jjgivr- 4 l i mr ttadrkfpius jet was all in vim j i jc one tn n tbs wdrlds temptations l its totftjittrii i onltc r m the toil arottriala that maveawarufjiifcj innc fr im these thorny earlhroada i tohiawkahiiiins trw an lev id on who hare left na wji vvwldy call them back i ne w ikthepdreawa of beauty yheijeldiy saver db t lnc their joyijui spirits i iviieie tears nevrdim the eyeij i s ith their earnest longings wbi taits u w in irhv j vh jr call them from such noon- i 1ds 1tk to6hjioigfcit 1 yt vc e f m oar foudffecuon vvtv h pvultte spare them pain j j tbeirirseoaa to loving i c ewhelotrt thtnioiora v t irvwben they arc happy litbespuivshora fivr lobvateasderil l3l from all tbonghlsw ill cjne rota caieybeary ttirdana kesth whiiih we murmar still j innt from the crow of anguish vse pi wnised crown to wear shijii hey east aside ita glory 0 wcifiht again to bearj re rem the we striving vlai lit jrorldbnrai and sin ic swat all outward tempters geo cfrora all foes within 4nnc rhere their spirits pinions arwerer freeto soar v wsttldst draw them earthward ts i rear life a ch once mora ilflij ah tbcogt ooe beartaftreactidf an4 though oar tears will fall yeeald not in our weakness onr iovedand lost recall we leave thent with oar father vfcj goodness we adore ahd wy thai to ataymeat them y1 eye we shall part no mnre t i i t ii bf a v5tc0hg sinrwsifboniild tu vert fon8 or dram 80 fond gploaullo aotfthomlv i rnrnttotimi xba world 1 only s380 a year ipclodinit postage weekly 88 num bcrs a year 4000 book page that lie had three attacks of dcliri mth rewm oil rtcdrainr for tho third im uo doctor told iiui that it lid iid cot givo tip vhukw altopithck hit next attack would certainly bo fatal tn hat case donald jkiiid it would jo death oithor wr for ha could j not live 1 without taste now oud ogninr thev camo to com prom is tha doctor ying he would allow liim isnoanooiday ponaid had never heard on ounce of whijkeyi hut didnowikvto ahow his ignomncc easaingrdniggutvslforijbvm v botllelalialed d an- quuce 16 iahe wchl i ccia yoatcll mo how much thiiire be in an ottnet t said donald j i sixleen driina said the aljopman ih6ali said donaldi throwing up hiaap tit doctors shenilmat after a t the jsjatc of a flirt 1 pittsburg jsxpoation is ovec fbr khjearjliat tiers ia one thiri 5 connected with it that will he n aiwilh interest here bather a pad looking coople from the oustry boarded 4 train heri the dar before tha exposition iosed and with a number of others went to itteburg arrmng- the girl met an old acquaintance with who n she soon became nncomfort lly far tha other chap fricndlr sho andlier pitfeburg friend stuck iog her like wax all day viewing f the lights apparenltoulivionj of tte ba that her ef cort was around wh ai tlw hour came for starlirg she rent with her pittsburg friend- to t is depot and huag npoa ha arm until before tim train started her escort tia whife looking very mmh displeased they boarded sr v the trsinishb taking a seat iustkx h jvwncio ha condncior pnu tap ed her m the ihonldec for ttleta shfl leaned timidlr fonranranarsanij r tjckefstfohn 15cktiba -i-if- said joh 1 get your tickefa from the feili w yon tpjloped amnnd with aulay- 1 1 ins was followed hy soud lam iter ffrom a noinbsr sitting nea tome of whom had been watiing the girls movements dnf ng the day and she had to go kn n into y her pocket for the decasary wealthto pay her fare r for this city quelphjclothhall tlariainortafionorfalinnd winter vtjmtcde tweedsjiauand oerils fnrnligiqg goods havpnowal arrited and are opened up i 1 for the inspection of thernulio j osdebed h clothrac de- 1 1 partmehrj we are mvine up suits at a lower price tli we hare erer done betbr and our record for the last 20 yeart is itfutcienl- guatantee that any out orderirlg cluthing from jut can ob uin ajperfect fit wilhjllie best of wotfcffiinsjiif- remxmaoi 0thtnc 43vercpautntcre sdti and boy cioljiiag alt of which ara mflnurac- tureit to tjie premises jind cut in good stvlai aoi at prioea to defy coaipetttioa- j the wry best altwpol twteds flsnntlfanltaiirtaigs sold by the ysrdabiglrmebt5cntithqil any extra caixpe the alt knglish ad american styles if hats comprising alitbe lobby