soil rama tottia- eaaet unaiiumum i tonntrttimtmbkutfanvuch rlst saaia- wtae tout air isaae unvdsjrret teursyes asrtiktb rsssw st surttm i i i tatjsarsrht sou defter eerfssnar when seav ilk swetsr vs tors tsae naimmt svaes 3 soul reveouuf stately woes tbes ob i in tham rowitt thought 4 mt luetdmusttaeuou otsiisjsseireivsurf doubt is teal tpsrt tktbmmkmfetillbirtillaevtimi batatas tm sorihei siitoiiwaiss fouaajwutdlluarltu intitn tun were two oh ttltwijtiiiiwtv lawyers video euflt it llhtsiiasdoaa4l i ultiwttfeoimt sullkisvedoouill rulrlalkwidooratll f f s ojl hid indswk is if ifesri h sssks fersf l if j in je -t- fjv 1 r it frees alilfe tssrreanf chuim th 8cm1 wu ftmoat txuiple of hideudeeek rojrtltr u one period a hit otreer good nsaofc bad he toe cauotal- neat sating that ms kfo would not have been worth nur days purchase hid ha been outatsdby he first puritana hs hid jul passed hutvutyfint birthday wheu iris tnny vat dsfdtidvcrotwell tt the deoisivs bottle jbf jwororter the young kinga miklorf strength wot at once broken up ud he uedfow bat himself kretwvhitaoe thelhriiamintartoiiiojend ana thousand pounds to any ponon vho would find him ud threatened death is jujr on who bortwaredhimt the country ant scoured by puhaen ud ti magis- tntea vow crferod to detain all doubtful persons immediately titer tho bottle charles ud uae of hu affioen plumed a nfreatto fnimorholliudbut vertpat to their vits wait formula of sooomplish- ishin jit miking their vsy towsrdt lbn- dor their guide fdedtiiem as jzmrtx ruth after t tewf oamraltitiaa cwk with a small retinae lolloped off to besco- bel os the harden of staffordshire there he pit on hie fint disguise that otatasaaut labourer with cropped heir discoloured fi ud faint end tooihmu 6a bit uoal- der he allied forth u toodmuu tvo peutntx railed hiat tautdeler vherehe reetod tiut aiiw ubd aext dxr retched baeoobet hooae the rendeaoe ot futhfal dhereat aimed qiffird eesuioisg oaly i brief tiner cnirlee rt off on foot towiidt ldoo ee von t piir of ordinary grey cloth bnechea e bethera doublet ud i ooaatrysuas neea jerkiar hii baly com ptnfcm beiflf c tratbeadmea w bichixd feoderet so aoeerhid they reeahed the edgtof beeoobetwoodthiri they av fan- tea edldiert hnfeg eboat ia ih directidac tad it wi by etexy urn v ehiaee thit yiingplioe vufotind h if tm looked eeriotuthtt cauriee chtnjed ha plin- he i rewind to uy far tome weuh port irutead of tentnrinj tovtrdi fondiin beffled at uro orthne ner tttenpte he returned to boaoobel eoaie vhere colaael otnlen who knev the netritboartood veu offered to- be hkgaide ifur ipendiaf qaiet sandir inlthe horue the king esd the coioboi climbed into i fin old oik is the park tekiar op little food jvith h peeping dava ouitioatty betveea the treat the tvo fngrar ofteaer una acba tav faritia iddien batiogthft voodc i bliexrchof thera theirmoaidiy eoaie i cerae to ia cad vithoas dinster ilhe eingv oik u it vu aqad becum ia more pescefal fine is nrerensed by the eitihers thit they left ecuoely e icrtp of tt aatoaeaed etoyiag it iviy rescemeil to cerre into relia i fev yeert igo it vi uted thit oa the aarth tile of the serpea- ine ia hyde pirfc itood the tent tad a fev braachee of ia old oifcwhich hid epzaag froat a npliag of the royil oik xoreiara to thffcrovauejfogitire oe- oeaduu catfonrt- froai the tree it eight the khtg tad gueleu diijaiied u mrrtafi rode forth it breik of diy meeting trith tori wtimot i royiejti they ineed ti plioe tfcemieltec ooder the goidiaae of ookdel line vho iired tt bentlf a mnhmm vu plumed betveea theat for uk- iagthfp if pouihlevkt hrikfol bat hov vera they to get there vith pirliimeatlry troop ill over theveeteracobattetf ida itortob i khuvoaua of ltae vu reeidiag netrthttaty tnd a put in vith tome difscaltyy obtiioed for uua line ud t mt- yut to- go tnd riit her during ia fqaeei asder vhkh the liy the eerrut vie kiog fiw behind vhora hue hot rode on a acihon when they init ed it kortost thekug vu it onoe reoogaaed irypope the batfcr ho promieed to keep hit uent udhadidia torfaidee hid a greiter asmber of futhfal idhereaic thia hit cab- ieqaeat profligite lae thovedknttojhite dejened fnnther check hovereri oc- carred tt vu found that aathip- voald el from briitol extherfo frehce or to sptia far nearly nwath adeliyfoceo long a time being periloat ohirlei opened axmnaniatiooi vrth colonel wmdhim l doraetthirs royiett tnrelngeutiouly ud oftea tleeptag it night ia the prfetit gale iteeret chiaiber which rntny old oiiaioot opntiiaed in the troebled timee the kog retched colonel wmdrnait faooje vhere ne vu deferenfitlly recetted ud ves thettered so etref ally vie the eecrat kept that the khg friead ia maetpufi of bogltsid were qaite igaorut at hii njoremeste ud imint for hit penoail i ttfety ithe dlfsottltiet were not yet hroaght to u eaa hov to till froat the dorset caeet vu t problem to mire the young king travelled