Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1878, p. 1

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i if m x s l m 1 3shk fbiiil s press ji vi eymy w9880m mormihc free- press j building kt to the cost office i i -j- xu4st tollui year strictly in advance unatptldbetorethreiuonuit one 4ur sail twcwlu bebarsi t pr tw4atarkpos3ildtlulh0d octhe tf lojt0opus lm eettls m pi5t wliflos nr persoamore lioiaue yeariinrald ratssnif vdyktrtlstsq eitlll s all srltael ntlperuunslirt sdvcr jlmeaulk cltm hue lad nude rt rarlhree imssruom- brlnatcttir eirht line and podec ft per aliaunt all- adverilsroitala measured in annate slnuxkitpull a liberal discount allowed on advcr- memeauiaisrwjfbreiiendod periods aerertlseineou wuhootspeeut vree- nous inserted 101 forbid and chart i attcordtmur v auyspeelalxouoeuieobloctofwbteu is to promote me pecuniary beuedt of aaylndlvijloalocsonipanrtoilie ootuld- ereiansirtisineiit- ttaaitfntidterustmcuwmiawfac wneaaraerea ahaiveusdnc aoeoonu reajertdqiirlru r xotlcet it birtha marrlur4stud peauatnsettedtree jr lsiayooe tthiuwnf proprietors iljl j r t wuqway baker elklss ca cjlbds vtr bl ltitarity h it e yy cip- 4 u ruinate of trlnltr qilletaeinberfucurxeofpaisicijuis antl gqnftctionerv ii ami urweiic heir occupied by r utile esq b r hoaaow phjsi lanjrtea e ot bttt-vu- cnc w yljcs vaotfrulaaieaiyirlocla lei a- x oilftt ctnxda lisallaitun lis d irexis caa i i ttexdersox coary- sor c also ol ureaxtiri oo deds unnests 14 i prep trd aahrpraraptljcqrr cdi atiratisiaime termc iitmcy to xiii oa- hirtitt mcarllf od- eio tjar fitemt fn umloeiiixiohejpirof dan elf bevrrt wumttg oj xewjeoey tuynin olhr oiiuificlurer to tli uniicd sut- wirjf because ho ellt oaly for asu tikes no rukaand has nq boik acacunm erery iutltu- th j lijmoil lhiarcront salntiu ttiililtam fest lqtcrnixit ra u tally wacrmted farsirjeirs at uritlly first dwihnd arc teal da iramito u fiajs test trial ninmy rlaij and fwigut paid batli oray bj- hiai if tli rnre lis-ttis- fictoij- send for uluslrafed au rkktisib citijujjae edison j and cad testimouiu from hispitrons snme of wlipaiyou any katiw ad- drets jjasul kqsvtrr vasii- jinitnti xrwjerser la ill yoa do in sll you say b utf slair or citclcss th lugotr stako yoa tiitare tor 1u bolder still and icmicm tet others ret the side track li from plwe they oast you brace up pat oa a bolder rout aad hive some style about -yda- vt used nol be op in dress i kor yet be called a slovea k calurstcd aatarfrdoa j oetuh7ourluliitaovia with clrtmiucss in speych sod dress the world will ucvet doubt you j a geallemsa iu cccry sense aud with some style about you la tmsiaess be upright and just aud do the fair thing ovcrj i ddatstooo to shallow quirks end tricks buuioneihy eodeavor to do the right vhateet betide then frieuds will never doubt you bit will admit howevef poor htoa hsni some style atout you ta coutting for a wife u share your future care or pleasure bi sure shck just the sort for you and thea secure your treasure dont dillydally lest some one j jwsy ftom your vantage rout yoa but go right in prepared to win j liad hate sdoic stylo about you iftemeaiber that no royal road ileads oa ta tamo or knowledge hard plodding work roust be the rule alike in scwl or colleje tliea put your shoulder to the wheel and gira uo ciuseto doubt you but show yoii mcaa to push year way and have aoate style about you thea when mishaps and troubles coine idvnt tit yaa down to count them but be determined to go oa i tu conquer and aunnoaattheai ee cre yviarc rihr thea goahead expired though others doubt you to da and date to wia and wear and have suaie sty w about you meantime tbo birajeold narra- ttva dcaiaa of llnclo toms oabm hag recdaiuieqeed its careei- ittboth ipicrtci ami- europe and nutro negro bltnas fortlio flrt time scour tbewotiil 1 during the celobratioa of tly iniisa io tby cbapsl attached to thu cbdrch of st fruucu xavicr sit- tecutli- lrect yesterday shriek which startled the wbolo