Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1878, p. 2

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rwwr ipjjiwww- xcwpoj cr u cutns i m 1 and pewonhotm a piper tvgululji ftvm tm portftbleei rliei lior j directed in to mine or hliottvtl orjclivlliffrht was ub- taim orj m pnv pvmit p- r 2 ifin person on cm ui pl- discontinue he wl payjeirarrears ocllje publisher taiy coalmne lo tsntj-iiuniu-piynifeu- 1 f l thin coiled thoiwiole tamcvtnt wneuerttie jwpertj laienrom the j otoctornol v- 3 jheewu havdcidlhjl rerusntk 10 take twwpwer c periodicals ttora ih post oft ucrrfaovfec find tearing lhm un- veiit foriitrioxa situ videneoi intsuuvualfrtud i rtjjhi jl fat anmrm efre8k mae act tiiluihec every fiilttiir ktotniiik in avance tvlabertimchuifceiirroic tnccsijtv ifosstso acccstis 1s7s j lteuxfttejft ees hy n free esj halw cg f ny l85tiiuu t uevufjckpuiwm f auesloualu li solicited a vote except betorpj way contractor llie liublic and i liever ptiicuaieu voter i i aiki thus each candidate bshers binuif 111 iho fiell tllt ihii stip- potfcra of boui sides are confident of altcocu the question now i tcli wiltitlxl av will not nf- lentpt to answer this qticrrv hilt will icaveil until ihe if lb dy of iyp tcruber next when no doubt it tie euciorivill match baldly oliie roili and record their vote w according lo his own peculiar uulju icut- declines to hand ortr the toid to tlio provincial guvcitaueltl oil tho ground dhal- ihu kilter isindelitcd t him coo whereas the guvoraincnt claim llial ho tiaj been overpaid- yxui 000000 another spanish queen hiin been gathered lo- her fullieisv and atili iho ex queen isabella lives oorrei mjov llc tctvi rt fa iivkrtlvpd thai vc do nut iwtj oiirtdcct rtmmur i far he aiilnidutcxiircifcd bj uitr i corraiponilcittf i tuo uecvcshlp to the editor si the fat irftf diu sit not a hw amutcd ou tilortity mornifij imi wica ktne filemu callcu nijr aieu- jutcu kiclweaoulj occupied iho j in o tome mionjimui iilccana turoiitt for a v brief iariod ard tjtliicli bad btoif v i uiroiiu i 1 vlllbeelateoui5turdjrniglttliur oieidtioti near jirietor the yellpv oings o -cbscbib- v- vtitu kstvrwka issceof the jee ikrss see ec it oat- 4 urge i i nniawr of accosnt tfi tuujcribcr wbo were ia arm re a canxber of these kve co lie dovii viti the rrearaful an wii aptiut- stilt tre n jl j feat wsjr tab- bcrikripa oarioq irretrai aiul these f afoald reqneati lo seed in srhat dna- ux ni iml mediately t cannot afford t pablish tuefrsspksjsaad have to ait to tte end of tie tear for ths jinbscriirtioa pirca and then 1 i charge the fame at ve did to thbsfe ho paid in adratsce xhiawoiiui bean injastjae nk onljr tor ooi reives batho thofsabcribera painadcance aid tei therefofi ejarje atieittuptsce to each aj not pay nnlii the yeir uceirlj bt 7- rpform convention at hilton i krgatonxsiatiua uf kcforuiem jet inmiuoa on fiidayutfuy lie pnrpose of noioinatiog rf ii- didiius to- tqnoest thajunu5lril mtcrvsts of ihut coatity for tire uunseof oiaimoti r ili dr roil3oa preiident of the rccirtujlssociitionroccdiiitd lie fharj ir e dicfeaoa acting as tccreurr i j having- received the credentials pf delegates tha clialtlllan df bobertsao sutwl th object of f he mmtitij aid urgeiii ntnitnitr i the choice of a dndiditand hard wort after he fas selected kominalions being called for iriwtgctng oikrille moved seconded bf dr bucfc paltrmo uiatv be the nominee of thiti convention ko other nomination tu made and a reaointion having peen paoid binding the memoers d the cbn- tentioa tonpport th nominee ilr ilccraoeyv bosination was putjtothi meetings and adopsed bya rising vjte fvllatred by laid checrt ii ilccraney vras then tent fur and having been inforaied by tl claimun of his renominatioa tior