i w vmf sit 5- tse cr 1 188i 19fe t jim- ii fovslcbsl let aev yw betuf be dut- jj i tvnrtmta i it ahn uh u tew leak- t tnfyi r ttm aider mrtr r- ai rta jqe te tti rlthv u ti rtahir t tutt- tsriit ia m tatwltw irtjstaik 1 1 rant rirfctl rmiat misty prood o ktl tr ntrtn ft u res tint orhevrirelt4 marutprfctvt si hart r ttlt frtu 1 latexuunhtittljtiunif 1 feck for ailra late ottiituctipimoarr f latcdi omta raseets doori fun t ita n atixafatrvcneeaaduot r lr h it tte i i j t ius dc t sibbaf iter fcetlh feu i tint ut mudjofj aoikcomn bit here riiit urea eejr i broiler lj per kt tta w i iderai its be itmet prt- pit wbkj ch t strut lit 14 iltt tttwitel coar ebtuil kr chrsctta tfa lit dintay liwbrt j la on he j tsd l dorpi icrr eu ef- aod v twoi oe- dciiiliittt4htmat5l tit tbol tt- 1 ju rl fc wvzt christian ratn u ri tt erer thccletv riuhwlktejatltkiartfca u mmt3 c tuifcfies tj cutt d strath ntt k riilwejptj- he illu wit u okc rta rpfiiwe twtht ti j yw tutkhfc ircrf t- tcpf ui sty toot jon at a dl iozjc jwiicic umi it ca co uimt dri ecreachjollm k5jmoya tl bh joctttlfttc ti r t m t- f r aitm soaattimi thy fed stut ifcehenfa thtmaeirti paemlly limltri to i d tnaehm o tth vltli probablr t rtrip ot bunket ottrhetd md to tin sort w uiiileouuoottlinlarfatat tiy htd freei meet u uu grmtttt banihm on tnkovw cukx- ttst eat pj hi tmhcicae ttodec i rtcfthi lit ixlt axv br ityt iiften u act errrfyctel jtb- 1 fetter cic tttlti bcr i it tcm df cut c tcaxa ttrccw city nli to a4jl itveerr apr 3 cliaim tit wm harks how ilustaaic t wexhantocl t tb hr- ir drj oif teisat6 yt eem that koiiaed owr hex piina flftr tears af6soitie utd eomioo poq- nine frontier horwmtnahjp- twc ue sii jutocio kefiii- tent 12 lsii stric thoouniii iai lent o tholjied oiti tnreo ailed nuu- the tea ccfectry v fir uitte eye or tlao3p do rep tit r tt irhole cqantr3seaomt0tariiiinu3 andthxre fcidaj- gentiellei pttt male cut off titan oypirtj fkik trtvettinft by uuatuikt icllnjiroattl ci itii jrvjoilly clias in citq by x rish ttey it off try tsi ainiil td dtrted ttv tis them erea teiriej icd ilowretei jfc malet eeemed u if tie cp5elptioe5fitwtq their limb a oa csciroeceiiocsjtntetrstrrlie forlibfr- tv ui i ha loit ttcni trd ar oommjc eiry itorw cm tfceir tefc nie tcxa once end imfchxi tijre 4o rcficct adly or tie caceruiitypf cntil tie riea deer antelope mid taitey or yijd hog time ti igytt t tntellmgi i kite htd to ters dat my bert mooatedaieb td gihopoff hed let vslettei uid fiintet ia ecarm ivayltfaeimtpnfe fflua of mo- tags chtrgiaa ttoand uid thtltaing to tut over wl by yelliig tnd erjig it ticn thxs ikqr wocid wtil tad jo tfcm- ill iidee to t hd meriljr or the kulteg u ud mtelop teitwlmfabgl tmd aay tht the oontaj ruit lhouyi t ftuttuittj otrr w w4 cttu- e ttj renect ttaay over ute v t r r v at ihit time p ay merieanr vhoce um- llreidedttcorpcxcfaxutg3iid tad i ii3 st the to tux lpag sin aatoriff tt lotrer era cd caft ccifj tfei rep ported ti ttxtjr diet tingirg or httn plies oi vila c b3 tbaodtati i homed citie bat the ban irge tcrdt- j tire txy i5 rue croat liireda dorx esitenx tide of the river ret chiefly fax nnmiag vi attic uld by tnui- vild tociec the tnp- uid faotws tiu a warned ta tw iexhiqjttbfe the era nerer focad ia dwro ilmott oziirerauf an ia la lh ooarw of x fee rery fev herds of mtuttngx vere to ts meu ud ilmoct noirild cttde peniiteatljf tad txtuixtlj hid they idcnraacdaashtorfciiled the la vece huotd for hear hidee rh ch veie itheil told tt hif daqir piece by 5xcxiaajr the rotmg cttie tere czzght to w gccudd ud aolti it dollar lead ilfxiciiis from the tarns before cunedtud frpsthe eettiemtntc farmed thenuelves iatf regilxrly crgxnized coaip- nies with sjesptaia tt their held who di rected til thee rnovemetiti si concert of paa ind sciiot icured escceu the ccm- ptcieiof hflttehonters were called mm- ttngtts ittd temfcered u mxsy ul fr oe to to hi or mcrr eat kptinthe upon milorte ticdpoalid msstfisfii after iutia the mtutu fetrneci dec t tf t rtlcaing hotuv gmetxlly ctnditioti he con ifibrd ts soetaeti rurtaj qtuli t of hucsacen m oatming tgnei npatt t rendurou f provided themeelrec rith s arte soeh a tome coffee if they could iffofd itth greitert of iararie ia the field ditke mali cooes of lilnf broyn ileiican cagir big of mult pirched cam ipoaid on t aeccu or meji- clu mortrjwith t petue tha tulatt if t csrvei or tn ucliaed pun c little iheded oorit or vhetfea fiotir for tartffli or rriddle eitj ihe ettottitote i tcort pirfa of ma- i icoforbreiif pome liriiti orropamideof mrhide citefttlly rsciited tnd grecsed to u to be rery pluble isd itrong eaoagh to hold illy llfontt when tfcroirn u ill to ecme pa capi batcher tcirer tuakete slexicsiifhiadmtde of briiliiat coloatt good to lied rim bat not for vumth tod trmx tad itmramitiop for ia titoee dtyi la- diict vers terr aameroat it tell ts dsih geroce tadjhta not been bettea btcic java dreds of iiiilct they were ptrticaltrfy fond ofpxyin dfelifitte ttteation to maxttagen etid ltd t imitole dioctioa to reuero them of thetr inmjijf tnd icilpt it wit 1 rcs istttjf with the maitugerc to co ia etrccj ptrtip iad t be weli tsd brerely lti il thegreiteibtuttnjerin the whole oointry wm ltteido mencaa aimed hoqae whd bid been miay jeirt va cauti roj tciptive tpongthe cummche iodiiai he wis not oily t derteroox honeauo roper ad ihd arlnp tlmort innritbly i bow tnd irowt while hit