mm- bkttent onus nadvpttwe tl xtouiopaulie hum mfcultwt elerloa clit to um ocase storlau wit artituikrpbkftt ooiioanolcnwt btlut mm oc lut otffiari bond ells la pits ana tot wealth mcjafk f twutf etf ttoertit uuhsnlelet fcatsibobaikloroiei from the lelstt ot w w whus mother courts la tain daol repose feorlo4islailr i rratutrrasti udtanwi ore son lbs etasesps rtttti p bjtbtsttlfomllmallt or imiu u trese bllllt the oldier aprtafl an vakitr nataly aaaceirttf h fsce lbs tunlsrt ran ind spear oodtfav eft oar pleasures be foe tea uedsotavth tre v med kastef trolle xx set toe mm it ofwa throw nnllfir to ihycdwuat wtsrr i let me ta lb icaest pise wilotothibyyhr6m htlt elty of tunlt h dirtta t email amount from ws hitttt ut tad puifaa- euxik hm nxatm us ofier toe stack vtbvrt oewtlp d cl st m t- inc ft foffr vc lai u tbe twle freckujoc i u uftt tb ouwc twjet lci front bee lip tela ihr toe flee tmr dedl u4 ifctocinc uae rttacrrt tch linw to httrrr tac aootilmttof k u lai cttdl it life ooa dtii coo tt owttocyvtatji i lot ivber toe f d profaadlfl- lwov the ifc cite wt le 4et c ti hw r tna llw njtt ltt e t la dprctatc thio t be ibrt no c fc daepec 15 at gail uuacriivtvuuimltka kbc9c tope it vxterv tcu ikaftic- arab cadbadouia lifsls tunisa ticldr i bmboozled bth1e pjac ml els j harem of tlitttt haadrfld wire st t v li mi mi ism w 0i gm s4 i m i 1 1 i tl tjtt ir y i- ll ssss i3zfr iixvii swalss igift vvv t4i i i usssss v t- f hv i xi tons afriot mxrft is letterc from tntding correipandeate tu the mxnf ettiet a europe hire became fa rommhn loci stie tfetltafcemforpmwii letter from af- rie ud from tiu oil orieam esf of tonii ml bt loeepixble to yoor wadert oimmg front eriaee litlf geraanj- or eta trom spaixorbatuftad txrmazoa the tbarec of ahot tbtt border tbe ueditettueu tie tatelkr realises ilit be ic ia forei coonbry ca terfeafrof tbe word for- eign hie eterjiiingittouhjdifereot ui auners eastoms drew o people rram wbit msj- be ken an tbe ooatraeat tbe dimte is miiiiceat sadtbere u so fuwr soil u it veil burn an tbe bee of 4fce globe yet tbere e no dgni of drieziuon exoept in bdexdooal trce wbere earopeui i bixlefi bii mxrk by enctmgi boaw of modern ircbiteetere or eapaeend tbe bail- of an iaqedaet toots vitb tbe ex- eeptios of csuo u tbilsrmstdtymafrics it it aid to bsve iboot 150000 irbibiuatt bat it is mere conjecture ko socuxiie osn- mibuembeen txkea td aerer wis be sncb s ww y02li be impoaible litoa mibt as veil oadarufce to oooiittbe tpsr rowsia tbe citj- of keir yorfc there ire tot of tvff of anbs tnd bedouins ybo kste no home or shmrng plscas they srebejetoyindfberetbinornnr wbea nigbtonrtskes tbem vhetber ia tbe jnb- arbt or in tbe markot pbvx nalice aft they eek no ibelter but lie darn br tbe jiaiit snd i deep slamber sviit tberis- ing of tbe mortars son in tfrtifinn to vhxtit ootmied tie populitiou of tin ettj tjiere is sa eaonnousmfiiixrof arsbs sad bedouins frosi tbs surrounding rouiitjy etery dsy vbo oome nx- vitb uusvsus ef csraelxf sod slsa titb anmberlesc doakeyt besrilj- isdes witi psoks of merebindise cbsrooml tegeunes iodsi tie poduots of tbe neb country beyond to btrter witt tbe tmusnui inerebsnow the i anbiieem to b s iiitinct rase from fbo bedormat at cse tbey sre induxtriorflt sail dtfenioaifin m im it is from tbecr ample nsnd looms tbst corae tbe besataal silks for irbicb tunis it noted with tbe exception of these silhr most of their other msaafsctures srarade sod simple they hire no mscbinery or steuapoter u fir is i hive obserred in my winaermgs shout tbe city tbeirimple- tmeats of sgrkalture sretc pziautztess those tttedhy tbe snaentegyptiins a libof streemththerootof u afire fut- ened to it sarrtn for s plough ocouiaa- slly i see the mirth of crrilizatioii sawng toem mdiesied oy fssteaiag s pieoe of iroa to tbaroot for l hoe they use s blunt meee of troa reaembliag s ptoksxe iritb i hindle ibout thrws feet long no lies or sbovebt ire to he seen this hoe insrer- kg the puce of both the bedouins ire in nuny cnsricietlrtks s diflerent raoe from the anbs tbey sre liry sod filthy to tbe but degree preferring to steslthia to workj led living tike- tbe- beisu- of tbe field they ire the gypsies of afnrg sad their mode ofrlife- similir to thegypom of fesra femi ofhorsessnd doo filth sad idleness tnds vagabond life ia travelling througuthe nrrouading couatry v- taw many of their caavpf of from tea to ireaty rode huts or tears huddled togrther nude i jcfurnidfat sad corered with dirtylooking cloth for s roof under which sorepaudve did tbey look that the bents of the field would hardly bumble themselves to tike shelter they sre dsrk snd swsrtbey snd the scant covering that ball coooeils their nakedjest is bat iraestof rip i see tboasasdaof tbem in- tunis every day sad osrtieoaiskirfa t tfcjrljy haddled jetheria groups and chattering with eicb j obierski a lot of bbbkbtrds how tbey v bteatimysterfvutbiysreterypooramer no money seldom beg have no st ocifian sad yettotive tbey bavefo eat snd it must be some nursculousageacy that feeds theml yet fneyalt seem to thrive as have men but feir who look u if they were sriftffltrig from nnngw -tno- bey of tunis- is about 50 years old though he looks 70- with the many vexa tions that he has of tbe cares of rufe and jialiarem of over three hundred rives to look after the only wonder is tfcifc h doecnot bear tbe weight ia appearance of sre score years and tea or look tikejsp van winkle hl be awokefrom ins loc slumber els ruga bat not been like a trsaiail dream tboagh be has fceacngced ia no civil