p le 1 l 1- 1 iiv electors of halton vote poai seokoit to fff expesse wituin revenue- r votepqs w g beatty and goo i government r asd b t ec t ie8 of ha l t 0 v work md vote -wi- drbol56rtsoa dc the- c0m1hc election tt 7ss ohtabio paailattsxt jtno kill tiqiiori tfancrf eecievt and economical gotxramint 1 he actor f ree press tut liiied every tlmrsday hernia gl for annum in- advance- t albert moore enrroit- rbxear mbcvisc mat 2 1st yestksdat i countx cooler l prorogation or parliamtunt the first session cftho fourth fr- ksarehc of the douiiniou of causd was etceed oa thursday let liy- th governorgeneral delivering tfi tal lowing speech toaarable gentlcmex 0 tie senate gauleatem c utt hoatcr ojuuxatt i desire to thank you for the diligence and care with which you have discharged joardutfwihijiabortoui and protracted jdon the reorgtniailoa of the itoportahl fdeparteat dl iubfic works and ihe diusionof luduue iux i doubt not greatly add ia liie efficiency ol tbe pub- lie service j the ooaiolidationtttnndinnt of the statutes relating to tbe laud or lie dcx minion kill pieseut to the large number of settlers now wending their way to lie koriii wrest territories a compendi ous and well considered system 1 hope oat the bill relating to weights and measure whe it relaxes the sliingency irf previous legjikltaa will not decrease this efficiency 01 tiut im loruot meaeure ioe provision made for lelegrtphj by cable- betwea ihe mainland atuicou and the magdalen islands wul- falicitate ajstaidaur commerce and luavtgition and especially the dcvelouernaat of uur fisheries j tbemearare adapted or die vigorous prosecution of tie canadian pacific kailway holdout a prospect ol the early compleiiio o that gnat undrriakicg and the proppeel purchisi from ue grind trunk railway coupahy cf the iinelroni kitiere da loop flo quebec when concluded wtilatfiuedmpiede tli njogetfient entered into attlie time ot coaleierauoo to connect by an inter colonial railway thest lawrence with the atlanue ycean at hsiiux i congratulate you onj tbe other incaanrea anectine tbe public interests rbtei bite hen paed gttfrm naft euvic c ccmnaru inrher lujeatyt name i tbthl yoc for tbe eafpiietf yoa liare o readily trmtal iheywik all doe regard tj memorable gentlemen cftiv tldrzkof tie howe of common the readjuttment of ihe urifi wmcb baa beedefleeted by tbe ieiton o tbta teskc will 1 trait by incrtasirg tncretenae rettoreiheequilibiiumbe- ueen reifnne and expenditox while ft will ai the came time u i n the de- teiopmeutofourtarioa indatnend teod to rtmoeitlie long conanued financial ani coiiimerciat deiiestion whicfci bio preatly retarded tbe pto- gtesvtoccanida i j t ibd yia now fsrskell jnd dpr to express my eirneitape thit wbin inr- iniaent ugtia nmttnbie v tliiir tint tie country vnjif ing ihe taie of t kizijh ao fujr exiitm wrtiiiu m borders together wicits etit rxi tj ine national proxiorty 1 ice crkaji kt the djh orqnrt itkickuuv iqtwmjtlsr j umtxtkqtoa cocifeof hourt iiefure brcukfom i ijffn iihitik i best- bosa ia qwti at niclclifti biker be miraiud try litem cool youmeir tin wnrnt tfir by getiuu lowu u c krl t mtiuniwv lie cnwtu t j- batiuko it tli favorite enng kmnkmtnt with tbe boya yontba and young men ir uexcca h t mtuonband witt b in atitoii nit 3itiniar atulaufl that it will uke larti in tbe bend con cert al nujht j dl robejitsoj i haltott ue- fnrro candidate for the local horn will kohl i meelir n acwa oa tum- iii erfning sid june tnc musa nkn whoae ilep lo i tin prli the woodiile ta uw a stick tl jiff ire a walkint