Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1878, p. 2

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11 b hi a n it fiii i 1 feetf 11ess otonnbalt0n i m- i i v l i sewipajter decision i and pe toon who takes paper lulattvtiwii fai- pott offloa fcbetuef directed ti tits name or tnothcrj or whether bi ku tub- ipribpdor nbt gtmtftumb for jfajmenk- h fstfitooherfclt paper tttcttaue behest pay illarreara or the publisher jnef ejillnue lo aendlmnul pajwieutjieiiude and thulicolil u- ow i amount whlbabppttuiji iromuie set br noil i -i- j twcoufta tt cftdided toil rft5itnjt to lake newtpjapera or r jirioliol from the post wflio vrfumvinji and living ihtnv ua eajlejworu riuii rtoav iridtnce o tatentkibal hand rjpfcs acton ie be mtem v pnlthned every ttundije sloroinic -vflter- ajlironitn jadtnae f i i inciaiy uoaxira strr jist- i- owiag to the nilsfnot irisrrig jto ii average height this eatsou tb india eora crop is failuta uugi demands foe anietiaa ctrn re beilmt mndt alexandria sgypt it abort of mojtejrjnatj nek and yank ipeeiilatoia fetl dabious about coding tors- or njtliig else thort considering tlta gnanrul coudition of the jpuflhililt j a large tad enthuiimtic crowd wttoemedltliedeptrturo fryui can ada lord duffrrin on saturday lait his hanoi the liouioiuuil governor paid his adieu to hr excellency the oauattttof dtufarin at the aanie tiai presenting lier wilha magulfitttlotalbxsuqiiet called from the coisctvatory of i ajrrlcsutnral societies there u no association- that baa f greater sphere of ueefhlntttisj than toe agricultural society lit ought tifor ta rtoeirs tte kapiorlof i veryidmdual whatever be bit thvbiiildiag slone u inlsnded to trdo or 6rofession because 11 are cost to hundred thoi4nddolin spencer wood r i aj achemeu on foot itt montreal anuil prubaily w carried affect to erect grand vioeregaj teaidence on iloiint royalfk th new doternoroeneral tte cost tof the hndcfwking iato rctt willi the citizps of montreal only and the onlj- return tliaf ia asked it uat dieiaraai and princess trill nuka ic their lumicer residence and wir told liieireoart there he entered mito lull nipiauv lion of the qiicatioa so tu it f- feotedj the woolw trade allowing tht w impocti fmnt vb united sute of that article were onlf g1i 4 cht6tr h could not be produced in canada and thai then fore tbe unadiun uiaaufuctuort had 00 rightlo e6niititia mrj uacdoiigmll jval then called wpoo1 he aaid that if there ure any older ipeakerrin theistcroit of ucj mcccny luy aiold pout befora hioi bo that he could njiljr to tsciu nil at once us objvclud to being put in the porition of hav ing mr- llccraney and hia friends niy to him j httjajid that mr not kulhl bat the mccrane jr had liolicy wai he direetlf or fulirectlr infercstsd whaterer tends to iaijpibto the condition of the agriculturist adds weltktp fio country jit might te raaaoiubly expectiedtthat the mass of fartnexi themselret would ilrei be the most aclrre agente in try- is r their iiiteaats by r aaui of auumtisocietiei yji inch is not alusys thepse the uuiuui sjiuiiirvcfors tajw bjlieir experience uje obstacle they hare to encounter to keep tflursocietie fa emvencenycctepiam tint tfcer i sombch general induter- ence mtcifatad by fanners ill all uutf iopneert tseirowa weiidoioj by ment of agricaltaral societiea s 6nld be enfficitnt groaid for thar reirigninj in diaqost far a creditable vioaregalestiulish meat his long beea a desideraluni in ouiads the ogly pile of stone nd brick and uthenuid ptiuter at ottawa ciludkidena hall it bo longer fit for the residence of the gorerndtgenerit ofvcahad aucf th officer quarters at qinebec where lord linie inlfodi to re main durin the winter cannot be hough t of 4 a permanent resid- enee if then montreal propose- ta uke the maltef off the hinds at thegoyerninent its offer jshoji be received with thanks