has- wenfollowed to ttiu gtavc bf her buauiindv rrandiiiothciv lie vetlcrabh queen chriajiiu evdry farmer who will uiku the troulde to keep up a jastccui np- jiearauco about hi home not only perforins a gal work tor hia on fantily but alimntaus bia neighbors loiiaiitatehiib kithiug i uoh- coatagioustiiatt the desire fur gar- dejiiug hen once it gets a lootiugt jtlio lieuteiiuhtgivernor of british columbia has at lie request of the srcrctarr of state publicly presented xlrpiigrayi voiingcsi son of the hon fr jlstico gteyi wittliu riyal h- mine iiocitvs medal which had porlik lo be an elecllou udilrei ironiitr t overton itbe tiling ara good smpleoctlie liliticou- siantly eniulung fiont acertanu ecu pcolol corruption in ibis vik ige nd mi deigned lo giva vent to lbefeelin o noaie puiiei wbo eraimarllugfroni a utile kjuiii ivliich appeiredindur ertilme lo or uifce lteekt ajtf to tlia el ect tul i hid cilangejl ray mind about oiog iq t i ihouglilllial pailiupsi nuull auy airtiakeiiia iteevestiii rext jcar this lillle iteqf iqurv mr- fttiwr haa ouiuie parlies td llio quick for jou it la ona or lue-fun- paidonable sink for any periou 10 apife to ibis obice for snoiild any rau individuiil bo guilty or hiiuquj a ctime ha mean the mortal ctmily of some in taej v ilia- e whose utter coineuiptibility luculd hi ly iraw ioih tbepity ofi cltirit able people atd ibey luve 6ypiiy lvu awardtd to mr gray for f il duiiieisureorenuiiy u contiou frw druning kti r z in january last i louujj nien who icrote lbs thing in co- snxp cetved a kleraphia defbatcli ati ona loiied oniir nauitcing tha nomiuatran of tleri kmillis aindoir mavjiitia j i tomwhat maned a lislleufler eiecllcnc s lecondson jto a navil i ve cadetibipthecodntessof duferinj proposes to return to england next been dtueo who sknrday col littleton goea homajoq wve aocowpakied ty srs liuleton irhtjiail in t tmetlin j pi stxoko timls cikpalw is hattov as 1 he seen by the re j anothercolnmn ilr hccrani i t accepted the nomination as v area- candidate for hilton- hon llacjjaaiall kas also aecey conterrative honacustion and liyelytimes are expected hr hccntner in accepi nomination addressed the tipn and doriug his short- he tail he had at iiia firat niaiiia- lioufeltdiffidaiifc aboatieepptiag iv and he had lhe same i feeling nosy not llhat he i fsf any fearsto tpresrat of the contest tnt be- ciasehekad no aubition tp enter public iikis party upwever at that lime seem rito thitk j that fce- wascfcebeit ctioiee tgaj could t j 3 i maiejand when lis- old friend llrj tohtttttbite aikd him to accept thevnoaiisatiua be haddone eo h3liepraeeyj id pranised- when first elected to g ve acelieca eup- port otteilicli nrie gjrexnnient aiid he had dbuefea hi liad not vr t jl i aappoiled them alaviihlvbeciie he had occauoially hflereion minor matters jo be sarc trtjoi them he had the httaost eohed- his excetlehcy the governor- general vilf open- tha provincial exhibition at torahtoi en theseth i of september e y l the kdvk scotia loeat ifjftlx- lira has beeor dissolved anctthe thanked tiie cvoventioul heartily i 1innk anil the new ixtotk cnhtl for ibo hodor aiid txpressedhis tfio live siock lrariortktiin hav fiews regarding the result of the thu raiiroad managern- who have been in oodsoltstioa t saratoga have come to anandersandiug- as thd rate of h stock tnsins from st laair fixing the net mtes ondresiai uieat ij fifty pec cfcut ahdtfthe net rates for e4l1f iiuia je latitacc paris jjag ws the grjl tl l i uieii a tnk- which boa been iiu tor thu p4 tjvu wwks ii tetxeltfeott paris at tha mercy of strik ing cabman inooayeniehoea to uta eippaitioneraamuser menta auiikbia for all aged and tastea4fiower8 natural and attiflcial frenok porocv- iain ttjustory and