Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1879, p. 1

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mb q ie ittoh e tgtbois so tse and ii c i uk be t ix- 19 j b lolids at i house deals y fbe pres hvestthueffibjlt mqmhs6 free press bttildlnfc keiua till methodist chuttt mill simt 1 aclqk xuia one dollar a taar atrictly in ad- not it not ptid before three months on dollar aadahiirwiu be charged f ot tiro dollar if not pud ti i the eoi ot the year single copies throe cent t tutts or isvxiuuntcf one ooluma per vear 86q 00 smoitlii so 00 20 00 so 00 20 oq tzoa so 00 12 00 800 kilt carmn per ye r mtatfu 3 j column per y ar snaiu i eick cnlt per lice for firat insertion sh rttdtext mactitt of eiht liart ud on- 1 1 ear iii rtree inter iait bustneu cartu of eight lme and snderi h per annum all aojerti emcatt aieauared in i kile cf sold hoot i l advertisements withat ip till initrue- tioni insersei lil fo bid tad carted ac cordingly i any specxil kolice he object acwhich it to promote tin p caiary beacfit of any iodir dual or company to be couidered in aivettieome l tr uieat tdvertiemeet to be pid for wh a adred all eduradag accounta render d monthly sotixi of birht usxtiages end deaths inserted free i t a fc e p moore i publisher qp t tvvj w i- a rs wd5ds jaws im wrfc rto llstff jfinsir a year tier jesr tjj jfs- losjsil ifeits go at vat ibocfc c block a street r h lowry mb mcps gea- dcite of tnaiy college member cf cofleg ot psyiicitni ud sarjeont 05ee tnl fitidencc frederick st acton ur the house utely occupied by e little etq i i ustee i claek barristeb quebec st guelbh bbancffofhckiin mr kiarrt bufldlnga idl st acton tr- omct ores tvnr femir b tyu hek3treet licensed au4tionaer for cbantiei of welisgtoi end ffiltoa ordcn kit it the fezz ha office acton or tt uy nsideoc ii eockirodd will be pr ntfrt y trended to tennc reuonble t eatests foe ixvianmoks espe- cmacilt ind roperly tecared in ca- tdt the unite siztex tnd europe pi- tea feot or no entree send far pcctii uttmctiont agtncj in opercbon tea retrx hesrf geist oturc ciaidi mplinifil engineer sjjatrof puenu tnd drofhtticiii f d iathesos attoexey-at- t u solieifcc in cniticery it office next doorto wilucet hotel kiloo tv0joki0x hotel actok eobeet u afce proprietor the ner hotel it tti op in 6r tcluix yle liti aer farsi- tot ccrrmercul trxr cert tie find good icroeiisaditxoa tnd commi diorx cuatp t7rmt specil tttentonpiid to the nntt of thetrtriicigblic biceaplid vrtfc the best lcjlrsmdggin goddsuilag ndittentive hostlers potalexchaxge hotel ie- e f c lit pr priear oae of the mott cnmxodi s hotels ia the coar ty good cccunerciil hocz tre btr is sitxjt ktzo- pl ed iik t e cboicet bruds of ltqco c ujdctgm fiteittbbnt taditen- tive hostler hmie titnited intte but nest put of the rillige e clark propretor pase foe skks i tm prepfei to pif the bghat cut price for ill cusej of limb ind sborp skint delivered iti mr tinnery lice le eonsttatiy on hud tliy jakes itooee auctiok sale idrertiseaienti interted in the acror fen fees ttlornter the bertfaal tper of hiltm g bieth5 utrriigea tnd deithi inteited free in the acros feu vexss the best joe l piper fhifen co aaeds btohetdt nd csroi of every 1 j detonption execs ed neitly it the acro feu perks office the bat loal piper of hikoaco inokkukicatioks oo loo petioniof j tnterrtt will gldly b reeeired by tie acros feee petsi the best iocsl psper of hilton co tot7el0pes printed inthenesteitifyle y md it thelaven prieef tt the acros pete petsi the best loci piper of hil ton co ryoa hire fusa or firm ttock for ale idtotiie them in i he acre ic fezz pezh the bit locit piper of hilton co bake p 10ton qnt mat 16 18t9 ry confectionery ucites b t e iftoklik irood ink nit tint they hire ipened op their new bake shop corner of bull and main su aotottj and al thet iril tyt belinpplicd wita a i bnid iwudt bum ckts putry tc kc kc i lulde ttocc or choice oonfeotlonery trill be found on hind thicb ti ill netr ind frh- oatmeal qoss btj0kwheai ploto 0sa0esq wheat c ilnyf in ttock thii trill be found o be the pucs then the h tt goods trill be fctpt it the lotrert ptioet tjttua cue s acton ingle v lls edward moore wiihet to innonnce to thole trbo intend baidiag or lepiiria thit he it boat to oomrnence tip minn- fictareofill cliiten of plks akd oebae shiilgjles which will b told oah3 elm and oak staves and basswood heading of the beet qniity tlto minnfictafed ud deirered f o b- the oi t e art here it the lowest possible prices rntsroliss laik aiwatb oi eaid custom 1s cut to order an the shortest notice lui it rtisonibe ritnl sxutfduxn funxuti osicrt sahzuii edward ifoore acton april 2nd is7s harness harness i itpertair in tint of l funkg either good sett of sisgls or double creechs sajidlery acto wfeere thejr cm gtt bet erjrtlttft for their mcaey tixa my pee in tie cooxity good tvstsrtmuit of 0a tmut all of wfeich rim be ote clip or cub bepinsg promptly ctfended to crekch ixton feb 2s is73- tb uatd and tb t4 iitimx su a dctd leaf drifted boc utf muv a poor bnvq lt trtta dfti ton kow ur now twt bon high u4 low att oa art uki i uunr foorft lul auii