fraaiplice to plioe moating one ditgaue titer toother ud incarrine namer- 1 one ritkiaf diiaitery oov from winihim ebaee to i coatfderthle dittuoetad beck i tgiia now to gherborsr terl it length to lyme reps vherehe tried in rtia to hire crenel far a noblemia tod hit temmt sit vatferjr neirly detecfedjiy the oeler of u ton bodport vho hid mean him rainy ytiriaeruer enothereecipevu from the taepidodl cf t firrier vho noticed that the that of thekingi harievere of north- ooaatry mike no t inch u were 0juldyee4 inthe toathof rvgtind fruftated tt ih pourta ia doner the wudarar next tried etmpehtre bat failed igtin adtindag eeatioatly along the8aten 0dutind riry- iag hii siwuli frtcraentlyi he cute it length to shoreaun where merest rawtrd- edhjm tteaiieterof iiraillteeeal agreed 4a- tafcerasr oter to the coast of fraace l oiirieev to tyoja uy tppeeriue of rink or dsstinetion tapped tt the tkipperi tratll hoauthlt night hert tgtinhe hid atmrv cp forthujpperrtrnetnberd hiring seen hial with theriytj joe m the diyaat the utekrhg fiithial u to piny others hid been the turnr kept he secret ud on the next day juaed chirlet tifely tt fecamp in kormudy the vuif rer v vho hid been for ttxveeioi engaged fh thew adteutnree tod hid been jocognited by jlortyo 6ity persons withont being be- ltrtyed did not tgiin tee eadud nnlil he retirned tn the jrjamps of the reitaritioa j joet vithji i eentary of the btftle of worottter toother snglwti prince hid fo pleyetliiouar4kltr la 1688 the only eon of jiroa the second vis bora prince wsoiind tabejraowbm he pretender ud vho nudeii fetrfrairlen tttempte to regxinthe thrcmewhwihwbtai denied to hfl fither the mteniyeeven yean of hir life vers spent 1000117 ibroadvr and mr james imiifortane u i soottith vriter qaiintly ailed him diuppeired from the me hisson cairles dvard cn known for the tike disttnotion the yoong pretender ud it l to him tilt so msrryrotauao stories tttioh tudfag at- ioue peit ef the utemees onutlo vv6 heoollteted a null band of setotawud filthfal idherenta aid detir usaed la a spirit raomhercio than aradest ttfigncu fff hmwhtdffpjl to wsfft rmtpgolioai toidmbsjh ud eapturti it t to v he wan the battle of prutonpui i hovht chitatd as to the ntj osstrt of atlud tnd taraing north anwhed eaek to seouuadl how he won inother bettlt tt ftlllfk isd tntlly how hit hoptt were atteworaioad by the diititrosi defett at oauodtn are mtotn known to erery reader of rkotuih history laiullmi of iiootwltr on nruving neirly two thoauad well- tithentlott oieet of penoni vho ured more tau t eentiry we geaenlly find some peoalitrlty of diet tad hibit to aoooant for their locgtrlty j we 64 ome were uriag umogtt all the htrariei of life others in tht most ahject porerty begging their braid tome were umplee of symmetry udphy- tlaae others aripplaf i some druk urge iautiuu of enter others little tome were total ahetalaers from tleohollo drinkt others diuaktrdii some looked tobtoot others did aot i some lived entirely on regeubles othortto a great extent oo toiaal foods some led tctira litef others aedeodr tome worked with their brain others with their audi tome tie oaly one meal a diy others four or fire tome evtle ure qau- ueiot of food others a iraall amount ia fact we notice great dltergenoe both ia hibit and diet bat in those suet where ve hare beta thle to obtain nlitble toooanti the diet ve find one errat mow which ic- uantt for the nuiarity of ouet of loagetity 4uearamrat eaeafily tffmi to il- lot trite thii we append a fev tathentfeated one t indith binniiter of cowra file of wight died ia lu tgd 108 she ured upon buouits ud spplec with milk ud wi ter the lut tiity yean of her life ehm both hficpherioa lived ia tbe county of ctithneat died ia 17ss aged 117 her diet vu buttermilk trjd greens lie retain ed til her teases anttt within three months of her death francia oonfit of bury- thorpe vortihire died in 1767 aged 160 he vat temperite ia hit living and ased great exercise which together with ocea- tioailly eating a rav egg enabled hiex to at- tain each a greit age philip loatier of shoreditch loadoa a french barber died it the sgerat 105 he druk nothing bat enter tnd ate paly onje a diy henry grosvtnor of inch county wexford a g a- tlemiaof french extraotioa died ia lifio hd 115 he vu very spiring in hit diet ud used ranch exercise ud vu sa tgreea- ble cheerful companion it the sge of one handled when he married hit list wife fetnuch zufaa died ia 1734 tged ibs years being i membtr of the greek charch the old mvn vu a iirictobiemr of itt namersat futx tai nt tt ill timet very tbttemioat in hitiet uve thtt once adiy vith the arilkudletveaatkecwhich ooattitated hit sale food he took a good tired glass of brandy j aqtvirvjul wtpttf pwwri m ft ww fwjraeald tot rmbtgoal w owitssmls itrnslb rithei thaa plow r ti wp a tod far the roll hitherto bat olr- id oar oontrol ire forging ipec at on of