m the will t best s snips loan acton as iolloirt oottrowtax nijmripttm v hojfcia toronto mill i- 9l04tn diyhlpnts v 142pm ksjpreta slpm 0ft mixed 7k11 pm j- oottto tajt jfighlfisnljui dsrexpreu wesurn mail r tosdoa mixed coal oil at cedent ina oimam 8i42ani uis0ani 617 pm oisjpm iincr weu ings tcnab ids no rs well usto- old fcle rstesr- busy j lriesofllj- wit of a- ail time table mail rioski ootnf vast i5 m nine bast ta pn mall for to olo4uwm kwlohbatliaauifcoosmontuestart vnd rmdsjra rnirrt leuen ail milled is tatatftet coreeomaf itmr mail bhtlym ttua th euiitag m from turouto e ad toe vvest it pm from kualcn bull fck on lues amnio frtilart service ut the sethodist church ever aiuauh bilh mortilnaat decitlir ex lonaat ecu oclock respectively ktv a- ttoaav pastor sabsfcribers who do not re- ctttt the fill puss regularly till oblige by iaforsaing ottl the office it one when ill irreguliritiot will be il tended to andueglicttca oa the put of ur one esquired inui r putties desiring ehsnge of rarettuement or having nutter for imcrtiofi in the fut tarn should kitai it id by idaoday morning and uot liter thia tussdsy it 10 oclock tjn we ciaaot guarantee to insert cutter received after that time ia any pir- ueular issue fault totnigbt parlies about town 1 1 at alex window it lottof valentines toys got oillootloil 8eeordi j niw ty every slptt full of valentine buctwheat- flour alex secorii tufzkt buy that valentine vvwdo vol think f i do wellw a the free press ti valontlnov day to moi row i evory unnnible man fdrtrtlim lit lll fltigfrkbb the hiving tctures to lion 0w fnthis wi ffill r tldiok m t ti ivpaied tl till ium iahopea 1 qreat rejitctioh i btow all j c 6tirartico rwool goodt of al kindi at run off price 6 few i mntlet yet in atoek will be iwld al irat offer i than tttirej wea no foul tfnaccioa abaat oat n liihborbnod sourfiolki aw twji matrimonial f rer 1 dh- t prioo of hiua fcitmarl t local mattjersv ateddiaj aad hirtkday ptmenttta oraeubaturcmleri kuikiaringt jailet selu vua it hyndi jewejerr store oireoiir and back combi at hynda jecaterjr store avitciea lockai fewelerx aad 3pectctec care- lull j- kjuited it geo hjoaveewefery rwre call and tees mv iteck k kd winter frf gen la cou lf a lowac- qne before h ytv i any on- ear ob- le lat ot hmcr ln d boj- minorxc- pd in to- defj lji at any lamerican ilitiiw cgi fu and to mco- i immemav ttailori ulct if i 5 p i rati j c hilii ocau lots aroottdlown vientina- tiie jwaj to excel in bustues i tolrerta anjatf oaat of fresh ksra at aier stcordi a earfoad of barrel salt jtut at coleauns ckeaei atore loqc hcrei 35 ihs cuttenti fc too at alex secordf qaeen victoria til martied uurtraib year ago mosdij- -xr- ftoue i flqcr toltanii giaiii fiiiij- floar at ilex sicardi for it neat and cbep picf r frure go to c vt rilta prutograph citferr acknawwjed the iiest 5057 ti ia tawa at cjleani cheap store poiite ilkxw hotel 4o js t im keepers in tiii villi fe wilt feve wnr car icecst- fjr tl e rrarj l6ta 60 i d biwl paridt at j i ilcittrrtnit i if rou valt utl after the i til yoa diy bv dcir ciiiaiieei far little eart rood deil cbekpir toan jou iowo gafcijc hills for clicki ftoreaaad tinnre j er m innes of op rii je las uncorapiw to itsca vs charge of ihe picslijterku charch iirpttgh ill health i two montl cold veatlier jyit chrisie heddtreoni co hire a fear piire of eldufcete jet in stock ftblcb will ae kpiii cheip the most proctibto waj to rertiae is t do it excemrftelr maccer tfast will attract the at- faition of eterrbodr pjiotto framea- complete from 30 cents np at c w hiui the annnal exhibition of the ontario poultry anooition will be held at gieipb on feh 26 27 and 231672 all entries for tha exhibition 1 ctiist be alde before the sadiiut mr c acton bdrnnfs of the ijaelph herald has resold his iihareof tbatnewspsper basins io six cbsdwick who iris the company of thi ute erin mr 3arroin left foe oittrx last eek and liow comes the innail 1 