Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1879, p. 3

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zw t lent at 1us- he hra or a i m fei ire js land tcrw ikjiu it- p istl ipuftd lakes lf kit ii taw yreinilew aetoa m ibnsway oofffq fi toronto bail day eiprosa express 8 eft ratted- xiem kipreta oilt mitm dav expwaa western mail louisa mixed aotiuriajv alltllut tabjlt qlnstt kisra j mut butl frm matt bthnuo 11ibl vy kneenboitnuiuhoamoitus4ereaud friday- 1 boeralde snail 10 tta ontuwaayt ul fridays 1 recutetett letters sutt be to died is min ute fcekyrc btatlurllmc service in ti maihodttt bl utwt ovary rxvbvktsj pastor awaaad cofi tjjbcksdat moaxtsro atbil ft scbscaiisss ik arnealu ii great number of oat subscribers who e per i- nired 6a thfiiyt of january ii it aad who have beaareceivjag the fuse pros legu- larly ever since have neglocto l opiy up and now w wish to infocmthi mthat if it is not jail before the 15lh wis i iu be forced to add 25 cents to the u0c mitiac it si25to those who paper r expired ijt july jut wtwdcld toy thicit ly sunt pay up before the 15th orwe will x forced to charge them it the kfteir rate our hnntiii f 100 per ankmths if paid in dr vaaee flsj utefthti aioitlufivgp after tit mtoth sls sifter tine months 1 tad 200 at tie cad of the oar hurty ur aad settle at all rates wtu be fixed bv the 15til- i u2pm 8pms0 wujuifiii ooiii rtimiati jwit tiook i m for kiiut li ss54m 9t42 vta u30um sif7pni 9s3pm tusibav wii uu malwtwirjt bj jrf too jewuh fi0ter i p ihavitvooyetyiilwjcmrwnntry itunoa litt iba nun maple iagar mljkiutj re beginuingto bow tkomeelvm oa ncuiuj poad loll of ipoct ot lue boji uovr wb tulix tat jmii wbito ejq it baying a gnat number ot bc ctlictbrooli tao tavaxbip of erin eysbtbodt wtio had on brouabt oavoii ovekott but thundav aid friday but ibey have again tail ek decided io pat h raj- uaw aeat winter l a ueetuq of tkoeo jaitreiiad iff liwe ball will bt held at cltk kool acton oa taeaday enniagjinext foe ih o puqwe of organizing i olubi br mtbuttixa to our uliri oolaratm it trill be a thut misa c smitu will bpwi ujji new millinery store in acton on saturday naxtr 12li instt xya b- epeak for her a fair hara ot patronage vtf la 1879 srirrxc beautiful spril horffi iforvjoorltirintsueo i vi r ivotb ojrfrojiwiii so k oar tntauaealiaay i s 1 locii spcirtimen ari j tgiaiiinj lo kau up lklc ia view of th approacoiiif fintotmiy tee ricrra of tin aipleibnah ax eicbanje mantionj era things which eret5 maa can dobettet than any oaaclm pokaafir patonbiaijirabit dit a aewtpaper ell a atory after another man hat beua it f examiac a railway tiihe- uble ma edwabn xfooaavhea been busily cadged duriar the paet few daya 0 ettsk ia new nuchiaary aad naluagiai- prqtcanau iahia mill prior la alartin vr belieie the mill will be ia aperatioa ia a day or ao good fridat it ha ibeeit tha usual custom of tho merchanti and buiinasi men of actii to clow their busiqeaa homes sa good ridiy and webcliert it ii their inuatibn tomor row to obsarre the day initha aania kuinuar tse bflor of the ufa of ra- cameron was brought from toronto to acton on ilonday and on tuesday it oi consigned to its list testing plaoe the cntite community eipresaet sym hxte already appeared aad an ar aad ayrip j pithy with mr cameron ancl family in amiancttedeicacieacf ihtseiiott- iknr linrr ivmrnm i i i j mb m c beattt tto consen-a- ticerand atary honortj tiiiied the fete phxss aaactc at oa thars- dvrtut toe stiika of spring this spnng dont apoear to ipriag aa lirely aa the sprii of laat sprinkipraaahenitipnnig gvsstprt os tcesdax as mr j b ocwtes wxs cattiattita ia his fajw y he by soaie acattiag oi about half an inch we are iad to isie unt mt altmmjltthawa who latewaad hi ildal- der blade broken iaobla tabetapaadagaic aiioah the fractara iaitill-rkrj- paiafat ir is a aaaceibu fjot that the tir5eifc binlcatt a naticc iojilie oewapaperc xl tae fii merchasfc to