m v t- rit- lot- foc ltxlire vcjoe- lnob- lestof pdbina mafic- exit in defv eels v the vl any sffrthnf sit tbe vfissr ami ilim vrv l s rmm jf i- f j i s- i i v ftthe acton j laubliflliwl ftttt tmrmwr m08mihc at tw frw press buildings atxt t tk methodist church trtmoiw doutr f ev it t i4 uir monthj oiidolhir aid a wttrtu be euareej or 3gto u not plm till the enf o t lsrssu eopitjtt 1 sjr u be roat pwaonmore si oticeto debttitts alt parties iadehteil to tfttkussssa atrftfttgro for bread lour fres meat cot lnr tukruoat uotact ftr ft pr in rd of nam ror x hi- rtrnt ltftecmd iader t au 4vtmmau mari la i 1 aubj dtteaant allowed on advsr- arcrlteeiaeau iruhaaiaveul liuira uaai lartd kill actatd ud cutxi aafjtoelal xouocuiq otijetaf rlflch c ta itqoaat tt pauury bt-aetu- of ar ladlvdit areinipar t be coast d c4viadvruetneau ttuu fekcruvn auto be paid fnt- raaordrei mi atrutrir icwmu fotta of uirtuc uurfct and jr a di r xaotc t fabluuect proprietory fcejarfc wqueettkl lociu tt ihop oa oc before tka 20 business cjlrds a lowhx k b m ii c p a- jrtdaale ar ttulty coit 3anttjn- j2ce cad kldcuc- jailers bit th of diubfr and pv tbfcit aaouats ohttunding debts itf u placpi in court a ut- fdll ill after that da thaltttids of the clurt of the far- iuiiuedinta coiiiua od mtue wise acj i kt gailmav- tbe rjlii- canada oootauauon dm faistn rrayctra i a nauh i f tcraa kmlienewtt aoer ttretv t b iitaksos attorner j alcrt liouelujcla ctxaccrr imuajrttou rri wcooper frahiul tjvii 3xr tror and oltilbaginr qaiipii i oriatt tr nuit promptty attended to acton puninc mill d vt caupbetl pmp htrihg pcrcbased the abofrc named etuuiihmeat i ta prepared t manu tadtare s dooets mpttldihas c aucadtie plan inc promjuy attended w uvv campbell acton dec th 1k7 i 22joi btaleicluxgeh9tkt mr cclarlc lr ipilcwr oae a tae mitt einiamtfiac hotet ta fae ecnr- uooi ctatmrtal room tu bt ifjod cimitttrrfa rooox tne tusins s aj crox ttoxtalr sale tte axtoa oootbl aal- irill lje held at liagufixt kutcl oafair yty tittirsdaty atiudt of steele laplatntt fcc tnlllje told by paying so cts jpiece it poor at church faoutc at ihia at a rail it it at porpoito at fauu at a ril it brave ml uoa atipcy atalcat it bright at aiuepcact at feak at a rat jat proud at apoacocfc at tlv at a it raid at a march hire at ktroue at aa ui latftirualily j i at empty tttirj at riih at oroaut at lroii at i bear at pure it aatngel albeit nn 1iu at imtrt at i sleettrap atlngly ataia v at aitl u a dootdtu thcot at bitatapihcate i atrcdat a beet at mqad at an apple aabtactatyuui bat at uruanasa berry 1 atbbudatabit v at nu at a uutcr attouatatict at plump at apiririje j at tbarp at a ilitk at cieaa at a penny at dart at a pjt k at tiirit at a uiuiitoac atliitterat til at tiuc at a lidale m cliir at a bet at 4 t hcmiik at deep at a ucit at lijbt at a feather ak uardaa a rtkjt attuff at a poker ak calnx aa a o at gieeu at a gttliu as brut at a bee audcoir lei me ttjp lest yoa aeary ot utc eowin whom and th bright tuidtaraiinjr moon tide i a boot of mdnomfoi- the brother a well u tbott cipum pwaing her little haid through the i h i j r l il- nl nnrt ntwin m wliu fr w soamtut houtehold ttio odpuid ud lis wifoire wilking alowly armia arm tinder th ibelter of long alley pf baiet and filbert troes it ii i lovely diy it tlta olost of june ths rosea are in their fulleat ipletnior the deep blue tkr is unsludov ed by a cloud the hiim of bees aid oarol- ling- aiuaic of birds mulct ell the air melodiaui wih ditiiret nimpls liinuaatsx i thoaiaud lttlurflii are flutterluij above lh fliwerbedi on the ituoolh uwnufora the windosi of the old q range everr abulia ditiuoad pined jcmemcal j tai bitwd uiullioucd window rinks wd blinks ia the wanii sunlight tilltheold hoajdeecmufullof eyet the ymilow tonecrop on the gibl- eiroaf the deep criuiaan of the brickairk ie bharplf defined agtiut in uithaiarinis nky