele ."n-lt! dio call, be- -vat lug to ho rc.'.uin^ it >. s.ii "-jiiesi>. Tliero; in. a placid in Maine r;o roel.y, that {die>t-tho down easterns 'leant corn they look for crevices 1 in 1 he yoc'is, and shoot tlio grains j in.with r. musket ; iheyjaan't- wojse dneks'ebe.re nohow, for the stores are fto ttiieV: tho ducks can't get ilieir bills between them to picl:, tip nis.-ihopners \ and ilia only- way the she.ep can get at tho .sin-it's "i ^i-aKii, is ,'o,y griiiciing their noses oil :> fji-indstoiic. Thai, is not a- ci.rcuinst-.jnce; to a phic-e 0,1 the ItluHLern Siioi-e ; ' rhti land is so poor, that on a clear day .-(hi (M'o s::e tho ahijhopjiei'H climb 1';) h miille-ii f;U:m, and look .'.th iiv.rs iii their eyes ove.- a fif-,y acre b'dd ; a eel the huuihle bee.s leave >o';;odoW'i oil their knees to get r.t the ttr.i;ts; ail the mosquitoes "k:i! of el-arvution, usud tU'-i;ey !iu/.tiai-ds have 10 emigriite. Vint '.here hs a xottntiy id Yiv oinia w'.iich C:ia l/e.-tt that; here 1 lie land is so ter'.ie that wneii the wind i^ et the jSTortowest, tb.ey have to lis. ilieir ciiiitli-pn to keeji '.heui i7otn boiiii; blown p.vay ; .the:a 'i inkos-fix froos io bos a man, aud whee the dogs ba.-l- ihey li-.v.e to lean, agaiilse tho' fences; ea tiro^o thin that it takes twelve of i hem to jnake a shadow : and w lien the- kilt;)' bee.' they "live 10 bold him op to knoc.. biie down. not a -voitT of s'lai-n or. s.jiriV i:ii;Ti)fi-eil on sniffs;' ho h.-iil ^onc io . 1 i 'OS- Oil ha. h-iir dined and | eye'-y on a n: tss .he .. is house. nu tie woiiiu bu sispiii"; : Ueu saw 11 do v.- he Tnink him, he_] haste lo "hen li.'i- [: .ti.d itil .-l-litlt but; it Tlve ohu-e : ho badly re.so \i it.ii a 8i) was played otiu now 'fe^det'!' v ^ allied is smiffless. '-Well, si.-," siiTd a laconic in- ni-ti.e, who ^ets hia regular 'meals and-don't know that he'a a favored ! lo; s b*- met -soincl f'.:iieii.ds, aiiU in the course of an )iop',"'oi- (avo he.' be came vorv miich iuioxicated. Ont bus way ho.oie ho losi, his-hat. and. h^ iiiine'to^'ho kne.w him,~vfeelina; co.nipa.ssioc dohim, -jnn-. a' 'mine/a bat.on/liis/liepiT, an'd in orde" to rnaho ^K5*^diU-k s'i,-eet Hginer, light ed i.he-HtEie lajitp in front of the bet. Wf?,en Poi(8> -reached hja . house Mrs. Pons had trone to bed, and tie lie;h Is--were ou'o ; but Polls fe'e coi-la^n' t'hait the lamp ^waa I burning in the ..hall, though he [couldn't for'fhe.yife of hiin . tell where it. wa.s.~\" tie looked, -^t thd : regular la mi]). a'^J' that-seemed to t'nei'i he honied around in di'-ection, hfTt tie couldn't fi-.d. it, iiioii^b.-i^fieemed to shine In i'_'hcly where vat he went. Pre- seiii.ly he hejijieiiea.! to stand -in f.-out 0'." the. mirror, in the hatrnck, itiui the-t he faaW nreciseb/ where san ot'iortrtns. ii Well h1" the iaiii-j wast Afier a brief -'ab- jurg'aUo.i 11 non Mrs. Potts, for vinw (tie, littht in K.icb a r>vepos- ' J iindc-i'Stand you want a feeder here," faintly reiiiurked the climber. . '- "We do.'"