sollfcdcuuoa to hetrtf forlani otio la t btr frctk ud dririu kuicd br tin iunrt tnd tn ir a btu u fli u hut inn mirtit pnsa au the ttvaal btf fir limbt thnr laiutj 4ilc9 and dram oc toau oae tiut lac fcntr st itotk ud drefflm t horrid uunf htm im lured no ber vtmid anr ad luclluf of- d4cp ottolftqf eitolred tu ritlc him ua l uiu av alue aiiit tra tu um txahcm aid inf her ut lort lotto ja ft lest thrwtir hif njtd ihttr ti itl ht twr bcr off root tuarul tlffac k merchants ssd firmer ihre should idvertik ind sspp it the aciox fezx psts he bctt iocsl pip r of hilton co stkated or stolen adrertiieaeou of this ntoe inserted rery chap in the acroir feee pees the best local piper of siltoacc neattx guide to legftnt writing i jltmottteselrtrsteccwe nc tuts asp oexxxzxtu penmanship yonnft people wishiaff to loonirt i rapid uy tnd beuiiul hindrritias witboat feaeher will fed the gotdi 1 perfect io- l ittsctor handredi ire becoming beutiral writers tamsgnoat the dominion in the united stiles by using if ij comiiti of i series of corr san of coitemeut i for pntcti ing wticli fain oopiet beginning with the first prioa- pies sta grsduilly prrgrcssing to the most ogut plin ssd orusmeuul writing is ovnxzxtil seiet eontiining genua text oil eolith ud onuunenttl letter- is offhied fouriihiog of buds to a bootor fqtt paoes with fall utlyiii tad inttmction tad i beaatifnlly eogntttd cue to otauin the whole price iloo postpiid- aidrrsi bexrtysoq ontario businesscpllege sgbeattyco beiie7ill 0ma1io re desgu of the shore institntoa ud the wurfc it is most tuccekfully scoom- putwng is toown in the pit tucocstot its gndnitet ihrooghoiit the oooatzy is to pro- pre boys sad young ud midd e tged mtu for commeroil punaiuby giring them i thorough uti 5uct0al eaaeaw n ia bookkei ing ia ill its ffrms penmsn- smp arithmetic correspondence grimmer in kpeoing beating methods bow tqd tl w th botes drifts bills of etc tinge checks sad 11 kinds of basiaea piper graduates of the college who hire four months course ud taken their dipomis weich week stepping inio good positions in which oriag to the com pleteness of their knowledge they speedily it tin promotion anon our students ire those who hive been through the gnmmwwfabolt ind uni- renetiet is well u thosejwhose rducstion ia eiriy life his been cegjected the former come to receite i prscuctl edncition such it it needed la erery dsy life the litter to remedy put regect ud til to iecare thit knowledge which will help them to mccesf ia the world 3 the cdlege joumtli contuamg full psrticaurt nl specimens of penmxaihip ire seat oa swieitioa i address s c psai a oo belletflle ont sept 1st 1878 manhi iod k0w lost tttb aire reoeafljr pobli resulting altl autl wuie u dwl latfdiil hnoch tlu iljlit the story of a i statue k c teeteltuc iucicut qmictodeb the fict ir bunt out myyoung friend i hire lud i qound with one of thoee fie rr ttaliut ua he insists upon i duel 1 cud thruh the fellow eisily enough but i matt fight hnt in different wsy he i veiling for me ixthe neld hehtnd here kor i nut you to be my second ud to cona with me ud get the issir ont before alice cemts beck poor girl she would be frightened to delta if the thought i wu going to ght 1 duel but then ut bo dia- gor t i tried to remoastnta witit him but he hid slresdy taken off his cost ud is he did so the ring which he hid bought for alice dropped out of the pocket ud rolled tloog the floor to the foot of the ititue he picked it up hastily whit shall i do with thit t os bother 1 here my isdy laid he sddretsing the status you shall keep it for me and he pat it on one of her fiaxett heireasi whit aw you about f ex claimed l horrified what i are you tupentitious but come along then it no time to lose i wis determined to try ud ttop this absurd fight if possible but my friends ad versary was irakfng such a fate about his revenge sa he oalled it that all my ef forts were ia raia two rtpiers were produced ud the combatants put theratelres ia pofitioo ia a lew minutec to my great relief frank succeeded ia ierkieg the italiaat weapoa from cut of hit band there said he i am the victor not one thing alone i atk of you that ir that you take yourself eff aj quickly as yon cac mi say nothing to anybodyahout thirl affair the italian tomewhat sulkily obeyed while 1 1 uhed up to congratulate my fnend oh i knew i oould boat him betides i was cool mi he wu not but will you be to good as to go to the house sad if you meet alice and the doctor keep them occu pied while i go to fetch my coit which i eft in the arbour i wsnt them to know nothing cf this ahly bucaeu i did si ud on piwng through the tone found alice jolt poaurg at from her walk she was leaaing oa the dxtort arm who lined ber mott affectionately u i came up to them we went into the back room ud the teak off her hat and cloak where it frank t raid the doctor do you know 1 we were just going to ajfefarhun oh he will be back directly i hire aly left him a minute since i hope you etc hid a pleaaut walk the weather look t ipteteaiar but i think it will clear eff fay tomorrow oii i hope so said tht doir but it certainly is