ootoptaiotic yju retrmtijtrtliao treatrfctbly aueleiderifcllof dtriatemperedbyjadg meat ede htt ti my reqaett to thow mo whit ejetation be could do with hit bo fhotthroagh one tide of t- hoar btrrel itdtpeirly tiroah the other tide e cculd shoctj th woaderfal precuica tad ripiiity eminglf ufcing no lira bat herertheleir i triwg the mtrllwiui great tecaricy the itnd tt it were toting in in- ttehttneoai vi iitioa with the eye eoqnst brother eomifio wittlioiltmoacejptdi imcng the c isungert but he wtc by no rneint the eqn d of llotjae thosgft he ctme next to htnl ti t letder of men the tcnte- amatadikiti rfthete men fa striking t trtil orfolowiugt trtii wtt nurrel loot it tppeired tobe tlmott toimtl a itiiict otveiji bltiming tkill ts woodsmen tod btuteri oald scd t sctreelyperceptf- ble trtiltnd follow tu kinds of difficnlt ground tod i oacetlmenu resorted to by- wily induost daring the dsytime bnt bmjc tndilomtoo soajd ttrit t trtil tad folhnrit i y deeeytiw moonlirfit ot stir- iiht vvith no simple md slight field eonip- ments u ihte m ptrtst of mos- tugen w wont to go forth ud rsmtla tad other gune ntoh tt htrtt prtirie fowl full tad endltm rtritutt of duoks gem tmi to tto the qitntlty of deer big krotsil loot tlfciftr tht country tny- boajri sroperty thtt ohose to kill them tniy b interred wat ooe tot within my eerttin knowledge it occurred u lite u 1117 ten yetri titer ray lint ttriftl a texts a metiot of my teaasiattim t rcr- good mtttmtdttcotiiot with nio to araii m witn a coasidtrtlu number o deerskin itrijorytt the ettct pricela rstnm or tome mppllet ud the neott uriet he ttood a tilled of in ilx month time he killed between fix ban dtrd tnd tenn hundred deer with hie own rifle hv t dtittaoe of lets thin twenty milet on therotd lesdinjj from oorpos chrirt- lo ldo betweea the pltcet known tt the ptlo alto tnd the mgunt triaidld saottimet the muuagen nude itrong peatoreooloarotof meiinite or other dunble timber cut into pouind let on end rttteoed apright into the ground solid- lmetcoodt htl ret tad ming some ux to eight feet shore the sarftca of the etrth eich pott luading tt nesr u posiihle aextsaother sad sometlmet hcldmoit firm ly in plsoe by long poles lubed horuonttll ut t ooatintiau itaev ud fiieoed to the up tight potts by rtwhtde biudiai til tbaat the pea shoot twothirds of the height ot the potts shore the ground tupoiof eaoio- sore htd tht form m t honethoe but i little moreovsl fromteh side tt right snglct projkted t long line of potts itmiltr ia height ud ftrieaed to the pea etch of tbets iriari or wills extending kmt timet ultra atlf t mile wis intended to stop the nmiuagi or wild hottet la their fiifht sad to turn them with the snistsac ot the mtuttngert when they chied them tt fall speed itt the direction of the pea right to- wtrditsopeaiag upon which the tunning psrtietfrom the diffcrcat rides skilfully eou- verged tttrfng ctrt to close ta grsdatlly with concerted sctioa so te lo cttch the whole herd they hid ia clwc in the cul dc tto of the pen in preptrins for the chc or ran the masttniert frequently divested themselret of thetrntts snd short jsfkeu ud itirtt ud either ftttened the girths ot thsirhortet eery tightly ud shortened their itirrapf so to gtre thcmsalret t good grip with their knees or else they rode birebsefced with their jcbiukx or rtwhide ltritt retdy to be whirled in ctrcies shore their hetds to cttch uy psrtioulsr uimsl they miht cut off from the running herd of tnustugt to seetheso mutlugtrt in full chtse of their prey ni to behold one of the most exciting scenet presented by the wqd ports ud oo- cupttioat of teus froatier fife in geaertl the sfexicsns of the frontier ride superbly the powerful bat cruel spuish bit which they ate giret them the most perfect eoutrol arer their horse u they cut tarn them suddenly st fait gsllop ia uy directoa tt if ther were shot desd arithoat beingmoted in thetr tests the muttngert satnetimet ought cererti hundred horses in their pen in ooe dritre in the muner described mi u soqa st the saimsls were eo entrspped the open part of tjta pea gturded etrefally by mounted mai- txarx wu closed up witlz pectjs tlready prepsred so st to form t perfect vxi contin uous enclosure impossible for uy miaul bretk nambr ought were freaentlyso grett td conse quently their rslse eo tnritl thtt they were old cr i udl so 1 held ttken in qusntity of coune tame taimil picked out for betaty or good poiuts brought more flint or spotted horses were quite numerous smoug themaitisgt the grc it er cumber of wild hones were aadersiud sty sbiat thirteen mi t htlf huds hijh thawicg genertiy goid points ia the fore- quirters snd poor in the hiadquirters bat seme of the miauls were shove teea huds high tad dtfpltyed not cnty fsir lif bat good blood u fins amenta hortes ud mires from time tj time htd escted from their owners tai joined the mustugt snd bred tmong them where thit htd been the esse t rsrt improrement ia height weight powec snd symineter wis obiervel immtdi- ttely tta funoui oigxr story i sited iboutth ftmoos dgir ttory which do yoomeut when your ercelleacy kechherg kept on smoking t ci- gtr in your preseaoe ud yos took one yourself you mu thun well thtt wt simple enough i weat to him tad he wis working snd smoking tt the state time he begged me to wjit t moment ida wtit bat when it seemed too bog ud he offered mo no cigtr i took