these u far trodnoing more t mftt ifld bettor tad leu grain oork oaraatui net oohdliu orlmi and thin foratrly and or tbsm ve need grus or other green oteps corn is t grand oroy ud oar ojimtte salts it bat the best eon we can grot if not to profitable u tots oar prtctioe mast ohini u the times ehuges and it aeemi probihle that we tan no longer laoriaoe ta exsellent sod for the ooraorop hiui on otiui it hu btea prortd that by pluting ia drills t larger yield of odrn u be prcdaoed thaa from hflu in plioe of hills 3 feet sport otoh way miks hills 3i feet spirt ud drop the seed irery 18lnehes la the flnt cue there are 4840 hills sod in the litter 8400 to the tare two lulki nuy be grvn to etch billor if there ire three sttlkt in the former cue there will be ms20 stalks and 16800 in in the utter with one good u to sttlk which it possible there sriu be 14s boiheli fa the one sue ud 188 la the other to the tore if this it possible sad there it no doubt of it why ihoald it aot be ittemptedt fmtutixa is tmt hiu a small qnutity of sotlrt fertiliser tpplied a the hillitplutiig willbebeaeflciij ahud- fal of t mixture of 100 poaadt of fiat bone dost 1 barrel of wood uheaud i barrel of poultry muare throva near but not on the seed ud veil mingled vith the toil will hutea the young growth the earlier the start ud the more rigorous the yoaag growth the more rapidly ths crop will rattan 2 motacti tad babies a chidt iafucy it the period of all others when a mothers core it iaditpenable taitt comfort after this is put her place miy be applied bat until that tiae when huaah resigned her son to the services of the temple no living wng if so dependent u u infiat sad this dependence is natural ly npoa mother she vho- eut ditregtrd the call of natare who eaa banish her child to the bosom of a stringer is not worth talking to those itdue vho leave their infants to the care af stringers it home while they figure at vitenagpucex or make neediest prolonged visits tnyfrom them hare slreidy stifled- the voice of k- tara in their broaitt tad it is aot very pro bable ihitrestca tad conseiaace still retain a habifatioa there bat there it mother class of women whoi stzaare enough appear inclined ta reason themselret up to that point to which those others have fallen class vho talk of elevating women above the drudgery of nariinr vho hihitaiily speakof ill empfoymenta vuch ooahnef a vorau to the house u degradiag ud insist that all sou shatt be ihared by theotherter old dime satare whoa let alone sppeart tore galaie the raatttr very nicelyto prompt ta inqcfionilo hasband ad father ta hold ba by when mother it fatigued or not it id- sum ud ia timet of tickneu ta ibudaa hit avocation if possible to than her cares bar vith all fhif the baby it the mothert peculiar care to her it vss etpe- cillly given sad the it especially count v be for itc welfare to long u it is t baby by the order of nature the stands btveen it and the father the ciud it preeminently hers j ud one of the greatest polities erili of vhiah ve have to complaia it the lavs which place tht father between the mother and her child if a vomanbe even in the invest degree fitted far he office of mother even the father of a child be ha ever to ju dicious csn only be jadiaout vith reference ta ud deference for the vihea of the mo ther a child must get past btbj hood be fore it cornea within the sphere of a fathers authority a run should think of this in chootisg the mother of his childrea and be carieful to select one who hat unse enough ta tike care of the baby far if the tick it no vadom of hit can supply the deficien cy t tialajid of frmt froraibe starday berltw amongthe nameront soarcesfrbm which their boundless wealth flowed isto the treasuries of the phirtohs wu the mysteri ous land of- punt the abode according ta ta old tradiaon of the godtvho mignted thence with amon horut and hauor at their held into the kde valley- br the name of punt the old inhabrtutt of kami meant a distant land wished by the great ocean fail of valleys ud hula nch in ebony and other rare woods in incense nme precious metals sad costly stones slso la bent- such u girsffes hnnlieg leopards p inthers dog- headed toes and bagtoiled monkeys biris with strange plamage rocked themselves on the branches of won derful trees such u the incense- tree tai the coeotpalm thia land of wealth vhich may veil hive been he same u the ophir of the habrewr it considered bj bragsch bey to hive been beyond doubt the 8o msnli kad facing the coast of araraa pe culiar to that land wu the idolber the old est local form of the godhead which wta- dered far from thenee and gained a footing not only in egypt hat ia arabia ud divert porta of asia u far erenu the islet of the jreeku the misshapen bea vith apish cauntenuoe and bestial ittribufea becsmf identified vith set ai in the greek myth ology vith hankies ualso vith dionysus htameroaa