Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1879, p. 4

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a rnauiiats dm at toterflnht biodl 0ll tiesm to apis lbs usees telrf ottkem0uiirnl4 brtrkt srebsenu mm qmuafkttnktaittlnniumniilmitso tt in retm rltt ths maxutlokntgr fetr of stiecslst liftu itu ot laeufiloiiimt of cltdar r vie ittufs the duslti ew lutt t unmutl i tin kwa the mli u reckless revsltr tunic tad toes qm aodimeatal cam at eeostaat pslaj tbe punsocelot ibepoell heart ihsll wit sirsirai tbeffatluhioiaciarvarstreloica tin treebted east eiaoasobasdesp vocc 4rbetesnareciilmtbtltbltiii 01 0patu mtretes uk atoi tuita aboe oar peawutd taenia toss loariia tirttlr epltfu us wk tat rtjufcle wslls the lytic nrotv4ettmbcqrnilsoltj ot lots la saner eaitod vtstoas tib tust tsttt ana used to ooraaaiiutadtim lbs polite cartm tb erapheouled eiuakiin brattles stata brrived the afttdfut know i uowacti koshy coaiumtut tithlt tared tume vt ttif co tfitk ubt lett w bwejc lh ncu 1 iil avo1m vuowctmtudtroeitulae ai uu ud ptr t of the ereatojc breert tferobmoc mk faatml twfea jet divtso ailmrvldbii qmntortdnaaadmfc a roie or hlailarihv ltlrt t btwi m who crith for i ii dead wtflt rowid himi fcfl tfce waia4ikwlwlif jl tgtet tor uu miowetueflcfetiftma eprwtt rttt hen tie etu j v j f lb ffirst row on thai ftrtl fpttog uyj- jlrofc be all bdatttehauhmt ipul who iti mliine i taur prftfa br im y of tbir ou taac txpnmxkl t or il cheat sine the occpntm hope tbe note sad kerera tvatmtari dape4tslhcut ijt from oat whom dt the urbuai brj that dttubhf p mask kaic wt denlre 1 haw unllibtit wail 31mu ht utfqi ttl prccjcai fnruttrtuart is ib utl mtolbrmt b it kooitfit mi tunc uciidiwlatwrsttritm uhatoa petri 0 trt or bttarf tbnroatour b nunc xo prtrftjd p ajrapfc oh it be wbata iih ra mko nuainuxd voridfy n f i lofftrrd al rifln dtmale unqer ridifiiqtoroil but vut lfsi itveq tte ot- bi ntftft hoail ccrtfa tci htllt i m jjnltiland tff nth rmro n daring thallndkn mstity whtn t iiluhmnt ot tit td- aaavt p4w oolou i mw 0atl ffit chulai falioa m ttatod ttpttsdowa too bjr17iodl to iuurn th lh stir iflfaattritwialum thvtfldrwn gfiav- oatl fdnautndr mil though tita sitk acted httlv thyr van drtttt iff with haay lot thaii coliljbaiag ungorouily wonaded abindonng gua to tha msunma who dm no tha night effected jthcir ekape aamojaal ed it it mt otttn ia the tpice o 30 youtli regiment cia point ta three rettnci su icaa to tirwi tuch rapid ipofu of pran otioa i h befajlen the 24th in coma on with the reft of oar ooantrynien we iym thie deeply with tho renment in iu preaent miafortuneaiid can oaly trait thai jit will shortly live an opportunity o ahorlng that it cu liehnfe ai dathinglf in aj viotniy u it hu already thown it can act it jaouly under c tfcat a low teut o a regimefitt aiadpline jtfca zola army th zalui kmajaj- whara do tn anna coma from tho j eararmiactbaaiui footj j v turning fp thai force it vu fcoowu the jzttlnkiogcottldpnt intothe geljd va leant that it m atinutedat betnes 0oqo and 50jh0 men in fact it it compaaed of ithe entire catioaf capable of besroi trmc erery yonth on attaining the age of 15 u uittid into k regimtnt and altera years ceiyice permanently potted ta n nuiitary kraal of which there tin 12 in the cosntry there art 33 regmenti in the izolo army each hiring ill own diatisguiahtng dren araimenu the orguizxuon of all it alike they an divided into right and left winga each commanded by swing of- eer and tnbdinded tfain into 8 or 10 companies each f which hit scaptain and tbree snbalterns of the 33 regiments is are composed of married 15 of nannr- ried men the former ahive tneir jietdt which are then i bonsd ronnd with s bind made of theikea of aome bent itopud or otter pwloaiiitte they carry white shields r the ntmarried regiments wear their hair nstnrtlly and carryolset ihidii doll in onr senieof the word is nnfcnown the zaiutrmy bnt they perf few rimjle mcrfnedtt with cue and celerity thar disaplinej however is more- aerere when en ierri falling ont of tho ranka upnnuhibie wiih death which indeed aeems inflicted fpr the mt tririal ojocea- ah pffoert hxr their proper dnfaet and the men cbey j witiiaat ritecitltzon the cyitem of commissariat and trsuport is simple in the ertreme three orloor diyx provident mnrisang of mirrir or millet sre carried by number of boys or womct who also bring np mats smmnni- udo sdjbtaikers snd help to drire s heid of catre the ziint intmahy stack ia s crescent formation enrelopingthe flanks of their enemy on whom they pours cease lessfnteisde directly he is tnrronnded when within 200 ir 300 yards they with iondyejs make i nuh and after hiring expended their sssegsis or spears in the charge dash hi vnththeir shorttwotds the zata army unul istelyrss srmed i vita te nsasl cifire wespaaie rtfies of diren psttcrosr bimringhsm muskets snd the suejr liki jot istey nowever the king whose power 3s aespdtic insisted on each soldier prmdisghnnself with s breech- losdi g wespen thonssnds of srmsinj tht coaiaeof njfewmonths were landed at delagoav iuy and then znjsy passed into the hands of tha zulns the f6rtngns suthonties st uut tort were hot ppwerfnl enough to stop the traffic by doing so the wond nndoubtedly hive drawn down upon themselves thei wisli of cetywsyo snd their smsuutsehmentof 50 men was scarcely tofscuht defence for the town a eorrespo ideace on this subject passed be tween sir bsrtle frere snd the portuguese governor which istulted in the latter cnl- ciil himself to stop- the trade snd m gtm vsfr wsd sceordingly despatched to dejsgoi bsy to protect the inhsbitants that is iite doubt- however that it it not theforvuiuese sritoorities who are to blame for this nefsrious traffic in srms snd spirit with southern africa