Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1878, p. 3

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MS! IS. |^a f )in |ur J- JL THE FREE PRESS, ACTON CI11D TBI** TtXK TABltt. -Trains eavc Acton ajjfolltfwi t . c.oisnj wfcjt^y ' ' ' Sight Kxpre* i <"- ttO&utn, Tyrant? mail 9. lOvm. Put Ki press . - - - 1.65 |V;-tp, Kxpreas * " * * A. 1.7 p.-nr. iGalt'mixed. 7s07 p.rrr, t c,Ol!(a KV<T. N*:ht Erpr*" - - - - 18:S5.tn. Gait mixed - - - 9:4$ s^m. Pay Express - - - ll:3v)ajn. SVcttcra mail,"- . - CtlVp.m. IxxKl-iatnixcA..^ . . 9:S0.m. k. Service in the Methodist Church every ; siafchmvi pv*ni7vs t tialf-paat rxi . oV!c*fc * lrn(t;on nvonlti. s.n.1 hUh rooming atitH*ven the flrai SahbatYi hr each JTUv. K. Ho***, rtor. LOCAL HATTERS. . See ! Wedding Mid Birthday prent in Fancy Goodt and Jewellery all tHa year round at Geo. Hynds Jew- ' ellery Store, Acton. Call. Bee^a wet of lajte. Millet Seed t McGarYia's. The population of Milton u 1,291. Pur* Honey at ~J. E. Mc- - Garvin" a. Se* . Jl<jet Hall windows Saturday riiRht ------Village Council meets next Monday, evening. [ " " Buy yonr Garden and Flower Seeds by weight at McGarvin'a. ; Matthews & Nicklin's adrer- isameni appears In another crdumn. A large quantity of Tomato and, Cabbie plants at Sccorui cash- st&re- A. license has b*en granted to iTr. Clark, of the " Royal Exchange," 1e this Village.. ~ Mr. Edward Moore commenc- ejjKoperations at hi stave factory in S.pey'side'lait Monday. Early Corn at McGaryin's. Mf. John Cummin*, who left here for Australia a short time ago, has arriveTrin Melbourne all safe. -"VT are glad to learn that Mr. Ucbt. Agncw, who has been ill for the list couple of weeks is abie to be around acair- The great boat race between -JJanlan and Pliisted. for $2,000. will ta^e place on Toronto Bay next Wed nesday. _ r\ The draught match between Hakon Co. and the Gnelph club will tc~ieo?tihe American Hotel, Guelph, to-sishtf Beet Seed at McGarvinV -" Regent Hall". opened yes- tirdsy with a full line of day goody, boots and sbJes, etc. ^Tor particulars i!e advertisement. A farmer, living a short di-i tiace o-.it bf the Village, informs us that he has a field of fall wheat which is about 2J feet in height, j Oa Monday, atj 4:33 p. ed., a ~~tumber of yonng men tried to observe tie transit of Mercury through an opera glass, and didn't observe it." We have for sale" one of "--B'iitty's celebrated Pianos that will be disposed of aT a great bargain. For Particulars apply at this office. Onion Seed at McGarvin'a. Owing to- his increased busi.- cra, MrrC'ainpbell, of the " Rossin Hciae." is -vin another shed erected oa the commons, opposite the hotcL ' Mr. John Burton, formerly miller at Tolton's mills, left yesterday for Mount Vernon, Co. Brant, where ha Has leased a flouring miQ for a term of years.' ' -* On Sunday morning a named William Wallace, of Georgetown, waa found dead in his bedroom with his throat cut. He ia supposed to have. been insane. - Tomato Seed at McGarrin's. The DraftsGoods are still being slaughtered at th Mammoth House, GoorKetown, alihoagh we told immemso pilca o( thtee dresa goodi at 60 7c 10c 15c, Still, lota ttioro of thorn and a fresh lot of erey and Brown Grey tin- estalljwool IJebrciKca from 15c to (Hie per yard. These are an extraordinary cheap Tot of goodi. It is th hard times that makes ma sell. Then look at those ridiculous low prices. Likewise a majj. niticent lot of colored silks, at 50c per yd worth $1.00. Inspection invited. Mcl.eod, Anderson It Co. - Mvtaloa. The Acton Division S. o(; T.r held an Open Division on Tuesday evening, in tho Temperance Mall. Tho Hall was literally jammed, and seats had to' be put along the aisle and everyclaarplace in the building. Mr. John Warren occupied tho chair. Interesting and instructive- addresses \fcro delivered by Rev.Mr. Davis, Rev. Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Joha Speight. Tho readings by Mr. John Boat-and Mr. W. H. Mc Donald were splendid. Misses Agusta and Maggio Kicklin, Fannio Christie, Mr. Giggons and Master Lorierfurnish ed au abundance of vocal and instru mental music. Mr. Hobba pronounced the benediction. During tha progress of the entertainment, the floi>r of the building gave two very loud cracks but little notice was taken of them until tho audience roao to leave, when the floor, owing to the. extra weight upon it, sank in the centre fu|ly three iachc*. This caused some excitement and the crowd, made' their exit as speedily as possible. n I'Olll Uuouiubor Sood at McGarviu'H Got your Horso.'JJilln pnntt'd at tho Kuck I'uk^s oiliee.-: W(. hnv.i good assortment of cuts to eltodsu I Wo clip tho following fioiu tho Milton CA(ii/iiofi, which rofcrs to'"Mr. i.'C. Allan, son of Major Allan, of thin Villago, and think it will interest a number of "Johuuy'a" old frionils here. Ut ahowu-to what extent Mr. Allan nd. vertiaes, and tho u.uiiclits lie ia deriving from it : "Mr. Allan, wlio is a I'ompyt- ent druggist has for spine years been ex- purimcuting at odd times on varioiiH specialties, nml invented boiiiu: really. useful articles, but finally decided to devote his attention to the iniiuufncturu of "Allen's Fly HricU," " Allen's Anti- Fat," and one or two(~other remedies'. He accordingly started operation!, on a small scale, putting every "spare 'dollar into advertising. Tho .sales increased;- 1st IS- I fames Symon will show to day the latest styles in Ladies' and Misses' Hats forSummer wear. Ladies, now is your time for a' fashionable Hat or Bonnet. > .' The Sporting Tribuna is the name of a new paper just started in Brantford. Although it ia small, it contains alvaat amount of interesting reading matter. Advertisers wishing to haye , their advertisements changed should have the copy in by^ Tuesday at noon, otherwise we cannot ensure an adver tisement in that week's paper. - Gents, if you want stylish, nobby,_J cheap and durahle suite of ClothingfrCall at tho Mammoth House and leave your orders and secure your Gents p'urnishing at the same time. McLeod Anderson & Co. J. E. McGarvin'a advertise ment, announcing that the Hall of Phar macy is the best place to buy drugs, stationery, toilet articles, notions, etc., was received too late forthis issue. Lettuce Seed at McGarvih's. Mr. John Elliott, son of -the lateThos. Elliott, Esq., of Nassagaweya , has been elected to the highest position that an undergraduate can attain in the University of Toronto. He has been elected First -Vice-President! of the "Literary Society. ^Champion. ' Ladies, McLeod Anderson & Co. aj" doing the leading' Millinery trade in this section of the Country. Their Show Room is crammed fpll of customers and they have got all the lateat npvelties of the season in Millin- 'T. Mantles, Shawls, Parasols, &c. - varptts in thiH Room likewise. Just arrived, a spleijdid ks- pr-ment of Ladtes' Frilled Trimmings,' i"u ritan Lace Collars, Fancy Collarettes, D;ntille Rugse \ Lappets, Portland. Li men Plalinps. - The latest Goods in th market, for 'ashionabl Brisk Store. Acton School Board. The School Board met' o'h Mon day evening. Present Messrs. S. Moore, Jos. Lasby, Jos. Fearnley and D. Henderson. Mr. Henderson presented the re port of the Finance Committee recommending the payment of the following nccounts, vviz : John Rots, sundries, 1.55 j Jsohn Ross, salary for April, $45.85 ; Wm.. Watson, catting.pino, iSffls ; Ransom Adams, for one conj" ;lpf pine. SI.50 ; T. A. Moore, adver tising abstract of accounts, $C50. ToUl, 55.83. - ' - It was moved by Mr. [Lasby, seconded by.Mr. Henderson, that the report of the FimtBco Coinmit- tee.be adopted. Carried. Moved-by Mr. Lasby, seconded by Mr. Fearnley, that it be an in- Etructiqti, to the Grievence Com mittee {o Lave requisite repairs made to ihe pump, and loose stones. removd from the school yard. Car ried. The Board then adjourned, to meet again on> the drat Monday ia June, at 7:30 p.m. very rapidly, additional hands were em. ployed, and uiore advertiaing