tepreeentatfons of this god ire given tit sir gardiner wilkiason vho thinks thai by bet is typified the power of death or the dissolution of thi tnuntl part of nun he seems to us nther to embody the ideas of animal or corporeal vigour ud enjoyment it vu underking sukh-ka- n of the eleventh dynasty that the first expedition took place fa pont for odorifer ous gums the noble ttn being the commander u he hu hlnyelf left on re cord in the inscription triaskfea by m ohabst i h i i 8aookhfm the siuxr sau a ffevida newtpiper prints this cord vf huibond jimbor- ner the aglieet man that i ever lived has left my bed aid board without any jattifli- bleeausa luted todo tllloould tonuke mm pretty comfortable ud in spite of ill oy wishes he weald cut tip and ran titer women kow rwut all the women to no- hoe this set of mine i wont psy a cent of his debts ud i hope ho one wul return him to mey r i doo4 want him merit bit- ae bg meadowi em regiments in the british army do rut carry colours ora rust baby is the title of anew book it fa i bound in muslfn ofeourte tnd nuawatktact cloth fiixm will be benefited by the tpplicatioa of a bushel or two ofplaiter u early this month u possible there is no better place on lh farm to pat wood ashes than oo olover oircamttaaott already re ferred to an tending to raaka aovera more importut crop than wi hare reardedit u a prepantioa for whut ud for green feed ing for this use seme of the unaal varie ties may be town hosts ore the most vslashe prodact we cangior one tea of maageu or beets miy be mode to ml 2 or j cows for a whole year this- it more thia cube done from u tore of say other fat at product to grow mangels successfully they should be sown this month before the 20 tail possible after mangels come sugar beets ud blood beets which may be sown early in jane but an better towa ia may there are several varieties of yellowfleshed msngels vhich ore thought more valusble than the red varieties webbs ysllov globe the yellowfleshed tanktrd the long yellov ud some other variatiea of this colour are already introdaced here ud an found ta taoeeed veil they ore more solid than the urge red varieties fassxx csors after the aprilsown foddir crops will come the early kinds of tveeteam fo be cut ia june udjaly after the clover has been fed off is a change or ta follow earlytown oifs during- may winter rye will be eat sad fed ud raeu- vhfle a portioa of the clover should be posh ed ahead to follow ths rye ome early va rieties of otbhagos of which ha writer finds fottlers ealy drumhead the best for this purpose on his socl should be planted oat u soon u pjeeibls for the cows a head of this variety weighing 80 lbs is a good midday lunch for a eov vhea the gnat is failing as the fodder rye is cut off in strips through the field this ground rosy be ploved ud resawn immedietefywith sweet com a second lowing of oata or set with cabhagca hoktzx a moderate quantity of green rye will be very acoeptahl to tht hones it will hare a healthful effect tad will coof the system u veil u a dote of mediane when then are no stones in the holds the shoes msrbe removed from the plav teanu for i time vith beaetll harry up the wort daring this month so ihat u the nua- day baat igoreaeas next month some leisure maybe taken onxu beasts of draaghtsninsetnenlaoes better thaa horset they require dinerent tresfment from horses tad especially in the spring vhea worm weather opens 8a- aeot time should be given for them to feed ud being slow of motion they should be diiroa tcoordiagly ia working small forms oxen will be found more economical thau- jtorset lad o pair may be asefal on a forge farm coirs kow that the covt tie fully an the pastures supply them regularly vith tilt oneounce a day ia samaut and it will preraat thepcaribieiafuriotiseffectof the fresh succulent food which othervue might sppear in the form of severe and dangerous disorders of the blood a noon feed of hoy with a quart of cottonseed meal trill be qsfit thic w- nfat the groat becomes less succulent cilta the thriftiest calves should be closely watched when turned to posture lest they be attacked vith black quar ter ltriau tho effect of too rank and wa tery food which impairs digestion an ounce of epsom salts may be given withadvutaga fo each calf vhea tamed bat u a preeoa- tion igaiast thii frequent danger acmsaior food is to be made can- tiooxly the stomach and hovels are easily disordered by the sudden ud serious change made it this teison ud during toe tint month the substitution of grass or clover for dry food should be gradual the first symptom of uythiag wrong in cava is a shrinking of the milk or a loss of sppetite bexzf tso lasrai eves from which lombt htve been taken should be relieved of tame of their milk if their udders ire fuu the flock should be counted twice a diy ud carefully examined for uythng that maybeamias evestabefiiteaedmirbe feduberanyr