h li r he free mess aoton suhscribotsxwhn do tint re- eeive ujt frex prsss regviurlv will elecubti niuoni an quiet 0 oilai je hogamnr ctuniiv presents al g w imw obligeby informuig ut at the ilmce at obex wncu ail icregularilio wilt beat tended rii and ueghgeucc tm he pail of aayouetiouirc4 iuto pjrtit a chnc ch t l advtrtjkjticut or having matter far jaut sccvjtda j tnacrttaom the fkxe piteys should j mr secord haad it fa by monday moruiugmid not nll n later than tuesday at 10 clt vmli l l town at wtcioaint gturautocto insert nutter rteetved after that time in any par- tteilat iiaoe for hirpeva rtu cheapest 8omca in tie methodist church ever ctabemh both man oj aid cf lng t mas an 1 c w eeloe fcrrspc l ive ly 1- ray h uih1 ltor iqcjm mattejrs r j all kinds of walchw otufks jew llery and spcctaclcacare fully repaired at q hynda jewellery sfarc all kinds of watches clocks ud jewetety in stock at gist llvlds jewelfcry store jpiv me a call fr u vr 1- t opljr fire dy o cbrittjmw th iraauieutiog ufc dciii b wtatfeer j thii i aha teaaon vhea back- m sci lucked moiloffnaicsitnit from the oaidiia ilmmac for 1879 fotfnie itqdt office price 15 oetft tthewnoransjiotos of he cr- wriagwiater ire iwxrd in the und l o4 beaux bttttoohoua hiscotnraeacd ho yoajciat get man to sxy he u running jfor municipal fiouon pthere re tjaile i nunihr of wvddiso ob the up it in tk uihbor- ffoqdr at the next fev wejkv r- tb ftraiew of tjts vncmity ft i notlbasfgettaf tfaexqou etc oqt vhfle tie uetuug iuu rtbe shop ttadofs begta ta ptetent bcjhltiful sppejwxamthj am-uxgelj- prnxmcatcvi rttli hjidy aboafc thu time the pnidcijt irife ujt ia itacfc of ciiuctinit ai the pradcilt htubizd ta eitrx supply of cmtoroil i tttje mxll boyi vho are in the lubttof jumping aa urge deicbx fhoald be ioofct fter u there u great cungcr o tccidiatt bipcniag 9000 regard for ar esse o tanni in th haitttaystsi mrhere j e mcgirravjr4i posrjrri kill not tf- eeteujrer trthenu i it is u very veil ulfcing toat mirnnij far taw bit eicsidcr this exmpie et by dcrjytcda- tty marn ur dioav- l i i there will in t shoottng romch ju4 rafle 4t tjiefcers hotel hilton- grille ja xhritcix dtywliea 150 torfceys wul be diipocduf te rivjj new ttylcof jf ittjs i7r2i ih tneduejlozriailjrd prfjtr ttvy rerealhbcctirid i vjit fcndranuaihrq acvinc idi wka iuiia1 to p jrciose x diry lie fore thyer isoi tiuy thjaiuuui fei autejkajiw ttsat livrit tbeir diiy life in it 3c bi vriit ircil jiee hoj ina t will uit j jkjj concert iil le h1d in inegjrr sclool hwise ss xa 7 jrtw gargtht uih xatsagtkeys ou jhoddty 23rd fait x rerj peciin tinwriuybe erpeciel tt ttie ccracait- iee of mnieinent is- doing -ererj- tiling i lecste critciim tilet- wtn b rootles a rell known and popular notel r of over fifteen yeart erprleact in cterinti the winta tbe trtrelling- patlic in western uurfo bjatnjertdiatapirt- nership iritn ueq a cotur thi lessee tt the teflinftoti hol in gcdpli aa cxchjiriie rtcrmiraenda its rederrttw4i ssccrumtoe stitc of tiietr ifjunilys bee th each taniin tefore icirfag lnntc lcctcsc the maui- dpl c will be tare to meet fiffrpj enqirre pirticcufly iwat tnemties 2 tl chhjn alnutnae ifdci hrpotfcrrry a ltfiri kunuitjj fr 44 niasli cratafui fall sad actfcntis eommereiil ttiitiod athiuoutic sconce on tuesday evening m the stoilet setu- slipper cict vjc5 ftijnrperanee kilt not very well l attended tue leotare ku jgood i vciterdav tlcei8efli tnni- ertary of the eltwing of the gates cf detry of uly on kio i mxi r f qaiowiy will opea lltsfieir aijqpoa jtoudiy s3rd of uecseo adv u is expected thai lue tkatttig riufc tvilt tj 0ienodittdj- or to tf t coauuues cold j i tlis mathodist anuretsarj teiracetinj ai ciiriitmu treeneit taeaily eight see adrj mxas a secord has for mis twoftilttcoiietj- atluiesloc 1st cost 12 sjul vrill be tm for m each i i tikt lliu cup andjlliq ujn licret maay a tlct i ibcileilt uow and chnstoiaathcre wrill boj maua alipjxr i j i ko burineira man ean do scith- eat