nnscrnpolons english trsdersi sre the- real offender it it these men hose love of money over- comet iu fslset delicacy ss regsrds patriot- itm whoincretjse our difficulties is colo nial wars tne ifaariet in kew zetland i wee armed with eogiith weapons u sow sre the zulus it u surely carrying the j principles of free trade too wr for our tuer- i ebanttto be allowed to supply the ammu nition and the weapons with which our brave colliers are susghtexsd tie inlitiry krssls of the zolos ssts the tma deserve come slight decription they sre in pjiht of fict fortified depots wherethe tsioui regiments assemble for their ttt training or mobilise in time of tit the jkasl is usual j- shout 500 yards in diameter snd fenced round with dry stake and wat led fence about five feet in beigbtj difficult to breach snd still harder to storm si it kweu surrounded by sn cbstiit of pjickly pesr bush thorns snd other fonmdsbls obsfacles inside this fence sre thrown up the mens huts snds smaller ring it generally erected in he centre in wtich the cattle ire kept the sings kraal is dlnndi or juhdim almoit inthfcentrectthecointry sixiegimenti numbering about 7000 men sre quartered here permanently another important krsslis situated a few m let to the norh of eorkes drift this wss the head- quarters ofsirxjo a brother of cetywsyo ft wax bumld shortly after hostilitiej opened a6d the chiefs son j killed in the eof sgemnt mottof the oiler kraals see in tht neighbourfcoad jot dhdini so tint the king is eimsfsntly ensbled to inspect hisfroop for the seamd time lu tie history of the regiment says the daily ttltjtmk the utk foct hsbeuilprscticsllpsjinibifstd for thethirdlimeit hu snred defeat at the handsof i semiditciplokd foe twice it h lost its colours the first occasion wu st chi msnwslub on tho 13th of jtsansry 1849 when badly supported by the hstiv regmenti cl jtr brigade the 24th hid to bear the sttcfc of fanr times its number of of b khs koby if fought thti day step by step the bbgameht fell bscfcnobly con- i- testlofe every inch of gronnt whed nisht fell the strife eesssisnd the following v mominjch officers snd upwirii of 300 rank snd sis of th 24xb had sniweredto lht mutterruwh no good soldier shrink 1 tt 8 cohjoel of the 24th with two of hit sons fell on this numorsbu oocssion but though the colours wnrekihir rsglmeat were the lioaeyfriliie of wivjas it it sometimes bucosttry- to look at things from the lowttt pouiblepliae in or der ta set them si they ut will it ptyf it s legitimate question fa mtoy cum in which it teems sa ungracious or sordid onsv sooetjmst too i failure to properly estimate th money value o a given thing results in a failure to appreciate its other sad higher wirih which can not be computed in dodtrt mi cent a loxnry which is also s necessity is doubly trainable and the moral prectorsuest of pnything is certainly not diminished by the fact that it happens also 1 3 htve s pecuniary worth i i- kor we sre pertbidul thtt there is no oontmonrr error than thtt of regsrdng wives and mothers ss expensive iluxuries or st best si psrsqnt who in conseqaence of their position are freed fromltha uw in the sweat j of toy race shakjlhou est hresl- we tslk of workingwomcn st s clsst by themselves we uy of i woman who teaches school or makes die tses or does anything ebs of tho sort jthst she works for her living and sllocthertoo mauf men spesk otthe moy jsuppucd to their wivet u money fisew to theuc kow the fact it that there sre no women who more truly work for their living tonn da sll worthy wives snd molhtrt more tain this- there sre no women whose worlc is of greater pecuniary v use than theirs sod the nun who ails to re ngnise these tacts does nit wife s sore injui see however tenderly he may regard her- however freely he mty onen his purse ito her in the capacity of s liberal snd willing beoeisctor i ilo be even s tolerably trp id wife he does her s grievous wrong wien he sulgnsher the place of a beneficisjy he hss no right to be her patron evek though he he s very munificent one ser work snd her care for eis interests st home hives positive mosey- vslue of very coniucrshlc- smount u any one nuy see upoarefiection sad this fact deserves recognition it the least count her persons ezpesses ss mere jvtges for work done snd skill brought tobesr in household mintgenient snd iu ivory few cues is the wis overpaid eiumsteher mcneyvslno by what the miglit earn in other walks of lifej if she hid devoted her time to the scojusuion of skill therein ss she hsi to the lesrsing of wifely a mother ly work snd itwilt be found in the msjori- tr of instsnoesthit she is uponj hslfpsy ifessnre her errici5 by the expense tber i performing would enuil were it necessary to substitute hirelings for her in the par lour in the dinfngjrootn in the nursery st the lewinimichioe lid it will be evident that hers is the ohrspest while it is the most faithful labour in the market i we know thtt this is s hamelyjtrutmeut for such s topic bht it is s wholesome one for all that sod the lesson is onewhtch csn not be too soon or too thoroahly leimed ko pcrioa passeaed of say ordinxry smotmt ofselfrespect ii eyer truly hsppy sts de pendenr apon snybodvs bqaaty sad we usre no right whsiever to fotoe into snch s positianie peopi who ofsll others most isirly earn tnemoterthev receive let us not be inisunderttoodt we would have no hiring between husband snd j wife no wsges in the haatwboid no atmosphere of trsie in the family circle bob the hns- bsnd of s faithful wife thouldj reconire hecright tos higher position isnd a ttester freriom than thtt of ft dependent snd bene- ficisry 1 ww- of tin 2nd jpwt of 6ht 8b44ift6phienrwif ttlt enccurxgamaat lor estatahtmters an americans tmooesafcil sat for pro- pertyfai