adrtrtise his anria stock first geu the notice or the pbi i tokaaaovr being jgfaotl- friday apecif service will bo hef d i i st albaas taish ohurch in the awning at 100 oclock oakaster sunday he jsacraraeat v will be adaunistertd in thac t harch aervice to cjamfcee at 10 joaci1 1 the xerwich gaieifa ssvs that if eichxrd ifcfcnight ai d fsrily left 0errille oa taaday usi or uaaitdba tii ottetjilj braa t faraihrsrw ilia nuaefoai ttfatiouilijjjxftoa aad vicinity j l texqiirnli exoh ly bragiulot aeca f rum faocsetfnrhieh da baainsu outside of thecocaty of hilton bat i e n i dyertiaimtarx- outside of notice they give particalar prominpnctlu the fact that the iaper is kept oa filcti i scv iork where advertising contract may be m far it in 2tew jtork 0coi sistency etc jeeekika iafeks sit iffeo sub- scribers gho niay wuhto dist ontinne- taking 2 newspaper sbonldbeaf inn fed that they ntast first iwrhztthy oa a someticics a copy ix returned cucrke i refasel while ababscribera ta ma hare expired tro4ioao tweyiaioitha b iore a pub lisher can ksti a paper until ill arrears are psl andit is innnatenal wi etaer he tskec it from the post othce or aot he will have to pay ia fall tae fiishthem wa- 1 tnlexcsed iiglylarge nnmber of peops iatown on tacrsdar iait fair diy rat very few i animals wr brought in sill as- regards success it was much aaeadof the last aid we nope the fanners of thi district will firihgltneir cattle to acton i nd in time we will have the satiaiactiaa of knowing that the acton fair is considered to be a good one and good prices are al ray received the usual aumuer of trading horses were ia town the auction sale ofpse estate aad eftecti of jsieyder was very successful the walkko uzs his retched acton and troopa of younr men may be tku eettipg dowa to itj every night rp bie distaace in little time vve also noticedtfait these erenmgaffwhilf the i moonlight iaj so beautacrthat tee young i ladiesjoia the ranks and wiea they get a little tired they apparently ifeaa for support oatae strons arm of some of pie mikpedet their heaty bereavement bm eaaon tuesday sfkrnoon jfcjoluuitarray of xaaaagawefai handed cs a goose egg which ire txjicrs i the laxceat that has been seen ia this neighbor hood foraome years the g jwaa laid by a goose of the common breed and weighed isoanies measuring hi inches one way sad9 iaches tire- other ia circanifcreace if anyooetlje think they oavij large egsjs let ua ate them baseball the new rales do tay with allcafchea which are aolj made from fly balls sa foal ball can aow be ciatht oa the rebound and neither canla ball takca froci aihird atrika ear the first time in the history of the game tha strict fly catch rale ffat into operation this year what erteetthia wiirfcive oa the game is yet to be seen but if it works ls favorably as did the rale abolishing the old bo and catch of fair balls it will do rood potatoe bcgs ijjahetilie i man claims- to have found a sttre cure for potatoe bugs and by tea years experiment m colorado to hare demonstrated that it is someihiflf which every farmer night tr know his plan is sinrplytd plant one or two flsx seeds in each hill pf potatoes ke says that the bugs irill slua it every timc and thxtlor lea vearshe hatiieathtteue- cesaful ia raising potatoca while otherahave i aoeoradauyin- failed tae proposed reiuedy- ialaiaiple licreiighr 5 t almortiothiig to jry it- a host taluaeu and it is clsici- edtha moat importaataatttbeii of this jeur- tf conslsht nal everissned hi the liarcqit fpncsltsr iii for april asinrplejeffectiteandcheap plaa is set forth h y which erery farner can defiaitaiy leant th- needs of hit- soil and hcv to largely increase the iprofits of hit labor there is also a great variety iof timely practisil articles tor the field and gsrden with a full hundred originaiillaitrs tire engravings large and smjilh orthge mpaaj puhliahers- kesrtork number ofi aews 0 timltrtolir trprtavealher a ia80 