Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1879, p. 1

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mbsacttffi mlfilb pbess t mutttt 17atomdafm0wnjb mtu free pre jtaildln next tttuw metbodiit chunk mol 8tre acton i j ttbksojfexouir a war strictly in id- tane it aot pud before three moaliu oat dollar ud 4 hslf mil be charged or two douan it not paid till the tad ot the year single copies three at raxes or apresrrtnq m00 moo so 00 30 00 20 00 12 00 i 20 00 12 00 8 00 que column per year i smonlht 3- r half column per ywir 6 months 3 i j j column per yttr months s eight centt per uoe or first insertion short advert semen u of ei una and un der i for three insertions business cards of eight uoet aod under h per tti all advertisements rueaiured in a ecale o solid nonpariel advertisements without special instruc tions insert i tilt oilid and charged ac- eordiajly auyspecitl notice the object at which ii to promote ike pecuniary benefit of any individual or company us he considered aa advertueajent tnlueat advertisements to be paid for wheuy odered au advtrmng accounts rendered monthly notice of births maxiuges aod deaths inserted free t ak c moork publishers yqmjmiy lo 85 whoeb no along the bjactr 8n an aul on vs remit treat tadtmau cut ut proud nm tad w k las nun oer ftod puts and porta while i tloax utt shore shall wca roar cougm till buses tlak toui j ar onki of mm urf pro v md picture ii a nlihsdvlilouorilpeek atpeot 8a bsplv shall re rraot socm tthfrrice 8untiio tmua roa with hl n uhols ipaihjoa or food vroatui pcoapanoi broesct hw year fsti it bound hound 1 1 the laoouuat deep oon to tb lied ud will t is ouner tiw o tidh usl bnoss u ill oj to on port waera rfeir anchored tea ud iho khiq sleep ko more of tetaoe or of hl its sport flrpetc jttfoarttu tlttstntss jrimuffr xtf h 10 why hb mcp5 gra- ll bcatx of trinity coueee member of college of physicians and isurgeonj oteee and residence frederick st acton in the house iatclv occupied bv r little esq dc r uoreovrlhrsiciaksur atot it of belletue college kew yert al gcadsafe of victoni college caaadu conanlutioa dayi tueodiyj and ftidaya from 9 am till 4 ttm reai- dence teat bower alreet acton r- heilstaeet licenfied auctioneer for the counties of wehington and fdaltoo ordea left at the feie pluss office acton ct at nxr reaidence in rockrood vill be promptly attended tc terms reasonable mo thk rubijc of all jatioxs if joi irait a pod arjcfioxeer try 0eohae cjibbs he irnierslaaii liix tonneat iccff a 1 address geargctwn po patekt3 foh tkvektiqks expe- x dmfccslr td propcriy teaired m ca- idx uitr umil sutes tad europe pi- tent gurxntd ot no cbirge send for printed imtrnctioosl agtucg- ia operatian ottirx cmxdx alechimcij engineer solicit rof ftlaiti and drxagiitixazl tj 9s a0t0n ont february 27 1879 per aifntrk ik ava 0lree loziee piasterer ac- toy out very deaenpfcon of itii- terig- aad bonghastingdnie in the inort reasonable terms and satisfaction guaran- teei i t rn wcooper provincial tand snrvetor aad cjml engineer gtaelph orders by mail promptly attended to f d illfsesqs attorkeyar- v ta solicitor m chaoeery tc office neat door fa wallaces hotel itfitoa r0ssx hole actoy close to the gt railway station eieellent accommodation for tii trsrellmg public thos campbell proprietor doiokiox hotel actok robert agnewj proprietor the aer hotel is fitted up in rfclass style with new fnmi- tzxre cotcmercial trateqers will had good aeconunodatiqn and coauaodions saaplq rooms special attention paid to the waafx ef the traveling public bar supplied with the best l snd cigars good stabling and attentive hostlers a wectmlnstir play from the th itrt aa bgben climes t 10 mr dan god freys band strike up behind the scenes the captain o the icho i in court dress leads lie head masters wi a into the theatre her haabaad looking at di pified as poaalble waits in to the eihilarali g strains of see the oonqnering hero come the dean with hit sharp features lighted up by a pleasant smile may be seen in the place of honour in the stalls then come tha distinguished persons who hare been hi den a the intel lectual feast a dumber of old westminsters bringing up the tear ev trrlhiag is resdy the master tocchat a han ibell at a signs for the music tc stop sad the captain of the queens scholars comes be fore the green cur uin snd delivers a prolos ae in latin iam bics the names of tha old westminsters who hare died since the last performance are gracefully referred t in this effusion which is written by the lead master the performance is then proc kded with the play it terences phoraio lh plot of which it derived from ap llodorua it soon becomes evident that tl difficulties in- volred in the repreacntstt m of a latin play by english youths will bi f urly overcome the delivery of the roma u dramatists lines tsuever lesa than respectable often efleo tire the actors may nc be at their ease in the indent greek cost ime but where it the company of amateurs hat would mien although the coaches hare more regard for tradition than for nen ideas some of the impersonafioaa are ma ted by original thought and the unity i nd smoothness of the performance ss a whe le show that the cchoisrs iatrusted with it ish parts are not less industriously looked after by the mat ters than the others gel sand fkurmu are in competent hands but representatives ot daapu plaint sad scpkmt tile a by uo jnesnt incontidei ible shaie of the honours of the evening the epilogue which is written in latin elegiacs by cne of the masters or sn old estminster u in tended to be a humorous skit upon crenis snd follies of the day sx i for some