congrega tion ountf adddeuly from the cea nal hermann whom sir iliuriec alasiow toase ilelotu hreetfcurorui t ltltilesoy itturner irtcjoms it 7ia3ial eiiai sirraror and oirfl edsiaftar gaolph orders ar asal promptly atteajed to rotllexcaixgehotel- itti t cfarchmiur ouo o tue cafc5 e ajaiotliut uules ta uie ctuar rodlcjiai pom tu barlv dwtjrtllil n ca4e hntaltoruq oi smi cltar-t- firlclaj rubtlnriuaueaue imrtler ltd 1 jut in ftabtl flluat d vuiaja honrss itrt f trt iicrjittlv ftoprietor m ii i v- tu charfis jletee teach zraof rfkipiaaofofte and qrma pipill afteadedat their iwu residena if preftrel terau rajleate i t pitexisror ixrextioxs eieitttlfd prcrl ecixd i i 0 in tdx on uuicei ssutes taj eurap e tjut cixrniei nrao enarje eijat lfr ieialxlatraetloas at-acrlnoper- anlttrarr eekkv ahlst ottn canada meosaaeat enitoeer safclor aip witaadt draarlisatha olirerllzerpiastcrec afeta oai eurr deseripunn of ptatertnt aad eiasaeasuns done un lie oi nt rexviaabte tiirms jnl sitisiae- ti ia ttiaranteed agtoh puhihg mills d w clhpbelii prop ilifiagpcrcliiied the nv narod factare sashdooes moldin3rs allkiadiot planing froinptly attended t i- li w cailibelt actoa dec th 1s7t- 23ai some lateresllncidalcs drtre are generally dry readjng lisil ttiirreis siujtiraes a signifiamee a crax aaxrait str che actoni mcntty tiewi behel at ajiews ltdtc oa kair luy nor j tttlir tueie roupin of dates and tlie isstdcr will diiisacli signill- bthce in in uttenuye of ile ftllowinj eicalx all occur- in lie 11 obervt wilhin the finiiib of a littltfxjtfer a coutttry pijit tscsi wire first esublulied- six kg4 printed uifiacil nates wire first ustdiii 1473 wntcliis were first canstrqclcd ia- 14715 auifricssru uiat duscovertd iu 1 192 tl first inutinj press was tupiu jiuhagea in 1133 cuntruictis anaoauccd hisdiscoyery of tlm true kvitcni of the antrere ia 1517 j alutt durvr guvo lie world a iniiiucf of fnuirp wood engmvinj itr 1527 tgcrit set in- fpiiuiin wheel iu luotiorr in 1530 the germ of all thejiuty whetds and looms of trn lhoand fittutu factcriis wodirn needles cjiub into use in 1515 the grtt ktiiyes were used in england and tdu first wheeled c u huge in france in 1559 ihe first nerspkrwr was uiuiahed iru england in 15s8 tyescoi were invented in 1590 spenr shakesiieare bwxjo hep ler tyclnt brahe were contenipo- tre of tha church at the same tinta a well drosaod middle aged nun was seen to walk down the centre uisla with a bloodstained cirnngknifs in kin hand audbe- fore tie could be stopped he made his exit into the street as the iu aa fleeinj from the chapel the young woman ha hadakemed th worshippers by hjr sutieb arose from her seat and cabled out ar rest that man he has slabbed me she then pressed her hsnd to her side- fron which blood came streaming and sank down again into her sett in a fainting condition a number of men who witnessed the aitsir immediately went in pcussftt of the desperado and suc ceeded in arresting him before he hid got half a block way a large crowd soon gathered arouod and- as tho man was being taken back to church a uunber of deter mined nieu walked upland called jjynch him lynch him tney then seized the man by his arms and amid the cry- of the excited crowd were hurrying lum to the nearest lamp post to put their thteat iuto execotipd when they wertvinct- hysevenil police ofiiecrs wha causiderablo difficulty succeeded in forcing their way throngli the crowd aud compelled them to deliyer the prisouer orer into their custody the would lie iusxssiuwlio as almost frightened oiit of his life hy the threats and rongh trcilnicnt he had received at the iiands of ihecrowd was taken to tlie wlice station wherw ho gal his name as john cipnier of o occitpjtion lie stated that ton vvas his d been sep- ilev father tiursdar 7th td 0six ffocsfc actoijt frxv close us use qriullwarstatlqn i kctlateeouiniolarfcin frtttetravet- j lijpiiue tbq4 castbetlfropr r eaditfg all 1 tisitlxlox hoteiv acton i jl uioert asnew frortieirtne