tttiitntity of old no wj- ttpetl just li kfalhg fjr wntiplng paitfotkjll j mt mnomr bhowjffortoerly of aotbhino nrsirnlu igoiitof qiidlph lumber cmpihy oilleil briiuiijqstor dv was ikit jooiinhilr liite om ot onr litlttm 1 beetate they have tto wiattila xiiisaaf wlinjtjtofi tmh jas ktos left aotoa yetter r for petroll jltre btf piing into li9 blactbmith ing businesa avo wish htmaueetti ilybt itsva borrowed ihia piper l dont read it j there it never anything ia it tost uhat all tha hofrowtn say altar ihey havcarelallyjrvd every rd in it at somebody cliet exsetjta moroor we knovrol a pan out wet who died while readian a borrpwed paper bewail tebocaa tho kindness cf pre4 ff storey wf have received copies of uberstrotnaikenivs 0 mr storey hat mtnuhat phce lorjsouieitiuie apd we ire pleased to jkaew that altl6ughiihas beca afflicted ithahrht colds his health ii continuing tomcud toritho tiancnt ot some of his lrieids here who wish to khow wt would-saj- tbathia address is jit fred h storey eiro p b- wiffiimotlie knevlaikeas 8jcu v j j wr koiioe with pleasure thai tho woodstock avnfiikt bttiti haa bcea tohiid erably cnlarced and last week the first number raflltyeil columri ihcet reached us- hi appearance ia good aid the editor ial aad local hews display the care the ediiors bestow them while the extcntof the advertising patronage will please any phbj tfiber- the paper is without doubt the best printed ia western ontario i those of our aubscribera who oall it tha fbec pbess ofike for their papers will please notievthat thepffic is closed every evening at six oclock and itthey neglect calling until after that- hour they may not find qa atounil our office hours are from 1 am until 12 m and from i pm until jroclock plpisebcarilhli in oaind omxojto he recent lsrge aocts- sions to the membenhip of the c church at crtwsoas corners sad the great increase ia the congregation it has been dwided tobulld a larger churchthere and aa toon at spring iopens the work will be commenced ve congratulate ihc method ists of that district aad their pastor tho eevr mobbt da the success which at tended the recent special services held there which wis the direct cause of the necessity of a larger church atthat appoiatmeot vtsrrlj iajln iii rir c o vstr t3ii j tii rw c rr il jmmm iijk i oolemaw triahs eat the mostremarfcable feature is that no matter how hurced the young men were before the help- ras called for they are much pleased to rmk to suit their fair companion afterwards t tkebeelis tdcgrdhi publishes a est of the dead beats who have sacceeded- in beating the proprietor if that journal out of subscription or job warlf eouowiag is a sample of the odtico given wau hawfc berlin this ihdirtloal is koown to most of oar town resdersj a mason aad plasterer by trade he haa ioty of work daring the summer but iksteaid of paying kis just debts he shows his natural beat of ditpoeitioo by defraudingds- ooy of four yeacs subscptioa w think the idea a good one and those wheoweaa may watch tor our hit 1 judd company i40ayear 15 cents a dealeaiwjar postaid from puhzishsus ittv it before the people that car cheap- and stylish thayer cc geutg safpassea everybody ia- the eoaxlty aa immense stock i of new and beautiful designs just arrived ptevery style ink description consisting ia part of the following articles fsrlgr and j3ed ecom setteof its most beaetiful and artistic de signs dining and kjfchea furniture in endless varieties at greatly reducedjnces ehcaprftiiavejpefdfe ajaigerttoev to choose from parties requirtug furniture baa have itrat cheap aad easy terms to suit the hard times ctlt aad examine foryourv selves giaai vtv stated last week that it had been de cided ia postpone the celebratjoa of the in- auguratigiibtiiiefttyofjca9lph front the 23rd inst to iho 2lrt prpxj so thit governorkjerieral and princess- louise aright- be present butasthay tha marquis end h e h havedecided hotfo visieontirio