yesrs past has been published ca cziaua by the rimer it is delivered bj the actor m the comedy now attired ic evening dress finally in socordancj with the tune-hon- ocred custom the prom iters come before the curtsia and pass a col ege cap to the old westmmsten who 11 it with money oat of the sum thus coqectei the cost of the performance is paid the residue being di vided among the actors between the acts the scene inside snd outs de the theatre is of the most fiw rind no aooaer hai the curtain fallen tha t the ycung old westminsters jump up i nd push their wty oat soa taty b coo ad reacwiaa otd frieadtiiip in the passage some brave the cold sir for the sake of a cigarette some get behind the scons to chat with actors and oushtthe mysterious beverage known as tackwhey few thin js in life are mare plesssnt to witness ths the meetings st westminster of old schoc fellows who hsve not seen esch other for y isis tad ia hesr them speak of old qusrre s and scrapes and pleasures on the very see le of their occur rence inside the fheatr t the scene is not less bright everybody i s chattfng with his neighbour the queens cholsrt sppointed to sttend to the ladies ar i manifesting con- sideiahle energy ia the diicharge of their duties the leaders of the claque are making short work of tome sac cwhey and sher ry pit brought to the 11 grsve looking dxvmes are srguing a oint in connexion with the plsp snd many adies are induling in flirfaaou under difficulties by 1030 oclock sq it over and u the- audience leave oot as at a theatre hi a stream but in groups ihe boys go dow i stsirs for supper and totals of whatlis1eea done and left undone ut the pcrc rtnonc e roralexceaxge hotel jire clark proprietor one of the most cmnmadiots hotels in the county good commercial boom the bar it always sup plied with the choicest brands of liquors and cigars firstchua stabling sad atten tive hostler house situated in the frati- aest part of the village r clark proprietor aash for skins i as prepared o pay the highest cash price or all classes of lamb aad sheep skins delivered at my tannery lace leather constantly on hand iliy james hoore eattyb guide to elegant writing a green end a coxflttz eelrllstecctoe is plus axd ozxuaxtu penmanship young people wishing to scquire a rapid tsiy tod beautifnl handwrting without a teacher will sad the guide a perfect in structor ftnndrrdt are becoming beautiful writers throughout the dominion in the united stsf et by using it it coneists of a series of core sum of ojarenieot tie for practiiing which con tain copies beginning with the first princi ples snd gradually progressing to the most elegant plain and ornamental writing an oesixrstaj- shut containing german teat old english snd ornamental letter ing offhand flourishing of buds ac a boon or fxrrr paoies with full analysis snd instruction and a beautifully engraved case to contain the whole price 100 postpaid address 8 a beatty k co ontario burinest college i belleville ont sept 1 187 10ir one of the plumbing estsblishments of danbury took in a new jour the other day he was from a ismlet aver in new york state a little hamlet where he had worked with his lather the day after his arrival there was sburst in the water pipe of a house on pine street he wat aid to gs over there ud attend to it seeing the owner of the house in the shop he went up to him and gof the par ticulars of the break i nd then tie made ready his tools aad start 1 just at he wat passfn out of the door the proprietor saw aim where are you ging he almost screamed the new man told himl do you mean to tell me that you are going up there to fix tha pipe without ex amining it he gasped why i am going to look at it when get there said ths new nan merciful hearens ijaculated hit em- ptoyer catching hold ol tha desk to sup port himself can it le possible that you can do t fob at one visit dont yen know your trade any better tin a that 1 have you no pride- in your buaiieat why youd ruin the entire oommui ity ia leas than a year and the rpeakai burst into tears at soon i e grew c iruer he explained to the nevt n that h should first visit the house nnlc a thoro igh uttminatjnn of the building get the lay of the streets find the location of he near st hydrant go up oa the roof of the horn e and then return thoughtfully to the shop for his tools keep ing aa accurate record of the time tielibkry if i were to begin life now snd lay anew he foundations cf a li brary it should be largely a biographical one literarypor- i make- money faster at work for at than at anything else capital not re quired we will start you 1 12 per day at borne made by the industrious men women boys sad girls wsated every where to work tor nt j now it the time costly outfit and terms free address tscz t co augusta maine in wnich moral impressions w healthy aod deep may be left ot the eontcieaee aad heart t think of it each i eek may introdnce yon to some man or woi urn of geaiu mon arch general statetaaa philanthropist scientist inventor disc ivexer poet artist may tee hit whole life- the dawn of his ge nius hit struggles aad onwi hit wrongs sjid trinrnpattnit intell ctual strength yon may take a look throng ihio st his century you may see how he t eafed hit wife and children yon iray kai w what lie had for dmoer and the beat thngi he and hit guests gosiiped about yon an y area rummage hit private letters eavesdropping and 1 eyhole listening are contemptible unlet wi do it at the remote of a generation thi n it ft biography histories ire tha large laadteapet aad bio- grapbief art the stereo topis inferion of the part t78sftflbe0ipe8 i fctrunrcu pousi