m ivi service iauie mcthodutchnrch fcer ttahstti olh moil ire ktlei i iw attcttftl -guclo- k rtlrtivruj kvr it iroisa lunpf local matters it it i t j aaft- axoiericaa quad- 1 rafeid aad txile sks t v btrtcruet pickli ustaads butter znnis tickle v torih an kapkiajjiiigs are jill veil 8elected agit fsa jaa4 y aejr xl wrraate to keep their clor- pleaj6aaaa iptk o7ortty8tooktlpoj syads atchaiaker aad jeraller acteaj ontario- u r the pee jppss acton i j- lout sec adv tantray kellers ai rcoitl oil at j li mcgiiviiiv jcliristtuss ptesetibi nt c y iistovre from 1 tt art i co a ljttio ivijlilwlls s oajour trcci lluu and smtrutx co a sleighing i read c w killvliraly buuta civus is on ttie mar caretaker wanted srfes surfcc puntri foe tile dv yp0 will compose bert coancil uwdfiflawv ciiromo motlpsit av hills r guelfb leasts of ft newboy atjittiavs- 1 i ii lv sv trv iies klt siisw- iiud uierrily 1 wititjf has set tu at las rood earnest j c v hills arllmir frl o airkindt vet chop toe 30- days come parly t jl ul i i oufn nirllor tsfulcaulo ii kijda of- 4il j scascjn of id poc cla flow cheap itiu tow on s large tumli jpegueliliclirwa slioi takea puce to da sitk secartl far ye vng wackmcs choi prepare fur tt stti ted turtryiand deplc llow ucaiuiful tu cclirvmos at 0 av ua tivvy full of is day niiut- btvuut outa of ik yordiuvciici xlottdav ruontiu milliniry bl ei otlty nttlie tllw m iiotikc s cbi ifcllc tteedcr- soa i t famuli rcc iils xtr a c mcsiaui of ai ti orpil tbc timuil vbii h uxlj iu iu alt 1 t sewutt it co cd ac lsrc ftvc u new aud tbsa before pn fcuv re juec jitcob 5oent will del iver a lecture ia actn oa tuesday at soviucfciatlicirciai laljy oil t coin ihvisiccr s cf list week cvei crai- men s a sindh for ti llaltou clity atluaca o cuatf 12 auj will l old far fttli tlitneuiw tlm miasip i xtitiing in tin ziuii gangpgiki ml cliurebtiextmvaday lotto fmmca com ilu ui 30 ceiiu op at fe v icilli htsataaarr kerie jliksionery mruionn will ptvachrd tu lbs metkodut clii oftiii vir on suudiiy ttixii kt 10sqv in ud6s0vm by ttev wmcuuarlioflkiik tlio follovtiui m mdey nyeuin ilrtkws trill ik delivered by ruidsa mcd ju k bil j mnscoii of rickwuod a liauvillbe taken up lit all 1 have i stove cha roxmniknnimynuniwof itwvtj latffia itjtifr ffmiut lje i tntinuirii- iahjju luckitiiy ttvinlni lui lor itn- jpuriioouariiticiiula h ihih imvlnon urji till lie cle services ivl aid octhe tuirsiaa rum ail riccofdinllj iuviudloatutii iwlfcli was boluf ucul hum under tbt- rttiwcc ftf acwii ikvitlot h r t akxu etihi oclodk mr w mcon- imi w p viic uic chmr tup eniei- utimiflltikml wyrlmcf i 10 mlvltoi ipmanf two khct twhtcti bra jnhn rtniilnotore mprwbr tn chftlrmuu lltcti mt a lijtl nijrft i mouuctiic iiiflolij ci i lie miitiig mr hiuvf luilor til en rpiidrra 1 an lo mnnuiut kim uttutml liric mirf wa ftlovwi b- rfaitsby illu olftfk sbtfehi tik- huto3 of ci to uli mullv wtn nit rclvw hit- rpuoii fhytjt wtrf not m rmid koit iitci mir mitrnlctliiffeiien hettifeuit ieii- iiifc wuyi inj km fouohtdjb u i nrt ttduciw lj lh liv r- ttojii4rmr hh uoit rctidep a dlfluuit fselitt n it nt txcetltut mauiir a miar- allh mk jcjtillcv uilia k nlcktlnkikl checker trill lwnslom- iy piichortsi