was done, tho latter amounting last year to $3-,- 000,.and this year- thuy intend to ex pend about throe times that sum in printer'* ink. On Tucsdiry hist we visit. ed, with Mr. Allan, some of the u'tlieeii whero ho was arranging for a lot of printing. We saw a tender from the Comnierciiif for a bill of printing consist ing of 100,000 4pp. circulars, L',000,'000 Spp. circulars, 2,000,000 Lino cards; 500.000 lithog-aph cards,,42 on a sheet, amounting when cut to 21,000,000 ; an indefinite number of labels for one arti cle, 50,001) for another.; 100.000 snipes ; 100,000 whole sheet posters.jand 600,- 000 colored lithograph cards, aumunt- ^iug iu-all to about 25,000,000 pieces. Think of thtt when you a*ro ordering Jo fourth sheet bills or 100 cards. By far the greater part of the expense in such i business is for advertising, and that it pays is proved by tho fact that Messrs J. C Allen t Co. are now making large additions to their staff of operatives in order to keep up with tho orders that ore coming in from every pait of the south, where flies are now plentiful, and Fly Brick is fouud to bo all that is claimed for .'; ^QTlt'E. The paifty that took the Campbell's Silting 1{ , t had hetter return it, as lie i jQASH jFOK STAV'K H'l.lIUEll \ Having pui'i ,bfclonging to 1 xide illnsi'd , . & If. he mi i^:0'( . 1 am jirepare.l tiLji.-fv elm and oak Stayo Tiiulier also lie paid for -good, .tmiind lo"-t liDWAK TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. ralarat AreMeat. . - On-Saturday morning last, Charlie, a bright little three year old son of Mr. Robert Ramshaw. of this village, met with a painful accident, and one which will disfigure hit right hand for life. It appears that he has been in the habit of going to tho PlowWorksto seo his father working On Saturday morn ing ho went to the shop and was watching his father work, but, getting tired of this, he went a short distance away towards ope of the lathes. Mr. Ramshaw. did not mist the little fellow from his aide more than two or three minutes before he heard him call, out ' O, pa '." He ran to see what was the matter, and found that Charlie's hand waa covered with blood and that the first and second fingers of his right hand were off, they having been caught in the cog-wheels of the lathe. Tho child was immediately taken home, and Dr'a McGarrin and Lowry were sent for and dressed the wound. On Mon day "the child was playing around in the y|srd, with hia hand in a sling, as if nothing had happened, and he does not -complain' in the less/about his hand hurting bva. In the New Domiiuhn Monthly for May we see an exceedingly interest ing "Sketch from Canadian History," which give* a very full account of tha war of 1812, especially of the actions of Gen. Brock therein. "Two Scottish Heroes " U an accout of the early lives of Andrew and "James Melville,' who lived in Reformation times. G. H. F. contributes an article on the late Geo. Cruikshank whoseportrait appears in the frontispiece, in which are cuts of several of his humorous drawings. "The Wolf of Badenoch " is a.critism by a Backwoods farmer of a recent Canadian work. A subject of rare interest to ethnologists is to be found in a paper commenced in this number. It is enti tled " Monograph of the Dene-Dindjio Indians." These Indians dwell in the northern part of^British North America, and their, character, manners and cus toms, and. relationship to ^ther races iwere made a matter of enthusiastic study (by the Rev. Father Petitdjt, who spent ' his life amongst them. The jwork has been ably translated', by Mr.' Douglas Brymner, of Ottawa. ; We may say fur ther that/FatherjPetitothintsata "lost ten tribe" origin'for these Indianp. The manner of hunting racoons -is well de scribed in "Coon-Hunting,"-by Mack. In "Our Affectionate Townsman" we rfind a description of the villany of * ^resurrectionist." For the Young Folks there is a selected peper, with illustra tions, which tells about -the School for Deaf-mutes in