air komi is fir-ei- up mi iretclaa jcrtt trtin ne furniture coainiercuu tirey ere rw3nd so xt aeeotamo latton ateamasaiioqssaniplekoomf special attention pah to lh rahn ol ihe intcl- tinxpaiue barsappue wllfitne best riiiairsaod cigari dool sjuiuae and ttieatlre hostlers mfchenrriiet liosnsed auotlbneer r portia counuesotk i tok orders ta at tlie fits eats oilse aelaa or atinv reatdenee in koefcroklvwuibeprotapuralwudacto iecmsreasonaiile a kinis of steak taipemeats te wi be sodtiy psyinj 11 eu apicce salejat 12 oclock terms 4tca moafts credit on approved iointnote all entries miist be made to 5fr jas ryjler sec wjl fteltsteeer auctioneer 2stf i i mentis i 1 melleu v f i a nq t the ptjbltc of j all a- tloss polirioallcbeeds it roa ridt ood ceorgecrlbbs he understands hut business suit iid address huisbute if o js otick loe nndersttied bees leave -to- anj noanea trfarmers and others efipged in halter matlnj who purine jelunf a new oanrnthat tlier wkildcousuit oielrowa lateralis by onlerlat ana of a holmes impwreo tabalar jlask ck i am now takoc orders lor them bavin rparcbasedtue parentriant to fflinaracire and eu tbejare ipjoljialticl for -rae- l i devices or oter eamroindsj rnanieulal designs iraae marct- audjathls i civextsasijnhients tntcrlerenej yurcinemehi and all matters ielaunx in tatenu pnranu j- attended to- j inentionsters i ed br tbe patent ofllcemarsii in moftcas s6e scnrl bf n betne oppoille lue patent onlee- we ari able to mz elne oxaoinaudnsand se cure pavnt more nronrpll- oud wlln broa4er atkl heller cteitns u an uiose w boare remou rromlftaslitnglonj anlrtefcrlplionefjoardevlce we will nialre an eutmiuallon free of chante and advise roaas to lt ptealabllliy aucorrespondedceslrtctlr coafiueotlal prices as jowl as tnose of any reliable werefcr trt officials in the patent offlcvaaltolimentorsufeverrsiale o the onlonj j aucc tfluli baioer oj oproatte patent office vasbloztou uq r clrajiab and trtumoms is rtee on nyll- eitioe terrttorrforaale aonlirtnr jswm iartopjn ptoit factorti3pejfed hie subscriber havingjrarchased the acton plow works ia prepared to fur- ilish single and double frame iron flows u well the boss gang piow wiich iu gained the reputation otbew the best gang plow made at the usual rates all repairs idona on the shortest ootiee mdlt the cheajestpri 87tf sydkev 8mtth tsoar or service ij- j- r- the nnderbgned has jot service a rstiim suffolk boar oa lot ii con i tosrnsbip 100 cats at i so ksnennr terms ht of service wm g1bb0x8 mries iu 1590 these are some of the moat imikirtant headlaiids of europeaa history within lisingle century ivcr xpif tour iettec d0iaess is tiic theatrioil orld wlokedxess is the ilctbopohs pltobabte uohcee is a csdrcil mfe tlltok tfow teicks aee made to eat ivcwt our roiular cdrrrtpondeni i kbit yoas got 7 1818 a finguur deinoraiitition has ioven pread tne theatres of kew york at notime were ssbh high salaries paid to actors or ruorecaiii- iietitibu sjiowa ia the prodactiotroi pieces though it it the general re ark tliat we have a diilt mdrbid rpae oxtario badblbrt jliyzpisr- bay jour sarnesa at the oifario saddlery wliere you get the worth of your money a splendid ioi or new collar dnhsndj 0 ah parties intendinit to pur- chasehsrness should do so at once before the rashoommences in order to secure 1 good set ie bejeechi acton jan 7 1878 j s66 it i d-foruandjulne- 1 a wcelcio ru own town 5 oatut baie triflc bead cr if yon wanta buinessai lilcu persons of euner ses i- hn iha can makie peat pay iul be une ibcj i w nl set of pkveri on the boards and that it hazily pays tospend thos september nigliu in tho hot theatres hooking at hiss anderson practise on shakespeare miss da rehport punghing through the dull vicar o wakefield uhsa oaven- dish playing ill writteameladrami and the jiadrigil iloys bjelittling rtenry vht it seeuisjto boa fact that avarice has orerwhelmed thej theatres the passion to gel rich by making stride without rerd to the quality of the piece