Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1879, p. 4

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m j only xta oor tlxao to thl ukti akr tet than on cos eeid roftr croand he if ikvhdummlhonrnlmumitiir bi sm to hit talk la lie pabuc wrfcrv tolprosdia ttleet snd pride ttf uitraa bed eoneutrtd turn so hi died md oe the utjals i over tht was t fur hi died idnatstrd sad eaifftnst onijllrwa i tftkrcressduatatdiei21ilortc that of u his friends tut seen one uu thereto h to ut kit tint cans or potal u ttartrtnr ml o the throne of- trie that ifrobaaet oodu osdr s weeudnr wbascerscsruitnsrentao trturtbatuote- drawavtatftriheacere only suttec j 1 pcanucr caste view uu work you hate rroetcfet wmstlhesuffeetocsjidfeiarewherattsejrut r um poor bars minds thtr betd kin rati uiniikiloam hu tvknm his brill his m deehrocsd tod left him to dla oat then ilea wbsitt hsoxtroarieautctdot snethcrrf uthlt if reer w9 ts tfasj p bor tugtbfc amascsttsrleetc- lug taward wit cffutxl tot them dead or bocuty and its pltiltlmi tltrtv thss weerijod la trylni to oapuw lhn wtrab itoeliji ptsalgaa wniltlom of umroaldtecaw ttito support for widow tad wnhaai cr ttltltrtt depending upon tha dead sun or lupport thoru wu alto a citato etnpowartoataepoiee toamtt tad lapiboa ia puata inspected of furnishing aider information to lb outlaws the pm- iltyfct which wu i fifteen rears tnpriioa- meat it tu thought hut thi act would toon tocute ha arwtt of the crtmt- hit lru 4 x f e momt j ftcrt the puuoa to r lit ucn usieii lj pra utafc t kji it tbalncactflt mtqk etelutfmcdftft wfeca httt uduth thill tun mm wry whta lb ttccmoti mlunctlh fatrcnl hott sbco probata tbtetabsr of rtjkt ccawme wairiihialitt hi jbixloa ywiriivi wht bvn lb ctt throw re ceh tfctll truit aikl he oaiyiitxeu c ftuu sea nqk re t u for the riat ttt mu lad dutf- b ii hjfct jnwiukjwnrbuimkuectwa k lk roar racictaorfmifc lma hcooime stzckmiocuovtrttvtalbewt kullcfrifliixtrcatoitca a twwuon ityikxtmrcfi ootf4 it tw tc ujfc o hiprr pevtrty ulk htrmwt pd4e d4t cla mi tai nu bat it hid ux ofoct directly oppotlu k j ckhirtjc te ulk of ajf pon wattpt tai jojt dctiu cut left acoocr cou d icbc wtthoat ue teuikotdfaetnbaunx6udaijiilrxlitof na- tu tt ecu the vtaf k7 1 tabttiac til ma- trsorf oaft h irt wi fc bcrvcr roq to ru ol ihe velitb u in ojyc lecia l ucccr rtlcfc na- turfci lwtmtif tttidtiailuwuj9riliip ot tie vortl d4cecdflpetethecee42j7thlfridie csaca- thoore veure tte mjc 13 cia tbp i aiupodeaa ouuits the ralttiortiiaeeargancorbuihlraa- gn in austruiafoor noted aiga- wajtooa murders a imnl of 40000 bch ad t000 mounted troopenfail tabrfng thca topon- tefamcot v the auitrtjiitt coloai jhive ilnyt botne aa uieiiriblerepatitioa u field for bashrulin robbeir bat from the time the fintcoarietejkaped frost bqtsa bf in l77l ta the preient thefe hxc been no 14 ncs of crimflc ftraget the- one sairtik- ia puce ta the roloniey of victoria and- xwr soott wala it li not ritolf crime bet a wffwnn af btnlc robbenei ind mar- den commeseiag in october iut aod con- tiaainf oota tin bteatcutaa hut that owmltj notwithstanding the large force em plored ta repreea it and the tempting ooer- of iiooqo each for the oatlavr dead or alxre in the ririoity of b-ech-wxjrtii- ia th eolonj of victoria irredtairomaanamed kellj irho wia charged witit aome pettyof- fencej and ha nil recogniied member of a ciaju of low criminal an omeer went to her hutui ordsr v arntt har he vac teiicted and mjnrsi hix principal at- eadastvac ked kelij tea at the voman he tasght to irttat- a wttani naiataed for hit arratt hot he left bono the police of the anstzalian cotoniec are a temistni- ttry force emptoycd by eheg0tenimene7 and net by toe diflwrat numiciptlftiw u in the united gbtec then police an ttationed in every tors tad dittnotr a large part of thent being tsoontecv and calf- d tun nmtoctuwar cr in hi colony oth0ooac hsd ratted lient jrotrt wow notably i jiintt tho qatdacr and jtartubuihtaagtrtj dnvattoatidn and ntwtpaper ditouttioa on tht eipedienoynf themcattire did the rett the polico ta- tboritkx rwioettedl tho nconptpwi to re train root pubuibing anythlnj about the etfoi mfmially the tnovcmoatt of ho potico aad the newtnaport abated tho polict for not effecting tho capture of tho ookiwrt it uwpomce nor about ont hosauid kroof could not catoh tho robber thoy coald at lout arrett allruc tutpoetedot aiding them one eight ntonntcd toadt wentoiit and tho ncrt day jthoreerotboat fifty men in pritoo mipoolod of lympathvng frith lad aiding th fcritniaala ko thing ru dehaitely knoiraof the itheieaboait of the party until they went to a irojthy farmtrt hoete robbed tbelianutor puood them irilh the firm hindt and one or two they had taken up on fah ad in a room tnd tettsiere hart to guard them tho other three himcued toe hokt to a carruga and- drore into eutaa a tmall tovrn hoar by on