Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1879, p. 1

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j4 vs 7 u1 mhactv fbjiepre8s j a retusub bveet tatjbadat kqrnimq trtai free press building next to tht ifethoduthutch mill street agios ttxsn one dollar a v car tlrtjtlj iuid- tinea u sot piid xiort thit monuu at dollar and i hali till b charged or two dollar if not pud uh the end of he year siaglo copies three- cent exna or amxrmtvu ooiooluma pet year wo 00 fcmoatht 30 00 i moo half colomn per yer 30 00 6mcntht so 00 3 rr 12 w i column per y ear so 00 smmht 12 00 i 00 eight ui pet use or first insertion- shirt advert semeoti of i uotlud un- er si filbre insertions business cards 1 of tight linei and under fi per annum all sdjertitcments nicuured in i scale of r solid nonpar id advertisements without tp-cialiiutruc- tioniisaertl till foliid and charged ac cordingly asy 8pdal battier th object of which is to promote the pfcaniirj-benefit- o any iadiv dual or company to- be considered sn lirertistrneit tnnueat idrtitenwuu to be piid for whrn ordered all tdvtr jting accoucts j rendered monthly notieeofbirthvmirrugs tad dsalhs icsertedfres t a t h p jioprew publishers tqltoli iv- no 4 vhoib no 204 acton 0nt mat 22 1879 el 1 4er icatibn iotoria less v mander ttcrrt jhoaseta eta- hz dsserip- 15 rar simonds saws e sb to i i2 aha jlfneshiii gttitt45 tttg bakery ami confectionery mtir5b e nlckltx would iuii risfo lliat they have opened up their new bake shop os tor corner of hill and main sta aoton and thit they will tlwtyt be lapptied with a i bread wsidtt buns dket futry it he ie xukacsrocc or choice i gonfeotlonery wiq be osad on hind which it ill new ind tntk oatmeal oobkmtiai buokwheat floto 0sacked wheat io iryi in itock thit will be found to be the puce where the bcit roodt will be tept at the lowest priou i tttttatt ciitt e i a sicklik w h lqwrti ilrucess gra- dciir of trinity oollep ilembtr of college of fhynciuit uuf sargeou qniae and residence frederick st acton in the home lately occupied by e little esq j t i ustee uj cfjilk barristee quebec stv quelph asakch omcb in mr ltnttherk buildings uiu8u acton a omce oris rvnir- fsinir v w- heitstreet licensed auotioneer- for thecoxntiei of weuingtoi and hilton chden left at the fux pica officeaeton or at my rtaidence in rockwoodv will t prcifty attended to terms reasonable r texts foe ixtektioks expe- rtttocsiraad property tecared in can- tda th united spates and europe pa- tent guaranteed of to charge send f for j panted iasircctfcne agency ia opetitioar ka vein hexey oe1st ottawa canada vhanfral engineer spjatsroe iateali tad draaghtaaian p aitathesok attorkeyat- y law solicitor in chxreery 4c office uext door to wallacet hotel ifiltoa dcnasioxbsreucios eobebt aoew proprietor the new hotel it fitted op in fircau ityle with new fumi- tare cominercial trar litre will find good accoainiodatiaii nd commedioci simple 1 rovmif special attenon paid to the wants of thetrtvjling public bar tap lied with 4he beat lancts and cigarc good stabling and attentira hoatlera shingle mills edward moore nhs to uuiqrmce to mkota wto intend buidiag or lepairiakc uii he is iboat la oomxaeace thfl rniau ucttxreef illcus of fihe and oedae shinglles which will be told elm and oafc staves and bosswoodj heading of the best ooa manafactarcd and deirered f o b the q e cfri pricex os kisd ittc ehortest here at the- lowest poesiblej rastolass eith ilat8 castoin igt cat to order on notice and at reasonable rate sataftcdtk ftxmuti orders souciltla edward acton april 2nd is7s itooke r 0ial exchaxge hotel ic e glafc prprieior oae of the maet oammodijias lloteli in the coarty good commercitl litmra the bar is always sap- pbed with te choieent brands of liquors andcsgirt firstciasitiblinr and sttc tire hostler f hoaae itaxtcd in the bud- ness part of the visage if e claek proprjetor nashtoe skks i am precired to piy the highest eah price for all classes of lamb and sheep stint iddirered at mf tannery lace th conn aojly oh hand l-r- ilastes ilooee cctiok sale adverfiseinenti inserted a m fheacrov fcix fszss at iowrater the best lojil taper of hilton co biet5 marriages and deaths insetted free in the acrox fete eeiss the bat loeilpapercf hilton co j taeds and-csrchia- of ercry j tdecrfp6oneieen feu pezss office the best local paper of haltonco j noumdxlcatioksioa loaf quesfiajit a j interest will gsdlr be received by the actoj feu paras the bit local paper of ettotico estel0ee3 printed in the neatest tiyle and it- the lowest price at the actox frrr yezsi the best local psperofhal- toncq5 fjroa hare farms or hm stock for tale advertise diem in the aero i feci przss the vst local paper of haltnn co harness harness i ay person in want of a gpol kit of j harness either snrale oe double shoald call at i creechs saddlery where they cm get bctier tilne for jtheir cticccy thin tay ptm in the count- a gool kkrtmeat o i tsukks akd valises oa btcd ill of vhich rst be told chcip far eub fz repairing promptly tttended to r creecic acton feb 26 179 tha catulidra bcp4 itrutuiaewfwr trtaifil- rmpu twi u ron dut pkd i fid p4d l ukaiuuucuitt u ca4 ux chectouc brulu inr- k ni fart tx iilrt fnxa silultirr ph