oat one snd uked him for t light which be gtre me with t rtfher tstraiihed look but there is in- other story of the tune kind- at tho sit tings of the military commission when bocbow wss the prusita repesentttire tt the diet austria slone smoked bochow who wit t furious smoker would certainly hive liked to do it but did not future when i succeeded him i too tinkered sffr s avir tnd it i did not tee why i should sotwe it i stked the power in the presi dents chtir to gire me t litt which seemed to give him snd the other gentlemen both istonishment sod disp it wis evi dently u event for them that time only austria ud piustis smoked eat the other gentiemen obtioatly- thought the matter so serious thtt they reported it to their respective court the question re quired mature deliberation ud for half a yetr only th two grett fowen smoked then schreakh the etnriin snroy itsert- ed the dignity of his position by smoking kostitz ths stxon had certiinly slsot great with to do to but had cot received uthority from hit if bister when how ever he sswbothmer ths hanoverian in dulging himteif tt the next shtinf he must for he wit intensely austrian having sons in the army have come to some un derstanding with bechberg for he also took out a agar from his case ud puffed away only wettenberg snd dsrmstadt were left and they did not smoke them selves but the honour ud dignity of their state imperatively required i so that nexttime we nietwitenbnrgprodnced a cigtr i see it nowj it wt a long thin yellow thing and smoked at lent htlf of it ss t burntoffering for the fttherund i t m a fancy dress in partis from i6e wotif the moit mtrrellouf eoitume was worn by a paris lady weil known for the faucy ballt she gives at home it was that cf an egyptian snd had it not been artistically perffcct would certainly have been condemn ed ss not quita modest the wearer wss first cssed in rosieoolouredtlghfs from head to foot ud the drees test 0 her from enypt wit thoroughly exact with itt black satin girdle fastened lightly over the thigh the longjjflowiarwiflgrrienly embroidered ud but imperfectly eovermg below the knees the egyptian sandal the head dress the lower part of the fsoe painted in checkered colours tod the gorgeous jewels were all tout hentfi tad beta wul thtt we lookedupon the wearer mora ar a ifafue than at a woman tb prtttuttvw motion trtr- flrrt- ippuflsvtjon oj 8t tut u i osunrod in amtrte fom tb ttor ttoea idtst of rallwtyi it laid to hart iot4lb eoglaid in loot tht l 4m of queu ellubethi rtlgn ww muttjrtd from tht inlaw ml jntwoutljntpf by of umber exactly triight and tjde hobsb led to waira the clergy nun who thus decribed u everysy hont trusaction was on hit high horse of rfaetorl- oal jublimity i you may kmdly guide the pruelng steed to the crvstalliroolc which babble down tht billside in the rammer tan bat you oss sot coerce him to stoop ud slake kit thirst ia th ttlrsry stream if he be notwlllngtosooept yonrproffceed tht ant been ln uftrr tttami to laying nils pirsllsl i and balky otrtt wore mads with our roller flttloj thote rails whenby tht cart wu made soeasy thtt oat horse could draw our or ire hundred otldroniot coal those roach were called trtnwtyi tad not until the yetr 1700 wta the wooden tramway improved by clothing it with long strips of ifa to prevent exoctiirt wear and tea jlhlt wu continued until tht year 1740 1 whea castiron ralla fixed in parallel litkt oa crosti wooden tteeptn were tubttlwted j la 1190 blrkeashtw pt- tenttd tht lihbellj nil and that inbitl- luted wrooghtlron fur outiron rails tttii turm ot rail tdraooed in pualln ettimition ud wu cianloyedln the cooitrnction o the lirorpcol ud macheecc rtllwty whioh was openijdln 182tk r the flnlomplte and practically working ocndallng orhighprossurt tngloe wu oonstructed in 1j8a byolivtr etn of philadelphia who thus pared the way by economy of pace and comparaure litnnlict- tyotibetnechuiimi required for the loco botive ongjoe tul802kichardtterethck u able but eeceatric ugineer took out a patent for a i mm engine thtt would travel by itt ova internal impulse j he had invented this ud exhiutedltto crowds la loudon in 180 he adapted it to the drawing ot cart oi a railroad ia uerthyrtydvil da softth waet the eogiiie had only one cylinder whioh wis eight tochea in diimeter it did it work bat drew only ten font ot bar iron tt thelnte of fire miles u hoar the great fact that locomotives ruaoiog with smooth wlieelt oa jrraooth nils could draw heavy loads up a modente incline wu cs- tabliihedinjisu i in 1613 qirg4 stpheosoa aselftsoght engineer cooattuctod far theftiuiagworth oohitry in sotthumbcrlaud a locomotive havins tka cylinders seated oa a boiler mounted oalwheelf which bore cranka con nected wvti thepiitoaheidt ot the cylin ders ud were tntac to revoite in anitan by mcusolj vsucinwa chains working over bsrrelt on tieir axis at lint the engines midecpxt ktephenaons principle were not held in much estimation and a ooasidcrt- ble time elahd before they ctrnt into gen eral ore i f j the vrtnthi eataeer 3d stguin in i2c lucoeaafally iutrodaoed locomolirca upon the rtilwt ji from 1 ouen to rt liaeane ud from st kt cine to lyons la thete he tint introduced tautll tubes pitting from the arebox to the chimney u arrangement of the grateii importance for increasing the erirontiagjpowet of the engine he tlto incrtaied tile j draft of the