jisappiinting both authors and ictors the french dramas here were mostly immoral and generally hive to be alteted to be tolerablejat all whilereceht english lriniaakere iniafferablyi stnpid hitlowqr vnlgar irtstyear the theatre managers fnl kew york were generally oufof pocket and more than one manager had to uit the field we have korse wlaying at the present day- than n the old itoek theatres cjf twenty ears sgo thero is ahngh rush ato tu profession and presump uoas aioateurs demand the most jorgeons advertising ani ruinous ates of engagement jwhile most of he stars are tooipoortopay far a miefuriywiitten play i w ilrwolf the anther of the mighty dollar whiohijlrfler- nce continues to play reiinlnjg at the fiffc aixnue hotel he kbuught the woi wife from whom he h arated for sotnl ttuiei- thierry took charge it the uufor- 1 tunattf woman until theartival of auanibaunoe wutuikhe was taken to tlii hospital her name in mary youj and is employed as a laundress in tho huffman hqiisi thephysicun at tie hospital stated that her wound was very serious onebut not fatal caijiduler was cotniuitud to the totalis to aaait tie result of his victims injitriea anything whiah can put a tittle jood humored nature in the b tch- ertiltod cad will b real with iuter est mr- bites the well kuowu advertising geut bnei partner of locke nisby of toledo kus he ks at dney islind a furtnight ago judge morse hailed him and said mr bites my wife is over yonder6a thebeachbits pissud along that- way and caught sight of thft stioiig old woman ifrs- tiltoiiv mother7wha wrote to beecher tlie extraordirisry letter when i sea the misery you have brought on this family- and then sea iybur capers iu the puljiit on sundays e oaa almost siy thero is jjo godvj by mrs jcorse was ifctutanjlaokiagotd xnd stern her hair grey her figtjre vau and little of the light of other days in its eipresiou her old mother keeps house with her after some disagree uent with judge morse on ground of temper they had been nuitd as a soucenir of ojd age hut live apart and visit each other respcctfcsliy ilorsa is one of the beat old men in the world he says he always liked hiswifo though they couldnt always hitch mrs tiltons interesting daughters are iu llurope getting theic edueatiou m tiltous labours beccher meantime- is coming money in cal ifornia and bitildirig a big house at peekskill it would seeiii that adhlserers have thriven ever since the lays of david and uriah both beeciierand tiltondo well on scandal the poor woman was ground heween tliein as between the- upper and nether millstones and she pines jwithont 011a man who could boast of two this is the taw however woman is the only teal guardan ofber chastity nothing protects womau bat wo- aiabhood 1 it is a significant faot that mrs ilton her mother her step father er brother aud hii gi own child- fen ail cohoede her criulinal if ti- nhcywith henry ward beecher and oh that understanding thej afo reunited on the drive at central parkno efip mora ponspicuons just now than tiat of hermann the prestidigituteurwho is np to his old tricks at the aiuatiuni he has n itylish turnout and on the seat uida liim is his wife modestly arid becomingly attired in a drab suit and a rbnndbat in this charmins littld woffian the passer by recognises j- mue add le her manns iassistant ia his performan- ces and wlo dons male rtlire on r i i i such ocoasidns for greater conven ience oaths seat behind is a uero who acts las waiter in the same livery every evening and at the matinees and who is quite as black as thgaco of ipsdcs with whioh hermann performs such mysteries in onimou with tho other cards in the pack the pes- tidigiuleur is said to bo worth bout 30000 there is an orijri ornoe thought of bringing over but he has changed his mind aucirjst femiuins- fall faslilom ribbons with graduated stripes of another color are aiuohg the isleit importations in miliiaery good evening bonnets composed en tirely of ostrich feathers on 1 thins