od but oac hoar to diy ttil 1 luad 1 ctto on the hrj- rwtn itip rn i ih meuled fwr butmj- out mtniiuot blood nnn tfatt awdthtautha vr spat- 6a aroat 1 4fled mr hu aad rttht ihttn ill pxnl dij- the j- rptatad troali olrr rut nd pl splinierwl urouffe fca ud till bat chalnut cita iriui qttr on tlf u uttm dmop he4d mi ull to siltibaq- on bat t mil ol sow quae ottc tiiic brook tad rtu tnpl trip 1 ihurdiiietf ecfaotef hu hut th nl ct asamj itoae tlic roa flev oa it i luittdc p bat blood ll boucfllna b d old eiu d m khtw it ru tu mj ova i puud old eit tad kir hr ut4 tour v oat trimpjd t trunpjel tua brtt ittcdc and c mr twr vottc tff bars i f it ufca i rojil hut it bvjv and mide ou rmdj to tarn lxtftd vhere hithtft rrw the auy aad dmpett udmd ui fra t flcv si tb firtt fcmrtj ulo oa btov ind be ni dorti the wond rocotfirtd ll ud mlcd i ilioed tha njui aovav ao throaja the fttt ad fiofjtd tcire kitf futtutvi4liltartiilt tid t pid ther aiae oh the ictci trud tbod 1 tbud i upon lac tvid vtllh i fleua of ivordc tod i banla nteft and i linking- oc flc tint btud batooe locr baaud lad i p6d the it gifctrmtbepcauacbiad the villa pother a story ik two chapters lfeechasts iod firfaers alike should ill adveiiise andtappat the acroyfeir fuss the bdt local papir of halkin co steaxed or stoles adverotements of this nstare inserted reiy cheap ia the acioi fece fees the best locj paper of haltonco beattys gcidrfto elegant writing acovptctcjeirisiteccrqk is flux and oetihextil ontario busfs5c0ttg sgbeattyc0 behbtole 0it1si0 ituie design of the atom institution and l the wort itiuvxttacoeisfallyaceom- pluhing as shawm in the great i access of its gndnates throughout the country is to pro- pin boys sad young and midtla aged nun for c parsniti by girihg them s thoeooghand peacttcal educaiioi in ookkming in all its foam penman ship arithmetic campond grammar ana sjielling banking methods howurdal wth notes drsiti hub of exchange checlt ind allkinds efbusiaeat paper geadcjates of the o0llege who hare coot month eoanfe and taken their dipomaa art each week stepping into good positions in which owing to the com- pleteneu of their knowledge they speedily ttisin promotioiu i among i our students ire those who have beat through the gnunmir tchools and nni i tepefies well it those whose education in uriy life has been negeoted the former come to receive a practical education such if it needed in everyday life the latter a remedy past negect and all to tecun that knowledge which will help them to success in theworld i wtheciece journal containing fall particulars i i ipeciment of penmanship are tent onijuucation addrett i sg beatty t co i i billevflle oot sept lit 1878 ifrrs hb l08t how eeitoeed ttte htvrentlir publithed a new edition dr oalfenrellii belsbrtted essiyon the exdical urp rrzsxixxri oru without medicine of ifervoiu de bility tiehial tnt physical jlhcapaaty impfdimentt to marriage et4 resulting from exeetses j price f4 a sealed envelope only sir iti or twof pottage mampst j- the celebrated author in thtt tdairahle essay tleufr demoufata from thirty yeah successful practice that anniogconi trninrnfff miy be radically cired without the jangerou ute of internal medicine or r wishing o acquire a rapid eaw and beiatifnl hand writiag without tesrtbeti will find the gutpi a perfect in- iftrtcier hndreds are becoming beaotif ul wrhea tkronghont the dominion in the united stiles by using if ttamtistt of a serie of core 8un of cgateniitri for pmctiting which con- uiowies beguwitig with the first princi- ptammfnuilly progressing to the most ttgat futn m ornamental writug tn ovamtxtm sazzt caiteslng german textrou xoflub and ornamental letter- iflfc oshand ploorishing of birds to a booiflrfqttpaub with fall iaalytia and inttruction and ttimntifnlly engraved esse toftmuinthewhobj priflwrljid rrev3beattk00 ontario buinen college septwtl hmy port 045m box 4688 the tppubttion of the knife piloting oat a mode ofjcnrejrt onee simple certain aid effectual bymeant of whlcksjerysnffsrer io matter wist hit condition rhaybe may cure tninself chtapjy privately and radical- thit leetnre should be in he hands of every yoath and every man in file land addresf- v tb0ulwrw41 ithbbtxxxi i ann bti kwtorfc chapter l as fcr that laid our nattry with a thrag thers are timet in ail mens lives of which they do not care to talk pt riods cf failare and depression ud in the ssme wsy we freacj trj not fond of talking about the late inr s3 let us past to some- thsageisot we hai jbiea di with cur notary sad were now taking our dessert in the garden a rough unkempt kind of place but puts retqae too in its wealth or met and wild tangled creepers through the heavy wood en gates yoa caught a glimpse of the seine calm and placid in the golden light oct sum mers evening beyond the broad erpsnss of river tail poplars caaght the last rsyt of the setting san aad between these a hasy hand of parple saggasted a distant landscape snd tar twiy hills the last glass of the old bordeaux rivalling in colour the golden tints of the sky ww about to diappear botslie the j ancient bonne stood tehind as hogginc the big black caf- feepot one nua was rolling up a cigarette another lighting a cigar while