iim m k vx- i irsinru ironaolc vf- i prw l m fci pan food lungi tad ireaa tcttr r w lb not price ctata kool p4i4 1 bees camlbf e laajlmua isdttlaamrf j fmsebu tint rbff to 1 prteetl j tr ctrebwi koghs cdio or pifccslw i biim foe ptacesctdu h tticsctau i jcxz pjcv i prt s nu yion 3nu jnt 35 cents oiilte beu j frteesceau a tsfeutbu 1 prie a eeaut t toroiiio ob emale vcint mov rrsirrcit j irrfurltie i c- j rii ljsjntri i jrrctfc j- a ltr ccm y mh bcx v 1 ilzaz rrl by tctr bjaj rtpctw x- b- j ir- awtrv u v- 7 lr illy op- buy r of extrtnne il public fo illy good la mode r re ircnld- pee krwv ivsrioin lot foswnieii f stxpatioii led cp om j qoctsts- and liskfjidc- b tare showing lalf regular jtfromi2 i from ftc- tsxtiu ciolbt jnght black ie linetu sfromse scarlet iresoydl k atpmerel muss from duffis from toiiingij cij lest ihan f inry hats ngsat beea xerf veatlntnte epieniabed and- dow and wool ktries from giielpiy i- w cheap 50ekid r ogerj fi free press rspiibfiaiioa wery thursdw m8rhlkg -i-it-wa- free press- buiiding wiot3tfmclbtcharci tsitk0dc4tryiiv ins joilraft it tuitfwm lx- ctorc to joiurtrot iiniitiiic cnj or the cr- iattfricopkt lure hlf no iimr will b wnl lour porsoa more j rtircsur lovarrisisaeitjiwttttt lta df ant lajortlnsliljlvor llmcats or ciixl uuc 4hduudrl for iucr lcrtlnf uutnt cim- of clrm ilac it under- jt twrncum all advpnisonjeuu mtlkakd la a scale orsotld xoaiaricl a astral djm3rl sllqtrt oa adrcr- tseoijiuutrrthlforetlndcd pttls adrerlrttutsrtllwtllil lnroc- hl3 lurtfl llll obld ind cliirem tccardlciy acv speciiljcouccitietiycnortlilek jlo pruaiote ibfr pccuolarrbcucct of nartodividaat or company wire consld traticcl a jrorilnitf to bo patd 1 kli2csirx au aivclhlnc seconals rcaircdc4ner- kolcis or clnas iurriac acd tseita icsitirrc i rititp siifh raohers 4 ppjprif tor i busixsss cards rrr h tovrar a b m tt cp s ifridosto of trinity catlfct ileal beroieollssrorpuycicliliis and surcaqs- osre id kesldeitei frrlec stet lrxox to tits liouc iteljoicoptfdbjr rjttke joiuvspt tviaject3ei j sleighs etc raada 10 ordijr and all tiadt promptly ulctilt to no iiied bul firstcjast 5ctonid bier ind ill korli tutted oat i superior nimmr of- bing luia- q o s te fa h in lulef ciniii caasdllatlon uuy late stjrk and frii33froea3 a- xatmk p m kssliece veil boxer itreftt a itdxjs isaess will qltasd riinerts strcionilkchsrfc ijookspeigut actono4 t dmatksox-lttarnei- tl t iit-uv- ismleiuiria ctaeerr m tor j j as says depends jon libetal patrd of v eoopas jtlccqss a n- i proinial lanipftir 7 vqremi civil encruir qrjelpli 6rdar by znxll prorapl17 tended to txtrixescnufgeaarsiv xvt e clirc oo t- a t c raaiailnafi h- la lac wjji- td cnnaer rtxjci tb irriicjtpiliuh lue cl riu i iu orc u 1 cri fircus iir x- i aidilre utier itn- fl d is trie vlliv vr- r tl yni- c uis oprico jtbc acton jrirtbu nil il- 1 -jr- jiujtl aj scvjtfjy crtirtd pclt 5irntii or iit ie sij tor prielcjia-tructicrtip- acury iricr- ieeiatial easiccerisoucltorolp actaa ttat erery rteicrtitida eixrinj- anil rongucisune done on ti avktrafctbaatle terras al fcitiititc- i t a cioxegxtull hall riiitesjui sak rptctytljqb diirc mctsi- 12oclocs if re it to rail inyektosys kossix ho csfc acton clii w qt eallirar satjon krsttfutaccofmnodallon fnrtrjelratel- thuicisitetlfropr dohisiosirotel actoo tttfterf acnet proiirieuirttc- 5- fioi is cuci tp- in erjlkjaa se t123 ae- farciore- coaraircial riet wdusnd 53d accaramodallcrj caleibiiloilaas sample rooms spcj ij ninj piii to til anu of the trarcl- tlotiue eartspplle wuhtn beet ijtcttbrjand cigars oool slamictarid sttintltc eoctlere ttra hexsteket i f liosnserdanotioiieer r ths coimtei of wlloctn aad ttttlv p urdervierc at tae kece panas k cotaroca crnruij ucj iarajcjeiv a d til aaif r lnventioxste i cj 1 y ut t5t r he tourd u ieicsl cjri j ie ptltnt