woshcca- sanr the practice of vuh- ingsneepbefore stiesricg is very dissgreea- bl ud is unneoesury nothing is gained ia the price of the wool in fact the usual dedaction mode by wool bayen for un- vuhed wool leaves la edrintoge vith the seller the practice is dugeroustothehealth cf both men ud sheep ud miy well be abolished tht body whotehat it hltassatwtclaltbroy thijtw rrtaretda vwolat ridrovned urg- menial noltsnwnt closed by eiwini in- fmm a man named campion while nder ths lnnaweeoiuqnofwurttnotmb lorjnd tttnksailwty triln at 8t marys ud bid to taffer amputation of l lag ajoqtwiiorrtweeten eafl employe it windsor wu itindl g on tht puuorm of th station near the u p sock when hi hurd a nols bat eathhlm like a man straggling ia ths wall r with laatcfs in hud he got down oo th ttayt to txaolne ud found that a drunk to tramp had filltnln todwu likely to be drowned after tome affort he saoocedei ii getting him ont bat til he thinks he i ot for h pains wu a perfect torrent ot ab islte un guage jj a gentemu living st dresden while id- taxloated stripped hlmwll ud ai iped into the river rowing he vu tired o life and vonld there and then end it he water wu not deep bat it vu terribly oold sad the did relented and o imbed oat instefi of dnstinlutaself he na just u he wu to bis housefbot hu wife had barrac the door and nhtsed to ut the poor shtveri ig wretch in until he pledged hlmtolf nerei to drink whiskey seals we an informed that a fanner wife got to badly intoxicated whils in tie city on bnaueet the other diy that whet her hus- bind wu about towtam home s io had io be tiffed nth the vagjdn bad yes very bad- i fielding of osprin ippeu id before oeorgo bsrroii h p tt elors to ansver tou information uid by inspi jtorl mac- donald chariilngirr with holdu f a dince in her tavern pmmises cootrary t the rulu and resuuitons under vhich herli unse wu issutd aflne of 110 with 2 80 costs wu imposed we would warn uve n kxepers not to permit dancing parties t j be held about their premies u the p nslty for doing so is a fine of from 5 to i jo mrs fielding wu the sceoad party fin d for this offence within a fortnight i the populitionof our town bjii beta- harnois amrtpoodnt it about 1600 and wn an going to have eight i oense i taverns u lut year the nsideat ne psyen hatdiy exceed soo tn number eon ieqae pociiarj youg chicks vill thrive best vhea they an kept dry and clean ud moved frequently to fresh ground there is no betterptsoe for a coop than the garden through vhich the chicks vill wsnder free ly picking p or driving off an inseeta a bed ot young cabbages may be kept clear of fiet- beetles ud other crops may be pre served fa nnor moanerby i lew broods of chicks provide u sbanaonoe of clear vt ter tight shelter overhead ud t dry floor then will rarely be gtpet if this plu u fol- lowe deal gently witt th saintf they hive different modes of treating stupidly drunken persons in different pieces in detroit according to ths vss pnu they take them to tho polios station over in windsor thjeyoirry them home an a shutter la denver they pour kerosene os hit clothes and set it on fin in wflkesbam they take him down in a coal mine and fancy his feelings when he trakee up i in kev york the polioerau beats him- to deithwithia club in boston they bathe bis bead ud read him psychological essay on the evils that teerae to the mental or ganization by too great indnlgepce in intoxi cating beverages in tccotohelseentup for thirty days in ban fruoisoojthey let him lie there in omaha ihey tnave one side of bit bead in vuceburg ky fhey build tcoge cf rtilrosd ties over nim from vhloh he cannot escape when- he eomswio nutensurutoledo they douse him in theswtmp in oindnnau they make him attend a onurch ia bay city thty neariv drown him in s cistern inchlcagoit sacha oommon thing they dont mind it in london ont be is jolted borne 1st whaalbttrow- ihere is to be one tavern for eveev 22 nte- payera a fev of the urgetic couacillori of the village of huntingdon vou i be need ed inourtovncoancl i at is mee in of the license o mmision- en for south simeoe thirtysir s ipecati ns von presented all of vhch vith he except- loaof tvo ven gruted ithetionse in- ipeetor reported tsst t grett fm provement n the hotel locflmodation of tbe in comparison fo those kept prior to the tdopt- tios ot the crooks acs hadfakem plioe list week aonrenharst nru named cooper visind bsrrie udgotlh oompuy with tvo roughs of that town the latter had a bottle of porter viih them of vmch they pesiuoded cooper ta paitake alter doing n he felt certain from the peculiar effect the liquor had upon him that it had been drugged this opinion vis corrobor- sted by another nun who drank ont of the some bottle cooper previous to drinking the liquor hod dispuytdtvo 20 biota which it is supposed proved aa incen tive ta the crime i ha prince of wait and the dacaass of etlmlmrgh lucy