the nctuys hand instinctively cought hit pocket fornit pipe i eotahe said one of the guests taming to tho ixmoe w have been talking of tbi war yosoonld tell these genllemen a few things aboat that eh j ah an 1 hs ve you told monsieur of the havoc the prartisnt made with our masters best faience sad the holes tiny burned in tie curtains v such sre the imnreuons thst great events make en ordinary miadi cried the notary is it pot the same with all of as in my owni mindf the great tragedies of the wsr- occupy is space thaa the intigrfsctnt part f lived by my self it was qjiite dear that in spits of hit tl legedrelacuaoe o talk about pie war the worthy notary hsd t story on hit mind sod it rcqaircd little pressing on the part of his friends to elicit it it wit a sad dull time he begta at roost of ajs remember the j time of the pros- sian occupation the future waa wrapped in gloom the preeeat hideous with the per petaal icnie of hamiliarjon tn my own profession there iu little or nothing doing ho marriage contracts no transfer of land ifycawpuld borrow there was no one to lead indeed coin was almost unknown smoag u oar banker had fled to paris and sraa there that ap sad thoce who had money buried it in the ground you will remember pottier tarninx to ene of bit quests j the circumstances under which i confided to yoa the whereaboati of my own strongbox j ii pettier njddcd gravely snd held out his hand to thenitary who pressed it wsm- ry 1 like many others in these days of sad- nets went oa il brunet i took refuge from the contemplation of my country i misfortunes in the pursuit of studies par tially suspended from the pressure of- mors urgent buineu i began to prepare t long- deliyed monograph on the geological struc ture of the basin of the lower seine for our loot society i doubted very mash whetherour society wouhl ever meet again i thought it most improbable that my paper would ever tee the light but i went oa bgndly rbopyesily but still on two young prussian officers were quartered oa metand at isdiridnsls i had nothing to complain of in them they spoke oar un- gaske flnently enough altboagn with a rile accent jaud they made themselves very merry with eosslie tnd burette my er- tsntt if a they left alone to my studits and ray gloomy thonghfav these thoughts were made gloomier ifa1 by anxiety as to the fate of my younger brother toy only living relative ernest was almost a sou to me as well at s brother a weubred mother on i her deathted had confided him to my charge i he had just completed hit studies ind was about to become to avocat ud ha iu already affianced to uademoitelle the- rese the charroing daughter of m pottier and indeed the necraaary notices hsd bees given at the mairie for their maniage when the progress df the prutaunt necessitated postponement i had purohated a lubtti- tutefor him in the ranks of the army a thioj permitted to those days bat he hid thrown in his lot with those who were fight- log foe thir country and rntdly m i thought had joined one of those irregu lar bands cf i frtactireurt who to say the truth were almost u formidable to their oountrymen u to their foes hot a word hid coma to me from him for many the winter was frighmully co you it jarred sadly upon at that solid martial tread reminding m that there ww no escape anywhere from ttnte of the ia- vaders presence the step tpprotched the step died my in the distsnee with a mea sured awing like the beat of a peadalam i snd then when the pendulum hsd reached its farther limit 1 heard a low tip at ray library window a low tip such at my brother osod to give when coming home isle la would and the house locked up ad every light but mine attinguished i opened the window and looked out nothing wis to be teen bat fop ia which ho feeble rsyt of the street lunp at the corner seemed quenched and lost i an fn- deactibtue fceungcf rouble and depression came over me my philosophy was at fault for race i could notescape the influence pf hitherto despised superstition perhaps he was dead my brother snd thinking of me st hii last moment had lentkne thit message i peered into he formlers void without a vague expeotstionroi i knew not what mtmorita of the nut earn back to ms the bitter thought of what ia past for ever hopelessly btuer to the lonely childleti man i htve youall that you want tooight sir 1 said t voice it the door it was my tall awkward bonne satette i had sent liar hours before to the of my friend 1ottier to borrow a book i wsnted but i hid forgotten all about her aad her mission till she now barti in tdreaded the proreace cf hit young woman in my library aa i should hive dreaded the iavasioa of s cher okee or uhliu kothiag ijwant nothing away i cried angnjy but the girl continaed to sdrsnoe awkwsrdiyiacrost the turn knock ing over a pile of books here and there put- tiag a clumsy foot talo the middle of my moit cherished manuscripts will you begone i reiterated in rtge snd tlmott terror it my hand wst seised and pressed snd tben the sapposed sasette threw back her hood and revealed the closelycropped head and dark hashing eyes cf ernest my bro ther when the fist crcefings were over joyous bat subdued by the tense of danger i began to reproach