mrjuyuskli vtuocuiujd kmklnr liic next lmrt of luirdihrr- ultmifiu ws dlauiuo the uijti uurorua- ngtultiutoiibnd atiuli- wr wheti keb rcc iro i tut uu ncu fcauirt fftliciufiflnututln- laititft nnii rq ntimaj uwifcu- ioke linmcnsclv a icla by mmrt j ct i 1l til ti tcajitiacc f l- ibe cl uijlt hxccllcat tajotit stic cyiti ami it ijruailsea to siuf first wge preli 0uijc ui ettrtftuiiir li go to x kitticvi for hrt 8500 rtiwanl far uny caip wortds iu thchmuta lyitrm where jj mctiwviuv vvdctu iuwtlcrt will not i iut feet a cere trj tlcm a r x c at thu uttttftut mthliigbr wtlkcr lckuc ktu3i a k fc -y- hem in tbc iusuuic juit at the 9tu ucc 1s7s the fii uiecti i olilcirt ucre electn1 for the cimai j it- tri u u if xc wurtliipfulhfu if tury llu u cn clcrtedfir third lcnnv m uoiiu iu roekimod tua uall taiacrrow f iin caleb chaie i m un it t1 i t ti li- tt has urea c sluws vkm ur y h l mnceit jw- unk ueury ljirkillcblp ju jtattbeirj trisu utu iorialit wright see ted to 1 tlie newest idc la mill ha aaerv bs t nw adv rataiaiaaae afr sieird for ktrjiets ririarpiuerucbcapest vuur itxts sbarpi ntrd werejis to haee slitiag huk ciiristias pevxrnts arc hi ncdeti avteriiie tle ia tlis pji 14 iiziu riair for 8113 j lifijr a oar ttrclnts mv naif ex- pectin nd benness loofciou tbc cold tealber baset ip iaiipl by th itnvlai tie giassni silje see chriatie dsnaa t cs faicasjj tu j to ftnvic nn ti g t el at ceviretova j erteriuy bamag l eakiaef cdlapad- j a oosi trtashrsoa ssi fk 30 esats p3 jjisai it vss t -n- arillho ati x nast eon cuerecafrl cbrib p dxjv cieiiiax occ 3l 2v jce til i xfr ktiinn fkee 1- hea- tn- ivcar- r- preaertani fir jhia iuze it itill aiiea uest ks v etc anetrasx sine t he itjl tempertace 1111 actin o th ic cf rr vfexf pay promijct tlir itllfnfltl ilfttlpt nttio- a tiit- to u urns k j plan tz nf motifing it the viix ctran- cil a ziizii tilltfl ajr y -i- cue tftr nerafertrelatii tlort tad iiah- jte aiotea tu ktrtnttt sitik eim ittterp iriil it thi hxtnrrtei tta ta r lit etnla lv i a i 1 ij3i3 ja uic psit year tij xi 1 vii tpe uv wytjft ikecj1cprtrtirer oa a jric-lture- till driver l lecttire n u it tuvjct ia tbte uu a- i tt fee rest i s itsnj ir- f do riot cv ce xe th feec 1k reguunj will cmig iiv tnrroii ukttthe lgct nt a cc vlien zll irrelcrities uilt ir sx- iai tasadnegligeace aa tiiy jjict cf aiy oat ectircd iut j ajc th- tarrttti of tl vipkh ciaaritni stnruy eeaiag wst ifr j l mrirria rcippdiitcx of tha ilaafcijtlity tt tsiury nfis7 pr aaa a to rill the vieanry ia that office tqiac ij tiereaiiatia o sit jolrn prties deslriae chance of drertieemeot- or hzsiuz mper fnr tiuertica ia the fblec peejsjiboald btai5 ttfn iiy moaday maminglnid tbt ur thititussdiy it 10 oewoe ttn vi c taanot gzxrmcec to insert matter received after tiit ime in aly pari tictturtcae l a siivfttoaert mectin was held ui iiedreatjftrriiii chnrch hst eieatac a goodly narnlwr were pretenf mt sflieerllfiat ajldrcsiea were dtltreped by the eert sfemtt ita bmeiiie of fergtu miss lon aadforritc jcli tif i erzaa the collectiooi wrhkh vets ttkea np aariaited tol reiiecub aflwoat- list jfiniitr h151c asude j irtnuuuiu a very lllttd jirlvtt -x- e multiply veil tclld nd ijjrtr brxmiiidown