rtwaticir deciders i the worship ormamui9ev t lxtf rcinui ukvijipef ktlily tvra the jyit attlce ihmher di tre4 ill- his nsuie ot iathhert av whether he li it sub l tcribelor taitneut i tr h not is mipanmhe lor wben kvbuchtdnottar eom- atuhdrtl ull nitjoiir peoples and ungtugtsto viuf iuyrn n4 wor ship lite giiiftt image which tic had eet up lie unconsciously- fallowed the example o utatl uiite ititudrrd veuts prcviottsu wtntuadc i calf tu hatch and worshipped the goldeti i image and from that day to lliar ron ymera hitper iio liniwd he muvjkiv ilt arrears or the tittfshor may continue lo im it mii pjvirtetivbi leivle and- tbn clict th itfo amount wnei r thi l i laceaironi ihe he or not i 5 the court h mlechtehlhit i t t i n kfwur id uke uewpcrf of rr ip still gone prblicu jtrqm the nt- office j on and tlio gulden cult las more or rtmuinit awl leiviiif irum unr cajtvt or iifravrrcli videice o nterttual rrsurt ft he acrex sreepbcsk tyuieed every- thartdiy uonuug ttfer annum tn advance it ti tjjaitfwi6nbs8 t- albert soork kotroe i tscumt iloksjtsi jta 30 5s70 sxehrivg at god- i also will unch it yosr cauniity i ill tafvuwaeu vor tgr epmdth proverbs tmj- oor attention has several timis ocute bet n called tdlte careless- arid d mt care style orsome of the people who attend- refvic in tlti- different churches in this village a dumb raf young tu n congregate ia the bartskiscats of tho church and jts it ippcarjto many for the only lparpo6eof disturbing the meetings jind- ahvaiia th it thry cure lor heithcr god nor tisn instincts of this cnclucl itrte becttrrd fjie- qaculiy in the hulhodist church where rcviril services have been held for sme time 1 past attd especially on itondiry erening ist tliifraiare rsaite noticeibfe a crowd chit-ffj- of yottrg- men cd ch of iructn shoaid liivittnoxn bittfr filled np three of fanr o the wtt it tie hick of mtutrom end more devoled orr thi rttlimiktiy rrstelu tif idiiutry- ittutit the ftin tn tlis- foutivkg rciuiti tt it umst not bo iitgiuid thrt we kre iiruonj le nnuiher of tiis4who look ukiv nivttuv or the posiiioti of it astta evil else why urhcri the ixhorutiotia cote given to the tmxlttrs of oil tvvre tidnii one of tlw ihitiipruttiiust ii tltey cre obciuutl it is noaheie exid iismtimeohflyohotedj thut ffioney in t root of ill vviibat the rive of money bus ttvcitj the fruitful source of tt very itfielimparttou cf the crimes und sot ruik of out fitllen hurutnity xunchcrt reutively fltierftrog itks the gcijen olf hud more devatici thitri h this cimdn of onrs witness the crii ying servility of mstiy lo lhce who cither ttre tveulthy or ttre nitcd to be eo aiiuejirorkiriion of the dtsrkcetul ftikirts wliicli txre uwsutnn our lind arid impoverish ing onr people ttre closed by the struggle to ti or to ippetr to be men of tcjtlth xtis grundy whoie dictitei- thoa faf us fuuow hts decided that it is respectable to tuake a githd show nud lht poverty- or he itnieiirtcnceof it is great crime what is tbi coil- 6rquenco of this cute of thiust hen of liltleor no inns if posssi cf sufficient liuusibtlily to tain ciedu will ecek to ive with the milliontire cireless khctber their liouscs cnrrites servant ic ate paid fur amf oblivious to tie fitl constauc-itct- irhich invariably fjillur our uierchuiiti not contcrfd to da as their forefallters have done tuumt fatforc they arexell established in the world build lit ge xni xjkti sive warehoases and stoves while their wives jatd children arid indeed all tlteir surrcitiu dings must the church and darioj tiechttre tit men of tenfold again why do we hear so ttinch of jobbery and uqfttness in our municipal affiiirs t the mn it is alleg-rd- are few and farlietween who do not in some tray or m ervio tliy ciantinmilbad ulting fag to agrsirtw tlie ftelings or the pistar a ibe clitircli kar- r homjsv lia iiti clir ot ttie meeting tj tuw yaanj men we coartlxy tlwt it rill bot alxcj t be ilia althcaglr they mar no iuugt ia the fscs of tiikrgiid