vife i ip dering jstomdra them ts libit he order 1 pal and inc ipaid fcj i isti furntshf khortec ruefc- ft f the free press actte utitvrtttml tthe iialt- j cval oil at sart a cvi aawgartn touift i tinsuop u r i arjitn 1 7 k hcrringa at alex v ywpinh ijrck frost- nipsncry bard jljpiu thetc tuorutagt j j vherc do yoti buy youc leal 6ciitt sasvrcr below itkiajra i tlieqeorgwiistaun5rinfc ij4hiwjforaloctqkut cotkg west xijhl express tvrmu mail tir erpresj ktpnn cisit mixed sight etprest gait tatced l tfijr express aortcm mil lnodon mixed vsa kirrt svtpm 5 30 pra t hml tljle tablk hiils ft h j-j- toot lit vwlw am x-tc- r i rtfic i i he jfh a i jut lis i- ad t- of fpjie- lrte of itacuy pres- j entir i trbich lltoujd aoci- fit j re- is a reta in your irmoas 1 intro- pio- lottfe ida the i patent- heal iion i iqj cc tjciion gre5 lioat me id yvzoc jnierctat bcob iisnlip irammkr ctlsece ipi per ieiti io tijeeit lff- yrba w1de loect- rfve a icededld ljpast ovieoe4 in the t at s of pen- left luont jls1 r kill for to- rontouie vth kntcubau matt bwoamontcciiays and frwav kelsrd leucre ansi be mauel is inlqolfli tetoccc uttlf utae i fromiheitlm fromtwanuipnclttie f til7vtn scrxitc in tie itelimlut churcji iwt siihut tvali motiilticriklppftte n lai tju i acloct rrtlvt bn k ltann fittor local matters inditing uixlxrf iu jlid iifotlfirclnisj co majf infect j pvtvfirtapfis if cvj a fi caafr- kiizjrf if tr v tfk raaed fjf hvfvv c7cr jtkiutrif axi ifviiievt rypirfi cf cliccnclness saluusaultfaut j e mo girviat drug store tfir day tint aecouubj for the rcili at bu4incfrliicli wbeinff- jtr eoot jlurrnj- fruit and oytldr jojit o jtielph hat a new adv iti thli isjue tito rrookrillo frmecmi ftrcucshatjtkc bosv bcsincm euad is a utilii advertisement j rtlio tat collector is coing lis toandai he tayn lial 16 iranls all tiie money jiiilin itnaediitcljri white fisliasd trout at alex socords rj ie jicgirria taa put 1 hotair femace in lit draetorc it keept tic ttop vary comtoruble tito free press will to girdn to havfiitfocnlkrsfioai now till the 1st of january 18soforioo tlie b5f noyogo hunting for ehincelf and the nail cry to te heard uo isiunney on youc own side old licturos- of au kiais copied and enlarjcuikc life at 0 v hius ko carmthrjw healtbtil eua xo mnortiue feci in any taemlxr i aleibecord bis put a crab xo shade ho abine no buttcrsid no ing across mill nreet froast ttjro tj cc aidewilk on lie other side of tic xo freit no fioirersi no leivci buds ixovemwr 1 iroad see jecoad page for other local always nsi christie co a fraiias 50e tea at the glasgow honsa henderson matter- chrtie hchdersoii jthe ram wh cheats thfa priater u oatjof a einjle cent sdlctiip will never reieh the hiavealy land ttie lnfirea m the orcrcoat wtere old elijah nt iiaitalotiticfop bleciing ac the nose can m halfatonoffiailturesaearye hkd by tdlih a tean that his l v pirvnts vrtrelxira in a pvdrbliusc ifis atrar uated bee aav i nose will svi aiii yoar vdl bn assart ctrals for sal attlie r r b i ah of krjbrtsont tubhci- fge j t uonsforsaleattks osce t vttni irtli market ilr itcrcsch annoineci by sdv chriieicders5icbcur whceys thit he liis secured a nt clais light hie ittest iis in fidrnl i hanwsta catc- for a short time vu- feee pttdss tifio harness shoald isc tler f hear that althutigh the aranils arc very orders ianicdiitcjy i im chtrar j y kow ourraata it alox so eords i town gouhcll in matlhowa ijal i uott monday ovpnmi chrwtiorllcadcrbott coy eell chcafc j a wedding party through acton yoitorday for r coolc stovo go to t s toart t co 1 tho lioyt indulged in i grwt deal of inawballing ycatcidaf gcnuinti frouoh kid button boota at christie henderson co a cheap seethcmt the free will be given to now snbacribcrs from now till the lit of january 18s0 for 105 coat oil at alei sccorde- tho