or foreign war hecia fully appreciate the proverb uneasy lies tbe head that weirs a erowo- his rofejrt bi one of disas ters rnthejgmcyoftaniitheresreaboct two mfuibaa of sabjecil oonjecf are iglini who owealiegiance to tbe bey they an scattered abotif in mull vilwt ind mur v towns some of which border off uwseaooist keitber does tunis or any of these seaport towns tar dieway of custom house tfaties er trfbote- to i cs which is the bey david a wells theory ot psttf lseaflned oat to tbe letter wbeijnvbeygesrhard np forcasbnd edrtuatlai ooudal all toom who itet lb city giw from the oooatrf wltbrtrfodi ptodaatj and mtknkdiii to mtter wltb ajriieioooastoituisbsy rsosltct which la ill coaicitueo it small iaottgb tot itatt ud faaily parpojct li it sat onougb to males him feel tiduppt and bjl looks raw hf when b ubhoatedoat ofit bydtsalt- laitreisartril iwltbbv fw yoak tto of hfiiute tteasattw hart run away with 190oqocj0 fraaci ithat iwiadling lbs u- homrasdin prbvx oat of 2000000 its felt poor baths did not part with any of thofsvoarltes of bis barera the bey hu no navy nor bat ha a tbip of any kind some time tuice it ocairrtd tobim if woald b a pbwaaat thing chin a stoiraor of his owa be dispatobtdaa agent to waneiuos with 160000 to porcuse a iritouat steamer a it afterward proved the agebt purchased a condemned boat for f 10000 tnd pot the balanoefa bis pocket item t tbe agent did not return tojtunlf the stoameroa its way to this port iprsag a lesk put back to xumtuei or kpairt and the repairs were is mach u tbe original cost or wbit wit first paid foe the steamer more thin halt ot which the bey was cheated out ot there is no end toithe msny ws ys in which the bey baa been victimised and cheated that be bis beta a simple mote easily plaeked there una doubt hit finances arc at a tow ebb and are on be par with those of th khedive of egypt bo woald be troubled to ret bit note for a thousand pooadt ouaeounted at 25 per cent kit last investment wis in tea thousand mascots kagliih or freoch nuaufictun which tome enterprising agent palmed off oa him it four timet their viliie k wat mtda to believe that tbe perpetuity of bif throne and the sslvatioa of the regeacyjaeiiinlt depeaded upon bjs baring these moskets which proved to be worthiest and without value fiaia ciiilr the bey it hot i tuoceu u the bud of laarcm behataotbiteouir there bit boon a fifiure in hit education loraewbere he bit a city aid couatry paaee both of which i visited yesterday under the escort of tbe americas moral two drigomen and several uteadaats the city palace it not a favourite place of resort with his eminence sod he ioiy stays la it but a very small por tion of the year tb srcbftctur cftbls and also of the country palace reminded me ofjbc i alhambraatptenadtaad the alcai- tr at seville tbosgh not built with the oriental splendor tad migaificiance ac those wonderful monuments of beasty left by tbe moors of spain the country paltoe or is it nt called tho bardo itiitaated three miles out of the dry on a large plain and is a strange- medley of buildiogt obilt in a va- rietyot strange arcbitectures and covering terersl acres of ground surrounded by walls nearly twenty feet high the buildings sre of rtooe snd mortar like arab hootct sad whitewashed to cover the defect of poor masonry the iateriors are very hind t tad many of the rooms are spacious aad grand the lofty ceilings aad the tides being completely covered with guosd fancy tile in several ofthe largo aadienoe balls i ao- ticed the wifkthrougbout were lined with heavy eriaatm silk damask tbe cefungs beautifnlly frescoed by italiaa artuttaadthe floort covered with fine tunisian ruga while at the bardo t had the pleasure of hearing tbe heft band perform several airs it wat something to remember it remind ed me very much ot xideojie band though i never beard gideons band play every arab member of it wat payiog a dif ferent tune out of tune lao without aar idea what muttcreslly wat i did not stand traarsxed like st cedlit whea she heard tbeangelic voioes of the heavenly choir but fled as aooa at possible to tee if a long dis tance would not lend an euchaafznent al though tbe bey has nearly one thousand sl- teodiatt at his palsse consisting of sol diers guards alaves bummers ete tbere it not a tingle female inside the walls oat- cide about three hundred yards distant it hit harem a large palatisl building also sur- roundectby higa walls aad at ttroagty guarded from the outside and inaide world as chadestowu stateprison every win dow it ironiattked and barricaded and the eteiucet- 1x4 i equslly well strengthened against say forcible attempt to escape or to eater there are ssid to be sbout three hundred women inside bat of tbe exact ouaxber it is doubtful if even iha bey him self knowt ko necessity of putting over the doors stringers aot admitted it is well known that a rata seeking to eater loses his life someyesrt tiace a romantic venturesome frenchman in the disguise of a womia obtained aa enterance but be never came out and his fste has beext a mystery f mttvtdiuitiom hb ih itrarbv lhit avemloi offtr froain an cllgttiu oppot- fanttyaifitthvf bp a family qtuml all the udlai ot tatlr oonalotlon art in i flbttor of ucluotat ud w far from btiag tou- trttmi of- tiaraailvss la the imntabls confusion of urge botpltslitlas tomt dlttaat aunt or af oouu it certan like th cross fairy who walnot tabid to the christening toftxeofftoce thsalmfttstroitsaisataod flnter now and something fresh to work open tnd settle dwa into good itstdr