hooper itys an english lady of rank recently tout me that much cf the po pularity et joyed j by the princess of wales est owing to her beauty ind the charm rf her moaner 8he is also a kind friend ud amot devoted mother bat the poeus neither depth of intellect nor font of charac ter saffideat tocaase her to make her mark a the high station td which providence hu called her on the otherhud he duch ess cf edinburgh owes much of her atrpopa- arity to her lack of positive beauty r the people accustomed to the gracious loveli ness al the frinchs ot wiles aid looked to see her charms ropeatcd uev in the bride of the younger prince and took a dis like to the young uusaiaa in cooseqaence o their d s ppointment bnt she is a spirits ud intelligent lodr highly ace mlished speaking several languages fluently and a praotiiea amateur artist tni muiciio u well she too is a most devoted mother to the four little ones vho have blest her five yean of mttrimpciol life it vu after the birth of her erst child that she so cnended ths queen by refusing to come to london for tee season god hu given me a child said the girlmother hnlf little more than s child and why should i leave it to attendants ud servants to fulfil my so- called duties st court t then is no pros pect of my children ever succeeding to the throne mi i do not mean to sacrifice hem to court ceremonial i shall stay ot home ond take core of my biby and stay she did at the dakes country seat all through the summer ud tutumn ywcritv is luir queen victoria while in italy nude fre quent excnrsionibtt lake margiore ud amused herself making pencil sketches o the betutifnl scenery along ia shores a fo t- night igo she slipped out ot the ebtteta a savena nnobaerved sod scoompanied only by the princees beatrioe the tvo udiee were dreesed ta black walking aatumeaof the simnlest style snd succeeded ia enjoying ihemtelves on foot ud in the open air with out the embarrassment of court etiquette nobody rwgnixed them ud they itroued along for u hoar chatting with the wither- women who were it work on- the shore the queen speaks italian veil ud vu de ighted to find the could understand the dialect of hetambeodypeaiiata before ntarning to their apartmuta they visited the stables sod her majesty tried her italian on i toll coaenman ofbom she supposed to bet na tive the poor man vu in fict u engliah- man who did not understand t word of any umuage but his own and h- vs u silent and stiff ss i telfgniphpole vhie the queen vu talking to him j finding her mistake at lost her majoty burst into a hearty laugh and returned to the chateau greatly pleased vith the saacest of her inooguito oaaneei tor bridesmaidi the ostrlob omtrartlmmonio diilanoa thonih itinwg el fsedlbgli ordinarily hm- lud to ip m twsst at tuny islltt frees its hsidquirteo ii ourss st the rst of twosty stx ntusttdhonv4he srstv st istt of s portlassatrtify train it oth dispense with it though food sf bath ing nothing comet imiosto it is the ships of foodhsetdt urrlas fruit grass usvet beetlmx loebita small birts sud tolmilt litardtsad snakss ths prooses o tritnn- tlos ud digtstlon bstsk aided by sud stones grit tout tnd stan ntsces of metal to fun down or ospture ths ostttsb rstioas methods are employed owing to the spssd end endurance of the bird severs boraetsta must bant together on a ocootrted plm one follows it st s hudgallop ud the otbtn ulsurely tshs snirttierolreotion st right ingles to its ooone even then the ostrioh hu t trick of crouching in scrub or rooks allowing the hunter to psu by ud to ending pursuit sltogetber brnhmen ind nstltn an guilty of rnorerinspoitsmin- liks modes of compassing their object one mu discovers ths nest removes the eggs ud putting himself in their pises awaits the return of the parent tnd stsstsjnsttt ber with s poisoner irrov in arabia ths bedvuin steau tip to the nest at t e nxt uxlous period of incubstoa ud kills the female following this up by tbdesth of the male when be ntains onsupecungly to roost it sunset some sislk the birds by meant of a screen or imitation of the living ostrich otbtn drive them like deer in the highluds to s pus or surround s rut plain with 1 cordon of hunten who gradu ally oontrtct their sphere of operations ud bewilder the unlu ky birds ly yelling ud and shoatinjt ud slloving them no rest it u no voider that the breed diminishes under such systematic persecution which rares neither sex nor sge and uaghtit close lime is south aminos it is stated thtt the return of ttinor captured oitriohe au averaged 400000 per annum ro that a man may now rtje legtet from buenos ay- ni without seeing one j ohoosiag s profesilon kothlng u one gets i older ud more to- customed to vtrietiet of men strikes one more strongly than the small proportion of mankind who being free to choose that it hot onrjer irresistible prcssan from orenmstu- ces or parents or the iraall bribes ia he