paring w still flour- islies in lite country and wa are told that much enjoyment is ex perienced attheso gatherings j mr john sally ofjeritij who bad his barn burned o fev weeks ajo lian already built a new one we with that jt tiuy ufjued to oveiilowing with gtiiiu next year a man met it toy toward town eatintr jul apple how maiiy apples have yon asked the nun the boy replied one half as many apples as i have eaten added to trie siationorj at chriawo ell cheap toilet soap alex sccorde floral curds free fress office mrtbokot nedy loft acton for parry halbori on mondty wbcro he hu obtained a oiroiphxntnber coriiitnvi ttore a- largo stoic for salo at tho fiee press offica cheap to uuw eubscribci the 1st of january tho free tit as will be given- from now till 1880 for 8100 speight and ed this niorainjf uskoka district -i- j jwft jfrtp 1 j hailon cotlkfe onthnoyember 187s mooaivjii hoidorsoa jfc coy mlyc aiuta at cheap at tha fituitlaa la tho sf floni uurda messrs h ktcklin left actof tor bracebridge- m wbcretlieyjiitead a liuntieer for a couple of weeks lit jus ktcklin of j acton 1 in mr burtaa milljki vt vernaa fnc soma titna pist hss lcca coaipc jed to qtiifc urort itt scc4jiico hiring l rcry iorir hwt ajplcndid icji of mv qrer ccitingk jutfc rcccie at ijtrgent hill alio rnicc jot of m cbctpuftir cub j canft3isd tweeds ts taitiy is i m goingto cat less five ordered ilotlimg a thit a uggcr bcytock airay from me fiuirintecd iiviikd by t of tuc number i vniado ofercoau kntlith scotch and iiway la stock iwcihyaad fit g e adams drope- in tho reurd when i sir the do plus sir which t atooa theorchird fence before the man eaw mo will caal oiefifth of wlut i tried to hor mkay tpplcs did ho have xectdcnr j oil atoadayi morning mr jacob misila of erin rt at mcasr e itoitoas ctut tnilu vrith a gnet ife noticed the miller several times patting hit hand ia tin cleraton while they wjrre in raaticn and ukias stne grain for the purpose of ciaxnimns it ahd thinking he vaaljl take handflii sa thit be niyht jfdge its quaties he eydcarccvrd todo so whcalhfc unfer tauatay falivl ti trhdnlvr his hand j before itf camia coatactl with the shirp ccge tif ike box which fevcrcly t three of his facrr the middle me wins rather liidly tcm the iitjiiritf i though not teriiin will ki him frctii work for coire time ir ixirry dressed the hd aad we ttc clad to aucttok geo oioi1 aictiosteit at c k smiths farm near he g t r statiio on vcdnsdy saw i3h klwrtiicm ballj und cys txia- wookd sheep hort and berkshire iis sccthjstcrs atd adv mr jos aiiaflm si lot cnu2 kria idittletnenti tcrmv over that amnant 14 approved joint nnt wtufic- at tclock w kexitkeer la actco oa rain smith traiture ci xur liwtere cttpsecr sarcrda nor fjqilciinc farm w vr hoe i mp jm mclcaii 9th at lot 21 cxia stock atidlraplemcaf terdut under cash ortr that wiouift lsiratratht credit on approved joint uata sale td comtncncc at 12 ii jock ihair salk lloleod a iiox 0 r- la ooojlderatlon ho bifd umm and low priem ofuklndiofprodooteoxfawlron fccoy liflya deoided fo offet i j j thehole of their immense btck v dry giois olothia ilmer j rhj- liaattos catjetsi blisalo botoesa o at a- grmjlxi piebiitgptrt sarb so ennaonee k0y4th ml continue for two afontjiii i waguafantoa this toboaohajtb clerking 8alk or goods inch is has never before ibeeaoflred topeoplpln thii partofthe osntry ore in me knocked he prices down come along and see we will gire you bargain by redaciinj in dress goods irincets fc grent slaughter of weeeis eeadymade clothing 07erc01ts c millipry and mantles nt lcost ladies lor mix kl setts see our special cheap 1 prioes flannels aiid blaxkets ht less than manufacturers prices bjtffal0 egbes at one h nday istaxoy finn socirind under so cash caaths credit on sala to com- acitnvrcell street mr henry lu sea