icept nt the canadian almanac irce 15 cents j for sale at lit- fekt ikiss otficc tthisi tue benefit aeafon ot ham tuocrs aa amoothihe d horaea fcalit difficult to keep dtt tieir feet dowdityi i i i th chapsfc plac m totrn ckare joa ea buy yoeroiru i rasa ore- v t t u ajei j ducts and cbiekna irv mr jtcdonagh of pni i l t t licziveted tiro very eloq and inter ps tlie to be left on4i eaitic divcoursca i the slcthodiat rawo trot out jour eatididnts mrn sredrd for all kinds evritik vfachinoa elioapett c w hill ia aclling frnines of all kinda very cheap for sodayi ceoie early euero will b a cbiitlraasjwa inrue confirgntioual cltitrcli kiitr yeuts ere further p tilare anon exqueiitig tnwniufpnonjiria tion takes place a estuniirttowu on monday 30tk inst be sure nominate a good man fur ttiia tiou of the tpwnaliiu alexseccrd is recsivint large and choice acleotiaa of cila otncwandalegant dcaigus which be bpcued iua day orau auo a tttock of rroccrioa oomiiiic rtlie nonttnatioti of manicpt officers or this village will be in malio- uajj on man sotit inst it it about tiiqa c4di- datea ware before ilio public a now stock of uouldinp krimct of every- pattern just received atc ttuma mr s vv qaibrailli form ediuir of the fmut pros hat be editor afad isku a tvinghim it ia a well gut up el w ith friend calurailh every ceas i fofltkv christie hendeison k i co acton are prepare handle any quantity of turkiys rly atuc pubiinhcr of the winohara lteforui paper priiitct io veil gut up elcct- uc- chtrchoir sunday lul mr geo itynds whose 1 i lojdfellows ciromd motlosatjadvertisemcut occeptea the wholt 0 vv hitlt i i i the 2nd age of lut aad this kij jtha leclnre- by me rvib iaauct iuforjxs ua that he never l had sach a rtiih m hit battneu vlt departure tal ecrlesujtimv cloci- i v t- dc i credit at having ir luzsl ifsce of the 5th brft it does not euxe itoldly oat antgiiy ciut they jive more pffjs i rp i r75ifik tion- forsile at the izz office- i priciats posm regclattox it tiuty sot perencrsliyvfcfiotca that letters uiniliif coin cf xoiicd are not udtedj io j oat at vkz dominioo lettetficbatainlng coiuxdtrtsed to ftkriga pirtxf re mrariably utto the deid letir office anccretercedfco the riterjtha fcnoirledfie of this fict taiy ure troeble icr geo lren lias patia a stoet of cianed fish qrincei letnans cteclwaery bwcjute tc wfaiclibe i elk cheap for cult he hss also opeii- ed ieefreshmenrpirlor where mexli willbeprepiredin firtclift style tt aii houn a partitioatsibtea pat in between the barbershop iad stor so that ladies vill not be siinoyed when theyesol tbeconeert nd dramatic en tertainment tpven in the toirn hall eockirobd on friday eveiiing lti was a firatjaas aflktr the hall was denie- w paejeed about 890 beinj realiied tlerpfoeeedi ft the concert went t iirr sadant seper who waa iaiely aewrtff injured and urttaaarm by aji acefdenan ffarru factory ft ii a pleaaararlp fiotlee the ipint dapliyed by therilkgerj in thia affair jveek of praree the week il payer will be observed bert month more generally jthaa ever tbroaghoat the protestant world the appropriate- ness of such abrief period of devotion j appears to hare impressed itself especi ally od the enruab epeabng- chnrcheft aul has been reeejrnized wherever the evangelical ailiance is iiojra and itaj braocbea established the tiipics an- noonced for the observance in 1879 ar cjibadsy january 5thaaksgiving fpri tna bleswinj oftbeyear past and prayeri for their ecutihisnee toesday jsra- ry 7 prayer for the cnnrch of chrisi it ministers it growth in grace and endartfeinent vvedneaday january 8 christian edocatipn j the family the youny colleges seniinarie of learning sunday and other achools thorsdar jajnury for nations 1 j tajsfarthechildrenjices6ntj for the yoengy preseau dor the old presents for the middlerafed presents i or all of cndliai virict y and all very cheap at gcojlirudi jewelli ry store j the teachers ofst alhana erislish clinrch sabbath school wijl entertun