lx twotjoaedjlirtvttr ttrirtlf laid- rut if n- pld before three manta etmmurtod t hu rill bt ougdj at tw4oluri if not paid til thteai of toe jtt 8iajlcapiotthbecit iites of jiavriiisifo rgtoou ootwamptt jtif fluonos v la v hilt column per y r l -tnintalv- s fiat ahl s soooj 30 00 6 00 biake confectionery i- 30 oq sfioo tf 00 20 00 ie 00 eitfct cettt pfr lice for flrti innriiaa sartadrertlot eiht bii eodjua- scatlrtiriair fovu baiioett cirdt ot eight- liaat tad under 4t per annum all advrtfesneat aenorti ia a ietle j salid kinpiii i j advertitemeufi titht ipcitl iartrao tiont insert 1 tfl tabid tad curgedj si- uoraiugly f j any spcail xotsco be object of which iaptnkte thi pjcaaaaj btntfit of my iardatlorcompaytobe bordered to tireitwmet j tnnaeat tdrcrtimnertt la b paid for wlra odrd au idrcruuag tcoouctj rtaderxd monthly iiotiotsb birtfiximixtugwr aad insetted tre s flltum r it e tflcklis jwoud mil nle hit they btevqwacd i up their ji oaths 5 a t h p hoore r puulithtri ssttts ijlwrtw n i ttt- wwryvut jlcrs gea- 11 urs of trinity qoutm member ol college of bhradtm tad surgeoni ofees tat rtidence frederick st acton in tie house lately occupied by e little i llsteli it clark baebi3ter icjtjjsec st qttelph i bsakca office rintr ltattaerarts buildinytlliiust actoc ar cruet ones trrer feidxt fnilheiisrat triestjsed auctioneer for tavcountieaoc wthiagioi ind hilton order left it the fiat puts oses acton or itj my nsjdenc ia rockircod villi t pr cijty ttieeded to termittmontme p attests fokikvextiojw sxfe- dmiisut tad t loperfyiecared is tdt th unite lstttm tad eswpe t- teav jutruteed or so chxrge send prinrat intructia agtecj ia operioa teiyr v j itexev geist ttttxt medfctaicil eagiaier so iiit i of fxteilt tad dtagllsictc a kathesox attoeiley-at- lxt solicitor to ctcerf 4e office text door to wtljtcet ho milon j i lot hjc tvqinsl6x eobeet u suzeir potic u nr hotel k tte cp ia tlts k jle vith nev fnnii- tcrt i cotcerotl trar her ttilj ead good ic-icodxtioa- tad oomm dioox saipe kooaii speetl ttfcct on ptid tothe tiatt ofjtheir liiagjabli btrtcp lidwith thetjestlqiirstndxirt crodsabliag jadttteatite rtottlert rot at etcsaxge hotel- mk e iptrfc erprieor oae of the moit cnoaodi st hotthi ia the coo- ty good commerd fl eins tie br it tlsrtyt tnp- pi t i- hoicet briadt of liqao i tod sjirt fit tjrtjbliajitad tta- trrtbostlerj jiesitaltoi iatle 6au aetipiifcoi ihefsliie i ij sr k cliek pfflpretor fusk foe skixs i iii prfpfed lo pty the bigbett cub price j for tu ctsset of ltmb tad sheep skiaj entered t air tvmry lue letther coaritatly oa btad tliy i ailes h0oee apcffflnexile tcttettiteaieattiaserted ithe atios fexx tzxss rtlovtitcr uie oetsjoeil tper of hilfeia co nieth itifriiger tad dettbi iateited n free ia the acros fur peiss the best loeili ptper i fhtltm co fxlrds bflifieuls tadorentn of erery fur eexsj office the bets loctl ptper of htlfracorrrj j- 4 iltds tiflfll fir- j rpilituxicjatioxs d loctl jnetioai of kj iaterttt will gtdly be reeeired by the actor feec ass the best loctl piper of etftopt tjset0r poledkthebettertilyie tad ithe love pricee tttfceactos feze peisi the bets local piper of htl- toatcjj ftdo luvefxnbiorfrmtoct for mle dvettiteieat la ihe acros firipem thebyt loctlptper of htlfcia co- lftechansadttrnertlile ihoald 111 tdvertieetad rapp rt the acioi fkzx ipios tbeijtloctlpiprof gthbaco teiyed or staea adrerfitemeatt of o thii mtore iaterted very chetp ia the actokfebk pec the bett taij ptper of htltaiaj j s new bake shop oitbi r- ooraer of mudi and maiksta jtvotouji and h they ih tlwyi brtapplied wth a 1 btdbcsidt baa 0 jc putty tcct- i 1 l ltsntswee or amtcr ooiifeotionery irill b foand oa bind which it tit ae tad oatmeal bu0jlwhjm tlo ceaoked wheat c tlctyt iattocfc thifwiu te foaad f o beiha pice her the b it roods mu be kept is tin lovrett prioet lr ct rttia cat r i b enickxiltr 3hingle jllj edward moqre wuhex to taaooaee to those who iatead bafdiog or leptiriafr thtfi hcit tbbat to ooaimenoe the mtaa ftctare of ls ettet ot mite xd tjedae shinglfesy which will be told heading elm and oak staves i and basswood of tra beet oatitr tto mtaafltttred tad deirensd f q the g t e ctrt here tt the lowest pomible price ffsstolibs laie lllvrire oi ease cttrtomlgt cut w order oa the shortest notice tad tt fttsocxbe ritee edwaeo itooee acton april 2nd istj harness harness kj- prrm in wxat o t goi tt o cl htuoesi either j sikgle qe double should edits creechs i saddlery acijo j 1 wheie thfy eta get beter nice for their nxney tl tn toy ptee ia ihe oouaty j a go1 tttjrtaunt of tetthks ahd valises oa btad tl of which will be told chetp or aih it eeptiricg promptly ttteadtd to e ceeech acton feb 2 1st j j ttjeherucmuna irirtt loo mr dtrtlti betbltr ttf nliedittriiittt4 cpaudtrliq fhcrrr 14 aatpurrualjiadt ifr dtrtli hft