ernest for coming to me in hit unworthy ditguite de tection woald be followed oy instant miltsry aucaliour there would be no hope for oae hut almost elfconfessed a pr- j i kcow said ernest gxyly f i c bat i could reach yoa in no other wsy there is lest risk for me than another ss i am al ready doomed to the fnsillida when eisght ia my capacity of frsactirear but they have to citch me crst i tntleftwh ii ae bow th dtrejopnunt uneot is to b dark oon- in yw york san 1 i have of- late excited so iurgedhim logo st once snd resume hit proper habiliment there were some in hit own room that wu kept slwsyt pre pared fcr lira let hiai not lose an iaxtact the dinger wss fiightfal and imminent ta his real character as my brother could easily account for hit presence and who was there to identify him a the frtactiienr i safety on one side and im minent death on the others why did he hesi tate let as talk a little my brother laid ernest scaling himself calmly in my arm chair ia the first place i am not alane i hare firs comrades hot so cimfortably puexi as mywlu lt lyaoituo bo- tora of a very damp ditch i threw ap my hands in despair andtheresotiaiked i yes j i have teen thereae he said moarnfully i felt that i mast see yoa i both ooce more consider me u one pomiog from the grave to visit yoa he explained in a few words how he came to be placed ia this fearful position misled by false information hit band had found themselves entangled in the pmssisa lines hs greater part had been destroyed aad only himself tad fire of fait companions had for the time escaped thanks to hit knowledge of the country about land the goodwill of the pesuiry to whom he- wu mostly wtlt- known the little band had thaa far contrived to elude pursuit and now they had found refuge in one of these sunk en paths that here and there intersect the forest snd dote to which st ernest well remembered lejaa the eittnsive grounds of the villa pottier the residence of hii fiancee and then ernest had volunteered to venture forth from the forest to obtain mioaueeded provisions and some instructions is to their future route the river lay before them broad and deep encumbered with iee a labyrinth of pools snd uickssads with every boat closely guarded by the pros slant behind a circle of fire hemmed thtra osli tbemielrei ire lurking a the forest oloieby i i thought that the glare cf erarrti eyes from under hit oaeiae hastily pulled over hiafto u the prussians entered would hare betrayed him but our foot were in s happy unorillcal frame of mied they had not noticed my companion at the first mo ment dazzled by the glare of my lamp r tad when they saw the supposed sasette they exchanged glsaoovaod began to liogk fur tively perhtpt the attitude unconsciously sasubmd by ernest who stood- leaning orer- my lauteail was rather ftmlliar for a ser vant anyhow they began to rally me broadly ibout sasette here was a sec ond lew cried one j the urn turned into the betrayer of innocence they nw that i wu angered and- only laughed the louder ernest behind me bouingwith rage tnd retdy in a moment to spring upon them r we are two for two he muttered under hit breath j but i held up a warning finger the thing waa mirlaeas in the ex- tremlty of suspense and danger however i found a lamiaoai idea i a way of averting the pre lent danger aad placing my brother ia comparative safety messieurs 1 said gravely i am glad you can amuse yourselves with such a childish joke my servant i here ibout whose pretence yon are pleated to make merry hubrougu me an urgent message front my friend it rottier of the villa on theheighta ah we know him prince l it there aad soma of the headquarteri stirj there it a charming daughter too ha ha our princes know how to choose their quarters they share the penchant of itrtnlr for therustle of a petti coat i again i thought that ernest would have iowa at them bat i wiraed him with a ejaooe to be patient j my frieod m pottier tatid sternly will inform the prince ct the motives im puted to him oh no no 1 cried the germans r pray dbat repeat our wordt we were only jett ing welluyon have had jobr jeke i said resuming my good huxnoury jrnnhiapt yon will give me your help madame pottier ia dangerously ul and requires my proestiottal attittance to arrange her ansirs it it a matter of urgent ne cessity sasette trill accompany me to thetula with a lantera kindly give me the consignee that i may paas year sentries tafely the young meobcama iutantly grave and sobered that you uk it impossible it it forbidden to wl the password but we sre snxious tff oblige yoo come we will oarselvet sccbmpiny you and pui yoa to your destination this waa a favourable tarn of aruiri on the whole for the presence of these oxaers would insure us against detentions and awk ward examinations true that when we reached the villa they might tee the real sasette snd thru detect the take but suffi cient for the moment were its own perils i interetting thints wilon proti fluxlor knows about it prof hurler writes in a kiiuutnth cvs fury- let us consider the olfactory sense organ more nearly each of the nostrils leads into a passage completely separated from the other by a partition and these two passageiplacstha