Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1878, p. 2

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p 1- thft mm i i i if i 11 cuvrrtr ncctstons i and j rscn who likes a tper iu it jfrvni lie port office nkcitvr dyceiwl in his name or luoilci s or vliolhcr he hra-sub- k led ornot it repoiisibc lor frepress- aotonlhaan co e ote 1 ipije september 10 1878 pumetit if a rtoii orders his rrimtsci lasuclf it height that- til duo ttcuo iafi t fivrlt i erlle luuhher may conlimis 10 teuu it utliin tviucul it made and 1u11 col c the whole amoaui will cr ilivh iperfc liuen frobllhe cm corlat i lie courts have decided hut nfiiouc lo take newspaper or pemjicilj from ih pest office r- rntuariniind leavinf ihcui un- wac were rising and the goodf i ft for u i mi icv ayidencco dim the- poud by his tf tuft blviii ufeoii built livflfect above lis utua level the tack water from his jpjmd don soma damago to hj cellars icluvrefne to lha resident i cr tit the foot of holier avenue as il i t i unisys appeaivd bo mauds ettu rfihad o bo constructed to nudit the dwollert jto got out of their bodies and return home l4 nearly idf the cellars iverofill kid it not been that they la jh the uille stands canada lis little to afflipum ofiia luvretrptfou sho has jaict widi iii licr grit appear ance- a the new dauiiulon oa the i- j i european stage i the eak ijhhs vct free press 1 u 1ilicjtercri thursday mortons 81 for- annum in advance it l et t 1001 e enrrbk j jirr xv vosxivc snt19is7s the kfcsilt in 1ialtox j -4- weil j all our- and still there sre sole eo le who are dissilisfi fc- il past two niuntlis k gnat poljuijtaii kit been going on two pu ws bvii been btrirint for konr oa cilling uxelf rmrm the o ft tears ttv rirueciinscrti- tive bj of ihesa toro dlfifrrot de rroald int tlk tlioctimrietcxatcd and then in cii 3cs tic qne ibid friends wei the result ind tie onlr rcison vjs cce tljjh jtfca iliittuzie ris exttiltigiat sddthe bthet lia jgb t fc ntaa t oc perhips one ss ifo3i to die xttiond pol cj isj ie flc eroam uphold fc i c40iidcn excicaieat dshfoslea a ke oi nd urge crowd corgicgttod a rifttthews hill to lr tte telegn pkia repdrti i ire ld been hxai at ile bull yf mr s mtutajre theegter arag agsat for tho moutceil iin ibj as the rtportt cmein wcro tea oit of tbaj ccllitrt in doubl quiet- tiua fr greitcr ettcut of ilmgovcaud bve been is sull tu wiitcr in nickkni iond rosa iiiglierllikkif bis beci 4ca for mirabeeof years but rs llis dajbi uvery stoug vcrj- littla dinger nit celt rvgriipg fy smfelr tbu wtler u tilnioit ninnijig over tbo dnin liirtybvii tliej wtitegta w opined it leisiily lowcrud nd any dxmtge triis voidtrf j th wind which w very big i nkertho ttornl split cine of the lice willow tnxs on i jtrj wia aieel lot a4 fl l he street in front of itcgirvins drrgitop tl raoit blocktiingthoitrecu 1 1 j during the rainstorm li w iron bridguoa bo giind truct ilxilwivj beluw wton wij w ed wnj nd tbo tnjns couli not tun reguicly fjr aavewl dyt thu ctuid cront inconvenieneou diemsiu fiow- tbo cist did n6t krrive until the ntxt jnfirniiiit two or three cr iosrfs of cxtile bid to be uulimdsct and fcd kt thii slition in eramplon tha wier raifeil so high tbit ittinis hid to be sent to liltle like so the eiliisni could navirite the streets on some 1 1 1 bf which tkrc or fonr feet if wtler srii sbfing down with great fores- taa don kiver tl turoatoovr flawed its bjaks aid- carried awiy ail iu bridges and several 1 ipeoyle weredrovned ko train oil auy railtiy 1 con id ifive turito on fndky morning ar waahonts bad occurred on all he roade tbe siorui cohimenced rt the gulf jpf ileiico on tbe night of the 6tb iuit and boveredovcr cuba and soutbem irloiid until the