janl- metitiei marrftge and death tad tivi- lion uyt the poet rather crraioally rials barrca oar lives ifirriaget generally be get divltloo or rsthor ia tho general eidte- msot tome alow old grudge is brought to i bead and bunts sbea the happy pair re turn after their honeymoon they are itokr if they do not lad that they bare to take a udtlaafeod andirange themsslvesundst the banner of aunt jtne or aunt uifilda all hit it the rot alt of carioat inexplicable passion wiuiwbicbj people who do not cue a pin for a man or woman throw theramlrol into their matrimonii affairs ones birth does not disturb toilet t ooo may be chtuj toned and confirmed and the world u calm ourgwat ichieveawaf if we ever perform any lateretterm bat mort than our kins- folk we msy even commit crimes tnd dad hat scanty notice it taken of ula of encc reltuorj confining themtel vet to lay ing tbtt hey tlrki looked for at mach v e die tod oar intimites are unmoved why then can w net marry la peace why do people seek to become a new tad linage sort of beings of interest o all men at soon at thty ire engaged to be married then mult be tome myiterioni reetoa for bete thingt tnd philosophers rosy eeek it in the remote history of be rice then however ther probably will not and it is weddiags ih the remote hlitory of the race were ta aoregardeil episode in which the lady cu hit oa he head and dragged quiet ly out of the oamp kbr will tie pbjloao- tbe money ia not forthcoming the beads of several ovaoals tote tbdr identity with the tody tbst tapported tbnn doaf i c mir j teia toe ptotabtupy of jott mob xjoaseqatnay the nosey or part orittl happeniaf onwdiy or other misoelrjlrteous itsks a lutberaa dergymm named baltxly hat succeeded ia finding out to hit own entire tatisfaetion the dimensions of heaven he makes the heavenly city quirt lad contain ing somewhat oyer nine hundred and forty- eight lextaiiou of cubic feet hrsquaret be room reserved for the redeemed iato aperbaeau eaca about the sue of a hotel bedroom of these apartments he computet the possible existence of 3sxl166fijck gsbjbgsi he does aot uy bow the two- udrdsof sa tpsrtmeat is to be oocupfed while esltjly is has bury with jhis slate and pencil in elucidating bis view of the rhany msnaioaa reierred for the bfasfv- many people art concerning themselves rather about whether they shall get to heaven at all this about tbe tort of apart ments they wqi be thrust iato when they get there bsltzlyt notion of heatea it si- together too ranch tike that of a fall to find much favor ia tie pubbe mind i msny will say that if heaven is to be as he describes it they would rather live almost anywhere else i tbe tystem of sabterraneaa telegraph wires ilggwl by the fostmastetgeaeral of the german empire will be completed se conding to present tmagements in a year andabalf two lines will then trivene the empire diagonally the one running from northeast to southwest from fgxuigtberg to straaburg the other from northwest to southeast from hamburg to jutibor a town rathe extreme doath of siws these two main lines will trots one another in berlin lathe west of the empire a subterraneaa telegraph wul ran in tcurve tromstrasburg through cologne to hamburg ia the east another line will connect koaigaberg wfth eatibor and finally a cable wjll traverse southern germsny running genenlly east tad west though apparently the exact route for tins last telegraph hat not yet been definitely decided apou when the pro posed system it completed therefore alfthe fortresses sad cotnmerciil towns of any im- pcttance ia germany will be connected with one another by sabterraneaa wires the cable first laid down thivf rem berlin ta hahe has beea aatfifsctorily hbjected to the kverett ideatific tests miny people jmutt have been ponied to nnderstasd howjtwo charges couta have been placed ia the gun which exploded about two months sgo on board the ttshdmr tbe first charge watlfeet 9 inches lone tad the second i feet 7 inohee how wis it the men did not obeerre the presence of the first load when the second wis being rammed home t why wat it fbac ho one notion by the lack of sound that the gun had not been fired at had been intended lord epknstone hai aasverei theseoneatioai in the house of lordi the whole bsttery of tbe nimavnr wait discharged at the same j moment by eleetridty and that the absence of sound from one gun wis not observed a gua fa the forward battery also missed lite tbe act escaping notice till the men came to load it by band the piece which exploded was however loaded entirely by matduaery and tbe rammer uwd wis teleecopio its forward lection working inside of the fleck psrt as the charge wis pushed home consequently pher be more hippy if he loeki within hit owa bosom and listens foe he whispan of ooosciousacss hit ennacioutnest ha no thing to tsy oa the subject if be be a mar ried philosopher he knows that he always forgets sll about it when be is told hit any of his friends are about to enter into the itxto of matrimony he knowt hat hs looks on hat u entirely their owa aaair sad adthcr history nor erperienoe caain- forta him why his fcuaworeataret pat them selves into such i flutter stiakiud hat al- wiytbeenio constituted that many things which are aatural renuia inexlicabie to the philosopher we da not think that evca mr herbert bpenoer has tried to sdre the problem connected with the popular in terest in weddings 1 i vtcfttlucirm crstesrroa crrnxo iiau to gix take i pound theuae dlsaolved ia a pint of strong methylated spirit to which la to be