pingtend trent tie ktw torfc world kow let ill the heirt of the jennings eststr snd of every other eistellited f in spsin srie and cku meetings and pot ther best loot foremost snd take np coutribui ions sod send out jtflvertongutt commit ooert to secure for their airy niulionsslpcsl lshits- tion aid ft name 1 ananuriosn or at u sst ft claimant from ameriesl uas setnsl- it proved his claim to sn estse in england sndisprhspseveanoweneringuponit it is only properto idd that he does not sppesr to be oecended from three bepthers who over in the mayflower tut perhaps hi triumph may be regsded ssnlythuthiii edge on the entering wedge the cue it it ftllerentsftcnrionsone ltwsshesrdlefore vice chsncenorbscfn on the 5fcpf the car- rent m nth snd is thus recited in the utn hester gttatx i the ctsmsnt hr w h coii s builder of uempui tenu sought to utiuitb his right u he r to s property kiown as lennox lodge southsmpton he ttatelthsthewn born inthe year 1820 itchelteohim where histher carried on the bustnew of s silk merce at the ige of 14 he went to sen sa ft oiidshinmsn servinz on bourn toe john coote- which wit dispatched itith toldien to bimbsy from jbombay he isiled to cteni snd thence homej snd oa srriringst chelttn- hxm he bund thst during his ibseoce his fa ther had cfasnged ks calling to be the editor of the citkmem ojnstu snd had sub sequently quitted his native town probably inconsequence ot flnanrislembarrusment and gone to anexcs lesving no trace of his wheresionti i to americx the bis stiff im- medutely followed snd sft r long inquiry sncxededinfuiding his father thrown the mediumof sdverfc sement his mother snd family hehidleftin the care cf snsnnt the proprietiet of i irmili- hotel where they ill resided hi fitter wtt acting st the time u special crrespooilent of the morning caoni- e2etowhichhe lentletteitfromfenhsylvsnis nnderthenosiiiiptom ofcrnmp ithe reasonfor the change of name on which the main issue of identity retedwu rither ob- senre and probatly connected withmnetary difficulties ithe plaint ff snd his father be came joint edit of the pcntuyuante en- panr snd ss sneh travelled or r the greater part of the united states he stopped st philadelphia with h s father til ibout 1p48 snd in the meantime hs funily sin came over and stsyed there after his fstheri death he travelled fork coniid rtble time and it last settled down is s builder in neworjeans he had sso seenj military experience hiving opposed mackenzie in his cnadan invasion snd taken sosctjrepsrt in the civil wiri his basinets wtd removed previous to the list- mentioned indlhe wss now it ikfempbis carrying on i builders businett docnmen- ury ind npa tea evidence wss gfren in sup- p rfc of the easel his lordship de ided in rivouroftheplaiiuffhodiogtbthiaidentity wssestafidsned rfi tez folowing scene took place the other dsy lu a fsris ristsnnnt on the cecum of a wedding diaaerv anwkwsrdwsitfn attempting to place on the table the coup tureen filled wjai fat chioken broth aril ed it contents on 1 ladys wfilta satis dresa the lady kresmed and x stir di with hysterics the waiter stooped and shouted is her ear dont despair madam theres plenty of broth fot left in the kitchen im going for it nowi uttti ethioptsn chiaee bis kin by mirrying iniot strings imilyl state or s atvlettll wttw id s trlsltorlsturdmv fromuit it unit aleufieaeem j murdat willous iiiia c44 nwoit ths force of its ipplcatioa isimnt sot with igti another sximpls jth thscry ooonrred ytsterdiy in tot coroner i office about noon young toao wfo aild hit name wu jsmos drey nailed and rrqusstod private interview with the coroner this wu readily accord ed and when the nutitc wen tcquettered in the chsmberof dorritt he pulled a letter out of hit pocket signed by the proiocutlng sttorsey of randolph oiuu ty tditkurt asking the coroner to conuda to the oire o his representitive mr cajey a iectionot skull uwed from the head ml man last july whom the ooioner had good retson to suppose had not met his da by fair means the puss name was micbsol carey and irquiry dkelopsd tint th visi tor wis bit bthe tto facts loading to this pecuiaemliioanreasfoljws on the moining c the 3rd of lutjuly ifn carey the wife of the deceased re siding in the suburbs potmud i dtih certiaoste to coronkr anler parportg to hivo wen tigtd y k physiciin of higite merely to the effect that the man whose body it icoompanied hsd died from a bon- taeous diseue iu ponsequenos of the in- 1 formality of the certificate ue coroner de clined ti ituc the burisi permit ordered tlie tody preserved on ice and telegraphed tuo randolph coonfy authorities for infor- tnition u to he mitmer ctrey hsd oome to his desth the sniwer oly stated that he hsd be n wounded in a difficulty st hibe a small lpwn on the kanui city land koi thern nflnv a post mort m demon itnting the extent b the iaj iriw hich wcreteveie cranial fraiiares wu hodand then the remains were delivered to the rela tive rud buried 1 conjecturing that st tome future day evidence u to the chrscter if the wound might bis valusbe or anler preservd that portion if the skull on wh ch they ha i been mflictod snd u it turnsjout his course wat a good one i from what wu loarno i from the brother it now transpires tiit the randolph county j suthorities hivereason to suppose tlitt carey jwis foully utnrdered by a feilow- litworec and the murderer a mm named bill tins y hu been srrettcdand iuduted for thee iae i j i the coroirer retased to trinsfcr he skull because no one bit himself could identiy it but nhen the trial it held it will be pro duced in evi unco s ipeechets ghastly wit- nets before the accnied tint omcierbosrd rraa the detroit free tre uri to three evenings ago such a thing u 1 checkerb id was i never known in mr gratisns