pareut frame novelty corduroyvelvet will be largely mod for tho underskirts of wiuted costumes the pannier has rerotved itsdf into very small dimentions and consists in the slight looping or dtapjug of the back breadths of the overdress the tight fitting coat sleeve mams iu favor and is uow niadts with a sjightj gathering at the elbow i a new freak of fashion showa the dolmaa with a double skirt silver lynicjnrbmises to becouie the healing ljur for the commi winter 1 the shortwalkifajrjress isslor ly uut surely gainijig avor parisian brocaues and old en iisli aud inedtaval french procal stiiff are relived for parts of c utme the long twelve or sisbuttbni kid glove witli the opening a eide serial grows ia favor k hosiery for the fall is ia hairj- line slripea atxiuud tho limb and is emhroidered up each side eramosishow the innuai fall show of ti eranjosa agricultural society wi held loh their grounds inr6ckwooi wednesday last protwithstanding tho light ihower and the dullneis of the weither during tie fore pajt of the show a large crowd attended to socas good an exhibition as tie society has eyerilhad- the borse siow was aslnsuil fiistclasi aid spoke well orthe townshjp the w j show of cattle was ery good asiti is oniversilly known that eramdsa is second to no township in the province in the production of cattle of the very best quality- tlie sheep and poultry departments are an expensive urer also up to the averag- ihe show of grainwas rather shore of what is generally jthe cuse but he roots were splendid especially in the potatoes the display of m plemeuts was very small jlfrjas rvder of acton showed a nilm- 1 her of the excellent carriages man- utactdred by himself and succeded for of as usuil in takmg fist prices all he cxhibiteo the show breadand butler kept up the gbod reputation of the township flovfc and bsiquets ahnndance was well represented were showr in the fruit department uki ing almost all ontfiside of the afr atl hill of acton tipn of gloves jby ur ago rockwood were admiied the newest buck velvet bum ladies filled all the apace in are embcoideixd iu gold and otlji colors in floral iaturns wkb velvet belts are wrcugbt ra ll same -colors- a- u went with thee bliek felt bonnels in close pn cess shape with a baud of tishmei feathets or else with an alsaci 1 bow of velvecor satin libboo il b worn daring the lull and wink- lice pendants are attached the frout of wide uce colloia anew red is a luilliaqt cheritj- culor oded j xiniche aftera lie phy now oil the paris stage which this color prevails it seen in flowers and olheci bone trimiiiingk j an- alsacian bow made of tad cnshuiere- feithrisisa novelty trimming felt bonnets a now kind of felt bounet long smooth hairs adhering to np oall had jcome specimens of his photogri phs jsa exhibition aud all agreed hat they were second to none number of differentcolored sheep- si 1 ckiu mate together with a ccllec- of the the the em lull allotted td them with prodact of their skillful fin itc hugh black and other oncers have ou thauki for their kindaett psizbs horra dbaooara 1 1 brood mare j j mcarte j b j medougkll- 1 coltjdufr d fernan j fitly foal tred armstrong j i dt mcaree j bollon i year old colt elisha lore woi brown i two yesrold gelding d stewart j ballon j ftllv r pbiico elotee ueiul j span heavy draughts j a stwart t ytilson fr duff hef- tt chas two yeirold heifer i tilton 3 ramsiiy j jestoi year old heifet t talbot i atoton d i j stewart heifer cdlfdroped froiu shw to show j talbot t mccuiloug it tallwt -i- iwoiiting oiesi jieo coughlic bmithid mecougblin fat cow fyx orsteer j or si atolton w smith sheepotswold aged ram john odihnei talbot 8hearjing ram a ramsayl ram lamb v jj burrows wotsojij cdorinel t acid ewes j ramsey j oion inel t talbot t 1 sheajrjins ewvt waten j tulhot a ramsey ewe lnaiba t toltoatw ters ew thomas teicestess aged rim t wilsonk nortish d mccaigi shearlingfiam j duffc mc- bocgall jgralsm ram limb t wiliou e tplton a