-:' " Ah !" "Did vou ever feed, a press?" "If. this press wo-.il.i just its He!", and could wait,, I'd like 10 press "a "Guess yon . don't undeisland ..he bnai'tiess." ' ' ' ' "What, business? FleedirHj? Jis. lei-nus 'place he went up to the iD-iivov'-aojJ U-Xe.l to blow it out. He blew'; and blew,.and' blew, h_ut . somehow uhe fliuue burned as sip-uiiiv ns'Bvi'it : ' -_... .' Tha,,",id \lk Poets, "is the moz"est.rrtOr'uacy InnJi^'s ever been uiv .misfdr.^nne t' ehconnter." Then he tool, off his coat, and io in front.0." liiui, iie crepfi. caii'iouaijj. rrp to the miu-dr and" t'riee" iho i..-y me 011." - . ' '-Loo'r at llipt pile oS paper,' sai.il ibp "x;-ie'-t- ' Oc-ald'j-oi' feed j iii'. tlmt ihcocgl'tbe pr,ss ?"' : ' And, tha.'s nil thei-e'e in it , "L sea; 1 IvLl.?.'; rou are reah'^ii the i be "6' qujiske, coll sip, Na.hati', V.'iiichtiitti", to his mouth u.n- h'.a capper colorsd ;d 011 tiie tii't: of hit; it-key, I'.u'u remari Fit/, Ja': I lo hi:r.i btii batons r.r.tic:::; of eld to shame. ! : . ,.,. T ' ,. , ; General Anther;011. O i-ita dairies ijUctt.ee, a '.Kiie:: . ,' - J-. . . , . i i ho Lame ufisi-ttr, \(.)9 v.:c.s oscertino |--- lobelia dre./ il.c.vn tilHthe each, o,^ ! incastache rer.teu on toe t:pa .it 1:1.; y, wo)i Eturch(-,d dickey, i'.u'u remarked j x- ., 1 IV. V.V13 (ilrei uo a.aiiia'..italics til IkislOM, co'dso quel)!ly ti;e invitation it inii.U' t open, 1 o'i in 1 :l. tl.t llio,- cf -.-d' bun- -i ether i.e had e'id the cl- ' " Yes, taking a Geordie. ' Fu you arc 1 down." '" Oh. yes," s'ai. would no?, "ivc t m.".') Lh.'.t count o.- -t^vin m. .-oj. o: Well V/orCil it. I "Can you "let. tiig Lava Kiiite moii-iy this .lacj-iiiuv; to purchase a nc'. l'on:-.<;r.. my dear J" . " P.y and by, my love." "Tluit's .-.iitit you always, f.ay, my,lore; hut hovi can I 4jtiy and iiuv without uioiie'y V j . ' And th-.^f. -"brou^'it the money,- i.i.v. as "J~c goo'i'inra Ses^r^es im itln-r. i|f*'^ir. vtiis. so .sucee.vd.ii lb .t 'she 1 rieu a^iii aye'i' .' "Thai's all.'" fi _; '-'-i 15 too darned thin." , i "^rea, lis thin v,-ork : iBtu, I tjoess fihe'l' sue ch them." ' h_ed by Gome vji iles null," Baid. theS cH-eiher. " Good day ; fait, ye ufigi.t Kavj mado tiiat dtirnei^.' kioerd-t..Bav v-bether iis jiaiter or withes yO" v.ar'eed a leede--.rbe." v> fe. ci 1 s Kcv^.spayei" Business. ;o cosh toe coat dovfit over li^bc; aud fiiother it."~SLTe imatie ceveiai inrfihctual attempts, ud then filauding ofl* a'nd regard- the light.- which'.still burned orlgbily, he said :: '. ' 'y*e.Y.( :aot-'oary -ve'-v eitraor'na.-y. J\hoa' 'sion-. ishi.i' circumstance eve.- ca/ne imi er' my o'oser.vatiod.'", Diumo how t' aeeoinit ror it." -16 occurred^ 1,0 him then A>i;t:;cbaugo nptly remaihti-.- Wo fcii.-posp ujiiF.v j)eo;vle; thine ili.tr the newspaper men are pel' sittOKi,, duns; let a farmer id hi.nue" ".in a s'.onhv. lioti.nod seo i" lie 1 he ij-iTie. S.iiipose.-he rai;;eJ 1, 000 luifcliels p. wheat, and VisJ m-itt'.tboi shouhl come and buy a llaiiP' ()' tllH.fc l>ei-bi>;)S he might smash the damp with -,lie urd'oralla. - Sei'zivg . the weapon", heywenc: op. to the hat rack .