rail about the fruit tradj hi rax been luinedjbrtbelatetrofta it leems to be loaintely necessiry fortbe- existence of the farmer- that he iboald bare hit periodical gramble about the rifsges of frost heewidentlr enjeys the gmra- bls quite as much s he does the peacber and apples which ioririably reaulf oaissi pashlr icasji psid fresb eot it uei swords j itbe in skstin rink held hsjeeoad carniralu fridij- ereninfr ittl it was well attended about 100 opneseotandi very pleuanteren lor wupatted a sleigh load west up from afltoa- amonjr ihe maskers we notice the nanis of j e hcgirrn aetoo king alpbon irmch cojtame the gnelph herald says was rery ipxxt i i rthe retiral ierricss which hare beot held foriome time put in the methodist cbarch acton clorad on friday eremoy last tb7 b been tefystueessfojand be enerries which iste been put forth 1 y those connected with tbeebnrcb bay been rewarded at while the meetis t were fdisg on busy peoitjuts profkeed s ohaoje of heart aoiorerfiftxpresnfejljthera r aerrts as seekers of sal ration llr hbbbs is espeeisuy to be- congratulated beoaim pork u caeap she imfsophnna tweet y i kcr voice m like a ij r bat casaudiy she ate j ions and thus baited ap thi fhair i v priats prinu eiclisl- and ammeuitrrrive vou so n ihnew prints at j cbriatte hei dacsou ev fjot i j re r ttabbi wift pretch s sermon o the yoanff mi n on 8bl bath evening next ia lha ifethodist chareli acton i l rather thin tout k mother drop ot liduprjaid a tesliui convert at i temperance meetayti i weald take s raibr aud bio r oat m y brains best syrups lor i uckwheat cakes at alex seconds tbej boys hive eoimenced sad on every corner i ctowd a ring twej or thn msrbli s is to ba fonjid fan everyi oaitj s mi garvins adtertisinf when properly canduetedainoet avsriil y rexlups ten times ftscoat bat whth hoite grudgingly arid on aras 1 scale it aeldonr pcodnces much bei tit i tbelocax isrer 3 imelimes one paper ia the instrui tiou and pleasure itiflords is worth lhe years iulacription tcaay nothinr of what it uved ia patrcnixiiig our a irertiiert oid pictures of al fciuds copied and enlarged like ufa at c w uiui i on the premises of mr a mckmnon eiiu townshiih thet wax found an elder bukh w th peerj rnt njioc it as perfect as if it wis in jane and with buds jus baittrnjr opta xer felts gents hk in all rhe uew icvs r cha glugaw fltms decidedly clicsp hits an irtrn vilue this toakon rjuieui lier chririej ifindemoa coi funimis 50c tea snd it lbs qnlu i ohange was street cxprseiion ycetfltday bring along hist wo6d yoi promised us whoa sleighing csui nows your time j ci albqzjxr bi the petroleum uir renewer t j k mcgtrvins f commercial printing of all kinds neatly tind prouiptly oxecutoij at the fms press office j 8tovu remsrkably clieip to csshtjc hiuvlslet stewift 4 corcsuand examine prices j few nd far beiwoen tho legs of the old fellow who gots oii lha ice foe lh firsttime iutweiitjj yesra to show the boj how theyf used toikstt in 1859 j said very good old tnsn hsva vallntine hltou acon haitcw you yet t purchawd tlieprwbytflrun clntr your h ut naksigiiwevk l lil coiup lain vry tuoopaiful tes meeting o the owniiig of wudntstlkit tilt ebj addroue weraiileliyerf d liy jets messrs ball iof quftph and oavidsobj of alms mr h cargill pf guelpb ocoupitt the ilmir iprooteda amounted to shout 5 8ale of hotbl iimskejt moudiy nitcrnoon mr jnos nftlcul ssaignee aold by miction lbs lease and all fiuuishiiijss of the welli bolel oiielpli to lieut mortgages amounting to and intetest the hotel wilt carried on as fornitily uudr ilig about the weather out taui very thinkful when i wika up- in the muruiug and find any weather al ail among other recipes aex chanji gives one to dungs rrd hair to yellow well yellow nil- has its advanlsgw among others it is an elcelltut match for butter and thats something surely i 1 hderad clothing chfapest ud nobbiest suits ever turned oat of any house ut caasda llkeic ready