alcohol 21 ounces i gum ahallao s ouhoeti liuted oil 14 ounces gum beoroin 2 bunces exilic acid i ounce white resin 2 ounces dis solve the gums and acid ia the alcohol let it remain hourt and then add the oil this polish hat been in ate ia my family for ally fifty years jiu a damp climate and las been found to keep the furniture in per- feet condition j j i to km bum raoii havtva bras ie no end of receipt for clctntkg beds and at a hotelkeeper have perusps paid orr 300 for various nostrums mr plan it during the next month mirch to hare all my beds taken to piecet to icrab aq the folatt and ends with water and soap snd then to use any hard ttrojah for ths eoda slats tc i know ot ao other method aa easy or at thor ough t have used thta in georgia and florida when verau abound i bjtixtrait haio chop into hash come cold meat corned beef beef or mutton or fowl seaton with aalt aad a little pepper also a little butter if liked boil enough po- ftoel to make when mioheot twioe the quantity of the hath muhj the potatoes to a cream adding before the pasting atable- tpoouful of batter and a tablespooaful ot salt fill au cirlhea baking dish with the potatoes rounding it handsomely in the centre of the poutoct make it deep hole isrrr enough to contain the huh round it n tc and bike a ltght brown garnish with celery- to i brtrrio eoot bjd the eggt hard cut themin tro iengthwite jtnd remove the yolks which chop sdding to them some cooked chicken lamb real cr pickled tcngue chopped fine leaion the mixture sua add enough giavy or the raw yolk of egg to bind them bfah the cavities smooth them and press the tro hslres to gether roll them in beaten egg sud bread crumbs when just ready to icrre dip them in a wire basket into botiiac lsrd drain serve oa aspkia girnith with pais- ley or leaves or lerve withltoraitosauce potato pum take cild rout meat- beef mutton or veal aad ham together- clean from gristle cut small and season with pepper sad salt alio cut pickles if liked bail and mash somej potatoesj make them into a paste with sn egg and roll out dredging with sour cut round sith a sau cer put some of the teasdued meah upon one half and fold the other like a putt pinch neatly and fry a light brown bread ffodekq half a pound of sae bread soaked in warm wster for ten min utes and wrunz dry in a plean cloth one quart of milk four eggs yolka and whites well beaten together two oonoea of butter one even teaspoonful of salfl half a pound of wellwashed and picked curvints dried in a towel one coueecup light brown sugar half a grated nutmeg mix well butter the pan snd bake for threequartrs of an hour in a hot oven cost sbbat 30 centi st present when eggt are cheaper 25 cents snd ia snmeient for eight people bosros cutis caen put in a f rj ing- paa or other flitbottomed vessel onehalf pint of wster snd one cup pf butter when boiling sdd two cups of sifted sour stir well three or four minutes snd put into a deep dish to cool when rierfeotly oold add five eggs aad traipoonfal of asleratai uitjmtiluo egg can be teen allow one tablespcoutttl of this to each cake snd bake m buttered pane about four inches apart m a very hot oven about i5j minutes when baked make an opening in the side of each cake add put ia three tesspooufuls of cream made aa follows to on pint of botluig wster sdd two eggs one ecro of white sujrar half cup flour well bealenftogelntr when cool flavour with extract of lemon comx asd era rotr srcx feesova i have found that a sick person wanting nourishment snd ha ring lost appetitej oouid often be sustained by the- following when nothing else could be taken hake a tlroog cup of coffee adding boilag milt as usual only sweetening rather more take an beat yolk and white together thoroughly boil the coffee milk snd sugar together and pour it over he beaten egg in the cup you are going o serve itl in thitsjnple receipt 1 have used frequently in hospital practice cszcr on carhot sotr frjcure sir fine red carrots scrape and wash well alios very thin also two heads of celery two onions two ounces of hard limflarly two cloves one blade of mace one sprig ot thyme one teaspoonful of salt one of sugar half teatpoonful ot pepper one small bay leaf if handy place the whole in a stew- pas with three ouncet of butter stew gen tly for cat hoar rub through a floor neve puce the pulp in same stewpea add two quarts of stock or broth aad bring to a boil ittrring all tha time add a little plain boiled rice in the absence of brcth add a little milk or wafer in lent j soot pea ftotfb three pounds of meat aad a bone cost 25 cents put ft down in four quarts of wster pare aad slice two small carrots cost i cent one small onion one bunch bf celery tops or the rest may be used oai red pepper aad onehalf a turnip cut up very small cost 1 cent set it to boil where it w91 only sim mer until the water has waited one quart then take out the meat sprinkle a little salt aver it takeout thi bone aad strain the toup free from the vegetables f wash the temp boiler aad return thi soup to it tea- tan with salt and a littlej cayenne pepper tad thicken with two large tableapooafult of pea sower wet up with cold water oott 3 centt tosst very brown oae slioe of bread aad cut it into sippets and put in the bottom of the tuteeu coat i cent i total ceati expease tex man who wrole hat nothing wit impossible never tried jo find the pockets in nil wifes dress when it was hanging up in a clothespress j j what does trassitlsntic mean mam ma r acrosstho atlantic child hold your tongue and ask aoj more questions then does transparent mean a cross mini ma 1 what i want to get at it the animus of the