i i- uroken ciif ar at altx lis iurtrsifws tiur fc vaej ws rinjj fittln- up th tii fmprksrt litisy onjt- i gkic uor fej a rntt fhp new eits tkvirtvraiik ji fpcalil jr anil vimf iriirl uliy put in piiuful mr ifasalos lsepecjily reovvcr- cttp ls rvpltri i rtfrx ci fci iiiv are thi rn fl- brtmers etamijini clrriej urn tcrsialxj- c-v7i- coekecnos incxl oft mr j bniett- receiving sto frtathe krvnh tatilip ccfccil be reeiived th money from the eric council e7qrii ctnls iditterejit styles cieip afihe eser press office i about jarree inchetlof stiot bidrsitht imjjuv iiirli ltravork ie ilcuicr- who ttotii i ih riiiray uinliittir mi number of alefilis t o tee street yeitfatiay j 1000 reward for any cuenf warms m the homanrsyetim ttrhereje crrtn powders snllcottftf- fecticure- trjtfceni th poathff of in vhucs 1 snxiaaky look around these mcrnincs tw iir if the ice i hard eaoch for ikatins parposcsaryt j brin vonr pictnrfr afchk fi hilli and hive them eisrzd and framed von will rare ptmtt niaue j by ageis travellinj thrown the cocn- i -ivr- 1 r rtlfe peee press rill ik pp to new mijscnberifrom cjv till tha ijrt of january 1ss0 lor slfjpjthere is fo of room ia oci subscriptioa urok fir new names 7 i i j tnis winter promises to pmre cild arid frosty the lads and laaries these ngna with please re- as fhey will then be allowed lots of phancei to have i- good tkat ladies dress goodsf- kpecil attentivnchfewt fabrics urates and colors at christie rtendersoa t cos i a threat many daefctf are at the present tfmeiakidg their home on tha mffl pond a number of ydcuifnl like iomjc a it f he lines that ran chrxack thi ciautry when- it is ktiorva that tlii- pi-il-uuf- elm on whfib griiit- tcpjihility ru are cat oily watchtd by ticket pickers iatthit nocifiiime of rinkertons dc tectives areraazett to witchfor tsy little embezzlement of fares feuoi tcesday ereninj an onife l cll 4 tioa to thegraui clearli sale adv- of iiclevl aaleroa tcy geirgetown jve believe they hrve an immense stock cq jliopbt they feel the presbre u the furdi times or thev weald not cfynmccoe j weiring eileen early in the itjiiial ue would advise vuz frienii to givehem a call spartsmeil freqpently get a crack it aj i t 1 i w 5 tory article sutes that no stock will be tbm bat their spoils da fcot paj forf j the powder and shot hsol tlfe jamcricm agricultural 1 for november is tohinl it cqntaiu 150 artclis and items which give a large amount ti practical iiuormalion cscfalta til classes such as jlwirk for themoc itnmbngs erpasec among thefitrmcrr lyone of fhem tsjkt qa farmjcrtfps how id ijecorate chcrchefi at christmas with engrav- ingk hohsehold topics tnd many oher interesting articles those snb- scriljingnow for 1s79 cet the paper iheremaiider of this year free price l5q per pnnaffl orange jcdd com panyy net vork pabeshers the i inttm number of the cllffbrd rri0 ic tphiid it is pah- lished by sir j il hacking formerly of the ffc piiis5 and presents a neat app beside tjeioc nevty and spicy t the pabiaheririteads tomake- fie jcrrotcathprongh reliabfe local paper and wc have no donbt that his length eaed crperiuice in newsdaperdam will enable him to do this the salnta- -r-t- stewart j uo hare pni iix 1 ala g stck of lams lamp chimneys of 1 11 kinds cheap i kissiaisa jstnrdy whose mi tenceof tr yeari in kingston peai ta tiaryyasmhorttoteacocnjnnteov 1 to one year arrived ia- gaelph oh vsitirday last khe looked- cheerfel h lhcalthy and hat already eet about da nestzc affaire 1- a shooting- match fliubeheld at jampliirc koteloataesday i2th i iaftr when 5p iarkeyswfll beshot 1 1 eitherrxfle orshotgnas to be nsed rifles at ir distance of 60 yardj jfog shot to be jnsed in shotguns shooting to cominenec at i oclock j ah pr6tnsoii at je mcfrarnvs drug store are warrahted v to make goodjicoiots f i 4irr