foods out this sessoni cemtv eurkishlnc mod 1 ehirti cnderclothtng scaris ties coliirs gloves ombreuasv and other goods too nomerius to men tion i i- caliiiod examine our immense slookuefore putchasinf 1 ehaw4 hdktok i ubant tailors j hadnbvisepl 12 isb tira kcrantiric ananicaif is a1sm rimcs weekly newtpaper of 8i uen le irliaei in the jnofi baanll ulsuiemorctitiiiuitbatanwns srlnldltionaviaceeenultt newest tuveuljooi atnl ilie most rtcent idtawttuuo r and kelencts in clucuua kc anil lneuni faols tn arrltuitorr uorlleoltarf itie home health medical projrcsaboclaliicjeiios nalaraltllslory ueoloy artronomjr tne moilvnluiule pnvcllcal pupon bj emuietit vclt-rstn- all ueianmtiu of scleoee wiuhe loutid in the sclenllne american terras fsjm tcryoar ti half tear wlilch tnciudos posiase lneount 10 afenis single plesten cents hom by alt newmealers heron by postal order to 1unk a co iubllthers 7 iark row new york raijrijyl wuft the retesu iiso amertrab measra u imicauoare hollclloni of amcrleau au4 koreign pawnu hare haa 81 yeas espeneuo and oow havp the larjrtfi esahllshnient in the world paltnu are phuind oil the ties terms a special notice la made ia the sdenllle america ol all invunuona patented through this aanoy villi ihe name and remdenee of tho patentee i fly the immetiselroala tlon tnui aiven rrtoi atteution it dl reelea lo the taenia of the new patent and salea or jldirodnetion oacn easily effected j v any personwhohasmadea new dis covery or invention ean aseertiun iree ofoiarfe whllthor a patent can prob ably be obtained by writing to the sn- derdrned v also ienu tut oat hand boot about uie lalent laws patents caeau trkdemarks their costs t and now procured lta hints ihr procuring advanee on tavenlions ad dress lor the paper or concerning paltots 1 uukltatco v stparkkow kw york branch offlcecori atu sis wasn- l i mbmvmfa i t best business yoa ean engage in s to 41 per day u 6 by any worker of either sex right in tfeelr own loc til tleiuhsrucolattiuidiani pies rcrthfs free jmpmre poor spare time it thin barf nets addresibtlksonaoo portland slalna ii3m plain talk to a glrl bur everrday toilet is a part of yonr character a girl who loo s like ainrjor sloven in the mo sing is not to be trusted how- en r firily she may lookin tha efining no matter how hrmble yw t room mayba there are eight thiigs it should contain a mirror me p watertowel comb hair nail an tooth brnshes ihey w just t iaentiia afyoarriimfcfviieibta i bh yoa should make good and frernse iof them parents who fn to prctidetheir chi iderh with snii appliance not on j make a great mistake but com- mi a sin of bmisionj 00k tidy in tha morning and afl xthfrdipna srorki j over im- prrtiybiirlfbilatr make it a rile of roor dafly life to duisup m thi wfternoon ibnr dress mar be nohing batter than a calico bnt ri k a ribbon or flower od some bit of wmmrpfyjoa ocnhavtlan air of i ieiffpect which in tariably wtu30na wtud cherry tils vjlnate medlctnewuicu 116 e n- jiene- and ctrrlqcrainf of hamltlnn forme past now ttclll intfodoeed thronssnai ontario ills acgelable com psdtd prtne use wost remart- ahte eureute tmrerueswer dlseasesor the ibmtt tingknil prtuehialtobea e4s8kfemrvl irfibftiil tlton t horldi the very igh estl inwhldilt if- uld at wrae uilsons srniorti syr or wiid chenj n- lalnsnooilmjs pteasantlo uit and a posltlic cro- w omgta wvoofsng cqrsh bra ohitu lf volect sold only byicj k jtomw j v a 3ftt f oonstlttorl i j i catarrh eeraed h tbtostjs apflatib 175 vqsdsasdtc otoss rvjlr wffa t a reverend okk- temaksathoftjie coitstt- tvtioxal buevr t j bitttoaro esq j btocktolk olt dttk sit it is now iwa years since yonrlconstlistional catarrh u v i hi mopfll ttlottieltq- 17 stjeaa gay rotka otui floytiei ffirtlo boytlmaj i soyta stcnii i i baatluom also s splendid lot of fjrpentershindb meat saws eybolo so-wa- i misoaa tcovls aihts paiht oils wllhiha oslebrued rubber faiht always in all wilt be aoldlow for ciab ijokh tor hides l chattlbst hill idll ktreet aetom fbhihl87 0 whonatefoji into ao- v negteeliuida wlifen will h i the eiim pi k lw knowlemst lheyredlly ultilupromoilon i amowf mt wiruv are ibmjjs bavbe7if t in mtjn tbajframimikftdms and onivevsiufciu well