the mail una of ralwtv they pro ceeded qcieuj to the bant told he mana ger who they iictre and that her had oome f- inobtnxsxsc at the tame time informing him that if a toad word wcro uttoredtney vroaid ihoot him thej loot 2500 in gold tnd 7w0 in bank uoteal dettnjed many ralnabio pi- pert placed the manager and cterkt in the carttage and wentibtekto the firmhouie hre they iotndtced the bank manager to the other pritonerr infocmlog them hat a iratch irould be kept by menatido and that the 6rtt one that went out of tho room before midnijht woud ho thot they de parted tho cert of this outratc utonith ed every cncj the outlawry bill had tigual- ly failed to effect itt purpcee tee sank managert met ands5000 morewai added to tht reward soldieriand police were eentmtoalliheamall towni the trtnek bantc were ordered to tend their reaerrea tnd rain ably papert tafelbourhc iho commanity wat in a ttae cf cicifcment hourly expect ing to hear of fresh outrage people- tar pectedof j itddkt rat bobiers were daily arretted kelly gave aaay mo ney to a poor woman and he became the hew of te lower classes he rohbed from the rich to give to the poor anl tho lower order of colonial society looked upon hit work at hat of a brave bold boy sfembect of the patty were teen occuionxl ly but though the police were onreaiitting in their 1corkno trace of them wu duco- cered the tmall army kept at work atcoag the mountain while every respectable citi- tat trembled at the ramoart that came thicfc ad cart the kef south tvtld polico were ordereito carefully ritiol tuiks of the if umy river the boundary between two coio they did to bat kelly and hit men tucceatfully patiinj through the vi police line crcawd the if array rode ninety nulec through a oouatry at ietel at that about cheyenne entered the town of jerilderieirejrt ta the poheeburackt andgainedaiientrancs at izovock on satur day night feb- 7 fniey remained in the xfonday ni three of he latter data were trtrelling in search of hortea that had neeotly been ttoes they ttopped on the road to titer their hartet aad wer uaileii by four meat om of the- sen wat rooogaited at ked i kthf and hewu ordered to gice himjolf into cnttody he in turn ordered the po lice who hii iitmounted from their hortei to throw up their handa and am t the offioert attempted to rtn to tfiefr horses andtro of them were villert sad the third jempint en a horse escaped wiii bnllett wfaistang about hint he wandered about kit int bone tad reached a police ttatwn two daya later the beit day there wit a commodon all through the colony joe the outrage- wis one not often knowzi there the bodiee were fbuad but the horiei aid acma of the police bid disappeared with the murderezi the chief police official of the colony repaired to ihe eeene where fifty m troopers were scon concentrated kearw rises a mountain chain ichowntaa the wombat nag into these rasgti that men harried they had- bees bora and bred in the district tad knew every acre of ground searrhipgjeguirywar nude to ascertain ieho j mzcoviuruksot ollt werk and they wen found to be dm col ly a brother stert hart and bob byrne relatives of the principal the police an- thoritiex boasted they w3ld have them in gaol in a few days and about one hundred men were divided into tquadt to iearenthe country thirty or forty trtwper would ride hard all day lonely cauna were tur- rounded at midaht police irere every where hut still no traces of j the men were found two weekx pasted aad no one taw -them- although it was said they were moving about their old haunts one ereniog in- mansfield htlfdmnken man said he could catch the murderers if he wanted tn- at the tame time calling ked kelly x cce ixd tartizi at this matantithe redoubtable xeliy him- keeping the uondty kel- barracka until alonday noon twopolieemes prisoner onuoi if jit on a police uniform tad made a pcscehun accompany him they went to lithe public ho watre kelly introduced himself and treated all who were pretest paying far the ttcse with some of the bank notes itoten at earoa qe left one of his party who had ttroued in to watch tits pabhnhootc while he went to the telegraph effice cutthe wiret and destroyed the tn- jtrumeux they then we at to the bank tumatoned the managert and eterkx aad de clared their nteatioaa they were ahowed to take js in gjw and 7250 in uotea they also burned a large amount of viitt- ablepapeix one jmia tock thfl meney trhiia pelly and steve hart walked about the txalf village teleeting whtterer they wanted when evening cam they exchanged the valuable horses they had for tour others at a stable tndieft tic torn they are supposed tot hire ridden back to the wombat reacts thia was their firtt act in kew south waler and itwat prompt ly met by sending tvu hendred aad flicy troopers to the natter and the pat age of aa outlawry act rimjlir to the cue in force in