hone he snd his sjd psrtner hive managed ti pui the long evenings very pleasantly and he supposed tney were hap py enough uuiil a friend from toe eut pud them a jlyinjr viitt and asserted over and aver if gain that the gt me of checkers wunot only all the tse there but that it rerved to quicken the perceptive faculties enlige the mini snd rea der thebrsin mo- esctive aftergivingthe i object due thought mr 0 rattan walked down town and pnrchasd a ehecterbard mi when evening csme he surprised his gad wife by bringing it in from the jrood- thed snd saying i well idsrtht well hsre a game or two before we go over to the tocia j i ex pect to b jat yon all to flinders bnt you wont ckie 0f courts not and if i beat you why yon wont cire the repied thiyrst down snd he claimed thsflrrt move she st one objected but when he begin to grow red in the fsce she yielded snd he led off at the fourth move she took a man chuckling u she rsked him in i do see sny thing to grin st ue tufered ss he moved t mn bstkwsrd v here you cant move that way i she called out t eftit eht perhaps i never puycd checkers before von we e torn f sae saw a chance to jumptco more men snd gave in the poiut but u she moved he crust out j put them meni light tack- there ive concluded not to mvebsckwards even if hdyle docs perm t it she iiive tnsgam bit when he jumped a min her nose greis red and she cried uut fl liidnt man to more there i ru thinking uf the soitil m help thi sociit martha we mutt gobyhoylej in about two minutes she jumped two men snd went intlj the king row ahoutiug crown tun crown him i ive ot a king i one would think by your childish te tloni tbst you never plsyed a game before he growled out i know enough ia best you yu do eht some folkt srs awful smsxt and some folks sint she snapped u herkugcaptarecsnothermin j what ialhundcr sre you jumping thtt wav fori a king can j imp any way kohecant y he can do nt talk bi ck to me mtrha cjnttin i wu paying checkers when yon were in your cisdle i dont cirej i can jump two men whichever wsv ypn move he looked dowit oa toe board uw that snch wa the east snd reared out youve moved twice to my once ihiveuc iii take my oath you have l i cant play against any inch blakeg practices wh it a blackleg you not only cheated but yon tried to lie out of ic 1 bord and checkers fell between them he could get on hit hit quicker thin the could find her bonnet snd that wu the only reason why he got out of the houserst a wobdwsrtsveixue grocer found him sit ting on sbuketjof cranberries st the dor si he u c oini op fur the night snd lik ed hint if he wi waiting for tut wife to come along i wellnot exactly i stopped here to foel ia my pocket for the key oi the bam i thal lie p on tho hay tonght and seerif it wont cure this cold in my head f 4 w i rtitmfijli ttaowj ot wm kpat sjuoft plsoo tf ln bh la wm of sram t cold flaot oa tht on aod b0wf brl i it to thsjaunmetlag potikifaiusl greaie wits eirsrsuff when clear put in tosvs gtr tablet yon like letting all stew gently toge ther for tit hcurt without interruption then strain f r uw if yon desire a brown ttock burned sugar or a burned onion thonld be utedj- j vtqttiiu stoci clean tnl cut tip some carrots celeryi tnrnlpa onlotis 1st- taoe parsnips and herbs put them las itepen with butter ind a little water snd itew until hi water it evtpovtted lod the butter begins tj hiu then 811 up with irtah water addnutaigi pepper silt sod i lew green peat j simmer for throe hours strain and use for msgre soupt of inyltind i l bakib scotch hiriiixo cut off the hesds of six hi r tings snd split the lib t ik ing outline backbone chop t tpoonful oi parsley tnd mince up in onion sue snd t little thyme andmaijvam take a piece of stale bread if not dry enough put it iu the oven when crisp grate or pound it up i lake a spoonful of ult ind quarter u much grcuud pepper and iprinko it over the fiih tnske a layer of flili st the bottom of a tin line heiiess-hanter- itiere sre u thiny heireuhuntert u heir- hunter sjud there is this much to be said in this connectiin the mm who for money marries woman is a mote deliberate wretch thin tie woman who for memey marriesaman he makes imstter of choice of it she tikes to it u a sheer matter of ne cessity he is active in his lying the it but a passive jtltehcod the merely inflect fier ce f to be juade love to but he ill direct diseimulifor h i whit a manly spectscle is presented to the world by this goldseek er of society i 1 ow he adorns his ribe i how he elevitjs our ideu of the possibilities of humanity 1 study him u he pursues the pith of his perfldiout cocrtthip liiteu to his elsborstejfasetocds what- a consummate sclcr i whse a look be cuts info hit eyes of a love that hu no place in hit heart i what an accent he throws infojiit voice of a passion put his no exiitence in his soul i wbst a thpioush muter of detail i how he graduates bit steps and compotes his looks snd governi his lotiont sl for one sole end of produitsg the required effect upon taewomskwho is to be at once hi bride and banker i whit a perfect man 1 how be takes advantage of a woman how he speculates upon her loving blwnesss how ha literally coins her sll confiding tenderness how he winds hit caressing irtni about her wslst imagining all the while he is dipping hit clntcning nngert in h w gn i tsz knrbije is the swell hotel of the citvof meuci it wu built in the lait centcry by a spanish nfblmaiiothu own residencel snd is spacions bat gloomy the emperori iturbide selected it u hi palace when the spanish dominion wu cwrthroifn i pas springing over them the bread oinmbe the parsley om nt i add to etch layer a tmill pieo bt butter j tswespoonfui tlto- gethei will suffice covtr over tho baking- pan vith a dish and bike ly