lip bnrrv pm t w inters and cfts tkivk tmk ttlu j raisflea e helenas fa lows qotug wkt jvigblliprsai 1ossb fotiaio mail 9 lola ikr express- wpla afa mini 5 i7pra 707 pnt eopn just whtbipmm gslt mixed j 5im 9iiam psy erprt llsoum v itcrn mi i fi 17 pm london mixed 9 30pm ail mb intx iiju umbb gvttlt tf est fclsa m ti free press acton halton connonir ootoier lopms ciir tost sj0 pm lo uuq arr halt for ta rooto uaqam kviclitau msinostj am on tuesdays kecuterai letters xtistm molted u talaiztes tetoce eudai-urae- muts ttanii from toronto rctf rfff and frtdyt from ftmntn rod tie west ttpn yiam kiirlifil oil tue i service jnttwmilhodiet fchnrsh ever j lubbalhjbolhlnornlntaiderlttc j attesalusocloeajrtssnmllvely- rev k kuans fiiior px- t0cafcmafter8 j zfjidiitj izkxsett citl- find iikjitrfr adcvilatf to ealt aid utpki cr it cf- ii fiiftrf i jffs cf erktxifrcrsf fiecr atutrrv vrfird sacrjerr of ywf tirnrizr tf ai j-i- coait tiiotv he or h ft iruaf fe rciix cttf eijsje iw jjeodi lldeks cr iv ifircv 4ij sptxidhct ttpairrd at ls if ta lthe lis- sen- rql i- ifji v 1 i j istationery it hcgarrittaj xichcislie henderson icor tdjjchean do yooi bayy6ar teal fie answer below i heavy rain tuesday aigb cevirirffllsrs tilled c jcordwood taken inetciiijge forfubecriptioas tt tfcioscci 4hlibn gjantj- fill show t hilton ttix 4 tof hflatiie btioj ibrouglit jne gcelpli durfcet tad in kid t froal jtefrcvtr r at ttw gigorffoaij f itivt ese cirijtie etairnoj dr ilegnivtn siipved oj iui tpjie lioooni 5-uj- iii tr fcioi irtin s trrc iii lis crictt rrtjr eunc fees wilt be giieii tj ttew subscriber irom nom rill v ikilst of matrf 1ssl for 115 ilor fjrbiii rs cfivrcj on the g2ypb isirktt oq sxtiirvuy lilt tint int t cffervrl ia aac tlxy furlscrentl vjct t j i j ijhji clif llior nice tie tb rzizxl cxcluiiaiidat ercm cm wxeri eiiiiinicj caristre hcadcrsoa i ctft c1 v vl 001 rewkrd fir anree of rnoni iu the hurfsi fjrstrai feherr j el fee- i csrac try tfccw- iiiliibt droci of eriri rap el 13 j biiaril of pilztao troa two izixiiliuft ciiiynr rettre coi barxi of icjijlfi beithj tbii r chnuc kondcnntt 4 goj sell cujp sc joun spoigul now id- twtajuicnt oiipr lmimctitit if e jic cir av drug ttore a field of pen on lot g con f o mu n of lnquuinf it ia uoom mr orr furniture rt8lr tnd grocer hu l aev klcruci leal in ha tha 107 td ftry mblttd map at u lri ot uiur aljc scrt tucsdir ind v cacsdny ire th cbirt ippokud tor 1 ria shotr t eria viluge ilr iincfcing hit di sposcd of uisjou nrinung bustum i u guclnh to mi kclaoj of duudi rth prion of bttey n pnclph anirt silntdfy tut ruict 1 trtm so otni to 80 ocsu per bailul i the free piusgwil bepven to cowbnbscribcra from now till ihclst of jinuaxr ies0 brtl5 didict dres- godii skci itteotiwi choicest fibrict uttcxind color it jchriitje ifcui enoa co tha 0th bttt volunteers raitch t ad s oeraifccr held their taaatl shooting teoqrtowa7 cert tady tcidiy ilr aiev grknt ft fcii bceaciuule to vatfc for kjece time pti oa ocric of fc icrere tttict a- icaxnrcitiqa in the eyes tho dsckrwiorparts fromlho u s consular agency it gxelph for iho quirterj endias- 65 tea ber 30th tmociuid to15791fi57t j mr joseph fiimlej bold hi mr p kolley ii having his tow puintcd itnd renofated jtiin cjuirlt tiftd drawa willy ctr value at cariitlo hfldor- tbn routino buiinou of th h c- t- a moating twoii loo lito for thii mm alldjrs stuffii soli at je slcoartiat uruff stow are tunntcd umaka rood colon tbofjtksifrega will begivtn to nw aubaoclbflre from nc- till ihe fit of january 1880 for 115 manuet mantle 1 manila tlavo yon ciimincd chrutie if cadcr- aoa evcoi mantloa1 0htap neat and tin the iocial atmr gibboia vo- iiteacetuoidijroriaing n wcllat- teadei