gettint rery gloomy we raw come tuery coodt comiag up in the distance lam ifraid 1 1 ttorm ia brewing ud when it does raia here we get it in earneat i wondered why frank wu to long but we had waited for more thaa an hour for him tod now thick drops of raia were de- iceading dr mortimer began to grow im- rtient ud alice seemed so aaxioas that put oa an overcoat and went out to look for him i i called out hut he wu not ia the arbour nor e aid i find him uywhere bout the i premises i wae seriously alarmed for his cafety ud ixgia to inspect some fool pity on the part of the italian wilhwhom he aid fought how eterylhag went wrong ia ttus house i wished that freak ud alice were aafely mimed ud were on their honeymoon together ud that i wtt home again far from these mysterious inaoenoea i wu so depressed that oould not conceal my distreu of mind when i came back to tell the doctor ud alice of the failure of my search poor alice wu dreadfully ner- voos and excited but after two hours of pticfal waiting we wen all relieved to- tee franks figure stepping scrota the garden alice rpraag to the door to meet him ud embraced him passionately u he entered oh frank dear l the exclaimed wbeie hare yoa been we wc all so uxloos about you but how silly of you deaisiid he i have only jest been down to the town upon some business udgot caught in a shower and he affectionately returned her embraces i wu surprised and moved when i ob served how pale lad strange he looked hie manner wu excited ud he teemed to to be oppressed by some trying thoughts ud ar i looked up i wu startled to catch the fe of the etstae looking down npon them with ita scornful mookery when we wen ill ia the drawingroom igun alice like a true woman began to toold her young lover but when she no- tiood his altered appearance she fondly caressed him ud begged him to tell her what it wu that distressed him to oh indeed raid he smiling npon her i am all right ud very happy i was perhaps i uttle depressed when i cima in 1 dare af became i wu wet through cxi am io glad then is nothing real if- h0wst0bm aneweditia 0alerwau ms vlr ont the mwcatvtim nausm jscwisout medieme lof nerrous de- ss mental ani m- psi fnsosto marriage tor b sealed iateloptvoaly aix aeqaesees may lyhli uedione or 3bjrlaf3aa efl it ttus condition may be osy jjjetopiy prfftstely i ndlcall wu tt pofat of bursting into liki to be together ud he sad we old ones ou irnok and have oir coffee here did yon notaotito bow odd in his manssr fruk wtt this evening t uld i lighting olgar then is sometung the matter with him i am certain petbaps he is tired r ud then you know he is on the eye of aviog a most w pcrunt step a life itld the doctor seoten tiously sod he looked very grave behind his cigar however l there really is sny- thing the matter with him leave ber to for rotlfout i we smoked oa sad talked till bedtime it wu raining very hard outaidr ud iho wind wu high but the sight wu to dark that we c uld tee nothing bat t blaak mitt through the windows we found frank tad alios ia the drawingroom together alice wujjliying some pretty little melo dies oa ihopliao ud her lover wu kneel ing bealje her with one arm round her waist hit faoe wu intetsely ud ud he wu apparently buried in thoaght alice immediately got up and after a alight eoavenatira she wished the doctor ud fruk goodsight when she came to me i prosed my hand ssd whispered 1 am lure poor frank is unhappy about stmcthiaet do try ud find out what it it good night i pfcmiied to da all ia my jwer and ihi dxtor then going to bed fruk ud i acre left alone together oh t am so glad we erealoao said he i hare wanted to speak to joa til the evening da not langh at what i am mlng to tell you but it has affected me ia a most mysterious manner ailees few minutes paueet he coutiaued well when yoa left me this morning i went into the arbour for my coat i picked it up ud put it oa when taddenly i remembered that i had left alices ring oa oae of the statues fingers i turned round to take it off bat to my horror the finger had closed upon it looald scarcely believe my own eye i tagged ud pulled again but it wu of no use i could not break the finger off and st it to for fear cf spoiling dr mortimers vomits work of srt how strange i cried i let ua go down together at once ud get the ring off omehow or other i will tell the doctor ia fact no no not oa uy account it would alarm alice who would be tan to hear of it but 1 must tell you all i wu think- ingof what to do when i became aware that the status wu looking down upon me with a dreadful expression of malignant triumph i felt excessively iateneted when i heard this tnd begged him to proceed well i remained for some time perfect ly homfiod it seemed hie some fearful nightmare atlutlcouldnotbeartoatop uy longer by this strange statue and i rushed away the rain wu coming down in torrcafs i iii nit dare to enter the arbour sgain ud to i ran wddly into the town and bought uofher ring ton may think it very fuoliah fa be put cut to much indeed i think so myielt but the scene has made a deep impreuioa upoa me i coasoled him u much u i wu able