tnd miktoit pioturo t1iatoud gladden the ycs of a preraphael its the tiitithiim tteept every lenf and every flower in its witni adiencii it fluodt the trees witlitilvry light nd i fellow they woi id feel ifi vented tholviyage know their plana poor and the disappointment anything ire- ko darling captaina arm while you must be bold and brave like i lineheal ted uilora wife u yon are hie lily qiieen yoor ahip cltri chiiateneo after yoa the queen of all earthly lilies the tiy queen aila from london docks at daybreak to tnerrow and if he live hitley westfoid aiili with her j the wifa knewjlhit ill further ruiuonatranco tu useless- sub knew that ber kuibind valued hit vord and honor niora than his life mare eren than her happiness stta only hreitheol out laug aign which sounded like the laat mar- inur of 11 desiniriug heart aud uow listen to me my deireston saidihirloy weatford in touei wliictihe strove to reuder cheerful listen ta me oijowa jbiave trueheiirted wife for t muabulkld yon of tarioua basi nesa btfore the winchester coach turiu tlieishhip corner yonder by m wealiord it traoaforjus and glyrifiek the com- uionett objects until tbe earthl ibe villtgo pond iteerut unfaiuiliar andbctfutiful aa a i ti fairy dind qs c l j nrj rskiacs- r r- -r-n- fit vjx kt cttf rfcs c1rte techr ofttis uaofott liioita pftterredtteniu nioderxt l a c laxda tile uait4 sit tad europe ftnt firntd or noctrte kcnd i focprloitlliutnirtaon- aracyinopr meciiwler eatlaeer solicitor orp nautiid onaciittnsn olite ft loriekf plastitrcrt p i 4 u tint qd soa jtwatfilnc aobe oa tlallc1uftnttmd ale at 12 ocldck tkrlsis ten inoaths credit on approved ioint note j all entries unit be ntads toj ifr fat btyder sec wic eeu3reeet aictioneer house- aeton clotwtaeo- r etlirarsuxloii ktcflmnvaceoaiaiodatlfa factttrcravet- cauiaetlfropr istf for me derlee ofotber atentssjssf i medical mtrc and islvis cavett aiameninterferancer itifrtnsmetil j tr all mxtxrt lelatfng ial hare i beti reject ed bj- u tjbe kstrcely ess than cliafter l j jasad faeeffnt in a charming residence half cotuge half uutibrhoute euiboa- ouiiil in ihe woodiand accuery of riiaip lived actiuity who utibt bavo formed tiie oiaiel for a kjets ideal of datnratic happinesi xlia iome circle wu not ifrgs oncj it consisted of only four per sousicltptaiii harliy wiatfordof tiiejiuerdltnt service ids wife oii pjfdiiijjliter the cipiain and hiajwife wre both ia tbe fairest iriiuxuf middle age life for them tewiued at its brightest and beat ctitra weallordt girlish beauty might iuiieed imve vanished viu tbe snows of departed winters the bloisotus jof bygone f pringtiluet but another kind of beunty had adc- eeded ibe calm lovliueas of the matrda wlioto life had been cloud less as mb long iitiiimes day pure aa be antroddea snows ofamue far alpine region jvcs the wat very lovely still rdinty hikits ihdian summer and the gldry jof that later splendor is the early fresh- infrtn5naecaj ard all mtun to pale ntc prxtaotlf atienactlce i- i ed patent officemay mm inmost eat ai patent office e ar- able to milc desk 01 staangtoue alrr wehltord ri3tttxios hotel acton ta i cxaim0 lioax fuipte tvooaiit special itrte wild nft roruitartt cacatacrcui a i ctainio uoa olriarad cxrt aval sjtfjtiuig nad vkrilr hehsteeet f iiiceaaed auctioneer j lofthflcwiatlitofellinfihoiiidstl too ordnr ia at lh pace pkzm hoskwoodwjlt tu promptly wadt u iokrreinirtooajii- cure patent more priropuy und iux hrjoder and cititctmmjtt an thote cuokrc- remote from wulcficton i j inventorise f or cttlrfcecritrflonfif jourdcrtcr we wiu inafce aa eximtnatlan free jnc cbarce andadi ra stn u patent atihitr prfre aa loose or aii rciiertlc ftr refer to oowal i in tbt- vatxit fcrtbce and to inteutort lu every situoi the union addrf pptorite fatvat officej vtaihljnztqti uc w p7 x llmj i to i ites- af i ti i if fliif r ti tcfifai to the- pdblic of