1 wmrstor the tfcookhtfnl nj lowielk uruwfiii llingi genius ii only great pttienep vte hvc mora tndptn in the mind than in the b liyf vf modest ly the moat dwrjf of i iuipbaiiioas i i thtu v inoua jt prreentiog tint tivea value to anything all philosophy lief la to wotdi rhiuniu ndj tuuin iekuot illoftim it til be ascribed jtb prejudice nil ituih maligniiy- oeherally drinks the greatest part of its own wisou man creates more dtitpriten lo liiuurlf than ever is ponaiionedby plhera thia fublcnlan is widely jjrinkvn having b uxor the real ing world forty years ond oocupyin plce in literature exclusively iu own tii lu itndy of human haxulii 1ilu in phaaee iacljud ing phrenology pliysipgajjotay kuinohyar puytibldgy etc to jeihermtn tlieicicsoko htati i nd no- expense jwlll be spared to mike ii the best publication for oat of the rooittmporunt let turei of the atrwrw during the jfeaf 1879fwui bsftji bourae or free tloluiyon igrioultnt by vf f clarke of lindrnljaqk qtnlpli j tti mryclarke hate wamet with the greaimt approval eterywhere the leeturea will lie reported in tho l0 bote value a en attricul iura paper havwilhln hejast few monlhi been greatly enhanced tsjvirijifilij dwoted to ienv general circulation tending i pewhee being the principal organ i r 0 that oaumtn oantda and 16 all other sanitary and uoral reforms as wellaatollie luithtrance of xtus gelloal religion another vpechu feature of the pbysltoily a- jtecalm in arguing foe uvcbe- ness nwkca errr guilt and truth disooat teiy do not forget that while you foldhaui uluc funis not up 1 liia wigi j a habit o sincerity in acknow ledging fauluvis a guard against wnimiuiogtlieia ife who would be useful o nianv- kind uiust accuuiodate himself to thctr nnuhere nothing is greater tiaa fa be stow iivuni upon those who hive fdledia tbeiyduty to hsj nothing- r tutaccr than to receive any- from jjteiyn j tlidse who will not eondescetad as ciiejr termit should be eitrenily csrcful rbt to isiunie any sort of iorimcut tudirativ of stuerior- ty garment that hnveone rent in thun ivljemirobe tpra jm xo nwka men better mentally aad njrlly otjrpfejblmixjms 1 b thkfuttfaoloctcti btjirrr 8y this la mtde of tlaijttr of rtrisundsoleitensit ai to itqw theexact iboxtlan xtt ea6b of tie phrenoltgfctl orjna the heap ii ever f nail and glaisea list are once nearly life aiie andvorrortairicnul impcrtunt aiil until recenlty hayidfoc200 uent men uiroughpul tho woild will wrniem daring 1 s jpi will be the attention paid l6itenjtrarlogi wuioh ilreaily are niimeroui anjt portrait of tbe promi- tim vdlh the llluitrated key wuon aooompaiiieieaeti bul and he aeries of articles nowj being publ sfy eh 19 tkejnpaxil o jtd krxa niltrnalilb the reader ta is- come a lucceiul iluicot of fluoian satiire ftj l tw hook pteh xtittsareiuiortii or vaila he 0 e phyiioal cumuaiiooiaillii coojidered in their relation to msn til character atd practical afyjiri ofufe jl50 knett work the only enfe on the subject ot feinpeniinentir now befto the puhlic and treats of this iuipart nt subject in the moat coni- prebcnsivemanner shoningjt bear ings on manisge beallii and diseased eto the hoofc oontaifa ubeutico pages andk0 pprtiails y an1 other iuaslrstipus begiren and the paper will oqtiu numerous ifluitra led artlalcabaniu interest and raw aa well m aeleol ionl from tab humeroim art ol the diy the fullest attention ill be palf to news so that the witness may retain its prefect repulailoh as f i newspape- i the household end general literary department