oic re cr- ui to toifco ciovr jjizsinfl oat n j h ere 1 v ni- esjtc jroraplif asirlti hrocj r end rrora withlnctua i snl dewriricn of ytr cvice kudrriee ycri ps o its r ailcorresjocletetirctly prices as iok tit moss ot anj sztcy- tte rcftr to fueclals in the oiecfeni to id vet tors in every the ccloo- i adjret eagger oproslte patcat -tcja- oile actoa or at inr residence spiwoid trill brozipuy atteudetuo se for hu of uja colored ioe wool lo in itock tatptiew p a now jidpfdu puld bdriw fore tb i onr peciai i tweed and hsndker i positive i be foopd 1 province 0 the public of all jta- jlrriosbfpoliticadcheeds ifyaa want a tooi auchoxeeb trr ceoece cibb8 jie understands ala bailnear jiati jd addrvii hliubcry pij aweet in yoor own wwrr 5 ontflt free koruuc bead- txf jptrwsnta batlnessal whtelipereoasoffltderser m ate ereat par all tbe onle fher ro ijcnirrtfotani uilf hal- z ttkmeoruandmanr 4xaw fildfg i the cnaenigned ia prepared to je 7d let anj fcind of eaw inclndic ttoaactitt oaci and hand cawa on thej jharteatsotrce and at rcikjaable rates in tie baminff opposite il a sale sublet on tohn atreet 3sfi gihohas if id ri i rs3i inuoqand- rh- fjasi for 8kim8 t am prepared to pay fheniktat ekah price for all cusjes of lamb- and sheep sfcini delireredt tnj- tannery tl leatereanaantly on hand 2iv r iitl james koore- jrrtishtj oe tihbeb tlfceaoleoriber ijrepired to pay jaifm4iir8fiimber shingle timber afd baaiwood lofis delivered 2t the faetorr lately nrchued from brotrnhal fey io edwaed yoobe ifkatlm salaepjejtlio apply at speights waggon shop teraa 10 centa per pair to be paid lnkiiareharpepd- v jos a speight jfsce iblisj gtide to a complete fificstrcctor in andpraieiectil pewsaawsh vcang peo ie wlliiriff fo ar rpd hiruw wlttouta t-l-a-ta- rll hud uq g perfect insiruclrtr- hasjrcds rit fn rh unj ted strcics u yjminionlfltiie it convenient size 7tcodslataociiflrieor oorr e yi practiiics foatbin copies ojinnin priccipies and jjfjiushy pnrw uiemosfelegaiiij pliinieid era- rrttfngf an bsaotaj taivtldffgcrniau text uw 1 ntk loeof bird ict a iwsk of vltafrfl aaalrfils act jlcsiccctka abeaatiiflitf ecravedcis3 tar- the wliote- i 1 frieeljmpctp4w j- deatwhico ontario mtsesscplb 8eptilct tario i 1 omtario harness shop mere past an- ch xo my many frieodrand cot4 i wish lo retara thanks for farors snd osfc for a com ancc of tbafccoatidenoo wh i fruit has bed teoebcl tanaauaunnijtha la eighlyeiinlbayejajt secured the cervices- of tl hrstdlajf liqht harrte8mvrh fora abott term aiijpartirs log a drat clasa llet haraets leave their onlersdnrmedlately j my ifake of bootoe aj oteba oollass haaalilitlireiitilaionwberefceown wrtips very cubap foe cash bepalrtoi pmmpliramende i lo r creech ac0nrotfl7- l wcu- id today iu the quarry ucp flr with anxiauj cam tumjukicj with mhicu tomorrow wo roald baudlifca manaioa lair statcr and grand inproportion it roci with pillar aud domci its walls of tlie japivwbite marble lt tascci lite eblid atoac fretted each marble column with devices tojeuuuiugly wrought the uiirbe spcafci forthe builder and littcts his glotrinj thbught it hrcalhts of our ufas fulfilment of the ills wis will conquer notboarf of tlc paths of joy we shall wallcin of the days that our browa shall wear wc forge that iic claya am evil that the way at bett ia jong j that the bravest heartgro wcarj aud tilcntthc dladdeat song- that visdoai aud rtrcngth aadhonour mmt fade iihe the far seafoam and nothing hath walls enduring hjt our foroit beautiful hamoi tiure onr elder brother waitcth lit ttretu hi fkt have trod tii the city which hith foundation whose cike and builder in clod t during iw vrarj- timn lionel i her inrihchoiulof her affliction vl s e lctrt i e will bsrse liiiil- llld drible it en ale of co n uc pkir p lira a ice a rt be at ihe zslz iprof trhlcu flrsl- z