a pluaut and joyoat ctening sratjpent tjib directors of the gudpu ilaioalc hll company haw decided to pay a halfyearlydiridend of foar per cent to ttockholdcrt llariug iho heir j- wind atorm yctcruvmoraiaff sir win andenoa of lot 2u con of kaqowing towmhip the roof iraa blovra off hu barn l mr w ueid of ktujclbiillj hisdiifiosed of his furrn ia naisa gitweja and intends remorinjta acton tho new postmaster is mrlinfiotill mill atrect between john and elgin received a liberal coat of travel tut week thil considerably improve it other portiocx of oar itrvcta are alofbcint wplel onthnndajkst maior allan handed ni thrw large potatoes of the early goderich clua ihe three weighed three pounds acvea bancet fina lot 30 3rd con toraihip of 1 can anyone beat that eftcestagbyaactioa oatneadiy lit oct to thifc soaierviile for 30q t largo jaantitisi of jfft are beiaf bracxht iafo town and the borniieati g t h- toll a and s t e xictlia are kept buiy j ayiug fat jmn c s- 6tnith i f leton wx krirded eleven prucs ii gcelph fiveia toraaioaad tea ia hamilton for the- sheep he exbibitej at tlicae diifcrcat placea 3d spro and read all our ad vertiecmcnu thia week t lere are a number ufntw one and it will pay to rtad tllcau and bay from tiieeacrciuntx wbo xdvcrtiic j 1 ciiruti eeadersoa i corj sell cheap i i a ycbnj riin was ji jured at the evicesicg falf hoii geortit- totcni aa friday but hy coll djag witb a huric wnicli ibeinr exhibited ilia hifuriei were not kcriocj tlie fixtirai in connection with theil ti charcli rocfckood last j night wa a ebccesi ac iosg ether iddressesjehvcev ja c mpbeil of georgetoaaj delivered hia fcddrcsa oa ilaaiijuai a pleasant ct taiag was apeat cantdalcbanrb s u v s jhbw nice christie seuder- kcc co s liiihwr ali tie ttttters are full of atorie aicit hanlas xcady every aifci coliakm oar bny of- ae other eadeartajj come ijtrxage iant c tiefee p3i will given to new labacdbers f ran now till the irt of jiaary issoj far jlli there ii lata- of room ia oar labsexiptfoa book for new manes i jur ftae- fortierlr g t- r aterrtai jjoaaboro atatioa ia ifr h haata raccaaor here we wjtfc he eiay become aa great a favorite aa 1 jfr heat aatbeeac i rhr james beatv oftoronto will d v preach ia the fliieiple sfeetlng hoaae ret js on next lords par evening fie i3th at 1 1 oclock- al m sad 6jlilciock prh- jtbe loadontdailj- jldsetiiser hat been farther enlarged itnowcob- tahi ifiieolamhaiof reading mittej- jlncreaaed call on ita advertiflcg cblamaa it the reason of the eclarga- n -i-gaeph- citizens bave bad a hearty laatt at a rain rho heard the captaili of the rife company cent- rria3nre cry fori beaming banding hadthe fire bee ringing for a ndrt time i v accptiaoes by ajivfrtisemeat ia another colama that u he has 3 oat received aa imrnenae etocfc of choice cioefcery glaaaware c vhih pkdiwill bc cheap far- ona in iract of theiegooss thonld ify umy- lotfedarlart week as mre t callaway vsa atthting to rembva theold hake hoaae he accidentally rah aaij rail almoat thrbogha foot aiihoogt tha woood was very paaifal fori time mr galloway is able to- w around again ifr g l adanra of regent had ha joat raceirwl a nice lot of new over- rcoafiogrtjhrch will btaitevp in the lafcatwtylee and fifrguarahteed at prices varyingfrom to 25 aana- tptanoadjuaortiaastrvfeprtah iaadigeotch twtidiisisitmtuigi ate cbxjli toe cisjt betreeo wslre oolocfc llott- tay- sight and one oclock toeaaay naming the irotjdehts of a por- ua of kill iad main streets were awakened by a number of- ahflts being ajcharglfrornaievolter thecaaae of hat tkota ia naiuoira bat ahoold b inqaired intov theaettioaliaked loarly a the rtorcf avc voald kaggeat that the fourp is