nostrils in free communi cation with the back of the throat so that they freely transmit the air passing to the langs when the mouth is shut u in ordinary breathing the floor of each pautge is flit but its roof is a high arch the crown of which it seated between the orbital cavities of the skull which serve for the lodgement and protection of the eyes and therefore lie behini the appsrent limits of that iea- tars which in ordinary language is called the nose from the side walls of the apper aad back part of tbeie arched chambers certain delicate plates of bone project and these u well u a considerable part of the partition between the two chambers art covered with a fine toft moist membrane it is to this sohneiderian or olfactory memoriae that odorous bodies must obtain direct access if they are to give rite to their appropriate sensations sndit is upon the relatively large surface which the olfactory membrane oners that we must seek fotvthe zffil2i a- stoi may remember and the river wu almost covered with ice ice in huge masses that tent up and down with the tide jarring and ouahing diimally nef er such a dp6 late scene u then upon our qusy not a mil upon the river not a boat conld ven ture oat nor were there any facet in the street unlet under a plckelheabe 1 tat one night in my- ubrsry working away- at my msnuscript oontoled a little by the reflection suggested try my subject that after all the troubles of the hnmaa race were the merest triflet in with the great cyolio cninget i wu bowttodyioijl- evsytiig wu rfnita tul except the measured trsid of a sentry ouwde then it occurred- to me that i had a chart of the river with the souadingt mark ed the sandbanka and hit various chan nels we pored over it earnestly atone point where the wood closely spproached the rirer in a narrow ravine inclosing the bed of a smsll stream the ohannel appeared at its shallowest here too a sandbank stretched boldly halfway across barely covered with water at low tides aad at the further end rising above highwater mark ia the form of an island on thit island had ixea built a small lighthouse to mark the chtianelr with a wooden hut for the light- keeper there were no liahta in he nver now sod the lighthouse staff had been with draws but the prussians j had not thought fit to occupy the little island which had seemed too insignificant perhaps to attract their attention ernest shxiously took the bearings of the lighthouse from the conflu ence of the little stream he saw that if they ooald only reach it unobserved they might be able to erosa the djteper channel be- yond a raft could be improvised quickly from the timbers of the hat and once on the other side of the river a sort of neutral tone not yet included in the prasiim iine it would be etty by t lorced march to rcaon onrlown army i i yet i thst it bur way ssidkniesti jive me the chart of the river that i may convince my comrades who are not axns- tamed to implicit obedience 1 and now my desr brother i mast find my way to the villi pottier he ccneeafol the chart on hit person snd wrung my hand with emotioii j f at this moment the outer door wsa sung violently opea with a great clatter of military accoutrement my two german officers ooming in i erueit cast a huty burning glance around tnd snitched up a knife that lay on my table a carious silver mounted cucauiaa dagger which had been given me by one of my travelled friends and which i commonly used it a pa perknife i huth i whltperei they wijl not come nere j they will go to their own roomt but tonight of aunbatt mylnmafea departed from their usual prictice they had been rapping with oamraaes and were fmerry arid priited u if with wine tne4 light usually placed fortbamin the passage had bees accidentally extlnguiahedandase- ug tha dare from my room tier sdvsnoed iiistos to the doorway tjeering in with in i exttnguiihed my limp it onoe and we went out into the street i holding fist by the lanpoaed sasette oa the pretextof my nearsightedness we puied a line of sen tries eliciting challenges at every mo ment at more than on post we wen taftiadt aas w wwi w va lue betvreen oar conductort and the officer on duty the word given elta well we patted oa our hearts beginning to beat onee more as we descended the ml we emerged from the fog into a clearer atmosphere aad were soon in tight of the house of m pot tier the lower roomt were brioisntry lighted np and the strains of masid could be heardclarionet and horaia a gay daao- ing measure with tixa rush of unoeri feet the murmur of voices snd the sound of light laughter for a sick hoaae a merry one sa of my companions dryly ana u the mo ment i felt cemfonnded ttnlrfna my rue detected incredible u it teemed thit my friend should be that dancing and making merry over hit countrys misfortanetl bat u wt approached the cue became clear through the long windowi we saw the glit ter of splendid uniforms a number of prut- sisns of high rank as i gathered were en joying a frolic there might have been un worthy french women among them of thst i know nothing j to my intense relief at this point oar companions drew off hen were hem snd vons it seemed of the blnej blood tsrice born barons twosworded