thair tchulart on cliristoias evening- to vciriatniit tree and aapper in ths teciperance iixjl see posters ahths stapl groceries msy be iwught cheap at aiei secraxl xa dl uis kcpc a letter on the early mar riage question will be fuuna on our srs t pige h actoaiaas idea of a witedoesjliflt concur with that cf michael imacknamarrow whose opinion appealed ittit wek jhjw beautiful how cheap- these chroaiojatbw hills fmrsrs j i k brbwu siwed one cord jd khretfairttvsl pf atavc l3ibr ia nu2 n mr oue iiy lt week i3 lot 2g ci- tttrnhip of kjuesitiff tttjnv uiwxtvhe vcut uiabcit this irith tlie ciitii pniiied lance tfth siw i j rthe pulilic are at remind nl bt mr g kyuja jtlfick of chrtstiuis add kew vrir2tnjsia the urgtst and riiot c iriiplcte eyer before brought into a5id xo necessity of going to cf jiph or other pucea to buyfhes ts as x better selecliua may aie had tu ton- r chrislmka bf bf the best quality aaav hi large quantities at itarali licit mart aso pork ifut- toa and ail other kinds of mea to gether with turfceyi ocese duct ie all for sale cheii the georgetown herald his agein lieen changed frtifti an eight toa four nge ktx r te publudiera sir that so long ai they are coti nected with tti mmisiiiog bustufti an s ge ajisr will pot go out of rtheiv cf2c it is snf5cienly urge to ujakftlit look en i th mihan vera of ltat week ridicules the htexof out iiviiig marc lcal utvrs than any other psper in the blves cs tlie itcuik iu the kd tor- are wiu vrgo and halton ib0embe4 l9 1s76 ong not alhunif c arc going very fast pittoa wishing any goods in anyo any hla hey t old luiotnror flf jail kijtrla copiod sud oulargod like wo at g vv hilli t buttka trt thn pre wnt deprw aed aula of thai market it is din cult to place any ihiro piantity of butter fresh on- potitdrolla jra tuura iu demand than i rgo rolls at ttths butter makers art recom tnnnded to put up in on ih rollsnot pritila full weight chi istie hen- tiersoo 6s co hommber that famous 60c tea raui areideat on monday- last whr danford 8wackhanitner of lot j- con i eacting was with he assistance ofuoma of his ueigfibors engaged in buildiug log slide on his itemises whilacngaged in dong this a moat dreadful and fatal acci dent occurred it sef tr a lliajt one end of a log had leii h rifted a its position sud hoa p resell were en gagd tu raisinu tho olhe- and when by some means the log i lipped and in falling struck mr bwsekham tuer on tho hack of the head kill- in htm instantly w ion it was sccn that the lor was falling he workmen all ran out of itha way with the exception of lr 8 who all down thus teceiviuf the logon his head ife- nevfr moved or spoke after being struc arthur smyth son of mr win smyth of erin who was present i so narrow ly escaped being struck by the same log mr sw ickhamuier wax largely reliiledand tell known tn tha vicihhyntid his death wilt be regreted by iuany le leaves a wife and four children to tuaurn hi sudden death christmas jt b itiiajviqrs net should call iaiaxediatcly are taking well tltit bcpettji moktiicr i1ie kavember nuabcr of the so ierb moathly tttc hacmxtirnu it i rim- full of good thiagt iucludiog a hi i of fare for every day in the moct rouriug due for thankigiying and the fullest chapter ou oysters we have ver seen in print the publishers ocur to cud ia ran roe nvo kocths to an- lady who sends them the addresi of two ladies at eachof five pott ag ce the offer ia gocxl to jnu 1 79 ad- dwts buckevf pub co 2l2m minneapolis itina mr john rosa who has leen head teacher of actoa pi schtool for the past seven years resijaed that losttioa a short itne- ag haa cren appointed i cad teacher of victoria publis scl ool hamtltdn ata vecy good sa trj he haa nine teachers under his management atiji no doubt will find his new sitiatioti a vety t ust worthy one bat he will be e ui to the rtquireuients his duties commence after liu chciatoias iittion rulers an people for peace and reltfooa uhert ulthtir saoeulref7rir sairday janu ary