a slow ure sbout a halfhour macatiosiixdhim tikeooeliifrouod ofuscsrbniputiliubotlinrultsndsterand oiikoi20mlooteiotuotutend r tiiejpeit mataktuprtpiriagmacaronlutjuvercooktt mscaroni thcud not be t dt so u to drop to pieces drain the micirni and put in cold water until you ire ready to me it take a quarter of a pound of the lean of cold boiled bain i chop fine i take half a cu ol tomatoes when thoroughly done thiouah a cousder thiektu with a tabuipoouful of fliur ind a tihtespoonful of butler robbed irnooth lty the mscarcni in s byer ipresdbii lha chopped ham add tome of the tomito nice i utile pepper i little salt lod to on until the dub it glfed bake ia a hot oven for 20 minutes this is enough for it people artl tirtoca fcddlvo put two a- blespoonfuls of tapioca into a bails with one pint of water ml let il soak 12 hours peel aosrter and core six spples boil the soaked tapioca with to tableipoonfus of white logar a little ult and four cloves until clear i stew the apples until tender with suar to keep them from falling to ptecei j then place yoqr it iwed apples in the bottom of a baking dih and pour the tapi- oca over heat mike k cuttard of the yolks of three eggs and nearly a pint of rich mrk lessoned with a little cinnamon pour this over the apioea tnd j apples tnd bake 20 minute when bake l make a frosting of the whites of three eggs ind two tsuiespconfnls of sugar return to the oven snd brown licutjr to be eaten wititiugtr snd cream cold bicmtzik pcntioro take two pounds of round itesk coit 20 cents ore teaspoon- ful each of summer savory celery salt and one small onion chopped nne esprit of psrs- ley silt snd white pepper coit sltogether s cents cut the steak up into small pieces snd place a uyer of it in a buttered dish the sides of which you hive lined with paste sprinkle over the itesk some of the anion celery silt tc idd mother uyer of iteak and teasoniog until ill ft used then pour over it a little water and cover with pute place on the top of it a buttered pa per snd stand it in a basin of boilisgwie- cover it fiijht ini let it boil two hours ana a half to make the pute tske cue tea- eup and a half of floiir a halfteupoonfu of ult initio ulkspooofuii of of reait- beef drippings tnd wet it up with a half- teacupf ol of water cost of all 4 centa to tal expense 29 cents this qasntity will make a dish sufficient for nvebcrious with the customary vegetahlcr swiss punoncajsift together hj pound of flcur onehiaping teaspooefni of bakintr powder and one of ut rub toge ther four ounces of grsnulated sugar and two ounces ot butter tad when they ire well mixed so u toj be granular but not creamy add the floor gradualy anlii all i used make i hollow in the middle of the floor put into it one gf half a teuppo fill ot lemon flaovuring and hsh s pint ot milk mix to a smooth faite put into well butter ed aod floured mold lad set thit ioto i large pot with boiling water enough to come two- thirds np the tide of the mold tteam the pudding three- quitters of an hour or until a broomsjliit can be run into it withont rnllwg the paddingi stiekinf to the splint tarn the pudding out of too mold sad send it to table with the following uuce stii together over the are one ounce etch of near sad butter is sornu they sre smooth pour ii to them fct f i pint of boiling milk sddj two ounces of tuar snd half a teupoonf si of lemon fliroarinr and use with the pud- ding u scon u it boils up a burmese massacre which was not perpetrated it msy fsirty be laid athough the alter- tiou ciraurs ei a bull that the most metn- orsble ia the long bit of burmese msssa- cres is one which wu hot perpetrated when the british squadron aopeaed off rangoon ai the opening of the lait war with bnrmab tbe native governor of the city sent a messenger to announce that every european within the walls should be put to desth themoment the first shot vu fired th s menace having no effect a tcore or to of foreign residentr including two americin miuioniries were ordered out for immediite exelution the word wis given snd the headsmin had just stepped forwird with hit huge knife when the first english broadside wu discharged shstter lag to pieces by a singular chine the very house infroui of wuich the governor snd his suite were standing fever iu 1 psnie raoro instsatsneous awsy rsn gov- ernor ofnceir hesdsman and all while the victnu bound and unable to stir remain ed kneeling in readiness for the fatal stroke with no one left to itleod to them they were speedily releated by a party ofbritisn bine jackets and ito complete thiitndden tumingof the abler the inhuman governor wu brought in by a sailor that very evening with his hands tied behind himjaud a gag in his mouth i um 4 oozusi othj trtek 61dbytlis4uy tat kqustot jvi all tht tear sottas tht rud ai id bolsteroui edstotnt formerly onittvedoa boird ship taob founiunoe u the cjremonles on crossing the line u related by nautloil writer at familiar to all our maters these sports the off- shoot of othir praotlssd in sarller times have in tbelij turn yielded to the mors rt- botdand raasonible mode of whlilng tho tedium of a mog voyage by theatricals reci tations concerts etc oroto gltes some on- rious initanow of the wsy in whinh the salts of former time enjoyed tbttr psst- tlmti at ta he mentions a cotton called the embusidbr practised opon ignorant follows or landsmen a warm litilu let the tpoit wit thin rosniged i a urge tub wu filled with water and two tool placed on eaoh tide of it over the whole i tar paulin or old tall wu thrown this wu kept tight by two penons who repnaeoted the king and queen of a foreign country and were sealed on the ttools the j pertou in tended to bo ducked wu called the em bassador aod after repeating a ridiculous speech