impqtt- osee cunaiioudenca of the frije- frost tiie disereuces between t election l jditorial 3ttot8s- been adjijtid aid tbeaiu he nc farther cpaipctiuon betveen- he two knes f columbia ti i ease the urina of uuioaare nut elections willlafa place- on tht ftj r u same day as- the dominion elnc- tiona i jinrjir and bis ence inri colleagnes and themselves the men lien- cbl the han eg p utdeton has been i appointed military secretarytothe lilarquia of lornc ihfe new governorgen- etalof canada j there are private hat persistent ramra thai england is negotiat- icg fdf thrtfacr erjiitoriat ajnw ticn ialind of tenedos is the ewe limb descred now- tiie f orontocrey k jbrace bail way ii agitating the loan of 150 000 from the city of toronto which sum is rrquicfd to widen the gaage of tqe road etc the hostilities in the etst are still con tinning and appearta be on the increase and the indicatrona are that a strong arnj will liars to eotne in and enforce peapt wort npohtheqneho3finprove cents towards vbicbllip majesty has coatribnuji xlfjowjtasjbeea his tbastuel action mt iljcdjiugyr atnbjnces in iotufiiericed ffei keuvgatemfc ahraptanfeiotthi nomination tlieifiret upon which ar i of tht delegafea of halton conservative is very gratifying he wys that he does v not need stale st any ngtlt hia poiitcalcreed bt tie grcrands oit flhhe shall ssk notonly tire tifej but the fjld schoolthe re as they are the connty of their confidence ainple-loppor- afeurdedhim and to discuss ojposingcandi- iiberalcjnserri liberals of th baldwin eefoi boaietiuics calle halion togivebjo and their sripppi canity will n i z ito meettne elect i try i i wijirjtneta and 1 iu t4loliti pfsent and the- jtptnre at well as theiliticaliatiwy of the pastliha shait vant oor jcoantr for- thii purpose m tlrit meetings foiriittd proper nottficatioa gireii to sthserecjbiri bat br syi jftar offer imp ses on me sohw yicrowa aug 21un the pro vincial- jirliauiciit the attorney general has iutokluceda tneniorial to- the queen ssttjng- fortu tte grievances- of the province against fc p category vate owucrsfwho a fyiw colombia b allowed out i hoc hfeah withdraw from the tjuion the memorial will be adopted by a liirje iajoriiy j v i tne hlcartur htirtler the trial of the ostiorhe family for the- murder of tha mnnctau tavern keeper timolhy imccarthy at sliediac in octnlcr last has ended in tne disagreement of the jnty afr udog putthirteen hoara th prisoners have been remanded to jail and the court adjourned inttl tuesday november 2nd d ohm osbqrue who has been held as accessory has been released on bail anpia parker lbs principul sitnesk is to btf kept in custody ne report says tha jury stood ten for conviction and two for acquittal another report saya four were fur eauvictioo two for acquittal and ike remainder4enbting the trial has occupiedjths coart from 12th if july to the present time and 10 witnesses in all were examined i if- evcri5c rsbi harythinghak been done i crpmsis tobsincindecfrn he postal convention vhatwittbs cvpriots thank of thissnd3m ibtro- dactidn to the advapfages of the postal service the railwa f and the teltgraplly i i the latest estirnates jbppfotfflgn mail of the etreiigthiothv kklteal groaps in tire german iljeichstag give 113 seals to conservatives 153 tp theiiberals and 10 to the mtrakioiitttna cr catholic party j the- yellow fejer sowabouts appear to bs of a most imalignant i issues of the type not only doesjitnumber its tbousaock of victims among thd unites bat fulibooded negroes prericnulf cons ideredexempt hare sooalihe is iniiinieaea cbmtei tt hfve been- arranged the quebec government itend to collect he ono jper cent tax whiesapgnees are reqnired to pay on alt sales iof realj estatepassing throogh