rs6 f tolnmeli no 3l so ik8 i imsi 1 jit free press fveby trsdfty mormihc at f uk jbee press i building vest to the ilelhodttl cuarch m i i v rtgatiigwps w to be opened jon m0nd dec 23 villi a targe and hq ice jrlu vct jie sctiv rs remedy tniculiotyt ri rf to iff la m r r r cv ct rit 1- tc ttt- iolircict nic taawsoe dlar yraritrlellvln sst collar and m talrwlll be hatred oj two dollars if not nil tin tu i of tbo sear fatoto a3vl wwe u ipaoer wltf bctenl la any ptrsoujnore banana xearnapald rites or uvhtiira eltiieeul net lute for- tot nvbacshprt adyer llsemenu of ctfu hues sad under 5 5or ihrw tastrtloiw boduess cards f eurut un andander 1 fft annua all adwrtmemeats msasorad in a scale otsolmsoujiartrl a literal doaat allowed on adyjr- iwrntau inserted for eltettded ncrd trllsciriou without pjr a j i ti a l tiiir 4sfeh5 i pastry biscuits abepelilk isla promo me pecuniary befcel at iaylndlvutaatorciniranytobe coasld display of cheap j godlscor8ity ing of jmak rosltajvrrucmhltljbralafor will sflai rllc 3noaery j biktitoat ujm nut wif aik jc vtif i fondly chqruh with lvc m ronj u io oiio who anivan lisu c call liar to too oujeariug nainb of wifo why it year by yar i fltinj with a brijhtr holier flame ever mv aflcctiou baructk i ai i aama hor owa dear nams fintifuorhcrvui adearsr i lovelier norcrkaait to pray featqksfair bat heart itill fairer i qrcuriflf fairer day by day jfhen f iqira herfsr thechililrea j cluetcnn round hoi happy feet little blesuiicihcavciiebwatredmrca j sent by god oar love to greet and tre all live iu a palace 1 i glorious the haout of gnojqr 8he the turyihcia the magic i korlhatjjalaccijour hfjoie s g jh8 toldroa a fabwhoodtl foe the wholo of hu eaiqlojp lost in tome foreign pkttlatior which he liud mvolred liimnelf it wa jnly with tho helj borrowed money that ho aurt upon uiia new veulure not look at mo with that inn dul- piiijtare my dear clara it d hot aak you to accent this fact on the airapu afidaqea p ray wor hare docucieeti bearing your bold you ibandf signature to prove the imfli q what 1 sjate when you leoai papers in your hands ma be ablej to beliere mtf 0 its too terrible 1 exclaim odlho wrotehed wifej it hi too bitter sarley my husband nnder an obltgatioii to yoit to -eajfcrejnifmru- t viiica or kin lit itarriatts aad j tuvwcav mscri i rre i riinr aoi isjiijshcn i- projlrlctari jjuscxes6 cuws tt n lowaiv ji bw jti v c t i uritoartrttj cileie ucniusrdicashaeaftftjeieieth irc iriec iutfjf irax ic uie ioov 1 bottom prices for i cash and cash oklt r t calioway kpare oh qod thi vrife and mother guide her veil iu tiadojitv wayt j sparctoh god thy gift of chiidrtu i thatthcy learn to aing thy praije earth ifcayotl tidioii i sooa etu aiill ky m datt take as hoianil rifc and childrea to thy kiucdutu of tlic jui 1 1 i mm aoton j ojstfc jhujblfi dat mnuaet 30 1879 v- if i hfr- en wu s in and cflold do ii hos- nia liko the luddcn glory of tlia wri i love her with a mad wild nneasonable pmsion anj 1 determined thatjbe should be my wife for a moment ckra vteatfnrd uncovered her fucp aud looked nt the banker with a giuet scornful smile ah i understand the menning of that epiile clara bald edwiu bawdonj fhevis my eoiiisri wrthed her us hiio left herfatbtrs bouso but was i uat i was when i presumptuous determined to win thai jwomiic for my wife 1 but acton plahwc tylll kh tit ui wrllr v iz rt- triircr- tvs it oiaotr puysi- jt k vjre ikjurjjaalff atvlriocta cljie cuaj cvouuoa if- iojiljtftar fia utll i- m kmltfrf vi lower trv dvh ciubell liavincrnnrchascrthc aba mtauitituat i am prepared actani rapi e named to maca actox t 0 atis0s j atuaw ittorner ioliciwr in ctfneerr jtcioauicaraeraf att ana cuucli jtrotaoeorttowa coopir protiniajiiandsart yorand cm engiipj aalpfi oriori by mail promptly atfendeffto sash doors moulding e ah daru of