lire by means ot a ventilator ah effect which itilxrt stephen son better accomplished in 1s23 by the ac- tionatttetinj i iu 1k8 the liverpool sid mancfceiler etdway compuyj being uxiotu to tun the carriages lost their road at a high rate of ipeed offered a preotium of fcco for lbs best engihl jwhich ahould fulfil certain con dition the premium was won by the rocket engine built by atephentoo the weight of the rocket was four and a half tois the tender three toot ud four cwt tho total uing under eight tona it had four wheels riot coupled the firebox corfaos was tcctrty square feet with a grots lead of levuteea tout it attained au average speed of ssreutees miles and before the end of the year twetraiae ud a half mtlet anlioih tu 1831 stephecaont en- giatf were able to draw ninety tint pa t level it tmafyfira miles an hoar the ftrati locomotive engine introduced and worked in america wu run on the delaware tud hudtos canal eompuyt railroad in luxerde county pa inlbs to conrey the comptays coal from their aiaes to hoaeidale a diataae of twentr- four mitts this locomotive wu called tht r stiirtridfcelioa snd was built by george stephanaoa it hisl works in the north of uagucd of the j best workmiaahip and maerial snd most apt roved pattern of thit date udwai ou jiew for a time in sew york i i the fouowiug description of ita trial ia taken from d hotliateri if iatory of the lictawuni valie the road paaaed out of hoaesdaebya aharp northcerterly curve with a moderate grate and ru carried over the lackawan na by a long hemlock troatlins oonatdered tos frail by many to support tht great weight of the myiteriout looking engine all ready for the huirdous journey as the crowd gathered from far and near expect- tag flat briige locomotive ud all would plunge into the stream ths moment the pat- saga wu attempted no one dared to tun the locomotive terras- tho chum but if horatio allen who amid exultttion ud praiaepaiaed overthe bridge and t portion of the road- in safety tie engine how- ever was abxadooed ss the slender tret- tling forming much of the body of the road suffictently strong for ordinary cart wu found too feeble for the wegat sod tear i xfsj allenlof the tint trip of alooomotive on this contihent s ys at i placed my hud on the throttle e wu undecided whether i would morellow- ly or with alfair degree of speed hut be lieving that the road would be safe and preferring if we did go down to go dawn handsomely aod without any evidence of ti midity istsrted with considerable velocity passed the curve aver the creek sifely sad wis toon out of hearing of the vut atsem- blige at the end of two or three miles i reverted thejvalre and returned without to- cideat haricg thus made the tint railroad trip by locomotive everravio ti the western hemisphere j tht fint american steam loodmotire call ed the best friend wu planned by el s miller then residing at charleston and wu built byjifetsw eemble in kew york for the south carolina railroad in 1830 it wu a small fourwheeled eogine with up right boiler ud iwaterfiuea cloae to the bottom with the sunt circulating around them it worked veil for about two yean wheaitexptodedud wu rebuilt with a fine boiler it ran on a railroad the first overboils ai any oiuntry exclusively iai specifically for the ate of locomotives u motive powe0 which wu ta ooanect char leston with the straonah rirer this road wu built on pilet oltea very high above the ground i the engineer w mi j hora tio ailed who it mentioned ia this article and who was sent to europe by that com- ptnyto purchase the railroad irca tni three fcoomof ives it wat upon the charleston ud savannah railroad slaj allen plaoned ud construct ed the great improtenmnt of two fourwheel trucks for iooomotirea ud patsengercsrs thii system of dqubletrack running gear including ths application to the springs hat with no essential change ever since been adopted throughout the united states the first stcampropelled can in america running regularly with passengers aud freight wereioatha charleston and ham burg railroad now he south carolina rail tht fint truly effectlfe locomotive wu the ironside bhilt in 1831 by matthiu w baldwin ot hifladelphia for the oer- man town- railroad it took ill months la 1831 to bmld tha lroiside the same establiahmeni built two hundred tad eighty complete locomotives in 1870 the amerlcao locomotives differ from the eoropeaa iumsay ptrtioulsn they tre tlmott invsrisbly outiidt oooaeoted ud their cylinders art nearly or quite on a level with the axis of he driving wheels they arediatinguished slso by the oib tt she back end to protect theeoglneer ud fire man aitd with windows in front to affords viewshead there are no cabs oa he eng- lith looomctivet tht engineer ud fireman art exposed to ill weathers if the english looomotf vet srt tht best ia the world they an riot the best tor tht world t- th fint solid iron rails laid ud pasted vfuf vf i uoottotift of patmbgtt om tht boston uovwot imi tholniilhv iaijijaii jadru tttii aw eoglud ai oa it raid a anil car bulluct tltaru tm itsisasif iinv tbo ita nattt of tat coluobas jtvttnnuing at tht ordinary ftu of thirty mlletaa hoar ptrformi forty- ftmrftat wr wcoad ad kt itnaty tuilet ja hattront aqadrtd and flft fttt par ioad ftn objktt ntet irtlltri tyttj ipart pit hit ere la tht thfrtyflftlt pn of k it qod whta two tnlns having thit doted pit each