lut i did not think it wise at such a time to make him acquainted with all my experi ences of the suf ua i bade him try ud sleep it off you have a trying day to morrow said l and your wife wqi never forgive yoa if you look depressed upon your wedding dayi true i true i but it she not charmiegt dear girl would we wen married tnd well off en our journey goodnight 1 thanks for listening to me so kindly ou will find me a diaennt maa tomorrow depeod upon it though i had made light of the matter to frank his tale filled me with grave appro hens oat i tried to persuade mtself inle the belief that tlitr all what he- had told me rat only a coincidence ah 1 poor man i ceitainly agreed with hint ia withing hit marriage happily over for x esperienoed a strange foreboding of evil ud passed a troubled night it wu now the wedding morning of my two young friends kot a cheerful day to be sure though the raia had partially cleared off but then wen signs of sa ap- proachirg storm ia the heavens a faint gleam o saa shone ipoa ar but sll the hotitou wu u black at night alice came dowa blushing dressed in a simple white dress she mailed into her ancles arms who kitted her tfiectionately with teart in bit eyes she then came to me and held out herhud and lowed me to kiu her forehead fruk of course embraced her with great tenderness it wui touching i still however felt aneasyiamymind frank i could tee wu taaeriar bat he bore up bravely ud no oae 1 think no- iced the state of his feelings bat myself we went dowa to the church which wu only a short distance from the house the doctor supportiug alice oa his arm going first and frank aad i following behind i pressed his hand he walked along in si lence his eyes fixed upon the ground dur ing the ceremony he wu calm ud i think that though alice looked tad aha did not perceive uythxng unusual ia him in half sa hour they wen married ud then we all hurried home as fast u we oould for the raia wu coming down heavily as we at dowa to the wedding meil a terrific storm broke out with frequent fiasha of lightning followed by peals of thunder poor alice wu quite fright ened how unfortunate ihia it 1 exolaimed frank of course travelling now is out of the quest ooi said the doctor i cm pat yoa bothup ton must make yoanetvea happy hen ud postpone your journey at lout till tomorrow toa are very kind oil frank with great excitement bat we must go to day indeed we must ob jtzaolr bat ia sank dudfal vea ther said aloe yes darling i know it is very na kind of me but i have a reason for what i tar i oaaaot explain bow but we mast not delayuy longer very wtd darling raid the kilting him i im ready to go with yoa no i wont have ituid the doctor frank what are you thinking of she would catch a cold that would kilt her why the thing is absurd ud besides i should like to know where yoa re to get carritge ud horses such a fearful afternoon u thit ud still more uy one foil enough 100 peb alfkda its advance t aqttawasrtmetafstrttttttajy sstaemssi i trots tv scwmfsrtatu a uw dsyi sntot aomjl raawsjwn oade touching th matter of fce amy by imrta- mtf frf tea may be sot wi thonl tioo of moem words rtlal m the old op ahtt ou it god right 1 went op into my room feeling gloomy mean but how silly 1 1 lag sneer 1 got up tad tried to rain my snn i oond not do so i wu paralysed edoogh lighted a cigar and looked out upon- gained the doorttep i met dr mortimer tie bight my room wu at the back of the he wu weeping utterly poor child hi uio ud i uw that the storm had some- poor ohild i he said t the shock hat killed whst abated though the raia wu still de- aoendiag ia torrents some of the black clouds wen beginning to opea a little aad to reveal as they saturated a small ipaoa of pale light oocationally i could patch a liwglimpe ia the handa of in the tod address jlj no oirurtolwla i ouitw1hw tot atjgp stjtt 11678- things atonce or yoa will catch your death of osd the doctor of course seconded this wise appeal ud u it wu now time to dreu for dinner we all went opstairs j i dinner paated off very heavily dr- mortimer talked a great deal but poor frank wu evidently suffering he ate nothing bis manner wu reatleas ud every now and then be looked udly upon alice she tried her beat to brighten the conversa tion ud to amuse him bat it wu ot ns use i oould set that two or three rimes the f bat go npsfain aad chuge yourfto take you no 1 don t be obttinate have tear the doctor did not perceive that uything wu amiss and after ainaer he draw me off into a aeparau room when ha had jurt pat on a new pfrioi i tbt young spm i am sure would a ouietdinner hen yoa ud year wife shall have the best room ia the boose i and tomorrow or if decenary the next day yoa ou go bat today yoa shall not ao uyaomoreabontit the weather wu to wild that at last frank wu persuaded fo stay and the do tor made himself to agreeable that after din ner u we 11 at together in the drawing- room etea fruk leemed to have lost all his gloom whu it grew late alioe left iba doctorweat to bed sooaaiter her de- partnudjrrabktooknivhoadle flood tdgat i warm lybytheitad hwhs band trembled k qa bight