pianfinc prdniptlj attended t v xv caiff beu 1 iictea dec f th is77 3m 4 but itl eaamojuooiltoieiit la the ioanlr ool cotamer-ial- room tur r iraappild wuh the ehojl branaoriuiion aat etrarc n tcla i jateduce licaller ktabttna altiiia ifle faflsas5 part- pftbs ecruk proprietor ineti r cxi ao-ler- r jir 5f hiv irrolts -2rniioa- ji fom i0 ilitd pitexts for ixtestioxs m imaiiy and ocoperlr ecurl rfa oia4atie unltlstaldearpp latest x or nojjuaree end fo r prlalellwt wtiorner innper- vfeaaanlral enflneer koucltor of p iatnnipraaebiman ctox kqxtdlt sale the actoo tmnrfuj wriritf agaewl hotel ott fair riddil uay fotj au kinds of stcfc imptcm au c till be tofdlo gayug ct -piece- sale at 12oclcck teuts ten months dvcdit on appruccd oiat notes alt eatriei mmt te ade tcj ifx ju cyder sc wsl h iirsteeet aijctiixeer w4f o tit jilozrekt plasterer aecmioal ererr derripiaa a tulertntaod knaclteattfas done on xt3tt cuaranteed t acton j clote too g t eallway gtatlon iellen t aceommoiallon fr the tntvel- milbue tgvdci5if8elipropr tjossijf iiiocst wl cloie too g t eallwa eient accommodation tfnrti i meilcitl liars- smluvls civet ajfutime rnfrincmentrand al the mtotucvs of evolam the followiflglistqr the overcita of englaial jrrtl beifoand couvcuieiit for refdrcuce first wdhaai of xoctnanj thcnuti liam his toa koury stephen and henry then itidixrd and john kelt ffeury third edaarcu one two and three and agaiti after richard three jeicnry a it aec two kikards third richard ifi ryhtly i cnta two hemyv sicth edward qdeen uary queen besf then jajaie lh jcotchniiiit thaa gharlcs puitu they riew yet received after cromwell another chariot tool kext jamie the aecind asconded the throne j then william and mary together came op till antk the soorges ana eiuiama ail past uvl rent na victoria may aha long be tfcs lait f rr iejularj v vll i fcjla sh 1 tin cinisi j jfat blict ie lintnar ifrjni9tj 5iiret 1 jj2yd 21- merely- fronxv fronv j s than i hata lsmingit i rtjct- i i o very- levmfuie ii mpnor- iietiisied opt- now- lnl tvool iiei from guelpti imrleaeatk 1 oh kkt itje oser for- e itsof h 1- colored ij wpol f ia ttoc isipoo iprii no d psntf jim adristv efot0 the as oor ft pil uvirlarid bardker 1 ptiitivelf ife foanol l-froyinee- itionaoti doiixiojf hotel acfon r -ibert- w lir now ttdvor l flttet ap ic tntci ftrle with oe rttraltore comnjerclal amreuerewli3rdeoi acrommoiitloo frteommolfoaxsanipiecoonij kpecal inntloa pttttold- waolc otthetrarel- inr nsouev barsopplle wltlttna t s- and clr uool sfvanc and for rae- deviccf dr attiej- crcsientxl tes tnas imentfiate ferenct rnfrinsmeny and all mauri lelalloe to patents tnoirtly auenceu t- pitert office may tlir lam cos fcbe fcnrt b d beins opt tte tle patent qslck we ar able eo mce clovr eiaairiicloni and wcui e paf nti more ptnmptlr nd wttft braider d set t r cliimt t an tiok who rercmoce twta spmstissr un i na a mxvil or rooj l tlcrtch cnidehtriryon of rair dcrtee te wu mate an eiamiuauon free fcharer nd advlie voo a o it- put llablirif- inventoes tfiske hoiuin cotcrronlleccettrlitlycaijfldenual low as tose of an reliable i- liceriejdrauoitipaeaf oflhevconaltesaftvelllnstoniindrkat toa orders ia at tuc pkee phessi jjolee aetoo or atmv residence in- boekwotdwltbpromfya lormsreaaonabte mo the fublrg of aliya- j tioss 4p0uticad creeds ft ya wantatoodadctioxeeblry gjfokge gibbs j ilerioderslandshls boatnes kas jfif addras hllbibari po prices as co officials in life paunt jyn5e and to inventors in evert state of the urlon i adje bkusbafioeriico tt office vaeujr tondc opiwltcratot 6 iraweelc in roar cwacown tsfoatflhreekoniuc ktad- tffyoa waot a hjlnessat ma ice rreai par alt urejme lliey worltriieparuealan ufy bl jffiw fihvg- fxheatideriraied is prepared to file iaiset any bod of aawiincindifle xtiacat buck and hand saws on the ahorteat