all ka- ii yat want a ooet atjcriokeks trr geqkge gibbfl he andeundt hit botlqett sell ltd atrftt huiiborc po wecv 1 trst is ulfn and hiswife kej wr bbatirrffhtrtfvfts bkited ojujex ttjsaoeu la-r- loltoaa ak i the twee test wocd act mott pezfect lottromemt erec befote blnatactared in thit or any otir coon- 3 vrjtjie corldlt eliallenjed to eqisa fore tivrti ttoek bouotn panic pricetll oorea4too2br menu and the1 r iff leneril an offer xbete cele- tantrum ntt elihef piano dri boxe4uf ibjppedinytrtaarejon tnem aay teit uu1 jfoney re- fdoded ldftfrllv rna paid both- trt ikn tay v nnaaustaclory folly rarrantal for rtr reaia mttdcur flntj shim ibxtbaoilduraby ubebai idlktjmwflrenlo cburebwbenooht ooda ttailt jflntttert tetebera tulf iltlorder to nava the m i ottndoced at one tnoteheirvnnttd adtctiiaertcalaj lojne edluoafwublltt ofbitfmonuirj bow ready kot free etlililithm in tja addnat daniel f beatty jdeitxrs gllde to i etthtweipw i eomprete seiflnttructr in plain indomamenul penmanships toang neo le wltlilng- to wqatre a rapid rand beaollil tiaj dirrtlfng wttboatatacner wluflddtlie gutiye a perfect latlrctor httndreai areibe- eonilns beaotltci writers tnrhastiotiitne dominion lauu rjaitedsuaxet iytuitc itcouttiuocatertetnr corrbunt or eottvenlentrtiite gj which edaxalncopiet begntrtng with tbe nrtt prtdeiotea tad gradually progretclni- u the mott elegant plalnand imameutai wrtilnt an ohkakektai hhket con taining german ten old ftnrlittt nd ornamenui lhtertnir qnhmd klaarlth- insor bitot e a botic or so paces wllnf u analysis and interaction and a beaauialiy eaaraved easel to cantata ibe -j- fricttiu pott pail i addreet i i ontario ucalnnu college bebeville ont i iuu iiqssessed even a rarer ebsrm thun tiiere perfection of grace and figure eicy look every movement wag ititinct wilh that indefinable grace fut which we cm find no better name tiaa good breediig she bid that tur tng manner which i le fi encb call grrtcionsuess tboae o ken intimate with thu captain bis wife wliispeiedthtt cun westfurd came of a nobler race than that of her butbxnd it was naid she had left ibe house of i wealthy father to bein the battle of life wttb the frtik genial haudaome ueccbaiib suitor and that aha had thus made herwrlf forever a aut- cst fruitt the family ta which the j n a one kneur th reaj storf of tbit runiiway- mirriaj the dn- sept i pjbow tactpkty ope1sed tse tfltaehbef baring warcfeated tbe acton plow wniu itpratawd to iwri niih giagie tod doable fruse iran whien hat gluiai tot reputtion f bein i the beat otag tlew mwe it tbe iimu rtta ah rtpaift dana aq tie tbortoat tuitica d t tiwlieetprfo j to mriaany friendt and costotnert twishw retam ithaaki for paat faror d atfc fori a contina- ance of that confidence which r trtut hai been fcefaefieial to as all during jtbia itit eigbtyeauj ibiyejojt aecared tba ertiee for atboit term ally pirtlea ranair- ing a artt class light barnett thonll leave the orcjert immediately k3aitaofj 60oroaasthaao hm wfli reiartitiot iin waips- y sat pseap iro bcabii poy adeadml lo u the past lucked in tbeir own breasts i lire westfdrd could vety seldom be induced to spekk of iter marriage bnt when ahedid speak ft wusraiways in wordatbal er- preaseidjthe pride she felt in iier husband- i 1 know that his family has no plaoe amongst burkes landed gentry and- that ilia grandsiner was stradeir oil the bigh seas fikejl himself she would bajr nit ij alsojcnow thatliis name is bobor- jdbythe fer to whom itis famii- iarj and that in hia jnattve tovn westfordntlhoneatf are ynonj mooi terma only one shadow eveijarkeded ibat rustic duelling amiing thever- dant woods and fair spreading ipasj tureg of hanipshiw r and thatj shadow waa toryterrible jirfe i it came when the tuabend and father was obliged to ieare the dear ones who made bu bouie a ktn4 of paradise for him partingajl were veryfrequent in that siinple