uanmior dioet in ooedttourntvmil aai it t ta bo liid bu dr hurt tad htl t toiui i m t ityei tin icbtiimiikl vhfc mfi t rrtra nrprlu hwrcnirtfvivinrdlvlterchlmolethtasf kcirodar w 1 mratr btort aadltinti1rv a rtfnroic ihu if tw hutr aprdih whtwtuw tout i fwrwimtfce a pltdrf nadcrtar wby cjm llu ovner til ut wu qfipauinf wlimelmittft cm fum qteobij triiiltbletr lj iati a vvba ub boat if put lad too whit u ius jvi tuilipoi t tundttoirfiir a aennf itart nt pumir rfe and this ml j nxt iul u ult nuln toiatri 0 tippy ftuitidl bojiih rjn lctmcrtaanfcldafaiv i the fills rouvtir j lit ths villa jpottijbe okapteuix ooittrbe oisttario j bushiesoolfege betcetlli 01taiu0 mhe detgu of the tbore iattitnt tad l tie vfcit it inert meceufally tccom- plithing tt ihoimin tbgrut eciso itt grtttttttertbraaghost the coontry ii to pra- p re iioyvtad young tad midd t tgedxnta for co paanitt by siting theaxt thoeopgs toi taacticau edncti a in booj reefing iath itt formi pcnmta- shlp aritiuaetic corrotpondebce grtmmtr ftj l9 mloutam nla i w th note ditfhvbilli hi txebtnge check t indtil kiadicf botinett ptperrl mjflaolttmdf frlecglisje- who hire four month coarte tad tthes eits ckocfc i i strut nearrrs guide to eltjtln6i qestuttstal pen majmsh1ip yotat people wfthiag a teaaire t rapid etiy tad botattiil htadtiti without t tetcher wii find the gnu i t perfect ia- ttrertor sondredi tebecoma beutifal wfiteti thtongnoat the dttninaon fa the cnfcji8t4tethyaodg4t jfootitt f tenet of cor 8f of cwtjiicii tte for pneti ing which con- begin ing wlh tba firrt pilari- pletitdridtlly prgttiiagito the mott ttgut ptin tad prltmentil wrrtiig a qtkuiartav seat ebnuiijiig genrtn tt01 1 eatuh tad onuzortiul letter- tag offaiod fmriibtpg of bidi jw a booicr frrrr paoh with fall tntlytit tad tattractioa tod t hctnttf ally rbgitrtd cue te a aiin the wnnjt priw lttpejd oirtcioafavticutgt i i btikrau oat stpt i 1178 10lr their dipotau tre etch week tipping ia good potiticmt ia which owiagfathe coni- pletenettof tseir fcnowledge they tpeedily ttttia prtabotitdt j amouf oar itadeau ire ttose who htve bees through the grunmrr tchiolt tnd aai- venetiet tt well u these whote edncttioa ia etrly life hu been negected the former come to recate t prtctictl edttcttion tach i needed ia eyery dty life the utter to teoedy ptti regecr tad tit to tecara tfctt knowledge which will help them to tucceti ia the world tstthe cohe jooratl eoattiaiag foil ptrticaitrt mwi b of deamtathip tre teat oa tpi tioa i addrett i v 8g reattr i co i bellarille oat sept lit- 1678 yet try the hjnoh riid the aoftry the oaly teminder of the ckruta occapt- tioa thtt it not tltageltitr diituteful it tu tried tad prtmoanbed good md or hoit hiring himtelf twtliowed t glut of tit oompandi tad nude 1 i raj wry ftoe onr ii proceeded i with hit story te- frethed l sjmt one had beta wtltiag for at tithe villi pottier for when wentched the side door the grett door htd been thtadnaed to the ate ol tha pruscita iamtktrit vt opeaeel ojuckly tad ndtacleinlr t received toft warm prcttiire ac ttm hand c4 ut- teoded for me tiu i t preetare thtttntde ate tor the mostrnt feel ienrioutof my younger brother even ia hit present phjht therm hid beu wttag tt the door litteairg for erncrtt foottt pi j for the youager lervtatt could ait be tltogether trotted tad the old housekeeper who wis known to be fiiihfal tu wtch sg over my poor satette whoe iojilty wtt tlso tat- pected though it it proved unjustly ilypiout frtad wttilniott futtiset by ftctc the excellent midline tottter wt tctaieyili ia bed evttoaw by the uouhlet tad inxitiiet of thit dretdul time the suite ofroamt occapicd by her- tad her daughter were the only ptrtt cf the haute ittolnbdy teccre tglinit iaterrupioa tod tt midline fotlier i bedside we held our ftmlly coiacii gtlhered thoat her coach in low ttd toaet we c mulled tt to ernest who now in hit ownprpergtrb stood utide theremiioidia her htal u tit shald we let him go hiat uoa whom depeacied the htpnmeti of two uailiet the reiy exis tence of hit owal suett begta midune pottur in low broke x to oe i child msy toon lese tte pr t c ion of her mother eemtia here ud gaud her ia the troabet tad per it thtt ajty ictet her sen wetrt ill ittemued y ur brother iill crtr out the coatrtct of mtrriteoatheip t it sh 11 be tig el to- niit tnd timoirowmy ihewe wiqutte t protector tomotrow mcrpand ernest to attrry theteria tonrrroirj oh my detr belie mere you tempt me torey bat my emndet who w t in the forest 1 i o rfa thtt i forgot for t moment the cliimiothiiiaartadpttriotttra 1 thought ay of ihedetrawttr deaeutd rvctlled otly her dj iag vorjt confiding the tmoh- loved tea to aye trga kaa htre truest i cried r- mta tee id livt fcr oar ttket ia the aime of our detd ptreau i bid vva reaitla your comrtdet saill be wtaed bat i im their