noticvind at reasonable rate id tie buildik opposite e adams ale stable on johintfeet j8t g thomas i am ptipyltoiihrt sub price for au classes of- lambaod shap skins deuveied si my tannery lace lah6tadutsi on hand ffiyljlile8 moore qeatrts gcipe t6 lfftecatstwrtkf a complete jselmflrfrucfor ia pui pidgrnaincntau pensanshp- yoane peoie wwdns to flvqaire jl ranld essrand beamrnl ha ajwritlnr wuhoota tiaober will and thejgnnje a oerrect instraelor hundreds re be- smnebeanual writers thronj boutlbe sslnlon in liia cnited strutelby dsit it consiuie of a series of coprfirm ot eoiveaienc size fr praetmnt- wwes feratin copies befuimng wftu e ft nrindoles and eradnally prosr xslne to h ti sostilesant plain andonameital wrifinc s txavrr sim irr cm ifotariennid text old rn i b and 5s22ksil mltlerln ohhand toarlsh- fneof birds a boolcor 10 paots wfta till analysis and lostroe ion and ineof- birds aej wltafill analysis lu abeantlloilyeasraved caset contain rjewlopotfald aeptiwra ontario unsuescoireji 7 bellerthe out siash fogf jmbeb itierabieriber js pwpofeolfe j pay ais cot 0 6tm timber hingl at wftrsohr lauy- purchased at jjtarre t halt upryjijip iopb cjkatb8 blmxilv apply atrspiigbtawagaoa riiop terms 10 4eau pefjair tobepld syhea skates are shaipenad vrr wf ansi- edwin rawdon i chapxfia vfcawterrf i the htory ornio past tcthe anawered quietly it ui clara wcatfurd after twenty yeare we met face to face for the firet time to diy arid i look once again apou the woman who has txeii the curse aud tornient of my life ci wrslfard shrank bactintj lie cushioned chair almost as if she had been recoiling from a blow 0 mtrciftd hearen sht er- daimetlj isiaspiiig her hands p- aionakiy aftr twenty years of iiappiness am i to hear that abated voicaazaint yes tjarit answered th banker v for twenty years thera has been a trace xo day the vac begins again and this tiaieit shall not end until i am conqueror xhe csptiius wife clasped her hands before her face bat ahe uttered no- further appeal she sat ahivringasifchrlled to the very heart by soaia sudden blast of freezing wini ah jciara you are aa bantiful as ever but you hsxe lost souio of your old taoshty siurit said uia banker the merchant captains wife is not so proud na the baroneta daugbter i f a liautked times moreproud cried dars dropiing bef hauds from iter face and looking suddenly at edwin eawdpn a hundred times more proildj for she has der hcfdjjrids honor to piotect as irejl as her own i bravely jspoken claiarnobly apoken ypu are the same imperi ous beauty atill i see and the conquest willbela noble one this time i will not fail why arer you ieref firied ilre wcstford how did you discover this placar- from yonr liosband butyoa gball know uioro of list by and by i y j fftommy husbanifl ah j he came to jyou thenlvoa saw hiffl before he sailed v t ytes i saw biffl he deposited money jo a urge amount fn j onr hands the banker looked at clara weal ford with an inaolent itnfle jfy dear clarn fou must burelfteieanlingj heeclaimed jj tour husband deposited- no money in aiy hands nor wu ha in apoaitioa toldo ao i wbtt id yon mean f r that wten parley west foid came to me be m a beg gar ijecama to bprtotrnjoney to py of tonjii part of the sargo of bis sbipand me the title jeed of tbui estate aa jseenrity for the amount advanced to hiir he b3bfod toaey fronj v i rm olaipiog bjr handa upon her focetuad vila eruljvo lodiire iwhy h jidal8 tfcijbe eat to lodga twenty iimdjj yoii of all ther meu upon this eartl yes answered toe baiier with a mile vlt was strange that ha should coma to me wis it dot i very strange jt was one of those suirlliwr accideut whica go to tnake the drama of social lifp there was lause clara west- ford was client she was thiilriug of her lastirilerview with herlms- bitiid and rbcalling the yortji ho hiitl