added 005 part of solstioa of india rubber ia carbon bisulphide or take 2 ounces of a thick tolutioa of dae aad mix with i ooace of liesecd ott vsrniib or 3 tths of so ounce of venice turpentine boil together and agitate the pieces cemcated should be fattened for 50 or 60 boort to get fixed how ro uix3otdairc witti with ao troable at all any one can make la her own storeroom a better irtide of cologne than that which is umiur bought by thoc- ougbly dissolving s said drachm of the oils of bergimot orange and rosemary each with half adrachntof neroliaai a pint of rectified spirits as good aa eaa be out of cologne itself however is also rn pared simply by niixiftg with tae plat o rsctified sprits wo fluid drachma each of the oils ofbergamdt and lemon one of the ail of orange and tff at mach as of rosemary togrther with threequarters of a drachm of neroix ana foardxops eeehof the es sence of ambergris and musk if this is sabaequeatly distilled it makes what may be called a perfect cologne bat it becomes exceedingly fine by being kept tightly itop- pered for two or three months to rirea and mellow before uie j as oxtxir it is aa easy hiartodo sad aot often welt done i think the trou ble lies inthe factithat most oobkt overbett their eggr a simpis omelet is not s souffle break all your eggs ia one plate stir rather than beat up the whites and yolks to each three eggt you usej pot in a easpeodful of cold water i do not like milk salt and pepper your eggs moderately americas cooks use too ranch pepper tike some par sley snd chop it let the parsley be fine- aae american cooks never chop paraley fine enough j pat two ounces of sweet bat ter ia your psa lard for aa omelet it aa abominatioa f what your butter is very hot pour ia your eggs t fast as soon at it is cook ed on one side not crisp tarn quickly and cook on the other aids doable it over whea you serve it on a very hot plate t the cold water ia the cgjs mikes the omelet light and moist tnitisi ffedetr harsce usyaard american minister at constantinople who is now in new york said the other iaylto a reporter i the cli mate of constiatiaosile resembles pretty closely that of washington and life there is by no meant disagfeeisu although restrict ed wcally there it no soctery in our meaningof the term with at society means the sasodatida of the sexes bat is turkey you never tee the wires of tout friends and it would be a grave breach of good manners to inquire after heir health a turk makes no reference to his fimfly no matter how intimate he may be with yotu turkish gentlemen visit the families of christiana and know how to behave po litely in ladies compsny bat ther never i- trodaoe gentkmea to their owa boost holds he it always- hard up he makes a lerjv the fact of the first charm being still m first oeooi town and then oa another if place wat aot discorered by the gunners much blame is laid against the ccnitrnctorj sad ofscers hi charge as very little fore- thoogbt- wonld hive sufficed tig show them an icddent 1 a towrejusfcoiloctioi rryntntiednttsiij iho ute 8anstfttu o lomll itlin coanlmbtral it tnioa made it a poanit oamsromtngitfedprttraiuof h tapttor aad of the rarlom pereeaagvi wb e nsmef are aaeooiated with him lathe hiii ry of the erniire with tttirtatogrtpbi aid other doonmsnts of interest tbtte are xxoulned la three urge ru volanu htfcdsomel bound ia green morocco wih the utnl of nipojeon oa thi sids d the imperial dphtf of he bei oa the eorours e id btckt thtoht volomo rtferf oadrey to npo leoaiodhll family begianlnr wilb t letter of flaalnlo baonvparte di led 1602 tod two from j andrei buoaapart 19389 then one from b fernando bnotupirte 1728 kelt it one from hit ftthet cpulea d booatptrte and then two from hit mother miri letitt llamolino iddretted to her n theie tre very irfleresting writton la i firm hand aad la itallin the one it mnoli- earlier ban fa othir though it bean no date expresjct the bop that he it in good beaub aad ipeakt ot hu brohert iddrwting him at a mother to hervoaag ton the other u dated april i9h ex- nreescd la very different terms tad more oartf ally wrhtea bet in he linw i no thick handwrking ties are followed by three from oaidiail fetch uncle of hepoteon aad three from ui eldeit brotht r joseph one of which it written to looii h tmapsite the father of napoleon hi ifjron loijdou dsteddee4 1836 respecting the attempt of hit son at strasbourg then i ao into- rrapblt iter of kapoleea in the loueotioo althoagh one which wit a letter the em press josephine was once inolodec and this appesrs ia m sfatfr ia the piilobiblon 8eeietf t ptiblloatioas bat is not now to be found the great ratify of letters it the autograph of napoleon u wellknown to collectors and all hat ws have if this re markable collection by alt own haid an the minttes which he bu written in a iingularly illegible acribble tad bad spelling apc the margins of ofsoiil documents ud before him one tf tbs best of those lit a few short and decisive words directing that a divitioa of tea thousand men with artillery shall proceed e the word here it to is- distinct hat it is difficult to uy whether ft it sosum or cone tend it bit been transcribed at corse j and thafjt ram of soooof is to be paid at once of the five official documents relating to the army ia italy four are signed bonapartef wilnoat the a of the old family name boons- parte sad be fifth which is aj very ia- teresting one containing orders for he generals written oa he day before the battle of jena oct is 1 sod bjg ivory i from tbs emperors