nigbtjof 1- uuu icy were npdly cirealitii an- the 10 th it then un locain northwards aoi the heariast pait c hc urge crcd glxicrei it ttisf ifccaeceoa i os store fthro th dotausaa inesentout j 5 slare otu reporta the crst jj sees 12 this crtaty heard fraru e mj m yfor it mdcraner ci tt etfotoers weravubiknt ct enccess hosecer afte irtime is the q ltr repbets were sent tn ixacdoogiu a uijsr 4y increased ts when ley were ablaut even il ttprjerte of eact sidswete mm to- fuiii in ttthec a doublfdl qnrer at jut tfc report came that ifaedjugill wjis electedwiih 1 miiiv of tatett cheer fter deer tucn b oie oatifar the const itivc cs se the ccowdi xsq went to sccorj corner where a locseose bccr ris kindled the- cieenng cortinuej here until rcarly ell were- hoars and as the 2 e lad iy this time buratd down tna the ful kid run ont tha eiotrd s jojried to agnaw s houl where iidreaet er diivc ed by tfee jl lsjtre of sack fide the owd cuiptsedi it un eiriy hour i v- ri 1 h clra fa jtacioajili tt fc owing are e- icfjoritiet rtute a iu tv- d trmt eeclionrof 1 xiir we caucotvoach for ue corrcc nem ifxra tyfm ifkioifitiloi 1g ui 1 ut wey llir js 161 lsa sliijanty fcr facdaagli 24 retched ontario on the night the 12ib l of tufc earn storm the bsary rain itk whiai this sv tun of ilocounlry wasrvisited ij ijg kst wek did hot eels unll cijei lrble damagii iid been d ne thrjuirlicdt the frounce tbct raji continweil s v- fr abjut four days froin tor a uiil hudy night swel- g t je iojjj a lcrecks to alciost j tr ttbir usjj eiz2 i cp tiijnday night ha gales w 1 run oit t 1 raters frotn s pond were left opcdjhxit olihsuudmg this the water twl vett much and in the morn- irg it trm found to be flijwing jrjugh ilr motow 1 orchard aud iiri afcrthc dam by noon qn r jiv ur rwf 1 go njf over ti 0 j caleoif in- dritjgltictj tfic paris exfeluftibn pie returns from paris with the successful canadian exhibitors was published in yetsirovyk fffoje canada stands upon a different footing- at paris in 187b from what she did it philadelphia in 1876 thcashebafgrcatticaitlea for trtsportalnn as the field ia almost at the very door aid after the united states she hid ins rival in many exhibits peculiar to north aroeriii eesidcai the times vera more prosperous and the novelty of the idea conduced to fili lip ttie large space which she hiun which to exhibit her varied products i in fans at a distance of three thou sand miles from home 4 00 intervening we snditba dominion admirably represented bnt squeez ed into about one fourth the spice sbafaid in 1876 notwiihstand- ing tiii comparative pancityj of sjce canadas display if smaller numericilly ts yet mor carefullj selected and if aaytbihg more varisd being as lias been remarked of it viry microcosui of ithe conntryr- among the list of awrdawe notice the nanies of a largo number otfinhs from toronto montreal hamilton guelph- ic including clixs eaymond sewing ma eliine- of guelpb bonze medal jlccrae k co hosiery guelplii bronze- medl j lymcn bros t co chemicals toronto honorable mention eolph ismilh jco engravings toronto bronze medal caniht schoolcpparatascorapany primary insltuction- toronto gold medal j education department of ouurio secjiidary instruckion gold medal gorernraentofoulario university superior- iniiruction silrer medal plumbago co dtla nwa iutijuerygoid aedaljiclctc the awardito ciriada as atlprcs- eat kauwa aie2l6 fti number nude up as follows i dipljmaa- of- honor the iighest prby j 15 diplomas omprisiug 10 of the vklua iof silrer kui 5 of the yalu ef gold medals 12 gold meojdi 25 sil ver 61 bronze and9q honbtablc mentions in somecasra the sil vef and bronze medals ccpjal iu ralds thotfrof gold from the fact that no higher awards