ilifn apcifcoa i j could it lie that be bttdecevod her as to the slate of us ffuial courd it hilthatuwitli the wsafc- nest and cowardiceof intense wc ion- he had sought to hide imui her tbu approach of roin t- j ft might be so such thinf iiad iwfiu loe abruiks wiihl k cowcdly weakness froin inflicting ijaitnixiqu he thing it lovea fle jnht have truaud iie the tdoiteutjsidly did he link idiouldfisaftiovarty that wi to baahared with him t after twenty years of union can heifcoasrtne so little as- to think thnv clara westfocd hated lid de spised jein gadon undj the wuiidbajo been inounei to duba- liere any ssiertion tcada by bit to the detriuieotof the man she lved but she ceased to doubt- hid when he boldly aflired to produw ler husbands signalura in confiruut- tipnoilhiswordav j- r ilttmhwiayvdsrn landr wfttidg ia jariport of this itattv bent the said pnmnljy h 0 bitter ingulih meut it was not to dse that she came she wentko audembirked onlxmrd bound for allta j 319 per oninm jn ai rare indlisppoint soulliauiplou and sfeame i month afterwards lrcad it tb tiinc an tnnouiiceiueut of the niirrjp3 of if arloy westford aptain of the moreliaiit vessel ad venturer to clara f ousonby at llaltfl she hadjoiued the man to whomslro remembta- she had fooled ine on the had smiled upon nie and en conragedjme by her sweetest words her- brightest glances she waa shrtoundiid by a crowd of sdmireii but i wbi one of the moat dia itiguished amongst them and it 1 iseemed to me that the singled mc out from tie rest and took more pleasure in talking to methan to the others there wsre strangers who thodglit so loo and the- like- lihoi ofiour speedy jnaraiad was soon tha public talk of ihe pljce shelwaao weak frivalous girl murmured clara but she meant na wrong she hieanl uol wrong echoed the banker there are men who commit murder and hen declare ihey meant no wrong this woman did me a deep and bitter wrong shefed jy passion she encouraged my wild devotion and then when i went to her confident hopeful blindly behoving ahat i was loved again when i went to her oiid told her how dearly she woa loytd she tarnedopoh mc and slaw iuo with a look of coldurptiae me that slo vru the proinisgdwtfe cf rnolher man j the banker paused for a faw mo4 nienta then in a suppressed soicej a voice which was low- and hoira with stifled passion be proceeded i was not the man to take hit quietly bint westford i was aot one of thosa paling creatures who avow ibeir power to fofget and forgive in ray heart there waa no such thing aa forgetfulnesa i left clara ponsonby with a tern- it of passion raging in my breast that nig n kitir oaminj alonefuf uaucs oo cha broad open sands far away fro waiiengajjed- tkr life had been spent far away from which she moved n the circles iu 1 no breath of i ulsxoal store cpming down on the caritie otheriaioroing hey got to ulkiug about their cuul stoves and one man axid l the suichietltaktt nelly hart is a reydar misch maker are thbre twp ililuo f in school whoare knrrjrniimih hnppy in cish othefs sorietyki- weui doriic svait to bi tig j goes lowoit to nwkis trtpble i believe dear bus- me own scanjal agaiflther had ever reach ed his ejc ithat chimia the end of the first act it the drama the second act begat hree month sgo when hurley westford your huibundthe man fur whose sake you insulted and scorned me came into my office in lombard street clara westford suddenly oae from her seat and turned towards the banker proud nd defiant ot look and gesture i lavo this hoise shi ex claimed pointing to the door h is disgraced and degraded by yonr presenile twenty years ago when you intruded yourself upon nic7 you found me in imyi fathers house from hici ijiaduo power to dis miss you this honse is my own edwin karddn i xnnmand you to leava it and navt again darken its tbreshuld