he repjiejj i oai tuwlodlmc4ibitttoalltl glimpses of the moon every now ud then a flash of lightning bant oat ellowed after some interval by a long rolling peal of thunder which gredaillydled out in echoes i looked oat upon thit dismal scene and thought of pour frank wondering what ooald b the mtufagof the deep arxtety which i felt for him while i wu thus oc cupied i became cotudooi of a oou weird sensation creeping over me i wished to call out but i dared not speak or look rfaad it seemed to me u if the frant door o the house wu being opened a terrino flash of lightning now lit up the oouotry for miles it wu very horrible i waited for the thunder it begin low then it became louder then it faded swsy la rolling noises and yet there wu a round which wu not the thunder it wu inside the house j it wu aj steady series of dunning bcascst u of something heavy ascending the stain i tried to persuade myself that it wtt the thunder bat i knew it wu not a dead silence followed during which i remained paralysed with fear i thought i heard a gton then then wu the clsmping noise sgaia now going down the ttairs bat a load clap of thaader drowned che sound ind i coau distinguish nothing there wss again a momentary silence followed by a rill piercing scream which filled the whole use i oould not mistake thisut wu o voice of a woman i rushed out of my oat and net alioe ia her nightdress ud tth her hair loose coming along the pat- ge hsisdeadjcoodoodlheisdead she cried and ffong neraeu into dy mor tuners arms who had at that moment come out from hit room to see what wu the mat- tor i went lata her bedroom aad found to my horror the body of frank grove ly ing on the md perfectly dead with the oarks of rust all over his penoo j jit wu a terrible eeese we tried to soothe the poor girl bat the teemed to be ieia state of abject terror aad looked like oae who had experienced a great shock at isit we succeeded ia vetting a roam ready far her and the doctor administered a draught which sent her to sleep for a while ok revisiting the fatal room with the doc tor we wen both surprised to tee ao blood oa the figure nor marks of violence he appeared to have met death by sufloea- lica j dr mortimer was much moved when he discovered that frank wu ia nabty dead alter aa interval- he uked me if i had uy se which mightgive an idea of the cause his death we most lose ao time id he in putting the matter info the ads of the proper utborities i told m the story of the duel ud was about to ill him all my thoughts when a servant in formed us that poor alice wished to speak with us we went together eonaeouent- inta the room when she had been eon- vyed she hid heard that the doctor wu oa the tint of patting the whole affair into the ode of the police ia order to discover iw it wu that poor fruk had met with end she begged him not to do to at until she had made an important dis closure she wu still very weak and pale we propped her up with pillows and im plored her to layrsothiag now aaleea ahe felt quite equal to it she smiled and arid tint ahe had courage to do so ud uked ua to listen attentively to her story she ike u follows when i reached my room lut night i t up for a long time thinking of frank and wondering why he wu so unhappy i knew he loved me hewu so kind ud gen- file but then wu soxnethieg oa bis tatad which he wu keeping from me j it was very wrong of him bat he would kooa be aere x thoaght to fold me in hisermsu his own wife aad then he would tell me al lt but i summoned ap courage to blow oaf ny candle ud u i wu stepping into bed ru itirtled by a tremendooj peal of than ler after a few minutes i became aware a strange feeling which made me tremble rom head to foot i wished to scream but eoold not i wu dumb with fright brink into a corner at the iwi scarcely taring to breathe some one had opened the loor ud i knew it wu not my husband dere she paated a minute quite overcome ly her recollections we begged her to re- ew her ttoty mother time bat the wished a finish it now she eootineed i shrank arther towards the edge f the bed when he door opened ud i heud my husband loice my own darling i he said ud i ztrned round then wu a great black igure in the bed i heard a sort of mock- ng liogb sad uw two immense aims doa- ng- round something then came a moaning ud then silence i covered my face with ny hands and tried to collect my thoughts fhe thaader wu pealing whoa by u effort shook off my fear ana moved to clasp my lusbandtome he wu dead in my arms rhenit wu that yoa heard ny screams and the poor girl u she murmured these words fell back quite exhausted the doctor attended to her and i left the room u gently u possible the moment i wu outside a strange impulse too posses sion of me i eiaea a lantern rushed oat of doors crossed the garden ud entered the arboar it wu now nearly morning the ttorm wu almost over the statue wu certainly then in its usaal plsoe sad there wu ao appearance of its haviagbeea moved in sny way bat the expression of the face wu diabolical it wu a look of malicious pleasure mingled with utter aoorn i raised my totem there wen marks of