transaction said the judge i but your honour said the complainant there wasnt any mute st all he came up quiet like and grabbed the coat and wat off with it before i law what he wat at no sir there wasnt toy mutt so many pepole are shot where the doc tors are unable to find the ball that it it suggested that a thread be attaohed to bul lets with a spool ia tha rear of the cylinder of the revolver to that the doctor can take hold of the thread tad pull the bullet out many valuable lives would be saved that way a wroowxa ia xawreace kaatai was en gaged to a widow bat his love wai to lan guid that be wat la ao hurry to be married a friend from ottawa visited him fancied the widow aad said thahe would like her for a wife the widower offered to tell hit right to her for 250 and the money wst paid the widow marrying tha ottawa man and going home with him but the widow ert love wat warmed by ibsence ha went to ottawa courted the woman anew aad eloped with her the c ttawa man has lost his money and his wife intuyt that hav ing had mora than enough ot the latter be u willing to call the iccqunt sqnsrei mhoeiilaireotjs items a weatht man wearaa high oholer a kill hiaxi the bust ot shakspeare itijuuaai ts do uneven game iti a tie mxx ilip and snow ilides look out or both of em j i it ia the break of day that prevents night from going too far tits wild bull is not a plesssnt animil hit hatered ia proverbial uiat niilmx will toenappet in london in a new play entitled the crimson croat j nonnxo sours more quickly thin the milk ot human kindnei j hat this thought ever a curd to you war does he new moon remind one of t giddy girl i became she it too young to show much reflection tor postmaster at redwood is named whttewood and he it the only perron in the town who reads blackwood yet the worlds a itage sndf we are he acton bat did you ever stop to think how few of ut ever receive an encore i sisa asoxq or stxmcx dates from the sixteenth century aad three blind mice is in a music book dated 1009 it hat been ditcovered by a cloie observer that henpecked unbinds are in variably men with hairless lips it takes a mustache to awe a female there til i yotro f mtu of pihajn ttit domi iloorslde tf his u t ttiej- hid joft doosod he futa whea br ptrats cusc la and the roans msa schlered hit resin now if yritt have got any weeding you wsnt done im your mau earnestly ex claimed a irunp who was st the back door of a dinbury house thursday looking for work j wmt the ucuble runner at work thinning out the small boys and the kerosene can converting servsnt girls into sngeli the worll bds flr to be a comfortable p to live in i ctkse the hour wo were married i exclaimed an enraged husband to his better half to which she nuldly replied- dont my dear for that was tha only happy hour we have ever seen ove of the largest of the great mattou salt mines it norwich bmrfyt ra litely lighted with the electric light the expert ment was to successful that this method ot iqurninabon ia likely to he adopted now look lout mastert of vetsels from china to frisco for if a chinese isdy gives bjth to a baby snd there are already fifteen of the nstonatity aboard the little almond- eyed creature must wslk the planks ik struggling o make a doll brained boy understanclwhat conscience itf the teacher finally asked i what makeiyqu feel uncom fortable after you have clone wrong fathers leather strap feelingly replied the boy j onbathurst street a well known lady being unable to spesk j sloud for a short time from a bad cold her fouryearold boy wai wooderiogly ltd to ask of s member of the household wheres mothers holler gone to jt is all very well to talk about economy but the dinicaity is to get something to eco nomise the little baby who puts his toes in his mouth u almost the only person who in these hard times msnsges to make both ends meet ak enterprising newspaper has found a young lady who blushes goes u bed at 9 eats heartily speaks plain english respects hex mother doesnt want to marry a lord snd knows how to cook now wheres your msnihti at the eoattui theatre in rome a piece called moo fafacca has had such a run thia winter that the guards on duty were frequently compelled to charge on the crowds which tried a force in entrance at the doon and drive them away hfr dearest maria wrote a recently married husband to hit wife she wroe back dearest but let me correct your grammar or your morals you r me 1 ify dearest maris am i to inppote you have other dear marias wkeztherecatsui the irk is a ques tion that is troubling the religious editor of sn exchange certainly then were and the first thing they said after leaving the ancient craft wit if there t ararat round here we want to gopher it thi dty before a turkish girl is msrried the is taken to the bath by her lady friends snd lumps ot mgar are broken over her head at a forecast of the sweets ot matrimony a year or to afterward her husband breaks the whole sugarbowl over her head i regard a girl ot 13 or u sail he principal of a cincinnati school while on the witness stand last week u one of the most dangerous piecet of mischief a man can come in contact with her mind it so full ot bad thoughts snd evil purposes a nevada paper tells of a chinese cook who was reprimanded by his mistreat for not having cleaned the- fish well that hehad served up st dinner the aext time here wis fish in the house the went into the kitchen aad law john carefully waaamg the fish with a fiat piece of brown tosp lrrrut miss maeksy little mia flood and hatter obrien children ot the bonanza kings wen lately rescued from drawing by a san frsadsoo man who