by your hated shadow t those are stfonj words qant- and i canncrt do otherwise than obey them i go put only for a time the lime wiil come vbeo may hasre a belter right of entrance to this bouse tn the meanwhile idorart bus before i do so let meahovyon a paragrsph hr ttiia iiewaierj which jaiay perhaps have some interest for you ashe said thia edwin rawdcn handed mvi westford a corgr ii the time in which xme jmragrssth waa marked br s dev xlaek line drawn againat k ariui a pen 1 tlie paragraph raaaa follows- the trnderwritevi of lloyds are beginning to have urious feaia aiouctuttradnigteisbjj- queen which sailed from london docks picks up some little haruslesa here adds a word or pwwe takes away a word thera cha the ioiio aud manner abd m- fie wholsjodvey tto entinoly uj erent idea lijlv jt jlijry allen iiispairjof mitu n jiiit like those i lost said bri i alclntyit innocently eijotigji at recess selly calls latg hull tlitnk live got thoboss sovy so far his winter lylieawiii burned but threi tola of coal afid the sloye has kept thtae isonis warilu jtou must hnvea poor stove- remarked tho second i havent burned hut two tons of coal yet and my stove hcabi patlur diniag room tivjbedrobpijand a hall well when you coma tostove i corney giifeily remarked lle third i what do you it claiui to havij ilia b st coal stoia says about you t ho id delroit ihave bariled littt ja jbiyaiefious whisper ton and ia half of coaliso fac arid we have to keep lill the dampers shut and aback dooropen all the time j some men looked out of the wi dows and soue down at the straw and no one seemed to doubt- any of the aasfrtioni atlergth a hcayy sigbwas ljeurd from tha rear end of tbu car and a cleical lookiug rtiau sroseahd said j gentlemeb there goes afiro alarm it strikes the box in iront of raj house i have no doubt that my resideccu ia air this momeut says mary naturally unjj fcjiruvol what dots she mary r wdht you over tell you live andbresthel aaysnl jtn says mary thoughllici z vell you jtiiow sheitoit i r rpittene and fbia moiiiiug jj sail jary allen- has j iair mittens just escactly like lbc t lost she says and if youjd shoji i-j- way she locked and how plio-fijs- her headland tlien saysl ahej i jiui like mine r r 6he didnt mmrilatjle ihn in flames and the lives of- uiyfaniiiy in peril it is all owing to riiy coal stove tsettrpthb stove last koveniher and nut in- one peck of coal every iooiii has been ao hot ever since lint do baso baardi hare warped offend wefiaallv had to move down into the basement tills mornirighe water in all the pipes in- the bouse was boiling the shingles on the roof hot and i just hired four men to form a snow i shev and aaya jtf if bank around the stove too date to yoa wh story turni ed tfoiirse she dii so thtre ft a founds i ion bfv a very prstty qiwrrtl ad apon the school is ukim one i lila crti- otter aiidxheteds a grei t talkans a trouble the jittle mischiefmaktr tsjoica in the storn she has rtiaed p you know anylittle niisclpef uinki i if you do never listen to iher ctui- alaaltoo latej that tovo hral m fdrflie words of a tate- accomplished its fiendish purpose ari as wounds chitect jbfjyiifia and 1 no longer have a bomi- t may nol however b too lata to save the babv good bye gentle- meat x ho opened the iov and got of i lrt cur and not a rjaasengvr sroke again for our blocks dtlrkt frtctrat and bu till then yofu all- in good time my clara you ahali aee jyour band signature biera perhapi only loo soon far you comfort butwe need hot for tall that time in tha liicaprhil let us look baclc upxiu the past ifier twenty yeari ot truca the wac ia to begin again and this time it shall be a duel to tha death lit na look back upon the pas 31ara westford let ua recall thc oid sue oroau wjeu nanus w m the gliurnsinglighu of 2rhxhat jhne bound ftr i