natctwith the tigojatid erattirfty of wetlwcilt jlacxtflctxt tttttjllar of drvt pocdt iwjutifal dresjutwd for 5c 6c 10c lis and 15c rkird nunc o tlra varth thrte timet tliej money nl 11 ef them wcrlh koutile an imnten ttfc- to jioose trotn in all tue latest it vies shades or detercet led lihtlkj mimmoth kquic ilcleod aiulcrtoa 1 go r georgetown i 1 i bakd concert un ttu evenine nf ill qneenv biithdny a enind conceit under tlte uiix of th actou bm band will lie eiven in tbe drill 8i s veral ercltent ktagera ftom a distance are aptcg to be preeerit and an exwedtnety pleatumt- imcntmoie ha heea pepared hilton band irilm exjiected to be predent be sure tcl cream pi cretni and lor pi exit at kicklini diab of icf qitctjih tun pro r tee jtatok clainiec asttitday zib l ittlitc hoi day an there are njo piraef nr amutw- nienutn that city oa that day it is it pcld that tji teole will hit tlie nebotintj towna and villa which da oriel rate- quite a number have kemmuieir intention of conanj from that city to acton tfl honor the day advert are mjueeted in fdtnre to notice ttieaa acn all chanp of contract adrfrtiuimtk must poaittyety lie handed in by noon on the xfiiudiy proceeding publication all adrertiwaiinti jintended fir the iooki columns uiua poeicirrty be hand- ed in hy tbe tuadyi erening prtvioua to puwialion tjnlhislbeie rules ant ahserved weckuoot iname theinvrtioq of any adrertiaetuest in chat weeki issue gilt edge batter tberetraxw7taiianlredaia fur bot- te- uc t at u ibeciu ntfe luaadnrtf ts oailty act color hueliuattertliatuotuer- wnetodtlsliii tareiaeltouo irom one to ct ctrtr per po ift txcaas- ofocient la coicr vnea t e rfuria aotu lotliesiaad- arj ajacerinajflu svelu ricbatdaoa 4- coi verteclet wantrootorui etvc a btlcht juoeeotc tnlsecicrlii by artn x tfwf bfci tu y l tc ac txnnl ks kk rclu verer imrtkany twie rpiuell it is ere -yrt- r- rcanmenjel hy ltiur iktytnt tiutt tulrj m- a madieleat to calr a tqbaffiauerectf ba meiur tilt to worxiojf e or iiatur uiriiculark t r anl tolt luajireof j fue irttudruat kt actoa wbo mi it tue mte t u as aitai u- ssuanttmercnanucdqeraitj tfxui kokihia thomaj edtctritoill worth ten timet ui wtijjht inoold do you kouiiillifg pt t 1 not it it fab oueliunwfaere it li uied it li the cbfttpeal itwioiue er made one dose cure odnitnon soki tunou uue bottle hai cured uonciiitii tlity cents worth imsoured nti uiu titujivu cototk one orlao bo tips cures bid cam of illm asm kiiiocr i tuooettn hix to cljliihij liojitl liicdieinjrciiie u gxcokixtku nlritts oa ixrumku bxjuat uue buttle una oared unit uack ol eitil years untink 1 dmuel ililnk ol ikf0kuidliofi oountjr tsys i jwenl thirty miles for a bottle of you i nil wliioit ehctedt woswafdl cumi lor ikjkooo hut by six applications another whu hu lied aituatt lor vexr mvii i bcre hall of 60 cent bottle ms and iuo weald not buy it if i coulo f el no tuore kufua hobinion ol jnuiid n yj wrlte i one small liol leaf ytur ttuottlo lift reilored- the tcic where the perron had not spoken abone whisper in ieyer rev 1 wmlbry ol vvj your hclectrto tih eured me ofbrbn chttis in one week it iieompvica ol rtxi tbv butjtltu tttat ii txow f u gtod lor internal as extern use and i lxlirte u be mmeuaurablt upeiiorto miytlilng ever made wilt save you ra jell suflvring andmny dol- ura si expeiife 6old by i e mortow cton and atl medicine dealers irlce isku rxktukol lymastorotit6 unllropri liri or the lximjniaa koce ectjctuts selected ud elc- irtciied l ttiilonday nlghl two turn iloiltc caihefenj on mo st belweet benrelts holci mid rfr