of the witnesr bare alwayil boen a prominent feature of j ytie papsr and they will be continji- tttoji tbe sime piaii as heretofrre tiring to the ladles mich raiuahle infqruiatioh about eyery thing neces sary to tnnke the household bright pleasant and prosperous the priceof hedipereuf edition of tbe- la as follows per hand- p i diilt wrrsksj 8300 ctrculation hsoo ftju j when lakenflsa premlutoj te8us tne jovcxil is cracked aietoon bwteni such islstd dgbr i818 mankoodmniaonce uinled vntb must be jostreproacb received with each snbscnptiottito t 1 t j 1 n tpauscltaca islik a clock wbici iff ore maratljkas klond and gives iairifng ineeotherithe cauda point lifluiikshed at 2 00 ajei it 1 t t n pay pojiage on the joccxl and ihe exjenseofboiins and packing the a r bust whuih will iheabe sent ly remote irom nostalaeoomodationft 4 f sat wells c lisucrs i tw imliijr xew irk fab- eiprras j or ko2 the sniiirbusl or silently ind strike not meantime j the premium book nbuih willibe jibarafiiasb ixiv and death hiialiw ntby caivpost i said afl dothcdmaeenil i hsj t2 i i forspecimen ivunber and lerms r defcfs are pardfinedoftener than robberies ytt a debt ii no other thin a robbery if return is nptjin jecdadycanl bjeg qa thepresnfiiptioa of sltil agyuvatea the offence i t a fai reputation i a plant delt cate iil its nature and liy no means lijpid in- ita growth if will shoot np iu a night bike the gourd of the prophet jbatiske ft gotuiiic rur jjerish in a nhf 1 somely printed astf boojid iheitra ena musliii an j ca not beproour- 1 otat less tisn8lretaueleept j wmnss lctputio addition to these the pobliahr en of the wrrxasiiane the fioanj rsn altsaaxsek a sernimcnthiy iltnstrated uinlly ibtugju itich la regarded with great fator all over xorlh america u its diculalion of ore icjkm teaufies in homes ofelrompoitaraeoo supplies the bojo family reading while in cities bvrai add rillirea terywherv ilia liefajrbrite of thv young people wi 4khb it an end j less source of enlightenment arid enjoyment lis price u bat 36 cents a year including postage to sunv dayscbopjls andclubs ft la j the following rates tlokjestprs caiixrss wrves itisverycotn mon to bear- the remark made of a j j op n majtt ierir ititfjistrioiis f and ecfioolnbalinatihis i urb 13 1 p lie thrifty rud prosperonj ind jiis iiy lie very true of tlnl in long as be retefluv singv vhat willjfis jiabitda4 iratf bini agajust tie cafel wasteind eicravagrace of anun- calculating -srntiitnknig- wifa he iuijlit ii wefl be doonikd to spend iisjitrenjtli andilifsiaatt attempt fi cjltcn uter ii sieve ti- effurt wotjld bhardly lis certain ly invkin f habits of economy the ways tocuru eterjthtng ijj tie household afluui ie best ac count tbeseare among the- tomt- whipu e err moiher- should teach lertbtughters vitbdutsncb in- i st suction ih ise who re 0 t wili iereriefenjr ricftwuijajhosa ftbo ci ujff ticix niay beajae poor irs y vv v ayei n i ul v mm r icdert ililep hrnttir uuraatext jro r sp itcires rheamatlii and ysa rmleta nod klllsall piq ieptlsks taiiie o tiuuj icnovn nmlr tot bietfcaihm db ihe amtrleaa conilnent rrrceccbj- uloclad a t a arpuwf t w absoibed poeiratccta ke rerr b6o nli tlm cunjatior ntrinitliicf air tasroare w ij stffl it otrm lbs jl tciunckt emchtu6abatbtsea liac icilflu allen ttm cuts hrtuief rain in tide fiku oatilc jvuilichest i lif aoaldf r csjcjlis caxdsitasiblojt hkhlilnk fpiauuic it yjm cere jhg myt agonlripfc alalilrureiicraai intntmlt u t an teiie certw tbp for-sostoring- to