uusfr tandsi the ux has his excellency the governor- general has acceded to the request preferred throngh the siryor of toronto ant the honi christie to- open the ontario provincia ei- hibitioft itke hasuxcodetset kace ilr datij ward has arrived home going thai lhiy deuiaudlauamrliuratiud fiiel fuir their horses to be able lo get more wotkoat of them in uiii end the public and cabby are due for the tiri tijiie per ba iu history gabstn this city an of two cate gories with retijecttu proprietor hii but ideuticall in puiiit d wiechidaess tb urat cunipnio the cab coailmuy jnlitr muoc rehblcs aro uumbeieu from i u 5j00wuoae hive buff trou red vests and giim includes pri aba to turu tjiat will keep together fur i tweuty hourej heii thi drivere are questionable characteis efjedally at night their ernployera nut being very exictinii icsto y atimonialitor some nmnlhi rost iba cirbuien condticyrd itiiemr selves as tynlutsj- rhtnj bailed t be hired never looked at roil br laughed in your factr and jdtovi empty avtae also despite tnxji lieiug fixcifthe irivtrs een when ihey condescend logivp an tar rj yourappeal debittdx fancy prici jiuecular cluistiaos juiife iui lhj cab aud oidertd jehu to go at once fa wok or to tlijjjiulicj ofiiwj of curse the timid jiad tj payfdrthiv the public felt that ihe chronic rebellion could iottx ist if not coujived at by the pri prieton the i pttfjt hf pqliw brought cabby to reiaon by con pelling him to ditpla- at the sih of hts seat metal plate with it word hiad painted in whi lelters on bluo grouird when nat ditpuyed ilhe- vehicle wiej fie aud if the driver refused work h ins sniat-lly- fined this newbv- law came into ocratiod on suuda last and was refused to cy tbb strike sldicrs itis said will ofti- ciate as drivers duridg the rernaiii- dcr of the exposition the elevator in itlis trocaders tower is proving ds pccuuiailya bit as the captive balloon and the staircase inside ibej bead of bar i tboids liberie perliopsilbey di iiio piydnew aio v 28 inillion francs per annc rf ir- clddipitiatlteri 15 inilliommoie tlin kiyptiim made artificial out lf colored iiucnj0nd thu niilliiier of bijiiiinil atiitm employed llem hainu ladloamludditicii wore gcildin fluwera ra tieirlrairrand somoiiiiitil brow inindi of palm leaves insilver titacliiucac put ioiiiteil artificial lowers at no early ijiiej employing micam a uiatsit iil and lbiy weio cheaper than oven thu uaturai ihiwem to be githcicd in tlia fieldf in tho cribjil tlliieekh century ill jfniucc doclprs on receiving tiivir degree weri euiitted to wear a golden uowjfut cacti fide of their hats accdriliiig id biilton miijf de gaiila viiuong iho most fair oux wljeivonuligcul flowori iutlio criujitiy nnd a leading fabrcaul of libera ill tides in parin possesses a ipalint trout marie anioiuetlli ap llioiling one of her ancialora j niiker of uilifknal vegetables co jliei ujjly ftvnch piroiiiiifroiu liraogeit bbldiin iiuparrant poiilioii- ii perliirpi the mrt cbmiurrciiilly val uable for fninfr iuidita siicixiss dates frih ihcdisciiveryofkoouiij liij niiueral afiich imparls the tralisltiddarificial stone- lik char- aclfitn porcelain tiis was the secret that thu chinese and jtamu- e- ia long iuaintnimd for their krftery hie- omekt of the- ah uilii being the only aninial that cnfiks and to find out which effrolvuiis pursmd with he ardor diplayed for r thii pijlwiphei sttih jbitiegar who uiked ivir- liiirfor the elector of sixoin towanls uie close of ihe eigliteeuui cuntury dincavervl tlw secret in n curious manner his endrinjuntibar gingad been dustid in a mineril iiowdrr iliplac3 of the ordiuary material somb uf tliis fejl on the bfttry inohied plate s which whan baked imparted ihe hardness o ibenij so much dsirl the pow