and the j i areeuon oflthe meant eoylcastie sauictioned it is not protitble bail saipbrtud in the past uor yet what he intended to do in tha fu ture j he alleged lliat the mac kenzie qorermutnl hai carried out noue jot thoitj pcooilsr to the elec tors jthef had given them no great reforms they iid iitterlyfili ed in their pledges of economy they tad proclaimed all ooalitiouk o bo imuioral which he did not believe and id then uken into the government j such torietes mr crtwriht who had left sir john jmacdounld j bocausethat gen- ttanatilid preferred 8ir fiaucis hinesjto h ifr scott sir al bert buiilti and mr caiicheon titer chad ironited to reduce the expenditures and ud hot done so in a aiugle instance anjbadcon- linusd o accept the salaries which previottcly they had declared to be toouijev they tad cut down nothing except tiji niilitii expendi ture land that was the last item that should hare been tduchedl- they had also reduced itlie expendi ture pa some public works and other matters of that kind but nothing in the shape of civil gov ernment j the government had also pro- inisd to secure closer control by jparliament over the sxpenditure cf the peoples money iiut they had flagrantly and ilagf tioutly folated this principle ia regopd to the steel rails which they had purchased five years before thoy were reqnir- cqijjx pi gfi 14 ij if tnsjiy jeasons this u areat wmng onfl oos that should be petjuinen t- jy aapfded i it ia d- argument ogsinat bocisties thai errots ore frs- utsll made infheir management tiey will probably never be free from them and the better way is to to anited action for the temot- l of every grievance tfiat may oe jnd exist itlweuld also ber well ilttvdirecteoi taexerciseoon- aideriue discretion in the sunsge- tnijot of an iktitutin so liable to ie intolved in diijeulfy a more xhonr common auacretiireqtiirtf to be exercised ia the teltwjt of fudges- and- to e that na lct rimagiaary grotthdforcomptaintctn lie urged tgaiast thavdccisioar and ijii no less tie ttatyofdi- jectors to see that all the rules and bylaws in coeneetiott witi their so detyorewfelljittientood before t tempting to exsit a penalty for s wioudon of thea j j however tiat quebec will i allow montreal brckrryiway the honor without making atteffort to hire tle timitegiil reafdence located n ie ancient capiuli if ii vlikely tihai to secure thisl ohjeot there will- be a sharp rivalry between the two cities toronto appears to be oat of the question sliogother ia this matter i gtrs ii editotiai srom -rrr- ii fimcs exports- annuallf to eag- wnd upwards of 5jwflt ewt of buttef vi i the britijb cfoteranvent pays annually penaiora to the oe iwgzzuj a redactipo of lea per wages iox beast determined on by the irqaaasters of theilwestof scoflihij 1 i thvmens inobnie it tied at 585000 but about l7 fledacted from this far- tile c5vii penaians it ia asmlofficialy tn iquneed tbitihe amount cent in ii 17 j i j lr- pc t vernor geserarc oddi iat the openingof the broyincial exhbitionj wiil ba hit usf j prior ia his djpsrfuro from cinada the ah jar crop of britiaib ulana wjli through irouth ibe fofty thousand hogsheadv sbprtjtiiayear tbisoniinitaa government has rtt dusei the expek duty oujraw sigip in order to attriet toreigb capiial j aninportantuntinrtiie coni nectiop of the rest of th dominion witli manitobahas been established in the ooniptetion of oireuti tele- graphic commariiifitioal between v his grice the ajthbishop of ty kit notie4 jby ciibadir r theciiws of iljtfiffrent par- iahes undir his ciiarga thatajil ptiucil ineetiagiuponj the church ground ore biceafter tp be-iprolub- yr jmw the injenuationiil monetsj jnfranca which has fceea deber- atjng in fkrigc broke i up srithoiit tiliogany af tioh on tbeeiryer irjestion byou3ai3ertidgjfhe iieceaaily of uttintainig the nsffof 03a litsli refoito meetinar ia