a time tiji comerhea they shsll vritk haf luelr candact- had riot bii ach v tkey continue in ciils cauira the tinie will cone when- gol vrill axugh at their ouniity mock trhin ttieir car coraeth vte htiieve tt wculj be better fic tira not ts aitend the morakm of ied at claa lht ttey ehouw atou to enwr and mocic thoicwhoarp in earnst in rspt ifo their wttfs aalvation tlu fiute of tuini h- not dnly enrrfrd oafnthe lletljtxfitt cfcnrcli bist- 3fl efrv p chtircli in ilis villah te miilnttmetl on a their names another enrich tueuiwlvea at tho public exjttcse intfad of ktekin these hounrias a uictna f doing goad jo ilcir fclio what is it ahos uakiticiiitt l iticiiiafv of every gnde to entr oar lutfcsca- cf pirljanint auh cruttritd the designs ef t he fe who reully toefc to tiremote those of the eonctry what bat thi rocvliip oif tt golden goi jrompis the ignoryit rattr tosell- bis rule to the highest bidder aixi ia tills way senct usetfikt tuaa iuto the iia tares nud how fe- are there we ctriiot whxt their istilicat cpitt ions arf wlicr do not use theii iullunc when raised to ower in the wivice of tliefintioa iher tn prjvidi fur llitir owti reoaui friends or to frstuier tlffcr own neittt afck the kihttoilawindlfrs of the btst ttu years or 60 onrj chnrchesjf vlixterer riime nrvj clusare free from the toti itimuian istthat why chcnj are things toirrited iu the rich fthicf ttutdd be fununarilv treated the tab ifcuurks lentjiand all he lieuw inavjul if ojunoil rttumt hijunus pnn ioutw of imttttien nh uasraotcdu drsmcnghinn i aftcoudtd bp mr buttli that tv a rt no t jinny otillto little tnuukoi peopld mikeart constant ionrcei of luti to thoio fclroara enpalife of seeing theahturd and it wu bo found that he moat eijovable spnipanioua itlte but dispositioff tbo iruottl ifrtcndj tiro those who liarj i ixrgo stockof fun in tueif composition pairnlb and leanlitn should us cutvlul loadutale bis faculty and not try to kill it by frawniug at auy fun childera make by observing the ridiculous standard t ever siuw the establishment of the stindavd ilia new orening plrin loudon ilk conteuis hive lieett rurininj u dawn and other wise trying to dbcountge its nb- lisbirtr r kee tbo citizens of lijttdynlrqiihpiiionibng it 13tt they have signally failed the sfttitdovii has ever niel them open- bandil whiu they the adccrtiur- and free frist have cuvcred up their fttacksndslars by refvfring to it as 0 loeal wntemporary tue standard tu according to id j own articles been tepidly iucreas- ing ils subscription kit nd receiv ing an i extensive job palronig v aro glad ti sec this as the siaudard is bright outspoken pper arid contains some of he bst written articjes we have lie plessnreof perusing j itlxbiigi to that clurs of pawrs ilich advocates whrt it mievestb ba right with out hafiug its- opinisus taatpered with bj either a political or relij bus party and a pkpr of lliat diss generally succeeds ve wish the sizvdjrd success and hop that it may losg lire o- do as tt has bwn doing radthat ft wth ever continue lo win victories over its party cnnttslled contents paaiea i the officers for 187ft aro w ttlor cleik 0 j mcmillan itosuror henry dunbar assessorjj lid donaldmomillan collector go motion by mr reed second ed by mr kiikwoditlia following compilso the otnndiug committees boad and bndeu cuwnillec the whole council j fnancn tlie reore fitst depttly and drjickaughton j edilualion tb reeye i second dep uty and mr kirkwood benevo lent committee tbt whole council on motion by mr reed sccqud ed by mr jkitkwood the leve culeicd luc jjayutcnt lf 1 to mt pi ice far lh use of her sorr on tile day of tlaminatioti alfo ft lo 6i anderson fur suijilying mes senger locirry a message from 0- pringe to tlis ithgrlpli bfficfl at etin villge aid wait for anj nuwr audjearry ibe samn to tbe cdnncil in satsiou at ospringe re- lalinj lo ownhii btikineat moved by mr mcsiilhtn second ed by pr mckaushuiti that gio a laity bejpuid 25j for printing