dictated to him he wu led in grt itite to the throne end there seated between tbe king and queen who suddenly risiog r fell back into the tub of tbe emhu wster another fno wu call a tailor wb rvaoos practiced near the intonr or king artlur repreudted the king lldiou- louilydreiujl and baring in immenrt wig msde of oakum or some old stuff wu seat ed it the tide of or over a large vessel of witer every ulbr in hit torn wu to be ceremonlousty introduoed to him aid to pour a bucket of water over him crying hail kingaithur i if dnring this cere mony any leamta laughed or smiled to which he wis provoked by the wry see and facetious gesticulations of the monarch he had to change places and assume the throne until relieved by some other brother tar who had u little commsnd over his facial muscles uh m elf i i another etme on- board slip wu called hoop to run the hoopwu an ancient mtrine cuttotn feur or more boyi hiving their left bandi tied fast to an iron hoop snd in their right a rope called a nettle being naked to the waist waited the signal to bein ibis wu done by the applicat o i ofsttnie pf the cstoninstsils given by the boatswain to the back of one of the boys who struck at the next to him and so on until all bectuae engaged in what can scarce ly be eotlled an smuiing game for although at first the plows were gently administered each bsy irritated at the strokes of bis uejjhbour st length laid on lustily and the plsy becanie i earnest this custom wu practicxl hn the ship wu windbound the boyflogging brings to mind a prac tice of the french seamen in former dayt who believed that the spirit of the itorm would be propitiated by t unfortu nate middies at the maiamast ciboir cobbing wis a punishment formerly indicted- cu seamen for petty of fences snd m jularities this consisted in striking the offender with a cobbling stick or pipestaff j the number of strokes wu usually a dbien at the first the mflictor repeated the word watch on which all persons ou bend took off their hats on pain of like poniahmeot thelattttroke was slways givtn u hard u possible and wu called the yporte keelhauling wu a batbarout puniih- ment in thelnavy bat the followiog ao- count of keelraking wu a refinement ment on such cruelty it is described in six dialogues about sea service ltj if the offense be foul he the eeamao is slio drawn underneath the very keel of the hip and bsing thus under water a great piece is gimu fire to right over hie head as sell to utonih him more with the thunder hireof which proveth tnneh offensive to him u to give warning to all others to look out snd beware i a punissment to asilors for twearing is meotiooedl in the diary of ber henry tfcrogev chaptsiix oc ix at a amtact 1 07576 david thomas and merlin the cock and one muters boy tad their hands itretchedout snd with their back to the ratls and the muteri boy with his back to the mainmast sll looking one upon the other and in each bftteirmiuthsamandier- apise uanely an iron piune clapt heds nl there i hej stcotl s whole hdure till their mouths were vety bloody an excellent cute for swesrersf enad rnrtilia sttjfotte tictoitiqi xtvkriit tojorto farsiaiemtsitstun licet results rem the use of jour jraoarsrrss lull fonhit a tbs fimslm bsottlu toeftr- 1uf it an o ktstsatlr eoainf pan id to stum f hire it- s snort urns vtib tbi lupest t ictd lbs nim taet ha ss- psrtted lod 1st w easts hsr iwrud ftiit it sndltsloothisinrc4ntlrmtsa itsiihlumuch sltitm id sasum to atrutt sou thstleonskl r rour ttapi uujvicijsxi hrroruotrumi tut tmt-prs- erstlon o snj which hss corns cater mr notice dsmultteditu pulmomkt ooeorliioli urnthl- tu coajt atiod bsiltrlnr l all i ooi iimur re- comawni ti bsfors stery other oompaaeel j ftylmt fonts i i it r hcoisthv i f pto 1 l a ctontlo hint in ourj style of climste with its tudden shanges of temperature rain wind ind luwhine often intermingled in a tingle day it ia no i wonder that oar children friends and reat re sre to frequently taken from us by neglected colds half the deaths result ing from this bsnse a bottleof boschtes german syrup kept sbout the house for im mediate use will prevent serious sickneti i large doctors bill and perhaps death iff tbe use of three or four doses for curing cosiomptioo hemorrhages pneomcnia se ver cotght croup or any diseue of the thirst or lotgslu success is simply won- dtrfol ss your dmgist will tell youf ger- mta 8yrup it now sold in every own and village on this continent sample bottles fortriilloiif reutr site lets tone fjaliajrralrftnretttttwtlisrv in trstanl bedroom rtl q thslfi ttslr prtssi stt twaebvf vary imtsfaut lour urft nun oshssa 0v tobonto baakers brokers li t mrv s ru betrritrtprb i xatmvti u so b r attorneys yitn to aidant gait erurrtwers 8 arty tvt eos8ib house piuce until pcaiteaa afart b trvi proy- mmmbzm libao m toars i re toronto bd7w agents wanted ontario baking powder to u out hobbtwol vox utnk etumm petrtttucket hump mlmakit vudboburtrptnstadi stedsumpfctc bt mortdtoko if kinff8inset eut a ll btewaktcottjninto acrk1 adjjl1g village of pa- iwv lslmooo hstot itcre timber rrt tati4fuje rfiut uni two runardttllinji food otniiuoxa two orcbtnif eijoice fruit icrnui i50 hcbd k b0bo1v8 hnmluti q aaa ykau 11adk with spovv vthe tasce trsu aooku turdo- lf otsr mat teisa toeccssrour in bard pu qnicfcssnd tad inooast booklers sin 6 in 10 so in hone or man power tool tad rfxuts for aue holt a ocx a totonla foub inlphovkd and three biah ftnu w to 100 feeref prookt tmuh lttabun twtntt bt al la oourio r lw t tnd ivjwsoli cooii ftnt zuj urnu cutrau bo bukert wjrtl jtmmssar beauxiftjl coxtntby kesi- de cg- toi nle consti hi of s fiu tifjt bride iioni0ttadnittflrttsxmoihd tvi tallmfroia uihritir tinjon the qnxxi sirta fu one of he iacktt bixltiix bmqtlfdl