grain bay- ers ehoid bring abme aaiiller moaoy into torn with vhioh to vxj for grain jtctlte greateat amainnt of c oaey comes from thtt eonrce 1 fattsre going o have sn aactiua i sale this fall loaare and leave theonlen for yaar fcilti at j the fexe pates osce in these bilhi we n satisfy yoa better btth in style and price thin any other oisce in the canary call and tee rneciraens mfi jas mcdiui announces in oar advertising calamus lust he has opened business in biff new bucksmith shop on sfaia street he if preriared to do anything in the jobbinj line in as good style and as cheap as any other sbopin town we hespifc for him a ffir share oflpatronage i oaj sunday last some boys loosened a boat on the inill poni i yed a row for neirlr an boar then forgetting to return the boat j itg moorings they strolled inp town earing it to drift wlere it pleased the owherof the boat sajjs that if they do this again they will bo prosecuted ilessrs s i if zimmerman hare aoid their hoose- and lotion mtu street near the railway station to sfr fan sarvis of ikreawoodv lfflbh- toneo9jity ifeisri zinmietniaa wth imaiediatelallt another hoaae on lot hi the aame vicinity f mr jarvis is a retired gentleman and intend to considerably improte the place chasue or- sfiibox kowis the change of season it coming on and ihe cold nights are at hand it is time for yoa to be thinkingofyoac blanket ftannehiwipceyf new tweeds dress coods new mottled wincey black and colored lastres cotton sprint canton flannels and knitted goods the spot to get them in large variety and very cheap is at method anderson co a ilammoth hoaae georgetown ofitiiesday evening a person named john bsker who has been working jfor jaa ryder for the paat two or i three months attempted to rfcdse without eettliogthst little board hm at- agnews ere he could embark on theesrs for detroit his in tended stopping place he was csptur- d ddjtkmto one of the hotels where he was left to linger ail nhjht- he was allowed to- depart oa the morning train minus ids clothes which vere leaed aadwill be retainad until money is sent to pay his hoard bin christie henderson coy sell cheap tievcral of oiir viliojers went to toronto on tceailay to see tho cricket match between jahe australians and canadians andlio to attend eahlaas reception thalrfeght mrss a seeord is scllinrcof her epleadid collection of sowers very cheap she hai an estra gd variety and persons ia i want of good flowers can be supplied at low rater i misses mckcllar and mooro hire been rocugaged r truli- tecs to taich the second and third daparlments in the acton publio school for tho ensuing year mr jh hacking aadwife wereintown last tlmrsdar visitiug their nnnieroos fsicads irr this neighborhood before leaving for clifford where mr hacking in tends to sart a paper a tha course ut a few weuks thecttn press will te giren to nw sttlacribent from now- till the 1st of january istjo fbrli5j a kchtlenun in town who bv the tray was never known to bet be fore lost some money oa the utc boat- race and on the advice of jiis friend he ha decided to bet oa nothing trithaac being certain of winning since thea he has several times been trying to bet that john a will kave a majority ia the next house dames mattlisvs is busy opsaiag out his first arrival cf sari- wars paints oils aai tarnislss brushes eto oa suncfay evening a person stepped into the hole ia the sidc- walk on slower street near the english caarch severely twisting his ankle be fore he could release it- the street and sidewalk committee ahonld see that it i repaired before fore a anit for damigea is eatered another board ia brofcea at the john at crossing on if ill street and should alao- bs