done by hiui crfnitjd on motion hy ds- mcnaoglitori reconded byi mr mcmillan ltobt johnston- had 15iujc- relttnd- ed for properly that should not have been atsemed to iiini moved by mr mcmillan sec onded by mr kirlrwpod that the reeve ordei the psynietu of 310 art has ont i januart 30 11879 tanadlan jew mincoiijird with 1 1 500 peojilui iuoiieyr shoddy cloh pedlsrs are said to i i i l i ohrf tle coimtiy b hiio cletkof ljirtntjw ii fantuiil of tlrf w i tttm a inifioiis evir to be sold for i i assortment and th farmer furgei 10 cxeiidiliiro on- aodinnt of j ml a i i the uueiijt public sobvola i during til 712 has to sctmtl deficit of the siulli el the packman well knows lb adranluge jrfs in weiingfbn agricultural siciety i 81 possets in hpjiearanc when itftlubttad apart ttom an 6 781 was 357 1 uinl year amounted to sis- 17 mr dyke the canadian meat agent at eiverpool kbbertsndirortboofclistaworth that 1233 borse82l15 how niiicli better a piece looks after it bus left the store govern reports bead of is now beiag filled witfrtts iatesf designs in- to ihefcteiktur addlt oiial regilra lions or birihs nianii gea and dcitthfi ab dircul by btw j on mulioit by mr reed btond ed by mr mcmiiiko ibc wunil adjnttrted to tuwl it kirks txifl iltlltbnrtr rin friday 6e 7h of mtvh i87i 10 wj tvxcb iusagaweya conncu j tisiufi bogtn division court sum inonasi at gore bay mauitoulin ijand the young gallants hitch the bulls up ijud into tha git s out for a sleigh drivo the butchers association cf montreal have tnsde a charge agaip8t a sausage tniker for using boras fieali to make bis sausages will tjio xfount forett physicians liitva nie and decided lhat delin- qmills innst pay tip all arreana be fore any further treatment will ba givei during tho yaar 1878 there were nintyeight fires in torunto tlis loss on wbieh- was 19bu0 the nsutance on the property being s23pjoo 1 been committed for trial for c 62461 khebji and 179 pigs hwe been exported fnxn can- uda to great britain via canadian und united stales porta during tlie ycaf of t878 tba impprla tions in 1677 were 6412 cattle- g25vliecp 1 573 piga ajnd 298 hoists jaiid in 1870 276 cattle 2007 aheep and 352 bortei i fenetangmshcno is aiict little town with r population of about 1200 about ibhrefuuitha if which are feneh roman catbjlics the lownia pleasantly siliiatedi on the south shore of the georgian bay in lbs lownabip of tiny and county of simeoe about tliree tnifea to tho north oast is the jreformalofy or juveuila peuitutiary where there are at present upwards of 200 convicts froo eight lo sixteen yeatv of age employed making brooms brushes jiinr matches ic hahsg touglit early e hui be able to exhibit a arge selecfjon oflfat fc mlterns in the markef scotch tweed 5hirtin6 i ingreat varietarj i t70r3ted coatings taotrseaings neat aad durable all tie latest styles in r hats i centjt furnishfncs out stock is large iandwf fassorted all the newestithtngff in bof tibb and scarf pfe mcnbv acton auguat 20 187f i wo tlis reporting and printing of a- large and serious are pocaired r in ltstowcl on tuesday iol hut n ieek by which bonners block btcliardson i j ti i r n i was totally dextroyed the follow iug la a statement of the loss slid iuscrutice hh k devlin los profanity nnver did any mw the is w0 no iniuirinoe wm mc tei gajd ko man u richer jiapj ktiiuey loss 8500 insoref for iiief or wiser for it tr couimnija 3000 in the reliance jdutnal 1 go vyit loa 81500 jitmnd the jcomnions laniard lias beeu i awarded to mr t j wlidse counectiau wth it fur years wst is well ktujwn it u h v rprotcction is tlie question of the bout in england s a memorial bi lieen signvd ly many of the rrgtc london firms atiipg the lprd maj or to convene a public meeting in the guildhall to demcnl a tlia mentiry enquiry wilh the object of m4difying if eucii should be found advistbe the exiating system of free irwlo kr walter m p proprietor of ihe times has ad dressed the newburv chamber of i agrirolitre