-and aiminj; i< teniae blow at tii0 -iight.hs irtpught the Bmbreila do ;-n. He missed; and . smashed his Sunday hat itno ckaos. He lllloo.l: ainj a^ain, .audi:caug|ii. tha ..mhielia in the hakl lamp hringiiig it doivn with a crash. Hfl tried a thifd time, and piunged tlieforrule of the nmbrella. iuio a\inirror, farnier place | 3m;tMii.ig: it to atoms.. Ss.-Tfelt hits' u-,.H.i le doe: : r,. I'lililil" 111). Ji eti I'.'tm .le..:tl I I'.'l' the to^the lady sittinj: dls ^u: tittr... his Kid.. ,, ., !;Uiiil!l:'. . . - /b insuking ., i'0 us. Yi'Uy cannot he hod a place { i\1;, l: j| for ihat wrctohfil hpeciineu iu the second c!at:s car'(' A flii;;h, perhap.') of ]iride jier- Uaps "of anger mounted to the white fcrehetld of ili.-jii Winchester, iihe put'uji her hand ;\a t4iodgll to check, tho speaker,'and uaid in.a subdued voice : ; -Kl-.rpi'is ! 1 !r lianit ni and iuc i.e. tho instance llioeif. illli:? V d at lb he could not but ivjji:' i-iviiat'oii bad j be-.-n e.save hi liolwitll I ' thai, leu.led to him solely to cousin'-, feelings. But, .standing this, he. wished j to -accept it, if or.ly to have all opportunity ofeveiistng Ids 'yesterday':!-impolite lies'* lo the I'ditti. Tiie joiirnei i.' & ot,/ofthb-V( works o.ilK kind ever in every Piano and organ player. Sent post- DilJ fianv pari ol toe United Htaleu (I Sanidm fir only fifty wntjl.tBl.W-' Having been reinced .to Introduce-Jf !?verywUer. Addrefi* DANIEL ir. BEATfy,"Waahineton. New Jersey. can buy first-class Pianos and Organs cheaper of DAN IEL F. BE ATT Y,,' Washing , Ion, New Jersey than any other manufacturer in the United Statesf Why? Because he sells >nly for cash, takes no risks and has no book accounts. Every instru ment is fully warranted forsixyears as strictly first class, and are sent on from 5 to 15 "days' test trial, monsy relundM and freight paid, both ways by him if they are usatis- factory. Send for Illustrated Ap TE.KTlsEtt (Catalogue Edition) and " Fitz'Jarncs, will you give that' gentleman your seat'(" "M7 dear Isabel ! Why,. I would not evacuate rur place by your side for a kingdom ! Let the old .fellow stand it out. It won't damage hi_appeiiranco much, Pll be bound!" " Then I will trouble you to rise a moment. I prefer the other side of the seat. -Allow me to pass, if you please." .' J Fitz James never thought of dis puting the will of his imperious coiisin, and. he stood ,>ip to let her grrt outi But instead': of taking tho seat| which her escort had occu pied, tho lady walked' straight on, until she reached the side oft,the neglected old gentleman. The touch of her hand on his arm drew his attention toward her. " yir, will you liar-e the goodness take the seat which I ha forced-fof < ' evening tin Revere,' ,wl to iTal-.ant lv-aa d and early thai, cousins ' were at ehe " c 11 brilliant coterie had-ytlreaiiy assembled. General SuUierton, re an a'rnu.chair iniii2 in ad of the at the' 1 great urawirig room, rut-uived his friends iuf.