f lental ofau- ti aitd jirisb- piges and cbataln ont ill equlr- ibojm chaptiill ya couhnncl rlle stoijcs letter how do v know itj why beciute ho wis piplain and owner of the veisil chd biciuse be ia- clsirei bis inttitioti ot sailincfwith ltr without fail wby should he not cul in tha lily queen i i cact itaisiuecny reason aswercd the cljirt with 6is stead fast gazaeiill gied on thu bankers fuce whicli bad grown suddenly pilid i roalfy ciut imigiue unr riton but then yoa icuow sueh tiuubtr things happoii in this i life there may have been sotne tlnneaae accident to prevent udpim wcitfotdsdeiiarturc but there is no necessity of out- fcllowiiij t his conversation further sucia- it to siytbt edwin hiwdon ciinh to tlo coiclueiou that jacob dunicisoa could ba trusted after ho hd rtccivctl ono thousand joimd for his uielit- and tefore they retired the clefc promised thstfor oun hundred pounds be would have i deed prepared and executd ffiiich vifiuhi give die harier sole pcsifion ot the captains estate- chapter tul tee day or desouxlji iiter most bitter wsa the jiimnsu whicli awiitcd violet and liiiird wtstfotd wiitn theyreturn- tdfiutu their pliant little exour- iud a wir-ehestcr- the cup of anguish was offered to their young lips the bitter dvttulit wi3 to bo df dined to its uttturott dg- violet fotildiicr njothcr lying ons more on the bed to which she had bjp long a ptironer the djctor bad attendd her but he cntiddo nothing tha tnjscrable woman ly in a stony npdr with kit uce turned fowarrk te wall iso passionate sob relieved the anjruisli of her aching heart she buffered in silence it seemed aa if her hcurt was changed to stone the surgeon who lad thawri violet asd kocel from their child hood was waiting in the drawing- room and begged t0 p bifora lo left tha boas they vciif -to- kim without delay and found lira stated near actable with a itewspiper in his hand afttra short conversation in which both thought their mothir had heird some biid news the sur- geofi gave lionel tha paper and pointing tothe article said- maj- god grant it isia falsi alarm they were both sorely afraid that the report i was- true lionel eivicg be was a piesumptuans fool to laugh et bis mothers fears and now be wassnte they were well grounded hjb siiter with a hje- terical sbrietfou sobbing an d pn- cohscioas intohis arms violet was carried to her room ardtbat niht air sanderson had to attend two patients at the grange as for the yoong man himself a terrible despair eeemfed fohave fall- en upon hi all tbrougli that lontr mi80rabls eight he paced ap and down the epptyyoonis abaorb- ed in melancholy thoughts wby was i not a sailor lits him i he thatighfc why was i not with him in the hour of trial and danger it might hava ijeeniny fateto save him- or at the worstto perish with bim i feel mysalf a basscoward when rthinkof roy idle lnjcarious exisience and remember how my father has hazarded hi life for the nwuey 1 bayo ben scinandarinkat tjniveraity wine- parties and boating exouraiona and now that noble life hag- been- lost in tuelast effort to increase ihe fortuns of hiscirildrrot- i aliserable and dreary were jhe days and weeks tuatbnpceeded that fatal visit of edwin eawdoa- to the grange- for a long time clara westforc and her daughter layiri thyr dafk- ened roonib victfon to a inl of lowever i wassumolliing nioio than an ordin ary too and ulobor to the mother and dialer ha jidored lionel vtcriirdstask was not cong nod to wjtliing- in thj sick room heinudi many journeys lo london duriiijj that weary time again and again he visited every pkeft where tlicfi was any hope o oblaining tiding of iho- missing vessel but no good news rewarded his patieuoc ind before the lima of nia mother8 ha had learned the wpnt afragment of the lost vessel had been fdond flpating neara