on the depression and ipretsaj his sttiifactiun that in view of the difficulties encountered by farmrra there hut- been an- sgitaticn in favour of a rettrra lo protection ir starkey 51 p i also out infavunr of a retaliatory policy if the effiuder w whtve rrceivedthe rtport of ttictniiskionrkof pnlhc wnits wbichahows hat 41804288 have ln expenlf during the p est year the hirest sum absorbed liy one wjtk was 120362 laid dot on ptirchafe unj improve inent of be new iusitie asylnni vateinytdn the contrattoc for the additions lo tlioiiaumtan af luavhasbuaily ftnibed and it is txpectedlhat tlu will be occupied n xt month s7595lj havelen icorl why is theresuha prciondereictiof itowet in he hand of tliejticb memiers 1 st iaruea if hewere hrei would uwiigrtrtlitly rerantutnitehguht tb alject submission w with the fiim rtbl- pnel and the criii t the jtoarare aubjected vear has just opened shs tidto llie man in goodly- i flights to wliiqli a- new 11 it lie daikened with the anciaaliea of the list j t itsone and nil tik counsel with otir heart and consci ence and not follow the dictum o platus it men and things bt judged itftd esteemed accordiug td their moral went ind let eacl 030 striye with alj his might td prpmote ths tiertqterealg of bis riended bfnce the dxterif the iart country and his fcltawcouutrymenj port additions also were made j b i rj theinairnfl arlura at london crating fcfltssosv whilefhe er- prnhiluie for the asylums of to ronto and orillii togetber amount- v i o only1005r5 the works connected with ne hopui of the p nrrat piisonwcro cpnpleted i u sccau jtarly fit the yeary and together with rtsviry repairs cost 11007975 vi ins are neatly ready for rtlitrild- ing the foundry- vlieh together jfcltk the paintshop and saw mill were destroyed on2fuyeniher 13th fn spite ottiie coilinued4epressiqti lihsexfrnsion of raiwtyg tstiii con- irinae niiles haying lieeri con- artietrf ready for traffic dariag ibe the eldlcaloris an old adige says that fun it better than physic j therefore any one who discovers new supplies of this health giving copniodity should a benefactor thi most common sonren of fun anion j fiidloving ieoile is tha f ridieul- dicut- evert year j tl 6 m ileage of epinlilcid rail ways in theproviiico has bora increased from 1464imies at the tioiedf onfeoviratton to 3213 miles now undiiere hrotill 321 milesin cooraeot building exclusve of 40 mile of ilie canaduin pacifiorsji wiir weatiiftuuirdr bry which j- b3ath34re now ia band i the ottawa free pros of tha 27th i ins nays 1- lion wm mcdaugslt is in the city on legal buaiticss the rumor has been rerivtd wku raor o- less show of ikusibipty that the hon gen tleman will succtxdn mr annand as caiiadim goveramtnt agent in loadon eog aridjtiat tke dtaice for tlie spetkershii will lie between ho mr cockburn and dr blan diet with the chances in favor of ths latter erin coaueijr ou whicli crops out iu e thing which takes jlac aronnd ual soraa peoi iiaroibe faculty o seeing and enjoying the ridicolqu ia almost everything- they meat and when this faculty i kept wiihii proper bounds it is the source of i- greatambuntoffunand is perfectlj ationkl and innocent in riiai amilies when one jof tbe boys hs i his ficulfy mote largely th atbers ba is likiyo l caued th tedse and to be checked prett strongly by the parents bu t tnrnri i in a right direction and developed tbisficitlty of arring the ludicroui ucconus a boureacfgreat power as i vjl u uf ninth etary pissin r tie newly ehced council tetred at ii oclcct a m at the tjwn 1 all erin vill ite on- jtoudav ihe 20th day of jautny 1879 and each duly sultrfribed tbe qual ifictioti and declaration of ouke mid lovk their teals namely l- wburtj reeve cliirleamcjtillau 1st deputy reeve robert a r id 2iidjdfpuf reeve and dr mc- naughtou and tamos kirkwood coiincillor the reeve appointed thomas auditor uu motion by jtr reed seconded by dr mcjfaiigh- ton thriaas tila was alal appoint ed auditor moved by sir