dannos and our humble infantry officers with the awe of rank inherent ia teutonic blood feared to intrude upon them they would wait on the terra and begged me to lose lists of i multitude of minute rodlike bodies set perpendieulirly to the surface of the membrane and forming a part of the cellular coat orepitherinm which covert the olfactory membrane as the epidermis covers the skin is the case of the olfac tory sense there can be no doubt that the democratic hypothesis at any rate for such odorous substance at mask hu a good foundation inflmtrwimal particles of mask fly off from the tnrfaoeof the odorous body snd becoming diffused through the air are carried into tnenaaal passage snd thence into the olfactory chambers where they come into contact with the filamentous ex- tremitiet of the delicate olfactory epithe lium but this is not all the mind fa not so to ipeak apon the other side of the epitheliam oa the coafrtry the inner ends of the olfactory cells connected with nerve fibres passing into the cavity of the skull at length ead ia4 part of the brain tha olfactory lensorium it it cer tain that the integrity of each aad the phy sical fatercoiineetfcci of sli these three rtra thfe epithelinm of the wnsory or gan the nerve fibres arid the sensorium are essential oonditioni of ordinary sesustion that ll to uy the air in the olfactory cham bers may be charged with particles of musk but if either the epithelium or the nerve fibres or the eensormra sre injured or phy sically diacooaected fronrooe another sen sation will not sruc moreover the epithe liam may be said to be receptive the nerve fibres trantmrssivf- aad the seoaoriam seoai- facieat for in the act of smelhag the particles of the odorous substance produce a molecular change which hartley was in all probability right in terming a vibration in the epithelium aad this change being transmitted to the nerre fibres paaees along them with a measurable velocity and final ly reaching the sonsorium it immediately followed by the sensation thus modern investigation suppbtt a i representative of ft lll anwtsctwiart l fl tides f the musk bat it also gives ui the stamp of the nartirlf ontlieolfjtary-epi- theliunv without any trananuasion of mat ter u the equivalent of the aristotelian form while finally the modes of motion of the molecules of the olfactory cell of the nerve snd of the cerebri itensorium which ud hartleys vibrations may- stand very well for a doable of the intentional spe- cies of the schoolmen and this last re mark it not intended merely to suggest a fanciful parallel for if the cause of the sensation it u analogy suggests to be sought in the mode of motion ol the object of sense then it ia quite possible that the particular mode of motion of the object ia reproduced in the tehtoriam exactly u the diaphragm of a telephone reprodacee the mode of motion taken an at its reoeirjng end in other words tie secondary in tentional species may be as the schoolmen thought the primary oae wiv the list link between matter and mind ftpm the 1 inoprojmwn much interest is england for opening up the coatineai ol africa to trade tod devel oping- there t new ind vut market for english tninnfactiirss jure led to the con sideration of virion plani for toe oonstruc- tioa of reflwiys ana telegriphi in the re cently explored regiont of that country though the buildlngof the railways will isr i nft tii i it fn wai hainxpaoili3d twastatts- mentsf tgnihio oommanication between the northern and siinthern portioasof the continent bofore the close of 1879 while a project for running wires over land through central africa wu ithi under discussion the emergency of the war waged against cetbwayo forcod the british govern ment u a matter of military seeettitr to at once contract fori telegraph which st the earliest possible moment should brin it into instantaneous ocmmunicatioo with the south african colony it hu therefore acoepted the terms of the esstern tele- graph company to lay a cable from natal to mozambique and thence to aden connect ing there with tire duplicate cablet from a- den to bombay on the one hand and to eng land on the other fourteenhnndred miles ol this cable originally intended for the duplicate line from madru to australia hare already bees shipped to natal snd the work of msnnfactnring the remamder hu bees begun the terms sre that the whole work shall be completed by next oc tober the laying of this cable does not however stop the discussion of the over land scheme or reader it any less interest- lag j the subject cftho leststburty of alrheot telegraph through africa wu considered by the eoyal geographical 8ooiety of london u long ago u july 1877 and in janmry of this year a report wu agreed toiavourable to the project of the three onrrland route suggtated that called tha east central use it preferred this follows the course of the kile up to lake victoria t fourth of the 00 time i here lh notary broke offi seeing rosalie approach wrth her arms fall of bottles and jira o liqaears and strwg wateri j and the earjen- oried the notary eoialie dont forget the ifirschehwaaser vg ee cnstotrto a propneey tjntnltniad a carious superstition huoome to light ia midsomerset the