i town- a meeting inihe tnfereat of mr mik3nuiey m p eeform candi date for thiacounty was held in the drill shed georgetown friday night tliere was a tai crowd at the meetinf- including a nuoberfroiuctoptiiilton oal viliejnd 6thex villogea in the vicii itr l thetneeinwtl openebont gpvlcek mr mackenzie marar of igttlown tailing the chair the 7hoinnaai invited hon wm miejongall if he x presenl mr pattulli andjaid haiiaiuof torontotc vkti teataoa the tilat farm the fir samed gentleman had cot nowervcv entered the build iug the othersrciu- to the plt form j j i mr mccraney wis thn iitro iuced and said he had hcum thai mr macdpogall would bo present at the beginning of ither mcetinsr ar that certain arrangements which they hsid spoken of m to the iiine to bef alia wed the j speakers migfa be settled in his pressuce j after an jnierval mr macdiug- all entered and after a pri ate consultation the ichairnua ahj nonhead thif arrangementa bd been made that each speaver sht uld be limited toone heur he hoped thalthemeetiigiwptild give afair jiearing toalllhosdjwhd addre iljflffllr j mr mccraneyj said that as there were a camber of gentlemen nres ent ifo addresa tfcem his dtitier woqid be lightj especially as he in j tended ataome future day ljjorrj the election njeetiair witli the poo j je of geargetawn to addreia them at eome length snefparyean ago fhe eef nmiere i of that countr hadlhenuaated him as their cabdi- dite andarone who had agrefa to gie the fiflvernibent of mr mac cenxiea cordiallhough nota alavisli kiippprt he hod been electedi hav ingibewgain noimmttd hyth- eeforar wrtyaudhaving fulfilled the promises he had given in the past lie agaijaprwart d before- tljem as theitipporter of mr mrfckenaie tha gentlemaaliadcatrttd mt fuhythepromiaeshi hadmadi to the people of canada andnow ask ed a renewal qf their confidei ce of the acts of the gbvernmeht a compared with hose of their prt de cesapra people of haltcn who in a reading people knew as mncl at he could tell iliem and belfor ng tialgatenrnienv to have acsedi honestly and wiiefy le again api pealed jto tiiem- to elect liim astl eii i repreaentattvej preaiiaing tojdi as be had in- the past to give an- 1 ja et and conscientious tp port io thei administration of the htm a er ifickenzie k- au1 hallkin of toronto t lei addressed thp audience princip ilyj deiilmg vith tbef vicin puli ed sod for which they had paid uearlyj twice as muchjas they would have cost today and that without the consent of parliament afterte- ferring to aid condemning the new style bf letting coatraeta by stlie present gpvernhienand thejgori erich harbour contract he statrtd thai be wcwld support thetrade palicyfof sir john a macdohkld hdbelieved at least in trying ihe experiment of rtfleving the present depression he jheeght that an adjattncnt of the tariff would at oupejbriu s a cbangefor better iiuies as it would inspire capitalists to in vest jtlieirmouet j aa mr macdougall had spbk pverin hour he wnsiat this iot informed that such 1 was the case fcte claimed the privilrce of reply ing to ntrpatuiiio aid if he were not allowed he wonld leave the meeting and request hia friends p 4a lheame j sir i mocraney stated that he wouid not break the arrangemena alreadyjniade upon which j mr macdougall wished the cbairuian a very good evening and de parted a large number of the audi eqoe going wih binrj jr after the noiaetnade by tha de- partingicrpwd mr g e patinlw- 3ecretary of the eeform aaiocii- tion of ontario wai introduced he spciice atcauaidernible length car the past career of hon-wuimt- doagailj bat i ourspace is limiteii we wilvfomit repotting the speech mr vtm cntney jmadeajbrif ipeech touching on the reuiarb tnids fay mr macdoogall concerni ing tha icotitract system of thed tovernnionts the steei rails cryadd closed by urging his friends o united action aa the