way of pttronage make hopeless blunders lathe choice of a career thousuds of ooarte ia all protean oas are unsuccessful and thousuds among them again do not deserve suooets but of those who fail a urge proportion would hare failed in say- thing ud fall rather lots in the groove they have chosen than ithey would have done in any other it u easy to find scores rf trusts who draw feebly or jut to bady that their lives sn mode miserable by ill- success but very rare to find one who posi tively cannot draw st sll who not only hu mistaken his proportianste power among his fellows but the very character of hrs own faculties there is no delusion among educated men io common u that of literary capacity we have teen literally hundreds of rtfetenden vho thooght in the simplest honesty that thty had only to publish to se cure sn fnstut recognition bat ve have rarely eeea a than take to literature final mm haios cbttm 4 nostit i sristt moll uv nsckoimtat on gtn trhbs nt carrula tri mrabstuhuv tb tboanst pi si korserssud st two aulas stkt trteta l b rso li rorstrjvmaaas ustnpaditvvm ism atis the bbstrplanting month the foo i being then active take immediatehold of theisbli which is in propei condition to receive them fl v the but brown soap in the market sold ej v e3 h 5t vst kt eittt jb 1 1 i i tr i name stampedon every bar take tip other ly vho hod not some capsmiy for it ud coo hardly recollect u instanne of a man vhi entered the profeuioo yet could produce uelthsr book nor sitclt hovever inferior i losing sad finding st ths paris ex- ihibitioo it might have been expected that the ex- hibiuou year in paris would be a lieh one for the finden of lost article tnd the n- turhs just issued by the prefect of police fully mir oat the intinipatinn gold ud itlver ornaments and jevetlery shffieient to furnish forth a urge i jewjlery shop have been stored it the iprefectt office for months udot witches alone then ven found snd brought to the police ao fever than fire hundred- almost exactly half of vhich ven gold ud ths other half surer an enormons number ef the things recover ed ven found by c ibtoen in their carriages probably the mast astounding part of the whole re tarn is however thtt which gives thi proportion of srtiolei cuimed to those imed it appeals that of the whole number f tb at tweotytwe thonosnd irti- cles found only tbout tvelre houiud wtre ever cilied for j bnalnaaa items coorss a sn shewing t very handsome stock of scarfs ties collin silk hudker- chiefs gloves 4c just the thing far the holiday season address 109 yooge 8t toronto j tots never sits si hsivtlj- oa uu ased as wbea tbeyonulsed dcered ajheoty rrcwta at oil psocjs aaffsr ram miaey asapliuvs etc broailit oi by dertanmeau o tl secretory orxons ba wul hoil with fey tht srrot rvraedr freporm expressly to meet hstr coses vicfosii bccsv jsad cvo ossl it asa be reeoairjaodad wtth omaoeace far sale by oil dealers thoelrts improved honef ud cattle food though not yet arise staotof put upon the market in this province is now selling freely in principal places from windsor to montreal farmers would do well to try it circulars sent free saaaufactnrid 43 john st 8outh hamilton ont one agent wut- ed in every village town and aty in the dominion tictosio nmraosnrrss exteads lu mnaeoee into irnn t as people vho have vinton the theatre take ant of their memories for a day or so some of the things that omusrd them sod laugh again so young ladies linger lovingly over the aetaui ot a wedding it is i oun- oas experience life in t houte full of sirs who have jast left a marriage psriy their minds an full of the great theme f they tenderly record each incident they eu think ol nothing else ud they tell eaoh others thousud times how the bride look ed tnd hov ibt dropped her bouquet ud who picked it up and bow her tn veiling drees became her not otherwise than when a covey being duptriedmen go round ud about the stngjliog birds so sdralren might easily win the hearts ot the fair who an still hovering wistfully round the memo ry of a wedding thai niture has t vided ebsnees for brideamoids ud thus the superstition that l is unlucky to be often a bridetmsid is justified for if a lady can survive heartwhole ud teas unscathed through these moments of sympathy it is oertlin that she never will be won tvias sn at tomsnt sixteen sir oompres- son at work in the 8t gothard tunnel lrtjro6foraeritlon ud boring open- ttons- iiv j tn ahiericu horns mission soeietv ttrnttftotmi tr rsostptt of 1x8- 1000 18wr sees thsivlsst year tvrdeft vss bsss wdiiesd trsm 45000 to lillorj every p irt of tbs bumu isviiimeusrastictdr roo thefcnndilk0 actsoa ond rs- storiat vital powers creatuif s beslihy focmiloa s ti larlaeouoa of the btood arrrlnt oat aisetse sod leortnxdotarstopstlorasiaikitted psrt litis the finrst aervoos reaiedy sanvo and the srestest bnla sad blood food la ths worts for sals by all