victoria with heavy rewardr which now amount to j t0oo acxve or dzhd for each man seven pirtiea of bigwty- men now ttaited outj tnd a few dtyt after the jerilderie outrage four men were cap tured who had committed robbery by force of arms the kelly party returned to theii old haun tt and tince then nothing but vtgue rumcurt have been heard of them there can be ittta doubt that they wih eventually be dettroyed at they deterve to be but their long and lucoesiful career of crime is a re markable one 1 u him for 10 atthe tsine time knocking him down he remained in the barroom for tome time and then walked quietly cut and away hone were stolen from stables near by ilit tame night and the- police were busy the following day kojcjoe wuld to found however the meniwere in the rnountaiaa tadtaeeewnlly eluded all efforts tp find them theiecret ft their auccetr wta the sympathy of their irfendi and the lower clatsex of the cemmuhily who gave thent food ehelfer ind 5hlormatlonat the same time itha kedy gang and thficy work became the theme of csmkeriatioov- tad- tht hewipipen were rilled with acoounta of them there were from three hundred to- five hundred mounted police after them there wat j i cor each man- tnljettneomcevthadrjot even got glance at one of nv tttejr teemed to know erery more jof the police lad kelly it said to have tent the police fxuniingnotek and alsoto have mntthechlei execntive otecer of thcolopy demanding he relcaae of biamotbertrpmginlsadfree domforhimmlf tad rjrfldtuaf be wnuld tttri lmmediateyq oj juid janrderjth edmmnaication published and caused maoh comment bobderlea ruw becsmefre quest and itwskartiiirthi eiariple of keljy was being followed amateur ughartymen began workin all direction the leglalaturet waa petitioned t incrbue the reward and declare the gang outlawiy a bill waa prepared the standing order were taepended and it wu rnaheohhrough 9tujuiv kelly and hla associates were declared eatoxc ihi fuz oruw tayesa was allowed to thoot them and a a bitiftc srmesce the phoajoea in bormah hardly sew oc cupy thepbtftioa they once did but they itut have great influence there are whole district of jdandalay devoted to fhongee- kyoungx ormenatteriea thete are faataa- tia josslike boaiea of beautifully ctrved daitwood often with singularly graceful tapering spires i think on the whole that i would rather like to be a phongoa he hat no bother about anything at all ha ii forbidden fa hate any money cor does he want any 1 1 dont quite kaorwho findt hiroiaclotoer butlif tlwayt wearijt very bright yellow eanrieat- people bringhim j lutfoodiajiaaionoefromthiaanarer tek red up to the mijiiud offered to fight ja handful- of rice from that other admirer ti rj in utttttftg y idjbkte jo that he etcapei the nuisance of jamothepialaw beta not sup posed so much sfto let hi evee reaion a woman but he hat a quiet knack of giving atty glance out of the ail of his eye j when it tntrelr he lodges in a kyouog and never goet hungry and when he diet he his a funeral the pageant of which if he bu been a distinguished pioigee may but for daytj xhejnetailt cfjitrnaynot be iyiia fpleasinff to a person n ouritbing the- senil meat oi respect for his corpse the dead paougee it plunged into a cask of honey after the lapse of such a time as may be sufficient to allow the virtue of aim to past into the honey he it gthed out and pious i people followicg tfco erjunple of the tailor- who retorted to the practice known i sucking tlie monkey in regard to the cask of rum in which he body of sir baph anercromby was being brought home greedily consume the honey the phongaej hlheuilowa up byiguapowder into tmall piocea if the proceia of diaiotegration it not completed to tatitfiction in this miundr he is chopped into minuter fragments with knlvot and iwordt daily kcci at the- entrance af a restsurtnttn peith where j oung iadiee tie employed to ttand fa peatad a aotioetesdnsg q are requested to abttoia trcmkissisg the wst- lreavetcn the atairs hisjva fruit hi i soaroe of breaiage sad impedea the service human nature being rae tame the world over the placard calls in a great many cus tomers who are turjout to see the girls whom they are enjoined not to tlu on the ttaftr j if tar grrraan empress hat offered an inter utfonalprih for the best treaflte on the oureof diphthsrli horrort of xmnaera and to1h pnim impoibllltyef rttortn- froaillit itluttj beitnr triors art ttatha hat seta ta bear maaj hpetitiom and to imnrttt thtmitltti on u in iafeno pfoportjon to their grntatm wo art adnced to rra attenaca ta tali comrnbpuca by tb rtflection that a urge proportion of tocitty art tacaataatlr orylng out what a boredom lltrpliuuril what tolls art it amnsemcbtt i and y4 day after day night after night u unulf submitting to thitoli sad aorroar thoy ea tail this it if ws may make the compari son nithbat disrespect