singlehanded and alone at the imminent risk of hit owa life dragged the three out ot the cold dark water into which they had broken while skating the- bouanta kings were so over come by concurring gratitude that they each contributed l0ootd00 and mickey handed the preserver of their darlings a cheque on he bank of california for the tang turn of 3000000 but the man positively declin ed with a fine carl of hit lip to receive the money declaring that he had ao use for it fp s it turned out that he was a plumb- mftcaoujri lot tot ohfldreil from bsrnrs kitasfas j it ia one thing to be fond ot children and another never to get tired ot them aad mioanlay hannah says was one of those who never got tired he of tea ipett the whole morning it her home playing with the children aad then liter luncheon carried one ot them off for a long walk- but thi great treats for him at well at tor them wen the excursions into the city to see the showt these did not come of tea enough to nit either him or the childreni- twice a week it laid to have been the ave rage he would hare liked aad they used o last till the little ones to use his owa e preation could not drag one leg sftr the other the afternoons diversion be gan with a bountiful luncheon ia london to wbish macaulay always added some knkkknack or which the ohudren had an especial contempt or the pleasure of tee ing them reject it with loom the after noons ughts were the uoni snd bears the panoramas and the waxworks or even the british uueum one day he tells their mother ia a letter how all tha ether exhi- bitions being exhausted he took the chil dren lo the national gallery and how while charley and margaret played the ooaaoissear georgy said honestly let us go then it nothing hen that i care for at all and again i dont call this see ing siijhla i bars seen ao tight today au ot which seems to hare amused ma- mb barey in hit work retaia in 1870 tells the following ttory of the time when slavery ni aa institution in that country a certain ironmistar caused a man who bad offended him to be looked up in an iron cage and kept him confined in it tor a length of time at last while he was absent oa a journey the case ot hit wretch ed prisoner came to the knowledge ot the governor of the proviaoe the governor canted the man cage ud ill to be brought to the government town and invited the tyrannical ironmaster to dinner after the dinner was verthe gowner seat for a quail ia a wooden cage ad affered to eell it to hit guest tor 10000 rouuet the offer heiu treated at joke the governor said fflaraort laatllu c msl and told hit lemnvto bring it la folding doort exw open aad the iron k oper able ojptfwwm tet doa wore the atton- bed pert rkow ui tte governor iwbatdo v think cf that for a quad t i bn toil ii 1 very expaww wrd r want canity greatly the elaborate process of sending i vileulioe to an htle niece alice it recorded at length tutu diary febru ary 12 he buys a superb sheet of paper aad writes the valentine february 13 he sends it off to his uter fanny at brighton to be forwarded february u the whale entry of the day ia about the valentine how finny came at three with the chil dren alice in perfect raptures and bar ging quite pathetically to be told the trufh about it when they wen alone together the utile witch the was going to be very serious and down she gees oa her kueea lifting up her hands ia lupplioatio dear uncle do ell the truth to your lit tle girl did you send the valentine t aad then he had to own it macaulay would do almost scything o please his fsvourites he even tried to like their doge and dogs he wat not food of in one place in hit diary he denounces the animal as a beast that is slwsys spoiling conversation but when the dog wat a pet of the chil dren that waa another matter and he bought things for him at the shops and made poetry about it to aa extent which made the chfldrea happy it it had ao par ticular effect upon the dog when ha waa bury upon the ssoond inatallmmt of his his tory he would spend some precious time in inserting a gold pieoe in the seal ot a letter to bos nephew george so that might slip patk the postoffice authorities and would transmit it with the casual re mark that while the best part of a ladys letter was in the postscript the best part of an uncles was in the seal one day coming out from a collection of pictures he ut a msn delightful picture he rays fnan any there it was four pretty little sis ters from about eleven to ox yean old rnl- mginadonkevcartiaa deep ahady lane and quite beside themselves with delight at the treat they wen laughing and swr- ing in a way that almost made him cry with a sense of the beautiful and when he asked them to go on they aang like little larks whereupon all the silver he had in his jackets went to bay dolls wise sayings from don quixote besuty ia a modest woman it like a fine or a aharp sword at a distance neither doth the one bum nor the other wound those that come not too close to them j keep your i moatn shut snd your eyes open j the absent feetand fear no ill selfpraise depreciates the dead tothe bier the living to good cheer j all women let them be ever so homelyn are pleased to near thnmselves celebrated for then beauty squires and knights errant are subject to much hunger and ill luck liberality may be carried too far in those who have children to inherit from them virtue is always more persecuted by the wicked than beloved by the righteous everyone is the ton ot his own works honey is not for the mouth of an ass no padlock bolts or ban can secure a maiden to well aa her own reserve wit and humour belong to genius alone the