hills torr f hder will obftge by leiving tbem i this offlco or with i r ulwky c immense increase cf mm jgteeii f ok hale a hrstian democrat wagon on which is asei of afnuininc tprijfci nr sale cheap kew last fall furiuiticalara apply at the tlttt pmss office acton 6lt acton usy 6th 1875 jjotice j kbtica s hervby given that any person or pcttous fucd trrpakaqc lithing cr shoot- iiig on my prauues will be prosicnied sc ciirlini to law 3t ufe ft morrow b ill fob service the undeniened bat frrfertce on bis premisetr lot 30 con h equcsing a ttit uehbred durham bull tertn ch 5c or booked tinliuan it eioo lfx lasbt bsqueiinguayiaj 79 4ttu climatplow i i uadeat i ckowta not wsisjs sexxrar ts htadof p rompetiiao- lorcenenil ror- tosei roe beam tlnlbaard lid kears madect nt i iru irtc ciai u tnu nic rnrtktovt iccotajlsrinoi johx cbowe misnhoftlirtjaftdswttfli lauikh uf this cmy and tb hcjit mttundihtifcnuiitry from cobdurg to tbo 8ukoben are lully onnrincej tlnlltji tajwrtwo intereili w m tbeir porelme at llie noi jo s4ktoifi6j4ac lumlltnn uenof tbe enrmow inoreite in hvaikins pales justijhktliailkli 4 worth nf goods being s id last year urdu he sales fur that yolfwtiirltt9 0 tn edrnnce ol ftii prvfibut jer bile iliirriohlliof thepre sent hiijlntli jjtlindii increase in wlei of 2if 4otrtheortflponllimoutli in letjb n1memember ilnsolnchmd noiicruie immense crowds of customers who tbrong the raormouihaxs ol this house irom mnrning ill nlyhl nd nre lull oontjioidby ihdeireidhy low ptioekitidexoellenlqualilies of goods that ills the oavlussljsflmfldukes lfd im ewar fabulloslt ifw ratk8 lifpet berwa in j j and yd oidllis stair orpet and hull uarpeu to miitlti pjiy reiy bnndtome ftjle about tii uov worth of carpeuon band ifiimensotjuanhlles ofhroy cottons irom 4 cents to ill mr ihe wit 40 inch goods an enormous qannltty of while cottons fnin jj to wo be sirrehnd exitmlnn the rising hun wljle shirting it is full yards wide thick undgool h is kept in two quallllea no 4 is only sound no i bexvler nnd befer ai louj tue couadlnn iweedsire unrtrntled goki vnlue examine the ill wool tweed diade with double and twisted yarjhatonly 60 centn it if uoi long since tbe same quality wu76o cash sales at the rlcht housul biihf pwue to buy alm03r anlilbimi ahftvittyrul lu require in xllefibrle and miijfry w ntles dolman tjislen 0 mid li idles i tressi of the vnurumt kninca asmow ualimiil lust seethed i il ji 50and ji puce- up ioiu wj u j net thrvrtrebesutl ul newmjiesol ffencbdnd amerlcnriuhioits eweisiai- tliimnnles mid udletilresesaregoi up in tbo iremlsesbf twool fbetcai an2r in hinlltoii price hi im and mntenalv thrae tiss dred and thirty pieces makiog- 13 itvj yitds of bitulilul fast colored printii longing to ibankruxit stock bought itiely rery qheap ujd will be told it inly low prices lou of fust colored prints ffum hue cents thj bankrupt tock jolf eriti eb thr betttr tweeds afsj s 7 87 and fip totikg jqualltirs are hesntiful d new ftalife in the business l the nsnufgj j jenii rtblr s vrry handsome white iiiiru only 74o- all qualities styjea airf stwiatw t1 hbirri6fl kli dmreowurslboit jibe fli smoorb and ermtbriabiy ftt tics kepi in slock and tmtdfl joorder ou eat an last fair iiesnriinseeuiesilni iail o rnfi i rorerr aujoioveaarmllinaqfl riul watk1nm imrorfa iha wu iind kepnil iries and lunlities irom 6eenb lnijmitrd6alvri- aod from oshhh ai fi moves tfcry are oeap rtbanevr hl eeson f kos 3tt oud ai kins atreet eatt hamilton 2it mar itriir heinoval i i hate mtnoted mjr tin stoye deeot foslat fftftrrl 3 doomtok