stewait i aged ewes e tolton kdrruh m-satton- i shearling ewes j duff m saitoh t wilson j ewe lamram sutton j dpffk norrisb tat 8heep korrisb dici j stewart j rajjise y pigstmtlshtre orotyjb tahqe bbeedsl boar w hmatthewi sow j mason boar pig dropped inl8l8 t wilsoo soyr t wilson bebksbitte ob otheb bkbjids roar j misan sowjnorri8h boar pigdropped in 1878 matthews j mcqueen sow j d abbott v potjltry tnirkvys e i b mcnair dickinson geese j- odonnel g hammer i j ducks j rolton c heaj agqd fula x paacrnson j ramsey x i 1 cbic5censf3 timsey- ltparktn- wh geo swacb w webb 1 1 1 r i i oeseral pcllrose koasis ard ia called camels hair tdtl 7- whtto felt iwhitesatia plain whl brood mar f f ilk and nioinj silk aro usel dress bonnets a wholesaleraerchant of rndiad- apolis was approached by a well dressed gentleman in new yqrk last and cquamtanoe was clairn- i on beiongiug to the same church in indiamipolis the merchant ca- opted theiiinnoahis own inlroduc- tionas mruhnsyn and at his invi tation thftwo spent the eveuiiig in 3 theatre jwheca the merchantjn- advertently said that he should slart for home the next evening with 10000 worth of checks and drafts f merchant sutload mcdougall colt fcal at brown p modoagall filly foil m sutton dongall j h copeland j year old jcolt d sh laightb kerr j v fdly j graham j talbot tvo yearold gelding wjlaigut j filisimmoni j dikieson eiily r plaice j- gralktt 4 sons j bolton span general purpose j w rcroft iw sunter w toador cabriage brood liars a abbqtt next evening the brown geo ooaghlin was met at the depot by cult or fillv foal clhed j m ilr johnsou and an elegantly taylors kerr dressed ijdy whom hn introduced year old cylt davnt- stewart as lira jhnoon he would bo j s ramsey r jburrows delighted jif the merchant would filly wh burrows take chirge o mrs vobnson until two year old geldiugs jkerr they arriled in fjlevelaud where filly it jsowdy j emit she wbihi visit some relatives wstson i j 1 r mrs johnson proved equally asj- span carriage horses j planch entertiiniugas her husband andjfietdd baiktyjjboltoo j is a siuile horse in harness black asked whether the merchant was sound sleeper and whether he thought he would awake if any accident were to happen thetrain he thought he srould fleei until uiorniuj no niattcrwhatihappened after retirifig tlie merchant took the precaution to pluce his watch aud money uuder his pillow and when he aweke in buffalo the fair mrs johnstone and his pocketlipok were gone she had gouooffat rochester in answer to a teleraui from her husband 0 the conditiuoi told the merchant in the morning the corner stone of a new metho dist churth in berlin was laidoh wednesday last while ploughing an old sad field last- week on the farm of tho s wontwood at sti george the plough turned up a human skull- further search was made and twentyfive skeletons in all were found packed in a heap pijomiscn- ously about two feet under the sur face they are supposed to be in dian rcaiiiins 1 j- 1 gle hop gould d j3arbaiee l wa roadster jw hemstreel matthews geo coughlin hackney a abbott w geo coujblili cattlevocbbama aged bull j bolton j i j leslie two year old bull- a sib year old bull t mccul bull cilf dropped from show jgraene r thomatdavid stewart cow e loreo j s raraey thret vearold cow abbott wart ongh show to tolton j qiieve two yeai t mcculo year oh old heifer j gh d stewart heifer j cnrrie david stewart heifer graham j if t 3oltoa ton w sm tjta md obaose cow bk a tolton j croft turoo year old cow ts 1 t talhot aqricdltdrai prodcc t0n3craisetc while winterwhest j itamsey cswackhaiinier hblaek treadwel or bed winter wheat c swackmimmenis scott j h co jietani 1 glasgow sprbg wheatl r talbot icheal j other spring wheajt j black l parkinson bi a toltonj barley j shulti c swkckhajn- mer j odonnel j 8nisll white peas t mtaylor r talbot s kerr i new zealondoau r tiiboi 6 swackhamnier- 1 andersoh other kinds white oau scott j black oils i anderson john oaborne j 1 timothy teed