ohi rfltt whose pliild a iwardedao iron picnrt erin bbbw nenfict becokdng a member of the r assocfatiodajid conjsegaeny tljejrhild haa no clain op tjiiplot theehild ivill no doubt jready cwnawope to toudc liftaboupr mocety aijdthat it it vayyn to ijjvc jl taken in either the free trade or j e mcgarvidjdcnggwfaiitoii national policy businessrj the aim of the new paper is the advancement of local interests we trust thatr the rroic will receive the patronage it merits and althoaghiihofc at a venture we wish it may strike the right tpat and will kcepits place iamoug ontarios best ocalnewvpaprs severe aeewcnc on monday afternoon a yoang rrui a ettas ger- bad a pretty sevece tussle with acattleguard at the g t e crossing near poates factory the combatants were unequally matched as the young man got very badly used npi he attempted to jiimp oaa mov ing freight train to ride to the station ahe wished to go west- on the after- uoou train batin rudivingto jump on the train forgot about the cattlegtraitd and fell iait striking his fnrehead qa thevfimbca5 well as giving himself i a itvere canthc opper lip tic iii- iide of the mouth was cut inuevcril places which seemed to have ben done by a ppc- he wm smoking at the time imie wound was pressed by drlokry whofound it neceasary topnteeverautitcbea in his lip backcolabsatucgarviua ii i lncttlnc- xiuiiwargttostt ihrtll and milt to witj art having a spit- it tecint thai he uf llw vcr prtiifd to sctidaeitiy fd the county fhw prio tie t to the editor of the ifrruhl but for uihc kxrru ufucttd to do tti wid he hcralj uand m uav the lur tie- raphctto the milton iltvtjiju tv 4uiig they would f url it ths wastlont aud tht iltrglt iatnevclily funrird ikiotniia qic vtvf- aud staiio thit tho iim if lie editor of the yeitv iad wcu deferd the vnc then eays that he jiddthepromiicd faror arid the null yoqng mln employ ed by the fferu vis a little too fatt besides lackiiia ia ahrlity 1 this the herald repudiates and says- that a thort time ago the editor of the jtcirs teld a convcrsitioa wtth the person in question shd said if i ciiild cctt niaorof yonr ability ijwould not mind giving liim gaod wagei besides thit the herald tays that tio one but aa un principled cur would m guilty of such an uncalled for oatrso- and now we wait patiently to see hat hard names this weeks xeirt wii invent for ye editor of the herald t hardware t5jo tinderanwl exte1 iiasin addition ia sive r grocery sxock pltjma- compile stock ker cltxs jl ctalc t j wearealwaya pleated to hear of people prospering and especially to wfceu they arc yonnj and acton is their uxiive place tjiercf ore we were verjfmuckdcligeud the other day to hear from rev ii gcaat that hia son ilcv chae a coui- who left this j hardware faints oils varaibhss qlasa i eto jas matthews acton kor 7 ts village in alar 1s76 tor ispireona college london eag wbere he in tended to stady for the mtuistry ija been verx sacceisfal wbilc tbere lie received x call from a small struggling canpregition oc abont fifteen roembers at henden about twejre miles outside of loudon wbo employed him is their- minister during bis staj- at the college the church was at the tuna of his ap pointment very small capable of bold- ingabout 200 people but fhroagli his ererfioas the congregation has ipceas- euso that a large namberare compell ed to leave the church doors every sabbathj unable to obtain seats bat we are gladto learn that the people arc no building a large iron chapel which will givcjample room for all on monday 7th of october the mem bers o the church took formal posses sion of the new- site and attcr -eej- gook had offered prtyir giring thanks for the blessings in the past aid asking the divine blessing for tie futcre he took a spade and turned ovekthefirst sod the new churlh will b re3dy far use