miik id xniwlna to oitzcas cunntiiur i while returning thanks to ray cusotners or the liberal putroa- age bey hare heretofore extender and trusting a continuance of tbo same at my new stand 1 would sale that u1 ordtn trat4 to i mo vlu r- ctito a ouiy tml ospociil eavetr ought n g bnilmb tjlxx m0t1cz t1ut w leiths i t the spot to order eavetkougtl- im nunc but the beat slock uied and as cheap the cheapest saisfjbxion guaranteed wi xeith ilelkthe j village of acton thrj following propeniesr are forsile for terras and partlcnlort apply to t a u p s1uure ueal estate agenu free press itulidliii actoa a ttextiosf ladies straw hats bonnets cleaned dyed aad altered to the present fashions hr8wm thompson y m tae rrtatjlcrucciiurctiji rtixetas wuiamibfat mr 1 edomr latrp ooaies frui lite uougivgtio offliaiaalfo c b- a with honor hv ket mb kclntyre wtltpreach dvi in the presbjienac church next mc- iooal lutviuk puted bia thtd axacuinactuu aucdfca- fully we congiatulaif th- seoii of tbe oungtrgationil church acou u well ms ihoaeuf church hill wbo we under mud r iu union with rbrai iu accur liig ibt servicus ut jlri slclntyn dunn ilia vacation cojc li i a 5ic5ltms eaq priucrit of kocfcixid acidi uiykiid one cf hi- plipile were driving tlita l4lpli cb- tijr dy wlnn tbr hoikb littrui irihifiiwi jr j irtn iiiiy i- l- tirii ir tlrjnfrki tb bnjgv llilili vb jff iislir tit r- iut- i tmc vt iiiii u tj ijli vit- tiijliilr ill lylt htvl tj r in lijtl 55 j i-r- lj ni rul d j i br- ivtiaj trutit al ltt rccuuu tbt- iirn bad nut be i flreirui cocoixcis otuigr lemocik nnt ac t ilctiiua ice ijctntia furloi ithe veet latest dodue the innere of this viauity are cautibned against irtiflf victitnjd by the folluatnij irfit dodge of rscily we leeithatlu county a chrckeii buyer raided cooul arable moucy by a very iiigeniuni triad tie ttoald go tu wealthy farmers bay their poultry anl write a receipt for the money paid in pencil when the re ceipt has jot read forlsignatare he would break the point of his pencil and to save time in- sharpening itj would produce a fiantain pen fur tbe farmer to sipn the re ceipt aftcnvards tail penrtry dealcrwoutd crsft hi pncil recerpu and write in ink ruitts rvyin ifo to ioq above the farmers signs lures the copsse iid out for the walk match oa fcttrtraiy- ia a ful street m wno stialinpt vote tbe following sitioa i of the- eic liotw act for urtliu formation tire chitf justice and the jtiaticee of the ciurt of pjial ile chancellor and rice ehancvdxir of -qu- tano tbechief jtiaticee of die cntirta of queens bench and coramm rdas it onteyio all comity judgrtt jail- tfficris- df tbe nuitoms of the djosmidi of canada all clerks of the pf ce county luorneya rpgistrara abvnffi dtpirty lheri2 deputy cliffci of xle if crusru md agents for the sal qfcfywa unda ill porttaaaters in cities ana lown und all ofscem employed la the codcti of any dutfea payable to her sljwv in tbe natare pf duties of excise ahall be disqualified and tncomptctent to vote t any election and if any public officer or person mentioned in thw aec tidn votest at anyj such elcctiou hv ahrfttherehy forfeit thi sum of two icommeucifik pa mill fbousand donart and be vote t sueh w rtwt- down- mill reieeiioo aball b null nod voii ktrea w jj- i lrar writ bowvr nloug west bowfr lo willbwj down willow to bower avbaue along tbt ajvnae to wilier unddown r mhi tliis course mrarmrrs 1418 jardajiind will lie goiin ive 12 ttaiew and coljcindes at main street on- ihe i3li jroiind qttle a hunjiiefwiji enut and the race urom- ise to be exciting the