as inoie bo education in 4l ed fne fainier emne to reaejv a nrorleai edae locnanoh a is needed 1 eyvry day llf- te musr 10 remedi- past i omenrethatkiiowtedi p ibem to eoeaa in tb stu cjatflgo jonynal oontidnlng lull nmleuiirk andirpeeimeiiafpea mawhnaw enionapuliosalon k belhvll5e0jt 10y hemcjy was introduced lomei i supplied with 11 tlie requi- 3ites ifbr doing iirstclasa jobpnniiiiigp ijiisinesa and promptly i i li i executes hire waited this long to see if the cure would remain permanent be fore doingtbilmy duly to you as at first the nappy effects seemed to me to be too goodto be roe i was afflicted in my hesid for years before suspected it w be catarrh in reading in ycrur ircur t siwmy case described in many ptrticnlars tbe inward drop from the ticrul had become ray disagreeable and a chokingsensation ofien prevent ig lne irora lying long i would is certain vis owing to tire fac i great aecbet orttataoceswith all its elassevis ovlngto lre faettliat 11 is safe and harmless pleasant to take gives instant ease j canbe applied to a wider range of disease ineveryday life with greater soecess than any preporatio of which research sjrtundmedictti science baeibfrsoirresseot ibthing overcomes fassion iisn iner llianbihmce- iftny take lass care of tjnscienoe til tiiof reputatifltri jp tt ir barter- to need relief than to wiatleart to give it j 1 i t rempar is ao gcod a ihidg tliat ii ddeeloa8iti erua ibeaiity increaaw while fa se leaagna on examination dnjeil f on are jukr you cannot hi sarjleteif arid icotisifrtflptly id id jnstiee nevefi frowns ton id idiieseand ki id 5mfieer inter- 1 ya esfwith jasrieg j foor things are grievously amply beadsarttbaotbifalnsrawir sr tbejpigetnent ijbeirt wuik ot t bonaty a jmrae without m iriet v -rj- rr j if yoa iw to 1nj jlyoftr id focla- qnarrd with your best fi djit jrilhunyou are are ifven in tfo asiimiiiioc of a friond ths wise and active anqner iffieyitiea by tarwx to attempt r sloth and 4 shiver aprl daialmfc6ftniani iaxtfd and wke3iv impossibility hay e wphnernildi mpsess im rer5n or kusxrsn ax r eijef exrxbxai istxexai asb alinj rem etet wecib i it enrea rbedmatism and kn- i rjigin nd tuif an pimicstanuy i tpesyttnontuwneoiilj ktovu remedy lor rtet mafiini on i iheranicricancontldent rrc ved bj- i inririaads as toon as- ar riled rcsinstantease totheuiioxtuate j ajlerer it is rapidly absorbed penetrates lo the very bone entets 4ae larcalatton neccrallslljr all ulienmalle pot it r in 1 jtt3o3iieii it rem the g fiinngfa ttnnajtnral pallets tooiinache krncne iieadaehe neo- i ralgla eheamaiism fcpnrtnsbwel lings infiamatlofl finms cats i brufser fain uj side laln in back ipiia hi chest pain tin shoalder snghsolds frost bllestbiiblaiiii utaxvha ur6nlfiryka3iupereoia- iplahrteici i ityaicnre the mart agonising i fntitortafcrexier one in ttavtoir ume- pockety oorpreladtcc and give it a trial tnel nreitmca i ftiuret prrisncfcd yiroott refit towar ovtr diseased any person no matte r afan n or klchorpoorou rahnii may or klch or foor utq or tonng i wfadf is sndeongxrnannine shore painful complaints will call at the office in toronto any day of i thewesu proof free of charge f of its magical power overjw in jdoriqippllca- 1tisrh j testimonials from all parts of i the d are ponstantly coming to hand igiviig express laioritolhe rdostigradefiiligriti- ude for astoniihlng cures which pt has performed and we would be pleaaedtoteceiye testimoni alvfrqjn all others who use if i i j evslciansof the highest e tobuitfnecojnmeucljn as a yeffectoal jmestio rem- lor thaiellefof ipain in as of sndden etnrgeocy japy it to joiir hbmesjapdil if wii- prdva a blegslng to yoor uwand aflhcwflwesj- irugfiistaare selling enormous flfjulittgof hjrbevr jntro- ixtouengethe pe eqnal w 5 centi jper tradesuppueji thrpueh the wholesale ehug land patent irtrttome houses wfmpntreal tdroofo solo bt ill ektbgipbisvtc c10o it i oisiaj j i i9if feel lilce emblbennr and be compel led to sit up in be bed tty health and tpinli were seriously affected ffhen your agent came to walker- ion in august 1876 1 secured three ootlfes before i bad used a quar ter of the contents of ona bottle 1 found decided relief and when i had need