have beau given iu that particular class as i j e siogarvin dntggist acton j forty six thousand ilussiiia troop hivo ml- turkey fur home itidhat pasha his tecaived petmis- to reside- rwith his family iu a pro vincial turkish town constanti nopliiiallireeued with itw vatian the bakers beihg unable t furnlli broadi da ttii of the high price of wteal nd the depreciation of eurreticrj the redeiiiplioti of the paperlcurrency iws been undertaken by syndieite of bukern the porta has bh hit eug- land vviljnot accede to the germau proposal that the signatory powers should cooperate in enforcing the ivsleicjit of the tumis of the trea tyof jbetlin the auatro turkish courention has not jet been sign ed the sgitation in albania is increasing and fresh oulragestre- imminent thoj chrhitians ateaaek ing sifcty in montenegro mr layjitd refused 10 entertain the re questpf the purte for an advmcij olj nn nnft itlj tttt baltlxafadj fmm oar own iorrtfponiltni 1 a frieudlr gauifloquqiu was pitched hero on wednesdajilnt between the ballinfidand george town clubs and rulted in the baliinfad iwlnnlng the gjiiiw by 2 poiuta mrgco gibbsjwss ijfrat- cn badly iy lilsopponeut mr mil ler after ilia givme wat gniiicd gibbl slid miller pitched anther game and aftergibba allowed his opionaiil fo almost win thegme i put himself uigetw and did nut allon him to get another point llis object in allowing millar to giila so iniuch waa to allav hit backars tfli pitl up a- good deal of money which the ilallirialai moil eagerly took ip liutter 12 cenla per lb in ball- inafad j pgsr lolccntt adoren 0n hand at tha post olooor butter 550 lbs egs dozen iufreshj j r daitiwbartffai i ijrten thtvo aud four oclock on mon3ay morning most daring lurglaryj was committed at thi g w- kjntiition dundas by five men marked and olhorwisa dis guised tnd who from ihuir raute- uieuts must havo had some fcuo wledge of the locality and have tieea aare of the fact t lint on 0qo0og to liable turkey to sunjyiiight 110 pacific express eui docs not run on oiitiring carryoiit halrefuiiis in asia minor the attstriins will not alteinptjo advance tokovibazsr thht year editorial notes the nomination far manitoba constituencies will lafcef placo to day lind the polling on tho 23tb considerable opposition has lieen shoto in the british columbia legislature to the item for 900 that being the expenses of the late royal cuoiuiission it is satisfactory to be again in formed that iu cub they are onco more discussing the subject of the abolition of slavery husrever strong opposition is manifested to the policy pursued by great britain in her own possession theowccawcrecotupenscted for the loss they sustained by the emaacipitton it is rumored tbitj the govern- tcent are about to uuderialt au ordnance survey of cyprus on the seals of two- miles to the inchv lisit eitchencf e e now tho oseejdincomraandjof the surveyin palestine- is the person appointed to take command of this important expedition it is estimate that that the work will take lliree years before it is completed thjare is a rumor in enfjland that lord duflcrin on his return from canada il to be apjiointed british commissionergeneral in cyprus the british government is about to snd ost an officii with such tile who willdirect the civil government and ihia being the case us better appointment can he made perhaps however lord dufferin would not care to risk the dangerous climate of tha cyprian shores much auutance has fjeen ren dered to the people of the fever stricken south but there is still tooni for very much more to be ac complished for the plaguepossess ed people are sorely afflicted w is conceded that the mortality of disease is greatly diminished by proper