g t e sod the shippers of the jplosivetiave been cenanrtd by the jury id tbeslrarforddieaisuircaso the gfsad trunk rai way the ergine driver md tbewitcbmapatl were censured by the corouei jury iu tbe cxrilon accident j j bcyofidoonfraoiction t celfs august 2nd latsv ltesararcbiale wilkncohamlllon juab btkshr dauxnttr is mineilog saoie ume from is bad backlog eaigb end it barma u severs tliot sbe could but rett at nlrttbiitcouiruedconihibhtl- laft-j- it ls i otitrt ttunaet i proourda txtuieef joar comouud srapof tvildcharrrjiivrtae it- ii hum eer tit to dxirlced tout i rrorur etf hera seelnd bottle wdirn eflvcwairyenml ner and u la now enitgdna liuurat ol baalui 1tols statesen i 1u be any tx-n- ai to yoa in slomlnr 700 tn induce ibose ntr r- iosrroacoag to try tout com pxaid yon buve ttryednsedt o tue it as i eaa cannautianrreojnmnd ii vsninr run etosbooess wltu your remsdja remiuv 1 ajpfbbookh nsarseosdnf that evctj medical man ertll acree hdy would cobaumpqa anrejialiaeariyauige row irafm astao aod ail tti aioia deal ut m methodht episeopiltberpn- tario qenfrrecce of thh ifethodist episeopsl cborehv which held its annual mcetiuf ibm i r at brightoil bd eohdiided on toes day of hut week has oppoioted the ser j ai campbell who came irbni itaniteba bat year and has been inohrge ef the oeorgf towsi circuit jo which circuit the imek cirarchabevd acton beloogatoha brsmp tan circuit hi uccetaotlon the cfeorre- town circuit it bv j wrbt jiyritte of rightdii in charge wiflieet mrwatts as iusassisintmreirrrit is a diauo urge expeiienee andiip a ctdtdred pulpit t5abbeklt 7 the undersigned would intimate that he has purchased the jharberiag business fnnu- erly carried on in actoa by geo b levens and that he will continue at the old stand mill street acton to mtttall the require ments of his cutomers iri a firttchus iiu and at the same rate aa formerly a liberal patmuarte is tvqacsted johs xichol to vtssnipef jfissacaweta cdrsrr er betisioor che court if eetbiott ani appeal for ihe township off rsssaalptweyi will he hell at ihe tawnhiplall on honrfit the 26ih day ol may uettit the hour 0 nine ovpck am- iii persona in- terealed therein wiltpeise uke notice jeasrrhrlkjkrpclerfc kagey mav 77 r i a splendid lot in th village of acton on which is situtd t frame house tit good condition cidhirv well a and ofhef pririlegea 2 oq third of an acre with frame house in pood condition titfjs- mdiw pualie itmnediala x sfkiod st on bjwer mreet opweile dr mfirrows orififth ol anscie an wbich is ah excollrat ruuucast bouat with iplttidid cvtlar aud giod citern slid well ytbunef orchard of firstelasn fruit trees leuiy tetms of payment kiissiaavreti f i on lot 1eyoun 6 kaaiweta- 2 acres jfgixxi jnd dwellirg hou rj blacbmitb ahop rverrthiog in goon oonditiotti- hbop doingfa good nuainets a better chanoe could not be had ah brrildingj and fences iar exiellcnt eondiuon auiikt6faavislon th coon of rcviio for ihe inaoici- fdkjrt wis village ofj acton iilifimite tint cirurj ftir hairing atil cfritiiuitisf qjpli igjjiis- ile uk- mriz id isil ni jatrhevfs eaiu acton parties hslfnjr houses and lota in the yillaje orjfirmiin tire adjoining townships fore will cud it o tbeir iutrrst to hariijbem inserted in j hia lii no cbargeunleas the property is fxjld t a4 h p uoore heil eaiae agents acton -0- jce imd mftvday the 8utl at eijjblochctllia iz jicoaavik i i viilsgj clerk clerk office miv 13 79 federal bawk v of 0iba auelpljanch a gnttnii baxfcixo bchtkiss dost drafts and bwis of kxchaxge bought and sold- are allowed inleretjat