not unlike tht little influence which the belief in k future itate where all things will be amogd for the beat erolae on the praotioalaaalrtof ule mere thacthalf the world cling ta that be liefs and hopes j but not an eighth of it let them in any wtj eff ot their daily conduct tha bleated jogbh whleh autioto getting its lispptrrem tt of the future bean a certain ntcmblaaca to the equally blewed eighth part of society that cnet aloud bored wu will noj bcandfollowll own devices serenely and aatfaftotorily bat to belong to either oftheae eights requlrta a itrenth of mind and a itetdiaatotat of pnr- poae givea to few host of u may b num bered with tht people who groan and go through with it poauatlng oar tools with what patience we may to live oatltaly la tha family eirele we all admit to be an unwise aad rather dreary er- utence all of ut hare not arrired at the melancholy condition of inold ftouemta we know who elected to ttsy alrayt at home and w ho on boug uktd if ha did not lindit doll antwerod aimply well yoa tee lamborad ererywhert aad i may at well be band at home in comfort at bored iu otheri peapba homes in dlsoornfortr kobe of ui re will tfiume want ta thut ourselves from pur kind oa thi contrary wa wish to mir with them talk with them laugh with uwat daaoe with thttu feed with them area and la the present ittte of society no rtttcnable aortal can derive enjoyment from the preparations made by his frienda aad acquaintances towards thes ecdr take an avenge dinnerparty aad analyta itt etementf the priaorplt on which the given of the feast hare u a rule been induced l girt i is that they owe it thia is at least an hooort beginning they owe a great many people dinners ind they can dine me will cuppote in kmdon tbout eighteen people pntty comfortably let ut tty trut it u their firtt dinner of the tcateu to give it every chance and that they take a little paint to assbrt their people in the first instance so far that it aa their most preattg debta will allow two cju pies accept j iiteeu refuse then the din- nergivert begii to fill up with the neat cre ditors if ore refusals tome acceptances andraore filliagiup take place till la the end the gueau are t mixed multitude who are either known to each other only by name or by very slight acquaintance uv the case of ordinary gijert of dinners who da not belong to the very highest circlet unknown to each other eren by name thef assemble tad sretold as in pairs aocordiiig to their social tt lading a young aad jovial boy who bappess ta 1m a peer for lostaace betbg condemned o take down an ancient dame of eousl rank with whom he cannot hare an interest in crimmoo and who though he might love her dearly if she were hie grand mother hewilflfiad tery heary a hi ad for a two inara oareinatiott sew of the fiesta hare either the sense er the rente jof amour of a lalt charehdignltary who tra being introducal in the drawingroom to a yoingand pretty wotnaa who inttaatly be gan to talk e him laid his fingers on his own venerable lips and itid gently hush i am going to take you down t and hey all begin to exnaast thesdaeltes- beforehand in the effort td talk it muttbe confessed that the nobodies hare the best chance of enjoy ing theauelret for a girl who is also a no body tenerally tfilla to their lot and it ia poittibe that the may be am rating bat what rnia or woman eaa staad the strain bf two hoars forced talk fixed immovably aide by tide tt t table in a room that la la den with tha odours ot the vegetable aad inimxl kingdoms aad that it heated by the steam of dishes jad the bretthingt of guests snd of servants the people and they are few wha do really enjoy thia- thing ate those who make no attempt at amusing or seeking to be amused and give themselves op tilenuy to he pleasant of the table and even they bare their trials if we may judge by their faces whaa the dinner as moit frtqaeutl happens it indifferent tar bad thenars others whs are by nature such thorough loobt that fa til two hours at a table with people of hit social standing it a pleasure ia itself k either of these the snobs nor tat gourmets are easily berc ed but it id of tittle raoeatnt whether they are so or not their toeiil deserts are lor and they deserve- to get them- at evening parties the rtry atmosphere at we enter chokes the life and spirit of enjoyment out of ux it sickens ua even to think in cold i blood ot hundrtdr of human beings crowded into a space which would be- close and unwholesome if only fifty cere thrust into it tnd with all the win dows opea ia the daytime we an jostled trodden on shotted by half a deteni ac quaintances at ence interrupted if we do happen td find somebody interesting either by our own acquaintances of those of the person we are talking to it weald beta interesting sunt to tet down oa paper the names of all odr dear friends extract cut