ietier he ttld with out me they tn lost tell me my friendt eta say tiylum be found f r taem ia ttit plteef i we looked tteteh other bat felt ntt it wtt impottihe t3 retail fheti- with erery hoatr ocospied by toliiert tad strict wtch kept opoa t l to ittmpt to atrfeour thit little lend would be bay to etd them to dettructi a tul astleslyta brng mvetitiet apoathe petottbeiaa ji- rsmbijif tie town ernest we boal i twe bat the rtttmtucttre themidym he aw the intweria our ftcet thea i mait go he cried spetk to hiatr thtreu ittid to the yoang girl j remind himtherighauiit yen htve overtiim foruidhim fur your ike to throw twty hit life i witched her ftce union sly the iog- aaoat fice of t ratiiea who hid htrdy lett her mothert tide tiooe inliacy who hid known no woild eiocpt thtt of the tflec- tioct tad whoe tbftly dttnuiig p tssioa hid been engrruted by one tlone he wtt til the future to her so r thftbrighttoaag hvtf it her ptents hid beefi u her put surely thcmothert voiot fohld find ta echo ia her t bid him to stty how ooald he resist her voice the geate tppetl of her tetnt for tetrt rta unheeded dawn her cheeks while her toft swimming eyes were fixed upon him- a sob qaivired howslost hbrr eest0eed rhive receatly piblished t aweditioa of dr oulterweltj oelalirated egsay on the mniciir xtd rzsxaxexi cttbs without medicine of itrvout ve- bility mentit tni physictlrnctpiejty impedimenti to utriitgci etc reialtiag fronjtofsift r-t- ta price in t veiled envelopt only sir eeatt or two potttge ittmpt the vefirste 1 tatbor m fhis dmirtblp eetty tletriydemod4trau from thirty yetre moeettful oitctice thtt tltrming eon- hqaeseei miy be ndictlly eared without the avgeioai auoffatenul tnediope or the tpplieitioa of the kn te fpoif ting out t mode of core tt once simple oertira tnd effectojtl ty metniof whi a ivery tufftrer no tutter whit hit condition miy ie air cor himtelf chetpy privttely tnd rtdictl- this lecture thonld be ia taehindt of every toatii tad every nun ia tht und lodrett 7amitjkrtoe port office bex 4588 to th r 111 oiiht 4uatk ftwjto river rietmedioftlr artjy vkfawi hiutalhadroatcot atuoprtrtng tuiiiliine pirewea tbtlltlrit- out toill to truu mil imrttci woreit ono on tl a move sodjn i crmomchti were off tt the doat lo to the ptoe ot t sero- bly the owuwuxtbwittlr every lojso giro forth itt cothnlonniit of soldier tnd the peioelullnhtbittnu trotted from heir tnmben peered ttntionily oat frfau be hind iluttert tad mil dt it the gith ring tioops so ne hingltd hippmd tndhupe whitred fond y tcmntliing rong for the pruitnt 1 1 evtcattioa perbtp jiiow- iagtodtec ahiadisitt r te dretmedot lath tuinln theaof trmiet b etkaij tho agi our ton bodt afkdt nous legions isui g foth from ptrii drrkked of tuohuujgt t tmkeio klsleilot frojh woe tnd oil rtler 1 afterawhjhi thexoftboat lubldtd the fro prretarned ta trairtcts alto euai biekmy two inmtfai tneydil aitgn to theirroom they tforped it mjdoov tad kaockefjeotly with t ivrlfr prctontl- m nt- 1 njltfotttae i opened lo theui wait it the taittet t i tiked j r r kothing we hope a imtll btad ol toorcoattrjmea trid to ureik ihroogb our1 luot ia t ciostthe rivtr jous u shot by t mtn of our eodiptoy whohtsvily seit ch- iighimifoaodjoitmin i v tn ohtrt wtt there before mtho elart t ttl htd gitn my brother tv night beforal it w4t til too e etir jthepoorboy htd fillta i turned iwt thtt oar caemiet might not ice my gtief j a moment we notice thtt yoar ntme ut itsmped on one oorner you lent it lo t ftiendperhtptf i to my brother my only brother whom yoa htve killed tneftwo maimared iome syarpttbetle ethoeei with forks thtt seemed to uy r then the older went oa to ny t tte mtp we matt deliver ap fo our superiors bat the aune upon it letdiaj ta the iifertum thtt it htd been eat by the owner to one of thete inegulir toldien would it not be ta tot of common prudence ta cat it co see hok it t kaif e wwiittaratriy r ko i would not tvti rmyrelf of the ehioce it wit not foe m to disown my farotheria hit hosx of detth xet them do whit uiev liked with me still- 1 wtt touehiid with the pood feeling of these two young fellowv whoiierbipr risked t gobd- dctl to serve me we e t e thook hlodt t tfaimj i htd tevet ftoaghtf toda they werebrtve fdlowt they wnisperedf hit- ever hippent do natblime uf let a ptrt frindt li i i slept titer hit quite wont oat i bctvyanrrfieehiogilambcr brotea jaitit dtybrtttby t trtiipiog of feet ptitiny wia denr- a dethiaat of prustuas wtt hur rying pat tad ia the tniist t ttretchef borae upon mrus thcaldert the burdta htstily civcrtd tath greitott bat thoiing the rgid linee of t corpse wit it erueat i hutily prepared to- go oattnd see i t jitst tt i wtt goingoajt there wis tload kacckingttthegrettclo i opened tad tiier4stbmt8atoaicer with tgaird of sel- diert they hurried me1 twty with