where t living creatuiejc ainco besn pli from cls all thac nf crtid story what mr kawdonf crt he ctplaida wife indignantly are yon not ashamed to recall the hateful part you playeii in that story r i i only want to prove to ynu le mrs the town 0 but myself baird the long roar of i m ol the oosaathat night with my i paperdrop clenched hind lifted to the slurs of i weslrbid a bands i e could read heaven i swore a terrible oath y a lon swora that sooner ovlaler qara of agony fell senseleta on tbeoor ponaonbyaliould b niiaeiotxaa ah chra iclaimed uhe my honored wife but mine by tt hanker looking down at that lea honored iu the eup of de- prostrate forthwith a erne amile gredaion she had offered to me- j p- b f r bt lj in oratorical son of tolt ellerciinssaid he im to jim the proud descendant of a tl sead at of oarnuni has a hard fisted sun of toil im a bricklayer by rade add not a bit ashamed of it no sir i wasn born with a silver sptoa in mhr mouth or cradled iu the lap of 1 kit ury im arselfmade man gentle men u youd better hare let- out the remarked a ytioe in the inesf legun to be cqiiinticd of the hall ohtaivio harness shop to my manyifriands aod cnlper x wish to returo thanks fdr paat fkrora an4 isak for aeoitiiiu- tnoe of that confidence which r trait tuts been teoeflbtal to as all dorins the wst x eigbt eat ihvjojt secured therenjcei of anrsulaai uqht harne88mv bb pot a snoil term any panie rreqnjr inva flt cls hht barne mt ljwlrbr3wajwellatelj u vazeol j kotos afid otbbs 001 islsfl ha a lli renilation wnera t npwn whct8vpach f piuu rapiu j i ss ijbouibna poujnd jopr i cspbiihtlat iltooy7 bow well i have remembered die recall that story clara there was no answer fceatford turned from hiraj and covered her facewith her hands once more as if she wouldj fain have shut out sight and sound toit in a cold merciless voioej ed- witr bawdoa began thus twentytwo years ago clara westford i bient the adtumnj at a naliionabjo watering-place- ob the fonth coast the placd ws crowd ed that ssaion with all that was most elegautx jpost distinguished most aristocratic but jevyn amongst tlat highborn crowd i f did not find myself- an intruder xho reputation of mr fathers wealth went with me and there was s kind of golden glory ahou my untitled name 1 had been educated in the greatest citii a of the world aad tm rofliplefey a man of the world with no vulgar prejudices as to religion or njcrals my youth had ijeta some phat stormy andxlboso who prefe ided to jrhow jnost aboat wo whispered jarjr bistorias ia which y l ne wi mingled not pleasantly in few words clara i was mis nun to he trifled withor foiled by aeirlof leyenteeo there was briaf nose and thari the banker continued thew to many i bean iful women at that pleasant staside town butljwloyeliegtot then all the acknowledged belle tin ob- sarted of all obseirars was the only daughter of 8ir ohu pot son- by a riah torkshirt barone of tflw old famuy need i tell you faov lowly h hi lr i li e i inytly still j with mots wbilued beauty bat with m great el arm u sho bore in her brillit ft nth 8bxws daatiog wattaw i met her6 ffkaritj wi00 gsodsria the wingobs- ton bdiieuojcwithhsrtausir a proud race ha- lips should drain w the lowest dregs i was not a i nti te work in the dark i saw my lovely clara next day and told old maids and oltt bachelors her of the oath i had sworn she ico came of a proud race and she old maids ate useful they can defied m cook sew and take mre of childern she did answered the cap- riucsesui people ani gtinerally tains wife as she defies you play the piano n i old bachelors are usefoss they forxsic months the contest do not kosw how wdriveails or lasted continued the banker sjolit wood jl i bocsixfflbnha hat 6ilent war- s- oh maids are amiable if one fare was waged wherever curawanu anything doue