sometime daripg the present month ace extend our hearty congratulations to rev mr cook for hia great success in building up tbe church which be has donejy iutd labor and incesaantj oit ia scheme baa been an iot to aecare if possible the permanent- sereiees of our yoang oad promising friend whose successfjiljabors leire aroused the dor mant energiea of the little baptist cbtirnh in heudonwe bebeve thejr offered to alio ram sir months to come home and risithiafrionds bat bo declined accepting the kind offer ho will return to canada inl may next and bis friends are imw looking forward to ithe happy reunion which will then takefue jje ilcgarvm druggist awii fl bcmembef sleusqlk qpen division actan division sons of tempcranc intend holding an open division and pre kent rtain man ton tueaday evening 12th key- k the temperance hal actom- a good committee has been appointed and uo pains will be spared to make tho entertainmoat pleasant to all is2t nr ordile or cojoltttu s tteep astuar strayed from the premises of the ubscriber lot 25 con s township of nassagawcya aboat the 15th of sep tember two sheep one- ewe with a very- short tail and a lamb with a long tail and a black spot on the hind leg auv information will be thank- fully received by the owner ls2t john uckinnon r5m0vedm mr george leiena bega to intitnata to the inhabitants ot acton and ticinlty that he hai reraoted from the prennsesformerly occupied byhim near be- cords colder to mr ed uatthewaney store on mjltscnear fred- erick whea ho will keep fresh oysters whlehh wilt sell either by the quart or can 4 cnoiee stock of oiaaas tobaccos ail oakss fsuit always on hand as df the usual prices- j call and see grand slaughter sale comtnsnees on tje hh cf november pashfonabtf j- bst e23 caessnspaethsot in thit department of onr bnsh neaswe always show thevery latest approved styles and mateiials oro duced icf tbe british and foreign markels- j ffe now bold an immense stock of new and fashionable materials lor fall war and hare great bctnndenca in soliciting the inspection of eyery inteijdidg purchaser i we sbow special lines in all the new shales at i2j antal5 cents 20 cents and 25 cents and hate no heailalion in saying- that for good value and correct styles we are not surpassed in tbe trade of this- our determination iainotto be nnderseld consequently r e offer the right goods- cheap 1 1 1 a o btchast p si in answer to jmany in- qntriefiwe beg to aay thacoor mil- 14nery llekreq for he season a will be duly announced u a day or two jijnhti tution l catarrh ramedy vtmeaoatarr xaotrsiid s appeato its osbesfffi cttessi hear wiat aneverexd ges- tle1taxs thoftue cltxsti- tutjoklll rejikdl tjli tiak3la esq rcoottilts ost eeae px it is npfrtwo years strictly enforced since your ocstitational catarrh itemed j was introduced to me i hivo waited his long jto see if the fcure would remain permanent be fore doing this my diity to you as at first the ijappy effects seemed to me to be tpq good id be true 1 was nfilidted in myhead for years before i susriected it to ha catarrh inreadinghj yourcirciiurisiwmy case described in many particulars the inward j drop from the head- had become very disagreeable and a choking sebsation often pretent ing ms irorii lying long t- would feel likemothertng apd be compel led to sit np in the bed my health andfpirits were serloasly affected when your agent canto to-walker- ton in augujtt186 i secured three bottles before ihad used a qnatv ttroftke contents of one bottle i found decided relief and when 1 had used two bottles and a third i quittaking lit feeling quite cured o that ailment and hare not used anysince uritil of late 1 hare uken some for a cfcld irrmy head 1 a senseofiduty to sufierers from fhat lcathsoma disesrseio catarrh prompts tnejto send you this cer- tiaoate