labouring classes in thst locality like those of most otiier rural districts in england hold sacred certain supposed prophecies of mother 8hipton whose topographical knowledge mnat have been little leu marvellous than her insight into the future of these prophecies the most widely believed in had reference to the fate of ham hilla lag stone quarry in the neghtourhood of yebvh and 1 promi nent feature f the uadaeape for miles around it wu to tha effect thsrtat 12 ryclook on good friday ham hiuslioola be swaugwedap by an earthquake and that at the tamo time yeovil shoidd be visited by i trrrntndoai flood with anah anxiety wu friday looked forward to in nrrnsannenca that people actually left the locality with their families and west to stay with their friends in other parts of the county until the dreaded visitation wu over others whose- fiiihwuleet robust aeverthelsea thought it idviiable to remove tuefr pott and nasi from the shelve of their oupboardt and to stow away their clocki and their lookingglasset in plaoet where tbay were not liable te bethartsred by theook ofl the earthquake otherajagain susrpended gardening operations ior a day or two thinking it mere waste tocvmmit jbod teed to ground that wit ekery to bebateto traaoh- etously 0a th morning xif good friday ittelfjarge nambera of nsoplermiiiy of them iromadista4jooked tothritpet near to the not u they dared venture to await salt trorinlcnsly end thrawiroottdthojf propheoy when howerer hour had pasted and flam 1 uiialjatheitheylieipintolookabae to each otheri taoea and to mlrtaien for the queta- an amuting story it told in parisian cir cles about the minister of fine arts m torquet who it willbe remembered is al lied to the british cation by hii marriage with miss gregory thi day the queen ar rived in paris he wu ss jinformed that pos sibly prinoenbestrice might like to tee the louvre in which case the visit would be very early tnd wu to be strictly incognito m turqaet determined oat of deference to the nation which hu given himnle wife to do the hoaoors of the maseam himself and was at hia post betimes but not much too soon however u i private earriage sooa drove up and an elderly lady and two young ones itepprd out evidently the queen the princess beatrice and a lady is waiting m tarqnet gave hii arm and con ducted the illustrious visitors through the various gsllerioi principally the naval mu seum ss being the moat iatercstiag to the sovereign of great maritime power- all went merry u s marriage bell the ladies left the louvre thinking m turquet for his kind attention i he wu delighted with the affability sadgracioua oosdetoension of the visitors snd felt rather shaken in hit re publican opiniona not until the evening papers came oat did he learn that the queen had not gone oat and that the princess beatrice bad visited the invaudee snd not the louvre later still he found the ladles be had accompanied were the daughter of ment undertakes to erect it and trill be able to protect it np to mtesat territory it thence prooeedt to pretoria into which the line from cape town it expected to be ex tended south africa offeriog is the view of the report the directest shortest and least expensive way to that point it also opens up the chain of lakes from the nile to the zambesi on all three of which earopeooi have already established one or store settle ments which trill by this means be brought into communication with great britainjlts ronte to is one which for the greater part hu been traversed by travellers and is ex pected to be that by which commertelaad dviliiatioo wih first penetrate the continent the total length of the tereral sections of line isetading deriationt it about four t miles it will therefore be seen that the overland project is on of io great masjzdtilde that for xrtany yeaiwtio returns from it cauldbe expected targe eoovgh to render it a directly profitable en- terpnae bat the eagerness nth which the idea of establishing sew markmtfor english products inpuos otthe4 lost daring she last ten years is seised bythe saanamctaree of manchester birmingham and sheffield gains for the overland plan favourable con- sjderatioo the route too ii father leu in length than the submarine cable from aden sad port nstal and iti cost is expected to be less while it wordd beget trade along its route whereas a cable rimply fosters com merce st its ends cap j cameron wnfes than to far as the country itself is concerned he sees no diffi culty whatetor ih the line and mr stanley believes that with a little tact in the msn- agesoebt of the native cueuitseonstrnction would be entirely poetible bat sir ramuel baker seta grave difficulties aad advocate a coast line the only part of the route hitherto unexplored it that between zauxt- i bar and the head of lake nyasst a osttance j of only two hundred and tdnety milta aitr keitt jotaitton riitft bngkad snrrey mr mayet who hu just re- turned from the conn try round zannhar af- i firmed however at a meeting of the xxmdoa society f telegraph lt last month that the region is a fever den where cattle hones tnd white men will not lira he ioouted the idea of a telegraph line taroeih central africa u the offspring of a mani ac i h