rocky coasta fragment which bare the name of theljill- queen with a brpsen heirt lionel wesllotd rolurnil to thai grange bitter as wasjibis ices was to him the thought of 10s mothers ancuisb was almost a deeper grief ho returned poller and watched oncq more by her sick bed thl- tirae he could w itch and tend her dty after day night after night ho had no ioiiyir need to leave her for he knew the worst at last affcr tha long intervals of stupot- and deliriuui were pase clara westfcrd avcs pronounced well enough to bo removed from her bed to a obsjr near the gre the windows weri ciosod without all was dark and dreiry the- trees w dscmtar wind ltd leafless and tht sighed mournfully amchgthe bare branches thecky was of a dull f iron cray no glim mer of sunshine relieved its cold- ness- clara hid notlbeen seated long in that comfortable chimuevcorrier wuen the door lionel cameinco the apartment halfleading half carrying his sister violet hid alio her sickbed lu uot far tho crst time her ill of her mother tha first to rite but she was in her loose whio rob wan aud phanvnilike whs opened and risen tcdav fiooi ess bad not been quite so loagjnc so 6evers as that ted sha bad been fin very bible and she looked she- was no longer the brilliant tunny-hair- j ucd ed girl- wikt bad fascinated the young painter at the winchester ball j thv mqllwr wis raceti gncvedto fcnciw- that viol bad been ill and was very grateful to lionel wha during that bitter time had beeti the good gesidsjof the houehuld the mothe llid lcrwcury head on her sons shoclder lionel ctrew hia ttrm urouni her vith a caressing geiturel violet had sunk upon a lowjottonaaa at the r mothers feet aridy grotipeit chns ths threowerc silent for some ponietils lionel was pile as death tha dreaded question would bo asked presently and toe answer must bo given j j alas for his mothers broken heart the reason of her tilnnce was her instinctive consciousness that all bopa wis past if there had been joyful tidings her son would have bntjtoo gladly imparted thein and then clara wcstford hadsvatched the young mans face and shd had seen tha traces of des pair imprinted there only loo plainly sho clasped the strong uandthatjpm supporting ket feeble frame i lionel pho jnnrmured fiy do yoa try to lido the truth from mel do y6a itmnk that i cannot understand mv childrens looks and read my sorrows in their sadj faces thero is rio news 61 yoar father t j j ko mother thero is no neves ofimy father j lbiit there is news gasped clara of bis f hip j oulythe 6addest tidings e claimed the young inan einking his knees desideiia motterschaitj o mother- mother for sakes try to endtire this cilamit lood op i dear mother and b comforted remember ca hav only you those last words told all clari westford know that she was i widow c5er a vlfiless clalltast after that ad scene in jin weatforda bedchamber peso seemed toreignjjn tha household o thegrarjge j bitter and profound was tb i grief felt by each member of tha little household bnt the heroi hearts battled jbiarelywithinei sorrow- j fnclari jvestforcis bedchatabe k black- curtain hung before ihi sailors portrait another portrai in- the drawingroom was asi sbroided in ha eamemaaner violet lbykfd very pale am fragile in her dbep mourning robes and there was a settled sadness- ii tha dark blue yes which had dnci beamed with j such bewikhui imilee j j every cne in tha neighborhooi of the grange now know tha harlejrweslforde sbit hadjbcei lost andj njahy friends gafljefe ygi4 thdwjdgw to cphdohjwitl ala but their presence only tor lined hcf sho wanted to ba alone nlono with her despair- alone with the image of herloit husband r jsho nduted her grief in bilence but thoanguiih waa not the leaj keen tha thought of her lou was over present to her not to put asilia even for a