iiuhoafl ijit enlk- r h alton 00 tf jrrt 6 fft- dember 18 mi i j pllltmh years mcsentg ai of- j l v jiij silver ware ik- x p- fl k y k the latest novelties nf the easiu llwk uiuints m ceat kila at the ifoirsc christie llcudertiu actod it its ulitetd tbitl tbo leaitm hi drawing near for titer 5 advrtiicnxcau wtf have io ecu spelled j aad mantle tndc ikx eapru to uixveout clityrtalaoa otne ery ia ten stiiij object o v hill bas fiitat reived a z v culeof mtituiikfe lril with tie uitiiknyaiiduicdtriyer they are really bcaatifal the e litor of the ensville fr eiwiii displays grrat itill in tin i iketipoi lis jwprj aliuoic every c t thxt irtjr ctttitldti frini hits to lelf lactlv cliptkxltftillu tl e fttki ess taut credit ntvy lai v i iui ps the cueiresr- fijniiel tiiiel iie saxlet fuwitl jtlc ic the ktv c est actyu tthriitiv hendersoii see their 50 cent fe ovc ill the cirtct tbe rtp it wbij utexitlirujli the tuinul ktavu wn tbt eet tliat ilr ill trba ill trustiw 1 lwtil in the k1 nus jilk cu tuiascu in acm iw ar liter s ynuuj scu tlaro thes iutluipass the jpijhfcy hike iu tj list dy jvca rflsret lite hold t oac raau we lutvr frtiu the ililu arc w ittjn ux civeu rise to fiveral ut tii smoi rhich ire whi is the w wllh iltx- tli damsels v tl ihstrcff cu mike is that wl miu of the avi ttw ut ia act 1 f da iaa tae elicap- ihas be n err iiv oer iiiltli b ti to kvders varkioiiliito itl an eic lvat kylo bvft weufeuelut te3lk ri nee i c hmiirli mtila lit well rtlvlere iilo it le will liucr jiitvi wiinfr tn- ki uiivle rhklmime tieitple in tiil ell k litlmlafcelkite tif jcuctllli i firm ur iftiifbl ni bj am n ilif and euce tlie alkiitmen imi etl qoiir ttte iicnln fir m hie milcncc wltli niie r ihctrese dent ioctlun an ntlirdtakirtie n- ur fred lib aul itlicilrluliu cjn bioailitiillilttiin nl uieviicuitiinf nimrieluie rrtie ulal yiki k if lb nk- the audjeneej liifd tiutnirliiellk- ntinnal atiieiu wlicn thdtuettlnif br ite ui 1 yihiticccauuc l tbe council uipt in utttierlt ijiat ill the tlie hii v ty dea 9ta mii tvitd aud hiln jlquilay evening all lli luetiiut pitsct ittis of lust tnwtiuy wore cxingnncd tlie cviiietett cooihiitfeo rfpett a that iwy bad vimudl ilia lattd owned by mrallli ou xlainstrte brlo hyiida llill aud tuttlid tbt citt viuk a very giod ile fors oiuctery but mr allan alki liigh a irice4l0tlu brftiij for irliitevttmtx of o tis oiilil txqiiire tliey also viaitcdalat w eight acres liebiiul matilieirs bci- yanl itud fcittid it fil ndid 6ite lua the iriceajiktd iiy kr matlu- ea was aky oxj bigli wiiiif sloo per ncr 1 i thu finance cummin present ed its eighth tektt a ullup stiet und sidewalk 0jiiuaiiuer butter disho 3 oaks baskets piokieidislies wkia eingsf etc to ic kiiels toilet setk r call and examine toy tt select j j cb irfpprjl lh li mi canders r bouquelt holders eancy stabonery lifiikstaejls plti cushion domiaoes wl i-ohecfeerseitd- ortof nsefnl an ornamcnuil presents before pbrcbastng i tvz3c j chi cutwim carrie corlcjc bts i su cluvj ly kilt ctrttitors is uu rue in eccrj jtrciciltr j- ikmcli jjl3f pelt the hitrr ttr irt- iwvcfc reorirz sd l fiah r ibi cia- tz nit at jo jtthcirtnrtr ten- p stlvist triit rt u ahtoa chnitit hcudicv lier tin3 