made clothing over coats and heavy tweeds being regularly tungbterei mcleod andersoa i cogorgetowii colds doatow ate doing an excellent hmiincre in town at thii season in nearly every bouse fa the villagn on two or three pe ions are unable to gel aro ind it seems ilea an epidemic that is passing over the balance bfsymonk stock will be offered at miction on setnrdsy evening at 730 p ni at the old stand opposite agtews hotel acton ou suits of over 10 three months credit approved uoteswil tiejjiven higiubothain lors65tl subjei t to 000 be llly uudr the uanagsnimit of mr wm bool less wa srs sorry to icsrn that mr q b levens batbet actoh hit been suffering from severe lines i for some lime past owing to hit poof health he has been compelled to ivor tile hiibasineii for isle atood busisesi is being done and nb rion who understands the busineu makt s miatakt in purclmiog hope however thai mr leveni sliorur be to reaanio work m amikiwov mem on uilli jitblio the gton col lrtdiea fur setts both jfink sail gcrmia iliak sad others fsqjrsio holies ladies and rents fur caps and gaantlets bcinjrsold regardless if cost the above jaods mast be clearj 1 out i ia one month hcbeod andctson i co georgetowii j i vve would call attention to is adv ot brown t hilt calling on their debtors to pay op they mean if all aad any one who neglects to re- tnoad will find aboat next coar day that they are iu earnest it it impos sible for anyone to do business unless thej compel their debtors to psy up dcygoxlj qnjcerirwrtloots brisbt sagir for iflloo mr john warren is now jaing quite a business ia the borough bredjliut on wedaetdar last he skipped s tborouglibred barhxm bull calf lea maathx oldto sjtr charles uiiiebncejca imr w nemstreetjkuctinneer will sell by pulilic auctiun ilie farm stock including tioraiiib ed c-ittit- send implements ofmk jno talton griyel road jsraioosa oq ftiby 28th i6 slessrsj brosm tlhxj laniber msnufsctarerr acton are getting ia s very luge stock of fiml r this winter last week they received it their ntlfr 219 loads o lag sud ia ilandsy of this week 55 loads were jroaght ia two auoltk he property of fie comer wellii gton hotel guelpb estate cant lining silvir wire ia wire stole i from the tiatel jn monday inorn ns end hsv not yet been returned the aflsir is beiii e looked into atid still we hsive smther item ef fist sawing each iae claiming to beat the one that preceded and all of the most gsuuise nature rleru ii the last one day la it week messrs s t a ifsnu cut a solid c inch rock elm log in thirty seconds 85o0ii eew- ard for a worms in the hamin system mcgsrvins worm fowden feet a care try tbera j pundrk sliirtings variety just arrived at tbelgiafgow house alsoifdtfrangeofadnndaii domestics ad bottom pricou the national policy will bs iiaugur ated next week a word wise is sufficient christii derson k c tiie welt knoswn bakerf stanf near iiills grocery store mil his been purchased by mr eiiwn and he jwill shortly pbtitiou to supply firstclass b esd for everyone urf eostou will hycase a thereye labtef- hljd shoes are still selling ehejip at cubmans cbewp store all lerwjns are invitwl to kend the curreat news to the faxr ptii at the earl p moment 3om- maaicatiaas shad invariably b ac companied hy the name of the aa thnr not necessarily far pubhcitibn b it is evidence of latheaticity jci i ttea- oaa w will to ooniiderauon of the bird times sad i i l j th0 3srsv low prloes of all kind ofprodaos moleod anderson k co bars deeded id bi whole of iihit immense stock l j v i obj dry aoods glothiag smilia matlos carpets buffalo c3ea3nt3d cx at i- i v to oemmaadt kovzlth aid coatiau for tin i luer rup s d a ourioub faot thit 111 soriw cbruntc cisi wileh have provej t lie miwl otunita to 1 1 ieian tttlsous compoatidjj wiiaetrryttvea immboiate ie lei tflvcis a iarjsa kfonhkai losi or voice caurrnh fthooilus tousb cronp mr a dwebberorihenrmofw loc webber uamlllou jives us 1 llculor of