otbir tharelatlvt teloolty will be tertnty sards par tecend i and if oat m tht totlniwtn kvonty yanda laug it kould filth by ia i liaglo teaond to socompliah this tuppoilng tho driting wheels to be ae tea fee i in- diimeter the piston jmuit ohtnge itr direction a the cylinder tea timet in 1 teoond hut thereire two cylla- der tad the oteehuiim it to regtlaud that tbot ditoatrgtt of iteamara allerutte thcrurt therefor j twenty duoharijes of itssta per ttcoad it quiliifittrrtls tnd these twenty txhauatt rtiviile t second into twenty equal ptits etch puff having fie twentieth of f setoad between it std thtt whioh precedes ud follow it the tar like the eye it limited in the rapidity of ita lentatiooj ud lemitirc aitha orgu it it it aotoipibotcuatinguiihngionnda whioh laocetd each other at lattrraii of the t wen- tilth part of a ttcoad i m i j i a wonderful biniiatr rrorn part to motoenr in 18 dejtaud la hourabeatlng the mounted oourierea trip to tho souroat of the nile the present interest in codnatriuiira tnui fotled by the gathering of throngs ot people to witucsf walking and running matches wu equally gnat in tht early part of tha oratory bnt wu then excited by the won derful tnd almost incredible performance of one min thit wis menseu ernst born ia bergen korwty oa oct 19 199 he wu the ton ot a tea capitis ud when iti 11 t boy entered the english ktry although hiipqwen u a runner were displayed even ia hii boyhood he had made three voyage to the iasst indies sod bad eompletod a threeycan cruise on the rigita caiedonlu befort he mads a public exhibition ot them which he first did by tunning a race in lon don when 19 yean old though up to this time he had no training scd had even licked a pcdcatiians ordinaryopiortahitiea for muscalar development he was famed througuout the ksvy ss a runner and won- derful stories at lo his extraordinary power circulited tmong til brknehea of the ser vice at last t heavy lum of money tu wagered by the ofhocrs ofihiaahip thatsf en- sea would run from loudon to portsmouth a disfuc of 71 miles in teat than 10 hours the feat wu attempted and accomplished the distance ixarn coterid by ho young tailor in exactly nine hours shortly after ward he tie from london to liverpool a distuco of 150 miles ia s herart although that aucceaafol u a runner meaten did not quit the sea until after hiring dittioguithed himself by briverv in thebatteof ktvarino fought oct 3 18j7 soon after that date he became a protesxioaal runner and alter winning a number of letter mate hex mi in duced to undertake the great feat ot running from paris to ixotcow he started rain the fiaee vendome at t oclock id the afternoon of june ii 1831 ud entered the kremlin it iq oclock a it ot june ts hmng ic- eomplished thesunce of 1 7g0 niilea in 13 dsys and 13 hours 1 i 1 his feat created a decided sensation throughout europe and the employment of kleuten u a courier extraordinary try mings and priacet became a popular amuaemeut ta eoropeaa courts he ran froth count iy to country ui from eontt to ooart bearing measageaof congratulation condolence or diapateheof greater importance ud when ever matched against the regalar mounted couricn eaaiy succeeded in beating them hetlwtyt carried with him a map scorn past ud u mtnybucoit andtunces of rnpbeny tyrup u there were to be dayij occupfcd en the barney in winter he took with him a pair of long deader karwefrlait snowhoes and in traveliag he always ehdae the meet direct line taming out neither for moaa- taiu nor riven but cimbingjthe ooe ud swimming the other he never walked but invariablyru keeping opal ng swiogtng ioie forhoartita time without rest his only refreshment wt one biicuit ud u oaaceof napbrrry ayrup per diy and two hort rests of 10 or is minutes each ia ti hours tharo rcift he tok while ilidiog tad leuin aaiost a tree or other object e f support at tuch timet he covered hit face with a handkerchief ud tie ret an i after such a nap he would portal hit wiy p- mreutiy u refreshed u though he had lept for hear he wu very uneasy when com pelled to be quiet tad could not it still for half u hoar without feeding a tense ot inf focatitn he wu a very am able mn a favorite with all who knew him ud wu made much of by his royal paronj in 1833 he started from liaalch at v p m june c with dispatches from the king of bavait to his son otto king il greece these dispttchet were de ivered at kauplia at 9 a m oa july 1 or tevea days aomer than if they had been teat by the reguhr post in i83c while in the employ of the britiaheast india company menseu charged with the conveying of dispatches from oalcnttt to constantinople itnroigh central ada the dittuce it 0615 miles which the messenger tccompliahed in o daya pr in one third of the time made by the swiftest caravan on this wonderful journey he made hit way serosa terrible deserts awful salt swamps where for hun dreds of mile he uw no living being sad- through countriec whose inhthitanx were uvage robber and who li red in a state of continual warfare the man seemed in vested with supermtunl powers tnd his tame spread far ud wide one of the moat interesting problems of the age being the discovery of the soarceof the kilejic wu suggested that this wonderful nun be em ployed to fallow the course of the river ti its sources mi thus determine them prince facklermuikanvwho had himself traveled extensively ia egypt