beat means cf partakirift in the victory which he wu certijia awuitod the loberal party on the 17lh uf september next v j cheers for the qne4j and mis crauey closed the meeiiag i j the fut biw ball hum at otiel beat the fauyi of hamilton in guolph last tbiirstlay the score was uiielph 44 haotilton 1 i miablewtioru of the fiento narveit show ivvrbe very goodlh two departments good in 12 i in 23 poorln w and bad iaaaveli 1 wbila an excursion steamer wis returning from giiyesand eita la loddou tuesday evening she vi s iun into by a screw ateamw an j sunk itis isttmatedihat bciweeb 550 and 650 live were lost the layingofi tbe rails on the credit valley railwsy between in- gereoll and vvoodstock f as ooiij- pletet on friday the lpth inst and the congtrttction iralti rrirtl there at thre oclock next after- nom for ihe last tlireoot fotilr days an average of a mile per dr rt laid 1 j on friday evininf a traged occurred at pcirt siiiiley a bart of five conaistingof livnr chriktivt jatuea kwuian misses fniinin an r boafwio and mrt 13rtl hired a boa jand lirocoedcd to this late for a row when about hutf a imlls from the piers mrs bull without givinf any notice audden- ly stood up aud aatd qdodbyex and jumped nto the lake mil newman jumped in after her- but her actions were so sudden that the sank before ho could reach ber she waia widow and leaves four small children vthere appears to be no cauae for the rash aud del liberute suicide we learn from our exchange that the yield 6 the spring wheal in he western aud middle status is larbelow the iiyerabv ratunis fola 251 couiiliea in illinois and tha neighborhood sldw adecreaa of 18000000 bushela on ihe yield of last vetr the duality general ly i rcixjcted reryuiuch similar to that of last year i exhibition 1876 y i i will lit hild ut mi tw op gtjelps j era mil jstii iotu seth 8f pt vlbhnta ieil price uta and rotry fapers can ba hsd at the secretary ulfice qjielph and alio frem tlia svcrttiriet ol atbor sodotin throughout tha prorioce partfaa not jreceiring thtlr entry tickets priut to tha show will hnl thool at thorn at the socratarya otfioa the auroral kiilwayi will carry freight and paaseogeri to and from tha ettibition at aihgrofart- j 0 muhtpx w whltewr i secretary ooolph aug hh 1878 lroibnl v s 1 tembm ix- 5 188vv t 3epors comeon come it invest irji 01oti- ing ge 0 ll j j is the placebo gat itl i am now showlng firtflasa jinefof ii htjh0n wm kaoaougall cb notice satis tcxszai addrawl to tha 3fo- retory o pubhn works and andoi ftndcrfortlio ihia canal jfill bo reecired at thuollice aatil the lar fivil of he biutorn and weleru jltiu on webxesuav hhe i8tu day bf 8eptbmbeli next for the doepeai ig eolirgemont and completion of tiat part oi the laehiue canal now kno vu u sectionko fl and lonnerlv- csl ci the rook cut j a pua ahoaingtha position of i he aok and a ipocilicatioa of what re- miiarto be doue can be seen at hii tffiee and t the laclihie taal of i t montreal on and aftet ptttpay tbe wrdiyofgemembeitnmt cohtractort arc reqaoited to bea in mindhit enderaiwill not lo coniii r- ed aaleea mado strictly ia aooordaa with i the printed fanni and ia the cmpoffinas except there are atfc i d the actual sijrnatarea- the natun if thoiocoupation and reaidehceof taili memliotof thesaoia arid further in accepfad bank cheqaa or the- tun if j3d0 moat accompany the tendekj whith wm ihall be forfeited if ue parfer teudering decllnea- enuring iai oonfeictfor the workaai the rates in d on the term itatcd in the offer labmi t- i- 7 the chenae thus lent in willbe re- toraedlatbe reijecttvc partlea whoic tindert aw not accepted i for the doefulfilment of the e- the d lire electors if hal tie ie dingqueatiom y in the tempera loo hall the supreme lodge of tie worfc knights- of pythias met in annual scsipajinindianajolistnd on the 27th utt the representatives