the lollowuu remarscbl eiuet lis wife hmkx cautbi a tcry sevcr con tc her vlce so cmpu i ly umclialmllj- aull uot uujeruud 1 ourusiie tail lnuilsuutrttiluvi mer fwyte wm advlteu w lrj wllia wiliciielryicua wias oaltluu lo sud icefltcta curelh lnrdys trrll row or j k mtrrow ajclou shur iwe have iwuiied fiom mr wm eenaic ceedmantorono his illastratediand priced cataloie for rev alexi warren leaves actnn this niorning far dr r wallers celebrate watercnre mountain home new york slate whole he intends to remain far a 1879- thsasaloinrtiiin every fespect fortbe benettof hishtslth a hindtoms one aatlisrepltfte rith valuable uiformitioa for seed gvpwers at tie interiatiouil kihibrclott phila delphia 187 mn eenme reeeivttftwo medals indjaj diploma from the ameri- imanicaiadiaa cenltnniilcoaimis- sioners respectively and vis slso swarded thejgraud silver medal over the world it the tpotiikm iiuer italian- afriixirucrls78 tlie second fanoy dress car uiral to lie held in xh acton skitiagj r nk takes place next monday evi uiug for the benefit of iho acton brass hand prises to tliani mount kclatorf large uuiubc die ice best caruiv o about s 1900 will bei given lots ul ousts sud room for it ia exjected that r of costumes will be iu fact it will be the of the season thn- illi iu iulriiiifluchr-oor5- iien at xisji ocloct judging to cooiuieuceal 830 pnu- admission akicetk 25c specutura 15c ticket holders fieu tiou is given tn inoayoons articles stock tiktxa sale daring this mabth of stock taking we shall be cleirirz oat lots of odds and eadsj and regular lines of winter goodt it traocdinary low prices the object is to convert the goou iato cash sad to mst roam far sprn i goods the sfaaimota haass gecrgttown ii the spot mcleod andersoa 4 co 1 mr w heaistreet hss receiv ed instructions from mr simon mclmn of lfit 31 con 5 eiues ing to kelt on 8aiuedayi5tli feb liis fnu farm hock and ii iple tneriis the fiitn is couiposel of i00 cres6 cleared bslii ce well tiuibenl sale to cnuimeuc at 12 oclock sharp far further pirtioalars see posteis owing lo the withdrawn ot mithog cluistie from the a bcsins ell outttandins accc due th firm have to bair for tills lieing the firiit tiuii the hiton coiility teachers- assoctiliiin ill hold itsregolir hilf- yarly meelirg in the school hocse georgetauncuthanidiy friday and viturdiy 27ljiind28thuist sad 1st prax ercry fescherinthe coanty is earnestly rcoumted lo be present sad all frteadi of cdacition ir cordially invited to sttead the meetings all ex- teachers sttendiaglhe allocution will be provided with temporary homes by addressing mr a t moore george tpwirf 0 ind it it desirable that thoe tcachen who propose attending will notify mr moore is soonxt pas sible that he will hire to be keep it cruelty u amlmus on tuesday afternoon mr robert ifixan of esqaesing near speyside vis brougfatbetoremigiafrates christie campbell ind storey to answer to the above charge which was preferred by mr o furbes village constable ai far as wo conm learn the facts of the ease ire aa follows on friday list mr fijcm went lo silver creek to get a mara which he hid had some bargain aboat at the qeoigetown fair and whad lie started it oat of the stable and hid proceeded a short distance np the hill this tide of silver creek the raire fell down ind he fouud it impos sible to make it get up agaia a crowd gathered sad he with the assistance of tome present fastened a chain to the martingale and dragged the animal tjjci to the stable a distance of abodj one hundred yards where he left it all night he returned the iicxt day and succeeded in getting the horse illowiug it to follow his sleigh as far aa camp bells hotel actoa when it again gave oat ind was stabled there until mon day night when kixon again endeavor ed to hitch it up and get home hs put on the harness and fattened it to his sleigh bat had got only as far is the street ia front of the hotel when the horse agiin fell down and