dictation is signed kspoleoo a documeatof corioor interest is the mar- riare certificate of kapoleoa aad joaephiae which is rt iled of xapouooe benapane qeoeral eachef de 1armee de linterieur et marie joieph bote detiucher dated uaroh 9 1796 then art two letters from jose phine one- da ted milan 1812 a long letter written in isnehiad bat there is also a letter from the next empress katie louise dated april 18 his which if a irery way a cxtrioasly interesting autograph at it re fers ia five brief lines to the comte roep- perg who afierwardt became hen husband sad wit written what kapoleoa wis pre paring for ids supreme effort ijaiost the allied forces this letter if sdreed to baron de wrsmabetg it it on a i mall sheet of notepaper and tae few linos ire at the topjof the page written in s lingularly smtffand close biodrriliagr in very regu lar lines the letters being ta lick as to look almost like prist it runt sifaw ffif rut k ceetfs mrpper rs tl jtmit msaw fiiptrt est au mpts rr i eefs mi fttitrat of the tatogrtpht of kapoleoa iil which are if poesible less sty to de- dphec thaa thote of hit greet one e aad ap parently in imitation of hit hi id writing there is one to tf thsyer dstedj from the fortress of hut jsa i imi tad others from kong street ot jimet sq lire con don avery prettily written note from the empress eoginie it paris is addressed to mr fintai sir antonio piairx in- riting him to breakfast and sarin r that ha emperor was gone haatiag aaatb it the was left alone witi heryouag sort- the aecoad rolame ooatains ox s bandred aadtesi letters and documents and many portraits and views relating to he captivity of kapoleoa at st helens which were originally collected by the lata m dawson turner and have been largely ac ded to by baron ffeaffi who primhsted ths collection at the tile of mr turners library the third volume has the letters of kapoleons xointtiert manhau end generals juidmuy ofsehu doenmeatt with their portraits this forming with these above referred to prob- ablt the most remarkable eollectioa of the kraa tver brought together this ii the rale in all monaaimedta oooo- tries the ptrtiaa niinister oorasiaaally gives receptions it his house which are at tended by christian ladies ha ahowt hii guests the arrangement of his harem hot its occupants are earefalty excluded from their gtze there it no court in the european tense of the term i on ceremonial occanona no women appear the turks with whom i come in contact ia my official intercourse with the go vernmeut are men of fine appear ance dressed with scrupulous care very peat n ther pettoos aadexceedmgly polite in their mtnnerr tbey talk in lowpleat- iagtonea many of item speak french and a few english viceroy aad olfctisbuder lord lytton viceroy of india teems to hare beea greatly taken with a spangled circotrider at tjalcntta victoria cooke by name the rous tw tmiii say the viceroy who had beea six times to see her expressed a wish to be present at her beat- fit after a glowing description of the crowded and enthanattie aadienoe that on this memorable obcitioa oame together more than five tbontand people being pre tent and several hundred turned away for lack of accommodalioa the official- earogi- der coaiianet whea miu cebse retired from her ittt scene the met with a perfect atuaainr i recall hundreds of bouquets wen thrown to brrirom all tides together with esge floral wreitns and start snd all manner of curious pretentt laolndiag hair of white doves thejt hsterogeneooj taiogi were all massed ia pyramids it her feet and the was then presented off behelf of lord ifftton sad fw adjalrere with a great gold medal ifrack expressly fee the ocession ud bearing adeeeriptioa eloqasnt of tbe charms ud jthe remarkabu fatcia- tioushe has exercised over calcutta aedety for tbe list two months the massive gold medsf given to thiflady keen the fouowiag inscription presented to mist victoris oooke empress o the arena by hii excel- leney lordlyttonj o u sj rioeroy f india ud friehdiioalcutts feb 7 lom i i it i a minaoaot man found a beutifalyotng iqaaw simost frojett to death be took be to hit camp r and hied tolhswrw out marriage and to aooepfedt they are no l nwibf v every body it now fiagu to write aid thifs atl ptobablr it perionl bdooglx o what are celled theipesubla classes rbo do not laigiat that tl ly ea rju i latter turty hoth at regard cgratiby and cor- reotisee oftfmstlon d opttjoo u aoine- wbit different then ii hi lmjiease imoant of bid letterwilting inutnamber of stats oomlog tinder e ir experience persons of good education do n t know bow to write their own nine nfelll bly we have seen letter writtett byi nnllhed tonng lady of thi period in bar tlnefeenth year the peomiaihlp iteelf wai alf aogsinly tid awkward j the ipelllr j of several erdinar- words wu aoorreot 1 1 mill letters wen nud when capltsli ought i hart been j ud wt wondered as he perued the uloomposed badly written dootmerjt how a being of even modsrate ibflltiae coold send forth uy thing o imperfect vet thi i youog lady bad been for yean at a higholati tohool where mil ten had uaght engliah ia all ill branches be anstnsi of wbioh tlso nil lady of enltivi- tion and refinement fenminship is far too utile attended to ia i class ko donbt or uaght bat this ityl pulfortboplala eve best model for kilf r eiien of the best iinul writing it often generally unfits the day process the should be placed as alpin dairy from bsrpsrs msfuine s y hid counted largely upoi milk for our food in hit exenrrion ud wi made our next