until september the gaelfh people navi come to the coaclujioh that they can have as grand k celebration without thar presence as with it and therefore at rofce of tidstahoald be faeld in tiiijst it amflrrttntended xhefpeofiftlsilelph leer they lnte beets sligvldrtyxord lorttiai they think that they art as important as torbato adetartafioa from the latter city having peraoaded the gciver- noroeneraltopostpoae hisvisit as above stated we are of i the opimoa that the g delphi tea have fast- cause for ampiiint aad hope they will show the- marquis aad theicityof toronto that they eaa- fiawi grand celebratioa iadependeat of them we car ipk baataees bauei while ia guelph oa shurday last we called at the rujniturt taareroome of hessra wofifom aod wileteod were both astonished and pleased jtoj see the large stocavof faraitore they hare ia from toe fexoeodtcftly handsome parlor f urwf are down to the commonest stvlei suitable for the titchea etch aod pobtican bvlhtted at their watercoma seesdv we also called oaiir a o bochsm of tie fashionable west odmaatle aadaiill aery establish ment and were surprised to seir piles of dresagoeda etc which war p being sold to customers stair martot wen also bosjt supplying the- needs octheii customers and the large smodnt et orderei olothinjgthey hare pa band mafrifl acv s eassfor their abaity ia getting rq a sjp teas toft bobt murray was baaily enjtafie i- ia aopplying hit caatstners with ibh wgetahles fish etc murray has the best stock aad sells more goods tiun any other imterap in- the city vf stf wart co ap to be oongrata- latedoa the smoant of giods they have succeeded in placing before their customers aadwe are hd to- kno- iheiri efforts to pleaaeart beisgafpreoutd aodwlarfie bust cess is being done at tlusertergriaingestab ivimfltt business kqwces goal oil at j e mcgamns jikai for firstclass tinware dicks iblood purifier at i e sfcqarviaa motto frameacompletevlrom 30ci up atawthiuv j aiirge stoct of stotes and tin ware at j c hilis riitixickpasifhepai ipllf8 7 i smts- 4rer muslin embkotdejat wmtecotr v dkessgqjqdsi tbdsifjfa dress- ki flesaiji soaitps borsers xid gloe viable knees towellings- yyicinftyjiot tiie ttry liberal phlronftgte exleiuw sct1tjatiim8hice cpjnmeivgiiigbuiihcab iti- iprf sotflei tfmuibk on jrand ti chbiicv stoclt of all iiidvdf v i cj r iho ri sjjfroarin want o rood stt hsrt mom ekirr vqixi xricc boomshom a oarlba1 of barrel salt just ar rived at colcraiai chesp stotei parties having pictures to frame tfillda wcllto call ctt c w hill 7qh picturea of ail kinds copied and enlarged like life t c vrv hills wail a5sajaim 2ititttri hu boittuiui will panor rst ejiein dry goods groceries boots and shoes ate still telling cheap at cole man s cheap afore spbixo rtardware sibefc just ar riving bougbtliefotethe aiw laril cjme in operation jas itatthews 100 reward for any ease of worms ia the aaraaa system where j e ifcgar- viac vvorra fowdtrswih not effect a curs try acknowledged tbp best bqc tea in town at colemans cheap store opposite agnewa hofel rjis miithewbhas for sale the magic window cleaner y best thing nut every house should have one will dean two windows while would- clean one pane ia the old way i atcouots- janssikatthetsui ntiat us snarfttly kcsutts cirlj u ajxil ait oaeioaesrtll ho to- oursl to pattibir acccuato wjua jroseatei i vlu waif 6 itf cet ofi alliaccsuti tpald 1jt ttulcti 7 o ajiii a ait tolueesoat to mxi u ejrfcriaffojt par k nr srtka goods arririnr opt stock of new 151102 goods kmsafiig of driss goods choice and cheap the latest novelties and styles in milineryj of new patterns etc wc have an immeas stock of boots and shoes which for price aadvjualictciunof be surpassed try our famous 60 cert-teh- fa 5 pound lots for jiser christic actoii rlkitntsn quantitier ot liesh spring iiry goods clothingj icuiaery ducks shirtiags carpets lioots and shoes all purchased before the reoeat rise in prices