blood upon her and the finger was now un bent ud pointed to the ring which lay on the floor beneath 1 i auk upon a test oomriltteiy oowed i wiped my forehead udfell into a profound reverie on awaking i wu attracted by something at the lower part of the figure which i had not noticed before i ap proached the stifoe ud found thit it wu au inscription written ia faded gfeek char acters with difficulty 1 made oat its meaning u fouowai here studs the cruel woman tslse u fair who ruined my life ind oiled me srlih cart bar spirit stufbrssthes thus raised bytutrt so cue not upoa ber nor lietd her tbybstn dsra net to strike bsr or do btr totte bsno fvtfetouivmvttbte u voruueobenn evil twain hint bo darts to etrusj damud is lis lovtc who eufcat terms odes i walked biok fo the beat whea i bid then came a name which i paid not decipher ud which- wu i suppose the same of toe artist i topped my totem the early sun shone npon her scornful face bo then i cried yoa era the cause of all these miseries it is u i expected it is yoa who have killed a noble man and destroyed the happiness of his sweet bride the malignant spint ot some si adiih wo mu lurks within you you del rat charm then i will destroy it f and 1 struck at the status with all my force ud fell down snhanssed at her feet i loflwed rx pain oi the mow but thstetns wai ed tad stood sxatttag orernie ithsforoe testates ha tboak her she is dead it nil a fortnight after the night of these events when the doctor and i weresitting ibthe drawingroom together we bad been talking for tome time whea he uid it is certainly a marvellous itory bat oae thing i have determined to do that ia to destroy this fearful itatne i intend in fact to nave it removed today by some workmen ud takealo a tmelbag furnace where it shall be mailed down i fully agreed to this proposal ud the statue wu accordingly removed tad the brouo of which it wu composed wu afterwards cast into s bell do mortimer then sold bis house ud went to reside io the south of fruee he hu grown very grave ud dis likes being retmaded of his italiaa days i ud though he still valerates art he never will be persuaded to purchue a statue upoa sny consideration whatever i made some inquiries about the bell many years afterwards when i revisited liome it had bees apparently very little used for it had never been tolled except to other ia tome great calamity at last the feeling became so strong against it that it was cot down sent to the teashore ud cut into the sea by some fishermen aditj utrout wreck wu reported fo bare occur red toon afterwards on the very spot when the beu had been thrown i heard no no more of it af lor this i am now living in my own little cottage near loodoru my right tret ia still completely paralysed ud a fnend hu kindly written out these papers from my dictation my spirits an completely gone ud it teems ti if i shall never forget the fatal beauty of that myttw stataet nor the terrible events of that mystic night frhsssra s t tiger story a lively hunt in ao indian jungle frees the uirhsn icrror j the following twitsfionil story of u en counter with a tiger is supplied by babu domaa chander chowdry znmiiirlir of maldah on the morning othbbaddra kjahea lai and myself west with fire elo- phuta to the eadubaad jungle four miles to the north of bohanpore my howdah wu oa mskhns rnjhrn lsl had his oa dutal at 9 am we encountered a tieer aad bang went two bulleta from my rile bitting stripes i suppose on the lorn ind oo the belly sod ajehea lai hit him oa the thigh most probably the toilets did not break the bonea ud the spotted foe took shelter at tome distance in the water of a hollow overhung with long grassy jangle ud was of course not visible i at once followed the game with a couple of ele- shuts oae being only a beater poor lakhna on which i wu mounted unfor tunately fell into the hollow ud euictu lightning the tiger wu oa his back biting him i lost no time ia giving stripes one bullet in his right foreleg and a second in hit belly sad yet the fight between the ele- phut and tiger continued the moment wu critical the feat of remaining ia the howdah wu extremely difficult with his trunk makhna dragged atripea dowa four or five times during this struggle tbe meant fell oa the groand from the elephants neck but bad the dexterity to mount hit back sgain ud then to lodge himself on the back ctthe howdah which shook so fearfully at times it wooid oome twingiog to the ground of course now the combat sua hudto head and luted for nearly aa hour the four remaining elephants fol lowed me at fifttbot what with the struggle between their comrade and stripes snd rotringof oneandthe ones of the other thy become anoontrolable beat a hasty retreat and took their stand more than tixty yards off dear eitheaxal tried hit beet to oome up to me but the dental wu too much frightened to obey the mahut chand tars poor creature did afterwerda come towards me bat the wu only a beater and took her staid tome fifteen feet behind poor makhna wu much the worse for this singular combat and fell prosnte oa his rightaide and ttripes too fell on the groand the