der was kuolior the- limoger tridej hss lieen developed by ju xeirjyork finnhavilaiid it go- 4 memberof which struck oil lu isio hy a viait id- the locality their tylci oldicbrauoriara beau- lifuiand one printed by processes akin ltd those employed for books ocart ihe house lays an artut 500 fianca for a design which can ah illiitstiljljt has iweiv in for iiiiwjears waeiicd h oulvcdiieikity lik j j i le the circus pro- m 8300 towrd fuhdin memphis w c us giv fevei- if men nrp already lenv- lo jahniitiei in thu ihg ottawa for a woodii iojprepnr i for iho wiutcfv rrork f j atad in nov york vol dp ohio jii rojwcd niid have airi cbjtribuu- 1 10000 to fiee ola of lililtdf ia lieri seltlfuet with twoiu janio manitouliu tiikeii up for tlio exioiitiiu of for tlie-iirnitoto- tli oont met hieilta kjtlftholikt cllrirch in berjin bjii leetltwt tomrkiiiimel f theiwlietfid biiiny crops in great biuin lionise to bo ulwye hat of on is toaie- iho avixige a whttljejov 1 ill theiccrncrscno of a new prcs- rvuriir chuicfeihorangville wk laid wil llajistl yean jigo ifajhc e a wliomf jho- dnjocialapf tjrist uoiuipated foi was a di umat a la bo liter the iftual cereuiooies m by xl mclntyre fen burke l lisijiba hav slalotreasurt a ii brictyord fejrres tlajcjlifomian sgita- isliot making i fivofalih iin- piessioti orttdeep iinptefsiri of any soft in hi tour pi tie weft- erti slijtes liij rbodotiiitdefeil flift in ciiicakp and in su louis cvyii sesocialiat leaders and or- enuiiationaholj aloof froiu hlin itiifjcontcst in selkirk isccmipli- led by ihe fiirnration of a new local pirtyjun lirllie name ofjdjiiii- tilba i jfirst ddnjandin llmiclir nlain una of li itliriv slwl cross atwinnipj aiid pcewi saujli of like maiii- lilia so firjnfither giitv morri ijor d maid a siuiih will pledge dhcrvnee tdjlliis policr adhcr anno holiday iri cbaieijoenco of a nonierouily signed petluob to modlrecid ask ing ihut ilhuridiy tfapiimber lbs 5lh be let apart aa cirio lliudy and inaooomanco pf jam pklilou 1 herebt appoint tlirsdayop tie 5th as a for the municipality of ahlon h ilojakvin lieeve chige of day r ouelph7 7- ion booics statioheby seaaldo libraries latketido labraries 1 bide libraries 1 joyg llbrerieaf aird ftll the latest noteis bfioafr iad tnt viuhi1 a jcjiojoitlt0b8bi hlmy0 i 1 lonteri sett by matt promptly of- i tindcl to r wretblbt 1 nrontoa fyf exprj 0lt mixed oa soiiatition of i fhe cnmraittcei i hivd changed the day fnr thtfeivicboli- day- a above apiajintcd aad hereby apuoiat taqsiasrd of sept come pne come luu j ua npw is the time to investitiqlotii- as -j- j v jingf and- 1 cavld homday ii it uiiuiiil eoifactoxi bcgauvla kecre d ibcftaxolke g fs the place to getiit v showing a first eia line of saglis3iand nptolesl tv connndrnrii con- cerninc the pins i well enoijlv but wjio lirtffllfiall ihi- nwjbmf a sinjle factiry in lvdduci-enb- landtlnrna oft between goopfloo ij j vu all aoanu due to j p allvn con tracted fur liveries while be was iu acuo friust be paid before tte tsv of scitciber all wipud i tliat date wltbe put into court fi bisection tlieaccunti ftft in the baadaof mr tiini ktiauedy and will ue paittto him m j p allak 8jt liranijton wattil foasllei rive llulfleribcr ora ffr tale the farm situiietliu lot ii cep 3 towo- sfcip cfefin this jrrui contain 100 kcresb0 ullwhiiu are cleared hlijairtie wejltnnberofl it u sitqateil atxut a iaile froq the gaclpli gravel road j j ttiiit sbourtnnlet fioo acton the xov casd gooi tu and nccerfain tpriug on i me wp seu caeaper inan the aria jind a cl frici- hwiie anl i i- baru on thef iremiiea for fcrthet par- ticalars apply ti i jacob ffsrterifjicknowjor hutali slvactiiaililjilt i i opringe aetpo aa523 isti i aho olifce lot of v furn1skihc3 wiiigh weforbcruglafc