dcoura loo per bonis j suit ni brsaathe u sprac steck at fur- nitare now war shown by cbe oabsws cabinet oo is ahead ot saytbint- yet cstend toe latest styles c puioor rats frool ofty donors opword or very pretty ud veil rot up j lu wolnut bedroom acts thtv ftave extri bamlns ib chairs their prices an much radeced tbetr wwerooca is wry uscrauy tx- nared sad the toar isrrs sou ore ailed wth every oinl ot famltura oshsaa cshuiet oo 97 rocfe st toraato tsuowora this noma is tamtior throturheat tbs enure dominion and then are few roouues who haxsootfolnditat ena elms or another an anew of j ooceosedttwudiwuhmtlil mr rred hlus c instetuuwbouseholl best uflimsat hi this count jt is the most roniar in and no oat who uu the himartin co patent brick makinc machine ei clgurney h sole agents for ociiy kaofapmj5sai circulars of prices and terrhs on application n ioht8cejlssior8ses tasatbyaiafltssl- td gilbert a co korh gtthsm vy matthews k bsq83 yonsnrrt toroot i pple trees a fik stock el th- hardiest tarlemea tor sole at is re per doo hi m per hundred tivt si00 per uwotaod i james cd w mind iqo out f aoiutt as oaadlbmtstlm mokkto l la an elestiphyat the doufuioo tewvaph iri- suatav at elarstreeeoat torxto evterrns addrtsi 0 itcot lux s xl proprietors l buy only ontario bakina powder pkr d w mm awn b ret lj ft ir h joti hetd or botie pover i gnod dervio- mt iw rckd by on 4f catjtotrij filr ista brl for cstealui mtvnafswtory c3 mtviytit hia utoooat 20 ffitifisial limbs 0f prtailkd uathkb l nst pnze at testhnrilsrs oa spphcation batis xua- cheap doc- 1 ranteed durable urbt ela ind at rvvioeal gxhibitioa tou- adjrtw j do ax k 90 drayton oat 1 rtislan wellboringand t drillli maditoarr oral prise at prortocuiel- blhuca lsts aid roll me lal at ceateantalr-bard- psrbeaadefs ajuobani rta essay niodleeu send lamp or eoporo tuosnteu cotalesrao u01t k u m car strest west l agents wanted to sell oar rubbftrmnt- ni saall stomps potent racket staaps eetflnklh rkitktbmbertypvserieiusieelsiampate be owed t no 10 aons 8treat easr- c c 8tewabtqrirnrrito r i i si t t ij- toronto tbt ctoisl dril ettfiniw it ittis tomjttti oatoxiio jiilx i inn mean msbvn bextlty t ptarvm otromit s tmi tvetv yean two i iraocked off smcrpot mfbltadlacluut u9m hltt lt0 inffend hhi nrelllai la the iroe joiat eubotj ram twtftjv the ag i fun oaad fcu kiodi of hoi bmet u well u andicl mtoaiuot bat oa um lut twooochitmitunaisiystdt ttolowoo tht rtohuhubmaisurtuoat ivtniol uvinr dmcpmnd to thrw am t on sw wsurvjr7 oxuieiad aa teucrw uu xu vrstam roa ukt o tim ind ttuttit cam nnulct4 tpnri tratr efkkd huolb i r i sx b0suuafu oesmah syettp eu now bo purohued right it home it it the niosttuajessfrdpreparsiiou ever introdnoed to our people it wafks like s charm in all cases ot consumption tnenmonia hemor- rhages asthma seven oosghs croup and all other throat ud lung diseases ho person hu ever used this medicine withont getting immediate relief ysf then ere s great muy boot suffering sceptical penoni going about our streets with s suspi cious oough sad the voice of oonsumptian coming from their low that will sot try it if you die it your own fault ai you oo your druggist ud ttvsbsapls bottle for 10 wmtiijd try it thraeses will renevearoelbegoiir site only 75 haliburton term1ktj3 of the vi0t01 1 eailiwaytorm ind rsatrs lot i c j bloktold isaoanr canadian u kmlration co torkc airiieratorootoat ljyqnri j ij klexomder leadirlgborjseln the damsnion for ftum ki cu of tjverj dei tibn sole afenta torha didmeyer lena i la via world ahsmrthio4 btcasiiasssiojtt bole ttttnudaerans toe the dcaml osi sector price uot 73620 more rm afc m q p t vgwstsyaj oloaitiaaleo l irt fro gutmilsi piliow ser8ey co jtail mayufaotosbs j montreal luspeetrally amwtm to all dealers u well u qosmiu ofoit nans tbot they hivs par chased ths 80lb ri0ht tor the poaunloa ol cuado to an ootnxffa patbjot aotomaticn ail picker ou2isv m hrxa this facword gees uobt b0ale suves3 tnd stwarflami haiialhaiwbvcaissmitqtlrg sv fcsta m0aopevieetkawtlgs istststse ulsssiuti laslanaaua proesttad by sll s talherwiobjosliod oata i other est by aasrlcoalsonuariunrownoaaaeaa the obso- i thtt pr iif tndbiia- swatsat wwestsr- esetsdhy lea ctear wttavlteatt sss rww vj liviwtitw 4hsea stt fit qvmvhkulutibtlu ssat osf s io s pounds of doss sealeo 8bi isssltork ituiatsttsatttitir thean inadeto pay tor juotthovi sastat ct iran tt ts ii m to ssstj toe rasatt ier otourss etsaoe jswts sinpriefiiiilmaplihsh sold in 1878 than in any pmiouk in 1870 yn sold 137883 r1878 860483 1- v- ouraces htvs loiaasij saetnoattr artr jtsi thraoghtbwholtrertorclt4ratnse wsnow i1 thrasqnartert ofaatbt tewts ewaeitlduitaewh j for the tcooraaiorjitloa cs lhepnhuc i s kasl sabrjreusoibeaeiitsiualtadtotes ed oadcaoratalhotiweildoodot k wa8tendmonev os ifoheapoounteffel sead tar eurtodsoros ruastrsttd 1 he singer ejonaoraea sil tamsceassti rs mi m vkg 10ds aisieo