tetat c remony tad ia taitet of my pro est t tt thof being mtdei victim of btrbirout force prope who were poing to work lo ked btck ittast proeettioa mdmurmuied i ah there j ioet poor il bruoet illy the boa uieo bemercifnttq hinljott it if it wtre my funertl and this i felt it to be i nt nttrehe t into the 1 uge hill of the ittirie tad there t found the mtirie drif ted from t tic t bed t tot th j worthy pot tier tndthe rest of the municrpti cuactl etch ntiderta esc rt ofbiyonett it wtt then by the wty st we iwiitebt itc silenci tnd taspexus our ftte thtt entratted to my brtre fritnt the secret of the exict spot wiere myitronjt bgx vu buried soon tteri gere whitehttded gene tl tppeir- ed tnd shipped out trade tddrets in hit atiretngue rule tad mtleb eat we felt it to be ta evtawhect fteaed by tnjit- ittioa ino oar own ttngtttge it ippesrcd sufficiently trucul- at list night or etrly this morntagrithir it seemed thtt t sentry hid been tilled it h t pret the calprt mutt be found tnd handed over to the tpil- it ry luthoritiet with tuciut evideucs to utltfy hit leiaj shot jditperie tnd use at noon i pretentbi myself it thi mtirie pitied throngh t flit ofiodlen to the grind stlon tnd foand thit toy ool- letgaei of the municipal council ill tit- eeptpottierweretdmdytitetndud my leaolution to ofler mjstlf u t victim if oat wereaetntdod- wt generally tppltaied tola rmolntioa ttcepttng ii puted trithoat t ditteatrat voioe it wis ptomited thtt ay aim should be ianribed oi ihe records w thf town u one of its noblctt fohitetu alt very well no don htiattiy ri toere mi genenl crub of trmt u the ovnetl eitered the tilon socotnpta ed by ta ofboer whom i iteogiied ti iht priooe u pttier it tht tta moment i ilipptil in fcehiud at tad pre my trm rttsiurlaj tootetv there wis no viotini to b offeredup tfteril pottier hidtopetedioliis df tagoithed guett prfiie x telling tdm the whole tstlir ttblritot htjd ipoba to the geoertl endtft itt r now tnpuneed intbmewhot ttdly dtttpptlnttdj scoentt 1 thtt ut pentlty of ietth to t uaaiciptil ootusedor wtt oosamutbd iaio tiflne on the commune of twentyfive thoulsnd frjaet so if ur wo htd ooiws 6f the trmit- ticetad in a little while ernest wit one awn tatorg at larky fellow to 1 hire t theiete to welcome hisr bom lad fcos him u timgrettettheroofthewtr they were mtrried sioo titer tod removed to ptrtt where ernest it now practising tt the bar it leemi thtt it wtt not erneet himatf who killed the teatry but the brave fellow who was shot to whom ernest entrusted th chart tnd the knife ernest would hit political a oltnoo at bom or tn most notable ni woulla kinrkulw p done the ume he art hid ho been in tht y of it but i think twets it nthr glad thtt it wtt not to i hope i thill never iee my two german f deudi tgtia ilthougb we prtedon exeelleot termt they tc- cepfed from me t cte of j champagne is it memotul which i did net em thou id be too lasting of their oooopttiea of ay bam- bit dwcliag i tnd the other day i had m re turn sundry bottlee of tbe venitbe kirtch enwttter of the bllck forest which hope u to yourtttte aid oowlet- iwtdiiiknoabnn about tlie xpostian vulhts of teihriri oog heart t protestant the english gunpb der plot wis religions iad the bye hoi plot partially io tbofigh it it by no mei dear that the murder of oharks ii v seriously intended tools xiv during ai- lodf diitoatetaiioitrtry lefgt of lever tytwo years wis never molested tad bi for dtojiens peaknife icrttch louis xy ditgrteeul regn of sftvbino years would htvf been tt tjnerentfal ialthis rtspecfei tjamieat tufftfed frork determination of bood to the head ind hid further muddled bit bris tjrataiiu tssditwi6tvtmidersi logthesrciboofttrisinateettotit eitiiiw indraywetalobv tn irtetmonsir bio rata if act hit declaration that he did jliii not mean to thi iri king ibnl only to fur islx bim is entitled to deapect tbe bed tteet to wbicti be -wis- itnpped tbe iag of melted lead ind boiling oil pitch tni sulphur into wounds torn in us ftethbjrj pfneers tad hi ftnll powsg to pieces- 4jw four horse oh th poor hone rcriedj the ladies present trhen the- ihiggih iniaalij iaiarilendar thrait and her lip trembled like that of t child ia dep tribulation but her voice wit cle tr sad arm it she cltsped her hinds en hit thoalderiad slid leaning against hiabreut j ttoa mustgo dear ernest if i hive the right over you it they sty tili must bid yoa go it u bitter to diewith honour thin live disgraced we ill wept like children for we felt thtt the girl wis right tad yet it seemed to be tending him forth to certain death rtbomerrx mnuc from below now btols out in wd oipekinj stttini ind he ioote sh iok if the wtlttn whirled swiftly round ah how par enemiai rejoiced whihf we gtiheed ttctlthily together tad iu tileaee tad grief devoted ouryouageit tad tetto