twffaylorf l seed c skdoujall t ml ijiyior 1 white beans w willopghby p bmcnaif i 1 indian corr i parkinson sam iott jaoraeic polatoisieaily rosvj d mc- dougall j hills kerr- potatoes aiiy other sort a arjlerson w- ramsey d mc- ddugalh saow flake w widoiighby d shultz a acderspri- i swedish tiirniia talbot j talbot tcibft i j any other brt tnrhi jst 51 taylor r talt mangold wnrltel w pillouglj- byjblackj winef cabbages w storel j odonnel 1 jncld carrots j anderson u atiderson farsnip i anderson 1 parktnj son blood beels 1 an eison w muliie red cabbages r oton r wharton oiulifiowersr w djiavton dnfibld crlfiy landeison j souod- tuiualoea t hrris son red onions j pai parkinson j other onions wh j i anderson pompkins j black g parkin- airy produee tirkin rjnlit bottet j grfevw mutrio wt mcculiougb j norribfl i basket fresh fatter g- djckie- son jbolibn wjmntris d kitcnj in i r j implementl farm n wagon torrance richardson y 1 depocrot iwegonj- ja ryder torrancs ricliardson f oiip lioribitggy jftt rpjer torranctovlricliardjon iron beamj pbwt gibbons w emau-eisl- a faoniiit mills t jdomiti canfier or hoiee h4wh burrows woodsn harrows torraneo richardbon w h burrows set horse sbbesjid mckentie extrna j- dash chnrt g nelsoa fanning mill collini oxjiin nor 1 i i gang plow pbllijis 4 ocoiinor variety ops j m tiylor g dickieson bread mrsd mutridw snnter a-bell- 1- fruit etc collection of apple jt j me- cullongh j talbot j bolton 1 snow apples w sunter gl leslie sv lawrence ji osborne jj norrhjh j f colvert g ialie w supter j any otlirtall ajple henry- dafiiiiirt mccaiiouru rhodeisland greening j black a mcmillan anorican golqen riissett j 1 ramsey w- liiggt j noithern spy j talbot g dickieson tj ary other winter apijle ramsay h diiffiem- fall pears t- mcqullougk mcmillan winter peans a mcmillan t accullougb i griipesfj parkfisonltduffieldu siberiai crabs ifmedulloug j black transcendent jralia i ander son 1 plums t mccllough- lidlims uhjkaltljtir waxmork mrs w ferris mrs- r barrows i wreath work mrs j miirermrs r burrows re lcroehct tjovk in cittbn miss m aadeirsou j grieve mrsmcjiair ciochetworkinlvfocd miss anderson mrs ilillti mrs menairt iiesh ork mrij u ilfer jus l w if a trie r burrows l piain worsted wqrkl mrs r barrows mrs a bihlr ilrs ij norrisb 1 j worsted wdrk raised mrs w- firrfsmi mcnntr jhookea mat ilraw ferris j milter mrs jas ryarl iquilt in piece woifcra a bell mrs d morrison j ftds tjuilf log cabin mrs mcnair miwa bdir r n antresine hrs stcprtetra mcsair m is s anderson i gents shirt land be maciiua made mrs a bell mts rburrowa r ihairwtork j grieve mn w ramsey j ornamebtal neeile h tolton jdrs jmiller baud- work miss parkinsda- mrs w ferris j millerp j hohorabla mention raised woolwork- mra w j rovce f worsted sock mrs a balllttrai 1 mcnair worbted mita mrs d prrisoo wmutrie fancy kvting mra j w m tha- mrs jnorrisbj 1 embroidery ini ma5linhiss straclian miss parkinson braiding mis jmiller mra w mutrie i tattjngmis3m anderson mrs parkinson j featute ftowersi w himpi j mis8 dickieson v i agricultnralr wreath afia j jsorrisb v hlnorublo ilention fancy 8orou vfork t j harris flowers v windowjplants af rs- t hanit wfeamoay j norrisb annuals i anderson ii parkin r lf t rhi maltha wb ingli squashes john rfinsoy jai rumsey citrons w roype t domestic masufa ttfreaf- pair blankets mfa i s scott ten yards flannel g maple sugar j ran suy hopey incoiub mrs tmiaylok honey strained mn t m tiyior harris jfaff morrison dickieson w toftqu w toloi son lifrs eerris i eansies ifrs parkinson i ao- dersou j balsams j norrish stocks lparkinsontabjpreon asters jnoctuiik krtjnch jfarigolds afrs j jixher t fficia jhfarigolds atj iiu i parkinspnv i zinnisliikrngmjkorris6 coxcomka tfcanuab i anueb son t k i bjuqiwt for two h tjusuaoa nirtish s bouquet for hand mrs j paft j kjnsia ij parkinson i hers a hig differanw btweet dinner for nothing auliotlifns tip duloer m i- m

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