unsolicited with leave to make what use of it you may see pr0p4r yours truly w tindal h methodist minister pprtliljln acs 2ii ask for lifctleflglds constitu tion oaliarrhieemedy ana take no other t jbhaiibpa dominion agent broowville ofcurio for sale by kit druggists at only one dollar ger bottle i pumefttmeqar barberinudone at the aaual rates at tho new stand v i orsfera senred in any stjle aar hear cash mast oe paid for any goods purchased or aay barberingdone at the new shop this rule will be d geo leveks lsim boots sices for everyone at kenney i opposite agnews acton son uotzl ont any person inwant of a good woll fitting pairof boots shoes onrinot do better than call at kenney sons they keep noth ing bit the best goods in stock in ordered work thoy can equal if not sorpassi anything in town j leo cooking par10ur coal r- l lxstoacrurer of has now in stock a large supplyot the best 3 heating and cooking htoves wood orooalnow in use remember his uck of htoves the best in the market and are guaran sod to gird satisfaction wdile the prfoes are so much lower than formerly that all desiring a good article shod a cdll bjamine i and secure their choicejwi hont delay i eavetbqu ow is the time togetgood8tovf and a cheap one ana if you- wint to save modjryg6to r t stwjavft cjl lobasftovbi ooeiib8 t- sail stoves r s8i8jsrswr n oad-jjoiiisfciis- always in stock and selling at prices to suit he times a flrstfcilasa sart- aisnt of tiaware psyr iastook v- jobbing of all proropfc jyattendiad to and patitw- fectiod troaxfinteod r 3 stewt s oo hiuistiiet acton g a specialty au kinds or t- ware stove ipe and everything nsuallr kept in a firitclass tin shop on hand4t the aotdnj oct 30 1878 lowest price wiw le1th f btlotograpfis 4gsjttrfitiik to jphotographs 1 a 3 and oroatiental tohas ili pinmaiishir photographer wishes to urinonnoe to his cpstom ers that he has added greatly to his i 1 wlshiof doc tpsminlre a ffus and twanuml handwriung youig psoi rapldltjsay al wttbotalaaoberljnndtnb anins perfeoi tnatnietor hnniirtda are te- oomtribeantlfaltrrtianitnroojhout the jjomluion in tne unite stiaies by ouvs u iflsla of aerlm of coprsijm ot former laoililies for taking pictcres isnt3iiisttmisiss ow f ilea and irrafliaimr a specialty j ah parties indebted to tbe abov firm are requested to call aric settle immediately mid save costs kesjcey so acton oct wlih and is now prepared to mke photo- tprlnci graplis seoondlto jone in he goon ty the b andftt prices touit all taloi r ornai xmo vtlthl a bei the r in pictnro franves lkeep aharg esid well seleoted stockj also j greit yoriety of mouldings of tw lgtest design which will be i made to cirfler otf short natioe t m a all 32em chasl h4 sb ttuu i suuiawslua i it elegfct ui sim urnaiaeutat iossranissrat 8usr on- ratal t eoerma- i 8pt v teit old rrtollsb tad outal lettetjra rjahanduiortshj sltdiaw wsbosot ufmia 1 ttnrtjrabiii tutly eniiw wn- o0r poll paid ontario bu ilnets col e n ljatlowilij oid lists wi liyeiy st3f -v- ti having purchatedtte livery stabje and tiuslnesa formerly owped by ilr r adams- we are pre pared to lurnlshi firstclass siss at the hoft beasonable kates te81ca9a u good commaroi rigs always oh- band l rx an express waggon meets eyry train and ieliter any gopds thbt ifrivp for th merchantaahd towtisi 7 peopii v mai thews nicklin j t4 fkisxikc ofallklnd neatly it 1 1 ton tly oxeohipd ati kee pitess 0 znz xsxt pijt oaoeatuarcoii rhe anbscriber offers jlor sale immsitnatodonlotilt eon 3 towfe shtpoflerin this jfarm cqhtaua 1m acres 0 otwhioitafe cleare8 baudcs milonirbin tha gnslfh gf ivel road andbtrat 4 miles from aiton the place iaiwell waxod there jinal a good vu and neverrfaihat spnogjbn 810 farm od good franu louse an bain oi the realises forjturthjpr- ika swacipfammelf etnuajs3 1rs wfr r m s