hoaiehold the captains profes on such a day ss ihlj it seeuia lutost iuixaibla to beliuvo thai wrrow or heiruchs can have any eiciiteuco upon thu glorified earth w lmostforgct tlut heart can brenk amid beauty and turishine darn westlordc ubbla faoeia iale md wan thu auttny moruinif 0 trk circles surround her ej ea eoruest eyes from whose clear depths the very soul of troth looks out all through the past night this truelieaxtad wife has watched and wept on her kneds befjte him who can alona prntect the wan derer 0 hurley she exclaimed m a low tremulous voice while iie alendec fingers tightened thatr grasp nian the cat tains arm it it so bitter so hitter almost too bitter to bear we liave parted often before today for the first fme the auguiah of pirting aeemt more thin i can endtire tli ere was a look of agony id lha wifui pale face as she turned it towards her husband that ex pressed even more thtn her pas sionate words there was no tears in the iarjs violet hned eye j hnt there was a quivering motion about the compressed lips that betrayals world of suffering at sea or ia any lidar of peril and contest harley weatford pos sessed the cantago of a lion but the aspect ot his wifes grief- trnns- funnedhim into the veriestcoward he strove manfully however couceal his emotion and it wu in a tone ot affected gaiety that he replied to mrs wesfurd ily darling lie erckimed this is really foolish and quite unworthy of a seamanl wife who altoalti- hive a soul above fear- this fatting ought not to be a hard one fur ia not tliis to be my last voyage alter this one trip to china by hicli i hope to make a sackful of golden guineas far jau and the dear ones i liiean to settle down for the rest of mr life in this dear old grange a rtgular laud utaa i gpqlutiiiiu fkraier if you like going m for pigs and all that kind of thing like a country squire to the inaunr born wby clara you ought nut to abed a tear this ttmor there are no tcatain my eyes ilarley bis wife answered in the tame low faltering voice so le ribly expressive of niental anguish there is something in my- sojrow too deep for tears j have shed lean always on th day of our lartinu aud i know that my covardlj weakness has often un manned you harley but i can shed no tears today j there is an awful terror in my heart- my dreams for the list- weak bavebeen foil of trouble and foreboding my jtiyera last night btbajhrnoconi aolition it seemedjtd tne its if heiven was deaf tomy cries he looked at jiut watch spoke only- on lialf hour clara and then goodby i he exclaimed now darling liitett vou know thatj thanks to provid ence 1 hive been enabled to save a cry decent little fortune for you and yours ulusa agaiht my breast i carry a pocketbook icon- tiiuinj biuk nates to the amount of twenty thoitsand pounds the entire hulk ofiniy fottunef withi dwn from j different foreign investments by the advice of friends who bare given me warn- ingof an approaching crisis in the inuney niaifet by the vay directly i return from china f shall invest rliis money willi the eruingiof my present enterprise in the best end sifet manner1 can in the meantime i shall place the money in ihi bauds of the present head cf the banking firm in ubich my father hjd the highest confid ence and id whose houseihe kept an account for thirty years of his life in such hauls the money will be safe ntilil i return and to guard against j any chines ot aecideat i shall j send you the bankers receipt for jthe twenty aank faint and exhausted upon i garden scat on the 1 iwn nitmma hai bqantery owel to detain you so long wcila your xior violet has been longing for a e iince of sa ing goodby 1 have beincountingthe minutea papa and he coach will f be at the gate almoi t imraeemately 0 papa papa it se ms so bard to lose you 1 f the beautiful t no eyes filled with uara as the gi 1 clung o her father but in viilet