wittiest person in a comedy it he who plays the fool there isao book ao bad bat something good may be found in it we an all as god made us and oftentimes a great deal worse i let a hen live though it be with a pip we cannot all be inars sad various are the paths by which god conducts the good to heaveo i i covetoataatt bnrttt the big it it easy to undertake bat mon difficult to finish the tiling j the term u equally applicable to all ranks whoever is ignorant is vulgar by the streets of bysndby one sr- rivesat the house of never i between tha yes and no of a wo man i would aot undertake to thrust the point of a pin pitienoe and shuffle the cuds a soldier had better smell gunpowder tbao mask other ment pains an easily borne a bad cloak often coven a good drinker pray devoutly aad hammer on stoutly when a thing is onoe begun it it almost half flaiahedj lay a bridge of silver tor a flying enemy the jest that gives pain it no jest m dont smoke waste the oanuy is a city gentleman hat a beaatif ul canary bird which hat been kept for some time in hit readingroom u the gentleman wu vary fond of hearing the bird ling now it ao happened that the caaaryi oage hung just above ths chair in which tha gentleman aged to tit and smoke at time won on it wai noticed that the bird ceased to ring altoge ther finally one day the bird waa ob served wildly endeavouring to keep hit perch aad floundering about the eaga u though diuy and very weak it occurred to the gentleman aad ait wife that perhaps the tobacco smoke might have something to do with the lirdi strange behaviour ancrit wutakea loio another room thi pan air teemed to bare a good effect in a day or two it wu heard winging though in weak and tremulous rof oe i altera week had gone by it began to aead forth note of parity spd clearness aad at the end of a fortnight it wu itself again y tat prrajnids r i lyottlhtoeatemponrtrsritw the sge pf the pyramids is doubtful the object for which they wen built it certain thin it ap need hen to examine curious speculations to which their measures have like the numbers ot maaethoi list seemed to offer thetaselves with a strange facility like false lights that lead a traveller into the qiicksaads they were royal tombs and nothing more we need apt draw any idea of astronomical use from their fining the car dinal points whereat the chaldean pyra mids pointed to them nor in the case of the great pyrsmid from the curious cireum- i lance thai at the ime of its building the eutranoe passage pointed u thi then pole star a draconis nor from the excellent tlitform for attronomical observations pn its summit nor from its eaiit measures bej lag ia exeat egyptian oahtts without frac tions then may have been religious rea sons or the orienrstion of toil and other egyptian pyramids bat it ii quite obvrbat i bat a diviatoa ot direction would have produced a disagreeable discord in the plac ing ot these geometrioallyihsped buildings it wu no ase to point a paaeage to the pole star u it had to be closed at the complev 3ltioa ot the structure after the kiagi lepul- ture the platform did not exist when the casing ot the monument wu complete to its apex the most famous buildings of sati- quity wen constructed ot full measant without fractions m all their chief dimen sions avhat perhsps originated id the difficulty ol observing i due proportions whea frictions wen allowed becarhe a mat ter of religion the pyramids then wen tombs ot kings xsch had its nsme the gnat pyramid wu called the splendid r the iccoad pyramid strangely enough the great the third pyramid iihe siperior each must have been the chief object of a kings reign j begun at or per haps ia some esses baton hit looeanon it was built oa a plan which allowed constant addition aad speedy completion that the pyramids an the measures of the reigns of those who built them and happily ia many oases we know from the iombt aronad who these royal builders were the main prin ciples ot an egyptian tomb in this age an she same in the pyramids and in the smaller kuht tombs though the mode in which the 1 ri 1 3 j x im m principle an carried out it different these smaller tombs consist of a quadrangular mass of masonry like anohlone truncated pyramid having a pit entered- from above itvr to a sepulchral chamber cut in rock beniathp and within ia also a chapel entered from an external door and a secret chamber to contain statues of the deceased the pyrsmida represent the purely sepul chral part of those structures in front of he entrance ot each wu a chapel to which wu probably attached a secret chamber the form of the pyramids it probably trace able to the natural shapes of the desert mountains all egyptian architecture is charaoterited by the same sloping lines u these mountains varying uko them from the shsrp inclination of the pyranuda to tha very slight slope of the built iambs ixtd it may be added of all the great msatire gateways of the later temples whether these forms wen thus derived or ant thetaadoptioa most hate been due to heir extreme itrengh the manner ut whteh the pyramids wen constructed wu first shown m prof lep- uuss letters from egypt the objects of the royal buhden wu strength of posi tion a secun place of sepulture aad a me thod by which the nionument could be gra dually increased from year toyear aad fin ished with little delay when the kiagi death made this necessary a site wu cho sen oa the low table land of the libyan de sert aad a slight elevation wu selected u a peg oa which the itrucnure should u it were be pivoted in thia com of rock a loping descending paaaajre usually entered from the north wu cot o