ud bad made several uasuecessful attempts to penetrate to the beidwatef of the nile offered to 4efry all expenses ud rewad ifeuteuhudsjmely if he would undertake the trip the in- defiiigibla runner coosentm to mtkathe attempt sad oa may 11 1w2 set outjfrom uukan in silesia whence he ran tej jer usalem where he had some business to at tend to thence he continued his way to cairo ud up the western hank of thejkile through lower ud middle ud into upper egypt here just ontaide the village of gyue he wu teen on the morning of jin 22 iu3 to atop ud rest leaning against a palm tree with hit face covered by a hand kerchief he rettfd to long that some per- root tried to wake him but they tried in rain ton he wu dead he m borijd it tht foot of the tree ud it was yean be- fonhitfrieadiraeuropeknewwhatfaa had befauen him i i t warm and cold aueuancea- a manager who ha 1 just returned from a brief tour in italy with an improvised opart troupe wuukedhowthttaettre-goisg-pub- lio iu in thit tunny cbme well j tim he the pablic vihst seoording to locality at rome the people ire warm enthusias tic why yon hark hardly altered ijnote befort the home rises tt you ud tears up the benches at turin on the other hand to reception it offered till you are half through your piece mi then every one get op and go oat without uying a word i dout like sin ring to oat ot then cold ludi- eacea no artut doet i i i draisa 1878 tht american ud english sooiefje distributed 3800370101 rit lneuna 740823 in 69 lupiaget k tur key m608 in 9 luguigft jtndia 843 616 obiaa 149103 fjtpsbi 81398 lu 8 france 3s160t serrit and ait 1281708 82 otrmuy- 468108 85843 1 mexico 80000 itai ami rite sssse 2ma taplontios t tno rrpti pwoltloo ta tat soua torlsd bwlotm fntkfttititkei tht french otomiphiall locloty will nhortly hold ipt4atmtib tt tht stf- bonnt to walooiao un sarprgnan do brura ud dr bellay who had just mure- ed to fraato from tbtar uuit j ears ex- ptdluoa la tqaatortal africa th exbtdl tioa wm nftdtrukta forts parpot ot tru ing tht count of tht blew ojowti la tit trtsoh ttttltmeat of jqaboooj and it the and ot 1874 lieut 8irorthude briai sod dr- bellay landed apoa th wett coast aooonv- panded by m marobt who had been th com panion ol tht lata marqoli de oimpieiat la mora thaa one of hit louroert bat who did not go very tar with- them both tht ueotenutud the doctor were laid up with fever or torn time udlt wtt not until angurt 1875 that ther left tha list of the european laoiorie it lambarenoe tht real itartlngpolnt of their expedition with u ot- cortof twttvt laptott nativt rknegal roopt la tho french service under the command of qaartermaiter htmon the oourte of the nver ogowal may be dirided into three tec- tiont ol ibont equal length the npper tht middle ud the lower tat middle section followa the eqaatorirl line tht two othert bending about one degree abuth ward the oae toward it tooroe the other toward ita month the goods ud the baggage bad to u ooareytd in canoes and open tht backs- of atita i but throuibout tha wholtot their jnuroty mm de braata and bellay tad pert difficulty in obtaining any ttsiitanoo from the blacks f tad toward tat end they encountered pea hostility halting it lopo a large vlltge aitoated oa the ogowai about hilfway betwtsm ita lonree aad the atlulic tha ira volen made a journey into the terri tory of the fins who teemed very friendly ud from thence to doame much higher up the river here m de brans wu struck down by illnest ud the expedition rcmaia- edtt djbm till the spring of 1877 above thtfalltof ptabaratao ogoati becjmoa a very insigdiflout stream ud the expedi tion might hare ended there for the ques tion at to whether the ogowai communicaled with large lolaad lake wa tetiled ia the negative bat tha leaden determined to ea ilore the eoontry beyood the tooroe ot the rirer ia march 1678 they were compelled to renounce tht teariot of the free native ud to teenrt forty altret who were far more docile ud who were well rewarded for their work after leaviag the batia of the ogowai the expedition tufferedagood deal from want of food tud water the eoontry being devast- ed by famine but matters mended when they reached the nyunbo a itream flowing eastward which brough them tot iarre river the alima not indicated upon uy map this river which it nearly two hund red yards broad it many points ud about sixteen feet deep is u they believe one of the tribnitari et of the congo they followed the alima for tome dittuce partly on foot partly in canoe bnt they were tttacked at virions point by the nattvet aid tfter three of the escort had been wounded they felt it decenary to return their fire tyvaxioot to avoid a night attack on the river m de cratza and lh bellay ditembuted their meatnd threw up tome infreathmtutt which wen attacked next day by the na tives whom they succeeded in reruvag hiring only fifteen gnat tad with their immunition tunning abort they resolved however to abandon tho course of ihcitream which continued to ran eastward ud mak ing toward the north they found the na tives less hostiledut they could act obtaia uy provisiant after ctossing several sf mams al of which flowed eastward the expeditoa wu oblig d to separate m de bmxt panned his journey bryaad the equa torial line white dr bellay ud quarter master hamna awaited him at th alls of foubara m de brtxza made tome progress in this direction