t9t4otat in onuria tbtlttd cdwtlrj of t sunttlqibli orchard lu foil bemnnr hn fraltf aai veil caltlritcd a oun- tt ioaofferrdsantiuirttqiu la hitb tmlti ratioft tbtthonm it itjrraiialfti ttth beautiful bvaof inrsjisavhtvxicloimerjr vl4 oat in jool asu tbehai- ti thor tmbfj bni bed tui piirt- dbustmi ifiptrtttntsltijmiliaitafst and erery etsqtnlnoe jlhii ta nn ebsaofl far k retired muehtsst or profeioiiil min vbolemk fniit- rrover to ret k njrable propw y rwy ehetp btrpln for ntl lofrtrnvtion bta foeriiirtlen- iti twliwn fill fron prieiif i tump usotef fu lt 6rrt to fret pf boor hind a brt zmtt hs ttn boaldcfty im qlcktind ipiit7 itfs qm ti u inf7vorr u117 an tiss turkish batht s itti jtnatpesdy ears ittum law lat i rli induotjsctofaiiiflli roodpohtw klm mstssei tua r mim v m ftfis rumlgitiiu of sun jjf som m kenneth 0lt7ee ttafxufar v ja uraet horth htjabhe tlect tv bithi al phar agentsilmradiurax coot ttie ulthrr ot tbe br o ttj rrna voiame eontaining soosn sful ttrsflws inn900iioutirtio tirllllnf iannaj id beat sod chespestpatntly blbls aadaeoriliulng iha nittltne ititatnti test number- ilutrs loin hj ooit trio te jsrs est nulnber ilutrs loiia hy dos hoonaln v phmt efiabb ooevrj i itdoref uax ub0fb4 co c aitlsuda81 eut trnmtoost tfaorleys improved horso anrj cattle food itewrt vdeuetl sith tb firutmd tborwjr tom oratbrfufa it eomvty of modi mu bvt ni btubc imptort 10 ie heih od epirlt ia tb bom futstofou tthtnvad cajittimy udfmtti if crtumprodocttcsfttediltv uuf ktperlmib oral in m t tt4 minafttnrad ii job k soatn htfflltoa i ovtc aqks1 wasted in wry t3i4 tent tnd eitfititk dominion i tbx yienriabakingpowder i11uu onriw od rnsrutod to bus wblkr ufhter and better biesd nab snj other fowdar trj it a m- y psorauvoa mtistl freehom in kansa s n mwtjnnttnbi saisr hurrah for manitoba 1 for winnipeg on the 26th match riitnnm mlutr other partie vfil a trt edi tea dr fcftervanli fve pirti autt tddrcn srith 3 cent itimp f werairrie mm tjba lan 1 offlce 3j cohxcm bt tdtolui if isaf ofmuitote ltodi flmu- sjmonds baws 5sk are superior to im wnt fctelwa- us put wtnfutj a rh smith co st cathaabiesost 8ol manufsctuns or tbe doeainida of pna sendobr prlia lfst dommdn talegrapli institiitb eabiiibed x d 1s6s j pluf st eu tarmto ont isit st fwjnj iph laoes oiiiu od tea eailway np veatfritu it is thirty yean since a conceuion wit granted for a railway ep vesuvios it has been promised miny times bnt never so positively u now i the pau proposed in- volvel the construction of au iron elevated railway about three feet high above the ground on which is to run a train of eight cars operated by a steel cable eich car is to be furnisbut with two intomatic brakes thei cable will be double in cue of acci dent the tctual tension on it will be 8000 irilogratumes bat it will h made to support a tension of 33000 kuogrammej al small stition with a restaur int will be oonstructed on the cone snd another at tho foot of the mountain thegiouod hai deen chosen where there is least danger from ae eruption aod all the material isjnorible so that it cin eisily be taken np and at red in the observatory in case of an eruption it is expected i hat tbe railway will be completed before the sum mer of the present year m i m im good for inother twenty yean wat the laughing rejonder of prince heirg of the neatuarands when urged to make his wili he ha died inteuate and his vut po sessions will probably pa just where ho didnt wint them to go a tchooionti of tender years that writes to a bosom friend dear sou i hant attend sobool igiuuntil i qateome new cunt collars and jewellery dear mama agrees with me that it it my dooty to take tht thins off that upstart miry jone aod illdoiminevsiftaramthiiig gold in scotlaai trout cb unbtrs joornil gold ii woult ipparj wis wrought in f ft sad earthrit forfar u ear y u tho twelth centry fur in 1152 david i gran ed to the abbey of dunfermline ii oth r gifts a tithe of 11 trie g id that ah accrue toj the king from those districts turler ttun this record does not go bat it is the general cpiutou of injicologiti t it the uvld urnsments of prsfustorie ttn s were msde o native metal b twees the twelftiiaijd sixteenth oenturiee there sre a iumber of records to show that god wu wrvught in scotland to in extent deemed wo- thy of the ittent on of the king and the pari ameot bnt the statistics u regards quantity ire of the mo t meagn kind tie civ teat if the p ecious metals was un doubtedly the upper district of lanarkshire and in the ilxteenth ceitury many bargains irors ind arrangement appear in connec tion with the work there theaccouatsoflhe lord treasurer give tome hintu to th pro- ductiveieuof tie mines and it is interat- ing to know that between 1538 and 1542 a space of five years sufficient natitegold wu i btaincd to make a crown for the king and queen to add tn the kings great chain and provide a belt for the queen the total weight o the metal used for these purposes being above 112 ounces this wu over and above a lanre quantity of gold uad ia coin ing boineti iecea in providing gum- stick consisting of s fartvttar or boaps task set in gold for the prince a whistle for the lking a shrioe for on4 of the boaes of- st audrianjof afay besides other knickcacks deicribed in the account latest discovery ia borne conttnuingfheworkof the new street the vis nilbnele just behind the palazzo col- suns the woikmin came up n a pavement of exquisite mosaic is yards square and more thin i 50 feet bclor the level of the modem steet iu date hu not been ascer tained yet bnt from the great depth at which itjwu found and from fragments- of buildings of tho republic above it it is top- posed o be from a time snteuor to that period j on one side of it a part of a wall a u covered with