attended to protection is alt the- rage at present bat we call apou the old iaea the yoang mea the youths andthe boys to come and protect themselves from the cold blast of the coming winter by parchisiag their clothiug overcoats flanaela undershirt and drawers far caps gloves gents furnishings c at i ailans antifatttt j e mc oarvini drugslore tlii best valiis in the mivhtflt christie henderson coi winceya tlia roof of mr iamonds new brick house oa mill itrott has been completed gpnnine- french kid bulton boots t chrfstis headlnoat coi cheap itthai the frke press wilt be given to new lusscribert ftoni now till toe utofjttnurrt880forljll5 judges at ihe fallshowt are the persons who have co tako the great est ampant of abaso at thil luaaon o the year 1 t if yoa want any groceries you ihoutd call a alor seeorda and ex amine hii itock re keepaa choice electionalwaya in stock the mfrchmts- of wingham have decided not to take batter in par- ment of book accouata after th- 15th last aetna merchants should do like wise get your printing done at the fece pens office snd yoa will get value for your money good work done in an ciccuntr manner and wo arc jure yoa will bo catiilicd mr george dolorty and fam- ly suddenly left their rosidence near crewsons corners one night recently jreditore are mourning their sudden departure for pastures new erimosa fall 8how was bold at itockwood yesterday tho erhibi- ttonwaiup to ihesycrsgo both ia exhibits and sightseers see the prise iistia next weeks fuse pjsess miss louita sturdy who was sentenced to two years in kingston penitentiary for assisting her father in hia outragea upon the person of kiss carr ahont one year ago ho had her sentence commuted shcwih be re leased in a few weeks 0 wing to a collision near to ronto on the g t r between a yard ondncaud the mail train on taeaday morning the train did not arrive until eleven oclock two hpars late these delays of the mails caused by accidcata are getting to be of frequent occur- rcneej 1 r millinery show boom is stocici full of all the latest novclitios iu hats bonnets feathers bowers lihbbns silks velvets shawls mantles fun c all the above good are well selactcd and eatraordiaary chcap the millinery is well got up and finished with taste in english and french pattcra inspection i respect fully solicited ifclcod andenoa co georgetown i two students belonging to the ontario school of agriculture at guelph hare recently purchased 720 acre of land ia uaditoba at 300 an acre ither atend- liniahiae their course at college thiwiater and next spring they vill- return to- ifaaitob and show the inhabitants how to farm acieatificall a number pf wrrrthless boyr between the ages of thirteen andseven- teeh are ia the habit ot loafing aboat the street ia the daytime a well as after dark they are a- naiaaace cot only to the public but tothc merchant around whose poors and shops they make a practice of loafing it would be an act of charity toward them if thar were sent to school i on monday erening the band went oat on a serenading loux after playing a number of pieces in frotrt c the fees pes otecei they proceeded to alex seeorda new grocery where they again stopped and gave good evii deuce of their skill after marching round town for a time tiny dispertedj thebend has our hearty thanks for the iplendid music they plsyed ia froat of thisoutee j irha aat coal caia tm sup plied by- ieayiajf their orders with t mattli- es pleasa lam ia your jorders act later taaa lie jisfci iast porsale fifteen nrstcjais uncoln atid uioosur kara lemhi all frorn import- d stjkik a number o tliofti prixoukers at llit provincial hsmilton andfluolph fallthowi also two fine berkihiro