but the rainy season aet- tiyn and barring hit furfh- r progieas he rejoined hit oompaniob ia september the expedition getting bick to oaboon at the end ot november the expedition had last ed three yean during fifteen months of whch ita memberf wen cut off from til communication with the civilised world wbde for the but fire months they had to march btrefooed their legs coiered wiih ore ud half itaved but they can sot against this the fact that eight hundred mile of grounds were covered man than half oa foot ud that the area ot ground hitherto unexplored which hu been brought within the dom of geognphy it equal bo thatof belgium m dangers to kafrrtxrl bntkemeiu before the february meeting of ths car baildert astoattion mr d a hopkins oat of the retru railroad men of the country rtlafed hit experience as a freight train brtkemaa during- his younger days and described the perils fa which thit diss of railway employee an exposed eepeci lly in winter they most run upon wet and icy runn boards ud jump from one car to another ia the darkaets a distuce of from three to four feet a siaale slip or a false step tends him to i horrible death statiitacf gathered at long ago ta in 1853 tho wed that the proporton of men killed in thit vocatioa on certain road was greater than that of soldiers killed in ordinary war- fan and if- railroad officer would give u much can to the protectioaof these men u they do the rfety of paaaengen ud freight two thirda of the accident that now occur mght be avoided ai one meut of prt- veationthe can should be brought closer together another wuby providing u iron- upright guaid around which a mu might throw hit arm while applying the trjce so that in case of the breaking of the chain or slipping of the wheel he could have something to hold ou to according to the katioiul oar suudtr mr hopkins strongly urged the importance of well coniuactecf cars to tecum thii if wu neoeatary that railroad compaaiei should pay better prices fr csrs to that tuilden could affird to ue belter material and workmanship contract can he contends- snapt to contain poor iron cross grained wood knotty ailla ud other tmperfeeticas which echsnee the risks ud dugets of train men and inthe matter of cost wu poor economy sfter sll i i evzaydsyonths via toledo the finest and most frequented street in xaplet might hare been seen an eld woman bent under the weight of yeai velad in wretched mourning he won a tattered bonnet on her head a thick buck rail over her feat- urea ud a pair of ngged glove oa her fla gon 8he never spoke but took with t kind of growl whatever amall coin the pau- eogen alight vonohtafe her that old wo man giiaa were twenty francs per diemt bat who wtt the 1 no one could toll tnd rte never answered quettioas the other day a couple of municipal guards laid hold on her ud bundling her- into a cab took her off to the mtndicuta home one of tht femaleatfcnduta itripped her ud snddalyfrm the filthy fetia envelope of ragtemerged oinderuankei lusty young woman ceniiidarably on tail aide of 30 fnsh coloured fat and preposetainr her makeup nil marvel of effect her cur ved sprat iwu arrtaged with a cord whioh patted around her neck tad wu fut- aned tt the knee her hump wai muufi tared from a bill of rags her ud dirty white face wu managed hatjoa parchmeht on enquiry found that this young woman wu family ud that the gain she to eli taraed were taken regularly home td her preat to railroad on tit ice acroavtht mi onri river at bistnarek hasftoatad away daring tht lilt day of dttrtt it wai from on to three feet andet water ud big w jabtping over it but trtint of irelnht oan bearing raateaalt fm tht obbttwuobor tht korthtwpuifle railroad wen- harried over ab to the nut lttlbk moment tart loeomotive to prott mi oareeaed by the moving and tank ing oi the lot ud the fin wu extinguished by tht water name stamped on every bar take no othgfl bosoheirs aeeman syeup cm dot he paroboed right t botntv it it the andftiacoenfalptvpttrttion etof jntrodooed to oar peolfl itoriulikeft chirm in ill cues of conianjptioti poetjidonu hcmsl- raifget aithm torera caahi croap iiki til other throat tod long diseoee so pertou hu erer akd thii medicine iritbatrt getting immedittb relief yet there ve t grt mjuiy poorfferiog tcebictlpertotu eotng tboot oar ftrtfeta with i vxupi doui cough tod the role of oontnmpttofi comios from their idngt thtt till not try it if you die it u yonr crtm fault ti yoa eta go to ytar drnggut tad get t staple bottle for 10 eenteind fay it f three dotee will relieve tny cue regaltr iee only 75 oenu r badness items ir jite latfcraiiiriiiiti eow da ik uhftizj histataf pktoiul iuijav itil iiurjrf evinf iu tomrrii thpyofhaut 6ht ljminiair jfrtr pt- olat ud tuulale for lue hf ill iecax jftxicv urill redaoe itt tray hertrooalh m t to ave i000000 to be or not tn be tails the tjaettioa whether til nobler iu the mindto laberthe ftiuri tad irrowi of oatrtgeoat fortinae kc were the word of the noble bird thotewhogotocooperl7 for 8hiru nerer nffer trora t muliti 109 tonge s t toronto f petietnii om ol riul lorcc wul 4rx uf rlrogef i aun to ha dan it u misllmt litamar uut urn ttm ana b kp nif jd tl vtth 1 6ot uamint ol oicjdinftbl phtatphonii tbtv ptul4t ud nott viiitia6wtjllhlcbicilbitntixdnollata tha tttm u by lh tue ot trcrotu btrtaorrtw rhlch iatba rrttuest brain blood ud oerra food ta ibe world fvr