of the iisttha number of those we should really be sorry never to tea again and add them up and if that total ihould be f jnnd to be surprisingly small we ought to be equally astoniihed when we cooaider what we go through for tha sake of the surplus whom we rctly do not care to sea stsll as for dancing to revolve like a teetotum on ones own axis in a oonffocd iptca ia the midst of hundreds of other rend ring aad perspiring ffetoturni seems to be the only idea we now hare of enjoying that pleating pastime the aim and object of girers of bills tad evenings it either fo gat together not the best dtneert ot the young people who would ifkirte meet each other not the most entsruiinjsad agreeable people who might make up a really pleasant social gitiering but tha greatest number of the beat peopicrhfe people of higsett raak en their visiting lists or alia to pay off in one grand iireep all their little society debts to everybody to whom they owe the smallest feroof or attention then there jare the afterscon athomes the 4 to 7 the nraaioal teas many and rtriout an the wehmeant attemplx to pais hetime pleasantly which only bore us ta death can any one of ut lay our htnes on our hearts tad say that we go totnof thetouith pleasure or that we are not intensely bull when we an in the midattof theni and yet we go td all to dreary dinners to stuffy crowded rooms to indifferent music- tdtedioot readings to tiresome gorsips sbout people for whom we cireabsolufev nothing pause at the ranters are fond otaaying panto and at k thyaeu why f iiit to pleaia onnelteil emphatically no is it to please the giver of the entertainment xoj for we do not generally carrrfor the pleasure or dlxpleasure ofouracquiintaacea is it that we may be teen thtrej ko again for tha people who go fo a hoate for the ooly reaaoa that everybody goes set what they want in being seen there and cannot be classed with tnegeauinosuterettfrombotaqoai t the fact is we haretiavoagrcore and cannot get ont of it for want of moral obrir- tgo and entrgy jaa organiajd strike tor any particular lona of sodal entertainmebt would perhaps hot inooead seeing thatlit would be difficult fo get apy three mople to agaeatito iwhatthey wwllwirlktior sat it seems to utthat if ertiybody would separately make up their miods never to jm anywhere where tljery ware dinaoiiaedio go they would hot owe to maay dairpsdpta a return of hoapitaity arwtoertthing thai weinay uweubefcaunotliue md3l able tact that the people wjho really aajto joy themselrea atataa eaivuti ale or nothing for appearances aad who do not anume that tha chief end af every mane ufa li hit dinner and tre woul 1 maka two ptaateal tuggosuoai i the firltls tist no cxento should be nocoiaary it rdnilng an ntiittion and that tw mors offsnos should ba ttken at a ra- fuaal without larpuit thia than li whaa a lady whom wa know to he at homo deollnti to racalra i tha teooad it hat ill yoang oiupltt who hire tht happiness not yot to hart entered tha drear treadmill ot looietvt litllou jofi thould girt their miadi arid a pottiott of their time itperimoaully o making thttr nomas pleaasot in iom iensible ua- ftahloaable unoonvtntlontl way well with in inittad t outside their meant to a lim ited number of their dirndl the more oilginal tht idia hey bit upon tad the note they arjiy it tnemtelvet the more likely it will be to succeed dyoomptilog etperiaaoet from time to time by not being too proud to take a bint fruin others or to modify and altar their own idctt according to their toccata or want of lacccet tome now aad rational ltd thoroughly ueaaint social ioteraourm night bydognct be eatablithed each house would then become a tmall cen tre of ludlvidualky aadwoold bo oonte- auently mon toteretting and amasing wc wish it to be distinctly acdetstood thai we are by no meant advising young wires to tet up tovoai tha sooitl talent required for a tuooetiful tafoa it not poaseaicd by one wo- man la a thousand sad imitations an el wart dnll thlaga and monorer tho hat- band ot a wotnta who hit that art gradaal- it becotoes aoanentity tad tht raiu ctn of tha toast ii no longer to nuke t happy home for him and hit children but a shrine for tha worship of hit wife by all ut so- qualatanoe oar tuggeitloni hare in riew the social plaaanra of tht husband aa well as the wife and thorough and not pretended enjoyment on j the part of both host and hottest it ateotlal to their being carried oat tucceatfully another point that we would greatly adrise attention to bt given fo is that a tuffiaiency ot sir for the number of the guest b allowed by the help of the riiinggtuerttion of householders the bleat ed tuhth of the world who dan not to be bond may in time let ut hope become a respectable fourth lastly let ut hare a more liberal allows noe of ua at our dinner let it it not enough to work hard all i most a man be