weatfords face there was ho tnt v th awfnl shadow whici blanched he cheeks andlipfl of i er mother to a deathlike whitenesu violet only felt a natural grief it this lartiog wilh a father whom she idolized there was no presentiment of im pending peril weighing down her heirt i liraelhasgoni to get warrior saddled she said ha is going to ride by- the cross jouda to win chester ha will be there to oieet rou when the ooich arrives and will only part froavou when the train leavra the station how i eary bim that half hour at the station men are klwaya better off than women murmured the petted beauty of aeyentei u ilb the meat bewitching moue ily darling bark tbore is the coach the guards iqra playing a joyous polka m ide itself hsard among the trees as the captain spoke at the same moment lionel weatford rode out of an old fashioned ivy colored archway which formed the enrance to ibe sublet the coach stopped at the i low wide gale- opening into tsp grange gardensj and the guards horn bidanimpklientboundin the ears of violet weatford mrs wifltiord rose from the rustic bench calsm and tearlea but deadly pale- she advanced to bier husband and pi t her icy hsndsin his 1 my belovet she mutnnred myall in all icindnly pray for yon i uiust u k yoa one qaeatiou harley vou i poke jaat now of a otm majr joaatsites at stewards uodr still mocu ixo be the iiiiui or its itoubses tin poucs- mmcaisa ox seexixd ctue rttit bctlnx ikojiles tvoaioi fair it 1869 blaisk avd cossllig a t isvoltntdiude from bur itytiior corrapondent szw yon i xoveniber 23 1s78 yoa hire doubtir6i grown tired by this time of hearing about the hunt for wba it left cf a t ilewirt millioisirejfor as it com mon with senti tiopi this one has been so thoroughly worked dur ing i the i grind quisle mcu of lit exlsttnci thai it givea forth now but foe do pbosp iialiov iir- colsitv tems sulix gleams judge hilton has doubled the re- ward lor the ippreheusiou of the r i i fbfm tbi dultnox- mrs j c filmanjof burlington dropiied dead on siurjlay irtbt sunday a little bob of mr dtvid dewar fell out of the stable- loft window he was stunned for a ijok life butsustiinea no ser- ious iujuvy the contest for the reeveabip of mlton promlsea to frs a lively odb no less than four gentleuien being mentioned as probable candidabaa iihnifsjtf j preiant mayor dr freeman and ilessrs j e artbpraj d w campbell the fjionda i of each robbers makjn it i0o0u or j gentlemen wiujnodoubtdo tbeif 810000 for eaiih man cooberned in tbet and nodolibtj myojf tile gen- the theft nbtbne cent for the ev iletnaii numcd ooinfillibepwjtioa tura ihefeones of courti it can matter little to hilton wbetlier- they aro recovered or not but one would think that mrs siewirts paramount f jeling in the matter wouufbe thai lier bus hands remains auodid hive decant sepalchre- when a t blewjrt converted the little chr ch opposite the new york hotel n to a iteatte orddug down among the graras to mke the dreisingrpoms and green room hie had akallsand croeabones rattled outand carted off by the barrowful j with crtdit tt isjibderetobd how ever liat lha ta e clnbhua issued orders to the different con- bertative associations to see that none but men of their own strip are elected to fill mnuicipal offiees and the cffnsemtdves of miltou will nse aa niuch jiplilicirl influence attliey cajs muste- we canpot bnt depjdre the iiitnjdiiction of politics into niiihiciiai eleritioni but iince- the cotiaervalives lave i p ii ii without any iientimeot on hs jjart their hands thus early there aboutdseemtinjttpf llast rtstng ig doubt b tl kiu pace of ibe dead tbe skeleton r ii i otner i tie foalit mainly on theae groundg and were dumped somewhere or by bis orders and the papers public perer thought of stigmatising bim aa algtour ta grave robber it it si rj oliigiavefard un tbn raapnitj of iirslances there were no deicendantr let