fromontario were dr j s kina and 1 h mitchell of tprootoj the ehlitwcity appeared to be dec- orated in view of the public deaion- atration which always takes placet on the sfst dajr of tha sessiorlj thousand came from adjacent placcsto witness the parade in the lafterncn thp procession ocafpss p1 x pted over half an hour to pais jii of the work i given point knd it is reported si 5 to ctchtcnder mtatleattached ike tha grandest bver wiiucssej in f ni ignolares of two rftponsil lc trait eatiifsctorj- iccarjty iwill jbe 1 1- qnirod by the depcaitnt tfioney tn t ie amount of k per crnlj on the bulk v in of the contact of which thkiam jc it jn withthitender will be cdmider d iimrt 5 isnety per cent only of th i progn i indianapolis the preseuep of so liahy uniformed knighla in the xity gives it a niilftarr siect fall shows for 18t8 eqnesing at georgetown on friday th october v klssigaweya at haltoriville on friday 4th october central at guciph on- sept 17 18 i9ande0 j provincwl at toronto ba sept 23 m 25fir2ndv2i western fair at london sept so oct 123 knl i puslinchat aberfoyle oct 8 halton at milton oct 10 and ii f rf 1 ajul t or sale and oaltcnt pcrtonj ireuiicnu of t ijouiinion villioif toilocame luretu for the carrying ct oftheie coaditioai aawellaa the doe performance ot lie wprka embraced in the contract thin department doeaaol hdwari r bind ruelf o accept the lowest or ah tender i byrdcr i drra rtxckt nr trr soutii eleg secrtlai ji idn jeifcciiryin drjis jjst acto i j e mcq irviadruggiatait jn tha- inbicriber offeri fnr iale they farm ifnatlfn lot ii con 3 town hip of erin this farm cootafut 100 acre0 yf whieh are reared balance i well timbered it it trtaated about mile from the gnejph gtarel road and about ttuea from acton tha place it well watered there being l goidwell andneterfailing iprinf on tho farm anda good frame bouse and barn on tie jirtmiici for further par tienlart apply to jacob fkheh lnckaow or hikaif bwackhaiuieif acton adg 28 1878 oupringe paytpj i j- h accoatifa due to b t e sick iins those iflat haveibeen standing since lar t year must be paid immediately i bi enioklik j the tradedcprcsfiion theewyork tribune ireporti that muck confidence ft expressed bylmerdiahti in aswerallimprpr msut of trade tliisicilij the large irop the increased foreign trade tbe settlement of publik lands land the general belief that ibeperiod of iepreasion is neirtr ended are given j- i i ii i iii rait wlieat im reasons forhoiieiulnesa a verj- large trade ho rcver is not aptici pated ithe city liotehi are tilled ith guesta including manv sputh- irnand woalernbiivers i scrioblings ami oippincs five hfirndred jandj foiiypight ijoarnalists inearopp re gpipg on i pilgrimage to komu j the wcsfernhdtefjst marysi aa- burned on wednesday last toss 1500 insurance 800 i th english national debt is 77781899 ttftnejfcrt twbnty vears ithar been reduced bjlthe flimrf i iacpaaeqiienea of tj numbir of opnnterfelt ifl andv 82 dflpiinioh upwsinieiroujatiod- gjoternipept is iibou t to make a new aae 1 v itnwyred niarrjage km 6p jie bratedby aman catholic pjnest in miami wjtltpiit an mpien vjijanted to hllle a team andteamiter for afew wtltt konebutagoodtaamsterwith a firicusa team need apply h a kllefi or 1 a b if urray loit tiniiiaildn children 1 ppri bnildi 1 trainod n p cs pi latholids- attos hibttts t ijzs tr2 lg spring wheat j 1 cs6to100 new spring wheat j 0 80 to p 90 barley 0 70to0 75 oau 0 30to034 peas i oootoblw batter frh roli 0 10 to 6 12 bntter salted roui 0 09to0 u tardhghm 0 10 to 010 frd dark- 0 08 to 0 09 eggs new laid 0 10 tot 10 potatoes perbag 0 60 to 0j66 apples- pdr bag lv fl 40 too 76- hayer wnj i 10 o0 to 1200 timathriead 2 2s to 000 clover teed 4 25 to 0 qo diit poods cnzar i u ifastkets special offa fbxk piutaa per dotain- iamlm bopt 5 1878 j flour fler 100- i 2to slab white wheat per