Boston, and the way in which the children are taught tospeak. In the Home Department is begun an interesting story entitled, " Lotty Far- well's Duty," Under piterary Notices' is an extract from "Macleod of Dare,': The Neio Do Eighteen lives wero lost by a recent explosion at Minneapolis. - In the case of Oliver Cumiuingi"., agHinst the Grand Trunk R-iilwuy, ju the XJ. 3. Court.at Portland, the jury gave a verdict of $15,700. Uuinruings was an engineer, and was injured by a collision with u wild eugine. - Tbos. Burk arid John M.icpher- son were placed on trial, nt Whitby, on the 2ud inst., for the committal of ah outrage on the person of Mrs. Ellen Bennett.- They wero both sentenced to bo hanged on Friday, the J4th of June. On the first day of May Jatno Duff Henderson, an amateur po' destrian of aioi-e than local reputa tion, begarj at ^he Roller'Skating Rink Torontoilhe Btupendous walk of 25,000 milek, or tho circiynftr ence of the eatth. " He undertakes the walk in two .years, walking each day, excepc Sunday, forty miles. The walk will be extended through the United States, Britain, and France, finishing on l6t May, 1880, in Toronto. . DIED. At Waterdown, oh the 2nd inst.:, after a short sickness, Mabile Estellc, only daughter of W. 11. Wilson, late of Acton"; aged 2 years and 2 mouths. p^OTICE. Any person or persons found trespas sing, either fishing or shooting, on lots E. half 26, E. & W. half -J7, 28, and 29, 5th con., township of Esquesing, and Dr. Morrow's premises in this village will be prosecuted according to law. DR. MORROW. J AS. SHAW, ROBT. WATSON, ANN GORDON. JOHN MANN,"" 45-3t JOHN WARREN.. In accordance with the'S the General Regulation.-!, tl aminationdf Candidates, ( IS7S. will lie held as follow, For l'h-st i'lass. mal .Schools, Toronto and Thursday, 11th ,lj>ly,. IS78, 1 or Second Class lown Hall, Milton, .mid i Hih School, vn Mnnd.iv, t 2 ji. in. i-. For Third Class.-At the Town Hall, Milton, on Muinlav, 1 2 p.in. Forms of the notice to be given by the candidate*, caii be obtain ed on application to any In.-peetor. It is indispensable "that should notifv the .under* latc^r tliaii the 1st of their liitentioti to present for exniiiination. ! All notice partn'ii-nt of intending eand be i sent through the IV, sptctor: RORT. 1.I1T1,K, i'. s. i. Co. iL.lt.m. Acton, 29th April, 1S7S. HALTON COUNTY, 0NT., MAY -9;.' 1878. U parcel from i .Saturday, knowii. ! Is formerly s, at Spuv- ish for ,so"ft .Cash will l'liie. ) M.OORE. tatnitu, and July Ex- the year U the Nor Ottawa, on nt U a. in. , At the OaUville ih July, at til July previously GiR-A-ZtsTlD ! eg;<en..t; Mall 99 candidates igned Hot June, ol tlumselvcirf- N to the De lates must oiliny In- o ASH FOR SKINS. I am prepared to pav cash price west of I'.'.r classes of Calf and Sheep S ered at toy tannery.. I.ace 1 stantlv on hand. " . il-lv" - .U JAMK: ic irgheKt to for all tins, deliv- -ather con- N TICK. Farmers, now is the tim y.-urstock Tl^e lirat piizo William Temp't," HI, (S:i) $. _________________._ Mr. Black's laot novel. No fancy prices charged minion Monthly is published by John e Goods at Symon's .New J Dougall * Son, Montreal. Pricef2 per year. 1878. Weekly Globe. The~BucceKS that has attended the pub lication of THE WEKKL1' <;LOUE In tr,e year dow fast drawing toaclo.se, lias f:ir ontstrlppe'1 that of any other year hlnce the establishment of til's paper. Not- wttlistandli-e the serious ousim-Rs rte- pression and financial Ktrineenoytxlui i g nil over t: e American contiiifnt, ttio eirculation has been maintained throughout ilia year at an averago It-sue each weelc of .77,000copies-being a oeciri- ed advance on tlie average ol any' irc- vlous year. En.huslasti'- txpres-lons of approval come to the publishers from every <Urootion of the new iorm of tho paper, of its mechanical execution, of Hh Beaaflfnl and 1'oploa* Illustrations, of tue varied and intetestlne m;iss of reading matter culled weekly for the in formation and Instruction