cirsyirlair 5a natarat vitality idooipr j idiessiiig 1 hich k t i once sgieei- j hejabfiayil and efeiuai j ifot aajfr- ngmsjjait k won jr slorejk fyijd orytaf hjt t ofyixm plorvkjthe glafrarutfreshntsi of youtk thittjittir is thickeiial fail- sing hair checked and baldness often thongh yiot ilmys cured iy its 1 trse ysoiiie can reatpre file hair viere the fbljictes are destroyed dz the glanda atrophied and deeajetjj i ivntancb asromain can be safed by thie aotlicahon and stimilato nfe ictmtr- io uiat a newgrowii- of tuur is producdintead of rodhng the hair with a jmty sediment it jrih keep it cleah andtigcroas its tcessioual usevill priiept ffil jjaj fcnh ttrggiar te jailing ipty ifirctffiseqteritljf prptent baldness xbe rbjratipfl of y iialihr j igfejf to the ecalp arresta and preverjts the fejaa of u4 wjicb 1j oftetfi iipcletijj and offehsive jtrev rqm tjjpideieteriotu sub- r nc rwuch itkepme prepatjfr ti d wi 84 icjjqtipna to the faittisi yigor mil aiajibmi bat sot ham it hwaitednerpjtfbr r- b8ifa waiuigl4 1 odsirttbiel contain snsdicfrft of tusueeetft air u 1 clarc u otrtrg10 ihe fret lhat it ts snre fa j banulesf f roamint to ticktj- plres initial easerand can be applied u3a vldsr range of di j n ereiydaj life with freafr success lliaa anj- peffirallon whlcti rwtrli efclkhndjileiilsd science j m tjtttuirtreat i otrer orcr d fagc an 7 nc r ori co nfia 1 itt tio tl inaj- be ktfh orporolror ycui wfro if sane it f trm jiny ol tbe iof 1 stifle ikdlifil cbia tifainlj vtu call ai thq libce in toro nuy day of j the week will gel pracjical pro freeof chargej- ot jts magical pwer ver t 11 j in orje appllca testimonials fjom all parts of j mnstantlyl tbej do coming to band ewn to the most gmuz express grai iful grali- iudfi for astpmshinglc ires which- it hafpertofmeiij anil we would fceipleasetltoreeieive jptimonf als from all olhfcrs rnonse it snccesffnlry favsicias of the liighest jre mciidrit ns a most fflecinal lj tic rem- edyr tor- 111 relitfcf puin in cases of tudden emef ericy carry hto our honjes anil it will prove bltssin jo your familieiaiid sfflicled fi iends t-f- drofgistsareselliua enormous quantities ofdt whereier inlro- ducwf 1- l i liejworldfp prp- ducer 1challenge jade its eqosl price i cntii pelf bottle i hetradesappued tl rough thej holesale rfngiani wiett iffflicihotjouseal of moijtieal toronto homijldn an condon seap br ati exttitrsii w jkto- hft jojj bhfepsajle the incriber ors fir tale the farm titnst4fl otst eo 1 3 town ship o erin this arm ofltiiui lpof acres bo cf tllch arej welt tinjbereib b is i anile t gnefek cfea 4 babuice jsituafed aboot a tnwai il -i- ii wng a oil white cambric and jet lasts fensj on giving flr rich jjaspluafae gtatefuptifam- fte0ypri 1 jjjysr y- jpr9assi astajiftlesictuasv iv i jtt iil pitucoists xykf aesr i jr j 1 ool wel aad neierlailtat tljefsrniattdaepiil bara on the urenibesj ly in ti6ahlrs i jacob fishleb aiiujsistyacichjr actmi aahrw i87r tom the 10 copies to one address 250 pern 2i cfpiesto ene address 6 00 copresla one iddreisil i puewlj ali ttie retcji- sits for djpiag flrsjrplasg job printi ig businees m lx copies to one address 2200 all persons deauipr lo interest tbesoaelrea in dlitainlig anbscripr fiofls for the wrntasi will reeefire sample copies and lernit on applir i cation tv eiery letter answered johjj doo04ll son pnausafirs ifotred q if0stees s jbeodgeks best msinass too can enjite in js l p ptrjiuy a d babrworker of eiibersextixhi in tfaelr ovnloeslllleib parueolars and lam plea