even demur toinia wholesale uncover ing of grorei but many old kew torters teer waoid go to tne ul be i theatre so called because sieaart itnak a toy globe on the steeple as on economical waj of dasirojinj the churoiitike appear ance oftha if ilia house worship in thi tne the tpsolt will be the election- of either mr hmitri or mj oambeli j rioh ipihirau mr oeorce gibbss hna movedin ins new boose near tie h ii n w e station l w never saw it buildinggo up iri anch baste as did ftiiat f mi gibhs iva are glad tq kuow that tie georgetown college under i th maniitfement of k v n burni b uanyjredjlted that the ahealre uianiement oi rw a uu nerer could jbe asucccss because a is meeting wijb a 1 frge riietsure netecouldjb it was uuuillowed toct m acbnrcb and it neverwita i success thoueh every style of porformince has been given m it tragedy aiiiedr- legerdemaicj nude dnima tfar lesque nigger and niinetret snpws concerts onli- lectureai so imper feet was tbe paving unjergrqund where tiie actors dressed that one ihousand pouiids ludfur the title- deeds of this house md land which t shall also ipdgein lis handt you will receive these froui me before i set sail and then as my will is ut thtj hands of my ltwyer rou atrd the thildrtn will be safe cotue what uiay 0 harley mnrmured clan westfoid every word- you say makes uie more and more wretched vou talk asljf jouwere going to certain death no datling i nnly talk like a prudeut ulaii who knoa the un certaiulyoflife but i will say no more cura with twenty thousand pounds and the freehpld of thisold grange with fifty aews of ibe besti land to hampshire spreading round it yoa and the dear ones jatnnot be ill provided banker tell me hit name dearest of them oncjr siumbial into a hole i have a particulit reason for and landed on arottn skjih crush- making this inquiry my fathers bankera were rkwdott arid sf iby answered the captain the present head of the firui is ejwin rawdon j my own darling gpodby j tbe bora plkying that cheerful dance music sounded louder and mora clamorous than ever as harley weatford pressed one kiss upon his wifes white lips and tore himself away so humeri so agitated had the captain been in that sad partiig that ha had teen utterly unconaciona of the oiielow agonised cry which broke from bis help the state wife s lips at he aound of edwin to kings bridge where ihe i rawdoas riitae of kew yok is sepdtited fron feel like some unhappy wretth who wanders blindfold upon the brink of a precipice eviry step may plunge me into an abyss of dark- nes arid horror j 0 hsrley harievj have pity ppon trie i know there is dangertn this voy agedeadly anieen peril do notj go i hive merer upon my anguish harley and do not go i agaid the slender lands tighten ed copyiil8ivei tipop the sailors arm it leeniod aajiftbe agonized wife would have hehj her hnaband despite himself in that passionate gritp- i captajh westford femiled sadly my darling be said foolish ui know yonrfersvtobe iniight perhaps indulge them if my word actorfilfott ie oreecit t england j fday vthe juao intuiie i bright on the jawx and npuif beds in the captaina garden but the shadow cornea with the winahiaej w wlni dons breakhis ororuiie aailor amongstnjj crfew wiw uuuo notlook forward ton iiia trip as tt means of uking not ib oomfoft to his wife and lit uao les for and now dearest yearly half my tioo has gone sudl must co and say good by to my chil dren j- the captain steppd from the rhady aley to ihe broad sunshine of the opposite bim wrb the windows of a pretty morainu room sheltered by a long verandah half hidden undet honeysuckle and roses j the cages ot ths pot birds hung under this verandah and- i stye terrier was lying on the silky ajute uiatjstrelched b4orftona of the long french windows blinking his lary eyelids in the meridian tun a girl of about seyehtecn ap peared in this window- as the