mcmillan sec onded by he kirkwood cha leave be granted to inlroducc a bylaw remnneraling township fecers and that it be read a fiiat and second tiaie bylaw no iwas read moved by mrre4t8caitded by jij kiikiraodj that die council go into coaimittb of tlierwhofa oh uv- lawifon council n committee dr mcnaughtoa in the chair byjaw filed uj coumiitteo arose council resinned buwifess j jloved by mr rd secondyd jn- mrkiikwood tbaj by law fo1 remoueruting tqwtiftlip officra for 1879 be read a xbiitl- lime and passed moved by mr jrcmilluii sen- onded by drilcllaugbtontbiit a byluw be introduced apikjintinj fowqaliji officers and- lhat it be now read e first and second time carried ou motion the council formed a cimmifteeof tlie whole or bvlaw no 2 iiipoiniing nwnsbip officers council in coiniuitlee mr mc ilillan in the chair afie severn i np caliors frar office se kers tl e c ii u lttce filled up tbe b uv and rose the municipal cuujvij elct ou monday ju 20lh in accord anc with the- muuicatl acl in that case raide and provided and the meuiebent being resent aignea tti required declarati ins audquxli- scatiou of tlscf vii john iviunty rteve james minr iiuty rrere david whtiliban diifid tltudieon and will m watson couuclllors- cotuicil otgaliited the rcevern the chair i mt wmiibinnrted secoudrd liy mr pinties lht thesum offej lie refunded to j brllamy peing excess of duglax eharjid by the arseaaor curried i onmolicjn duly seconded- he fullowiiig nccounls were orderl la be jiaid vtr50 1 to e iurb oik for postage and statiunary 12 to t j slaitelt fur irintiuf nun utea posters and ksag- 1090 to the townshit clirc for ifcgia- tralloa of birtbi ilarriageb and dealhsforj the year 1878 tho following auiouiiu were ordered to befitid us like following- uanied jjeripna for sheep killed by dogs the ctairok having btin duly cetti fied viz ji3 lo george kilcbing fortlireejsietpand8ta4- to amc tavish forjeue sherp ou motion duly nconded a ly lau- apipintitig certain townahip ofiicerr jfurtbtt cm rent year was ivad tierequirod number of limes and pavid vir jo ltd black as ajijioiuted auditor on behlf of tbfl cuuuciljand james ptanoaculia liy the beve maicaliu mcmillaii assesmijand yvtlliifm logie col lector i f j j mr watson moved seconded by mr iruicueon thattbesum of 150 be mid o ii mcaipine for grarei purchased for road division no2 cvirirdj j mr menries ranrid- seonded by ilr wlillitmn trl tfic cltt uv liefofe the j council uieetiugj foi initkctioriandajirovai all bonds ijeld by hi u for tbe per formance of all ofiiti secnriths far tuoniei held- ly liiji can ief mrefnlchear racj by ifr metiues andj the collteiorbe nut led ahvianvara of tx tht may lie due iiftd uncollected nfier the rjefll no ilte to society it is dijuliig to the refitted and abominable to i- the good i maarbitty in his inaugural 4ldos deliveicd before the city cnjiicil toronto eiiriui the iroije that illwill extravagance aiitslrongdttnfc might be cast out of the chamber a tavern keeier of qrauseviua wai ivctully ordertd ti my slj5 anil ovists llie valte of a rayellera butigge lust iu hii house lie iid ijlrcled to beei tbeuocica reqitir ea liy slatuiepjaied ou bis doors the village of wnlljceburg is votjd abouus of 51000 to harvey morri to awiikt in eiilttginir his hicpfacloriyaud 500 to henry m cheater li assist him will bis furiiitiire factoir at mohnrtf auwsbny rarmcf bonett has licen lefran luiueoie rartuje by a deceased relative in england his fathei baaieceivol a utter from a 1-twyec- in briatil iiilortuing him of his sons good fortune it yields aa iucome of5f i5bm a tear p fur 1000 in union of toronto jas irv has jt800- insured ou uiiiiitigjoo and 300 on stock j p newman h 8l0d0v in sured in staodard of hamilton fur 8051 d hamilton low about 81500 histued in citizens of moutrtl for 2000 n- o diiyea loss f20l r 0 insnraijtr ueo live birf 8200 iiimrd in standard of hniiilioii jgiorg bvlles loos 8d0 insuied ill piawiix of uivr fur 200 j jibit