care and nureing these can be supplied suffering afo be relieved and uvea actually saved by pouring in contributions there no danger of too much being doneof too large sums being sent- there is room abnn dant room to make good use of it tho menaskod the night watchman pitrict jbarrettfor tha key of tha nif aud were informed that tbe station piaster had it tuajmau then euiked gaggedand bound mr barret kupeked the knob off the safe with a hamuier filling the apertuca with dynamite the ex plosion was rather serious one as it carrier theife through a win dow iu4 about hitf way across ihe track a distance of thirty or forty feet there was iu tho safest the time about 70 in money and two cheque which were appropriated by ibe burglars whe deiiamped and have not yet bn traced a sweet scene toe fullowingis mblislied at the request of a lady correspondent a few layrsinw while visiting in a rurat district not a jiundtt-d- uiilisfrom guelpb wa chanced to tafco wik tbnktgha very ro mantic part oc cbe counlry so intent- wete we admiring tho scenery bkt time flipped pt un- lkedtdiiyus until tired nature awrrlid lir daina eqtnpelled ns to ait diwifand rest a4r the distance wriieard the barkirg of a dog aud looking in ihe direc- ioa from whence tha sound proceeded our eyes rested upon a picture- a worthy suljct for anj artists pincil tbereiioodanpble youth daoping tenderly to hi lreaitina close embrace- a fiir gill clad in sable garments on they came blissfully unconscious that three pairof eyes werewatck ingthiin his arm rouojd bis darlings waist her head ufon his breast at length tkif reached the fence dose to where wa were i n 1 1 j a- petition was prefcentcd to the butineiv signed by a number j of ruttpiyefk iiiiying ihe council to procure j suitable tosidenco for mrs- brain a dcslltiileperson the honsein which ehe now resides bf ing not fit to live in tbo inatter baingdulyconsidered in councij il was ordered ibuk measti moniles iliid wlietlihan be authorised to piocurelri uitable residence further a by law for llr levying of -cer- urn smouuu fotuoanty town ship and tho credit valley rail way was duly read arid pained whch providos that a rale oflfodi mills and ciglt tenths of a mijl be raised on airtho raieable ptoijerty of he township j r on motion the council adjburn ed lonieet atain onjmonday the 25lh day of november next ijohk eastehbrook ty clerk tha root crops have pubvrcettstv- idurably from the juie heavy reins at silver islet tliey are taking out83fi000 worth ofl silver otuper wxek and everjlhinfl is lively j parties of lgriculturiiu prind pally from lha 0 tawa valley j still ooutinuo to leave for manitoba j- the duukin act will bo siihmit- ted to the njujniyers of tho ormhty ofperth duiug tbe coming winter hamliurga protcqtiuri from fire is a handertginelanrl she ciliztis are agitating for purchase of a steamt-f- j the viceregal residence cf j utwa is being pat iu a thorough stita of repair pending llse ahaoge in her majestys representatives the hova scotia cotton millsat blackbum lancashire weie on thursday hist dxmtged by- ire lo the amount of 300000 m auitaulin island is being rapid- ir opened- up for setilejaient settlers are coming in and ichool districts are being laid out i mr e j wilkius of ga thas raised some amber tugur curia over nine feec high ulich is now ripe it was not planted ill the end of june i 1 bears are reported to be more than usually nuuieroiis in iuidlle and rear ranges of the mwnshfps iniatiugs aud adjoin n- iug coiiniies j tbii french iroopk in lawi cale donia havo coraiiletely detealed ihe insurgent narrvxs who loii 130 killed nntl vrcunded tbreo chifa were killed ii the gcorgiau by and wejiin ton railwrj- bylaw for 