hiltat the hutofs senneria who oom- bines the entertainsieol of chance trarellsn with herdairying industry wejtook seats os a poreh at the ahadysida of the heaae and at a table when two cownirdt lit fac ing each other eating schmam and milk from tteaatni etrthea buin a betta of milk wu let between xu and two iron spoons were furnished aa preceding writers oa tyrolean ravel had emphasixm the badnettof fhe food andl thougbtful ftiend ia ktw eujland had kindly- orged on our toosptaoee a dyspeptic prenaritlon of parched ud sweetened wheat meal with which to nppkmsat oar insaffide tt proven- der this had laid nnused aad ui needed in our taiohel all the way from home its time nldrw come and we soaked it accordlag to preteriptioo ia our milk from til tawe crossed themiel res itoodvjri facing the east andderoatly epeatrdi long prayer with due genusectiot aad bow ing of the head and then trudge away to heir work the woniu of the h ui show ed us her limnle summer dair and her loom inspectedour novel outfit ud sent usonourwsyrtjoictng 8be coud spare no hay for our horses sod we man lecf oa to the hat of iluld and binfpoted little old nun wbo made at welobme i l ttocd in blaieyxd wonder at wo told bin we bad come from beyond the grearsea his loft not only fed ear beasts it rurnitb 1 tine a fragrant ooocb where for two hoars the ilept away tin weariness of her tddle tnd awoke refreshed for her farther riaq- tail was my first alpine dairy i od a very nod example ft wu of the sommi rhome of the mountain oowtonder with u open hearth in the smoky frontroots i ad a com- ftetailfriookbgbedlatherailkrjm the old man mskei both butter and o leese from sherd of a doxenobwt aodiiii employer tends reguuriy fromkistelrutl to fetch the jroduoe to market fqrfivei iothi the cows are kept hen u the moon una and during tie hiyejaking season the whole rest alp is gay with throngs and women with work and music men dano- wheo we tawit thehsrveel wu over only he otttletenderi were left- in another month it will be quite it itrted its greet lutstion from 5000 to j 0 feet- subjecting it to early killing frost 4 itll eompaet rollng plateau of the ri jest grt land varied by oooatioral woods ihlrtyslit mjlet in drcnit sm oelnnging mi slrto the neighbouring oommaoee of seise a idkaitl- rath tt- thz ingenuity of the slave toot ifr in get ting her liiul boy to ren on thi wiy to free dom by thnwing a bell forward i cir him is est has bean sdrpusedby that ol a trtneh forerneea wbeee employetva ti imidtihtrtlan thrt my daughter nu ben kaeahsm yoragtotn pardoii adam it it rose ttekeat mamselu into tom y littla whenr lover before the young lady lor at least oneyear before the laaret school and titer the bu emerged from the regular text and halftext copies epistolary reespetimeii iboaldalw be itodled u diitinat tooomputhmeat if the pupil have no cttoril talent hit wty- i good penmanship is at neoeiaary for a lady or gentleman u a good style of talking or reeding tf a nun u owner of a large estate with servants money and inns ence st com mand we wander all lie more if hi writes i mean cramped orqlitiratehand we tike op hit letter with a feiling it lurprue and tsj- what i it this the prodaotioa so-nd- io it looks like the wretched senpiag of aomejxmr laborer withja seardty of ink to boot bad writing has the same effect upon tbe eye at discordant tones in mmlc have upon the ear mach his been said about edging charac ter by bxndwriuag lnymany oases how ever wt should feel far from justified in reading tn iodl rid ails habits ordispositioa ia the writing be or the mty produce the manner of writing is often a nutter of imita tion bat it it oftea sis i a result of whim without regard to what neat tartefil or intelligible perhaps i might be st comet to uy that ii ii t resell ef osrelestnets we know a clergyman of di itinctino whose let ters in nert thing totjnnadahif conaut- ing of irregotar f crsiofamgt their meaning it barely nested it txce tlrysomi one ikilled in deciphering them j not inch writing very like u indignity t ward the indiridnili addressed wt antortiinu utter detesta tion of thu ecoeatricit f in letterwriting whether etuted by tbss r csrelesueu or by perverse oddity we sky the same thing of confused onmtetugifcle ngeitures ko one a- entitled to torment eoerespoodenti by these eocentsidties it is dimeelt to realist the immense nam- ber of those who are brought day by day into oorrespoadenee and exepaoae many letters perhaps without ever meeting and u noth ing it more axtsleadiogj thu written com- msnjoatiooi between people who are person ally nnanrnsinf with ech other the emoont of miupprebeasioa going on around u most be very great it it curious bow often it happens that those who may write their thoughts and feelings in uprcaaiona perfectly aatoral to them oonvey lo their readers ideas of their mind manner and appea often much at variance with the truth men handwriting baa with some a great effect farm re than u justified aorabbedwrifng difficult to decipher certainly detracts from the peavore ef reading even the brightest fdeu while a tree legible haod it pre- rjossesaxag carries you eaafly over common- puoe aad enhanoes the charm of wsll-con- tructed seounces- writing may bs allowed to be chaneteriauo inismuch as it indicates to a certain extent temper and temperamsnt bat even on theee poinultit not an unerring guide for many can never command a man ual dexterity suffideot to make writing free enoegh to hirtnohif with their really pow erful character instinct or eeason tree