boarpigs prioei moderate w c 8 8mith apply 1534 actonont 3 uokt nokk itlll rnyal buforldant imp ldy barnes aire imp vhoyal oxford gwynne will serve oowa on the tarro adjoining the glri aotoo tcruu ptdigtoe cowi 700 orade oowl 150 cash 1 200 credit v 0flm u8 8mith gthayed came frrtn the farm of samuel clark lot no 25 8th con eiqnesiog three two year old steorsand one two year old heifer came about the middle of jaly- the owner is isqneited- to prove proper- ty pay charges sod take them any in fourteen days ram this date or they will be told to pay expenses 8amuel acton sept 1878 clarke i33w ttiaell fob sale j ths lubstflber ofters for sale the farm iltasledon lot ii oaa 3 town hij of erin thij farm contains 100 acres 80 of which are cleared balance welltimbered itia situated about a mile from the ouolph graret road and about miles from acton the ph is well watered there being s gooil- well and neverfailing spring on the farrii and a eood frame house and barn oa the i remises for furthar par- ticalara apply to jacob fisher lncknow or utrait sackliaioier i ospringe acton aug 28 1878 otice- village customers will please bear in miad that no baircuttingia done satnr- day nights except for country people villagerswisning a share will much oblige by calling daring daylight oa saturdays aa country work will oocnpy all the tune afterdark on til twelve oclock i geo bleveks new shop the subscriber begs leave intlmste to the inhabitf atsof acton sad vicinity that he haa built and opened ahlaekimith ahofonhain xtreet near seeorda corners wiseie ho is prepared to do all kinds of 0 ii -ix- j iron work etc etc horseshoeing aspecialtt custoifwork executed with- neatness and despatch prices t suit the times jas molam- actoo oct 9 1878 16 im rn klfs i a i- 1 is now beliiig filled with aulhe j hating bought earlyvwewill be able to exhibit a largielrelectioh of tht best patterngin ihemarket i scotch twkds i in great yarietyv worsted coatings tr0t7sriffgs neat and durable all the latest styles inj i n hats cfhtw furnishings i our stocbk isvlkrgend well assorted all the newest thingt3 in bq rs tibs irid so afs a fyfe mcnabt acton aagnst 20 h owfi lh llaetogeksgciifotf anda cheap ope and if you want to safe modty go to ross 6tove vklntvrit astew alwsys in stookv itihliji at prices loisijii be ufflei a axstolasa aawrt- raeat of tiavaro aor lastoolc jobbinpf of allrkirjtlfl prompts ly atteqilad to and satib- faction anaraateoa fe stewart 06- in street acton ntkttis in acton on the 4th init the wife of the rev j davies pf a too j e jtcgirri i i dragtttattoii the jiainmoth house georgetown where extraordinary inducements will be held out cash we wantjbargaius will be given hcleod anderjon tco i tho following is tha list of officers instslled for theensaing term for a cton biriaion sons of tehiperanc by bro ohn speight d gw p j bro edward sfoore p w p w h mcdonald w p i warrcn a a h ross r s sis aara speight- a r s hattiejipcightjii 1 bro hj p moore trea r b cook chap s wordeo uon sis carrie grinlinton a c bro aler iumshaw l s thos vtatoo0 s it is oar painful duty i to in form our resders that mr ieopuuu well known ia acton aceidsntallr that himself sshort lime ago- he and t4 companions were oat dack ahooting end he baring a good chance at a bird pulied the trigger hut i unfortunately the gunisng ftre and he lowered it to aee what was hit matter vfjien lie lud it on alevei with his head it end- denly went off entering hie head under his chin and killing him instantly his relatives have tho heartfelt sym pathy of all who weresnqaainted witir tim as btt was a generah favorite with many flour i fall wheat i spring wheat y 1 jvew spring wheat barley j oau