doomed to punch his appy brains all dinnertime at well ia order to keep up a grave oontrovorty on politios or theology lie a lata umented journalist whom tre oioot hoard dltcutsing the doctrine ot predestination throughout the dinner how much better employed be weold have been k cracking jokes i ee might have been living now r3si15 i another civil dungs act the nfitaacutuelts legislature baa paaicda oltu danugo act it wu fought hotly in the house it was first enacted by a rote of 91 fo 69 aad a reeonaideratton waa refused after a rat- uing debate by a vote of 103 to 105 the bill going promptly to the senate wu there enacted by a ivote of 23 to 12 a recon- sideratioa wu moved and placed in the or ders for if auday bat it oanaof bo carried the governor known to sympathise with tahoid his eigmturc 4us x emm 4m m the measure will not wi the bill is modelled after the kewyork law if prtrridei that any person who shall be injured ia peraoa or property or meaaa of support by say iutoxioj led person orincoa- tequenoe of the intoxication habitual or otherwise of any petiou ahall bave a right of aictx tgaintt any- one who shall have caused the inioxkttion in whole or en part by telling or giving intoxicating li quors and any one owning renting leasing or permitting the occupation of any building or pnautea tad having knowudge that in toxicating liquors an to be told therein or wuobxving leased tha atane for other pur poses shall knowingly permit therein the tale ot any inwiicaune bqnort ahal l if such liquors told or giren therein hire caused in whole or ia put thaintoxioatian ot any person be bable severe y or jointly with tha teller or gives of the liquor for all dam ages sustained and the tame may he re covered id aa action of tort it it fuither provided that no license for tha sale ot liquors shall hereafter ba granted without tha consent ta writing ot the owner or leaser of the premise apon which the buii- nets it conducted anil that any owner or lessor of real estate who shall pay any money oa account of hit liability incurred under this act for any act of hie teuanv may ia aa action ot contract recover ot the tenant the moneys pad in pennsytrsxiia the poopls are txxjnaedfortteraatagoofa prohibitory- law the feaotylrania 9tu tempirtnce con vention attended by u2 delegates from tairtyemt oodnues la the stata adjourned after adopting a aeries of resolutions asking he- legislature to changt the policy of the state from that of license aad regulatioa tothat of prohibiting the maou- factun and tale of intoxicating liquors for public d inking purposes that all males tnd females over twentyone yean old be clothed with legal power to rote oa a duly framed law for prohibiting the traffic in liquors that esoa candidate for office be interrogated before and after nomination u to his new of a- femperunce law and if ua- favourable that he do regsrded is unfit to represent the people that tha legiilaiure anthorue the appointment of a eomnitioa to investigate the alcohol liquor traffic a law wu ftamod prohibiting tha tale and manufacture of equors which will be sub mitted to the next legislature trtridab officers there it no army in europe to encumber ed with reports returns and officii corres pondence at a rule the turkish general spends the greater part of his day entirely occupied with office work he rarely visits his troops and he seldom exercises them ia the practical staaoeuma of a campaign the work which is usually done by the gen erals ot other armies lies entirely npon hute- nior staff officer the consequence it that the chief ot the staff in an ottoman army really holds a hither and more commanding position than ia any other organized army in the world yet at a rule theyoung of ficers holding these positions are utterly un acquainted with the practical stiff duties- whtstan so carefully taught in continental armfes they cin describe the campaigns of frederick the great but they hare no idea of placing diritiou in itt positions for aa attack i hcrw thiers taooght he was sdentlfic- according to lie ftydra whea xl taiert died le left behind him a scientific work which wit to fill the world with wonder and admiration hderef before handing tho manuscript to tta printer mme thien con fided it to an emiaent protestor who imme diately oroceeled to atody it attentively hltterdictwaitatal and he had to par form tho painfnldaty of breaking to lime thien the fact that the deceased ttalesmani work wu filled kith loogexploded scien- hfio heretlet m under theatj oircum- stancet mme flilert it tild to hat deem ed it prudent hot to publish the maun- to i t lis tait at mnehitiquor told without liceaia u wjthv eavt the blood sucker if thia it true what does heantof tioeoee he work all the yiar to work aniioaeei uies money corruption rand anrhotimi- dasaoato teenre license- why dos he do tail t he want