deatttpjtorrovfuupvtidai 1 lthit night t lay hi bed butnot eteep with my clothes oa indeed led a- b oak beside sitstiidy to thri w over-niyoal- den it wtt i cruel nigh tieal wo fod aadimhtiisterlyotpoorkrnttinhi mterible bivouac twaiting the tpgioiohof the boorthtt was to hring reletue or detth at three oeloct the tide would be it the lovretaithi5rtrtttbehoa fiid iorthe attempt to tel through the pmiiaa lints as tbeloek itrnck three i r jetod went to my w ndow in upper window whlohoom minded the river tht fo had cleared iwty tod the tttrs w re shining brightly the irott had 6 bgetledth4vtpour tad everyihing wtt ooteredltliwhite slroud by the3it diffoted light the itdscape wu vuib e in a fun filmy wty but i tfetioed my eye innia to nalreoatthi point when i knew the lighthouse to b i could ee nothing distinctly tlhough th froaea part of thrifer tbowd ill gfiiitly whit with dirk channel of deepwaur wiodlog ihrotudiit total heard tiootscoodflloted t moment tiurwudi md then rattling every effort to discover the door of fail dretdfalerime tad meet- me here tt noon with the culprit or by tti in hetvea oae of yoa shell die for it iettle among yoa which 1 this wtt thecoaclatma of tht iddrett iad we looked it etch other la wonder tad diiuuy then we were nrched out into tbe toteroom to viewihq body of the dead stitryriirio h lay stiff- ud stark fiae t jl toldier killed by it kaif i driven into hit heart- the knife w by hit tide one of tie pieeetbf tridencejtnd i reeogaized ft ial momeatumy own he rqvec- mounted digger thit eraoit had ippropri- tied ifta of peice it i tmj t bookworm to thorn ittnt tre htwnl ifelt i fitroe thipb bif joy u i taw thit prof of toy hroihert lirowesi he had not died together in vaia tad it wit now for the to the deed and tke theburdenof if tell your goeertl i ttidtaraiag to the efficer who had us ta charge thtt i know tits nua who did tie deed he wit my brbihtr but it wtt no staaasiaatioaj butifirblaw struck forjthe lives of five good frenchmen the kaife tfctt did the deed it miaetnd if taothcr victim it reoair- ed- t no cried the brtvef pottier ha wit maii iuy ion itit my ight to suffer for him settle it among you cried the officer roughly aad tre were thrutt into the street with orders to come back it noon precisely pottier walked bide with me fo my house there we iaw- two female figures ialdeep mouining tnd closely veiled wsitingforoi fa the passage madime pottier hid risen from bed of sickness to bring hit dt lighter down to visit the body of her xotoi viica owing to the ikiodnest my- german friendt had been biought to my bouse ybalba gudtb jheirj detr bro ther whispered therese who bore np with 1 foititade quite- mirvelout in one to young thttpoor ernest did not etcriljoo himself invtin the five othert gottifely icroti the river tad were leen tojpluage into the forest beyond they hid disposed the glortout tri colour tbbat the body md tomi onslhtd hid t tprigbfiureiims the brett v went revereatly touacover the too ofjtheoortie it wii not eroestt- the face of a bisv man tjeialy ooraprtta- ed mdystoompoied iadeithlutnoter nlit ii v- v -if- i l i turoed to therete who htd mowed me into tit dtrkcaed ronn it it sot he 1 hellvj hshiseteapedli theiet ml finung into my inntr i give her 1 1 her rohv ri otre tnd left the btne my u k mtaitd e ny now i i could pfture to myivlf th futore ernerthid fait wliethdr chil iran loitrtd ibont them is alllttjienj the itory of tbood ofltina wii tmu- kiledby theprutwna thi rtcriuee wis not to bird af er all j but i- thoognt little regret ally of the unfln- lthed monognph how ii would u one ptlranoe heiliteoed by us tat prftence inlhemf numeroat tmill owls of the spits known u the burrow ing owl t wwelyspteld tpeaw wheh in tome placet din iti own tubtensnean babi- taton bat oa these priirlat uvet ittelf the rauh e by iilung pote3ion of the deserted bid t of th rune dogt the birdt ire diurnal ia their habits and tie to bi teen mixed up with tbe prvrie dogi ia their set- tlemcaf another iahtbitiet of the bur- rowt ii the rattle ntke i and tome of the earlier odserveri thoughtjthatthi prairie dogt owlt itttletniies ind some other til- rmilt such 11 horned frogs lad in eei -lion- iltctise ocupid tag ttme burrow ltd lived there on the must taiiitlle footing pafortuoaulyi thit piredi- piotar it an imgintry one it it true that the tittle- aikedet take up hit tbode ia the prairie dogs burrow bat be either seltotnittert- ed ens diipottettet indperhtidevours th rightful owner f tad bit objct in his retidegce tmpngthe hrtivi little marmots it tnytniag rather than peacbf a at they boa- stitute bittivodrite food the litfe bur- rjwing owl tn ilio beta itid by tome wriun to feed oh the young prairie dogs but thit it not proved the food of th owls it known to nmtvttlobienr of grsts- brpjer