the public will get the advantage rt is money we waat our millinery andorder ed clothing is in full operation for the spring business then ever come aid leava your orders moleoav anderson fc c new spkixo oluxiiehr christie henderson iccditakepieisure in iatiraat- iug that their spring stock of aewitiilincry is cbminj to hand great care bad beea taken and only that whish is choice aad newhas beea selected so that the ladies caa depend on getting the lateat and the wwstiwarf cqt cheap sttte glsswarey m wiiich will be sbld st tlie jowest possible prices fbr casj oil fekodtoe i new brick 8t0re- v- ill i 4 opposite agnews sotel mali stflee aaotqjsf lootforward to the triumph guelph will j-je- lsperieaced persons will taper- have over torontos njexhiaalionb on the fljind this departmentr aid as they have 23rd imrt axotkebold- 8ettieb goke stiu another of the old pioneers has been called away iatfe persqa of ifr robert barber who was- bora ia suffolk england on thelh of april 18m and at the time of hit death ws just about sixtyeve years of age ia 1836 he arrived ia canada- with hi fathers famiiy and at once settled in guelph and the following year he narried a daughter jit the latet jonathan oties deoeued resided in quajph ten yearpnl assiswio dear the bh wherfithe town ord jnlm brbotrrwerltg i in the 2ndcbnwasion of ira-mo-usiijwid- ed there till 1859 when he sold ssiijaci ud leaaedjthatergutikm blair farm- near gaelpi ten yea later be parchaaed 200 lot 127thconcessioni which he worked np tothefimeof his deai on thruth of february he went to guelph to consult a doctor at hehad not been feecngvery welh he remsiaed at the residoace othisscti that evening and be-j- cocning worse wioi arable to leave for home he gradually greir worse and died oa the 3rd of aaril r barbirii iam high ly respected by auhis noiuaintancesv he laavw a wile six daughleriandoar joas tomburatheilsaofh hrabaadjwd father deceasii was the father if our respected townanianife johtlsirbervjrhobaa- beea ejaployat kyjer carrufee vtorjopr 4 aaraber of feaja 1 f ftst arrived from the centre of fashion the atesf styles will be the result try our famous 50 cent tea ijt 5 pound lots for 1225 y 6flt edge bnueiv tlierersarwsysanactlve demand for but- tertiut is up to tha rllt edea standard in quality aad color huehbnturuiattaother wisegoodsellsetaredacllouorirom one to five cents per pound because deficient in sithecotor rrmtuptothestand anj makers should use oelis etehardaoa wie color i jane color cos perfectea liuuer color to dte- a bright jane color this color is by far the briehtett purest and best mode 1 ft h as naf mless qs solwaad never lranans any taste or smell it is everywhere reconimonded by butler buyers and dalrymtn sufficient to color a tub of battereosabut dve cenls and it is no woric to uie for innlipr pcrtlculars la re eard to it loqulre of jisuc arvta druggist aetonwbohasitforsaleai well aa ail arur slsuaddmercnantagerierall l wsza the pepprtajptatform politicians of all sbhrles frequeatly meet upob ptaslorms wbjeh all eaa endorse tbfs istbecssewilb fersljlo villhoxa com- doondhxruboyvim ghgnay con servatives and eeformeft rndeppodenta and frotectlonlsteall tmeeompelledlo testify mat wusonswttacnerrylstlie best medi cine they evaraucl for bionomtts colds cciub8coivbi5e jnuie inedosi slnelo bottle genernlly vbi5eoid jriuie head 4ei wltlklve relief and s cares in croup and whooping couab it aau like a oharm we hate rreqtlenlly seen e lildren blaeklnthe fee fromooartiiltsitia in extreme danger from suaooatrdoaiid4xriauauon fostaptly relieved by- a lull dose sold by a e morrow seurrally f of tie wlldcnorrj icuiq and prnaiilsta s 0 it i mo q c e g ft l m m j i mct- m ft ct- o o i artjb jas coleman jtjstopelijsfi attat fasiiioaablo wsst end full rajcrcradwniefbtcarieu chat a rifig cr ds j ifflln ko rose ut oreta -bttnur- ltew jcjfes ieif rmeican while cotton- igrlot iltliev mbbu on norbte