wcrtji ts fire iniprnvt pnor spare 11 me t thl bnsineai addren snssosr oo eoruandlfaitk otfoai tsocsinus a its oti r4r4 rbtejiexooek- tbsitaxsayfl of tlle coktr tjriaai9en y j j bcocitu1 oar eeaasia it is now jwp ypari siuce your fconstltdttonal catarrs hemly waa introduced to me 1 hare waited this lung to xa if ihe cure kould remain permanent be fore doing this my duly to yon as at erst the happy effects seemed to me to bt too good to be true x was afflicted mmj head for years before lisihpected it to be catarrh fn reading in your circular i aiwmy case described in many particulars the inward drop from the hrad had become very disagreeable and a choking sensation often prevenb ing me irom lying long i would reel like smolhenngand be compel led to sit up inthe bed my health and spirits were seriously affected vvten your agent came lo walker- ton in august i 876 1 secured three mottles before i bad used a quais terofthe con ten is iof one bottlei found decided reljef and when 1 hadpjed twpbtiles and op third 1 quit isking it feeling quite cored bf that ailment and have not used any since until of late i have taken some for a cold in my head a sense of duty to sufferers from that loalhsomtr disease catarrh prompts the a send you this cer iiscate qnsoucijed with leave to make piiat ttse bf it you may see prpperv j j- voura truly f wt1ndall ifethoduf minister portkiglnanj isb ask for littlefleld ppnstitu- tionai catarrh beffiechraaii t j b hirdbji dominio age brocwtllle tjntaric forsale byalldruggisuat lye dollar per ibtlte pu keads satemfeivxs top ball l wedduig flabts vkiting cakp bijs1nes cabds anqr flow pants paint ps nth be celebrated rubber jpit always jn slock fvul wili be sold law for onb ijmii for hides abbbatihllt jilli street acton feb j9th 7h j m amoof our stododli are those wbo lar rjmd thrdnjth tliectamravichool nuihjivflrjtlef mtiai thoqe vihote education ra curly lle hu botlrk-lect- d foe former wune lo receive a praclcit etlilcatlcn ucl ti nerded in iveryuny ursine laterto remddy put neelecl ndjau to cura hpijhouileife wbion itucltbejn tosaeecu a ine rorld p college ptrnal eontnlnlnf 0- and mpejmr fall p4rtlftirf and kpkttxtbjtf peii- majuhjf addren bd b3earrco belhvjlllegnt 101 hnrra tharpokriijwr sxc vlk rl olo mllhctrc n ever ir- rst7d tt cr-iv- rcrrttl viat7 vu rr ila ilia ftvi a mi wi c3i- y fa n f rirzl r tlx ittltu 3 r pameitl isfutvi mactat a jrw lforta raic e arria indian panacea fottrtrtconijlieij i mrst jjooq indian- cpaali ubmj for every utsorteroaiiewt bref ftessetnu i moons ratarrna cqr4n actlu pnetratloabod cleasnilai runedr ilisloiaa u raorbld acupinltliosui inpietart ikllalmfsiofhetnlos cell nteeonsiltuljpn prltenrriis mrs vpojiiihrrtinbtieot ptllihi purely teselnblft epintboni acilve clriimrtln jrl- tract arlplnpreramns safe jp ii iteuyiibee t prtidnwr sra hsyli i m eaolabi eoratbonof and i runrtlo jrltrai rerampsiu ieteapiiffauveln i i isirod itartbtrm waivrstbhtl 3 wafers nreuli immediate vf4stte tiembtfti trtejkibnta lym llciamica llltlrra- iiiiiii- i 1 mr jfr jjpri ujsfhejiojnj svetiu ainmoti4 iniluiikjvtottcntsrani 5lre3lvnvljimianqininr mm motiv ruisnilrotta jlc form iljt sioo aim mom mr 3liunvjjiman 1 mouv fpisii painkiller in the rtiajihuu vraim tvbrm sieinfir prux mrs k i janon prpp ltrti r ppldbym marrpwaesv aetoubiittjilkf hm tor otmliicimj altu1 cr dfletanf jtfiv ctrnatit amrnorr be iiijtfrotr kemeie trrejnlarlitei msferreriartt its ami wlficitej p tk 3jlrtl i fl t r 57 ii vow k- ljaiirvrjio5j urf