aocoriiagjiothe latitude la which they live thi piuriedbgi t rem totxjnore or le subject to wipiditj during th6 winter low thi villa pottfir whtr a iw paaor- tla present mode of ooartahjji trout tbe sir tork sltro i there it too much lickiy silly ittnti- mrnltity tmong young people said eev mr gotsatthe people t church speaking oa if states ia courtahap tbo small hit between lovers j the subject of coqrtthip it of importanoi- jo everjbbdyj there ire seveatylhree refaenoei toll m the scriptures gcd fan- pat on the ptgei ot hit own book repeied threats tad ootu- minds tjf to the right ptobrtnurce oi the duty of marritve when we look tlthi newsptpert tnef tee thedivoroes we j know there is thmeiaiug wrong tbciilly j r jcbw cbartthip is thi first step to mir- riifo bat livers do oot regsrd it ia its true light at lovers thiy uk too much they are not likotbe indjaawb think thtt thit rabble is oa evidence of a weiknett ia the vtd frtakhett tdvioe jenerout sympathy matt uke thepbtoe of thit smtll talk it it i disgusting fact that this palaver of lovers it wore thin the purr- in j of cata i deoouobe tap senselest itwsd- die which is now called courting a man ought to itrtighten himself up whan -can- few mor labjefj can fooal than the history and etvdcs of pol ctl stsiuinitin itis eertiio thit it i ferent periods the liwfelnett of rrpcide br tyrannicide hu been regirled u in open qneition it when the athenians osteata- tiously celebrated the memory of hirmodj- ut tnd artttegeltoa by wtv of protest tgtnit the tradition tad pott bli revivsfof pertoatl d otism or tho oppooenti s cardandedtuluynboau tjlhetofc tor in liter hiii i iheeletnentof feigioth faatticihitadeiito snpprett homann nr codjcintioas betitit to tnd the erprduaey a and uwfulnt s of usuiiaatioa wcretstab- lihed to the tattafiotion of bigoted mon ista the the vies upon hi a poilip 1 of spain proceeded to ban heretics eoib him withoat any thock to hiioiiueffnei enatrinr the ftillntea of william orange tnd with ihe ttnu moril obmpla- oeacy ecciosiattirtl fratpiritorttrrin tht murder of iieary ylfx and heavy iy1 of france- sixtua v tied op jicquei c1s meat as in eiampj ol the fcroe ot the ydd mens of god henry ulwtt acatnolii but he wtt tu aetiltxaer ud the blood of the dake tl guise wtt on hit hifidi eij i cbiat girtrrof3 oanoifid bcio rptffil tht kmolro one of the pfsjeoti of the young rtrroaeltyf 8 shaoght ident ox leer rriwfliri stttet btmer flatobrtevl thi nritftmtljttietit v to be a teiilgovnimett inttitutfcn with an hmperiilediot for t ohtrter and nundiiins for foreraen i hire jut read th pr- tptoi tut pf rtiioomny riitndaipoiinr document c uiist nr of copies of uflciil oorrespondao itetwen to promoters tnd tliexavejnrerlubwtciicb fc protleotai begiiji by renting in griaaqo- qnt fyte7ibioorchjllobepoerfal todtj5jfiy tadtawit it laid oortba nolhtlritfrthe first three yeirs fjiglib workmen- liliibe engaged to teach tbe chmeie factory haoda til tt ttt end of that uj ipthe nttfve workbeocl tre trougiw jtheir engnjh tatchon ire fo be dltmisied tnd if they bird not isatned the ivof iwetting in thattime thaeitftaeji trl then fbllwi a mostxrrtbrdiatry propoti- tfcn by khpttmrartl tliv timxf ill china shttl be levied i taterjutt in amount to the rtibokt tariff n the skbe selaas if htd fo be tuhpimtyperiorauug their grae nae task are tanuhar to all ireaderalcj the barking iquirrelt or prairie ddgtj live together in great tocieiet enmcfally upoa those portions cd ihe prairies where be loctiled bufialogrtts grows most loin runtly this rrsxt ind suoooteot roots con- itatug their chief food they live in bar rows wnich they dig in the ground at tdis unce of twelve er fifteen feet tpirt 1 1 hard- beaten path rant from bunvw to ttnww anil would kem to give eyidenoe ct the soci able dispotitioa of the initials j aad at the moath of every barrow thireiii littleliil lock formed by the earth throwa oaf- of it which servta the oooupant at a wifchfower thete burrows ire usually so numerous upon favourable piecesof ground thit thi space occupied by them itquite pxmnloui tad presentt a went of eonidrtble laimitian wheel tbe inhabiunj trcout in th pnrtuit ot their battue or their fi via tn re tod hence they are in onunon parlance tooken of as towns or 4fllage fredertetrlhe gtmtaadniifatoeraoreryi vexed ipraatia with tbeif pittiou for wir tad volitions dispotieori- but- th life ef neither watittanpled and thoy died vetar4 atedby their mncaibuaod subjects peg kichouon the wouldbe tosiisti of george ul wit ralpably inisat i in fine up to tho time of the french i revolution madineo aad fi cities bid practically t monopoly ol the busineat of regiclda 1 after 1789 peoplesmiudt were ditibusedf- to wrench fiom farettjnet use tttwelvetlfii which bus betted iseexiiiatipzi artrir to i ttriiiwblildbtv