tiger lay some foar or fire feet from me not seeing me my followers were sltrmed they kicked up a row tuahen- lai crying oat uncle killed by tigec to see me wu im possible lying oa the groand i thought of god pressed tgaintt the howdah handled the rifle ud gave ttripes a ballet it told upon his neck bat yet he did not let go his hold of the elephant which wu still lyng on his side the oontents of the other bar rel i emptied into the tigers back ho then left makhna ud all wu oyer with stripes in u inttut the elephut was aow upoa his legs the mshut got npon hi neck and i mounted the howdah makhna poor creature has been hurt ia hit trunk in tea or twelve places the tiger measured thirteeen feet from the tip of hit nose to the end ot his tall the princess royals fqtaie- from tbt lvndoa truth a cynical old french proverb asserts that kingly government means goyemmeat by a queen when one remembers that certain venerable monarch hu passed even the period of labour and sorrow which the inspired writer fixes u the ultimate term oi human existenoeoae can scarcely help musing oa soniepoesilile effects the of- re ga of fred erick william ud victoria emperor and empress ot germany for one thing itmust not be supposed that the advent of the next sovereign of thcfatherlud will be at all synchronous with the adoption of liberal principles by the government of berlin at least u liberal principles an understood by eagliahmea the crown pnnoeea u- tertalas the deepest admiration for the political character of catherine il of russia and hu in her the germs of a far more virtaout but equally highhssided catherine fi tt amis the would educate her subjects lata an appreoatioa ot mt ud culture compel catholic bishops to marry and benedictine monks to preach the advan tages of a oomtortable maome and a sober en joyment of this worlds goods she it in not a princess among liberals ud a liber al among princesses the ideu a pro- greu and the rights oi nationalities are in her tempered ud toned down by tuoh thoughts both politic ud warlike u must naturally be inbred jn a deeoendut of wilj ham the o and edward 111 oi henry yiu ud fame i wedded too at the age of seventeen to the heir ot a line of princes who for something like a canton ud i half may be aid to have reigned at oaoe despotically and well victoria ot great britain did possibly imbibe too early tor if ever to be unlearned the dangoroua lesson that nation may and mat be buefiteel whether it will or whether it will not ssi sssis iw r asaxujuw aid augustas eagsriy rveroadeawcoouadwum its weafnioe too what did jonah snd to wide on when be wu thrown otawboardl angelina oh gusty i why he uu me darling augustus ho want by the wailway altftibatawfaut jawly angefimwitcok m two boon to 9o it pan sjtww tterosre forgeries ol thit latter tort so well executed that eveo expert hare failed todeteottham thereereproljabljmmaaj famous galleries pictures claiming to be by mi beatwds sboatwhscif eeaatestal suspleioa be whispered- no exposure ud onst hive teflobed a most strik ing illaitratiou afthaiuiuuldeeeptsotidrew general atsantioti some thirty jtin ago at breqottsm truth ttlipeouhar as confrontation wudifflcult then is now ia the phiigauoryihe famoas madonna and ohild by bapaeal of the grand duke aocaflrd because ft wu sooraded la his private apartmeat bartelini tie court sculptor aad a manto cesebrated that fapo- leoa had pat the oalptonhe stole frto italy under hit oharge in tbe loavre pablioly m vited au norenoe to examine ud admire in his rooms thereat original of thetgrud daktv it wu visited and admired and ewcaredto dispute its geauineneu under btrtoliala overahadbwiag authority people admired adored it even but could not easily com pere it with the original bat at last the olever fellow who had done it aame forward to acknowledge hit trick aad bartolini sought the seclonoa that a studio grants to hide his ooatation at hat time there were still originals more or leu genuine to be porohued ia italy the postchaiaeand not the railmd made fewer the amatears with weutlled pockett now the mott distant vfllagee are eiaained and oleaned ont by speouiton bat then then wee laraa ahosry eaubush- menta ia each italiu ary with r tsattas stacked ten deeps jaintt the willi eagtaad earned off the greater part germany and france bat little and america leas for her day had not oome to oovet sacs thinga many of these piotares were betat fal tome genuine but the greater part bad been treated by tame tkillfal restorer i had great pleasure at that time ia making the acquaintance of a restorer at rome by the name of colombo in whom great ooafidmoe wu placed tad who dm the mott difficult work for the greit banker torlonla who secretly recovered much of the mooey he had lent to his koglisn friends throagb the tjttant ud giorgiones ot restorers when he wu a silent partner he eatraated many pictures to colombo believing then ill still do that there wai something ia the method ot the vexietiaa blasters toe secret olwbichwe have lost i delighted to confer withcolombo who u such went wu reek- oned i very hooeet man conoeusiagtait