wkicii- loss 8ju0 f insured lorglott tae i titiu a eria ot ta isi at smiuy the aifeafur walter iltiluijuu ot awu i tbecste at his residence near alton u ite lb last bevl mr denny agel abou t 9 cam clour old fall wheat spring wheat hir fait wheat 4crx nailfrr zoo to23t veil seconded resolved that loriied to col retnru cf ihe collators rolf a- 1 cordiug jto statif made nud juorided- ihis council at itt meeting carried on iiibti in the co to nuet iigain on m lay of feuiiarynext at- of nine oclock iincirailitirned uday the ioih the iliiw m rbarpf to examiria the aiulitops rejcit und lor the irarisactiou of alber ship business s eabteubrook clerk m that caae nd rejwrl lo uext regular be expedieiils o day yhpilrii tims wtghs weamy on uiost mens niinas theays retni t0 long initlmost of forrhortenlng tt wat his days manners rrniriorir estfieiried society jthin virtue though tl onajtro artifici lianls audi llie otberj pure likvrwiv jewels j eliialliinliafrioereativbnowei it can njerjly nrrfotd hnd direct the paweramatoto confers it cannot diiike alpoet a horse nor a writer an apt i i j thatjwhitl is gnodto b done cannot be done too fooni and ifiit tccluding lie recent acquisition by ihe settlement of the bjundary question iho total area- of the province is now 221001 square miles the extreme lengh- is 1071 niilis and tho greatest width 400 inies witb a coast lias of 310 milca a short senioa of the local farlwmenl of mniloba will prob- bly he held mid it will then ud- jiunr ill after tho meeting of thi dominion parliament to asceriain whst aetion the ottawa oovern- reent will tike on the manitoba railwiy deputation tha local ministers will visit ottawa a new and splendid- esr ia being bniltby order of tbo proprietors of tin quebec montreal otfawar aad vvtstern railway for the use of his excellency- the governor general and tha princess louisa tie car will shortly be- leady for aarvice and will cost about 8- 0ot the toionto general hospital contitntea ita good work last- year 1251 iutieuls were treated of whom 963- were discharged the admission were 199 more than the previous- year at the- eye and eat infirmary there were 115 leihons under treatment of whom 109 weiti discharged inuh improv ed condition i tub cost of tha- wellington otil gueliili was bout 80000 it is mortgaged for 15000 and here is interest due umuuoting to about 82000 besidtn rarioiia liars all order has been granted by the tjuurl of chancery for tbe sale of tbe ijroi ty for llie beueuvdf the liens iidd agaiuet it subject lo the uiurtgagesy- i tlie kiitgrtotr and- pembroke- railway couifmny irives notice that apjilicntion will be mnde at ihvhext wssjiiu of pvirkameul for rowel- to eonstruct branch lines of railway to caielou plicj invha coituxy of liutikandto in lie ouf ty of lnnox and additiglon jthd ajso give pojer to said cuiu mii toinhiie preferential bonds jltlff guelpji patent barrel cosi jiaumrti itbuitt to tiegin btfsinesi fqni ftige sdila- nud art ildvertia iug fbi the unlivery rf large qnan- litii aolloga suiubln fir working luti ebeeje boxes lianela heading ret trioig kc tbia witb the new facoiy uoilrin ciiuras oierecfiou veil open up- ii natket for timber wliioh would otherwise b of little usi and give eniplofmaot to a larta odmber of bnrtl iuj on- fatobd that tltey have aufiicient 0 85 to 0 w c 70 too 80 0 t6to0 62 0 to 0 go 0 m to 0 30 0 so to c m 0 ii too 13 0 16 to 0 10 0 cstoo iz 0 0 to 10 9 kwioiih 0 co 160 7 0 75 to 0 8o off 00 to 08 lo sieircl xkset8 erloo 2c0lo2 20 but per bosh 0 80 lo 0 86 butter freli bolter sited lirdbrhll wrd dirt e0is putatocc rr baf apples per bag hit per oi i -of- 7 ik stlis dressgopd ji at the j fflshionhble west elife- 1800 yards sold last week piles of new poods uf select frdin buyers wellvj pleased wiili ilieir wurchases ncyv custo- mcrs coming in from every direclioft 0f l fiices rallying around llie fflshionabte i wexl end picking uj clieiii gtjods rsrtr i niiess drtfmirsrtotpir muusmyjtastiarr