moment even the society cf her children afforded no eohtolation to her their burden was not tike here ho said to- herself the future mijht bring them now hope forber all hops all joy wai buried with tha past amongst tho friends who camo to tha grange was a mr mildon a retired attorney who had made a large fortune in chancery practice cud who was a person of some importance in tho neighborhood this gentleman questioned uhtra about her husbands property v proceedings was she abiut to take i what- waa tha extent of her childrens fottuha than clara related tb him edwin fiawdons extraordinsry statement about the money advanc ed by him to harley westford and tha titledeeds lodged in his hands as a security for that loan the litryerhad always thought that mr westford had an unfor tunate fortune but ho could not sea how thfiy could doubt such a uian af llr ilandon his position was that ob one of the obmmercial princes of tha country he would not ba likely lo advance any false dssertica- vrith regard to his claims upon the captain r r ilrs westford answered coldly that she knew jfr ilawdon once very longago and knew him then to bet one of the meanest and worst of men the lawyer thought this strong language but ilrs westford said she believed thit her husband lodged twenty thousand pounds in edwin rawdons hands and be lieved also that edwin bawdon was quite capable of cheating her hc children out of that money tha attorney thought sho allow ed her prej to mislead herein tiiu fijitfer but he resolred to go to london and see about it which he lost no time in doing tae result cf that interview with the banker was that he showed stephen mildon a deed sicued by harley wcstiltc nd duly witnessed by jacob ijaaielson and by john spence a lawyers clerk the document bore the date of june 2gtb in the previous year i this deed gavo edwin rawdon fullpower to take possession of the grange estate pictures plate far- niure and all appertaining to homo and homestead on or after the 25th of ilarch in tho present year unless the bum of sir thou sand fivu hundred pounds was paid to him in the interim j it was now lata in january for only two mouths more would the widow and orphans be secure intheironee happy- home hr ualdon was a very clever lawyer but he could see nothing in the deed shown him by edwin rawdon that would justify 4n dispute of bankers claim tho- eatastropho leemed very terrible but the estate must be abandoned tb iln rawdon jnnlesa the sisc thousand 6vo haridred pounds could he paidon or before the ensuing quarter day 1 mr maldon searched amongst the captainspapers at the grange but ha could not find any document calculated to throw the smallest lighten tha sailors affairs i he called upon the winchester attor ney who had made captain west- fords will and carefully istodied the wording of t hat docament cj0 z sontitiutd take off your coat guibs judge wh to did you find this obloredman officer jl officer ifoundjbim last night hanging around pevlin is gos olotbing stbrimr devlin has had a good deal of clothing stolen lately and i brought this man on suspi cion judge what hi your- name pruonerl i a prfabner napoleon bonaparte gibbs i- judge what iaj your occupa tion j gibus 3 se traveling agent for de new patent whitbwasli brush sab judge take- iff your coat gibbs 1 gibbs i hope you scuso ma ash tso been troubled lately wid do fluenzy id do bpad do lootic aah ise very tadj ijiidgo tao eff jour coat gibbs gibbs takes off his coat ilowly j judge ah anbthet coat under that oolmng like being wrapped ap i well- as they jsaj in alaska trhen they go skating take off your coat gibba 1 gibbs i isntwell i- isnt sah da doctor say ikapoleon you fear- plenty cb clothes da fiaenza 6ahtake8 off his coat- i judge ah i what have hero i a awallow i tail i take off your coat