andentertain- ment of its ^readers, and of tbn >mnll price at which it Is supplied anuunlly to he public. Tbe Blocraphleal ffollres of rulillc Men and the Sketches or Canadian Towns, Buildings, and .Natural St-enery that have lent such a chai m to Ihe weekly contents of the paper will be. continued with fresh energy under the care of able artists and experienced writers. , , AsHenltnre, as the (ornmct Industry of-uie uomlnlon, and tho Urm bas's of our National prosperity, will receive, as hereiofore, earnest and coislant atten tion. Ereleslostleal Inlelllgenre, Science Mote*, and Educational Affairs will continue promin-nt in each number. The Answers t* Correspondents, on everv variety ot subjects, which have proved so valuable and intfresting to crowds of readers, will be kept up with Increased vigour. Tfce Mterarr and Ladles' Department. under the care of specsal conductors, will be fresh and raoy. .-< .' '.,., News from all parts of the world'unto the latest moment of publication Parllo- menfary Debates, Federal and Provin cial market and Financial Reports at home and abroad and letters ofSpecial Correspondents from all points of Inter, est wfil be eatbpred with all th- care and enerey that has hept The Gi-obe in thelront rank of Canadian Journals for th I rty:flv/5 years past. _ The annualsubscrlptlon to The Wta'.k- t v ulobe will remain as heretofore, only TWO f5ol^AK8 PER ANNUM, sent Pbes of Postage to all parU of-Camula and the United States, payable in- rTfe$&TB'*w2jriED. SENC FOR ^TheMWEBBrLY Globe wll be sent free or 'posbigB to any Post-office In Mreat Britain lor $2.1-or nine anil lings sterl- lnKerntttnnces may be s^nt by P. O. money order, bank draft, retftetccd lfilter,or*yexrreBP, nt our risk. Orders and RemltUnces to bo addres: sedto,the tHJCXBE PRJNTlWG OQMPA^Y^^^ William Temple,"[ JJ'.lii], d by Red Prince :[t!02] >;. dani by the Guelph liaruu 1->(;:), dam. Ann, by Patriot [.V.'o] cows on the premised of tl: ed during the Sharon. Tei sure- Thorough-bred cow llradocuws, C'l.TiO. . - JOIIL T.I- 44r>m* - Lot .N'o. 5 c tn inprove nil, "Sir o't by " Sir im Oiana, Anuctta, 141!) g. g. will serve undersign. ms to in- S-1.00 SLIK, ju 1, Rrin. LADIF.S' STRAW AM BOWKTS Cleaned, dyed aiid altered sent fashion. MUS. WM. THOMPSON 43-3m. Bower St relet. Act-on YOUNG CHIEF Hidc.your heads, you donk< For the Young Ciin:rriAS-s YOUNG CHIF.FTIAN jvill stand for mares this season, health ind weath- er'pennitting, in the townships of Erin, Kramosa, Nassagaweyh and I>q.uesing. Youxi: CuiEKriAN is from Netherby and Netherby from Imported Nc-tlicrby. liisdam was sire((by Major riioiiip-.oii's Horse, Stew.irton', giand-daii by Harl;- away. Tr.UM,.- -To Insure a foal, Mares, $fi ; -Single Leap, SI. WALTER Roll 44 of Vy E.1V1XG ! . L.1V s su All orders in the Weavingl ncprnmpt- ly attended to. Special attention paid to Carpet Weaving. MRS. 11, McLOU HI UN". 40-4t near Cjii-Waos's Ci't.vi:i: T^ OTICE. Any person wishing to hive paint ing or papering done sho ild leave iheir.orders with G. B. LeVens, who will be at leisura every dry except Wcdncsduy and .Saturday ol oach week. Shaving nnd llaircuiting done at the shop overy day except those mentioned above, and every night f?EO. B. LEVii.N'S. Acton, April 10, 1878. MOORK. opens his new store to-day for business, May 8th, 1878. In " Reg-ent Hall" will be found ail the latest novelties in' 'aaey^ad Staple Anionff the numerous imporfaiit arrivals vvnicb have lately come ts hand, we. would ask special attention to "-. Fifty Pieces Ghoice New^Iapk-Greaadines InalUhenewandfavoritdmakesfor'theseasin. CHEAP, . . " ' " - . 1 . 1 Case Handsome "Bburette" Dress G-oodsv at present comrmnding.s,, immenRG saltf in New York, and other cities of fashion. These we.^hall sell : AT TVyEJSTY-FlVE CENTSTBR TAJiD,^ 'v- i and every lady should see tbett, ; Oad Case Lovely Whxto&oo&^ Bora clio.ee variety-of jye>v and Fashionable Goods, ladies should come direct to the Fashionable West End, Guelph. A. O. BUCHAM, 'si.'"