bush opftoljoo treadweir do i p 0 to 0 95 8prwg wheat- 0 85 toofls oatp barley ii peas jlt uay j ee perdpt i 11 batter pevth jrj fotatneaiper bajgj pejrcrjrtl4i pflu 03ilao3s l 0 58to060 8 ootojo 00 v0utntfw iitli0todfl8 io5top57 itpoto600 ohtb 0 2s 0 20 to 0 52 mr guthrie willaddress the electore i we is spec i meeting will i alo a nice lot of cents furn12hng3 n wbich were boiight ibr cashthis enables me to sell cheaper than any other house in thecountyy qau aadsee foryour- i selves ii e adams acton aug2618t8 v i i-fsif-l- tv lkf cfc- s if h f the btvhotolls iseptembertehiya to which u ieleclirs are cordwlly invied i r uf ly inv lcdriineyesq tedio atlepd this olspace ibeibdigsfep john i tlie tbroful autf wis- be open all iteotm i i rt t 0ssa7s thz qt72s17 ttoijnxxais- at leslies school houfl 2nd linei erin township i ion the public questions of lle day on saturday sept 7 74 i at half past seven oclock pni ri aug 30 1878 ioat iiies plulilipnwetings held ii ihe tptewst of gabeatttcc fbuwiiiij oxtasjo j tea tefsn of the above institution and the work li is mut tucoeurnjv iiccnmpmhlng an anown in tha anal succuof lit axndnlea ibrcusuopitnt cbunirviit toprepate bofa anil yoanl and middle agedmen ihr conib ponmtu bvaivliic tnem a tttoll ard peacflcl bdneatloh in oow keeping in tall its rojmponmoiulri rlinjetlc gramniar and mpeilfnt banatutmetlodsnow u deal wltb notes dran ojllsof exohang oowiltr anjhli klndmfhailnehtrarerr tbey speedily otufn promotion ajbnm w studeniaani hplejwhp nairobeenlbrouabtnaaranitaaruqnuola and unlvtrsiueh at welhaal uipm iwbott edhcatlon in early ilia baa men bf tlecu bd tpe former ocanei40kreeefve i brarleal diieuo ttipa aalajteeded in every day ike ihaialftr ip refi ed pari oegteet end all to area re uat k lowjerizs j e druggisaoei j j fqirvia druggist aqton imx t ukposiedjs wblon will tielpthcratonocce a fnlfia neglect blon s prld fipthe cullfge journal tlcolarf i are tent addrett i ek 1st 1s73 tail partlcuursaridrietlni niuklp are tent oil apiluerll 8abeatnf rb jbuovftn m mocransy esq ibtelal tas w1jate for the aorse orthe 00tnt1 ithi hen m fridat house of commons i will be i aetoadstario a m lnfcu untoi i jfe g htrf ii is jnpldlyabarljem hciiliialntn itv tcry- lnn j ilio- circjjjtuop jruirdinind al mthmmaili- pajtrtny jelrcuuiyg ih lie b1tloaistti5 h frri iu tootuacu l-irclil- lie dufliajeu- ralicla lntiliiiatlutu tilt i nauihtt ii uuru- toti- i kruuei tiiimu maejrilnlft haea iuln lu chcsl loin tu thaiildt rj cougus coilf5iotulctllniolnl uiorcijcen ntcry boniniercoij- hllitac it wfllcot tljeigo tln jtsrlat cre lu- ttautb rocaetyojrfrijhdics antilvsli ttrtitihri is ranlivda liic of loaiaoxs onttitoentry of sie pfemlton ifollowa r ii rrctsthcrsdat 5 xiutqhbnxi i rkioiv 6th at fpx oclock is- baooalrnja fjiaaranmir- eta rutario saicanif gy meet iriab 4otrmience at v30 clock ewah evening i meetifgsvwill be addressed by thi cundiilales and others ii due iph sou number pjpmir igtletfenm e aiidtordnio mieitbji i oif rtlielbq- min ibw fendt jjhtwib jcjoj m ibfltf jbi ex- pfed ied 1 3 speakaythe ootifity ui vi v- saat1bth1i ang jbtb 1876 afsrwa1uf 1iiswi r j 1 imp3ess ii i jhirr- i tus rn jirl itykrp iirfanxai tisu extjnsii llmiria- f uaiji roactiekv rjd it cjtik klrgu iindjyll ralpa tii kir i- liifiknlj- s tuio ax leltjll wtio qu ly io knottii remedy lor li tumau in on iieamcriccncciiirni novrdt uitviaikita vyji ajii v 1 rek i will i ii iii acrrt ji n succcxt wlljhall ttc fact t tat lt- gtut eerrt utclniteslhpwiiep- it tiite unit- itaroolnt blatant tcrf take gtveainauu eaei i ncd can be tqiiillcd- u n wlactrucke oi disease in every dsymfr witli bit essinao any ilejwjtitiou wjhlch arcbjskillithd success rvjarcl d iipdictl wcinco j apiuoi ui utstmil i qwerjovnr huj testimonials frim allparts of ibe jp ajre cobsfijat 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