iftcu uid bisfitcretl fincy ts txuy tlius eh du tutitu old iictttrr nf nil k tuts copied old eulared lite life at c w hills vtdien btljuljilad ws ttttanjiu- division c- etiu vilirtg m wtxlnwlicj lul a ytluilile iwm o iivrts t lillt riisljy ktolfh tlrt h uirwg t the old cfiifilioli itlld ttmlt ilottru uwn a fit t in- bumtiths liiil on nuni4 was xstonishtr td find tlit tirditifeiiff vrith ufs tl ss iv lumy frcj frtru tlie 1 t i sir cciit- it jirtki tif this j tih-ji- ritiuse to tlw litiiilv cfinditiiu of tri l mr piald flrilprsoii pttpuid tu i annatroiy jrearreated eilirar i ttorii- boftl of tetowtlahip of pas ioebr ia avaterioo coturfy on satcriliy mora- idj bo a bronht before th gaelph foiice jugiltrateliieged vrtjb haeinij mijieioary- trandfcd adeline ttydef oa the lrb october lit the prwmer pleadad guilty ta liit charge and wit allowed to depart after giving bureiea that he would appear if vraoted bini- ielf m mo and p bricbel liis father- in lar alao in xq 1 1 1 ab old renitner conej j onsuorday morninj last bomf of the residenw of erin were jtartl ed uf bcxriti jf tho report tha jr wni ckppa well known ja this neigh uohjlid sudilealy diet dunnj th previous night it an pearvlbat hewent to bed friday evening well aff osaal bat srbeii his wife trieil toawnki liitn in f morning be fuaad bim dwii the dy preyiom lie hair been clioppiuv wood but badruot comphiiie i l frnildg bick mi criii ilri j old penniuner biivu- served in the ff of -l-312- bo atme to erin bytit seven ymirs ago wbab lie ha lived ever since and b won tbj rciiect of nil uii ujlilxre j ctnt x tecijeac illiie 1 iv li elliill uis aiiiti ii hjvlmi 1 d remiiee a iprutiirlriiui mr htderi l4rn oa lot 3 con 4j qtic iu j tlie frinit asle of the irach ou vuicu the eretie s jiltccxl jirute jnn ujas atetting it mion him and crai- ilk- him intii ie ibutl he received severe injnriet on lib- faie and iei hut rem ghiiujtlearutiat he ia jeeiliy riciivtritig poicttkv chril til cii4 ainn krt luin lie iiv qkiit of tlrknv ducks jtid chicken if iuci iiicl diy pickd blii iligfeathti to lie left ou mil 4- a i i tiin jiirrjiie q istion ban re3 the trlblie iniiiil fociime at uttiipiit in ail rjiftiiius vl the pn vuce the dlcemii h ciaiineuiexl iu the roronto dailicf and frnoi thete cune to tlie cniiijtr rers ill another cilaamkill w foiwiba coniciiiuiiiui n fntn iiichael iiae ttinarro ami unir we cap ha hiw of on the mlifet- ad wextfi of thte wr-es- h ideate i that tbv keep withia bonaits aud lie an sho t di psihlc that scteeu ifoktalt the november humlier of the scperb tnonthlv tuk hofsaketpkii ib briin- fpuot goodthiug iteladicffa inil of fare for every day iu thej month a relrnugone fmthaasagirin and the fnlikt chapter on oysters v htye ever aeeit in print the publishers offer to vttidin tree re tva aoktjbs to any lily who eendstbeci the avldresa of two tadiea at each of five post ofsees the offer ia eondw jaic j 7 ad- 4re buckerjilptjbf co l 2m i jlinoeaboua slinn j a new rfockcf jlou dingenhd framea of every pattera jaat received itcvw hiua 1 4- at tlie auction- sii of tlie real estate of the lite sidney smith eiq the folia irint pro prtiea were kiw lot 27 conp1 eiqneaios 52 fefea to dr- freeman