the- rale o live 5 1 per ceot per anauni in tbe sat- jugs bank deiiartmentjarid six 6 per centperannnn will be all wed on de- port kecpl irrovided be money re- mains in the jitnk fih less than six 6 nionliia snd tbree 5 inpntea notice bw given of its itbdmwi i thomas ybreet j ifanarjt public sottool teachers jxamihati0k8r the july etaminauon of candidates for the year j sjrill im btdd as foilowa for ileft- class at the kormal sellouts tortoim and ottawa on tharsday luth july itsa- m for sefond class at the town hall milton and the lotrult ilitihseboclln tacday 8th july at i pm for llllrtl ilans at the twu hall milton uu monday 14th july at 2 p tn- ir fbruis of thcrmtice to be ktveh by caadw dates can be obtained qa applioatioa to any diuuty irwpectbr it ia iodispeasabta that candidates aboatd notify the nnderaiined not later than the 1st of june of tbcfi intention to preaeat themselves for ftaminataom itvlittee l p8l cohaito dso leavens publwhebsiaoekk sew decatioml and practical pldtohiafl family bible containitlr the old slid new testa menu apocrypha j conoordanca paulina in metril etc etc alton carefully abridge1 edillon of dr ivm siuiths complete dictionary of tbo bible s cooiprehensiresnd critical liu- torj of all the books if ine bible a history of all the religious denominations of the world both ancient and uodern j chronological and ober valuable utiles dei nod to promote apt faciliuti the study of thecmiod bvripture etc etc it also contains a beaulifiil iramily kecord and phologtapb album lor 16 portraits i ve bare determined to furnish our uagntliceiit bibles to sutiscrinsrt- ki future at the lollowiog grvaf retuction in prices i jsk corr bound in americso morocco panelled fides marbled edges at 7nu bound in american ioroceo fuuemed tiucjnm edges at 800 eleganilv bound iu french moroaco i loudon antique i raised panel pi in hides tint klgeat 1000 ilignilicently bound in turaey morocco raised ianelsfull out sides and edges at ihoo also a cheap edition without the die uonary aud itiuxtraled matterboaud in arubasque leuther at 500 p h ja pictorial history of toe would embracing tut and authentic acootintbofeveryisationol an cient and modern limes and including a bktory of the rise and fall 0 tbe irek sct roman tuipnes the u roe lb or the nations of modern turoi e lha middle ages be crusade the feuualeiysteiutbe ttrfurmatiuo the discover and detllemeot ol the new aorid eiorete tbe work wbl be lur nished to sulwciibers id neat ana sub siantiil unding ai tbe folloaincpncef wbicb ae very low lor attch i large ana magnificent book i rttrcort in fine ooa gilt sue and bad ju0 it full aflcry karbltd tajii 6uj library itkmurucco back aitd corners juttdyei v siu ower9 i heat work 4js i iiaxiiood hoj14uood and their mutttal- interrelauona love lbs liawa powr hi to helrctiou ormutaal adaptation- re production and progenal endowment oexual aitmenu keslored 4c foolsiins nothing indecent orlndelicate by prof6ssor o 8 fowler fracucal phrenologist and lecturer aalborofiellculluit7malrimomy love and parenwge amativeueaa etc- i uindltlons- it is i printed frum clear new tipe ion flue calendared paper comprised in one large stlavu olume ol luoopagea ill u ira led with nnmarous engravings knit lumuhed to aulcnbers at he touuwing hfeat re duction in pnoes j oar fm oud ts7 stfu deduced o 300 ovfit lvujiaiu6vytfukattadlo 3su above i a short description of each ol each if the boois lor which 1 am aent 1 will be naipy to leceive your onler ceo leavelihi aacnt rr pouiaken actifc maybl 1870 411m tq1s o vy