fcbu mli om uxutl llinc ftj trlxvkfbtbxxr- fcrgeh- r6niii drpakfmejjt- always bpay opened tucked y icxfea ntw jreffi ijnods uteat aryls balyr imported direct from hie new york ciij trailers udies in wane ioi sr- nobby handaome dress- cheap should ttsi m without dtf a 6 buchaivt yaatmamityilirf gat flraaa kajitda mainttgtvhvfr elour pe white v tread 11 8unnrv rm chaff osts barley peas kiy per ton straw ejg per dot batter per lb potatoes per bag hojrs per cwt wood wooiv plta do 0 83 to 0 8 0 70 to 0 76 ojcktdo 73- 0 15 to 0 18 0 45 to ct go 0 5o to 0 6c jooto 7 00 0dto 3 18 017toj30 olltt 0 i 0 65 to o 09 4 ooto 4 0 3 tjcto 0 0o 0 m to 0 2s f 25 to 0 27 cbira rrccirfc meofcctc truoe mtix tram mattk tke creal eoiii jttlmr zv n aiiiitl tafcar-r- r rem i n a i vveakaek epermnldr eass thai follow xta cqtunrpjof beir ftbite jt l4s ot mtnior ut ive rial lasitupflmttilie lacn i imntti el vjsjon preminre old afe aoit many ottiar llwai that fend 10 lustnifror ctnisanitla ani a prtmaturfloravb cvkitu partnlttix in oar iamver vhlhw dclrp jacndfreby mnit lo er ryone mc hpe tfte medicine u kid ljaimru gflhl 1 f hujkaae oktx uokgei for i5 or wilt be wm ifrjfe bj mi i oa recepl o themauey by ndttivwlcc i tbcckit hediose whdmr oai can sold fn atton by oil tirtigihi and pvrryffhere hi cinda and tha cnitd hmigiby plipttcakj und reuilitircg- lu t wy aggsn anj carriage fwlof ttillowsp actox waggons sleiglis etc made to orderan all kinds of iiepaiaiisra promptly artenaeo to jvpthing used hut fint-ctas- seisoneoj lorn 6r and all work turned out in a superior minnea undertaking ia ngleclfid to be dnne aili u orders from england tolieeathe ii t i i will frequently happen that it will m not be done at all at ninmng niarli he vcboo insolwmt a6t ojp 18751 and amending acta i i ix tee matter orj j4mes ryder ofthe j village cf acton blacksmith an insolvent i tbe uudersigned david hai deion of the village of jacion merchant have brtn ajidoiirted assignee in this nuttnr j red i tors are liqiieated to file their ictajuia befoieiu within ono montlt d uemdebsonl asalsncr acton jan 20th 189- jtot1ce ii ah these who arc in arrears with their suliacriptious to the congrtsstioa- tit church jfiebt aro very tarhertly re quested to frirwird it taforejtnesday next tbe 4th of february 1879 as the trustees hava a large payment to maks at that time i j8 armstkoso 31- h i trajurarar st lltd wkest repaired a first class hbaeuk wdl attend funerals at reasonable charges joakbpetoht artonoct57 th acfon frees press plietrat iiitb noines wliere no other japer is ever jad quelpa cwtb hal our ipporutiob of fajl and winter wooleovtwedaiuuatidgnu furnishing tioodahstejdow all- armed and are opened up for ibi inspection 6t tlepnblic in xeer we are matin npaulta atajpjrar prite than we hare eier donabefor and our record for ins list 30 jjaam is susfcient goarute that any ion ordering clothing frooi- ns can ob- tan a perfect fit with iteuat of workmanship rtadymads clotiim ovsreoata ulaurag sataasd boy clothing ail of affawb ae imsbuia- lured on tbe premiseasnct cut in good style aed at prioa te defy oompetitieth y t tfe very teat all wbof tweda flannels anusoirllngs sold by tha yard and garments out without any extra charge the laitst kagllsb and igaerttn- styles of hats cotlprisiot di- tii nobby gfs out thla aeuont cenf oirnishuic mop fihirta cnderclothiog scuta tie j collars jlovea umbrellas and i other goods too numeroos lo mcn ilon r- call anov ezantim oor imtpenaei sicca belbre- puiclssioj v bhaw v mbhtok j- mprcinmltuisoff fuelh sepu 12 1t fftjin- v would do well to consider tms significanttabt ptobsb and lot sok 1jale that very deairfcble property situated at tha bot td bower street oextth railroad confbting of obeuurd uf an arraotgooduqd lasd a frame house the house is ingood coavhtibn tith iddiapnjtahle s ately r for further iinnwaurs apply on the prenuaea to 27 toxhomrso irm ohrisrm m m fm t- hendbrgo i irtl i- i l i fahpub 5 0 cent 1 x m