of loeorcetoii for 3725 s epirt pf latjli coo 1 iiiineiint 50 acre ta mr emild luanfor 510 34 e ipirt t 18 jco tie jt kii iinjkkyilil-1- to tntck i j tu all i hat could lio done iehripi to iliffeivuti poiili iieijihbifhuod at the lit eoiins no- word his ban rti ft at llf and ilia tfotel i to ho i ii52 juo ruo poiragi etc sill t a 4 ii p ilnon- liriminso cintt ina s15s52 and rccuuimeuded the piylucut bf the rime i ixcuvvd by mere s jktnd sltlithtiiat the reaitt qi the fur auco comtuittee be adoiced and fteleo hpwsow j c in caniiderulioa of the hird liinei an vtlliiijb vluch ofiivej line ottitlf from jiirs and to in- tlut the lieve iiicsnr lis cjipiqiuai furtlie wiiib 0irrictl mr john rit prinfrti resignation as ciik jf of aeton tle dutiit nt hw isomijd til ttiaclll jt iuletitivii of irfiuvad 05 tde village dnds j msst l saiitd tliat leitte be jj4 v- 1 iu trhdiicua by in for the apiiiut- l v meat of irturjiiiiofii r unci tu uc tit thttpuce tut holdiu the next uuuicipil ekti u cjiriied moved by jtessnt siwigbr that ilr j r ttun be iiccvited cirtinl moved liymiiark coiites and sniiiliitlmt tueb-la- ir tbeap pointmetit of a ititun iu officer and furjfixiu lie plac of them it umficinileliuott bi uoiv roid n slut tni oarriwi i 1v law tvnd a fi lintw j i mira j e mc h p mamrn letiiiefiil f r the nli uf olerk made vicnt by the eaina tinn of mr jiio ems jj 15 troiaqk7oiimi7s ao clawed mcii ao o5eaei79 odours jrioa ssal oil to l at j emoparviasdtug stors d lily arrival of fnvl goods at the ttlmfiuw hoaae chrirtitl hen- deriou tci acton croiuptji origi- 1 metrnriin iitfesuiulld ual coraet otilv 7o centa at 85 pr acumn our friesdj niuit ap i lani slovwl by messrs ed nor yet sv then ta nottii iu spetli ihat leivo i thik issue of tlie kreej pttesk thttfnitriidircan by law fur lnie adverjseiiuort iiicliic itpies liilliaiid s- retcffit- 3stewr jl orcetown low prices of ail kinds of produde sletod anderson co have decided to osef i f jv i ithf whole o their initrierlsei stock of- hixoisblie istid cheip dry goodsi olotliind muuuery tl m tlos at j a i barijete- buffalo gprnsrr 1 prieeim hottt sulis to e nov lath ad esltifcns fcrtrojspnti- i and see we will gire ytti bargains by revluetioiis in great slmuver wcnannteethittnwtfiram clevrtfe ore we b tie knocked the pneeadown oonie alob ljss jqods viqers c i ovekcoaits c mlllufjerfit aiidvm vntls eftottrrecti civedti prices fliiklsls jiudb btjffi0 robes at one i if i le usual prices xall remember the gra id sale or have lnlv two ttettk and- turt uiaertiuan vvvidiial our usual aiunnnt of reading natter after thiit time and trust wi be lorpven for- oceasiotiilly detotiii ii tttjn ifi jre en- jtt the nuiiiii 1 neip enter mi cool i enjaesing too acres to joha i f the purpose of spendin stalker for koaj the hiddiajr waa ev wit messrs t mi large k space to adrertiiehikuts as it is only ly a libtal i jf anr kdverlixik that we ablt d to jtiijiati the ipr low irice of oiie dollar fiar- we trust tliat if r hynda the rch rewird due to bis brtkug spitit tfieybest line of ah cent vtincejs ia the market j the 1 sat line of 15 mttiwineeya in the ma wet the liest lines of low priced wincey t inj the market at the jlasgow hoase actou