^ -P ladies' and Gentlemen's. Furnishing Ge^ds, Hats5 Gaps,-...Boots and S&pes. CHOICE NEW SEASON TEA, VERY CHEAP. TV S HATS to the pre-" IAN race, ii: this place. In this department will be found the latest de- sijrna-audi patterns in SC0TCH1 CANADIAN. rilENCU and ENGLISH TWUEDS and COAT INGS, and best.'of Tn mini tigs. Spring1 and Sum mer Fashion Plates just received from New York This department will be .under the able man agement of MR. GEO."jU. ADAMS, a first-class cutter. Perfect filling! garments guaranteed. Suits from $800 to $30.00, and gpt up on short no!ice. | , ] J. d. HURST. Acton, May Sth, IS78. " . i .w.w . Fashionable West End DresE, Mini; Ouelph, April IS. 1878. inery and ManUeEstabiishmenff - THE' Sll ih: BNTff A. are.' Scxson INSOX, roprictor. T3LOW FACTORY 0!EM:D. The subscriber, having purchased the Acton Plow Works, is prepared to fur nish Single and Double I"|iame Iron Plfiws, ^is well ai the Boss Gang Dow, which has gained the reputation of being the best Gang Plowjpade, al the usual rate?!. All repairs done on the shortest notice and at the cheapest pries. 37-t'f SYDNEY SMITH. ______________________________________________________________________________________________i___________________________________ qjIORT HORN BILL " Royal Reauford," dam, imp. "Lady Haines," sire, imp. " lloyjal Oxford G/wynne," will serve cows oil the farm adjoining the G.T. R., Acton. Terms. Pedigree Cows, .?7.00 ; Grade Cows, .$2.00. 10 per cent off for cash; Also two Berkshire Boars will be kept for service at tho same place. Terms, SI.00, cash. ! 40-Giri C. S. SMITH. I1E THOROUGH-BRED ni nil am bi ii, 1 "Yourig Zephe'r," Will serve on the farm oj the stiiseriber, lot 29, 5th con., Estpiesing. f Terms for thoroii^h-bredK, 4 ; for grades, SI. nspection invited. 42-1 m JOHN WARKEN T C.W.HILL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ACTON, -.. ONT., ' Good Piioto^aplis. 2-Gm o m .ISF8 GIRCBLAR1. a&diIWT- ISP NBW BRICK STORE, . FRENGU MILLIIERY is the great attraction. -Please leave your -ordera early, and have no disappointment for the 24th^ ;' '"'. ' _ LEI 1UMEAlso, a spiendidj Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry <3oods, consisting" of black and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods, Kid Gloves-all the new ishades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), Lisle !Thread Gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, rLace Goods, Trimming's and Fringes, Prints, Comtrices, Muslins, Grey Linens, White and Grey Cottons. English, 'ffrenoli and German hosilEBt; j Ready-Miide Clothing. Black'and Blue Broad cloth'* Diagonals, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds SUIT* MADE TO ORDER, AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED, OR NO SALE. A full assoriment of Gents' Furnishiiigs. While Dress Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, etc. A splendid Stock of Choice Family Groceries. TEAS ^ A SPECIALTY. JAMES' SYM0N,^ii returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal support accorded to him since he commenced business in Acton, would remind them .that never before in the history of Canada were such bar- ains offered in Acton. The Goods have been bou'dit for Cash and will be sold at a small adr i O i vance on cost, JAIVIES SYMON. Frodvice of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest-ma'ket prioe. THE NEWBrtlCK STORF MAIN ST., ACT0 >7. Acton, Ap.-il 10th,'lS78. : & C^S, TH1E3IR MlLIilNBRT \T Immense stock of LADIES Those neat and comfortable Tie Shoes in., great-demand.^ GENTS? FELT o in new and leading styles. It!. daily of new and fresh lots of Goods. You can always de pend on getting the latest. uy Iffontroal J Whits Gottons B^st value in "tiie Market. A, i\\. Without a Hval-our Famous 56c? Tear 51bs for $2.25: - d^aii^isi,BBi25Bssblsr. &3 co. ." Aoton, May 7 th, lSTf, I '. - - ' i , i' ' -.- M -im ':."f-iWsM ^.-#tw, ^Ssvi^vi-"' ^^

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