20g0o was otiried in the township- of bcdlinck on saturday by a ma jority of h2 the accauntfor servico rendered by ha volunteers in montreal on july i2th is 785537 uing oue or mow dayx pay fr 300j men eijlusive of srhcer a suit for 300000 hasileeh euterodirj pillaburg pa agaiusl p t baiium fur dattigts fori ihe a tkav at rrr 1 tfl hay ctop in the jkerfjbifp valley has uecn prsifcijnlly ffitthar ed aad uie vlloyjiroopueflsiil cue ricks in all directujrij oi some rancbej it wa uniitiiall cojilotf and mlady ihe pardon- t f w k cblef justice cock burn of eng- liiucii76 and llar been on the berreh 32 yearn while presiding in liverpcol litelyliewas tooun veil to remain in court ed keniani were let out of port land prhwn yesterday and escorted bytaie gaol officials to southampton where they embark for nen york samoa rt rife inihayti of an t oachlng rebellion the preai- denr iiae4iieaed to the people to lldr btra to duish histerm ralher than expose the couniryto blood shed the president willxesorl lo viount meant bafore reaigning the testimonial to lord dufferin froip tht caledonu oiiihng club toronto will take the shape of a toddy bailo made in tjnj form of a icurlling strifae it isjowde from 0tjr siuer obtained fora sqver rlrtind bearsan aitproprista ift- tciapiiun j tjlia ottawa exhibition was open ed on thnrsdai last the attand- abaowas not ai urge v anticipate ed jawing to tne tiinfatgrable state of the weather thaenlries num ber 2500 and the fairiisan im- irovement on last seasons in every drjarlment i i in gaspo ths nomination i place on the uth p aire ady our cahdid namely messrs j j eijboulnllier ay anil lh upe takes tu rejsjra n the factrl alleged breaking up of ogdensbarg in 1875 a great number of toronto eiuzcns are subscribing to a- fund sitting oil can t climb that to uai t lit uriti j fence says the wy oh ytricts inithesoulh alargem you can its nuileeasy replied of oney has already becucollect- her iarer bee here and plac ing his hand on the loprailhe cleared lie fence at a bound leaning over he tenderly took his beloyed in jiis arms giw aftce tionately into lha depitsof her eyesal few moment admired ihe blushes on her cheeks bowed his manlyheadland pressed a oving lhgering kiss upon her ruby j lips- heard burse pfstihed ujtgbter which wire unable to suppress any longerjgate a qaick frigtiten- ed glance around caught sight of us lifted hii darling drertlie fence and marched her off in- double quick time feeliagsalaittury nassaiaweya council the council rait at tlieca of the beeva on monday the- jth day of iepteotber j j mr wheelifian nored seconded by mr vataou that lltesumdf ll50 be paidtt e chapman biiilift for buiserriceiin connection with the revision of thcstorfs all xet our people lemember-v- list for1877 andthat the sitrn of though god forbid it that hey 8 ee paid to j eos tobroot town- may be in lifce case and with this reflection present with them let them do as thy would ba done by the increase in values in cyprus injmdiately on the fact that it had come under the control of the british becoraidg known although partially speculative is tory to markabla according to represen tations made by a leading english raerchaut resident ia egypt land valuu showed a tenfold increase a man wishing co start a hotel in lircuca vas unable to do- so be cause fire hundred pouuds rent was asked for osuitable lioase and the anglo egyptian bank had to pay three hundred pounda a year for their estatrliihment- these boild- ings preriously wept btgging- for tenants at thirty and forty pounds the excitement will have decreased ere his but jiis gives soma idtfa of ihe commercial advantages eiprei under british rule ship clerk his services conuect ed