retutrd to weigh aoira the new udtjtrywillt suewtjreitrtoidintry impott on theepntriry nptjohry cordially jtgrfestb thi jprbpeett tvutilto adds thatjia all caiet whtre thi eetoptay cottons ire sent yp conn try theymutf pay transit duty tad tke out transit ptteet in tht atmja taagnot stifagtn t jgoodt tieonoiofdrotectiaotndfreetradi 4are aliki liirowttto the windt rtha r taicc despitohet tt ttbeo governor oeneril ij nhh lonapart0fthe pepsneoj toi some crttp bpmmbn tense em- beddod unsng the ionarata and uouwwhit weary platitude in jfhich even tail en tligbknid itatetmin hat more jaeiut to in- tdnlgbi die thutiehitsetttfae directorate of tthecompijyjij v 5 ofth nbtim thit itsstsii otat about uieiawfatoe of tuytotyrauti aewindl7tvk itwffllive to forth gobd of mnkud ws revxved gjtvzi dota-woai- w ofntebeteenthpowehoonimadeiand the good of minkind wit revived rtt wit cneof the wtrmettadmirertol hsrmodius sad wtt killed by chirlotte alibaud sndniabyeunier iot836by n drmet in 1840 by trflmltlrisgi lecomte in tstf the wouwhomitidet w were til saoe thoogh they diff red it char acter fetchv pepip ho constructed themerati raschiaeby which the gilint mtrthttmortier and oyer dt sea other innocent folk wen tuio were spy ind hired bravo did hit work fbc the pi2j euiutryrewird tuiaei crivibo thi elai venting with the lidy he hope to jt 00111 ittenrpte 9y bdwird wie tod with whomiie inteadt tharing hia joyt andtorrowt womirknbwathiigor two oa thii point and even giddy girlt can adnsreaainceie huneit ntaattfeuow who seeks thtlriovelaveathould 4 sbnnd thei qnistioii butvobini to il a strtightlurwird manner bont fmiaatte hhin to each other but speak boldly of til ihat aght4j betaownr lofbtf are afraid to peak oat squarely go horn and read your bible and learn yoox duty- a majj- should know ti much aoouta woaun and a tvorotn thout a man before mariiiie is after then there wool i be an eadj di vorces tpd fewer detdbouset 01 the trick and cadi otibcietyihand ahoiiall thi trapt lor catching huthindt md wiveo why dont you let nature tlone i she- woslasre- right twonld ttt beker evea it puenti would i and bank in thit tnatter- even the church hat become a gretl modern iartitu tioa for catching wives i it offer to many opportanit es for social fife but thit iaay be eirrlidtobttx i ei v- j itenrrkdto to th allownea ot bin moify rvea to eajlish lltrljitha london tjwtit high smthority in tntruile on th tobj ject vt that 600 a yeai the until aum allotted in the highest grad of llfav v jffltnwhobyreiioni 1100 oootolso frctaiioootokooo altdy wnote husband bat fjftooo wwild get aaanally foldnidwih dectpftsterl la iswopnv the tsdfler moriy and eriotr tepln ulbaret pubioins died with dignity alibiad t prave and honourable soldier of twenty tjx died bravely as did ijtjiui cirme the rignurtit who deeno befarithe chamber ot peers wu long rernrmbsred after thf fiochiffir ihier proposed trignroui toll for repretrob of the peis which ravailecl no more than did thi lair of general rafety passed liter drtini laaneoed hit bomb at ktpoleon by thi wty mirtbal macmahon wat the dole opponent of the bfll m fha en- tin there bmtde an exoellajt speech ex posing its un const itationility the present ratioflhai foriotseti au abont 4v i sjnawitittioc bt mt pert act ot a midintnit wit withoat a- doubt tndtbekutiian royal murders hat beea left opt oi theuaual lilts of political crimet paul wat killed it st petinbutg ttirens3i 1801 and alextaderl probably escaped a violent death by taking refugefrotbeooo so exteitivs tad myiteriiiui thtt to thenjfarojnlrmulsltei ii yoriigaiotttitirrjmre of and ttch bona tries scorn of th country srsstasia anfrra ftmitiftefftp mi u lerrifouduage ia the resoorce of j woolib atonpttl 4tordingly it iipropoed to ittablith t eoftonwitriag eompenjl in shttghti fblwmt hunatjva tqual or lupenoc t o inoiaa ootrpn into yarn c lei chinaraea things iifte ri ihe hrtilt sdyd mini olliboibf tails are iv herethrj tbecounri goods of foreign make ai oxjgwagr jntd tiiiproptroad seem to bi a top to the raroektioprodhretajtnem reengnftki the tdhenie ud i of iaeonqr fbrjtlie couipenyl 0ns would hive tioo mr jlhe company tboaght i however that u immited ta tkit with a dtsire lodcvelpoe thejridingarid ttiis bileretts ot his eoahtry tnd wat have been ianetsant and cpmnderimr the taeititiet wwch murderers en joy is recirdt ehr ice of deadly implement it it decidedly inrpriting that ta to rewinraaoni hi i ov- reignfiuen by the wtaitiaw htnd march 16 1702 gustavusiiijof swedes wusbot sad fatally woaoded at a maakedhaj in the stockholm theatre by col ankerttrom the four accomputet tu gentlemen of pai family ihorn hihbtov tillinhern aad petchlin escaped aikerstrum wis exs- cntod aftr htviag been for three dayi scourged td mercfleisly with iron chtintthat b in ainost fltyed