stuoco snd p listed in the pompejan style the whole is in perfect preservation aod the coours look more like work of iyesterday than one about 2500 yeirs old it is already cot in large squire plocka and will be removed each oloek on a marble slab to the murenm of the capitol ai an expense of 4000 francs thisodt uifv exact rerremquiloa of teolid vcit pro gold fl gtrar8ef iiinsetiui i mart p ilea iialuiloi diiaaond turlnf i suluibrilaauktndtiiiitolibrqa i tie- ofti kki lkaatl wbui r uiistor s20g iod apir u oa eeclpto price s200ve in forwmnlbr mil iecu wed vd fwrabt mfe datr rrtm y psft of tbe domtaion bunples mid to the r de for exiciiaitk rogers mfc company i iwporter8awhole8ale delen in tcbm jtweuery futed wire ttre annjr arffllje 62 fsbnxiih street tcroato efflpli iaort taiii wt r wi oar the lnqiiiton ad x nneaavtar- tbii lautrtloti srhkh bu wnr been eitsbisbed tea j tr bu beoone otie of ttiemctii foma liooi of be daminlja i itpd prowib srd pmt- perlty in due to tbe deoaad of tbe tlcjrfp4 txm- dqnitr t the isstltate is fitted up n t e tcoei evtapteto am rriwtai tssoer i hvl t e ftxtaies of rroiar telegraph offiee on i lrgi teal fl 1 toronto 73620 more siagfti sewing mmmjibb i- i sold in 1878 u w i than in any previous year in 1370 we sold 137833 sffwlnff machjnefl 1878 i ss64s2 ueleaf v-rjjj- d flurtet reiwtire d ijj 1 oeitiptioattsinuei pnctil on tbe toes indiridoit itttawmi u tlnn keithrr 1im2 pilns r up le art tpuai qoailr ts t drat lor ta uaperlsnl ofllee m tbe u jtst peaaible tlire b od nti out eater st uy timelbere binf aovieatio a tbe tioun of sitea- tante si the institute are tram am tou ncoa- scdfnsnuo to i pm r- v til tm irvtoi j ear it ss dtflcaitforlialesto noevo emplorment id t 1 trip ofls 1 c badai tb cuomd bar m mdaeh rrts bi tntr offlc ths la lea oa be iirid vid bar opent sn now m much demand fwclatils etc address d mcmillan oo i bxba5tiproto f j i business items ir you want one of the moat vanable uj iwellu the neatest teed catalogue ever gotten mint send your addreu toj jame bennie seedsmin toronto who is noted for first class tejed of all kinde roa ill purpceet of i funily lltdlelns butiui tsucw dn is st he bead of the list it is used ttbj unpno dsntad inontt boh inter ally and external- le it cares sore inrost burns scajds rrest bites j nueti sad ofun eurss asthma to be wel draped your linen must be faultiest and to insure it get your shirt snd purnisl ingi at cooper 109 yoogest to ronto i eisu mi pacmiu bllsin li eempottd ot uit most be 4 ibsltsol sad tuma lbs bals blob ct irr lot its eessposiilofl weri ated by ustves i rbsn ams tea wu ant elscovana sm sn our tales hire i ocreued enondouilr everv reir ibraugbtbe whole eriodof hard times we now sin tareeqoirteraiot ill the setlnr si cniaeikldlatbewoid for the iceoniiboditiov of the public ire hive 160 tuborulaiie offices la t ii tjoittd tstes sd csiidi snd 3000 cam in the old woi id iod south amir let waste no money j os i oheap counterfeits bend fir our tindloo illuttrsted phee list the singer 1 mfg co cut nails i i- i pillow herfcesr co iiaxl uaimfactorsks jviontreal bespectfalj- umoqac to ifl dt en u vefl u i cotvimaeti of c t nad uutiber hive pur- eiujedtha solbfllghrfortbe pomifiioi of fttt to uw qoynbs fatent automatipailpigker all cat xstda ussdiihlcteradby tn na this fonnrd will tberefort be selected utd each kei entlrtlj free j from bust bcale buyers and heamtvht i kajls tberebr itaarw to tbe cgs5cmeb t leu 8 to 6 poomds xoile of perkrt kaqs to the kef i thin thom made bi other make in oaoada by the oidfyatem of pialnsailti fflpfaiarfl all other t naii mjiotactaren la ihedoqinioa aiid uniitlateji by ameifcia luroartirer who hare teen the ab latenecml y of uln the coyao picker to m taiatliireputjilon i belr miuibowoieipial dcnobjatery kvhifilrtlirith he wbalrtjtrtt doction of the kill lutlwandveriibftadi keg s o s psstiitdi of crrnt ticlesbhvert aod henf- leas naik it must thea be cesr locoosaatin taak they a made to pax for juetuqntntitjof tortb- kaj etraiv vbenat y poithaaing xalh aelectod by ooyne8 automatic picker there it a dew anog of ivm u ta is cats per kty we toyite as to tett the reult for tbemselrei by j dcklttf over iky of ottr make and t it of a ry othtrtnaker etsit k of kalli made by u wij bear a qrsks or rud lasul and u ordct o secure txu ad tmatagee bamed see thit wreat- kej u htbelt 8dw bj cjes pakit iiritfticlfi- alrayt a fvr ctvnfi mackiiu rkktd kqa -j- m eomilo i i lis otber irttbtr mtuustpselioror all sbtlootot tht tfinuti dlunia tbcusnds ot bottles sre used la- null iod itooesuersd oh eft lb sjaodsrt prt- stitkielimoayrd i biamr rot 8ralitthi ew spriox stoek c fur olturt n iw batar abown by the oabawsoabtutoa it sbted of urthmt ytt ocsnd ths latest airis ol parlo if ml iron wty oouan upward are ttrj tvfv amounts in ttte aggrtgau txm lost every year by amen 1 alone as weu as families general- i ly in mot having correct and reliable weighing scale toronto omce london offlce bsnulton office klnstton kaa bruttord office wlnoor office quelpbomce fort hpe umw i rl toror to street ntlma hi street i mklnf street eut oor princess sad wtolnston ets i y m c arbuodlae oucoouxall block mstoaie biojc wilton btrev fedpnc0 leather leltingt hcxllbobjtlst i i dm st fcswrenee juart torosio 8 m primjaittjmd diwft farm lots in uysart and tejctaini towtismps and lots lo th vuhrs ol hstubarban taroteui of is vlotorts ball- 0 j blomfleld xauagtr osi land tm oa 1 mryubvssit bsu fm bomitnolibtasbarb suuuctcub st gurney 8c ware basultok oarada 7 bat gihua as ahaostworlevwlils npoutlee te laser certeotios ia svsrj respoel and tysat durtbl oubstttlfei ttjoes ud slsesio cbvot ttaa uosrsiaa price bit tmen tfetjeaties raastes ost kl

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