tthome and foreign missions an the coaiersioa of the world litheiarth friday jaotiary 10 tha the cause pt temperjtiicc rarewclt broihenr on motiday morning fast a large number of villagers atuarigat whotn were many oddfellows and knight of pythias assembled at acton nulion to witness the departure of dr mcfiarven and mi storey furkccwu where for the beuest o fl but liud dr mcgaren is to itnd lafco of him arrangements are that remain about fix tnotithj dr about three there earful eyes in he ecu train movet uffj and all bidiing them gid sjieed return a thn iiairi may ral fcg signals hich plicedou the riili eii a loud iiuiu- tiiiy arriv vork on tuckiiv and by stcatu fchip fur jinii narau city the capti fred h r storey ins health jtccaiuaany the present c 1 fred will and the faere many j id -aa- thn joined in i and safi fd iff seve- d been fed wih d in new day sail destination 1 of provid ence the largim 11 hid cjf tho b hama group whery they vill arrivu about the 2tih inst wu liafie that they mat- have a phsaut time and that fied will return home in every selm itcxivtrrtrd aid able to take his share in the bat tu of life preaeatattoa and jtdtfress a number of tho members and frianda of the dieciple churca of pecpthitn i village in tins north riding of wellington met at tho residence of mr henry king lot 20 eon i lather and entertained him with a sapptr j upon the eve of his movjng to another and more prosperous field of labor after justice had been done to the edibles chairman wai appointed and an addreaartad and presented tot mr king together with a comfortable chiir mr king tnada a shorj and kuitahe reply tin jqient in social talk other entertainment home at a seusonafih evening ringing ind all hour wftli and ent fceing local news titaa vc- d k4f on er- anjiiieg their ijisce of toe 5th icat we hud tj items tut inidit be regarded as iccalncvrjcaud iu fcje 12th there ascjour iteaia kow we wiah to say thct tlie fetx paess gives koee local newx than any 7 paper the county and the ticio leti than any other 5rr gkj ttyrdswouldiiavtte every person to call audi eiainiiu his targe and mnguificent atoclc pf christinas and kew if ears goodn cbnsixttng of ohmal clips and siiiodrs handkerchhf andgiove botes silver woje ppier if iche gxids ic no trouijlo to show- goods i laataaeit iteeuaci akrcetiutuhcr attended the mis- ioda ry meeting held in- the if ethodiat hurch on iffmiayeveuing eloquent ddresaeiwere delivered by kevs ifc- nagl of paris ana scuotii of eocfc- fkt at the close of the meeting ubicrirjtiaua to the amouut of about i20 were taken up i the conaregatidoal misainnsry ifeet- n on sfaciday night was also well at- decl lieya sandersod ireland iwrigley and colwell delivered erceuj eht addreaaei aliandapaia collection was taken up at the elose ttiic i methodist diarjonary society also held a meeting at crevacns cor- ners on tuesday night- it was well atteided- j i as our space is limifcdlwe cannot prealoureporta lljosmooiiifflneys no oharxed wioks no offensive odoura when uaiag the amexioan oal oil to belfead at tlmia timer delighted with the evenings c iter- tatnment mr king is a gold uaker well parted ia the itil tnreaand very tculous iu his ch rcl coil i etat tratertatnmeur 10 uvit jlenee ning wife tnclelthc in erin nn the mth inatl ha of mr dvid fielding of a holt tiie fltul in acfon ou the 13h last at ihi rcsidcuccnf the iiridos father by the bev e hob sir aler soeord- jto kora eldest laughter of k storey esq all of actou near actoa cr the 18th mt rev e hohbv urwiuea towushi ut miss- mcfccorul tlaaghter of ilr li ilckeowa of ecifaosa ttiecaaic in esquesing ou the itith danford svicthaanner hy aged alwut 5 years t ost on mill street between fredariul streets atiold ujjkct the thauifuulieraof actun lvidgj lfc and u large nuutberof el friends gathered at thffresi of dr mcgtrvin on friday ei 13llrinst or the purpose of inga socialcliatand good liniij with uc mcgaryin prior to ilia dspart ttre for