i i eoas batter fresh batter salted i lardightl urdfdarkf ew h potatoes per bag apples per bag ily per tb j xctov jhetets 200 to 2 50 ixllicgitrtid druggist acton 0sotoo 85 c75to0 80 0 70 to 0 75 0 wtdctki 0 10 to q 30 0 eo to g 55 0 lltoq 13 0 05 to 0 10 0 to to 0 10 0 os to 0 09 0 10 to 0 10 0 50 toio go 0 25 too 75 10 00 to 12 00 mrs s a seo0rd is selling iter choicest roses sjirnbs grape vines and rbnlcvrb at550 dozen gorgeous tulips at 25c por doren exquisite hyacintbea nt 50e per dozen cliarming little ynodrpp9 daislps and croeosea at l per otozenj these flowers will riot blooni unlessiinoved in the ill union package dy es at loo ier packet all tindsof pills st 10c per boi nnhreakable tarap chim neya at 5c encb and all dye woods at 5c pel pound a steav aeifee strayed oa the premises of the undcr- isiijnea lot u fcon 6 township of fesqaesing a red and white heifer 2 years ohl the owner will please prove inroocrtyi pay charges and take it away ikj- i tbo i arthurs 7 e mcgirvin drujjist actoa j emrcaaryindmaisi aclon tjeattrs guide to flecahtwbtihg a coinpietc selctnstractor ihr- plain tad onumentl penmanship ii toanf peori sruulnc to arqalr t fapadehaftfaad bwml hacdwriunff wj thoal a xcoctri wll i find tuc q rut perfect 1 bftrjctor hutnidi bj w- tyittif maaufui wiiien tprnajboui the dgmiuiaalauiecnue18uilei bf ailtc ivconsttiaof a torieiof corr supt of oonvenlent line ir prmeufnjr hfcb cotitln copies betinmuf wuil ih flrt prvoctples nud cadually prvvnatiar n oieiticwt elegant putla and cnnamotal wfiudtf i aa uttltawkstad 8iiect cq- tajalactjetnau text ui1 knrmib nci ornifineuuj tuertmr oflhand fluarl h- npof btroi if- a boot or 0 1ascs xiitifrll aajtlnds andtntnicuan una a trtatauiaa- eoctunrd com la couiala price hai ptt paid tltidna ot hibcattyaco odtarbr boiiivfli cals ifctlevtue ont septi i i intv sribeatttco bnirtriiz oxtakio- ra eeslsn of theacove insulation- aadtiie wart it ts mt soccessrniy aecompll-hlos- as shown in liie tct success of iu grauaales ihrottcuoot tne cauntrvv is to nrepaie boys and yourur fn1 middle ased men fur goramerclal purralsbrsivtcgem tuorotwk aid praoliol hfiuciuonindook keenlrk tnall its form penmansblr ritftmeiic correspondence grammar andspetipgbnnaiig methods nowio deal wlln cotes draft oil of exchange euecks ani h kinds ofuuslnws paper artxuuvres of toe curxik who bave four nvcnlhs course and taken their diplomas are each week stepping into food poswn in which owine to theeamptctftnfs of their knowltote they speedily fltuln promotion l amoqgour sladeuis aro those who have been throoab tho srammarschools anovun1verslllcaswells tnose whose education in early hla has bsen niiecl editao formfr come to recelv prsclcal education such a is uef k every day hiv tne lat ter lo remedy past tndall to 1wiiii world wshion rb l j- westeltp -p- qtjeleh saass ms iisndirr in his deparmentj of oar btitu neasfe always showheterylalbst approved atylea and rnafeitais uro- duced in he british and iforeijfn fcatketa 1 i a now hold an fmmense itock of new nd fashionable msterlals for fall wpar and have grtai confidence in soliciting the inipertionof every intenping purchaser wej ahow spedsl lines in all he new shaies at 12j cents 5 cents 20 cents and 25 cenuand have no i hesitation in saying that for good- valuef and correct itylis we are not sorpasted hi the trade of this town ourjdelermiaalion ii not to be old consequently re offer gbt goods cheap a aprcham 8 in- answer to many in qnirii we beg lo ay ihat 6nr milv lls8b opekieq fcr the season will be duly announced in a day or two t ft unde the t photogeaphee w wishes to anoonnce lobiseontom- i irs that he baa added neatly to his ormer facilities for