gibbs j oibbs disyerajwontdo jqdge ise got a stuffneas in do borax isa very bad takes off his coat j i jjdge ah ajdoublebreasted frocs takeoff yodr coat gibbs gibbs dars gwine to be a onefai here dar ia sah i feels de ituffness rising in the borax takjei off his coat j jiidga whats thisl a shooting- jacket by the soul of- kimrod take off your coat ii it is a remutlcablo and most interesting fact that tho very first uso to which tho discovery of print ing wasiapplioi was accomplished at me nit between the years 1440 mid d4i5 giittenbcrg was tho inventor of tho art and faust a fplj3uiitb fnrnishod the funds jf- it had been a single page or an entire sheet which ns then pro duced tberotuight have been less occasion to have noticed itj but here was something in tha whole character of tho affair which if not unprecedented rendered it lingular in the usual current of human events tho bibla as in two fulio volumes which have bein justly praised for the strength and beauty of tho paper the exactness of the register and the lustre of the ink the work contained l228pages and being tho first ever printed cf coursb involved a long period of stellationfe are but breolypes of tiuiadhd an immense amount oj deyineidias appeilling to find an- mcntal and mechanical labor and yet for- a long lime after it had been criihed and offered for sale hot a human being save the artists themselvea knew how jtriiad been gibbs gibbs ise gwinefor a korpni dis yere is fusteat degree fee getting cold m older ia the takes off his coat judge alinen huster i iiink ive got yoa down to hardpan gibba t shall commit you with out bail take him down gently officer for hets a illy of the valley ha toils not neithardoes he spin tet solomon in all his glory was not clothed like hint- its val opening spring gobdshowing rattraps the man is fortunate whose nose will accommodate a big cold sportive winda holding yarn for your sweetheart to reel off a bad nameifollows a tnarn aa darkly and constantly as asbadow when the character of any one ia discussed silence in the gobd-natur- ed is censure when society begins to profit by a mans misfortunes his difficulties do not soon terminate corn bread- said ihe irish waiter we havent got an isnt it corn bafe jdmivne if cannot be tiiatall flish is grass grass gets its dswabout the only ihing that does in this world iyi the men whom i am afradd of are the men who balieyaetcfjithing bubscrine to everything and voto for everything f there is ho mora im enemy than ha who feels bo has wronged you arid no more nnfiappj i njan thanbocjj aii ensm l qcaker verl visit tua first prlutefl jlodk gcdis ef fhoosht h t may finll fapj it that ibnno aiood i hontis oneartji thoteii like fi i rp- jw- lj i heavex iil be8ioro than you eter aareameh it tor be h i i tbob bravery i 4 a ranch ashnrn- edof insolence as cjf cowirdiok reiqibi- js tbci hpmige wwch sthejatelleci paslor ihreenhp giiatitfcpi is tie 0iisiciof the hearty whan its chprdsare sweptbyj kinahess l kj we gain as raiieh ip avoiding the faiuris of othtrs aa wb dp lni- uhitatsng their vlftiie3 r tojoyihorde to bi- lovsdlinj teturniisnian buttajlcjrafort the jrarsake oiloriog is almost- the eharactcristicadf on ahgl hill and valley seaa and con- u l i 1 a i a hint for bores j socio time ago their lived a gentleman of indolent habis ia feussexjwho made ia a hasiness ia winter season to visit his frienda extensively aitorj wearing oui his welcome in ois immediate ricihity her thought jhe would visit an old quaker fnend some wenty milesaway who had been anoll bchobl fellow of his 0a his ar- rval ho was cordially received by the quaker he thinking his visitor hadtakea much pains to come so far to seeihim he treated his friend with great attention and polilchesii for several days and as ha did not see any signs