this enables cfen ihe ctiiitdi paicitic the tatm jindpkdfricje ixuue tn ailv 6tll6r hous6 111 ut i ul for fcrthri call aal sertoryour ang26 178 tidn r r j- i i jindvboononofthcm ech wk be nnatcd oa a dmnef plate for 2i f l u 1 or ibant 3s0 000000 a year which francs auotber cnncsitv theyv 4 r f firnissilbleto ship it products to wf tf 4ixwtz ihe ijnited stktu wjtli profit llh f jl 1 he wirld rninir who cuut p be rcorapeilcd to risijri my mt fa thej local lgis- i ituipancriojive up seme busi ness arrangerne ito i haif- eontchi- jilalm t havi been engaged to twltcontests ki myownaccourlt the eeoitta at hisaltos jthe regatta on fridwus itteril- ed by an immense number iif people hosmer jcatne in fifsr iwinning by half a length in hi minutes and si seconda w rosa was third aboutthrei lengths be kind morris and only one length jahead of jicken whofcad pulled a splendid course and stock to it gamely from first to last jicken iwas ffqnr lengths ahead of plaisfed who led pat luther by- only a short length luther vas nlent foir lehetisaheiidtjf elliott who notlbcen collected berewfore inittsjventli pljccby about bait a i e ifcgii in driggistj acton romxatkfiptejjviejr at- rochester witlr coottneys snpporters he 8tateitoit all arrahgementa haye- videtbejnterest wwlr the itlley rl floere will suiinly a cjruih with been made excepting agreeing upon j nations and the brown diamonds i 0 long winter- the thcre arp wqoi 0 and the oil oj the grand ses making roaring arid cheer- che distance will be five mile with turn and the stakes will be 2500 iside cburtneys party willgive 50q0jforprivili iwater i ge of namickg the arrears amqant to 1q0000 thesbigneesaretot satisfied of the coustitationalirj of the act im- pwing ft and aredlspote i to resist the collection j ieugthfrom cbalter the ercond day- opened very roogh towards night however thebaycalqied downafld the fonr- oared race resulted wit a victory for the leanders uuited slktes wjlli profit i j deiatibedaticeof icfandsqperjk n i s i i l these jbillions of ijdes a iflonel cehtbalvex 1873 i wfu be rctd 15 tits tasr oxthe nth ista i3ta ftoitt sept arti rriij ristaaad fatryeiprs an lutat ijc stcretans uihf ru a i great mny cxnitdhchs- relurtjing imiuji from thi p exhibition by very steamship i philadelphia baa raided the nowo sum bf877i7fiirtlie relief ofl the stiuerens iu the fever stricken dis trict thwsnttan of turkey is- said to hiivcpledged bis jhvelsforlgfl0l0 iiflea ofdeied troui the united iii states j v i i j a eid drowning aceidfnt occur red in toronto on stiiday night by which ttiice children were drowned the wnikingnpm in ssreml of iheliirjekt iron nulls iu pennyl- caniy liave struck against a thieatr ened reduction of wages ouu hundred and lliirlj hnrscs worn jiurcbaed- in the duiureal mmket list week and shipped to the uuid slaves at an average price of i0 each thecbeckleys now tiudeiarresr at ottawa on achfrge of couutir- fiitin and issuiug tiocea ure la lieved lo have put some 3c0i0o of tqus bills in circulatioiu considerable patty feeling has been manifested in kingston irecenily tietween memliers of the junior roman catholic and pro- testantrjassociations and several fniall ftrijet figbuliaye taken place at a meetine of the hamilton and north west colonization fcjaciety a delegation was appointed to proceed to the north west to examine thecountry and fix npon a desirable location for settlement it lias been discovered byllinne- sota fifrniera uikt twdaeresof fan tiie tliral laiiirsy irri drrjj- irctit aal ptisirr- ij imj cj eibibiiyb al tifjyw faej ijdtjutix iv jvuccslia sereiirv tv prsii gailliairsiirts j eel 41 tciiktj bef reekth the aim iutv havfe iiied ipm rv gire w pepprn theii kandatl larer knd in the fourth