tle by til tjetlerc bxiot ro 8rtitb ow ftnlai trtrdt of fut nltnre dot briar aiwvu by the offcarwi cbbfbet co li shetvtpf tdytiiitt yet afftnd tb htm yw of ptriour reti from tdj douvi apnrd n ttry pretty tad ynll fo p in vtanst bedroom ten tbf tun ttttx btrftini la chain their prion an rnoa reduced iwr wmtroota it wy utfuy u- raond ue 1t uu an filled wih ertxy khid ol faroltorc othawi dblnrt co sc lonje st tunotti j tosxets rmjiroybd ilone tni cattle food though not yet tvdf month put opoa the mirket ia tha pronnot is nov telling freelj in pricipu pliee fom wuidor to idootreil ftnaau would do yell to try it oircaltn tent ire miaaftctar d as john it south htinllton oat one tent tint ed ia every rihigfl torn tnd aty in the douiliioa uiluxjwi p 0 tc0 ojtt iltntut wiuini jozxrut k ptxtmssln i fool u my day to inlorm yoo that kit qrwf i wtt sty beaxifltr nutbe ear and ibla tall 1 1 tht b tiif of tht other alto to that i to afraid i would never bp ahla to bear anln t tried ererythini- ta briaf bide my bearior i amid thioi of txa imd it all a t4u at lut i made as my tuiod to try tow of the tnxenr oa tubbed amtl on the optu of my can tvoorthneuisea a pay and every nljbt aad man jit- bm wtw 1ui the oil aod kept it in my cart tad la oae veek time eond beer at vtll u 1 wrerwolai hot itlll rob on the oil vhen the weather u oold tod t keep vou alaola my ears 1 trite tbjtto yon that yo mubt koov the torth of yoar vellow oil toaretnly elomrcutc for moc ty iiltwlta fthe ke amt 1 notnt j r putnoilss louise- a3 h attfll j stwkwell gteam mills oalf twtaiio i la uikutuwi vj anr western brand baken cannot aflurd to to ilibooi n rmlliewto rrlat a aaovsrtiite fii l unit it to be ia inupsataak npiuit f m i areied lilfterr dlrtorn aa mp j fartistiiubietaproebrerepjle ta thdradii iiortworf tn plm ttk t the mll- rhbmitm4o0l- ji cateaeursbotrt 1 sola mannhflnrts for the r fnfcyi aslriauli send for price list 13- 7320 more sold in 1878 j than in iny previous year in 1870 we told 127333 sewtng jiafcxtrat ittts k r ooeaalea bar ibcreacaj eannomialf ierer fear thronsatbe rtsle period of hard uawsi we oo sail tiureouartera of an the iettat jfa- etittm sold la the woili r rv the aecotaamdalloji oilhapubfie vhavtttt- auaordiatte ocvea u tk coltod lutee ud caoaaa aat 5000 coeel in the ou or id aud s ottimtrlet vvaste nci money li u 0heap oounterfeata- send jrsorvuljmackiital fova qsi hsl jliwwiletse iobohto brash mntjctnrer javui wllmi u sjiatamt imt foroml bankers brokers uittatujdauiisl tun i barristers attorneys etustavers i b it6i slavsmt bo88tnhoose pnp dark bramras several bevfldlbpcba ornuiattala and cochlaa for ttl wm b doeudon p 0 fdies as oumemestec horetu li leini ldetnph a tu domiiiloo trurtsph in- atrute st kjogreet last tentto for terms tc adorrsi dlcdt lu t co proprietori sutthirwa bbo k tocct nrrw toronto buy only work ontario baking powder for rwl meo w per day made vi ih star aarer onlr one to etch toem- ihp 8eod tor djrxilaj haetifajctory 6s mar- 8t hamltoa oat durable urtaw butte ud cbeafu hft prize at prurincoj luhiutioa lou don ttxtumoalalf ou ippucatlocu flatitfactjoa ru rntd addrtne j doam ft son ijrartjc odl agents wanted mc baak stamp patent pocket sump tfeiottio solid robber tjtseactl steel stampa etc re mored to so w kinfstrect e c c stewtvat h co toronto k ktsian well boring and a driiliivioahtneryarit pritt u prortnew st- ulbttioo ig78 aad cold mejaf at ceateiihlal bwd- wiwboaldert qiilekwd etc etitly handled ecod itirnp orpat iuattrited ctitlorae holt ft w stay atnet west vjennabakingpovvdr3p usunchriral1ediadnarutmd tonaka whiter utbttr and better bead thin any other fowder trrlt c-1l- paonatne the singer mfgj co j toronto office uodooofbce klnettontiavm brutiord oface inndoofnoa goelphcmue i pari hopa office r jbilnrstwest fimmdua mnncbtnetaat oor fmacessaadwatasctea ma tmcoulldnw emedonrallsut wantaabm l out nails pillow herse i x4ilmafvfa0rubsas i montreal rtwpectfiilly annoanee to all dealu ti ril cnntamen of pitkalla that ther bawpor- chatrdimsolb eight lor lh polxiiofrot oaoada to use j- coyhes paten autmlcmilpieker all cut kioa manufactured bj- ua from thii fomnl wfflum from dust 8caxjl slrvxbs sails thsnky anturlos- to the oosbctika at least t to i pocxljs aois ocpertmxalbttoumeec than thoaa nad br other inbn la cuidt br tha r ouarsho cspaesiaki suunraetlaedtijallothar hsfl taaordactarerkla the drstunloa and tmtflliler bj- american bbumstetsrat wto hare sne ualshax j lute neoeattj olutta tmooyne hcjcst to sua- tarn the repuniion dfthtir nads and now use that r davlosotih- ererrke la sued vtth theaholo mo- daetfatal the kllachlm sad amfesto is set 5 to 6 pouada bf oust aattbotertsd i bat- leaskaua usnmthaalmtilooonaixritbbi ther an made to prfcjst that qmatrtrot wors lets acrap wneietvw pcortiaslw saik maraadw ogyrots3jehcaer tstrai s to test th reaott bthsawtit7baeubf tat auu it our make tad uat c say oastmsitfttrr a ubxl andi arder to stamthtlreukast saoedmthttt5rr 1 wtettl ctjtt ptkav attnaiii tickat ibaem ttmir coymi jtaaaim kobat safli i- arrwtsmitjnoiecvfmtirtt ore tot ery year tmrmtrt alon jvinno havinv arrd reliau vlaktntt tcate wf haliburton r je fxakrnofoait l bailiwatlam sad rlotn kit fctaata liajrrjiucrrjbebb or v leather aeltinq noolborsbbt rrefbuxwrtwjlarsat saimprtctdtki mi nimmti heapfarm free hgmt r lwsssssm r asjrotii qurney danknswar21 jg w t i mr ibrtfcditkitl