yisssu after a hparly repast had beett partaken of bv nil present mr r grains was appoint ed chairman on taking tha jchair he mads a short address rewrririg to the djs high- standing ia the lr idge and regretting tha- he waa going to bo absent for a time 1 dr mcgarvinthen address the assemblage hanking tha lvid e for the honor done him hndh not expect to ha away very long and hoped his absence would not cause any falling off of interest ii cite lodga tlie brelhern had a rays been veer kind to htm and now aa he had never before been away from home and friends for tnore than a couple of weeks at onr time he aloiost regretted tint hi fisd consented to accompany mr fred h btorey as he would coniej etity be absent a number of uunths ha referred to tie principles of secret societies atid also to- the good feeling st present existing belj tween thossin acton hi tyould not r yerr-long- ioped he ironld retnrninacb tinder will bt rewscdedby at thvfee pkim office flunr old fall wheat j spring wheat w falhheat barley 0u i peas baiter freak bnttcrjialted lird light lard lirfc i kggs potatoes per bag apples perlbag hay per toff ictov haetvetjs x jfs iiogarvia store ssrsg for tde vhit hnalso wishcjfthae the good whlclrmr storey iwouldj receiye from the visit would listing and closed with hopmd all would be iti good healih an his rejttrn bevr ral nietiioorblof the ridge and friehda pf eaani then- made short addreaaai ail ttisiiing lhat those who weo leaving might have a plasint tiinp aiid rwthrn houre in jjioitheauh jft ir bis tliedmejwus ajieut in chatip r sing ingie- until abont mi iniglit- when tho parly quietly hrc ko up stay d he ibetter s os ierimin- by the of guclph quadruple plated stltjrejl- v-lw- butter dishes oakejbaskets pickle dishes napkin rings etc etci etc np nei years mekwtsm hal of psmioz k oonsrsibtzitjg- of wmmm u toilet setjs call and examine iny geleet toc k of nfefnl n paid i gaiaadss- bouquet hinders h- panoy statjtjnerjrjil v lids stands purses pin cuhrons t gselepkjsfe ornamental presents before pnrrhalnb elsewlief e j- e 3 jdmctggrtj3t qaz in considerstion of the asjhj w l 2lisomia v i george t of all krads pf hard times anil low prices produce ifcltod anderson 40 bare decided to qffer thk wtole of tiheir immense stock l j- -of- j masitlk cjarpets buffalo ed1e jsfe- iatjlr 04 gfsisrxi oxjehi3ot sljs i 1- i to ccmaanca k07 12tti nni eontiauo for tvo aoauui ucul fl wegwiratee this to be a qrajti cm vrisc aik or go is uan as has never before beiin oftred topeople in thia parti of the country orejre nave knocked tha prices down come alungiand see we will give you bargains by reductions in j be press goods- winxjets fee overcoats fcc mlllln and j great slaughter manrlks of tweeds readymade clotmxg at cost price ladies for muvk setts seftjoiic fpecuijclieaij pricfes jflaels aud blaykbts at less than- mauufacturerti prices j i hdinhb tisuiif prices 7 ijv i 7-v- ibfjjfalobcjbes attjiic the gran vremember slaughter inst mr accident main and leaagi 00 to 2 n 65 to 0 00 70 to 0 80 76too 62 sto0 w 20 to 0 30 50 too 5fi 11 to a ia ootoo 10 10 to 0 10 08 to 0 69 0 10 to o 10 50 too 60 25 to a 75 00 to 19 w et a1l0wats new shoft to lienpefied oa ia s asrjsri vers ar lvd cukutklli tell mbthodist cimjcli sabbat2 s0200l jioxon see us commences on tlie 4a t thtusaj sing and chrl 1 nr tha sj speaai fo the fsee pkjss ut line qotxra dec flour per 100 white wheat iper bush treadwill springwheat redchaff oats f barley peas hay per ton islraw fgiperdor butter perlh jotatoes per bag hoga per cwt wood wofl pidts newpaper decisions iamlpersonwho takes a paper fjgiilsrly 1 frojn this yost officjei ttbether directed in hie name jor mothers or whether ns has sab- scribad or notjis rbsrioiisibie fori payment 1 2 if aperfcmorderj bll piierj dueotitinned he must par all arrears or the publisher may dontinna to send it until payment umafleind thnoolleot tha whblp amount whether the paper isuhen fronjihe i ffloe or not 4 v 