that requires ponsonby was seen t was seen datienoe and kindness of teart a near her i followed her from singic lady is sure to be one to do ukca to place her fatherlikedit l and trusted me so she could hot j old maids arc nice looking and binish me from her preseuce with- yoiing for thoir years out betraviug her secret engage- old bachelors ate illnatured nienl to another a man who was they desire to be as disobligiig as her iufrrior in rtatiau nhd to ad- possible- thry snub childern des- mit a a claimant for his daughters pisa babies and hals young motun haiid clara was dumbtherefore land are always so bnkly employed w kuo andhowever odious my presence ffcseerag that othe sieopl basca j- tbeiurelica the tools wero argtlnfifromexeeiitionsv ispurgoanauwer wpit lo-oohsr- lineoln had bat fe w weft schooling 8halteaptr as ull uiadendaoi the coi- phuent youth to wbona it mlj upied viae to arga frota extrutue and exceptiofui cases are- lincoln and shake i peaie andspurgcon fuirfpresenta- tives of thaerage imanj a year ago an- lilgentlemia died in jf ev york at tfaej age of t r buyoud autiry he had been a- sosdier and fought in thejeuropeu i wrs np to tho baule of waterloo during all his life he iaed wiuj and spirits tobacco ahfi opiunl ft would hardly be wisir to acjtifc fnra his ciivi that war fifine iti- hol tobiccn aiid opium jironihtr tho length of life thirty jfiva jenra ago the writer saif apot boni colonel lehmanowskiy a ineiucs hb bcotned lonoucfc the inler- ruption but proceeded 5 tcs svflercitjysis im proud of having risen by honest industry proud ofsppearin to iwlicit yfiur 6uffrgas a true rspreaeutative of of the uiandanuyj he waa ia of labor ar one who baa eoptri- all of naioleons -wars- ill ilia mitjlit be- she was compelled to good care of tbem tat they have submit to its infliction i slood not a moment to giro to any onf bvhind her chair in her operabox else i i rode beside her carriage when she old bachelors generally bavered dtovein the park 1 did net sue- 1 noses rheumatism mj their kecos eeed in ousting the lowborn rival bald heads and months that turn foe whose sake i bad been rejected j down at the comers j but i did succeed in huuiilialingj old maid an imke hotnw of miss pousonby in the eyes of tha one little rpom and sook deiicioaa world before that season was meals for one over the gas jet in a over tha fashionable circle in which cu4ining liltle tin kettle besides clara lived was busy with slander- making all iheirownjwardrobe 0 rumors agiinsther fair fanm old bachelors need an army of i had managed very cleverly i tailors waiters oooks distant re- had frieiidssycopbant followers latives and hotel landlord to keep buted to build tipthis community by the sweat of his brow and- the work of his hands applause as 1 was saying i um auricklayei- by trade ive worked to raise more than halfof the palatial- aian- 8ion magnificent i iminercil structures and heaven pointing spires which beautify and adorn our towdr great entbesiasm ant here right heve gantlemen ate the ideflfical toobj wifli which i have carved out my wjy to pros perity pass em this way said an ex- cstcd listener evidefltlv belonging to the working clsss let me pie i h handed to him and hesorutinired them with deep interest x t iu say you work as brick- d he turning to the ey plain iimpiiign the jpeninsid- war and the russia campaign vet lia lived nearly l hniidre vduldi 1 be wise to argpi fhat wr isit boalthfql uiiloymar samson- achieved a aood di3 with the jawbone of ahta bu hiscasewas excrptidaal tfv tuoiiu hjdly be warranted i4 argniiij from it and iuxiifarrlag that liifcix s ae of o account the men who sueaee the aidrof education ait4iftj ejccfi- tioni common men e a all thi hel that ediicatiou oaij j vo t5pus themselves on a level nn 1 evtfu yd the exceptional