captain stepped out upon the kwu she came running towards him never perhaps had the june sunlight shone upon a lovelier creature thau this whilerobed girl who tamo to meet the j captain her beauty had a suuny jfreshnea i which seemed in harmony with the uiniaec imoruing herfeatures were small and delicately formed thejnose foreheid and chih- of the iarettj greciau typ hereyes like her piotherlhjwere of the deei- egt violet huo large itstrous- and earnest fringed by long auburn lasheav jher bait was of that golded tint so rare in nature and whiohart has been wout w stimu late frdin the age of rtimad lydius and julius down to our own enlightened era this i violet westford they had called bet violet lieoause of fcbosa deep blue eyes which were onl0 be matched by the hue of the modest hedgerow flower r hides its beauty tinder sheltering leavetl they- had coiled her violet and well did the sweet tqraaolio name harbionuu with the natare of clara westfordt daugh- ter for the girl was aloaost as unoocscipug blit as ba coacb drove away bearing with- it the huaband and father clarj westfotd tottered forward a fe paces and then fell back s rooaing on the grtss cta be continued i r r- hoosliold coltunn attend to your poultry houses before cold weather clean toot cider barrels before you attempt to fill thaa j clear and lag it in ble scrambled pul while is a sheet sjvearing he would never act in a gntveyard or a church agaitr siewirtnerjjrtoresiw thvi his own remaias would be treated wtlh al most as utile reeereoce as those he had bad thmeled op you have seen tt stated thatsome of blaines followers lite avm e- chauduf are now advocates of conkltogs pomiaation to be freti- dentl tney reson thai the siaje of new york must be carried for the keputiicaa piny and that conklinithe only man who can do it vtlhfok this iaa mistake i tbe republican parly in kew york is stroue inspitabfconkling ruber j rc dowi island ihe mainland 54 aboat always kepubj lican thi city is deiuocrdtic ex eepling in case ota public awaken ing it is basely possible that a portion of the cemocratf under the logic ot ihfe tlmei have turned ka publican wf cdnklihg not popular in the citj of sew york and there are some portions ot the state suchos rochester and rct- n wiare he has no fdllowicg at of success the becjnd wtnjjiai opened with an jtl tendance- of be- iwsen thirty and fjity already be hat fennd it hkcsssar to beciire be service of an assutan tae indicatioua are from promise- tin the pjrtof many both near and far that after christmas iherewiu be a very larga attendance we cingnttuute the principal en uie sucots 4uready achieved jaffd predict for bijna loni and increns- ing prosperous carseiinour uiidat frojt ths l stws messriralatk barber and hxnry cole manufacturers of wall paper georgetown have assigned the dpoker bros of burling- ton whosa wire factory wasiately deitrored by lire liare erected a v neat brick structure and will goon hove tbein works id oparalibn azain i 1 a couplelof ta3a were arrested millonj pn monday night itttd 1 di taken before the mayor datuss- day one of them feigned to h deaf mnte but wjwcaughtin be act of conversing jwithhufcnnm tn an unguarded iddirient the beak sent tiiem down for thirty dtytit hard labor mcoiwod a very transparent juucilage of greattana3 city may be made b niikng riceil flour with cold witeaadtietting it- gently simmer over trie jfirt xl to rgxote acid wuen acid lias been dropped on any article of clothing apply liquid amuionie ul kill the acid then apply chloroform to restore the color this process will prove effectual f viewa ps town- flour of sulphur dropped freely among the feathers pfjohickens or fowls that are afflictfd with will cleanse them as if by magic ai very simple and inexpehsite treat ment to rejebye a great peat eao towi take two eggs one oup and a half of milk aid flour enough