alivt napoleon pro cured the butchery ot ihe duke of engalen and uft 10000 fnuot an his will to the son- eommittioaed officer who firrd tt welling ton in 1818 the duke of bern wit mur dered by loutet arid hi lived the boor- b ns might still be on she throne of frat and chteaubiitnd declares ttntthe pdig- nsrdoi louvdmnst htvfortt handle liberal idei but lbnyel was a panpr r workmtn without any fixed prindplet tnd a tendtney to eelebrat j oonestion looit philippe wat shot at repeatedly km pont royal j bjkeaehi jb j835by the latteby thepeot ifrotperiytiit it must bo suoees- for tbe ept commoatrrey thiriogi tad tclatha lathe iaturior is reormoas aod7mithoae produced by you tafcre wfll bi ho freight normerio- insnrahoi td pjy there fre threipiiti to which yonltnun give the tnot rarnett atrec tioa yoa m riit employ jhicatenjttand- icg and in egrity at rnaatgettbd n hnenwhoi ave really worked in oof not vagabbadt or larpbstbrsj to factory hinds yon most be per pf your ajjkbini ken hpadath ry capital nisei finilly yon matt at intoaefldteplans- atosj trtaat toi alreai pforiywo profit will be the rorolt kucdtfaftfcrvwfflbi tjuty equal to the import dutqn cotton jnbiboi ifiittsentnp wbntry lor eetttamp- ion it must pay uattu foreign piece- 4tdo k xb bhyhtg iiutxtflry oting btuls- au areicat shangfae exoa intheatffig they jtrfurwiudleou first sod gotoltwihih yea- fitenvardti- tobe caeatbdorrt tbdtietd terwardssuuuiarable takeoub jvtte fialory it to be la s00rloomone ftlb ortrodhtiilfroai rawmtfbhsoti gailie to be oo work ion erroebb thai tbe facwy ivingjoteiga workmen jro ertotjag r y pwpe part jcar aft l arms nrshaagla excilinehettipg irrthij fnno j to be wo ted ieibhmgto relish rchsfencz t is ettintted that 13000picnl tofi3j noundseao i f raw cottpqaad 40s0 pic41t at ttirch t id clay will t trpfked up yearly i thtttheilrth aifer the enguth cuttoa alto on the lowest tcali ot production it it calolhrmd that a profit of 30 per cent sill be mad and the jprospectn adds thattordt fail to tell wbif the prostt vriultmouut to wbjia ifl production attains iti maxiotum thr- pittl is 125000 aodftieanaaalchiite tu the wtie of the htndajfsulqot iln the i binds of tmerchanta tneiely the tcheme sight rjealsacoetajand auaenester juibt tove another asiatic rival than onbty tmtthoconomtit a oi theoatttie itiracment will hligbtthil enterprite t it a- flighted the rett chinese tes inipany 1 tbf machinery lu been tracted fet aid a site mlected aeti i diy nothirijii clearly understood pfjtj ia tfeanbyafo th euxfiie jaeea tic- j ford the potboy who week of mindi ibut wsditchrged fared after long om- ifflnenteat ia bedbrm ey fnndt j who prat irresponsible tnd by the eflry hudch- wkbean i j j 8iace 1848 attenipte it tnnsinition have jbeea even raore frequent and have beeai made la every qutrter oi the clobe ntpo- flnni wtijii much thbt it tilouiil whirppeand libo th eifiwhkini died in nubei in 1852 tu inf trpel machine was discovered at marieilles at tbi tinw oihii tit inlswhe wis fired on oppotiwthe orpert comlque out escaped jphurt april sb 18m piinori fired at him wioe aif thi rcr tu i j uewemarre who wiilniani tried to thoot lptahetiltmleltalitt ti 68taidudjwo iwwb vatow ittmpjth emperor life on jta 1 i89 felix oiaxttudio oordet and pierri threw thtitbomb fibed ih detoaatinr twwdtribwwtb ttts eatriageliii whiok nat ww vtrftoda water ridingiloag em upelletier to the opera bairtnijbei hoi ti tii bil una wai wbuojeil tragtttntfol gitt jthabravjirotaadlbmrfliraiaad foartnpo- j4wekiwoadd oraja atj jej jcompithed geaileman wrqk tothe toparor itriajbttjtvv ylawaierkiclulogrtel axrthinirtoiacvrwledge th lodpead sjltaly ia 18bj aiiiisnn g is ocne pirtt of perjury pbysjeiant st permitted to ditpbpsi mediciniistl is in apothecary to ddit for them atnrrf three hommbpatltjo physicians piactiliingwien tnpothectry tm tb i scad hiu them refuted to t court tnd edtoihtghir tt sent to the anlyitti ongtheaiaailsiouaed eir prescriptions tifo and were bifbaglit is thectmwu juzt and the uiedicinel nivereibfetlthgentar t heoberaists reporfed thitjthejpellou were aide of pare sugar tnd did not contain any fdicine vthereopoa thijujiq reverted the juooorjlhhwir cbtuvnd jealatetl irewiinqltwsgmnitphysioiaasdistrilut- ine tngir ptuioi as freeujtiwyohose frib aroijaore lohua miluba rileith tteakingfeoploin griat britain in th file ot mtrj 25 per ienf pt ihepppulttifn in 11 oadestommibx la i uw w ira etwutedtoatuoipbre thaan6m m eodieidiriia is otblisied in tla langoi pfjw ih wu i ot more or leu earbeiy learfixoejjtla jfjlar oaliatjiefgl 7 l napoleon la t h forett of cotaptegn and up riomwtpsper ybsreeaja jbjywps enkiwit ektrelbewmt anftn ea ixviare uaiwaakwai asp- ttolrtterland4 mi m rci uieanoieatliajruag j 3l ljuehotn tbb ictraryyraxt tchey fulfflfther mitrioa with swtiaaa itwm i