of his leaving he became uneasy but he bore it with patienw till the morn ing of tha next day when tie said to bim j j illytneni rtnifraid thee will never visit me again i vob jos i shall or i have enjoyed my visit very much i shall certainly come gain 7 hay said the ihink theo will ne again what makes yo i think j will never come again f isked the visit- j cf if thee does not never leave said the quaker how canst ths come again r j a tender hearted brother i a couple of enterprising men doing the clothing business at at lanta are interviewed by a custom er in search of a coat of the firm handles and soon finds a firstclass fit iu answer to the price eighteen dollar weil sir jl like mnch but dont likithe price well mine frent zo price is nothing so yqu likai ifl coat we jet you take jt at fifteen dollars the customer still complains of the price saying jhftt fifteen dollars was too much thjui was too heavy tor the dealer so taking his custom er to the extreme end of tha store and drawing him into a dark corner he whispers in his iar j mine frent lietycm have eit icdat for twelve d laraandahnlf well air laid like yourcoat very ffa -il- ill biblesftghtccp copies aro known to be in existencevfoar of whict aro- printed on vellum two of these aroin england one being in the greenville collection one in the royal library cf berlin anctone in the ropll library of pari3 of the fourteen reiitainihg copies ten are in englandmirers being a copy in lie libraries of oxford edicburfh and london and feveral in the collections of different nobley men the veilum copy has been fold as high asg500 james lennox q of xew yorkcitv has a copy in hi librarf which- was purchased by ir davidsonj at auction in london in 1848 for he nm of 500 sterling equal to s 200 independent of freight or liuiits thbcgstomhouacofficials passed it free of dnty in consideia- tioaof its great antiquity it is the only cqpy upon this side of tho atlantic irceijdnilconatslilpi when the i paniab missipnaries had secured the ccufidecce of- the greeclandersiciarrsge wastnaje a religious ceretnont eomieriy the man married the woman as the ilcaians did thi sabine women by force one of the missionaries writing in ins journal describes the style at ciiristoia courtship as fol- loys r the suitor- coming to the mis- sionarystid i should like to have iwife i- who tasked the missionary themin names the woman htstthou spoken to heir j 8hnetimes tha map willanswer re is not unwilling but thou kno west womankind more frequentiythe answer is xo whynotr it isdinicult girls areprudish thoannis go to her the missionaiy summons tha girl and sfter a little conversation says i thiukit is time tb have thee married i woat marry 1 what a pitr i had asuitdr fur the l i whomv- the missionary names hha man who has sought hissid he is- good for nothing 1 wont- have him but replies ihg missionary he is- a good provider ha throws his harpoon with skill and he loves tliee though listening to his praise with evident pleasure thugirl an swers i wont maxrv i wont havehinl well 111 not foree thee i shall soon find wife torsuch- a clever fellow the missionary remains silent as if he understood bar no to have decided the matter at last witha sigh bhawhispers just as thoii wilt haveitmissiba- ary no replies the clergyman as- thou silt ill not persuadethee then with a deep groan comes a ves and the matter is bottled tlost iears aitluoe kp dont leafu a trade young nan itou might soil four hands wilt your shirt collar and spoil your complexion sweating jrut your dim over a couilter jearn to talk twhddla toitha ladiesi art your hair in the middle andtiiake amof yourself generally and work for wages th6t wouldnt support a chinese laaridrytmnon- ricofed rats and leave a big 6notiir anoo to pay his washprwomin-r- rpu sea dobjitue