-.tbey passed 'oy, one giving place to another; but who Jsabel was presented, he detained her hand to say, " Piratic bit down mi this ottoman by my sijle, ; T.liave a relative here to whom on." a Bingular-' y liandsomo young mail cumo up to the General, smiling welcome, aud the veteri to Isabel, said : " Mis3 Winchester, aljlow mo to presont you to my son, Alfred Suthdi-ton, wh.o is very grateful for the kindness which yorj prejient y it waa not-'long before in", bestowed upon his fdther The yoiing man bow' to take the seat wuicti i nave _ . _ vacated? T have ridden since . father continued.: ' TdTeTtimonialsfrom' bis patrons,-, j enr]y this rn.ornipg and am wearied j "Whenever I see a I some of whom you may know. Ad-' wi J aitting* so long. Prey oblige aon volnnranly .endoi droVs DANIBL F..BBATTYJ Wash- ^ Ungton, New Jersey. \id and the [young peri ___ _ respect to the aged, I am constrained to ud- ] wisu to a friendly n, turning p|)e'ned ihat ' Go a Co .-? groat b^ttin^ 'eati. the couvc":;::Lioil ih. poiilt alioot atioehse " W'i.l yoi: l;o <:a you die/' said Georiii cie-'gyiiian. " Oil. v-c, I hone so." .'-' Wili"]. iwciio'alaor '" Yes, if vou be t'oorl ,oc mi-hii/ " Will we biJa have v, '.' ' Oil. yes, 3 suppose so.". , /Ti'u a Gcoidio looked se:-iously intotbe elciv.-utau's face: and s-aiii': ': Weeh the li.-.st lime we meet, J'1) iiv you for a .pound a side." - -( ? jy ' hejan . to aViM1 w'leir to tho ) thin'.t .i-s-l" Yen haul ii'.!-.i) ind. Oil. ::'!', wet: cii'r,- because you are. so fond of having." _ ' .,".' . ' 31, i:ic liiui just right again, ,and she get ' tlio uionoy, and sonie evrra. "". - lie left;, his *'pretty wife and- uo.-iiea oil" to business, saying " h rule:-, a fortune to,. Jteep' such a wife,,'hut its woi-i.li ic."-' ._ &. Sinsitlatf '^Viitliiioii. thelitis. Make friends with none 111 whom you have not implicit coutide'iicj hoiu you eaiihot trust in all places and at all heasony. Tile best fiiendhhip yen can make iii that- which, is based 011 those feelings which spriti* from the observance of"'sacred tialths. j^s 11 mail. is. jndged_by the company he keeps, it behoves him to exercise' great cai-e and juilttiueiiti iu the selection ol' his-.associates, and to discard all whom he dike-overs to be 'nilsvorthy of his fullest contideuce and esteem. But if yon have a good friend keep him. ' lYeyea cast tuiido your ti uu frieuus i.'.by any respoivsibilii.y you can /retain "thera. We are the weakest of 1 spendtluiftA if y.o let one friend drop off through inu'.teu- tion, or let one push away another, or if we hold aloof from oiie for petty jealousy, or boedlesu^ighl or rough no s. Would you ;fd.hrow away a tliamoud because it (iticked you '? O.tQ true frieud"-io not to be woighod against the jewels of all theiarn. If thero is unkindhess 01 coolness belyteen us, letus Come last even-' ^ac0 to 1llC0 uac' have it out; ; but .. 11 ' never iienhit a'frie A.no.ig tbe; tSununofo Judlans hero is a s-iigclar tvadiiion re- a-s-d'ing the white rua-i's origiyf and .iperiofiuy. , Tt'ey nafy 'that hvosn: the G.