christie heuilereoa t co l cheap see their famoas 50c kids j ioeial citherlng- j onfriily ereiiinif beat a inmber ofkueanberii and friends ofl the tli have vety jlow seemingly very few whh the iateaioa oc bajing being preieat hcttett- in tlw prtkrntdejires- jsed state of the market it ia diffi cile to place any large ojiintitv of butter fresh onp pound rolg are more in demand hai laige rollsor tais batter makers kre reooiu metidal to put npin onlb rollknai priutf full weight christie hun dersoii ifc pi- kinteniber fiimoas 50c teaj at the close of tlie the present village council on if onday eveninlv or meusrvin hii itwas the last oieeinff of that iwdy made a short aj-sreas- thanking j the conucillors for thjir hearty cooperatioti with hiiu ddria ithe vut ysr he th mght they haawqrediiiul ti iersud the pauie uioney with hich- they had been euttuatej hia ecooiitnieally and properly eipeudel he thoatdit that- whoever then- saccessors were if they mowed in thcournejuie prmerit coaiicil had taken tlie people hre uo cauoefor compbiat jlethooist church of canai a con reaidinlltebaaemeatof the liircb a si ici al elbage aud john ross andfatuil bjpre that mcetin j of would prayer which tables l good friend i p mdte i -i- i hill and graitlril to the offi of the villigi i cua and recivej the iniit of on eitilrttitiftirdg ahdtliat thelttltnt 10 liej ib titiud until thu job u ieouiputeu carried moved by m war jpotms iglit nr cleifc and tikusaier bl of acton movel by messrs j eiill lv j5yuei tliit the bv- fr s5q pam or g io lsuch hs hv n ivftr belor been oflred to people in this part of ibajsoantry f i be or tweeds beadyimatje clothuvg ad cost price lsities for mlsk setts anke ts at less hau niauufactuviys pfnees nd us r sale a wncss bi jhe 4h of noecmi miom and the appointment of a clerkaiid treas urer bi read the first fitue jt ftl bylaw rcal a first time moved 1y mwsrs spitut ind hilltbat tli it- bylaw iiiiiititient of cleik at for tlie village of act reida second and thir that the name of j vious to their departure f aim dnr village the proceedings of llief evening were opened with hy kcv mr hobbs aftei the gnoils snrrounded i which wjre well iaden wi i thiiigr provided liytiioladf- of the clitircb by evr htiuis and meisrjblhgrt rims speight andtbouiiu ijni were delivererech relerig w the happy hours su during thapast inthe coiiipanyof hiona who are ahoiiciodepart fronj ourniidiit aii all expecting to meet eacli othw in- bef triiiisiuiry llingjf thiavvirfdf re past atb u jug thebbirfioiirrs vt ry hjiproi v aie liiuaic the assuui ly dlipeisod at i seasonable hoitr ill feelini that the liuiij udj bgen profi aiy silent j 1 iie filled iu md the blinkor salary die fidel wichhhe stim of 50 bv law read a sccoi d sndliirl tin and tass j v moved by messrs coatesand smith that the bviair for the aj ppintiuent of a raiiming oeior for tbenctt inunictia elciiunj and to fix ipuceforliuling ttie bek election and that the blaukjli filled tith the nameofjj ie mcgarvin cirriedj fiyiaw read a second and bird tfihe and pase i proved byf messrs qoate jnd fee the ki d treasuti ibe po tiui uud mctiitrrm j xassasaweja uctas taffie eliloc cfiltcfr fccas iyienlia been rather