tpi uake a stiff batter cut stale breat in thin slices tlip into the batter and fry brownid sweet butter hetye hot thij make a line breakfast dish with coffee wfcttsj ta destroy warts dia- aolveas much common waahingadda a the wacr will lake np wet the warts wit i this for a minute or two and let tl em dry without wiping bleep the water i a battle and re- jieat tbe rtuming often and it will take i awa the largest warla man in the most so t m j jji t fialeit cut- where he has no followiog all when it u said tlbese buine men whoare now fpr conkiing that tne ljtllerjs manners are to nia- prejudice jhey reply ihat the popa- isr mm cannot be elected president and that blaines jibpukrity injured him in lbs last racev it does look a i little that way whejiv qo peruse the series of presidenls there are two bowever eminently popular prank pietce and abraham uncaln if eilerce was notpopuur hn waa nothing lincoln was the most be loved man ihe west overbad mr jefferson appears to line beena rianpf amiable if tertid andsus- flcious difposittou and his personal trills went far to neutralise ills- political radicalism with tbapeople host ofta presidents were rather rigid folk of a caritantpe and washington bimself altuoua a number of the established cnorch might hive bten a bigpuntan ainong tbe pleasant events- pi the wees have been two notable weddings first that of mr james i roosevelt to miss helen aitori second tbat of mr ildwnl parcel slevid ofjstionistoitissiosepbme heeker it ibis city this list was a veily faihlbnuuecathoiiij conplei- and tst patricks oivhedrat was crowded jwituviistinguished people the bridal presents were exceeding- 1- iy rich iilisa attor aigjulisedhet p uaioo raa mostcpinmendabjemafjlr supply ner sbh gave the poqrpatienlsof bellefueuosplvirrgbroyal feast sending o ihera twenty bptiitlsbf gems or ttiougttt fifrt modesty is the color offrtar j no poem- is as gldrloas as christian ufa x e fsncy runs most funously when aguilty qobsciahojdrivebiti slitule shows as what we should be society ahaws iili whit ye aie the wider tbe base otlitvii higher may we hope jiot i the f anrnuiic the king iatnelleastindepdndent an in bis daminioast the beggar every lie great or amtll fe tie brink of a nrecipjesjthe iaph oji which none bnt oaa fathom ttbi h i wantetopnnishtmeneniy it should be by fastening oh iwn tbe trouble of caosiantly hitingi somebody i j i i i- i a friendship that mkes lie jnkrt- noise ia very often tlieinceit uaefulj 4k iteta 1 woulds with thyaetf be acqnsint- ed then i ee what others are doing biit w aldst the uederstand others 1c 3k into thine own heart vanit id woman is not invar iably tbwhiit ut tod if ten the sign of a cold and selfish heart in fruit a great variety rild quantity of cbuleetionary and cake iniiddt- tion to ten barrels of v6gelablfj and nine hundred pounds of poultry truly it is seijiom jouri weauhy brides h ve so muah thbugbttulnets fot the joor ao many were ihe blessing bhoweredon the young girls hdad on her wedding dayi all tie good things of this world are lib sarthilrmod to usthan a tlieyi art of usej an d whiitever wn may hejip up to givtj qtiiprs wo sril at much as wo cua ucc for which liensxhi i should jirei prudent friend to a tbatoria6bi7 iirtit the great piatak in- tmitiflpii j the plans fori reocg mix ng aooipty- j bupposing tbas svsljera the want f apase mrjri to meri t irr htl fool thjat piwrerslin laikrise mtn tbsrewre piindmafool nev9cj etery day laying ia doing from the power of edasatiaa habit and iuntumonthit which hill no root wliitirerdn their- twrwui convichl the histdii of taewdridteajbeij us no lesson hcith nore iinpresriiw solnien ty tbkn this thtttlw oil skfugu rd nfia greats intelleevisi pure teaft j thteh ttenoaii fikeii ossisiion cftjia hear tjwi folly ci mmaiioea the e jnink pwf itiseouj it is only aj his error dltfrihis ij men are mini j t vi