snffirirnt sira- for the conveying ot a sarcophagus leading to a sepulchral chamber above and around the rock a solid ttructun of masonry wu raised of cubical form but with slightly sloping sides in the cue of the kings aeath at this itage ot the work the pyramid waa at onoe completed by the addition of eloping lateral masses and a pyramidal cap roughly thia additional work did aot ex ceed m quantity the first construction ex cluding the excavation if the king lived on the first construction wu enlarged on each of its our sides so u to form a great platform on which a second central mass wu raised aad a pyramid ot two degrees without filled in angles wu formed at this stage tile work could be completed if necessary or if the king still lived each platform from the lowest could be increased on the simi principle the form ot the py ramid ot steps ai ftvtti the central mo nument ot the necropolis of memphis is a good qlnitratioa of the general principle and the change ot angle tn the soathernjpy- ramid of daahoor is valuable u a probable instance of hasty completion e m it a great den of snakes thousands of beptilea houted from their winter quarter and kulexj nleeeto eattui aid tto cotptty edionrn ed laloadtafcribed hannoay to their eosee a illreia4i notice in an exchange com- menoes lypchpynn all the puna we could think of ia an hoar wouldnt taproye that to wop let it stand stripped of all pangraphio adornment a babrrvj the kind of man we seldom paeetit he who can pick a singli fin pieoe from aiiong pocketful of keys a gloved hand when hehu but two ee to oatch a trim and answer political qi tioai at the tame time without being oetted j from lh atchison pslriot intm extension of the central branch road from beloit to cawker city kansas the liai passes through the town of glen elder x ihort distance from glen elder on the solo mon river u t steep ud rooky bluff about fifty five feet high a laage portion of whioh wu blast away to make room for the road bed a few days ago a butt ot nrtrglyoerme bapt and giant powdei tore off t large part of the bluff and aown the declivity same writh ing and rolling a bun- ot snakes almost u large u a barrel they were of different va rieties rattlesnake predominating with ra cers adders garters to when first routed from their warm bed they wen active and pdaageroua but tho seven cold eoon made them comparatively harmless and they wen killed by the men without much trouble or covered up ia the dump by earth and stone every blast onoe the first datph appeared hu brought another huge bundle of reptiles every hour ajnoving writhing lump cornea rolling down the hills only to separate at the foot and thote that escape the ltboreri pick and shovel crawl off to get covered up in the dump thousands of snakes have been unearthed and killed not one cue of snake bite hss yet occurred notwithstanding thai it n away- times almost ihpoaaible to avoid stepping oa ike e mbit at the snakes an u large nana u a- maat riit and abont three or three and a halt feet long farmers ay that tail it the regular winter den of thek venomous oreeturet ud that daring the autumn snakes an teen headed in the direction ot thebltgs and the only way they can be turned from their rjoane it to kill them o i 1 what boy will be the first to inaugurate spring kite flying gamuiw hat written a litter to the effect that it fhe present king renders italy pros perous he will deserve the grafitade a all italians including the republicans the latter pretend that the old man hai sold out in hit dotage i last year then were farty thousand taaohaa at the rural school districts in italy end one million five handnd tfrnhiinr pu pils the nnmben bare n in creased since obligatory edaeaflo wu de creed in 1877 i ti from utt oonhlll xsgetiaa from the computationi at entha appears that london with all im i oovanwithmtrrtlslnuwnniu ing cross nearly too aaaim moee ben within tieetteandiftte over inhabluata it contain more oodi pinotii than toeobttntiei of derail gloucester oombmdorh7 per test st i g aa six minutes a death vrltaitba- etftje elnedy named then en added to the e tion 205 person every dey a annually loadonhat 7000 mile of and oa u average 28 miles of new itreett are opened and0oooniw houses built every year one thousand mewli and ninethoaiand sailon an in its port every day its crime it tlso in proportion to it extent seventythree rtimrt par tout an innnally taken into custody by the police and more than one- third of all the crime in the country is committed within its borders thirtyeight thousand persons are annually committed for drunkenness by itrmagistratet the metropolis comprises con- siderably upward of 100000 foreigners from every quarter of the globe it contains more roman catholics than rome itself mon jews than the whole of palestine mon irish thsn belfast more scotchmen than aberj deen and more welshmen than cardiff l beer shops aad gin palaces are to numerous that their frontages if plsoed ode by side would stretch from channg cross to chi chester a distance of 62 miles if all the dwellings in london could thus have their trontiges placed side by side they would ex- tend beyond the aty of york trad on hss nmeiant panpen to oooapy every hawse in brighton the society which advocates the cessation of sunday labour trill beastoa- lined to learn that 60 miles of shops are r every sunday wibi regard to criei and chapels the bishop of lon don examined before a committee ot the house of lords in the yesr 1840 said if yon proceed a rmli or two sett of st paali yon will end yourself ia the midst of a population the meet wretched aad des titute of mankind