michigan dis- 11ict i he denocnila luiee imavail nily ealw npkin- the rva n ellrc i to lei d hei alt of ibese c- nth men aeemolliodijw and eneli kk pwdtd syioikihife henitily th he opnressd woekinsraeri an old man named giodall who is suveark bid and qui wind and who lksspen fv pniue time an lnmale nf jthe andovr fjiunn worklirmsetiasjust confessed that yers ajoliejlaud a brother way aid iid murdered a gentleman on the sjilisiirr mid and said lht if wew made in a certain imot the rerjiiiins rf uieir victim vouil bi fotid sarch was m n aliirdon nainl by him umn borrtj wpieftillhd gctld- j part oi ihe laefciae oual ntiw krriu- o to bia laasecuan xo s sad faraieriy iiliud rn xoticc to contractors sniixn revdem aldrsjell to llo soeh rciary n pavic works krd egihc teulcr fir the liciiiice- canal jwitl ha reeeivin at thii oaieo tiatil the ar- rival ft tha eavtura aa1 wcjlera itb oa wbaseslias tlti lsib dayaf setti htter rctt fctihe uciejici aul reahuycnicjt and cwnplulinn that iiid he liatlr with t hia lnind conldnot go indreadfuf secret ont tj c nlaa shj h has beeal rnkep forktlte nrcirator audrf mand- d hia ither isnot living flonij fauwhea ispring v oca ixcie spring vheat rurle- oat5 peas s b mcginrin druggist alcton 1- j e msgriryin druggist actoa from tilt gay o the- severe is tgit a stej ihereare conferences some gralu tous and a few ihe ctintrary on soap insecis machineiy agricu lure kc a little for all tastes purses and hours their are 100 soapjnaa ilfactoriesat xiareeilie9 tiie repntaiion of the city for ckaulinesa is not proverbial the only show of batnrsf flowers is thepiirki the pection specially devoted in these is about a atlraclive as the uiarine aojuariurajand- its doerl consump- fve crabs there arealewcdinuion flowers in photo aiiii crenses in fountains theiiferbf lhe is detailetl from ihe mhmentor piittfng iitie sueili in 1 le bed lip lo carving ibe fruital thiitable all tiie disease ofitt ci ildhood are enumerated- and illustrakd li- dies however prefer the class dev votea 16iatlificial flower which continues to be as sensational hs the french exhibit at vienna in 1873 in j18 17there were only fi2 luiiuufactuiers of artificial flowers in paris- ihero are jioiv 3000 ful fires the eigliah fqruttera jon the jrench resorres in manitoba have agreedito remdve forihwuh being paid for thii plougliing they havis lone about three hundred acres tin j kilo wed f co remoys their implw ments secur heir cnis etc j mr desnoyers police j magisj raiebf montreal hiis under iaj stractinns from the provincial gov ernnient opened anjienquiryiinlo the shooting uffair at the tannerie jtinctionon thenjglijtof the 12th of julyj the snbjeotpf thi inves- ligation iajvery complicated l i ip aialoon quarrel aticohing wood a man mined derrill was mtullyf slabbed inifhej stomach his assailant livjnghtone has r fori trial at the assizes a similar crime itlio likely to be attended with fitai conaegttenops was perpetnited at hemmingfdrd on- 8nnday night in the latter case thp motive wa jenlousy butwr saltes rolls lirifrlifikl f lard dart jj- ejs new fed pma oes pel hag apples parjbafi haypertoni timciny teoi clover seed dnr goons it j e mcgirvin druggist actfin tlih 17 jlfimgchryio iriggist aotda batt i bretus tu georjetiwn en the ci5 inst the vriio of i lr david hdttowj o 400 la kctoa a the c3lh inrf the wife of ktitttj sjbagi of asoc ictox nabkcta 25 to 2 75 a pua shjwinthc niisitiun o5 the work and a ppocutcatioii or what r maias to be doae can bo seen atj this orbce aki at the lachiiie cfool ciece montreal on arul aftcf fiaoayj the fith day of sepmuijiik licit ciidtractutaarivreqaijitddtofbkar ik j acdin 4nen iril t f i v pb th r salonjto 1 sljul 1 baliwifll u mind that laadrt will nbt