8 the courts harfr decided refusing to take newspaprsr or periodicals f frstotilpot 8 or remoflng analeatlne them un ca-nehlforruriaricdititunoe- nlantional fraud hoitoa deo 23j j willi a large and choice i display of cheap goods cilmsist- ing of t anniversatyiteii uleet- istmris free fot thebene fiuof- the sabbath vhool o the i tiethodivt cliurch will be givea i j v in the church at acon onj- tuesday evg sifhliec an address will be delivered by vted ii saiidetsonoftdelpni and revs dl b taiiieron and james- da vies aclonhave also beeninfit- eu to be present theciuudhcn of the scbpol will supply good music for the ing keadinji and keciuttdnl also to oe giveuby the s a hjchol ars i iat the ahdersigned has on his preciisea lot aoicon 2 esqaesing a soffolk liar uch will b kept for service during ha entire season terms cents cash 2oftl h alexiiasut kar foaiskiivice tjc kulocriherhaa for service a first- class berkshire boa at his fann iii tha village of acton lot 26cbu 2 snes ing terms 100 cash 23rf james bhuvs as1 fpr tihbee gf coi6utinery a4 icbheiwlllelut d-il- lowest sottom for biishi aod oabbc onjy- f t nev7 inaqtq -rtaii- even- nre tea f doors opeiat 5i30 p m 1 ssrveel at 630 p m admission 25 ceittsmhhjlren under 1 1 years uccns all afie cc hdiall jxtited to be peesext i parents and friends desirous otj having presents bung on theij ree will plfase leave them in tno j oase men t of the cbuwhnol later nan oclock nej persons other than the committee will be allowed in- hie body o the church during the af ternoan while the tree is beidgdej obrated h p tyou j id je moaas7llti paesiiipist aotqlif t oiyt aler jn dines- statiojiory dyestaflb gmetfy vny mljtoilst artie c hecllcated wines anil lti uors usx jj mqgabtin worm feowde rs thbe3tinth0ro the eabscribcr it prpre4 tq pay cash far ftlljtivc timbtr slihtgle timberad bsjwwood los uclivefej at the factory latejy paicbaed tromi bra s uail i 1- isly j iedwajid moore all peraoos indebted to the esutc of the law sidney smith eitherby iioto or icconot will lay the amounts uitha midtirsfiiicd whj ia duly aaujorlieitto receive payineuti- aud giif meipta therefnr c smiths scrfacf i placer and floor mlttat forsaik surface puneriand floor uatcherr kaivei 20 incb lo x shiugla ijuiuter qoldibtl mcotiunogh miktf address edward m00iie 24- j actoo oat r john won i wonld iespeclully iri titaats oj the hviiatii units of aotinti irroiiiiiyilrnvhe liaaopen v ed n newv grocpsry stor in this viliaftvrtier o ibttwda keeping all lh i stapu qadseaiei f eassu jars 0bfb9viml eaisias stp so which ho is preparod tckselv ai low rates hw i cvl a stkat rtrayed on thejireiniseaof thenderi siesedf lot24 4th con eaquesipg on aboitthe 1st if octs two yearhne rxeifors one all white the other red 11ha owner will pleuejra pro- pertj- pay chaxgaa and itki them 4st johji ipott away s ueep astbay strayed totha premiaea of the under siguedv about one month tigh lot 27 con7l kaasmraiibya one ram owner is requested hi prove property pay 25-it- liaieitaway jtviblfjajisek mr nih large ofevdi lernqth dressm i- kxecoteddn thelatt etyl x bend dreaimaker- oonstsvntly eni- ployed f i actoa deo ujcv iii yipl trains leave acijist ii j t oodtsvvisij if nightkipieta fti vitiiiwfjai toronto tnaii tavtitjlai dayeapfejar ai egress i v- ji otwiv i jmh i i i3if fdju mixed y it4iyia day express r llmaiia western mail rflirjciii london mixed 9s3pm 1 ifi v naki tlk7tjiibfcff v qalt mixed ooihosast sight krprass xfisti btajv tioll owtevfoa is prepared tbifnr- pysterii by the quart nrcao in or small qtaniitii i canned fith ry kinialways in stock oraiicta ins fi confeotfonery aoio slwa s on hahd ireah kscoits-to- refr ahraeut rioma fia is- pdao pri4- it rji iiarei tofnrnisli a 6fitclas meal rtir5llttjh5nv ir m iarso aolniwesttobatw molia t mn h mnlouw am- 1 vl iciitihtnll mil bsoam ratnl jn vm ml keawmtwek wt taflltd f i i- inldutsstwohjahiaf j- jmtuueiatne vlriit4v kra kiiteilltt auj outata oko lkvns dwsadmilaiaj k