kslnre a tmall engliah terrier belonging to a friend had beea taught to ring for the ser vant to test if tbe dog knew r if it rang b d a p the best broteti soap in the market 6l33ih v ei fl s w h ei ft el name 8tamped on every bar- take nqother- boflohefs aeemah 8tbup can sow be porohsted right at boms it ii the moat ineoetafal preparation ever introduced to our people it works lika a charm in all cases oiconsaaiptionpaesaionia hemor rhages asthma severe coughs croup ud all other throat ud lang diseases ko pertoh has ever mrd thit medidne without getting imavediafe relief yet here an a great many poor suffering sceptical persons going aboot our streets with a suspi- doui cougbaadbe voice of consumption coming from their longs that will aot try it if roudie if li your owa fault si you cu go to your druggist and get a simple bottle for 10 cents ud try it three doses will relieve tny esse eegular lite only 75 oenft ijniiiiesi items it s i good luggestioa that a nopo miosfrel blacks bis face ia order to hide bis bluibes when be makes hit usual stale joke it you with to sppearstyour best daring the epprotcllag festive seuoa procure your shirts gloves ties ac at coopers 109 yonge bt toronto to be ihcrdogajy hsppti ron tunst 1 well tou wtiv in t of caseff ton ihoold ujm the treat w vbteh rcucyesjefulitet srd reno- rsiedisookcit ststemsvtcteoiu bccuusod cvi cte for i nstu s dlseaaa octb udners ihihetes iediudiiessesotuie urinary saptem is timdromj uverrbenefldilforfste tqr su dealers it tl rer f e dixon co uasvucw7xb3 of leather belting j ioolborsf6t i seirstuwrsneehirsetrimlo 1 semf m prist litu mi biimmu haliburton biabtfoisnail tbe ne wrfaf ftodc of fir- j nitor nor beiar tiiown bf fluj paw ctbinel co iabajar xdjihiorxet abtna tb itutthyut of ftaoar hu from fifty doutt aptird in rtry i prtut nd vu jot up ia njntrt bedroom wti i uunextntrnxniiaf tn dbata their pnot i nodi nocsd tbtlr vmrwoon t rfj uejfadr ud ihe four krye ase4 tiih evwy rtermln08 optheviotoaia l railwattnm tnd tulit lot ia salt c t blostield hintr cusdlsn lud ud knlfntkm co votk cimberstorooto htonoto tes sim8nds saw8 are scpoior lo i otha tm fft btitcrfk losfna piifwiij a fflsfff ft h smith co i st canustsea ost i sole sunufetixiwtortbe dodlfnion czcsudi send for price list ctoldsmluisiid i- i gave 130000 for her ladsodhsr in about a year fajwo foi uttooo it it i herdtouy what she would have brought at jfssfr hjiha best she his been taken from the the hell be wu told to do to while the girl wu in the room the littla fellow looked up in the most i intelligent manner at the parson giving the order his master or mis tress i forget which then at too servant and refusedto obey althaoih the order wu repeated more thu oooe the terrut left the room and a few misafet afterward the dog rang the bellinimediitely on being told to do so i gin tie following u told toe by my wife now dead who personally witness ed the trsnsacticn cm vanwii ocoations at her sitters house ia kent a donkey which when not employed by thi in the field with tome cow lar habit of acting u folio boor for the cows to milked the donkey lifi field gate opened and which weald otherwise agsia till all the cows pi lowed the gate to that sal went home with tbecowa ofooine no one uaght the donkey to do this but the qaadraied gave tbe biped a practical lesson from which i am not sware that they drew the ibetract verbally formalated ooaelnsian thi t reason may be exercfted without rhetoric uuwacj wu1co children grated wu ia the regu- at the usual home to be the latob of the back be gate ve swung close oat then tl iuy only bawsswtjer 20 she will ive s colt this month wboisthecoltdyr by general wash- ington a young rtallion it perfect form gnat vigor and fine blood- he has the blood of old lady thome aid general kent in hit veins ud wai selected u the best partner for the man that coold be found in the world the eojtwiu be worth tjoooq to gou the day itii foaled of course it wfllbe valnabte the worui will look with grut isermtq tbe tormuces of the coming horee if tbenis anything in breed ing he will be wonderfca it wu not known whether the makj wtud breed or not u she is 92 yean oldj bat when ahe- wu fakes from the track a gentleman offer ed to give f 1000 for the chsnoe o her breeding and pay euher expenses mr smith epwtver determined to own the oolt bimtelf ind bad her pot on his own hpred- ingfannr the colt wjll be bora tail month she ia at vigorous healthy aad active as the ever was bndd doble thnllfng by oal the blessings that the ibowen upon as an nnmei day the sensitive werethr wligenoe that a gninone had been extracted from tlutic cahla she other with th in- nci powder ejaoalp of peror william andrjoyfal iewathis in njrteonetatinn- wat- performed withost pain to the illuitrions patient forty ttil- fiont of peorje rasthsd easier next taoro- tng when they jead theiaasirmg tidtigs- and no donbt many exolaitned think heaven that grains out at ihut ifltht eiblo will now keep ins posted how the pim ple on bismaroki nose is getting aloog it will complete our happiness 1 i li m i i l hoxut s attni the most aocokte knowledge of hnmu natore at which i we an permitted to anire is probably derived from a thorongh- invutigatiori of ooriwo hearii j foe u in water tacejarjiwerethto face ao the beertof mu topjan tliui y a strict examination of ounelves we con iodge mem juitly ot other mit characters this of itself urerysalvantaweoixatoavia bur isteraonrw with he wottf enabling in to exarcise uittflnence ovit the mtndi and mtawbnhifi of