sluggish litely iiot fro a lack of dej re to write but hwihg t tjieiiirtjty f inatcrial of a newy uainre and nitalli fur the cilidivsixa lively loci slicet beiite ididltoj ish to crowd iriv inftgrniitlinrfar k i oniethiuglikn bora in thi4iigh lurhoid ill jtljaf kttyit i ttttlofiivljeilurufi vp j tliedeuifis of xivjsagakayaare trangel j- ex ijed owt tprrpact r siajiiii the ilrr airej tfavis lug line of tlie 5iwlttj vidlny and it amiears the success of nnijiit ia fniw piaey liiyotblhitonjit tiliiidyeqtof themjirainvolirn helafghaiiisdiu trouble the glaa- iqw btufc failiira mid even iiui ffwiy suffijitt policy jel4 ffl inigmeiiiacecflnpire ujjiilbng loukotl tor c lining at lat risiness u slack aud he ian lislfirgcry is hurry upairjohni yue notieeablrifetnrejj in hliia dmoit uuivertthl deniiitili for i ajjeeoy rial of itslectfdfe i thiif tlipse who were tteuiost acive in nipoaitiouto it and declared kc jiiicitythat it would fill tlii the will tndthrow ashes on the sward of cmoadiati prapentyitfe ciib loud- k id tlieir dejnadiu tor aiwi nsvjit- rialtflierhnevctb m t in what they teitrated so earnestly irfyitsjik election 01 they aje ryiig for thojuinriisircianr vthejfcr3witlimahia the lift those ware who are liabit of sanginir 1 from ryiheu- keep me ever jfrec ttmwcttpfa the boy fnme uwoo allbeaaty tb my bower aud rave lite bees from flower u uercr mr w j kidiiey hns obtnined licen in canipluuville and has opened bit hotei the iuhabitnnis of cjariuihi llville have thei irispecl bise feliowmen j rerrains oar icoaatry yet it jikt hill thnt thesniii olj00 t r nvf iiowertwo mnutisiiiid tlieapiiles fdndeii to c s suiifji being over asojvsjpeutiim lot 29 3ri jcou carrwcu r liijved liy jlisrs ujiues land s nith that ithecl-i- authpvi o copuiuaicate wichilr p s armstrong stntingt it if iliej- bal ance of tiie tajxes for 18r be iiot wllaotfld nnojjaidat oncvprofcod jngb wlli bo tokei kguinat- the boudnjwvforiia tec very ooaac ladjiiiirui t i ijf juljttb- jfi feqtfel4v mi iiai flihust the unfe of sir ifijjit xixou j of daughter power two inimtrs mill tiidtaiai mr r9trftlg il tthetit ps sleighii has net conic and isiu a bappy vmvrla liyl1 hdplf stand it artt longur t y rs m c f ito ud vi ihose who would jet- cumplatn iifiefalllh- bleaiiigsw have eu jbyd1 would suy ve do wap yoii uenvgo to the haliari aud bay i little basis of ymifown 1 kjwrlistmiiding tlie hard timi heiisabouui wives wta thinking tif rakin tindiu rtvither ri claiiiau peion o cijuptl vvjialevel happua up some morning and at they are living on ana pfieity i iivar a 11 litca itpiered in the a deceiidiitiof culin dhe crigin- 1 i tnith thre may be iu it he caiiil ellvillans bad lietjer liay- their looses prnjierty in a niuvekble cndittbh whenkuytlnug straitgi- you ivill heiir frouii youretiiiy i rob tiie raktziu xeclfl 11878 i i bkeyfbisj ijl i- j j- hand oa mayday on mill tti sinli etl at at icneiev loser mai 1 ij i c ij i iurrrr a ttreet a i i y aj tle tacuy piang for uii rdverlsei lucbfv r3 fuoiiuv u at- thja fk-1- prikffico- i of plftt will bo tocavedby j e mcq arvioj until uha on itnaary 16th jjt far llie ciruteoi pf th bkutn riukilqriiiit the -fin- an iaasijtaqt jfilitre sopplittd hy thoclabj