therewith as certified by the judge if the county court car ried r mr hutcheon moved seconded by mr wlieelihan that theaum of 950 be paid to messrs innes davidsoq for printing 100 pay masters schedules 5 snhptenaji 50 post bills for lenders and 50 a5d vita and the further 6um of 15 to messrs ifsiton ry rixon for iriuting he list of voters for 187 caitied a j bylksv was infroduced iud road the required number oftimea and passed to assess dtruin school sections for the several amounts re quired for purposes also a bylaw to authotizo the nstees of school section koj horauo the sum bf550 to defray the flxpenseu connected with theenargemnt of the sehool house therein mr watson moved seconded by mr avheeliban tht he som of fi be paid lq andre mcalpine for furuishing gravel to road divi sion bfo- 28 and a further sum of 1 to james mccyhhoh being bal ance duehiraqn jtcertaln couract caitied i- j emcgarvldra2 j emcgarvin druggist acton ed the brturgeon puint regatta was last friday postponed 0 this week the rowers ae nearly all in good condition and it is expected that tuis will be ha keenest race of the season the nova 6cctia cotton milhj at blackburn aftiongst the largest in lancaahire were damaged b ifire on friday o ihe extent of feloo 000 three hundred perssusi are thrown out of emproymant jri consequence of he treaeher- om trtatraenl by the authorities many spaniih families who were induced to return to cuba have beeu obliged q return to jamaica as their lives were in danger thi congregation of cardinals at roma is examingithe question be- iweeti jtuasia and the vatican ft is understood thattheypopebin- cerely desires an amicnbla arrange- mant wih uasaia and germany forest fires have been raging on lha north aide of the cokimhia river the losses are estimated ai ahout imit a million a public meeting hasbcenheld at vancou ver to raise meads to reliave iho settlors r- lord dufferin has been present ed by dr grant of ottawa with the farewell adifress to his excel lency of the ontario college of physicians and surgeons to wnich ha has sent an interesting laud learned reply 1 mr b franklins tin shop rtills- barg was destroyed by fire wed- nefidarinorning nothing was sav ed the cause of ihe fire it un- knowtsthe loss will be about 800 insnjed in the wellington muluauogmo i f on wednesday rnoramg last- l daughter mr sj baker of guelph was fatally burned it seems that a vessel containing boal oil was accidentally brokctvtbv cohlents saturating a mat on the floori miss barber proceeded 0 put the mat in the stove but in doing so it beohuie igliited aiid set firer to her dress arid in un instant she as- enveloped iu barnes burn ing her severely j short and m trcrnb hono fortirudr rolitaille and 1w w clappetoi ari-llecandi- datea inbonavcniure tha local gavcmoint of que bec has ordered a conipany of tbe prince of wales rjffes lo be sta tioned on the occidtntalrailwby ssjtlieyaie apprebeninvo of some stiatejjr uiou the part of mr mc- dnald wbo is looked upon as ijy liuunut a fttcmer by the name of pobt siutt living near kiugavillf w ioiuid shot in thebesdj it is sup loted bo commiltcd suicide as ha isd a gun in his baud when found d cause can be useertriued al rtseutfqrihe act he leaves a vife arid a family of gyejcliildrcn great preparations kro being nsde inthe maritinie provinxa or the corning lobster heasoii l-sl- yeura bjatou finnovuing an vatab- lisbmentat seal cusesmi upssf foopoiuid cjiis aud this year they will gneally rxccfd lhat uanlity j hkkc bounds are reirartcd 10 be in j rreatdcmiud jl rlj mf 8 v iliirdujored hat he governor o cillure pli m uierul will remain until the jur- ll5ffi ft tmft f- 1 sideriibly injured ijy i uei rfiet pert and as a consequence