laraiture oshivx osblnet oct 0t tonge sttor9blo r t pcalosui bv james bnmts wettoa rt 1 bits tuul aauiuir t4 tf te nu mors peemsnest nuefforiaaftnessofbraifi or utaai thu tli visas pactpsx rimik sod dutshtlreonadface nemajcod a u id reqairfar s ifood cedflas for cfbs sadeds txtd dfsises ot the throat ud inofs for tile br sll dealers at 5 cenl icf bot tle kttucxx ecrrtrt s ptissov froprtolarf to ronto t tsorlsts improved horse ud cattle food though not yet fueter tusiai pat upon he market in this proviace is now lelliag freely in priadpil ptaoes from wiadbr to montreal farmers would do well to fry it circnlart sentfree maanaetbi- d 4s john st soath hamilton out one agent rat ed ia every village town and dty in the dotnimoa fr is so exsrreduou fonrthtt biuthiti tarte larredfeat fa vbit the rorldctai talent iman wilboot it mar b- a fiant fit intoueci bol ba deeds mar be iho deads at a da arc a weak rsiral la a ooadfnnmu maerj better i bins rivnt tnind ta t eruyeastltatiofl pnrftjfouit ud bustnen teen vfaa an ooqifaaallrtbiakjst- and bih babiti an edeaf arr boad ose victosxx hrporflosrartxi the treit bral land nerve remedy i foi anrrposesacitazaur raskldoe hlfiviio ttuot ott will bo band invahiible imnr dials re usf vtu fouow its tiae it kevosoiia cures eou- bamytrostbxtes tcsmi boms oorns ibeaxaatism natxralfti ec ee for interrtal ass rt is none lee less woadartai one er lo dases trequeeur ears sontrost it sill can croup ta s tew talnutes a rewbotuei hit ortenefired asthma i colic his been cured a nfreaa misotei by s less3o4nfal dose it cares tn tbe atjnost rsplditr lt ii rssilr s -wos- dertal axhone t i cut nails jpillow hersey go j sail ujjnjtactussss montreal bafpektefatr inmxinoe to til derr am veil u cootamea of c t ktfli tint thej hte par- chwed tht 80lb right iv the doenlnisja o oundi to ce coynes patent autoimiclallficker j aa oat katli tiaaafiuaarfid bj xa lron tfanriel rql timtfoce be aele tnd ech6 urtjjr tire tnm ucst 8cale suvxes uxl eudle8s kaha thtenbr edsarfitf to tha c0s5cxze tt leut 3 to 6 po75is uoeg of perfect sto to uw kef tluii thom ratfabr otbec miteii in fvnvji br it wlmuttktareciinib4 0omiiuid iud aatfl ktojj try aaerioaui utviiifkt nnsn rto tare hmq uu ibj- hrtaiiwetdtrofaianruhe coyna picjcar tant ttiauwttpuuiioa tturfr tausad oqtxm tbkt derice oqit iwrrkiflj fillej with he rholit pn- dactka of thie kah uidime tvad ltonye 10 etdt eetr s to s puandi of doit scale eurm tad htud- tm sails itnitheobcetujxr cocitinicri tqm lfairjniisfadcufrtojrautat traajititr of tarflv- lsmnp kill klectcd by oovnes automatic picker then is dsv rrvrrirow u ffrwrtrr l9 toboxtq i broali matiuliiottirer bankers brokers uhiattuaiaiubtx44l bajtisters 6 attotneys wltn btnsrt 80 seewts bmrraverst xtotssin hotjl ptlaa ffolat orcudst jfart j h1 iriikppr t idtes am qbrtultratch momlto jj kwntatattspbyituie monxaea tekfttph lo- late e ehwetrwt tulitonrto at pt ix tfi c ftopristor for ternxa is stc sndtslsb- co rfcae h hatraiwbaabtxtoatviasevtcarntcm ix dat sua ansa bone art p hour hind or bone power oiud depi ota waiai by qtett oattnl fltr fc bschi toe oitaun 0toeoet monfsctorj tsharyst frtirlcf l limbs dtltimefusnt bssuciand ctteapt flit prise tt provtacfa ftiilbluon lou- doo trtfmnnl1 m nl 1- ranteed iaddreafr i r j-doas80h- btylon oii agbntswawtedjipje inr iteik btamps fattnilpoclxt suntps bettaiins solid jubbar tnies stsricll 8leal sttnps tie ss- awredtoso wb3ilfbtltot last i c c lrriwtrtioo nwllib0kinqa5d ddebinioblristtarat bthav atjttevukliliex- l isjs ion rold tt wat conttnnlal bini- 1 stryvamuotl l qiuessiuiovets esidrraaai xte eofutoillaatratod oatiloem holt it atklar stmt west j rliil54jl0j albabed faems and wood iotb j tat wis ia the eounlr ot 8libooe to vind op three estites nine cleared fanht from 4sc4 to 17000 eseh sttnt tmetind lots from tno to itm lour brick it ret at bahte tomt bouses tad upnrds ot s00 town loll hi bsrris ootuhnrood aad other tewni tad vubwos turns easy the properties must be old for ult artth prices spnlr ioh b a bots banle t t produce tomiiiwicm mwxiaat 63 ttxmtet tbrobto ererr kc of kails nude toy us vu ber qskj or bsd label 11 u onier to tecan tbe d- tiataet duded we tlul eceir ke it uml jwrxfeilrj ctjkjpjkil inbaiiic pitbr j ahmt uk tor carnal icackitu jtidmisttiu large amounts fie mw aggregat art tost tvery year by barmen alone as veil as families general ly in not having a eorrpet and reliable weighing scale thk dolvflnion standard ituntncnrus yr gurneyware haxilton cauusa hm piqed i tvtmaft voritlvhe nptxttioa fo ibetr pertsetloafa twfrj raptet and pmt dftnvm uf ooe hofidrfd different rrlm vl lutt to tbm trom aa tuoitnteid prion qit tne aa 4ppttuon mm 1 1 ahi 73820 more singer s 8 wijng ma cmntb b -7aw-iot8- iian in axiy previous yar i 0okt i ffuajsristi jf heap farms freehomeb in ka1vsas 5g vieiinabmuieow bfttn wrstlet atfvbarutem i4lwur bs4t1iajaayiotlkhia uftmi afa brtter i it v v o at pttskt mootrea in 1870 we sold 137833 sewing machines 1878 86683 r t oar tales hive i neresaed enormouslj- every rear umxijb the whole period of kanl tlmaa- wsaow mil ibrmoaaitert of aulhosevllt h- cuaes sold lathe woih for tbs aocossmodslioa of the pobuc we bars tw mtaxdmusaskaihftis united tta isdoiiiadi tad ooooooesh the ow wotm ud ftmth imarlta wa8te no money cheap counterfeits bead or ov bualsoaw 0hutitl prioe lut the singer mfgirgo toroduomce tjooaoaoaos hammooouw klazslon oses matfortrjoot ftjisiawtr q psrt hop outre i outeiltwtat mboadufjtmt m iiatstnateatt cor tolwrainasartob ma- txttzwdnai it wthongtrfit i i- f