-eat Spirit made the ea.rtV.be also made tor-co men, all p." whom -we-efair co i)plex.ioned, :'.nd that ifioi' making them ho, led ihem to thu margin of 11 smiill lake unJ liade 1 hem bsap i.i 10 wash. O.ife ohey-ci! a-\( o.-mo oil. nine: aati fairei7; than before; tlio cecum! oe.'.uoi^d a iiio.iiBiit'., di'.i.it, which a mo ^iio witteii-,- agiiaeed by the iirst, liad bec'o'.oo muddled, and "he.i bathed b-a came up copper-": lolored ; the tb.hu did noi, leap 1iD1.il the wn.ei- hecamo black with mud, and ' 10 oimo out da.-l in color. Thea tod Great Spirit laid before :.he.i" iiiree )iacka^es, and out of pii y for his misto; tu'ao iu .color gave; the black man 'iis' fii-M; choice. ' Hii. 100). hold of each of the packages, and,'having felt the. weight, 'choee ipe heaviest j. the copper colored uiau chose the next dieaviRst, leaving che"..wbite man, the lighlest.-. When the packages wcro opener' a. lUlUte: id . he-peice" was a small Oiilv >'i or less, and shvs, '.n'd .on t'oe emount in a As the. fa mi or doi-s s:u-.!l aijLvit the Aid a-i^hi,'.' and with -the wheat. he says, "a" leaves rile .11:* A .ioi.be, corne; in the sauie way, .i.ni.l 1 be 1,000 biisbels Of 'wfieat are .iilsi-DiI oei to 1^000 different peT.sbiisTHtiul Iiardi . one of tlio pii"-- ch'asei'S i-oncerris hi.usalt' about it, i'o. it :e a small -amount that he o.ves la:'ine-.\_jni:! of com-se that would no. heiiTMiioi any.. He does not reaiiz-i that the , farmer has t. i. ieii away all his large c-op of vvoea', and Lbat its value is duo him iu a tlioiisaiiii lilile driblets, <--id vhat. he is Kerioush"-, embarras sed in his business because ills deblo:-s treat it. as a soiall 'manec. B... if all wonlJ pay hiin promptly, vhicli .t'tey could do as well as not, io would be a ver jho t'ai--aier, nhd enable-) him, 10. can'v 011 his busiiiee without diffi cultly. The above comparison is too true of: the dilhculties, that iho uev. spacer.' man. 'has lo content- t.iiii. , * '- . .0 u tner.s posi .^e^ulLant for a moment as the light. f/Qiifo- not aoY(i-is.,1,pe.!;.eti fron) i,ia vision, hnWie '. was perplfeNed to Tliud that thet-o . war, .ajiotner light somewhere, he couldli'c dell exactly,where. So he sac down- 00 t'ne stati-s and veni;t:-k- ed : "'-rtlos' 'stpnishin'- "civctmistanz i jjv'iir"- cauie acioss. Wrhat irr-/ th-.-ii'ide.-ys ii mea.) anyhow.! Ligli .'"a t,oiit->ni]i:i yeL^-iei's shining perfect ,-ly -iiicomni-f-Jr-iisible. ""Wish t' gi-ashl'S lMcs. Po 1.1's'd wake i)p mid exphtUi, Du'n'f I know whvit ]\1 'belter do. - - f" ' Tjien Poti? took p/T bis hat to ocratch !;is liemi, in the" Ii'ope flint he might scaro up an idea, and then the tru.h b. oke upon him. Gazing at the lamp a minute, nm ill' iio drank iu a full conception of the trouble ic had caused,:'iosud- deuly Siviashed, ii, on the floot in a rage, pnd exTdugufebed it, after fo'vetiiig two yards of carpet with grease. Tne he went to. bed, and when in the morning Sirs. Points informer! him that some of -those lam-p their, awfulTniuers liarl bi'okeu into the house w-he night before, and rlei'fc iO-gft^ii/oiL'il L0'^o e. 0f 'their iiiiVs. with a which had spilled nil over carpet, Poifs tn.