two bodies and a third i quit taking it feeling quite oared of that ailment and bara not used any since until of late i have taken some for a cold in my head i a ense of du ty to sufferers from that loathsome disease catarrh prompts me to send yoo this cer tificate unsolicited with leave to make what use of it yoa may see proper i i yours truly w tixdali4 methodist minister port elgin ang i is7s ask for littleflelds oonatita- tional catarrh eataedy and i take no other t j b haedixc dominioi bockville ontarit for sale by all druggists at dollar per bottle posters handbills programmes dpdgeks p imphlets girculars iillili hbapb stjltemknts is books ball card try it i bu agent ly one it u can make money faawr at woix iot as than at anylhmtw else capital not reulredwe will iiarl too 1s per day at ham made by the indoa- tnons men women boyt and elru warned ererywheretoworktortu flow it the time- costiy oatflt nd trmx free address rsuzctco angnsta jlatne 661 r6ac in yonr own town ssontfitfree korujc head er if yoa anta batfrnssat whleu persons of either sex q make great pay ail tbe time they irfcjlt parttilar hxir x re mo foruaaiou at i boots s5 shoes l for everyone at kenney son i i opposite aqwjwsbotkl- agtoin blyt any person inw ml of good i jfitting pair of v woli bpop shoes jshnofc do better than call at kenned 4 sons they keep noth- ing bat the best goods in stock i tdered work j- i i not surpass all pajjues indebted to tneaboye firmaie reqpesled tocall and settle iannediafely and save coats i 1 acton oct 9 1378 redding cards v yisiting cards i btjslness cards tm l fakctsflow cards i t j i- j- i j l c c ic h suioilng all mbrbld illlalion in thdbeadi lalianaifistd iae eoswiiouon friejjs mbuvwrwa sails- wes-jsthalsr- as it teuratee mrs m6ofi- nnrely vegetatua e miouixliakl aa jcllvj cirwarllc wiihonl grlplnforcrampjjsafs i is aueaaac vhereapnrgaure medicine in beed jd rp frtcefceieata urs lioobs hearwinrii varsrtaeaw wafers are an immediate rio hearlbarn it rmttc bjtleraj pwll w indian eluior bf cedar -tar-itotbea- t rt6neraedtorcsiglaiior cremp in chhnrvif jprje urs hopns conetptrated baiaua tie hrsslo 1 j rim tins toolhahne props bipdbrtixyfwibn m il m m acenia seenla mrs mohnriiujian ointment seeou aire vlorins rajroa olfttie bt ilnkuier n tsiwntrtn nbis womi bngaran tawlablk bolsbyoe morrow alosi i aetodwrtn latt i j niy xtohi 1 wi bi vi sk 1 i f- it olp tr afyjpgwb fwj bepilsare aimleambwerwnedit far obstmetedj rjidfal or deflclen meri- -thb- las the unanimous verdict of the i reading public which has placed t ahead of all -i- i-i- its competitors in fevery depart- v therefore the m6ei valuable iadver- nbrr oe f ssnmorr an irreatrtarlllea ing from ahv panse wijit- are strnhtltina ami and n urely lieved bj tin nseothevetsils- they awnotajewremmlyhatrne been need bjtr atrewtoruielaitlsyesrrs in hu prlvt prailce full dlrehnnr when ti y suotiwand fruenlbeyahcohi tjot belaaenj aqcrminy aeh tox prleq6e hollar fee boa and eit bjr hardwar 1 the undersigned has in addition to his extensive 1 i grocery stock j prjtina complete stools hardwahe paiats oils h- i i i i i i lii- i jj itaraislimu v jab matthews 1 i i aoton kir 7 78- sfroves i f stores ij- any person intending to gei a first class s solicit raalltoanypartoy the araiiry bj mtt- lps drmint blunhlewstkratorol- wfcfr looniariiai ofodbyairespecfbl gf nrdirli tnntitli iii-cania- i b j jljti aeinr and ask farolddr an4rwa 1- lemmte phis le that the wrlllen lg- i jafe natareolbiarulrwalsnneach hox actonrept- lubils7s a- ilhj esi 1 i 1gg wstertcq gueip3 special altenlfoi to nov iheap attractive andj fasliionable lines our g reat specialties are bisaosiirstss sunshade liz ttn biellas tmyoawii tien costumes we ldedba c ahd ere jpttjels eve jjaff 6r isie 7 sue or mi popbjv aljnstblcwit millinery u hlonable and linens co j v ii i j buafe cwfi n nrevoak to ikts fnll aswmsi f l removed if larevg anil sale mbssrs- tf uii fl 7 it fu 1 fl v 11 l maulicwa rmickim rg leave jiiritimate ihat they liaetenioved tpp tbe etable- f armerly cicejupied iy theraftdi n ibe well hpown btarjd op pofiiienijcklins bakery f forinerlv occrrpitd by j p jfllan wberea i satett if iiretpii iiimitli jar 41871