j j jnioom aii at- acton wlie f e tbey can gi atur value tvtmlksmnajr tka mjr plaae in uitr a faitiiamiiib it 0a band all drwhler win be sold cheap ii tujhpi tehly attended to toiilbltckr feioifrebiaictj bcbeetbi i i wim ystebsa toiri v ojiteti itituiu m by thi phtoi io v vattfeeelreda laja to or otfltaa paita in the fouoinrig sites a ffallon md 2 zhdna -i- i pstiek v paite of oysters dsri get ihem by adtcfesslhg r murrky quelph v trst jffcelted sloatarfi oraiigsss lemotaa ltd v pop oobh ballsw tie barrel pop corn baiilsby the hun- jdredv ol all toofl atmdia o prcsipily k muerayv i- rt wyndharh street v j titjelph i i sai- srttitlc jjemcnr tiutwmmikv tiumisa tke fireal tt- an qofaluox curafov8emiaal weajreeaasper matorrbeft fro- potency and alt dl eases ttml follow a a uati mft trffieh7 universal taaaitatlr pain la the bsellhrurleso vlsioopremtae01d arei anitntaayaherlm teases bitjead in laaenfty orcnosamwlonand apremalbrbarive iirxiiupartlctlart jaqwr lalapblet lehtr desltelo tend rreeti- tnati to everj- one- tar8pelflrimedclae tr romjby all drnttmt 41 asouiforau psulltagel or 5 orwltbeapirreetuai or tbe aoney byadireslri wi cba1t itntnt t iflwejaar ostu cslwi sold la aton by all df bgauta and every wberein cicada and the unnl states by ml wbolesale and retalu drvpttu aoly ft pies j aadl iochcoth u p1eaeabeavytvuabeetiifs10t- ff iir shovr in a few days o er ajt neasaad tardi aadseate kew fiwisa embnilderlea iaperced dlrert rresa switzvrlama aad to he seld at wlivat osesuilf thpriee ws aaiiyaskedby tar trade ac uvery jstslei allans old hfftsireetf acton jla where yott can gee eretolass itclass higsatllsasoiiais commercial hates jut express deutbrttsfttbii win meet each erreiexrmw joocwwany partofth4i j s i- -r-ji- all parues- indebted to tbs etfabliihi mentre requeritett lb jay ip wnhoilt further delay andiava opita v 4ehjnrel12l7 0 go a p- to tblf thefrittrrirbonis it lli pf yon prices jtlie iowfisir j known blqit qf thb ohaip cpfer wtndhatl 8tbeet i wallper wt if iflneiwv school books ai nse 7- iatthev eesfe the htrgest iot taried tiibstanthl arid elegant tocsif plata fine and artistfo haziibtn bliook glelpli 6nt mbtyumnsrm i wbuldnnounee 4hat they art leaf ibf rptit v tlioir iistock at greatly reduced rate -any- pnonwhohvaitaii bargain should not fail to cifl within ayew dayr fullsnjcrenie niiaiiig8aloatredttc rateafotcashf acou y v- m2xxy7ll ostario v rti da6rlbaabotlrlrfillnlldn tid x tbe work it u imut sqeoeawfuaecom pijshlcg u rthoffa hi ale frrat ucfji of it crridnftl7 bfnaboot tne ounirt 1s tn pre pare bor and xoorig avnd mwdle twm men for coram ercl pqrbapajr jrjlng tbrfii ft dofttlpu ift if for coramerclhl pawurtsby ri thorooohaiil pracficali bookkeeplillin all its fbmrji pennnasblp rifmeuc clffesptrtoenea gianiniar and rpellngt bnuri methods bow to deaf wlvbnotetidranvixliior enhance obecki saiauxlnciaoicstnwsrapfr qraliuatra op thb coixeajs who have rohr nibtittii eoune and token their h i m i i poblllorlsxawhlcbowtngsothrwwiiilttentsr ot their khowlidge tbey speedily atuin pro- moitotv amoas oarstuttenia are those who lav been tbronahtiia grammar cbuns and uul- verattle aa fell aa thcm wuote elocstioi in early llle hasben aeglected xne urmer eome ip receive a prarlcat education suen a is needed in pviryday ixe tue laiter to- remedy pvt neglect ana au to secure tbat woowledrtwblon will belli them to sucoesr in the world avbe oftllffe jonrnal eontalnlnaluir mutjeuuu7aid upeioseaa of jeimaouuy areieatonapplleaticm t ij- i iifoearitt4cb ballenieos4 sartisiyrsf- ief rioesbnh4lt forihalfi tha very desirable property sitaf id tho foot of tjbww street next the railroa lj epasisflrig of onethird of an acre of pit land apu a frame house- the house iiu goodieeiulftlpa title ihchsputalle pot- tatslou trivea mmediatery for further vatjealara apply onthe premifm to j rtfr5s r 1 1 innif r m i h aa sj5pss

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