mystery ud secret he would produce a venetian picture which would suit aleely some oae of oor theories and then with an air of despair suddenly place there another which wholly contradicted it over all wu that marvellous golden glow at if sunshine wen tsttuatiug the ceoves bat how it got there we never fairly made oat then wu a look rqpy and rich ia the venetian picture which suggested eastern gams syrups of sanaacand or vsrsiahet front jspsn or eliewhere it seemed u if they were painted with honey and coleridpe happening to oome in adaureet it and aid that is the picture i wir take u the present yoa protuised wait ten days said aliatoo ud by that time it wu but a man of tlackneea these talks with colombo about venice and its methods led him to teach me some of the subtleties of his crate he aaid to me we have three schools of restorers the venetian which is tbe best the roman which is second and the bolognese which is the last ud poorest they have no proper school at naples having se smalt at store of oldmaaters the custom is to take a picture ot one of thoee schools pallid with age withered to a shadow often torn and mutilated and re construct it the subject it it ou be made out ia oontidered the part tbe least injured is made a startingpoint of tone for tbe rest aad the manner oi ita epoch ud the charac ter of its school are carefully obeerved little by little this reconstruction advances to skillful does the ret torer become that his own work almost deceives him colombo ssiuredme that being called away from borne with a pkrturf half finished he with difficulty on his retain distiaguished his restoration from the older part he once gave me a pctnre restored by him where a fifth of the cuvu had beta wantihv ud yet i oould not find oat which that fifth was he wu alwaya janghrng at and quizzing me for the little advance i made in this science come said he oae day here is a little picture take it close to the window and try your hand i thought it not very good for the school of caraccif bat ita antiquity faaiae f or in the thine at the light i could tee it wrinkled all over and the surface like little acslet oa giving my opinion he oiaimod thit la dreadful i yoa dont get on at all i this is the lowest work of tbe modern school oi bologna ud when it it u bad u this they give these old cracks thus and ha took ap a piece of heel ud continued the markings which i had thoaght the wnnkleaof father time there was in rome u sgeat oftoriobsa count cabnl in nil sumptuous rooms be only showed toa m rich fjsmeattately altarpieeet noble portraits pietarttqae landscapes bat perhaps tupttaira or in some hidden corner there wu always at work the mtgieiu who mads these dry bones live it wu he who ooald have whispered a tecnt touching muy a palma many a salvator muy a caspar poassdn which would have made blush the walls of stately galleries nor did the awful names of raphael or titua terrify him he would modestly bide himself behind these grand figures ud let a glory he dared not acknowledge pass for thetra and that the count lived la aj world of phantoms he matt almost have doubted whether the old masters had ever really ex isted except u ghosts npon which his st- urn should build a living nperetmctare it wss great fan to saunter with a sooua friend down thit gigutio trap baited by every tute and according to agreement be tween us overwhelm bun in italiaa with compliments which we made up for in eng lish whispers of stsrtling oontradiction after purchasing some excellent pictures ot him which atuf seem excellent on a late visit i reminded him that i baa bought several ot his noble works he tarned livid ud aaid if i had any cause of complaint he would exchange them for others i re buked him aitd fold him they wan price less j but his eonapienee prompted him to suppose that from among hit many dupes i had retai likaanl aocaaiag neaoeaia to bring him to judgment from the uttle that i had picked up in rome i have often wondered that tome de tectives ot the arts have not like caalar written oat in a book the stratagems the trioks the villaniea ot this great alaatia of falsehood thit limbo which the dying put ud the treacherous present unite to alt t 0 a s issi ti j i w laughter tan m gi then no the remotest couar or utile inlet of the minuto bloodvessels a the hu man body which doel not feel tome wavelet from the convulsions oocasinoed by good hearty lughter the life principle or the central man is shaken to the innermost depths lending new tides of life snd strength to the surface- thus materially tending to mure good health to the persons who indulge therein thoibloodmovet mot npidly md 0onveyi adifftrent hn- preiairmtoilltheorginiolthbody u it visit them on that partioalar mystio oa ney when the man it laazbing from what it does at other tone for tais rttiaon evsry good beartyjlangb ia which a person indnl- gas leagthena hia lite oonveying at it does sow ud distinct atlmuht to the vital fotoet ii s ba hot too prodigal th tattuiftao too bol putt out uanra i i zhr hu fttsfwwfrfa wjfjs it rhiife5

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