taking pjolrif uod ia pii uhlfcqrtlotnrr raphssecona tonone in tbecoantr ind at prices to suit ahj flz j fn pietnro framesl keep a ind well selected nook alto rreet varien of houldipsof tb alest desigo which will bei raado o order on soartrosttoe r gle ma tcall x uf v 5hasw httrv v soots shoes 1 for everyone at kenkey sons opposite agnews uotel act of 5nt any person in waatof a good wotl- fitting pair if bo boots shoes j j i cannot do better than call at kekne t a sokji they keep noth- ing but the best goods inetook in ordered work they oaa equal if sot surpass anything in town repairing a specially ul parties indebted iohe above bnn are reqaested to call and settle immediately andsate costs j kenxey tsox acjon oct 0 1878 j prsclcal education suoa as is uerded in every day llfv tne lat ter to remedy paat neileet sndall to sernre thai knowledge wininyji help them to sueeess in the tbe collet journal bonilhlnk faiitpaiucoias and speeimens of pen- maasmp are rent on application i adurcast babeattxctfo bellevineont sept 1st 1ct j ioi hi can mate money ristr at work itor a ihaif at nnylbin diuv capltt rvolreqairedwe will urt rna- gls per day at home made by yi el ados trlotw men tqmen boyi aaj gtlbi itopieiievpt where toworkftras now ii the time ccrtfyoauhind term fiw aodrets txttb 4 co a oufcla 4 aloe if you want a lq9beieada bureatt sidoopar4 j v qeatm-tatto- good ssttlagonair ii soeuor louage orinfact inytliint in the furniture line you will ifind afiempa good and cljespst the1laeqb3t stock op clsdokery m ussvare j eteetb in the couiitjr i i- v l is at purhiture war h0u3j aaany other place in t ia country- ise alsp beeps a well j selected sttck of froofries k hails brushes -i- fniife j ijrrs fnriikare j umtdooitorci r i alex secoros irartiej in want of edshes bedroom setfe teapots v pitbher preservjj disbes tfce cj c orlaajtbing in he crockery- or glassware ilii e icaniipt do better ch iiiv give alex eord a ali he has just got in aulexceediisgljr farge sttickj of thcse gbods anjd as lie bought in sneh large quantities h6 js im a position to sell rery cheap for good goods and cheap goods try hin j t a full an j choice eollecllon kinds of of all gftmwtsi 4cohsisrisa vv- teas sugars i i sricesc a full stock of canied gooda evtrylalni la ml4iw cah segfllwa phdtographsj s 4ryi stable j- i raring purebswd be lit7 tjuble and buatnesstormerly owned by mr k adams we are pre- i paied o lurnish- rlrstclass rts sutfae hrt seasonable bates ter s cash good coffltnetcial figs always off band aatthrysa5ilij guelph dloyfl hat x ut importatiori of fail and winter ffoolens tweeds hauandgentav furnishfngtioodj bare now all arrivedand are opened up fortb inipeotioni of i theipnbuo j t i 1 thb 1 i ordered clottlhic oe- pastmemr t 7 r- vyeare malingup suits at lower- p fee than we hbe ever done before a id our record fer tholaat 20 yeant ii spfficient guarantee that any ou- odering clothing from asiean oh bin a perfect fit j with iwbest of otkrhanahiiv readymade ctotiinc ncts wiltri isuts ind bn c dthing all ofrwhioh are niiaariir thin the pftmises and cut iti gpod ifyieiad at prioes to dey competition r i im l vt the very bel alt wool tweed fjanneis arri heir tinga sold by tm ytrdandjgarmerjts out without i r ettrbtchargeii the litest jjngllah sridanjetlad styles of hat- coniprislng all u8 h hby goods pat this season cent8 ebtmishinfl 0003 siortstjndeicjothingisowfs clllars gloves tlmbrolas ail o her good too numerous to-mcu- tun call and fjiunuie cmr fmtno s 0ok before putchasing usaw m mtjktus fifrchiattiilinr iielpn 8epl i21878 113 v i v 4cloa oct- -j8i4-f- n atlyittipvotptlyexeuted tsek press 5ffjce j xeillbarest oice llils- iv l j ii wi j v