j heca uso its a little norp gt-ii- the senior the newcomer atclass fit iu the response- is your coat very the customer -i- much and am swered b tpa living boiil of iranhj hapvi iess contisls inioccitpatidn- of mind sulall rhinda jreqnire to bej coenpied by affairs great n mjnds can ocovipy tliembclvee accpnipushtd of the first printed 1 r- nllii i aeoya without k us without- ceasing to do all the good in yopr pbpr while time is allowed yon for the night wjll coma vhep nij man can wort ilxitqet- can gleam bnt naver reiibw it brings na jor faint is is the perfumff f the floi era iidid and cried of thajsntntier ithat is gone j j t1 ths morn is thjb infaney of th dayj apd is full of the beaaly of hops and promise tl e evening twilightis spfsanil melantholy bnt he twilight is pure and spiritual gop is to each one o us what uc moral develojimen ehajes iis to see or to fuel of him thogoorl tho gantle the loving the ooblpj percejye the qualities o goodness gcntlebess love and iobillty in others tt b a- great thing when our gethapmane hortrabome when tho of bitierness is pressed lb our lips and when we pray that it rosy pasa awjij- 1 to feel thatit i ndtfu that 18 is riot necessity but devin- love for good ends wo king upj ai i i a chaylaiiis innac nt hint soat airiw ler ajaidfd eeilly escaped froui tub esern pemteiutiajyb conceal pg liimself under the liodj of alwag jon which brcught supplies to tho inxtitntion before the vehicle reach id market street liiuy enataheda apfroma lady wasapprehepdeda ud 6ent to morryamcnsing prhion here be wasvisited ijy ona of t ieofiiciais connected with the peni ipvsry 0 cfia owr- what did you ran awa j tor p don t blarje ma p ifit on tjhe man who got up the srheneand ho tpld ime tb db it ras the re ply i fi tc who waa thafp wistae- jjea- tibn r whyjltha chaplaia quoth rsillj say no more i wil brioj ths chapltro said tho official indue linithe chapajnjwhois a gcod and boh man and yfyii sas horror stricken it the ebarg cdn- fronted beijj v x reili rherei thechjdr lain said the tfficial cnaplain reilly charges oil with encourag ing him to get wt of p ison said the official j 4 so you did answe eij rslft complicently iv it is not bo jfoa vi lain f 5toa are not telling i he trm f aho ybn know it spokf p the cljapla n- fhold oil ried bt illytn8 f last tima yoti i saw and you j4 rfliltywatdh and ray jouf w l yfsaidyc ile chaplin4 vell idid wabchand ipray cd and i prayn land watched aid t the first answer that came d my prayerk was thk waggon and i slid out oai it wad reilly sansweh the- chaplin acknowledged reilly caught mm fleans for the convidt hi wakfl ancvjpraj f inanother direftfoi eatiafied with hep rice yet i would like to know why this mysterious performance veil iny front mahaeiel heyja mine brodeijj tee in t if o fyes of people whosf idisease and so prijo preyentsthetnirpm poundjifi fhe was to hear j reck ofchpw inp wood nd whoso twelve dollaraji povertypinihes worse than bilobf he got se heax4 help me grapjojub me tell you x take and 8 halt ipr sat 191 ho drop ded thooe patenf erpssdeggedclothcb- iioiit histraek fplos if thttathwe 00137 how to jbi miserable the i best receipt nj know if you want to bo miserable is to think bbut yonreelf howin ncrfybit have los howiiiiioh yciii i hivajmad nhd the imorpitoi tt fur ihe tff a bravo ui jn jth a spul in mpi gets pilt of siit f pitiful ruti afad laughs nt- ikbuoi tiigement robs up hia aleevev whi ales and siiiglandf j- makes the beat if life jtliiswth u never pas ttiea 4 for ptaradiaftwd i iihd the nym w hovais4 aboirb is discburtgeuieut anil keejjs hninu hootlvftll only qatiho stroonfirand j letter far his a lyfersitiev ljany nobloshipjihsleeksajvatby witiw- r overboard ij most hi taablaj iiaud inauvajnlan ia fwttet untiiiovb hiiicui no ifser hjhtolo3j teioii p m-