wa 1 light on the averagb- tbmtiiig it hssyielded xerr fairly ifndjr tbo hay ground has bean- mowti- 1t is of fine qnality and has beet pat up in excellent condition n rain- orthjr of menlioflj hain fallen duringi ibe drtire ihajrirlj season wheat and oit props art good both icquautily aid jqnuiuy aod of vegetables there is an abuiir daiit supply ml i- the nert meeting o teachers m belongs fo x- association j wil be held ai i -d5c- i thursday pridayrai saturday 1 j 26th 27th 28th of sept i- 1 synopsis of prozrniaine i- i i i000am opeiingrouliiiie- wju am remkrks bjlnerjrfe sidenl k latle e-iq- ih00 m composition and gram mar j a hoore uit bf gtbrgetowu ps i i- v i ontario w0hderrljlarnutri jc ib ei3ff tite raicm fjr maitximi j j as ixteirxli ju1u fjrxai eemeiiv y 1 pslm fob etbst jtto it ct hbgumaiigm dodlfrtn- rwi nd kills ollilu astaou kiiowij remedy or 1 ei man ra- oit he- amncnccotirjim ircvto bj llolbalje6 annxm n apjiled u gtvrt ea5elo hcualonunale t incnjr it- is rapdljrebfcbybf itiietiulet to ineveit boninleip hie circulation nftijrilullit nil illn utorgeiowu xd j ubitnaiic i- drculatimc it l3apni flvgien drxusk oa c- 1 ite uiai n vx tl it j ih the rilto u j j ki fjj onural oiiath 300 p m- school disciplite ret i titi l i- jdb cameron acton 403 nm leadings v 1ba- 730 m uclure tbi ax cam la uur s a mcltliad 11 alili tliiir in rreabjy leiianchurch friday quia of lyirriu and v fmiiccss lmiie arrive nt quebtc where ird duffeiin iwill as theeveut will 1 mem ami a jiret is 1 the new gusetnoctj proposed to have an xlebration at quebec lie trial of keil livingston meet lineal if souie iiio- j secjuipany eueral- his upproprhitc jr tienaiiifder of willitia drrell- oil rijejeuch ofangnst at jdhiugwood wlrfiji- waa down fur he -akiiea- iii ieiuyheld at biirie has been lpouejliy judgv galttill the sprfig assixs lo iheabscnce 0 6rovet nialeriai jvunesses for lltejdefence irto left collingwooa swlly alter the peril irrenee i man went in 1 saloon la st iidis the oiber day judput down 610- fgr a glass of wijie and would sjslemv of which due iotioe will uka no change that day whiskey given at ti kitiprin ksq t 1ecl lonoiini aridnneile dr i iicum t0 p in geograplijtcr ndvnncd cwses k liille presilent 331 piii ilisory or ehucjtiotf uatarid i iracolomju u lxdfa i- flrmiunrl 131 pm qifslron driiver 73 j p m iiuical and f literr ry eotertairmnt in torhfierni c hart oj- wrlichlheverjl el talent ivtiilatttb has eeinecr f ed feee rrogrmme 1 saturday 1 930 am onironri promotions cameron il mliurlinglonf f45 pjmatgebre dr jlcciellafi dnrinj he clivenion g flos- q- model scool inspector will deliver a lecture on erogrjss and defects of oar public sen 1 ol feet 6 j inches and uie other is jft i in grangeraare invitel 10 bring along their tallest to match i i 1 last jyeai inmassachuseks 12 37 couples were ibpunl in the houdsof wellock of these there vtro9vl5 bachelojs who chpaa maidens to be their iwives and g08 r ho chose widows while 1399 vidowers married raaidena and 818 married- widows fom t his itap- pearsthat 76j more idowets than tridows were married again and that 39g maidens jiiarried widow- ers when only 60cj bachelors mar riedwidows j j in soveral districts of western ontario j says the jourori star a sudden and mysterious blight- has affected the potatoes daring ibe last lew days plants that were kfiparenily green and vigoroes havt in acpiiple of days withered aua died before he potjtp was tnatjireil thetiipa have the odorir if new mo wn jiiy had he iveather been itteessijvcly wet itjmight be taken or he irjsh poliio rot but iu ngh- dry land whiarq there are no 1 ediaposmg eausesj theyare equal- t affected therejisno other ex- anitidn hanl bat heplant