it was with difficulty that it was got en its feet it wax then taken into the hotel shed where it was left sli night in s dying condition with no protectiou against the keen night air aiid chill blasts save an old blanket whichwss thrown over it in the morning it was hobos cj ataii rofelo dress goods iwltfcersc grl slnugluej overcoats c mllllnerratfi m nicks eft our epecirtj- cheap prices tlanivels and buffalo e0bss fit one hif heusjal prices t oftvfeeds readymade clothing at cost price ladies for ittmi set ts lilaniters at les ihaii maiaiifacturers prices see us betnetnhtt the grand slaughter sale comments on the 4lh g the acton free pebss is reodgnized by all tojbetlae best advertis ing medium in halton county go to cwhill for the best lihoiqgtmhm is- 1 acton- the subscriber has j list opeialci a j urge stock ol may know how l found ipng on its side bleeding st the prpvid4far u before laepecpteiiit thayer of ci rgctown keeps ihe larg est mil most extensive ossorlateut lf household fmaitarc tol found fu any place of thje same sire in canada cbasistiug of the following artiales i psror saitei of the most beaatifal designs in haircloth and rep sufis loauges rocker and easy chairs owning to- acton genem settbmen w fc cton unls iged we iii have 6ince aolicited trust nlir patrons will do favor of respondingat once biminesa reawins all current counts require to lie settled uter than the 20th feb clirfslie henderson co nose and it disd about 830 oclock it wis a pitiable sight constabltt forbes immediately had the body re moved and he arrested r kixon ot the charge ol cruelly to animals tbecase came before the magistrate court 6tt tuesday afternoon and aftt hfcarin the evidence they order tha he pay i fine of 200 and costs tss ind ash bedsteads chairs cnbs ind e dradles ia eacuess varieties of everv th should be a aarnin to seven every lejcriptioa hbareaas and dressing people of this vicinity who irefri dise with glass 20s4o inches side- hoards caoboanbr bickcases writing desks open iwd enclosed waahstonds klension and fai leaf tables centre for ac not great to the ecu street j t be in a have business to build up but we isve he his to his on the success as it was mostly on ac- heretofore offered ut 12 to i anntof bdsxeeenlngly earnest sunner i hat many were led to think of the awaited them if they eon- fviw doubt that he will succeed ani our bst wishes with respect sacceax kew pelirrschriatie btender son co in order to obt in the cboicsattsefeelioif havcra dinsed an imineiise lot of the finest prints in the market by pan baaing full lines they hare secaret rorne great bargains although customers would do well to selections j st once tliope prin sfer going rspidlf line at ip cts equal tp ar is a decided plant bnenilier lbcirifaraousipo tea an bsh sugar it lbs for dollar bill gorftoo nx we neatly print on silk ribbon the name and address of any person for sewing into jfursj hats gloves so that tbeyjmay resdiy be fonnd when the surplns wearing spparel ofannmberof parsons have been placed together at a jubac or other gathering orin aay case vben an article has been lost thit the owner miy be found price 2i cents per ysrd nime printed about every ithree inches 8sinpfc here i the lime has arrived wliek the lovesick youth after investing his bottom doliar in a bit of paper running over with soft nonsense bad poetry and worse picture will forwoeks be kept on neulea by his inamorata who most aggrn vtingypersista in making nasign- o having reeeived the aforameii- tioaed bit of paper died ik its thacks on wed nesday evening a eenlleuian rum acton had hrerr horse helot glnc tj afetbes k isicklin of tliiii village taken nut of the mitbell rlotsi subles to giielpfi foe the pnrpose of drivfng dome the animal at this time appvared all right another horse was ti4 to the back of the cutter to be lend in that particular way the lorse had only reached the vicinity of the gnmk rrnulr passengnr