the people to believe that ht does not wantlo sell asmbch liquor a correspondent writes to the iklswsre ohio sifiulu follow iwhon tht wo old partial begin to look tbout for li- sum on whloh ba psrtrdoatait tha auastloat lint tajtaa into oonaldtratlin in what do tha wblakay mto want what do tha brewers want whit do tho atloon keepers want t aactthew laachaf gtrterally git what they wtot if tht liquor trtfflo can to oomblne u to mike ihamtelrti heard oil and obeyed toald turn not be should ben not beiamo combination so managed that it ihtll be enquired instead what do temperance peopii want t whtt do chrit tian peoplo want 1 what does right and jattioo demand in thi next election a- wake 1 thou that ilwpeaf and arise from the dud what thy hand findeto to do do it with thy might the time la thors aad knowing the lime now it it high time to mike out of sleep m ii enjoy lift j what a truly beautiful world sre llire in i katun girts ut grandeur of mountains glens sad ooetat and thousaads ot means or enjoyment wa tan desire no better whea ia perfect health but how often do tho majorty ot people feel like giving it up diiheartenod discouraged and worrad out wrth disease whea there is no occasion for hit feeling u erary sufferer- can eadly ob tain utiafaotory proof that greent angutt flower will make them ai free from diieaie it whea bom dyspepsia and liver com- ptint it the direct cause o terentyfire per cent ot tuck maladies u btllioutaeu indi gestion sick headache cottireness nor- rout prottntion dmneaa ot the head palpitation of thi heart and other distress ing symptoms three doiea of augntt flower will- prore itt wonderful effect sample bottle looentt try it m i i buhneaa xtgat ir rou sre suffer inr svtii s cold do not ttu to try hiatians t sctotil bitaix it k dsllr ruriif iu bondftds tbjioarbeot our dcnualoaj u is pteassot upslstilile for sals br sll dealers to be or not to be tnattjthi question whether tis nobler in tha miadto suffer the if inn and arrows of outrageoui fortuae- 4c were the words of the noble bard thote who go to coopari fo 8hirt herersufferfronia raisnt lmtoaga st toroato j i afissxtfitlsisojeisaiuiuit a efutloe br use be eutfal utlbe chocalnt- and be cseeui la c artaudf or femik eompulata bssarfto sfkroar decier for vittotxi btrcar sod on cssr it is nor exttturivllr prtscrlb4 bf sh nteuseat parslcuuit brfrhts eiesse ot tbs ikldmrtels brtst stc msr be overoome br tlie buebs l ukm la ttise frsuebr tl dealers i exist roa srirsatbe new nrnor stock of for- aitare now belar iboira br tbs ostirs cabinet co it sbead of urtunt vet offered ts uteet rrles oi parlour mis froet sltf dollirs opmrd an rnr pretty snd veil rot an la nlcat bedroom sets tbef hive srtrs birnins ia enatrstnsir pevxs sre moon rodoeed twrira-ereoeflisrswtaiutaursr- rund sid the oar urge fiits irs nurd titli ersrr und of ruralture oahawl csbluet oj s7 roarc sctonota j atiantooorintctlndtnrs lii mill of jt perpetaal lots o vital force wi dr te ftronrttt bin to the dost it lsmmues ibereton that ts rrstem moat be kept trappusd vtth t dut tmnent u ztinue vboiphoroa ttie pteueaieac tod mot pautbfev bftldctlleem be nlrodaeedlntvtba trstem k bribe ass at vicraauhtturaosrurru vbtch f ibe rraitest brain blourf snd nerrr fmu la taerorid tortile by su dealers j ibutstme f tl tnot orr vtaszs kiursi bxitut t pixisotslri i feet it mrdnlrto inforst routiii last spriat- lost mr boarinr ltk one asr sad this ill i lost ux bxsr- 1ns o the vtber tjso so that i rss strild i would never besble tobesrsgiln f triad ertrrtnlor le brlox biek ur hiidnr sriia bqt oad itsllia fifa at isst i mads op mr mled to trrsame of the veuor oa so i rabotd i uttie on be mis it of mr m iro or tbree limes s air snd everrl nlrhl slid morrl-j- jretsoroe root wttb tfas on snd kept l fsmreirvsnd in oe weeks time lejtddbeir is wtllts i ertr coald bat luuraboa tht attvfcea the rather snldsnd i keep woof sw in rhy ein t write this that jou mltht know the worth of rour toooaod venn mir josxcuac rornlstrslidealtal- i i paorfool jf i witaoottiertte a money for sad wm ask sim to help j htaaliar r ban mb u trrai ijlquor with what does hapsy tohardto get lloenset l beat iioanae and prore ugroorai itapblioatioiaiwvtbl ibdutoreaderoaiaa ireaotaalets it it ap narrow strip inserted living laauaa b if you value your health m illllif estjsdapi see thafthb wlfm is 8t4mpej on the one side and onthe otaber jj 1591 strrf iti i m i rj i v i tha bt brown for ordidiajy ntau 8 tarn jd moinskss jo h imcp x iy v doxt ue axv othell j i i new wholesale siltm attlrg tobohtoj t brush mrttnifttotdrer beimbtera a attorneys ttittn sam m jidtlmut hu i bnttnavers i jbtiu g kuif boa i rossin house voiut uita t ctuk- sfark- b irvi pmp specially fine- improved o f ixmi la oro tiny vodsubnjevfwrciih- nud nod bofl4insvalorciarji isunedliia pot- tmfrc v thomsoy ca bwria drickly