mew bajierv ii in acton begs to announce to the residents of acion and vicinity lost he has commenced bus nm as baker in that welilrknfjwn stand on mill btbeeti acton v almost opposite hills grocery klore whri or tbe best quality togeiber wilb fresh sans cakes o can always be bad at the lowest cash prices bread will be kepi at tbos eairons reilrnce near ibepiqw fac tory for the accomciation of eititens living in the western part of the ydlage bfacniia a stock of jonfecdonert c ila been puirhfd and will be s id rbeapi qnanity ofnorswiu be kept on hand for sue fresn and cieap a no k of rholre rantlr near mil be evil on liaoo auu dellve e lo i nyars- ttho town at ibe euirent lane s r casb oniy tesoeeilaev facials iolrres 4c i icvit- ei tor on ibesnit st nt i e j t eagton aeionatbfihy isn com e one a n d alt i and see lbs effect of tbe rational poiiiclt kemny sons b0xtsh0est01ier mtvn st arros boots t shoes cheaper than errr and tbe arvest and bail seheled stock in lbs xinntvn band eomprbid aim ues from ire fiktar hurpkh to ibe coakaasr boor and all well manuaeured bootsbmts bootaashoa fortne lamier for tbl slerehaat bootsat si oeif boots 1 hboks f ipr th veehanle tor tbe hieb i boorsahanss botka8io r lb poor for the milllnri boors 4 rnois ot urs woman aad all chemr far cask at k e t asr 5 boot shoe store ordered wori tnii da pii wis n li m ieuuj wv enploy xuaf but tie ffioslwmwttuuvprv man atwl t naibl tn fcl naatr mm idd ut nottifi but a f otdrraii oa liisba tfrtucesntf t4tlt faetioa toamxiupdj befturidf promjhlj ftl noticeaau partis ldttt4 to the above ora will pleatr fcaft at once un4 settle their aeconiiu- orlierwlse they will be huuie over for coijecuqii tt stovis tlnwabfc gcelph clot a ball our stock ii ab csnajifefc of all department orders for clotkutff are re- tpecvtun mtkiled sua r i trobtoir merchant tailan qelpkt7tk jfa confren also eslargedtbs circtiitbythe hi additieo ol lha oienwiuuuaj appointmait mre mcltiir lakes peashre id ihfenn iogi tbe lades of actbii and ricin ity that shehas reopened s lieiw and choice txft t in the store oritfrly occuiied bjr mr tjeicb which wfijtfl sold a obeap an thejohfiottv 2 dresnikiinir manlle tnaking an ladius straw hatsrdmixtnied in the latmt ptyli lnikes intending tornirohaae new milknlrr nuteuaainr elaawiutre mt r rt acton sri uayj879 -rdimawv- ji- boot shoe shop vf wifiiams wouid rejpectfully inv timate t the people of actoo and that he has opened a boot 4 shoe j shop w the build ihg opposite i w h tobeys glove wfjftes mtjh strbetv aoton anyonein iint of a snhsti ntiallnd goodfittintr boor 8bo should eave their order at this stand i eejiarii ja spectaty andttomptly atteniv eiu a i adtonffrib38l r a aobalsey hiuctical haniiihib 4vil ruaikt0 win vlrlrsacnuv oiw8tiiiitnl mar and btb day of eywrttnjalfctrleli im tinmiiptft ao8- 1ktix aflri beaa n jnforjn tire laoli a or tliecouji y dfiisltnn ttisl he 7a pfet wrd ombiftbiwniilnnilnti lbnroiii hrstlaiiatykjittemrekoniyio u joo priwt4 iw milknkv rilmsnd w their dt wiufeatltllr r tti a- grand celebration of queens birttiday in act on saturday hay 24 1879 wcmhcwrukincwakh of 10 miles go as you ploaie lrstqf peize8 tfalkint match 10 milea 10 5 1260 qnait match 1st diss s 250 2nd class- s 150j throwing heavy shoulder skone 2 iou- tiuhtj f 100 f landing jump j 3 150 hree standing jumps 8 ijo ruooior jump 1 s 150 sonnins hup step and jump 3 160 running high jhmp 2 100 metis raeei 100 yards 8 180 v800 1 lfio boys under i yrt 100 yds camera obstriirs valued st j 100 boys ondsr 14 uir cuff battonr 2 100 