oepot when stouijed short nevtr to 1 nice igo again it drnppsd down and s one i after few gaiti died the as imal was a valuable one early nike 5c a full vthing 5 cts vviiatnuls anef every descriptitu of furniture hilt is kept in a hfstclass cabinet shop fatties requiring fur niture can bav itoa very easy terms of payment to suit the bard times all of the ite will be sold at the vjry cheapest rates to test tbo truth rive him a call renenau i- the ma iy fiienils in thin vfllsge of mr frei ii storey who is now in kassan bahama islaniufor the wnefit of his health will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly improving he has been in iceedihdy good health- sihee his arrival at that place it is expected front information received this week that mr storey will arrive home shout the first of jane returning byway of florida south carolina 4c leaving kaasaa aboat tbcfifstafmirch and remaining in richmond virginia wilhmr archie lynd an old friend and well known in this vicinity until he comes hornet- dr mcgamn who accompanied mf storey will it is ex pected arrive home about the middle of march r i i tiiehalton nsici inndvertfuiiig fur a iov to yti llieiiintinji ptiii id i iequfsito ihat he intuit jut vt good chruoter it mastbe vey grjitiiying loitbe itudein uf m tfeus to infer that the ediloi cojue to the conclusion that change is- necehbitrf and to icebui- pllah it lie mist iregin attlio root plgramfm fanner wi- are of oiitiiiciir tfiatjlja cliange should he the iresd pftjie qttentiy seen abasing horses andothei oniuiali id diherent nlanners tv the matter of jas x bioec all accounts due is estau must be settled atonce d hexderson 33lt 3alt0nc0t72tt7 prices sul the times a tsiplbfarcir v- fresh oysters fresh oys ters agents bead this- wewlltpay aients a salary of sim i per muui and eikusesor allow a laryf- cimmfslqu losell ouruewandwondei fni inventions- wk eax what wx aav bumple tree addreit bltwlasito 33 jm maajpalt mlcb vtotice be suahp all parties indebtedtto the undersign ed sreliereby notiliedthst unless pay ment is made good either by troneyoi note by the firat day of march oez they will positively farther notice be sued withou acton feb- 10 79 brown k hall 333t mr gm levflhsis prepared to fur nish oysters by the quart or cao in large or small qnantitieo canned fish of every kind al ways in stock oranges lemons fie confectionery ic c always an bani fresh biscuits 4c refreshmedi rooms all indebted to f levens mast call immediately and settle as he requires the money to had meet seine bills geo levens jilimntirp tumillnnecitf one al aya nwir thi above m hope the eff- tjoleaud lot fob sale that very desirable property situated at the foot of bower street next the railroad ccnsistlng of onothird of ah aoreol good land and a frame house no doubt redniiea the house is in good condition title jj u indisputable possession siven immedi- trr ately for further ptrticnlars apply tfitrfompson died requisite we on tho p t0 will soon be felt yjr ftystert inroslor by the pailful jast received l iaaafi lororotatak fajts in the hollowing siies r lcrteqt 3qti j 1 gallon aac 2 galloiis parlies wishing pails of ost ls cah got ihsm by addressing r murray quelph just receivedi finnan haddies bloaters orangey lemms etc pop corn balls vj barrel pop corn sallsby hundred os all ofiera ittsndod to proajtly e mckkai 49 wytilhamhtrset uelph ready- iwadc lthw0 bootsh6es i i plakiist slbfaee rtoos biftnm surface planer and knives 20 iitcnea jointer i die mqcui address edwabd fu ot ako g oal fob sale any person wishing coal either chesuas egg or any 01ier variety an leave tjiedr orders af the fexs r bias office and it will b delvend to any part of the village kiay y- v blsmita ii- 1 and lor sale matcher a cfbihgle- nngh makera- io0re acton out which he will sell- at th9 qwef iorjcash or proqjuce i jas cbleman si acton doc25 isfcl ttbagfiastagesje 10dk cut fos tefi wiir am iii m m h7- i vr v i