comfrey fifty l hs otk tiohir venlj u hilf douir cfel- 5w ttmqovitt fall dirteai potup tm qeo paesoqtt oiiu n laachcexxakociaca srnlbr suit seal ed anbsrtaca sdcthcmlhim eypwicfiinshrrs cnggw8 k bbq w ywifb rnert toninta lailxxi ahtf otlhtlejxtls kotuto is ini tdcfraplty it tin dominloc ttph lo- alata ss uamtreec evfc tonta tor tenm c idjrri tfclt ll v jc t oq pnrtristairt lljiiu j- r mim ontario bafctny potcder agents wanted mr buk 8uiapb tiat packrf surapc fufakititi solid rubber trpm simcu 8il iu0k etc- fli mored to ko 10 ear si b 1 a c gtewfvrtfcqo- toronto 20 pefl div htxjt atrun tmtf fcv per tatar hxl or bona ponr qrud dtxiio- m 4vjdl by ofttl ootnl fiir 1878 sftod foe ciwtfu dsuoouctory osluttil huo- illoaool attif1gial limbs msfrifhifes cbmp nnt tirus tt pntlnclti exfajloitioo lou- j tiiwinlta oo ippucaooo httiiftwtloa fiu- do tj nnojtsd jd0axfc80n onl fo aaa a yfislk kajjiswite rjuuu ibapreficevreulacobraan ljoaruiulwmxi3eafciui uylpaja fjiiftfinft imoiilboiaiawvi oa 8 in la ftla i hone tmn pow toolf ud rfgtiti for aua holt k co 8slnt8awt3rt fm jmi jj ssltl it tv zll is the oanadian air qaa machine tux tuchlue fi for lutta iffivtu drellinjit milli fiotonrt dairdiot pabsc wl houi etc call ud eiiaiioa lbe mtccbiiw in opentloa at joseph pfllllits wle mintiiicturw- plumber ud gtmfl kr lis rorfc street- 8ind for droour iod prict hrt j i leather j belting 8rrd for pdcwjflsrt uid diweuau f e dixon co centre flowers 1 dealers supplied w solids at oiose pricea 102 king stree wert toroato bar iron steel tin aad canada plates zinc faint aiau hayirifr tooli eopefi celebrated j i ri s h eufjh clyde aihinigr net cic a r d w a re a specialty a frorir treet ieast opposite amerlcak hotel t0r0n1u i the h maptin ccb patent brick i sole agents fpr manufacture and torbnto cfiroular of prio33 and tenns on applifiationl 15 madejn im day agents wanted everywhere swjiinr nllfbl wtajoud uxidt sils rpdly vith aavrj profli ktood bminew uut ftqnin1 j ofcplul send tvo dveent iump to l c bextox sca tbomu ont for dreulu- ud liutntcfioaj wtriw it opea ud moare ft rood tftnef tfatt trnji farms vf ree home of kans ji s haliburton tbrmlrtijsvof thb viotoeia 1 eaitw-cm- mdvmtrt 1 torssk c j blokfmd sbnater inadlaa ia and eaierstioa co york cssabers ttorolq tt toronto boynton h urn aces white bnameleirwaee canada pesmanent lm sayidgs company paid up capita betwrra puad total asseta total uabilttiea 20001 8301 6355342 828082 surplus assets 3027330 eavwj3 bake brtkcb deposit nfted snd interest tod principal re- oeited la til parts of oauxio thnmsn lbs compsnfv buken free of chsrre the cipllat snd reserved fundi the oompaor invested oa first class real erite bains pledged orthe security of raohev thai reewved repostta bare uadoabed aesursnee of perfect swetr clrcalsrs sent on ippdeiuon to 1 herbebt iusox 1 coapuyi cxbce toronte minten r h t3mlth 00 8t oajhajtmcg ojrt tola msirantetursslor tha dototnton of csuiada 8terprtcuat cor isrrts qcrrsrd 8ts torooto medieai elertroxaeraperitlc inst keary fstolllty oonveolenee and oora- fbrt has been proridrd ta this institution vbereh mriddsnitt restln tietr hea h and truest tnd pa- dents tnjoy a eueeiful pleaasnt tojocro in this p m r hearth bone blaotricttv the most powerful yet teatle enrt- tlve is sppllid acoordlnt to asew ltd 1st it dl ed- ttndsrittm 1ti msrted iirccest clcusuti hitherto eeeatdend hopeless j oaltanlc baths toro u cffoetlre tin oi o treatment j hydropathy the raenitles for rirtnf an ud of nter trstrnent usb 10 tted batoaterwr box aqt c tt art sctief o aay est is eenff heeddnee tre used si the experience and juof- aeat ot the phrsleftnt dictate 1 inaalatson it riven in all suitable ettet wtth u latest umnted and most anproved astdcrasm syedle movemente lisht jjmnuucs eta tie areall used u aids tehealth pttraooa liihliw a stents ntt trem osstsrn aulei ohterfoi hoot co do toiiihoot uklus ba 1 a or treatment r tattohen and other professlonil indmdoals wl 1 tbdsusjisrttesdscetdreeiirjtnia modajrtvtioeatlon tha beat in lb i mfitulfan tat m sraaea ntaofblnnv prwaass- e0b8rtartkeha cnlv toreatj ifap sobtsrfa 1 emlutsrrrudra t immm aiatrirxtrataa or tbi improved bojuton parnacea for coal or wood snd enameled van of all detcrlp t i 1 tkmt 84 tie as aad 90 lfary- hamilton m 3620 more j sewing madmnes sold in 1878 u than in any pwwiwisiiyiar la 1370 wa exldia733solng uki 1878 350482 k our sales avo in eoo throajt tne rhjlo fstlod of hi wt new sa of ta tha sektm its clntcmtatwod rs for the sooontmodslloo of he puiue wa lar ifxi snbordlnhs oohssln tie united sum tad cadade snd 1000 oraeetjln tht old we id snd bajtaoatw waste no money i ok 51 oheap ocrurtterpeitsi 1 l h 6eai ttf our ujsndsoms qroseraisd met rtac iv tre snger mfgjcp tossonoto rrtjsadwsr brsntiotd oave i- 1m0 rooet iks wonfce wtsoaasvt 3

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