becdiuidej- joijaer minufacturir in- jttieunited ediknleaa nude strictly ia accorjiocesfciu whyt because bft sthv with the primed fprs knd in tit onljf jreashtakjslio fipkmw ci ot hraueiccpt tieh are attdsl no tkik accconti i bvery iosttu ed the actual matumvth- aatjre rf v rul na rab sixyiara the occiipatioa and eiideucc orleach rlfrmhrolu rncmlier ef the sacic iakd fartlior an k a ia i i accepted bank cheouc ttcrtie suslof ltm l0 j t j x aonst reluodr and frajght pant h ayay bam ifjih y are usatis ring ifcii fctov sead rortmusltaject a eoatract for the works at the rniei and f tcatalpgirf billion and on thatcrms stated in the oer salmxt- ead 1 estimphbvls freosi fats pia irons accepea uauk cneonc tcrtae 6usa ot 2000 racsf accompany tha tciilec which sura shall be- forjeited ii the- b0 party r declioes catering iico f ic1 c 60to0 65 1 40 too 75 1000toj2 oo 2 25 to 0 00 4 25 to 0 oo cunae orilphbabbbta special ti fara press pr jrntin- jirlini i fcilrb ang 23 1878- flook per l6o 2 50 to 3 00 whi e wheijt gerbosa o 55 to i 00 troalwell do spring wheat oats bard y pea hay per ten kgg per dok bktter peril bs potatoes per bag hogi per t wmv i p-im- 0 35 to 1 00 c toloo 0 80to0 fro 0 70 to 0 75 0 30 to q si 0 00 to 0 60 0 10 toq 12 0 00 to 0 11 0 10 tti 0 10 tenaers are uoi accepi 0 os to 0 09 i for tho ancfalfildlcat of the 0 10 to 0 10 i tract satisfactory scotirity wfll1c ted j jomelotwboin yon ma koovr ad the ehitine thus seal iamll he ii- j dress dasfkh pbeitrf wish- tamed to the resjmctivejiyiiea rhoae lingto c kew jeirset i tenders are not accepted v v g0an ifoe seeylce tl o nnde tinieit has- for iervioe a plows as well as the iboaa gang 1 first class si folk boar 6ft lot 22 con which has gained tho rtia tatiooo ownsui of bsquesw terms lt cash hav i beei 4t time of aervce wirlblbboks sv 0 900 95 0 83 to 0 93 tt s4 to t 36 0 sjto 0 70 0 5o 0 60 8 00w10o0 0 ii to 0 12 fj 10 to 0 12 0 64 to 0 51 jrsotosoq 0 24 too 23 0 20 to 0 53 quired by ths deposit of money th wie amounfcfx ptrctnu qn ihobal c aaia of the contract iof wtiich theaapraeiit in with the tender will- be coasiubred f factory ope leii the subscriber having bnrchat sd the anton plow works i prepared 0 fur nish single and liajbla jnun4 apart jctuetyperccht only of the prioress estiinatesuill be paid until the cr triple- of the work i to each tender moat ha attach d the actual signatures ofjtwo respo isiule and solvent persons iresideeta fth dbminiokj willia to become si retiaa for thecarrying oat oi these code tioiis as well as the doe pertormtnkei of the workr unbraced in the contraot- this dcparoieut does aot hoi aver bind jtseu to accept the lowest ok any tender i by ordef k braon secrfetaiy dapajtrmarr or ptmufc woeks 1 v ottiwaftthaultl wh i -f- 1 aocti njs due to b ftp hioki lltf bakei ly espieolally those that itandipg since lat year ah imtniwlinhmn l vn trrited- iy- i a a smart indjwtttooi servant j s fewiontlia apply j p molt be b4 immediately 1 stronra near tho uj jt it e ni01oin ait ir the best gang plow rates all repairs di notice and at tho cheapest prii 37 jtf 8tokbs i i le at tin us in the si ortett it9 1 1 ids r rli fir ani static 1 is t i can buyirstd1is piaso and onaas cbe ftt 9i sss 1kb f bbattx wasirmg loijxew jersey than icily first cusskiid are ient acton planikc mills d w eahpbetl prop r i- ha ing purchaatd umt ftbotc named- estabuhtueat 1 un pwpved w fflaqu- faetui 7 r sajsiijinqrsi ff acinus of t rljninci promptty attended to j dw campbell aetoi peckth 1877 aaain havi 0 maakrjnfcfeivxtli th j i t k is now prejpsred to wrrranj i 13sflersanp m 2 aivcred ftt acton jiution j jure and see uikkblfrbsoarriei you obdsj as he ii ure tf dellei htcmsife

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