consisting of arhflcera labourers beggars snd thieves to the amount of 300000 or 100000 souls throughout thia entire quarter them i not mon than one i church lor every 10000 in- habitants snd in two district then is but one church for 49000 souls in 1839 lord john russell stated in parliament that london with 34 parishes and a population of 1170000 bad church accommodation for only 101000 these snd other statistics furnished led to the metropolis onorenea fund established in 1830 which hu been followed by the bishop of londons fond ii u still computed however that at least 1000 new churches and chapels an required in the metropolis v m oi a great farmer dead- michael l sulhvant was not long ago known u the great illinois farmer he first came into prominence u the proprieto of broadlands in yermiuion co hi considered st that time one of the largest farms in the united states selling this to mr alexander ut 1567 mr sullivant re moved o ford county and began improving an tmmn tractof laad there onmpnarng a whole township snd more and decerning widely known u the 8nllivant farm it numbered 47000 acres and waa about eight nnles square much of this vut estate he devoted to cornraising his theory being thai com could be grown with fairxirofit at only fifteen cents a irashel five yean ago it u stated he owed but 50000 on his pra- perty while he held 200000 in good paper at that time m order mon raptclly to im- prove the estate mr sullivant oegan losn- ing money of r sibley in this city to whom re fixudlymortgsged all the land for large mteresta fcoatrasted si with poor crops indtamall prices and stringent times had their usual disastrous resnlti mr sibley came into possession of the sullivant tarrm and mr sullivant made an inignmmtoi his entire property to cover sn in of about 1500000 for a short time his v interest payments ran up to 5000 a montij one winter it took 200 mules the entire season to haul nil corn crop to market and reven yet be conldt nottneet demands against hrm last week lie died a passenger on an ohio river steamboat sged and woree than permileaa another sad illnstration of the poverty snd want that may follow fortune ud plenty he was called a good neigh bour an honest man and an able business manager a railroad of tunnels and bridges geeevi camsposdeoca of the london tunas besides the big tunnel then are 12 others the shortest of which warren is 1106 yards long while the longest the olberg reaches 2027 yards the total length of these 12 tunnels is very nearly 10 miles 15278 metres then then an five tunnels between 220 snd 650 and 25 between 110 snd 220 yards making in an 62 subsidisry tunnels of an aggregate length ot 16 muee between timmiim and qaechenen there wiq be 33 tunnels between airolo and gin- biasco 17 thi highest part of the liae above sealevel is the tug tunnel 3307 feet the lowest a point between cadenazio and mag- adino 675 feet the ime win be carried- over 64 bridges and viaducts the longest of which that of ctdenaxto in tenia will consist of five arches each having a span of 65 yards the total length of the gotnard line will be 15k aus 17 per cent of it being tunnels and 1 percent bridges and viaducts in the first instance the line fat the greater part of its length will be tingle but the tun nels aid permuent way are to be so arranged that additional rails oaa be laid down so soon u the financial success of tiie enterprise seenu fa be assured if all goes well the en tire length of road will be m running order m from four to five yean the contract for tho stntch between brunnen and flnllen hu just been adjudged to a french firm roveillao ft bardal q tarbee who have ag reed to take payment to the extent of 900000 franc in the teoondclau debea tureaof the gothard company 1 fanning dogg an english terrier oae day kept plucking the areas ot tha servsnt snd of the mistress at last they followed him snd he exposed the cat unfo the bed devouring a beefsleaki the cat had been an enemy of his a ter rier wu deprived of his toft resting blaoein in easy chair by another dogj tifl there upon began a furious barking and icrtiching in one corner xthe second dog thinking rat wutherq rushed to the corner leaving the chair empty the other dog- having succeeded in nil rose sprang back aid took possession of hit ancuatomecf place another terrier wu ia the habttof catching files oa the window pane bat dreaded to oe laugh- at for missing one one afternoon lie wu onosnallynniaocetiful aadhls matter ridi culed him leverely he wu to mortified at hit failure that he af length pretended to kill the fly andtmacked hit lips imd tongue ud looked triumphantly up at hit matter but when his master pointed to the fly on the window ud showed him that there waano dead one oa the floor he think away under the furniture thoroughlv ashamed of hav ing been detected ia hit deceit i oxi day writes our correspondent i wu compounding a simple cough reme dy for my little threeyear tld who had a even oold hestocdwatchinaiheprooesj and asked ii it wu good mbrftinghim taste he exclaimed iti awful good mamma zsfiaafdasbbrejbi a comxsnseixt of the imbberrvfo mirier teut of tiger cub which it in the liabit of t ap all bit s cigar stumps he iecurtiieeluxnriouabij as they an thrown away and after hit batter hu retired to bed goto alight fiomthe kitchen ud eajoytja quirt emoke every night meaemrtau baveatameaairnalotthii irascible ipeoies to which he regularly handed over hie kook ah after enjoying rot m titordimer seda tive thi animal waited patiently for ms ton ud then puffed altay 5 i fer r cmfca

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