fdpart qrusiifr imrely rilirtciliibctfeoltirailk tbv are nobs cewvfdr4kdvinrp- ased hjr i ardxftfiorthelfchsyrtirj liiblprtie pmc1e fnildlrretr wbn lhx ilipawmpd jujbr w oot t ittrmi if4dinyii prlaf one iwlar per bpi md fee erwil lb anypirt ef ihe b to 0uuiin wd by nil rucu nrufins uirtkntiini canad1 1 mr be wire and ii fcr old bxvakdfrws rcaule plfh keethat ib wiitreoi mbtrre 1 tmure otbj ddiwiiaciafl3 hca aeionseiit qlb isw ilhjr f ix zi l t krrtl iijiia uil citrn atfi if macicclj4 cvn rliljart lgatu rra tranfint fcirh jnirt jv rfttrn or a z pivel road spnng vu fraoib house and for urtber par- lncknow or ospringaij 1 lean snake sooner faster at won lor j n thnnnlsylhidf lseuaptwl not rnred we wlltturt you ill per-tfmathomainadelu-uiblndiu- inoua jueiwc4iien pnyi and ffis warned every where to wokarit sow is the time cosuyoautanatetmatrm adji t aou matde f i the undraigbed has lor service finjcsdffolkjoarfonrot ddo 1 1- township of bwaerifrvierfir l cash at time cfsrirwe- t cor vjloibbojra 1 pafijrijfell- i has the unanimous verdict of tke jading pablic wmch hasr placed it ahead of ajj r vits competitors in every depart is therefore hs jjaost valuaije ad vey- ijiuriin ti hab0ware5 s itor teryonei at son flpposiib aakfvs uoteb the undersigned has in addition to his apctrnsive grocery sfrock complete tsteck hardware paints oils vwaishes slftss eto j 1a1thew8 acton nov 7 78 st9vesi stover r i any person jptending to get a v willaajeinoney esroallingat n kenney any person inw int of irostf stupg pair of wbi shoes onnot do better than call at kekney iisuthey lievp noth- ing bjt thel be it goods in stock in orderfo work they can eqbat if not eurpass anything in town repairing sjjpeiaujv i- all partieb it debted tothe above firm are i retjebied tocjfll and settle immepia ely and save coats khnlilevsonl 9 p78v 1 acton oct y mawiaoto yjrfv bm iw nnd nrioe lo i rr uuz7ttz i pripeatoaait wiws and aeil fet u frefluei ujr a matter of vxlremt r v diffijuiiyfojlbe teperal pqblictv kbw wierb to buy a rt hy gbod and cheap article ata milder- alts costitospehwewpkiuj j say a word iaeasbn i pamelyitteplsce i v- iwratwrav m std j5i and there inspeai the faripus jbtf yi- of sew and cepdry goosls which i 4 on account of the geneg ptafnjtieai 3 of trade liayeeen picked- so jronjjng over slocked wholesale hopss land njinulactorjejalbolnijlbkeduc woj -vr- jr0 i presesjdj in this department we are oho rpg j woriaerfut gptjae bait gular i prices beautiful iaisij3 from 13 the newest dress tews from jssjei caahmerer sedges jdsstirtdptha ilrom loo pute anarighjltbjapk silka r 4lat5c a5ciantl 906 i be value ialmoieose table jjlherja ftobi25acanttojannel8frptn9c- gray klannelat rroirlf 26 boawet rrlnnnela from socl for stjw udies fvxt nominal prloej lirtrk h ftnostklineilrl 8li25h9nuia3botuiiiungsi and toaetcoveatrnocbjcthat4- cheap panio prices millinpryfljala i glowers feathers and trimmings sjf cheap ibumottbanitprioe4 i successluljthi r such butlbaprjsiea rt atyhja- f- hljast splenhnecj with th neweit fasniopk and now popular piseai yhiop wool carpeuwsnsfls rtapeathe frisji 45 rhe dittpeiir uvvnelpx shawls arujffoepbdbewclim and atvlish ehe beet 4i ulotm in the mrket wpire lag our foafajhii6cfctob ir qeni lunp tolh r times whitt siirta from oseatqtal meiihoohlmi twrjodameferifi wesunnaadrl ivordarftointl waikraavei nnr frleadt to by epeeu prrce arai for osasn7 loaaumqned qt eilpt titti j jav 0ii lw4fi ijpbuglig aiieniattejiyobi f41ljtrjai vl p it ni j 11 vf- ijlfell