hopping race 1qu yards 3 150 smoking race 100 yards 2 1o0 egg race 100 tarda a 100 climbing qreaty pole 2 acton- brass band will provide good malic at intervals daring tbe day t stctabtwvruiiusb committee of management d mcaucxo pectetarytreaaursr ice grejam parlor and fruit bazaar ir mrssrs clark i matthews leg to an- tiounce that 00 j satubdat fci mat they will ipnbp their new shop with a ehoitie stock of 4pet h pruits 1 obnsfstihg of oaaiisi ooq sto ais xtthnctsofanneifrohi tonkttfh siby iuab8- the largsvmmi of aple 6utar tn town wftf rantil iurej aar share- it tjie public patronage uaoiloued 44lm ciare a matthews wf f indian panacea fo fcmaie complantt- prkeilw mrs doona indian smb uumsooq rr eteryiilaorder 01 tbe lunss amt breata krtee s centa sirs atoms tatnrrab cureap active pnetratlnc nd eleanaln rernidy uhlojin u morbid accumulations lntnheao laliaimlnfitnthemisl cell sieeonsiliatlou prteesevlts mr moi httijaa roitplliss purtty veactaoie eomiound and an active caniartin wub hi causing rnplncoreramirsar trn af i eases wcenapurcalive mealelcelnneeu- el lticesctcts imrt atoons beartbnrn waters ibese arem are an immediate mlf to heartbuin trieeieedta rciam ica luttera pilorsl w indian qtxlor ut odar tar- tbe cii kqjtn iedy ror eoiubs eod or croarlnchhuren htlclp0 mrsjloojnr conrvnfrated balsam for kensdh aotkiws prly- ents mr- moons uone ltd etion rfie25 cents airs alocu8 corn aud bunlonoaive friretbcenls mrs moons rooiaebe oiops xivenis mo moods indian kjelaiilvnt scents airs mifloilnn01oilurnt 1 25onis m re modis rpsrotti ouitie bo t patn ku lertn t be w orldr tj tit price tseentkv klgmhntak vorm su tarui imalurje ormdeslriyer irlert5 cents sits ki atoonpfopietrras evrfawij rmonowarni actoufuio71l illy ft old oft an drews fcmalk iton ifils are a sate and snreremedy ibrrttolftscie1 1 alnlbl or d helen sen strtrttb ns- amenorroei ixsmtnorr h aid all fsbvrie irreaeiariites- arlsfna ftjei nt eahs whatever are urelrlievedb iii if a p ui e mils tbtyarefcoia neieremdyhlttnaoein raeeby iftafdrewstortwelsaiifyears 1 u bla private pmrileej puludlreellona winn linysiiotluand biatnej sooold prlfjonf liellsrper- buxritid sent w mall torymrtor tin emintrtf by ad ithroushiini u0iii nmsdii be nre reasate u naljreioir aetonsjlith 1111 iaiimsodbxbrepiotible id ask hsrlim dr laprews i cheaper thanthe cheapen j c hml utetstwalrracai 1 lias on band a 6rst class stock of coal and wood f cqokingaijd parlour stov of every description and lowest rales j a well selected stock etf always on hand ni wny person requtr u in this ted here ndvvub itje 1 good articli in this line can i be so itm eavetroghjrnc and ordered work are specialties and will bo exletrtjted it all branches on the ahorteat notice nothing but a 1 materia used all ckeaa far cash- i hers uheltea aaiuraetlaca uvea jahiluit mv6 79 mil 8ij aotcir k t i 7abnishe3- j t grooeriesi school boks at the post office sybils j as matr7s- aetpn teb26 18t8 tskivfi trtiaic medium trade mask m titde k a ndrws is oa eadt liov ii ri the areas bsisr- luk ttesaedr an uiruillng citrmrnnal weaitresatriner matorrbea uic votany awl all dlseaaes that follow aaa eev woneecrvujj atoe a pa of me moryumversai j assttnd i raei imnuoj vmooprsmali atrimaojohetwseasehibaie orcotttumlilooaid aptemalar awrfnll partfclara tn oor whleli w deatrelisend tnebr pe loratedlelne s paekave e lrtbesntlteo ioneiy bracvr s1n tbraut i- rvdctln aeitin by alt rtilrvtjri wherein thaaa and ihetjnhbi biaica 0 dlwwesaje asreterw j 5- ana woaaire one jaaetlw sp tbr4 octde oithefti ilv x sj- f rfii w