it is coniended on the contrary in the report that ii no irtswrradaatable difrsrvrlty wu found in nrnning a line from north to south across australia a distaaoe of two t milet is two years through a greater part of which wu unexplored and beset with obstaolee the african trreriasd iph through a far more favourable may be laid without extraordinary ty and at a comparatively cheap cost witimstnl u low as si 000 a mile on the av erage j- some interesting lacts are brought oat in this discussion touching he aecunty of tele graph usee is savage or senudviliied const tries where it rrughtr supposed they would be subject to wanton or enperstitious inter- ferenoe from the natives sir frederick goldsmid reports that ten years experiesco with the land usee in persia over eighteen hundred miles in length show that vrith the good wfll of the local governors telegraph ports snd wires may be kept in persia aa se cure from wilful injury u in civilised eu rope sir h bsrirjy says that in the lata kaffir war the native never attempted to in terfere withthetelegraph and theauitralian liset are free from assaults all the testi mony indeed goes tqshow theiroxuuhity tf lelegraph lines from attacks ol the natives either daring coottraotion or afterwards ind this is a very remarkable and instruotire fact r it will probably be long before thit over- land african telegraph will be built especial ly since tie pretest emergency hu pre cipitated the laying of the cable from aden to natal but thit in- the future the wins will be extended over tome subh routs may be taken for granted thefl not only will the dark placet of africa be opetaed to the light bat we thallalso be brought into oommssication with regions of the u which have so far bjeen trpddes by eni few rentaresome explorers v v tl siiviin itonpe more on the breach play ing to crowded iaoursicerinthe argentina theatre at borne for like bistort i he finds it hard to abandon th akaam forgocd bha m de mosteoello the secretary ofegstio at the french embassy is londonrsna that the lady to whom ha hid gives hit inn wu their englith govtrnesa cheap lf tim in italy i ther an many curioat aad interesting features of italian life it people etc that we would like to tay something about did space and time permit it is a oharming country to live in tot those who eire to do nothing i for it it the best coautry to loaf ia i ever uw loafing it quite a respectable oocapation asd a treat many people adopt the calling th principal oooupation of the wemen pariioalarly in all towns and cities ippeira to be thai of hanging but of the windowa they seem to ba then all day long ind when they perform their house hold duties it would be hard to tay living ia vry cheap good ordinary red wis ia old for example atatj tha railway stations tor frost six to eight best a flask holding a pint or snore flaw innlincd orange is we tonthem oountrietaeeai from three oenti to six oents pw doenieto a little money will reach iarther is italy thin any other coantry in europe jpwl ffittotonau den- xop l aejav v i xoooblarfiauare on th altrti to l band of aatajifrnrwi they and atoodin tn doorway y- a owlish expreasion ofgoatnatsre on their jakc lately appeared in thian sty to dra- uonaasdawidiaoei tr mabo reidingt is saallavtnwlto kewafm von worthy sir cried thtlbaglith otrettjiiu ararroffrrn of thodnrhthinv moot wit is raid to tejctcntng a odgjng- houm u tondosi a torao wptnanwho- had nerer learned the gentle art of cookery bring desirous of k rwithheranowwg to bare thi iritchen their ret from impretatogler aid duiienpe m door ijsr eo the- thtbrmwpwo fromtl of sri soap horry ivw wiainetlthalev tttoivheritvtta nihlliatie tioteneues i the nihilists employ governesses to cam- j promise the daughters of the highest officials j in the imperial service a eussian genera j named sirmyoff stationed at khrakoff re- 1 cently eogsgod a goveroeufor the tdaca- j tioa of fiat dsnghter thertrernet wu i the titter ojf a niiilist sad brought up her pupil in her brothers political opinions the brother wai arretted during the stu dent risra at kharkoffj and tha general 1 shortly after received an anonymous letter stating that hit daaghter waa a nihilist that there ken compromisingpapers is htr desk andttutaathoritirewonldbe is- formed of tirij u the general didhot endea- tout to obtain the immediate liberation of the anestedttsdest the gtneral looked into his dathters deli aad finding that the papers referred to were really there let thettudentatuherty m i eteom the ruen of paroles victory is witmn an hours ride by rail from loodon- and it a bright busy little town the downs on which tha famoui raoeaare run arewithin a quarter of amileawalkotabill on the summit of whah standi the dedans lord bstssarrya seat mrcaodlnnttiew- of the tows on one aida andthe fml twsep of the dawna on the othw q oostaisi rnanyrtreladdraluaole rdetareaot trissera is the otapanroune thenoe jou de- toendto the rahd stand paatng the ele brajed tattenham corner where the real ttruggle ilbegbo tha downs save wheii they eatah an mitina from tha race crowds art a dveaiywattei bya select eommlttoj4ji rlianjeat iwiteitfiiiiiiiwft

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