iuun it m y jb ktiil tht they wpuld have atiecjadrtl atill battel with the adyintagea of oducatroof- 1 w- always ready to do my bidding an idle jest a significant shrug of tha shoulders a little damaging gossip at a club dinner aud the business was accomplished before that season came to its close clara ponsoabys reputation washigirted tha poisonous whispers poached her fathers ear itook care thy should and tio proud old man btiietifig la his dau liters disgrace cast her froai his household de claring that be would ewer look on her fae again a convulsive eobbing shook clara weetfords frame hat sho ottered no word no ery in that boar i fancied myself triumphant continued edwin bawdon abandoned desolate ruined in reputatfen i that clant eonsonhy woald hv 3elk3 whw 2lv or 4 hp iw t had pttpared gainst hidalgo i met bor constantly for ldlauntaixall theplaees w there ws any chsnee of seeing er w y7 fyto of tha- gjrj ia iod this dy my letters had told hw of my hopes my plans j tts new bonln that awiutihiri the a- sipnate devgtion that jnight still ho them comfortable old majds drink weak tea and u enres their headaches i old aaida sre modest tbey think their youth is over and their beauty gone if after a while some autumnal love isgiveo them they take it aa a sort of miracle and hope people jrlll not laugh at them for marrying so late in life old bachelors believe that all women are in lova with them and that they must earefully hoard themselves from trsps laid to in veigle them into raatriniohy they also fondly cherish the beiot that should they eventually jbecome married men tho wofld iit them to exlubit great tasta in wo men in their chofta and tha other fellows will laugh if their portion be not tender youth and heauty also tat whenthey msrry many women will expire of jejuqosy layer t iorutoi yes and with them tools t jfes sir those ara thewy tools i bought when i started as a journeymin to them do i owe all my prosperity i will then 1 nioss say you de- seave credit so does aoy man sermon and said l that conld lav brick with eb now vou listehjtb weapons gentlemih turnfng to the audience jiist look atem itaa gaideuera trowelarid a cai pehtera hammer tableau j how deab pared thimii friends ire pillows on which we repese orcotdials that inspirit the ystem withejit injuring k thi grtat secret of avoiding disappolntmf dt is not to ejrpect too m nch despair fellows inl moilerate jtoimt as thiags fall hardest to th ground that have been nearest the kyi no great secret of doawstie en joyment is too mnefixsrerlooked that of bringing our wants dbwn to our pireamstanoee instead of toiling to bring our eikpainstaioes np to jptir wants rnmldstqaarnfjls there is fanlf on botbsidas both flint and steel streneeeaaary to the produdtlon of a many a mgregatios aiado it part el tiieir n liion to tjwistheir neeksont of joint to wjtneis thi 4 entrance of every person whf issed p the aisles of ehjakh being wotnej onorfcsftiwn i this turning pnietieo in liis pmgio- guiion mii dean sloptil in his now you listehtb nsfv vjh tell you who thojeojik feirsciiea one of jleai tomiasil ij t he theiiueot on withjlhia duh eoirte wutlsa gentlcm- enetfrt hen he bawled outjike an nsheij deacon a who ko ips a shoji over tu wav flfithwi wentn wth h jieridm wliec phaienlly anotlu n r pisaeti- wto lbs aisle 4it her gava hii mune rfiwenee wad oeov lafion be continpad fori some tin e i at length some one io wx th door who wa8yhknint0my dedn wse he cried o a lilj old anw ijth dna coat aniiiayd know bi luol furor sylw tbeeupgrtgahpiiwasoiww- calmness is of innocence a strong syniptom f4 owr will m atatk fi w ehere i jilant wystlff aaijlktmiht im at0utsj5c m as he entered jia niuffi acton and aeatt hiinsel j fft- eitherortheiu ma ham- tattel wn aueys t t7wmi no wlth farmer wife nd iiys v 1 h v x yfo