-ned over in bed,;^" so that she u6nM not see hii face, and said if .the s.etn hand of the , law was not'ia'ul on those < nffms soon, ono's life wou'd not be safe. the Rrsb was found! to Coinuiu spades, lioes, and all the impleracrts of labor;: ike second riond to slip from yotn- g'rasp, witliout at. ioast an .effort to retain him, ^ i We uiiiiii have groat niQiit to be virtuous onlyin our. own .dyes. A 'JBc-.-oJue by SSistakc. 'One .d?rk night, not long ago, a burg'a/-eQiCied a private,residenjee. on u elree. iu one of our cities. , 4>n oscepding ono flight of, stairs ,ji.f^ -observed b lig,bt iu a chamber,.savl* while dsliboratinj; what to doij a large v/oinan Baoidenly uca'cendetl upon him, "seized him by the throat, lTusliod ihim through tbe irill, a'.id fotedd him in.o. the street liefore !.e had timeioihiuk. '. He-oic Pt^pulse 01' a Burglar oy a SVouia.i "' v.-as iho way the st.oiy was told'tho nest day. But when frionds"called and congiiuu lafedthei- upon her cou,;age,' she exelai.ned : "".' ".Good gracious ! 1 didn't know -it W118 li blllght'.! li" }' had, I hhould - have lieen frightened v to death. I. though;, it w'as my hus band come home drunk, and Twas del,e.'iuinedvthat he hiiotildn't stay iu tho house in thai condition.". An organ of who tona'ceo trade enwrapped tiunling, fisbinij, ami warlike anoaratus, tlie thiicf gave tho whito man |)ens, ink, aud paper, the engine of the mind, the menus of mutual < mental improve ment ; the social link of hnmanitv, i .- -,- the foundation of tho white man's '. "T,uS l V,L-, ,be ^ ZT.Z anpe.-iority. -.' " I ed| annually, about 4,000,000,000 V " - " c . , poinnds, could bo made into a v.ll / Superstiiion is but Iho feav of two inches in diameter ife.would: belief; religion is the coufideuco. en-circle the woild sixty t:mes. An assessor remarked tho other day in au enquiring tune of mind, I with; pencil anil no<o book in hand, to no honest and Ii.-i.'Jy sou of toil " You have-a dog haven't k>o ?" The ans .ver was "-My . dog is Shot." Ard-a/ue innocent aasessor closed his book, and went off satis ..^" nod, w-'dle the' honest.(i) ratepayer chuckh-d la hia sleeve, atihesmart : trick hb una p'.aved, and afierwariia boasledof it. Tile do^s' name waa i ~ . A yoraj man in Forest kvho hiid become dissatisOed with his slow acquisition of weal.h by paiignt,. honest'industry, wished to beco^he' rich iai serine o..her. way. lie ^aa ' to ger-ilQ,000 in hogns greenbacks' for S 100 tif.Canadian money. JHe -., readily iiud h.astily riiked tlifi" re quired $400.; He got his father to endorse his note !'o>- S300, which, wi.h tlio $fOO; ho iiad. he paid ovef to 1'ne sharp^'vtaking ^receipt frji? the pnme." The $10,000 of bogni money .was to be on hand in a:.day ' or two: from his unclf in New Torlc. The parcel arrivftu^btft ir| place b" crisp, new hills, it" whs ajr boi'of-satvdust. The niqral of this" story is quite apparent. ; U'-M r^' && aoral ot-1 V- f'oop. ctf>y