ilic i uv- tator iiiy tender not uiccssarilj tc- osi vjnwtjdnssjlay thankagiring day ia browfi kii lilove for riaht haiil finder jill nblij by leavink at the fhz eiitss office- i jtotlue all peaiona indebted to the eaate of lhete sidney sjiitli pitherl by uote iaeebaojt will piv tbe aiiiiuatto the inderitgled who lastly ntliircl rqcaivo bayrneut aai give i recoincj therator r j i vg s suits- rjocg78 rrssft7tios jlijebsbip tptcje i hrclir given that the part ri hif heretoine evistiug between v etir vcr adil henry sayers deiinc hnsineaii ander he uameor btjlc id p h jsayers jamarinfactaier of shinies staves and heading nf or usir tlai yjliajeof speysde ia thiailayi dislvfd byuimtrhjl consent at well as ise ol time the buaiiiesa irill lianjefijrth be carried on hy the said lferr savers j pexessaors i vijnei j hesrv saykes 11ssderik ac b onjxor 30 is78 eknlis fiieknli9culrbw fnr service a first clois ijirkshirtboa at liia firm iu th lest vrmsjijoo caih vieiij cf acti lt 2fican ijiinuesi hi d etahiir wasted 1culrswillhm received by steast ialt pfs tojthcjlg h diii 137s- 1 tiiciojciretakarof zinn c a iv aetboj i tender n ajepea bv oubsi j ik cagierou ni for- tiie eitua- greitioual peeasarfly 23i iiton scrp4ce i pbavmt and eijoor hlttutn fsrsttt surface plauerand floor malehe knives 120 inches alao al siiiglu jiotef jtsoldia jleculliiishi nlakera addreks tdvard 21- i aiio ont- uiaiiy of the swaius h 1mv ukeiarai ii wilioiowif v hoi1 j several about going more auj are loing likewise i abllbav f j i strayed ontl8 preinisebpf ihenuder visiieji i- iuicou ka4tjkfiag jii ir alwal tbft utul uiiu wdi ywrliutf heifanfoqe allvuta the tu rol tpe oiruyr ni irwve pti- rrty bay cliarged- aj1 uike iuut away j t 3ws tojexcuant ii9ojder3tifenelhas wfi iouhltradt jm nthfcr mde mm asa soj wlifck be wul ejchaiffl- fofgrifwifreibuiilk cowsiwbirb mivjt lujve ft 2ot rtcfyaraenfmiin 4i milk- enc otf ni tlie cow rill cilve jrvlu tw lit of ain i9aml the other x farti 3-j- rj j p s ahslstrox f nrihbgur joa 0r cai scott ile sawtflieris prepared t tiihlforalllstave timwr shir tsmherand aiaswoiillir ihilive 4 the iacforti lately phrchaseil frd broija 4 hii o- l lbry 1 edvafip iljooef tlmkwarriill fijnde hliiding ithirdolass eorttfi- ijatey for oujferiii scfciil so 10 es itveaing at susyta ujtiesto il ieid on 1ijt joioary apiilicatluu utile talary aurosa to 1 j wmhajpiuirb i32t i siioyuepjo li aeton s13hfipjri wouyd resfeeiiijlly id lunate to ahe iiiiiaitttuuisjf amon and vrciuily thnl lie ims vjien i eilanew store enda iere he iut u the i loliiis vuliigf w keepinij i otaple gsocebies rbcch 13r i teae sagajbi ukfass iigcaite saisii sec dp nipli lie is pitpaied toaeliat aifesswiakimft kzceiitfil in the utaat itye a iead dressmaker onsuutly elu iilnyed -i- v l atoniycil bkls tttl nk naijttflj trainsleave acsoi is follos- fight kxfrebi corouto invd- btpressj bait mixed i r ooisojiasi fight exproaa laltmiij j aryliipreas- 7eterii mu r cobdonuixed malitlilte taj alip0mi joiirwtwttsis in i rast5 ronto ilo m hrtitlibnlinili iui f mays r brfri i l ivrr a m ute teioioouliisv 910am lcpm 517pm 71071x01 l tb5m x9k am njiii slljmn fits pni rastjisji joumal tor 7 loahn on tnea lays iallmlf 1