has ien injured by atqiospberic inffu- ice such as hi nbabrption of some liann froin the heavy dews by i e leaves i this poison liaa enter- l- iu lb the circulation and destroy- i the cellular tiesucs and hmd ile dealh tborojis no apparent i viury yet poseryahle in the potato j e megiryin druggist acjoa j e mcgarvin iruggist aqtoa frienjs ef aeallpn are cordi hy mvited to attend actoti beptl8tlrn8 i sold in uany instances or 2 20 a drictj aud teer op arid lemonade at 1 a glass evan tha caoat rigid temperance man could hardly censure ibisdisaijiationesthe total j proceeds were given to ihe yellow lever fund j liissigjlweti a aw days ago mrs p thorapsen accidpntally fell down a stairway tier injuries are quite serious m besides a severe scalp wound her right leg was bad ly hurt mr jacob allison jot lot 152nd con exhibited a few days ago two stalks of corn una of which jmeasured 1201 her rare and very col w be selung 0 ft bslojcost mrs s au3uta eecoao havingdecided lo mqva idtoro ito will comajenee on ihe eoth of s pi- te48ekto seluallnergooiihelowl cdtin orderto makes speedy cl ar- anee aha alfo purposes dlpoine 1 lion of shrqbs bulbs arid fioer roots at a sacrisce j ah roots un- sold will be remofd fche is ilso desiroutof lecuiiiig a tenant for he jiroperly she- now occupies this is no delusion come and euro bargains v 1 5b6tia6c pall stock it tolliacht 11 rtclie lleuaaetie nitlu kuaiuuuiii birins owef iibg it ouiuiliii burs cuts kruvf iuiqiu etue itui iu back ivihiu clunpl 1oji iu ithouliln cooglrs jo4lkroril8virotalit uamra dbeuury com- piaiiuae u w iu r the mptt ncoalzlrt t jl ikn irrrcxlerinl a ne ir 7ju iocati biii n u a irjirtie latttlitxi e i tv ttkiaicrtt rf iw scces wllh air c 11- jn i o n ne 1 11 1 tic li ct hal 11 hri iinr liartuemileaaasl- to tr jlci luiiaiit- pte and ji be i 11 u vtuvr une o w4e hjlej uy bf vfuufirtali -ccs- uiif tuiy pilltualionwljiet earth itirljirti v p 1 nrl jiejlyilletcc j ijix11 iiirral lover crvrr lfeteaitt roi ionialt bi aitb llfli r lor uiu it vtrbkg 1111 iiiisssaasiaksaec ho k saeiult m ajiy ol lut tyve i lnfit cumafulavillclib die uisce tn toronto auydiv ot tbe week will get practi proof free ol char ul tra nagical her fieri nmn one jipllai testimonials from all parts of the fiomnionire constantly coming to hand- giving expres- i non to the most grateful fgrrti- lude for astonishing eaes nbjeh iima performed jind jwe wpild be pleased to reoeve tfotimoinl- tlifrom ifu crlhers whb use lti iuvefult 11 ii 1 jllvsicuiia ot uie toghest rel ipecubilil recfcijimeid itasa most secausl domestic remr edy for lb relief pfpiin in cases of sudden emerg carry it to your tomes anirit will prove r lileacltjf to your imilies and nfbici fri drupjists are eliiag enermnus juanlitiesof it wherevejr fntro- l i j v- i ehsiieiiev tie ttorirlto ipro- iluce its equal price 85 cents per boltrd ltierdesappliel brpnshthe wholessbs drus land patent ifedicine houses bf montreal toronto uanilt on aiyi london sold at xu xsteatbboe nairo 1 i ttsrs i- -jt- htflsr v- i 14 l a- come 0he come all nptrvis tie jtime to invest in olbttv i we begoiniitaatet6cnir cus tomers that webaveust received and well ur fail stock of boots hoes which insists- of selected sock of mens 7pkelts and ceildfuens jof all slf lee arid sisos wiich j will be sold elieap sps4 attisotiok oiysit woaoaaafflitoas crftime ion aclpnepu hih jsts i ge ofiektisalir 1 j i is ther place tpget it i am now showing a firsl class linepf i english and klfo a nice lirifv centty fopshinc which wee bought for cash thisenahles j- meto sell cheaper than any- cher bousv in j thcccuhtyvjl ill fadfiesjeura cbaa ictoo ajg 8i 1978 1 yf 1 m

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